"After all, the constitutional guarantee of equal justice under the law is supposed to mean that McCabe gets the same quality of justice afforded to the sad sacks pursued with unseemly zeal by McCabe’s FBI and Robert Mueller’s prosecutors. George Papadopoulos was convicted of making a trivial false statement about the date of a meeting. Roger Stone was convicted of obstruction long after the special counsel knew there was no Trump–Russia conspiracy, even though his meanderings did not impede the investigation in any meaningful way. And in the case of Michael Flynn’s false-statements conviction, as McCabe himself acknowledged to the House Intelligence Committee, even the agents who interviewed him did not believe he intentionally misled them.... "
From "Why Wasn’t Andrew McCabe Charged?" by Andrew McCarthy (National Review).
1 – 200 of 215 Newer› Newest»Why?
Because some people ARE above the law.
Hillary got away with running a Private Server while head of the State Dept. She got away with destroying subpoenaed e-mails.
Democrats are above the law.
Plain as the nose on your face.
+Billionaire Bloomie is a bit like Harvey Weinstein - only with more wealth.
#HIMTOO? Mike Bloomberg has been battling women’s allegations of sexist, profane comments for years.
Exit quote: “Garrison alleged that Bloomberg berated female employees who got pregnant. ‘What the hell did you do a thing like that for?’ Bloomberg allegedly told one pregnant employee. On another occasion, the lawsuit said, Bloomberg berated a female employee who had trouble finding a nanny. ‘It’s a f—— baby! . . . All you need is some black who doesn’t have to speak English to rescue it from a burning building.’”
Because McCabe has dirt on important people. That's what happens when you become the director of the FBI. You get access to all the dirt on the important people.
There's the possibility McCabe was a useful pawn in a much larger game, but those involved never thought he was smart enough to win in the long run. If he was complicit, he can deny any involvement, give evidence to incriminate the others, and the DOJ will use him to acquire an iron clad case. He wins, even if he was as dirty as the rest, and the DOJ has their own useful pawn.
I still wonder if the McCabe investigation was ended to allow Durham to go after him without any double jeopardy concerns.
Damn right. The prosecutors had to have taken a dive before the grand jury. The old boy network came to McCabe’s rescue.
That's a very good question.
The DOJ continues to be joke, but not a funny joke. It is a lawless and tyrannical joke. If there were ever a department that needed a housecleaning, it is that one.
I hope that Trump responds to this by giving the institutional problem more attention, and better quality attention. But I am not overly optimistic. This is exactly the same kind of crap that was going on in the FBI under Comey. When are some of these high-handed operators going to get thrown in jail?
Even assuming that Trump wins reelection, the window for reform is very short.
On the plus side, for me, this gets me out of jury duty, because until this unequal application of the law gets addressed and corrected, I ain't voting to convict anyone of anything.
They tricked General Mike Flynn - told him he didn't need a lawyer- then altered offical documents. This is your FBI, folks.
"No one is above the law" - except the collective corrupt left.
Maybe bigger charges against McCabe down the road, but I doubt it.
Flynn, George P and Martha Stewart all indicted for lying to the FBI, but okay for the FBI to lie to the FBI.
I think it's important to go after all of these miscarriages of justice, especially now that Hillary -- sponsor of the Steele dossier -- is seeking immunity by running against Trump.
As people like Igna will readily point out
We are a nation of Men, NOT Laws
It's not what you did; it's who you know
To ask the question is to answer it.
If one thinks of the FBI as the secret police in our country, then it seems odd that we are expected to have warm and fuzzy feelings about them. Odder still when folks support the idea that the secret police should be independent of our elected officials.
Woo, keep shovelling those excuses at us gullible proles, Andrew McCarthy. We're definitely not likely to simply conclude that the entire edifice of American law is a lie designed to keep conforming Christians on the plantation.
I think the window for reform is gone, and Donald Trump isn't likely to put forward piecemeal reform efforts in his next term. No sir. It's gonna be biblical.
Keep beating the dead horse.
It's a great election year look.
My guess there was a prisoner exchange -- McCabe for Flynn. The same day they announced no charges there was also news an outside review of Flynn's charges.
Some things (trade, economy, killing terrorists) are great ways to boost your cred with the independents. But if you want to keep the hardcore fanatics onside, as any decent TV executive knows, then you have to keep continuity with your plots. Some of the characters might change, but the basic premise is still there. Now many conservatives have gone from "Obama ought to be investigated for Benghazi!" (opposition, but still within the rules) to "The whole goddamn system is corrupt. Burn the rats out!" (fanatical opposition, violence is imminent) It's what you'd do if you want to bring fans from interested to invested, from engaged to hardcore.
And it's definitely what you'd want to do if you really wanted to destroy your legal opponents outside a courtroom, too.
If one thinks of the FBI as the secret police in our country, then it seems odd that we are expected to have warm and fuzzy feelings about them. Odder still when folks support the idea that the secret police should be independent of our elected officials.
Hoover made sure that they had excellent propaganda. And it is still being pumped out.
Good article by McCarthy but he feels the need to slam Trump in the 2-3 paragraphs for tweeting. I'm getting so TIRED of lawyers and their hurt feelings and belief that no one - especially the commoners - has a right to comment on their legal profession or an on-going trial.
Unlike most Americans I don't worship Judges or Lawyers - and I like Trump for being the same way.
Why, indeed.
He's writing to a word count, or doesn't know how to organize. Bailed out before the conclusion, if there is one.
McCarthy does a good job of summarizing what a sleeze McCabe was. The guy leaked to the WSJ to make himself look good, then after the leak, pretended he knew nothing about it. He even covered his tracks by calling up his subordinates and reeming them out for Leaking!
When questioned under oath by the IG, he claimed he knew nothing about. Then when confronted by Email evidence, he said Comey told him to leak. He's guilty as hell, and for the same crime as Flynn
McCarthy but he feels the need to slam Trump in the 2-3 paragraphs for tweeting
If these lawless agencies would simply do the right thing, Trump would stop tweeting about them.
The problem isn't Trump complaints. The problem is the lawlessness of the DOJ, et al.
Trumpe needs to pardon Flynn, Stone, and Manafort. The only question is when and how. I think all of them should be pardoned on the same day - probably best during a big Democrat Primary day. Give the DNC-media a choice. Cover the D primary race or get fake outraged over the pardons.
Trump needs to fire and replace the top three levels of administration at the DoJ and start over.
