February 9, 2020

You know I think Biden's new anti-Buttigieg ad is homophobic...

... because I said so in this post yesterday.

Now, here's The Daily Wire collecting other statements to the same effect:
National Review Washington Correspondent John McCormack noted: “‘colorful lights…’ ‘decorative brick…’ If a Republican released this ad…”...

Popular Twitter account Comfortably Smug wrote: “This whole ad is a homophobic dog whistle: decorative sidewalks and lights and pet adoption? Discomfort with African Americans? WHAT IS BIDEN SAYING?”
ADDED: This post got my "homophobia politics" tag, and I clicked and looked back to see where that went. The original post that motivated me to make the tag was "Emerging trend: Democrats insinuating that Republican politicians are gay" ("I'm saying this is a trend to watch, because I'm seeing the second example of something within one week"). That was something that was going on in 2014. Remember? I didn't.

AND: Lots of interesting stuff in the "homophobia politics" tag. Remember the homophobia politics used against Michele Bachmann (because of her husband)? John Roberts (because of his plaid pants)? Mitt Romney (because he said "marvelous”)? Eric Cantor (because the Governor of Montana had "gaydar")? Scott Walker (because as a young man, he did not respond to the young women who hung all over him)?


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Drago said...

Bay Area Guy: "Biden is having a rough week. He just called a voter a a lying, dog-faced pony soldier"

Biden has decided going Full LLR-lefty Chuck is his only hope now.

walter said...

Is pony soldier as strong a slur as Governor of Massachusetts?

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"Biden is having a rough week. He just called a voter a a lying, dog-faced pony soldier""

God, I love that and I'm not even sure why the pony soldier part would be considered an insult. But I'm using it. Thanks, Joe.

walter said...

Is dog-faced a separate or integral slur?
Seems no way to treat a lady..if ze identifies as such.
And the canine-phobia!

Greg the class traitor said...

"You know I think Biden's new anti-Buttigieg ad is homophobic..."
... because I said so in this post yesterday.

Now, here's The Daily Wire collecting other statements to the same effect:
National Review Washington Correspondent John McCormack noted: “‘colorful lights…’ ‘decorative brick…’ If a Republican released this ad…”...

Nope. i'm sorry, Professor, but you've failed your reading comprehension test.

What those people are saying is that "If a Republican released this ad" the Left would be screaming that it was "homophobic". So we're applying the Left's bullshit "gay card" standards to the Democrats.

That doesn't mean that we think there's actually anything wrong with the ad. There's not, it's a perfectly legitimate shot at a lightweight politician who has never accomplished anything of substance.

We just believe that all the other "dog whistle" claims are bullshit, too

Greg the class traitor said...

Yancey Ward said...
Buttuvwxyz should make a direct reply ad showing Biden's recent accomplishments- finding bathroom without asking, not wiping ass with hand towel, pulling cover off of pudding cup without help.

Oh, that probably makes me an ageist. Sorry.


Of course, what would make a good ad would be "Mayor Pete" releasing an ad detailing all the serious issues he tackled, and made better.

Of course, that would require him to have actually DONE that....

Big Mike said...

He just called a voter a a lying, dog-faced pony soldier

Biden meant “buffalo soldier.” The buffalo soldiers were black. Hence, in Biden’s racist view, someone worthy of contempt.

Bob Boyd said...

Pony Soldier
Sounds just a wee bit
Homophobic to me

Achilles said...

As damn I thought Meade was referencing our bumper sticker competition.

Not Chuck. =(

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Presidents with their dogs.

Inga said...

“Biden is having a rough week. He just called a voter a a lying, dog-faced pony soldier"”

Whaaaaat?! Lord only knows what he’d call that little rotund guy in NK.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Is that where Mayor Pete is getting his money?

Word has it that gays have a lot of money. I heard that decades ago.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Biden's really struggling with the charm offense, isn't he?

walter said...

Good one, Inga!

Big Mike said...

Whoever it was upthread that pushed Matt Taibbi's latest article in Rolling Stone, thank you. Guy doesn't pull any punches, does he? He sees it the way I do:

"Democrats went on to systematically rat-fuck every group in their tent: labor, the poor, minorities, soldiers, criminal defendants, students, homeowners, media consumers, environmentalists, civil libertarians, pensioners — everyone but donors." [Emphasis mine.]

Nichevo said...

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Presidents with their dogs.
2/9/20, 2:24 PM

Invalid. Doesn't show how Obama was having his cooked.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Jeez, usually this late in a comment thread is garbage time but there’s one or two gems here.

tcrosse said...

Word has it that gays have a lot of money. I heard that decades ago.

No wives, no kids. Do the math.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Lem said...
Is that where Mayor Pete is getting his money?

maybe start digging here

Mayor Cheat’s billionaire backer Seth Klarman is the largest holder of Puerto Rican debt -


hawkeyedjb said...

"...the GOP can give the [VP] slot to Nikki Haley..."

THEN you'll see how much love the Democratic party has for Women of Color. The people who thought Elizabeth Warren the Indian was great will turn around and tell you about the awfulness of Nikki the Actual Indian.

Kevin said...

Does it mention how clean he is?

Maybe Biden is once again angling for the VP slot.

Inga said...

“...the GOP can give the [VP] slot to Nikki Haley..."

She’d make a much better president than Trump, no doubt about it. Forget the VP position, make her president. If only that were possible.

Birkel said...

The tears of the Leftist Collectivists are delicious.
Nikki Haley as VP in 2024.

Drago said...

Admiral Inga: "She’d make a much better president than Trump, no doubt about it. Forget the VP position, make her president. If only that were possible."

If Haley were President you would have already called her Eva Braun and a literal Hitler.

Carter Page: Russian spy or no?

Bunkypotatohead said...

"Biden is having a rough week. He just called a voter a a lying, dog-faced pony soldier"

Never go full retard, Joe.

Bilwick said...

Red Diaper Pete: "When it comes to the State, I'm definitely a 'bottom,' and the IRS can fist me any time!"

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