The Left is much better at LawFare than the right. The DOJ is filled with liberal attorneys like Sally Yates who are skilled at putting on a veneer of righteous neutrality, while they plot to screw you.
"The problem isn't Trump complaints. The problem is the lawlessness of the DOJ, et al."
Exactly. BTW, I love that Barr says he doesn't read "tweets". He expects Trump to call him up and tell him, not "Tweet" over the internet. That indicates, Trump and Barr discussed everything before he gave the interview.
“ At the heart of the matter, in the real activity that took place, there was a multi-branch seditious effort to remove President Donald J Trump. From the perspective of those charged with the actual administration of justice – there is no way to put this in front of the American public and have the institutions survive. What we are witnessing is a dance between increasingly narrowing rails and the DOJ trying to find an exit.
All of this 2020 angst is a downstream consequence of the 2018 decision not to prosecute James Wolfe; and the specific reason why they made that decision.”
McCarthy may be right when he argues that Trump's tweets may have poisoned the well, and he is absolutely right about the DC jury pool, as we learned yesterday regarding Roger Stone's jury foreman.
But, still, at the end he is right about the two-tiered justice system.
Noone who has been paying attention to all this lawlessness and preferential treatment for Dems and Deep Staters will ever be able to look at a courthouse statue of blindfolded Justice without smirking with contempt.
They ought to show her with her thumb on one of the scales and be done with it.
Let's keep our eyes on the prize, though. If Trump loses in the Fall, nothing else matters --- McCabe will be Director of FBI.
First, and foremost, Trump's gotta win. Then, he can pursue the Deep State. Those suckers are entrenched.
Recently started watching a Showtime series called “Billions” where Paul Giamatti plays a US Attorney for SDNY and he and the rest of em are as sneaky sleazy and unethical as white collar “scumbags” they claim they have to “put away.”
Thought it was fictional drama. Maybe it’s really documentary.
If we’re not a nation of laws then the revolution really is not far away.
McCarthy again pulls his punches, for example by assuming good faith on the part of the judge involved.
We cynics assume no such thing. We assume the worst. McCarthy doesn't. At this point, that amounts to willful blindness.
Not to worry. I'm sure Fred Flintstone er Bob Barr will have the prick frog-marched in front of an assembled crew of press vultures just any minute now. Your people control everything and yet you still manage to complain about how the system is so unfair. I'd ask you to grow a pair but that would be transphobic
You can't upgrade without paying off all the corrupt people who can cause trouble, so that they wind up better off than before. That's probably the trouble in the deep state.
It's why nation building doesn't ever work; and probably large government organizations. Businesses go bankrupt and that's the fix for corruption there. Government departments don't.
Once again RH harden you are thinking like a little girl. Nation-building never works tell that to Japan and Germany and all the conquered Nazi territories tell tell that Even with Vietnam we did a pretty good job of nation building there... I'm not saying we didn't get started off on the wrong foot but look at where they are now potentially in the future one of our best allies against China. Nation-building just doesn't work with the Moon worshiping goatfuckers.
This was not a fleeting conversation. McCabe was placed under oath, and the INSD agents provided him with a copy of Barrett’s article. He read it and initialed it to acknowledge that he had done so. He was questioned about it by the agents, who took contemporaneous notes. McCabe told the agents that he had “no idea where [the leaked information] came from” or “who the source was.”
compare that to the way Flynn was ambushed by Comey.
at this point the only thing this story lacks is McCabe standing on the courthouse steps after his acquittal by a DC jury telling the fawning press:
"Guilty as hell! Free as a bird!!"
Justice is not blind. Judges are not impartial. The people who proclaim to value “the rule of law”, break it, and live above it.
Our government, media, a bureaucrats are corrupt. The dumbest thing about the article is the explanation of the obvious. Does the question “why?” even need to be asked?
Trump, like Obi Wan Kanobe, is our only hope.
We cynics assume no such thing. We assume the worst. McCarthy doesn't. At this point, that amounts to willful blindness.
McCarthy is there to play a role, which is to define the limits of criticism that can be applied to the Deep State before one is unpersoned.
You can say "Wow, it sure is unfortunate that McCabe wasn't prosecuted. Mistakes were made but everyone was doing their best. Shrug. Hopefully they'll do better next time."
But you can go no further than that. Those who question the good faith of the DoJ and FBI are crazy conspiracy theorists!
I don't think this ends here.
To go after McCabe means Rosenstein
Barr can’t open that can of worms.
We can’t handle the truth.
I was never an FBI emplyee, but I did for a time work in the JEH Building, where I was told the rules:
1. Always focus on making the FBI look good
2. Never make the FBI look bad
3. The FBI can't take a joke
“Now many conservatives have gone from "Obama ought to be investigated for Benghazi!" (opposition, but still within the rules) to "The whole goddamn system is corrupt. Burn the rats out!" (fanatical opposition, violence is imminent) It's what you'd do if you want to bring fans from interested to invested, from engaged to hardcore.
And it's definitely what you'd want to do if you really wanted to destroy your legal opponents outside a courtroom, too.”
More extra judiciary violent daydreams.
Not charging McCabe with lying has two purposes:
1. It demonstrates that lying is not an offense worthy of prosecution.
2. It clears the deck for a bigger, more important charge coming from Durham.
I must say, I have lost all respect for our justice system. I now know that indictments, prosecutions, guilt and innocence are not determined by facts but by power. The curtain has been moved and the wizard is a pathetic little man. The sad part is that the people can still fix this, but they prefer politics to justice.
Law no longer sets standards of behavior, but are tools for those in charge.
"Guilty as hell! Free as a bird!!"”
Or he could just yell, “No collusion, complete exoneration!”
“I must say, I have lost all respect for our justice system. I now know that indictments, prosecutions, guilt and innocence are not determined by facts but by power. The curtain has been moved and the wizard is a pathetic little man. The sad part is that the people can still fix this, but they prefer politics to justice.”
Or you can have a Republican Senate willing to do anything to subvert justice in favor of politics.
This is a bullet point for future historians to use when describing the fall of the republic.
3. The FBI can't take a joke
1) McCabe is not a republican.
2) Barr doesn't want to blunt a wedge-issue for the 2020 election.
3) Trump doesn't want to lose Barr and also likes the wedge-issue.
4) Barr has bigger fish to fry and the evidence doesn't depend on testimony from weaselly democrat bureaucrats.
This insider explains. McCabe should have been put on trial anyway and been punished by the process.
Linked by narciso yesterday
reacting to this fellow
Admiral Inga: "Or you can have a Republican Senate willing to do anything to subvert justice in favor of politics."
How is that John Bolton subpoena coming along?
Any day now, right?
And now we get sleepy-eyed Chuck Todd asking if we can trust a political appointee to be in charge of the Justice Department because of the change to the Roger Stone sentencing. It's all a joke...so is Andrew McCarthy and the holier than thou staff at the National Review.
Remember the fawning over David French entering the 2016 Presidential Race to "save" the GOP and conservatives from Trump? These people are just amazing.
But let's keep the #1 and #2 slots for never-Trump douschebagery reserved for Bill Kristol and Charlie Sykes.
If a cop tells you you don’t need a lawyer, you need a lawyer.
I like McCarthy and think he is a smart fellow. But he is missing the point here.
The POINT is that corruption is running rampant in the DOJ, FBI, and the "intelligence community." I read elsewhere that Barr et al won't go after it at its roots because the corruption is so wide and deep that it would rip the fabric of some very powerful government bureaucracies to the extent that it could cause a "constitutional crisis."
My guess is that there is quite a lot of truth to that notion. No one—except Trump—has the courage to go after these rats, but his advisors and Trump himself know that he can't do it alone.
Think about what as happened—or rather not happened—so far. NOTHING has happened; no one has gone to jail; no one has been indicted. John Huber = zilch. Durham = sound of crickets. Sweet Lindsey Graham = blah, blah, blah.
I truly think that we all need to prepare ourselves for the big nothingburger that's about to come at us. Do you want fries with that?
It's really sad how much you people care about this trivia. I guess everybody loves a soap opera. I stopped watching as the world turns once Dr.Bob divorced Lisa.
"I now know that indictments, prosecutions, guilt and innocence are not determined by facts but by power."
I hope that's taught in Law School 101...but something tells me it isn't.
After watching Law and Order and the last few years, I’d lawyer up before anything. Especially with this rogue FBI.
What must be rembered, and McCarthy ignored, is that McCabe is one of the central figures in the FISAgate investigation, as well as the Mueller investigation. Indeed, he appears to have been the one setting up the latter, and staffing it. Then, when his boss was fired, he marched into see DAG Rosenstein with the SC investigation all ready to go, except probably getting Mueller himself on board. The entire Spygate/FISAgate operation appears from the Strzok/Page text messages, to have been put together and run from around his $70k conference room table. There was one humorous scene when Strzok was returning from London with the long awaited formal predicate for the Russia collusion hoax operation, and McCabe and Strzok’s immediate boss, Bill Priestap, were vying to be the first to debrief Strzok. Of course, at that point, Page, McCabe’s attorney was working for her boss there. And, indeed, it appears that Strzok routinely went around his immediate supervisors to meet directly with McCade, or just passed important information to him through Page. Strzok didn’t get his fingers into everything all by himself - I fully expect that McCabe and Page were the ones making it happen.
Still, while there might have been hell to pay within the DOJ and FBI, if McCabe were to be imprisoned over behavior that was commonplace in the FBI (both lying ad leaking). But I think that the backlash will be quite a bit worse if the charge against at least Gen Flynn is not dismissed. After all, it was McCabe who set it up in the first place, lying to a federal official (Flynn) to put his perjury trap together. I don’t think that either Trump nor Barr can afford that, after the lying charges against McCabe were essentially dismissed.
@William, "The POINT is that corruption is running rampant in the DOJ, FBI, and the "intelligence community." I read elsewhere that Barr et al won't go after it at its roots because the corruption is so wide and deep that it would rip the fabric of some very powerful government bureaucracies to the extent that it could cause a "constitutional crisis."
And therein lies the absolute truth.
’At this point, that amounts to willful blindness.’
Remember, this is the same jackass who told us that Mueller was such an honorable, straight-shooter. He can die in a fire along with the rest of the swamp apologists.
“ Or you can have a Republican Senate willing to do anything to subvert justice in favor of politics”
Are you talking about their refusal to vote to remove in response to the House’s impeachment for noncriminal nonimpeachable acts by the President?
Blogger Equipment Maintenance said...
On the plus side, for me, this gets me out of jury duty, because until this unequal application of the law gets addressed and corrected, I ain't voting to convict anyone of anything
I'm with you. Nullification of everything besides murder and theft.
Hah, Obama spied, Clinton colluded, Biden obstructed, the press misinformed and held witch hunts, and Democrats came tumbling after with warlock trials...
Not even murder, we just need to extend the right to privacy. Not even theft, we need to raise the threshold of enforcement, call it redistributive change, call it social progress, call it shared responsibility, but never progressive prices.
I read McCarthy’s essay. Bottom line: justice is completely politicized in this country.
No real surprise, but not what I wanted to believe.
Blogger Oso Negro said...
Blogger Equipment Maintenance said...
On the plus side, for me, this gets me out of jury duty, because until this unequal application of the law gets addressed and corrected, I ain't voting to convict anyone of anything
I'm with you. Nullification of everything besides murder and theft
If you guys don't want to get on the jury how do you nullify anything?
“Remember, this is the same jackass who told us that Mueller was such an honorable, straight-shooter. He can die in a fire along with the rest of the swamp apologists.”
Ah, another one of your former compatriots relegated to burn for not being a pure enough Trumpist. So many, how many more?
I can not give the Hillary Clinton for President National Review a click. I just can not do it. Sundance has the right idea here, it is cover up for rosenstein and the DOJ institution, which butterbarr thinks is more important than law fairness. McCabe would pull rosenstein and the whole corrupt POS into court if he was sent to trial. So butterbarr has covered it up and used the trump tweet criticism as cover.
“Blogger Oso Negro said...
Blogger Equipment Maintenance said...
On the plus side, for me, this gets me out of jury duty, because until this unequal application of the law gets addressed and corrected, I ain't voting to convict anyone of anything
I'm with you. Nullification of everything besides murder and theft.”
Ditto, I never expect to be empaneled,ever, unless they want to seat me after I tell them I do not trust the bench, the das, or the cops.
Wise self-chosen American speaks
Sundance is nuts. What is his plan?
Blogger Bay Area Guy said...
The Left is much better at LawFare than the Right
. The DOJ is filled with liberal attorneys like Sally Yates who are skilled at putting on a veneer of righteous neutrality, while they plot to screw you
Does righteous include cruel?
Asking for unnamed.
’Ah, another one of your former compatriots relegated to burn for not being a pure enough Trumpist.’
McCarthy was never my ‘compatriot’ nor is this about Trump.
Sundance describes the problem.
Codevilla has the solution.
America’s Intelligence agencies are the deep state’s deepest part, and the most immediate threat to representative government. They are also not very good at what they are supposed to be doing. Protecting the Republic from them requires refocusing them on their proper jobs. Intelligence officials abuse their positions to discredit opposition to the Democratic Party, of which they are part. Complicit with the media, they leverage the public’s mistaken faith in their superior knowledge, competence, and patriotism to vilify their domestic enemies from behind secrecy’s shield. Pretenses of superior knowledge have always tempted the Administrative State’s officials to manipulate or override voters. Hence, as Justice Robert H. Jackson (who served as chief prosecutor of the Nuremberg trials) warned, they often turn their powers against whomever they dislike politically, socially, or personally and try to minimize the public’s access to the bases upon which they act.
The solution?
FISA must be repealed legislatively or through Constitutional challenge in court. It unconstitutionally mingles judicial and executive power in secret. It gave Intelligence a blank check. Hardly “an indispensable tool” for national security, it is now indispensable for partisanship. Broad consensus exists for a legislative “fix,” but none is possible. The secret court’s existence, the heart of the law, allows partisan bureaucrats and allied judges to do what they want in secret.
Functions currently performed by CIA should be sheared down. Data infrastructure and consultant networks should be eliminated. Bipartisan opposition to the Intelligence threat should use fierce resistance and lobbying from Intelligence as evidence of why cuts are in the national interest.
CIA must be disestablished. Its functions should be returned to the Departments of State, Defense, and Treasury. FBI must be restricted to law enforcement. At home, the Agencies are partisan institutions illegitimately focused on setting national policy. Abroad, Agencies untied to specific operational concerns are inherently dangerous and low-value.
Intelligence must return to its natural place as servant, not master, of government. Congress should amend the 1947 National Security Act. The President should broaden intelligence perspectives, including briefs from State, Defense, and Treasury, and abolish CIA’s “covert action.” State should be made responsible for political influence and the armed services for military and paramilitary affairs.
Can it be done ? That is why the Intel Agencies went after Flynn first.
In the end, McCarthy did seem to use Trump and his Tweets as an off-ramp to avoid the inevitable conclusion that Trump has been exactly right about the situation well before McCarthy.
well that is the first step, but personnel still operates in those same constituent agencies, the company was largely drawn from the oss, and state department with an sliver from naval intelligence, intelligence has become a hide bound guild, so much so even general Flynn couldn't crack it, and he wrote the intel blueprint for Afghanistan,
with treasury you run afoul of the treasury workers's union, you remember them from the rogue irs cell in cincinatti, don't you,
Back in the 60s and 70s when lefties complained about the CIA and the FBI, and laid the groundwork for bringing them to heel (i.e., making them somewhat accountable to their elected masters), they argued that these agencies needed to be supervised by bipartisan elected officials. Here we are, 50 years later, and these agencies are unaccountable still. We are stuck with the appointees who run them. Bums are still bums. McCabe and Comey can tear up the rulebook, and no one really wants to go after them. I will believe Brennan is in trouble when I see him in trouble.
McCarthy’s essay was an exercise in explaining fecklessness. Oh, that DC jury pool won’t convict! Oh, that US Attorney’s office couldn’t agree. Oh, the “career” prosecutors (two of the scariest words in the language when put together) wouldn’t like going after a long-time public servant like McCabe.
When I was in practice, we viewed the long-time prosecutors in the USAttorney’s office with caution. They were zealots and cynics. They were sure that everyone was a law-breaker; they just had to find the right button to push. At they same time, they had a dangerous tendency to cluster together to protect the guild.
We are watching that play out in real time.
The solution is to simply vote to acquit every single federal case on which you sit as a juror. At some point, the unequal application of federal law has to be stopped, and if you aren't willing to take up a gun to do so, then you need to practice jury nullification with no exceptions. This is how you get change.
My over-simplified reading of McCarthy:
McCabe appears guilty and could be charged.
Charging McCabe is easier than convicting McCabe.
Trump's tweets make it harder to convict McCabe (so less reason to charge him).
Makes sense to me. A corrupt system is still a system, and there really are honest players just doing their jobs. There may be corrupt reasons that McCabe was not charged, but there may be practical ones, too.
Trump does not drain the swamp. He hires people to do that for him. He needs to make it easy for them to do their jobs.
they elected their own people, who are incapable of convicting their own, they might incidently reverse some convictions, take conrad black, Arthur Anderson, and ted stevens, but the damage has been done,
the progs wanted the power, they saw directed at them, focused on their enemies,
Bob—and then what? Isn’t McCarthy just using Trump’s tweets as an excuse for systemic fecklessness?
Here is the pitch: you better not step out of line, but if someone important steps out of line, we cannot do to them what they can do to you.
Shorter version: Suckers!
Narayanan said: "If you guys don't want to get on the jury how do you nullify anything?"
I don't expect to nullify anything because I won't lie and say I can be impartial. I consider the justice system to be corrupt, so I won't participate.
I also expect the jury system to be the next institution that leftists destroy in the coming years, by making jury nullification a tactic, to make prosecution of leftist violence an extremely inefficient and uncertain exercise.
A simple fix that might get bipartisan support- all federal juries are randomly drawn from the entirety of the US population with the US government paying the expenses with a healthy stipend for service. If I grant that there were practical reasons for not charging McCabe, that no D.C. jury would convict him, then the solution is staring us right there in the face- stop selecting jury pools where one party dominates the other by simple demographics.
For political case, sit two judges, each appointed by a president of opposite parties. The Stone trial is a travesty, and I write that as someone who thought Stone was guilty on all the charges (though I question investigating him at all given the Russian thing was a complete hoax). The juror Tameka Hart should have been dismissed by the judge without being asked by the defense counsel, and this is just based on the transcript of the voir dire. It is impossible to come up with an explanation for why Jackson kept this juror in the pool other than that Jackson herself was biased. Given what is now known about Hart, if Jackson doesn't declare a mistrial, she will prove she is completely corrupt.
For McCarthy to claim Trump's tweet poisoned the jury is as disingenuous as it gets.
He knows better. This is a D.C. jury pool.
Not to mention little miss #Resist jury foreman for Stone seems to be a professional jurist. She claimed she was selected for her 4th jury in 2019.
I am 53 years old- I have been called for jury duty once, and that was a state trial in Connecticut in December 2000. How often have the rest of you been called, either for state trials or federal? How many of you have sat on a grand jury of any kind?
You want to see where we are going, take a look at Italy this past week as the current government tries to try the leader of the past government for kidnapping because he refused to allow NGO operated boats to unload refugees from the African coast until the EU agreed to take them off of Italy's hands (nothing was stopping the boats from going to France, Spain, Greece, or the Balkans except those countries also didn't want the boats docking). Now, Italy has been halfway to banana republic for some time, but this is where the US is headed- political show trials as a common feature. It didn't use to be like this, but it is getting worse and I don't expect the trend to change.
I have served on a jury once, in a personal injury case that involved about $8,000. It was basically a slap game between two insurance companies.
Yancey Ward said...
The solution is to simply vote to acquit every single federal case on which you sit as a juror. At some point, the unequal application of federal law has to be stopped, and if you aren't willing to take up a gun to do so, then you need to practice jury nullification with no exceptions. This is how you get change.
This wont work. They will applaud you in joining their effort to tear our common institutions down. They have gutted every national institution and they wear the carcasses as trophies. They would happily oblige the elimination and destruction of our jury system.
The only thing that will stop them is the credible threat of massive resistance.
They have to know that we will surround Washington DC, drag the corrupt shitheads out of their offices, and hang them all.
Their are literally Trillions of dollars at stake. Nothing less will stop them.
How often have the rest of you been called, either for state trials or federal? How many of you have sat on a grand jury of any kind?
I was called once and the case was a mistrial in voir dire. It was hilarious. It was two families suing each other and the judge began by asking how many in the jury pool had ever been sued. It was a Newport Beach CA jury pool and everybody raised their hands. Most were developers and contractors. The judge thanked us and dismissed the jury.
The problem is none of these democrat crooks can be convicted in Washington because
it's 80% democrat, everyone works for the government or has a family member who does. It's another reason only Republicans are charged and convicted and the crooked dems are never charge.
Interesting how some leftists here think this 'two rules of law' thingy isn't ever going to negatively impact them.
If you have two sets of laws? You will eventually have none.
It'll be fun to see you laugh that one off.
I was once a witness in a trial for the defense and I was the last witness called so I missed out on getting to see most of the trial which I would have enjoyed watching.
I’ve never been called, Yancey. My ex always wanted to be called, as her father was a bigly attorney (president of the state bar and all that jazz.) She received her first jury duty notice four days after he died...
They have to know that we will surround Washington DC, drag the corrupt shitheads out of their offices, and hang them all.
So, to show your disappointment with the justice system, you are suggesting purges and summary executions by vigilante mobs.
Do you realize how insane that sounds?
dreams said...
The problem is none of these democrat crooks can be convicted in Washington because
it's 80% democrat, everyone works for the government or has a family member who does. It's another reason only Republicans are charged and convicted and the crooked dems are never charge.
And most of the "republicans" hate our country too.
Trump got 4% of the vote in DC.
Hillary 93%.
The whole place needs to go.
And then you get all bent out of shape when some low level Bernie Bro advocates gulags.
I've been seated on two juries. And was a key witness in a manslaughter trial in which the defendant was accused of killing a Congressman's mother in an automobile accident.
If you have two sets of laws? You will eventually have none, Freder.
But of course, it will never impact you. So, why should you care?
Freder Frederson said...
So, to show your disappointment with the justice system, you are suggesting purges and summary executions by vigilante mobs.
Do you realize how insane that sounds?
Actually it is perfectly logical.
The insane people are the republicans above who think they can keep electing people to fix this. Eventually democrats will import enough illegals to win elections. We have smartphone voting in Seattle now. It is only a matter of time.
We all know if it was a secret vote to remove Trump it would have gone at least 80-20 to convict. I wouldn't be surprised at 93-4 with 3 abstains matching the DC popular vote in 2016.
But the real core problem is people like you Freder.
You will accept any amount of corruption from democrats and you will accept any double standard of justice no matter how obvious.
If you have two sets of laws? You will eventually have none, Freder.
Which apparently exactly what Achilles is advocating. And apparently you only care about miscarriages of justice among the elite. Very little concern, in fact exactly the opposite, has been shown on this blog for the plight of poor defendants.
Freder Frederson said...
And then you get all bent out of shape when some low level Bernie Bro advocates gulags.
Category error.
We are threatening violence over equal justice.
They want to take our stuff.
Or you can have a Republican Senate willing to do anything to subvert justice in favor of politics
Or you can have a Democratic Congress try to subvert the people by removing a president on trumped up charges. Charges leveled by a person who never heard the call, with a transcript that shows no qui pro quo, with witnesses that testify to what they thought Trump was thinking rather than what he said with the President of Ukraine saying there was no quid pro quo, with the funds being released before the statutory date and with no announcement of an investigation being made. In other words, no crime was committed. No jury would have convicted.
You and all your side want to convict based on nothing more than what party the individual belongs to. You personally have no credibility on this issue because every position you have taken on every issue Jan been Democrats can do no wrong, Republicans can do no right.
Demonstrate your independence by showing how one person's lies are not actionable and another's are regardless of party. Tell me some Dems who belong in jail and some Repubs who deserve pardons otherwise you are just a will.
Hate auto correct. Will should read shill.
We are threatening violence over equal justice.
This makes about as much sense as claiming you are fucking to save virginity.
“They have to know that we will surround Washington DC, drag the corrupt shitheads out of their offices, and hang them all.
So, to show your disappointment with the justice system, you are suggesting purges and summary executions by vigilante mobs.
Do you realize how insane that sounds?
And then you get all bent out of shape when some low level Bernie Bro advocates gulags.”
Exactly and who here condemns that’s sort of rhetoric? No one but non Trumpists. All the blather about why don’t people on the left call out the Bernie Bros, while Trumpists here don’t say a word about this sort of violent talk from some of their own. Everyone needs to STOP with the civil war fantasies.
Crack open a history book, Freder. Nobody needs to advocate anything. Simply look at past results.
Inga takes a break from jilling off to her James Hodgkinson trading cards to lecture the rest of us on civil war fantasies.
How cute.
“They have to know that we will surround Washington DC, drag the corrupt shitheads out of their offices, and hang them all.
So, to show your disappointment with the justice system, you are suggesting purges and summary executions by vigilante mobs.
Do you realize how insane that sounds?”
Apparently not.
Crack open a history book, Freder. Nobody needs to advocate anything. Simply look at past results.
Achilles is advocating for the kind of thing that he claims to hate Communists and Fascists for. In his sick fantasies he is summarily executing thousands (tens or hundreds of thousands?) of people and throwing millions more in reeducation camp
Yancey Ward,
I have sat on three Los Angeles criminal juries. 2006, 2010, 2013. All misdemeanor trials. Foreman twice. Two hung juries and one conviction.
I have not been summoned since my last trial. Which is weird, because now I am retired and they make me stay on the jury as long as they wish.
I've heard but not verified that once you're 70, they don't call you anymore. I'm 65 now, so with service extensions at most I might do one more trial if called.
Freder Frederson said...
We are threatening violence over equal justice.
This makes about as much sense as claiming you are fucking to save virginity.
It doesn't make sense to you because you are stupid and evil.
This is why it was republicans that went to war with democrats to end slavery.
You were pushing evil then and you are pushing evil now.
We are going to end that. I would prefer peacefully. But if you don't stop we will not let you have your way.
“Achilles is advocating for the kind of thing that he claims to hate Communists and Fascists for. In his sick fantasies he is summarily executing thousands (tens or hundreds of thousands?) of people and throwing millions more in reeducation camp.”
Where is the pushback to Achilles extremism? Or has the Trumpist movement made this sort of rhetoric acceptable as long as it’s directed to the “enemy”. Making enemies out of your fellow Americans, is this what Trumpism wrought?
As I said last night, I watched numerous documentaries about the civil war in Syria. What we have here in commenters like Achilles is someone who is comparing the type of human rights abuses that happened under Assad to the piddling political differences we have here in the US and calling for blood in the streets over it. What lunacy.
It has always been 'who you know'. Epstein knew the Clintons.
Inga said...
Apparently not.
We remember you telling Steven Scalise to support gun control after he got shot by a bernie bro. We remember the thousands of comments on the NYT's story from democrats justifying the shooting of Scalise because he supported the 2nd amendment.
You can argue for double standards all you want. We will not have it.
Equal Justice under the law is a founding principle of our Republic.
People who support democrats, spying on opposing political campaigns, open borders and infanticide are just not going to win.
When I saw the news last week it struck me that we have a two tiered justice system and its best to have it put out there for all to see. But then on the same day Flynn's prosecution has been referred to someone outside of the DC beltway to review.
I get the democrats have had so little to cheer about the last 6 months they are claiming this as vindication but I would like to think a few of them see the imminent danger of allowing partisan factions to destroy the reputations of the FBI and DOJ for temporary political gain. Even if you think justice has been served by letting McCabe skate, Comey and McCabe are easily the most incompetent FBI employees in recent memory. Horowitz's report had made it pretty clear these folks, at best, were too fucking incompetent to investigate shrinkage at a donut shop, much less trying to unravel russian interference in the 2016 election.
This is why it was republicans that went to war with democrats to end slavery.
First of all, this statement is not historically accurate. Secondly, even during the Civil War, the Republicans did not haul everybody out of their offices in Richmond and hang them from lamp posts. In fact almost nobody who perpetrated the war were punished. Robert E. Lee lost his Plantation (now Arlington Cemetery) and had his citizenship revoked. The case against Jefferson Davis, the freaking president of the Confederacy, was dropped.
And only one person in the entire history of the U.S. has been executed for treason by the Federal Government. John Brown and his accomplice (the only other people executed in the U.S.) were tried and executed by the state of Virginia.
The antidote for politically-motivated, unnecessarily harsh prosecutions isn’t to have more of them. McCabe leaked and lied about it, but we are not talking about national security secrets- sacking McCabe for cause and stopping his pension is probably enough.
I’d much rather see McCabe’s superiors go down on Federal civil rights and RICO charges, for a conspiracy to violate Trump’s (and his associates’) Fourth Amendment Rights against illegal search and seizure.
Trump and Page and others should also file civil suits against all the individuals involved (statute of limitations may expire in 2021?) - I doubt Trump would prevail in court (due to specious national security blockage of documents, texts, etc), but with any luck he could at least bankrupt Brennan, Comey, Clapper, Simpson, et al.
It is important the truth comes out about the Obama admin’s use of the Patriot Act to spy on political enemies from 2012 onward. Recall that 2012 was when the rules on unmasking were loosened (coincidentally when Obama was running against Romney). We also know that Congressional opponents of the Iran deal were being spied on. This whole surveillance and unmasking scandal predates Trump, and I believe this is the dirt that Hillary had that caused Obama to give her a pass on her server and back her in 2016.
The Chicago Way and FISA don’t mix.
The antidote for politically-motivated, unnecessarily harsh prosecutions isn’t to have more of them. McCabe leaked and lied about it, but we are not talking about national security secrets- sacking McCabe for cause and stopping his pension is probably enough.
Go read the Page/Strzok text messages. "Andy" was running the coup out of his office.
He deserves to be strung up.
Inga said: I watched numerous documentaries about the civil war in Syria.
I suppose that you feel well informed by documentaries and TV shows produced by leftists.
What a pitiful joke.
Amadeus said, "Isn’t McCarthy just using Trump’s tweets as an excuse for systemic fecklessness?"
An excuse? I sure don't read it that way. We do have a system of rules. That the rules are opportunistically used corruptly does not negate that they exist or that they are often followed properly.
From McCarthy's article,
"On that score, Judge Walton took pains to decry the fusillade of tweets directed at McCabe by President Trump. I must note here that if a district U.S. attorney publicly labeled as a liar a suspect the Justice Department had indicted for false statements, that U.S. attorney would be sanctioned by the court."
Donald Trump's novel political style often has lots of benefits. He tweets over the heads of a hostile press. He threatens withdrawal from NATO if the allies don't help pay for it. He slaps tariffs on China after his predecessors give China passes for unfair trade practices (an example of Trump's transformative leadership as some critics acknowledge China has had it coming).
But on criminal justice matters, Trump needs to show restraint. The system can't work without it. I think McCarthy is right about this. Trump can crow after the convictions come down. Until then....shut up!
“Inga said: I watched numerous documentaries about the civil war in Syria.
I suppose that you feel well informed by documentaries and TV shows produced by leftists.
What a pitiful joke.”
The documentaries were made by the Syrian people there who lived it for 5 plus years. Yes you are a pitiful joke.
"After all, the constitutional guarantee of equal justice under the law is supposed to mean that McCabe gets the same quality of justice afforded to the sad sacks pursued with unseemly zeal by McCabe’s FBI and Robert Mueller’s prosecutors.
Right. This right here is why I have come to completely despise our government. Winning by extra-democratic means, pioneered most recently against Scott Walker.
They don’t want to have this discussion so trolls take the thread off topic. I don’t blame them, there is no amount of lipstick you can put on this pig. This is the work of the Clintons and carried forward with an unseemly zeal by Obama, while W, whose father was CIA director, BTW, went along.
Who was the first to throw some graft Hunter Biden’s way as the little crack head graduated college? George W Bush, who made him a “director” at Amtrack at something like $90K a year.
The whole fucking government stinks.
"The system can't work without it”
The system of fixers and political prosecutions. There will be no prosecutions of people that the Matrix who created the illusion of a reasonable republic for us rubes don’t want prosecuted.
The documentaries were made by the Syrian people there who lived it for 5 plus years
The pitiful joke is that you are informed by TV shows.
Dumb bunnies like Inga are so easily manipulated.
"Secondly, even during the Civil War, the Republicans did not haul everybody out of their offices in Richmond and hang them from lamp posts.”
That was an attempt to heal a horrific wound to our nation, to limit vindictiveness in victory. Now it’s used by the left as a signal of complicity of Lincoln with the slaveholders. There is no limit to the vindictiveness of the left.
This is what I mean. The left are tearing our republic down stone by stone. They don’t even care if they believe whatever they think they need you to believe to achieve their ends.
We will never know who paid the gang that runs that prison to kill Epstein, but that’s what happened, and nobody wants to go near it. And the guy who did it skated, just like whoever ordered the evidence destroyed, and the person who shut down the investigation, and certainly whoever ordered it.
Freder Frederson said...
This is why it was republicans that went to war with democrats to end slavery.
First of all, this statement is not historically accurate. Secondly, even during the Civil War, the Republicans did not haul everybody out of their offices in Richmond and hang them from lamp posts. In fact almost nobody who perpetrated the war were punished. Robert E. Lee lost his Plantation (now Arlington Cemetery) and had his citizenship revoked. The case against Jefferson Davis, the freaking president of the Confederacy, was dropped.
I agree this is a travesty.
We will make sure not to let the leadership of this coup attempt off. I am talking about the Redstones, Disneys, Soros's, Robertsons though.
We should be inclusive.
Neurotic psychologists like you are in need of some therapy. You have Achilles here and others speaking of violence against fellow American political opponents and you stay mum. One might assume that as a self professed psychologist you just might find something to push back against from your fellow Trumpists threatening blood in the streets. Or does that sound rational to you?
Why do you engage with whoever this latest person is who is posting as Inga? Obviously he doesn’t want to talk about the subject of the post.
Aunty Trump said...
We will never know who paid the gang that runs that prison to kill Epstein, but that’s what happened, and nobody wants to go near it. And the guy who did it skated, just like whoever ordered the evidence destroyed, and the person who shut down the investigation, and certainly whoever ordered it.
We all know who did it.
Will nobody rid me of this troublesome priest?
miss hart, operates on a various of the Doolittle report, the addendum compiled to deal with reverses in eastern Europe and east asia, if it takes a lie to get on a jury to convict, so be it, same with ted stevens, for the 60th Obamacare vote lay there, objective evidence be damned, same with delay, the house majority was at hand,
"f you have two sets of laws? You will eventually have none, Freder."
Which apparently exactly what Achilles is advocating.
Always accuse the other. side of whatever it is that you are doing is rule number one of the left. The whole sham “peachment” was about covering up that the the Democrats demanded and got made up dirt against Trump, the fake secret ledger. But a fake “black ledger” was all they needed, wasn’t it?
I don’t advocate violence. I can just leave this stinking shithole of a country, but Democrats are playing with fire with this gaslighting.
Who showed up at a softball practice with a gun to shoot Republicans? Who ran down a Trump campaign booth on a sidewalk? Sombody is advocating violence, but "always accuse the other side of whatever you are doing” - the Democrats
and you are silent when there are attacks against center right figures, be it in Alexandria, or Jacksonville, or Portland, so one has to conclude you approve of said actions,
>Trump can crow after the convictions come down.
There won't be any convictions. Not because they aren't guilty, but because they will never be charged.
FBI agents and the DOJ are above the law. They just are.
“Obviously he doesn’t want to talk about the subject of the post.”
I am talking about the irrational violent rhetoric we are reading on these threads in direct response to McCabe not being found not guilty of a crime. The over the top response is really eye opening. Let’s hear no more talk about the scary Bernie Bros if no one here pushes back on the idea of blood in the streets over the silly outrage regarding those who have not been found guilty of an attempted coup. I can only imagine what some of the loons here will say and threaten to do if none of the people you think are “coup plotters” go to jail. And that is probably what will happen. All the breathless anticipation over Democrats and FBI going to jail when the various DOJ investigations under Trump are concluded will turn into howls of outrage by certain bloodthirsty Trumpists.
Bottom line- democxrats are protected - delicate assholes who rule above the law.
The Republican Senate made sure to let us all know that Trump is above the law. The outrage over McCabe Is just an excuse to spout violent shit.
I see Freder and Inga giving a demonstration of historical ignorance again.
The left has been the aggressor since 1932. Read "The Forgotten Man "
The Wilson administration was the first Fascist government we've had. Roosevelt was close. Fascism was quite popular on the left in the 1930s.
Read about Schechter Brothers case.
Any civil war, which I think unlikely, will be set off by actions of the left. Somewhat like what is going on in Virginia right now.
Inga said...
“Obviously he doesn’t want to talk about the subject of the post.”
I am talking about the irrational violent rhetoric we are reading on these threads in direct response to McCabe not being found not guilty of a crime. The over the top response is really eye opening. Let’s hear no more talk about the scary Bernie Bros if no one here pushes back on the idea of blood in the streets over the silly outrage regarding those who have not been found guilty of an attempted coup. I can only imagine what some of the loons here will say and threaten to do if none of the people you think are “coup plotters” go to jail. And that is probably what will happen. All the breathless anticipation over Democrats and FBI going to jail when the various DOJ investigations under Trump are concluded will turn into howls of outrage by certain bloodthirsty Trumpists.
This person cheered when Stone was yanked out of bed by armed agents and thrown in jail.
This person cheered when Manafort was pulled out of bed at 4 in the morning by armed federal agents and thrown in jail.
This person cheered when McCabe lied to a FISA court to spy on Carter Page.
This person cheered when Obama/Hillary teamed up with foreign spy agencies to get around our privacy laws.
This person still refuses to apologize to Carter Page for calling him a traitor and russian spy.
This person cheers when democrats get off for exactly the same crimes that Trump supporters are currently in jail for.
We see your double standards. If you didn't have double standards you would have none at all.
You are just a really terrible person.
We will not let your side operate above the law. You are the one that is forcing the violent confrontation.
"Nobody is above the law." right Inga?
The thing that the President should do is, take the case of the utter unfairness of this dichotomy to the people. In Tweets, in an interview room. DO it for a couple of weeks, even a month. Then issue the "Fairness" pardons to anyone of his people that got charged, convicted for "mis-remembering". It'll fly. The Media will have to cover the unfairness angle, so its a win win. DO it in the next month, in time to not interfere with the election.
Inga said...
The Republican Senate made sure to let us all know that Trump is above the law. The outrage over McCabe Is just an excuse to spout violent shit.
McCabe committed perjury.
McCabe lied to federal agents.
McCabe conspired with foreign agents to commit fraud.
McCabe altered primary documents in investigations.
These are all specific and documented actions that broke the laws of our country.
What laws did Trump break Inga? Be specific.
Trump has been intrusively spied on for 4 years and you cannot name a single law he has broken.
" am talking about the irrational violent rhetoric we are reading on these thread”
And yet the IRL irrational violence we have been seeing has been from the left. Your one bloody shirt the Inga account keeps waving notwithstanding.
Out of kindness, I suppose.
"Trump has been intrusively spied on for 4 years and you cannot name a single law he has broken.”
How is answering that question going to advance the cause of getting rid of Trump and reinstalling the Democrats at the helm of the ship of graft? I mean come on.
’This person still refuses to apologize to Carter Page for calling him a traitor and russian spy.’
You’d think that the mother of a sailor would offer a sincere apology for such an untrue and disgraceful accusation.
Demanding equal protection under the same rule of law = irrational violent rhetoric.
OK. Whatever you say.
You refuse to accept the results of a freely held election.
You celebrate one side being jailed over the exact same crime where the other side walks free. You beat people in the streets. You shoot our congressional representatives.
And we're just supposed to go, OK. We'll be nice.
I'd rather we not do this the hard way. You're increasingly making it impossible to do so.
“I'd rather we not do this the hard way. You're increasingly making it impossible to do so.”
More stupid threats. In your case though I peg you as a gutless wonder.
McCabe not being found not guilty of a crime.
Not guilty? He wasn't even charged for the same crimes others are going to jail for.
And you're just fine with that.
But somebody's writing some words I don't like because they're upset about that.
More stupid threats. In your case though I peg you as a gutless wonder.
They aren't threats.
I'm simply pointing out if you think people are just going to sit back and let you control their their lives under separate sets of rules, you're wrong.
If you think that's a threat? Maybe you should reconsider why people are reacting that way.
Or not. I don't care. Won't be my fault if the shit goes down. It's on you.
“You’d think that the mother of a sailor would offer a sincere apology for such an untrue and disgraceful accusation.”
One would think that people like Drago wouldn’t disrespect General Kelly. One would think a POTUS wouldn’t disrespect a POW like McCain. One would think that people who served in the military and are now veterans wouldn’t smear the Vindman brothers. One would think that the veterans who had the guts to testify wouldn’t be demonized by Trumpists who are also veterans.
“They aren't threats.”
Oh spout gutless threats to someone who thinks you’re worth taking seriously. You’re a big mouthed clown. A weak sister.
Inga - What do any of those examples have to do with you not apologizing for having slurred Carter Page? It would have taken less typing simply to have admitted your error.
Oh don’t you worry Achilles, I fully think you’re capable of carrying out your threats of mass violence. Not so your weak sister buddy Jim.
now when james wolfe had the fisa warrant, leaked to ali Watkins, to suggest there was something to this, but after three years,..
I do find it interesting that it is impossible to get Inga to speak out against, or even recognize, the incredible violence initiated by "spark of divinity" MS-13 machete murderers or islamic supremacist terrorists, and all but impossible to get her to even name or show empathy to the victims of such animals, but she will spend days and weeks calling out the rhetoric of conservative posters online and holding them "accountable" for imagined crimes.
If one were to read Inga's posts over the last several years, one would get the impression that a certain Heather Heyer is literally the only victim of violence in the United States.
I suppose this is how a typical leftist/LLR gets thru the day without having their illogical world collapse around them.
I see Inga has kidnapped this thread, wish she had an intelligent thought somewhere in her head to give that kidnapping purpose.
Beasts of England: "Inga - What do any of those examples have to do with you not apologizing for having slurred Carter Page? It would have taken less typing simply to have admitted your error."
Inga will NEVER admit to this "error" for the simple reason that she still fervently and passionately believes Trump colluded with Russia and therefore Carter Page HAS to be a russian spy.
If Carter Page is not a russian spy, as has been conclusively proven already, then the whole Trump/Russia collusion house of cards collapses.
So it doesn't matter that the IG report showed the corrupt FBI altered and manufactured evidence to use against Carter Page in their BS FISA warrant. It CAN'T matter. It MUSTN'T matter...if the charade is to continue.
Inga STILL believes the long ago debunked Trump Tower/Russia server story that she peddled a couple of years back.
She has to believe it.
Just like Kavanaugh HAS to be a rapist, otherwise her side is a bunch of psycho liars....and she ain't gonna go there!
the commonality is the veil of selective classification has prevented the truth to overcome the narrative, so strzok and co, ordered the interrogation of general Flynn sans attorney and then leaked portions to create the atmosphere of legitimate investigation, same with carter page, who as much as admitted he consulted with the us govt, while handling major deals in Russia, like with Gazprom, stone stupidly tried to pretend he had a real connection to Assange,
Maybe she’ll vote for Avenatti in 2020, Drago!! 😂
Oh spout gutless threats to someone who thinks you’re worth taking seriously. You’re a big mouthed clown. A weak sister.
Yawn. You're all the same. Went out last night to a place filled with screeching harpies just like you. From across the room, they couldn't even shut their mouths about politics long enough to stuff their faces. Arrogant. Belligerent. Righteous hatred towards the 'other.'
And too fucking self-absorbed to realize how they come across to people who don't spend every waking moment filled with left-wing hate.
And they'll be wondering how and why it all went wrong, and refuse to accept they have only themselves to blame.
Exactly like you.
..."WORTHLESS piece of shit." FIFY
One would think that people who served in the military and are now veterans wouldn’t smear the Vindman brothers. One would think that the veterans who had the guts to testify wouldn’t be demonized by Trumpists who are also veterans.
I assume you know nothing of the UCMJ. Vindman went out of chain of command, leaked classified information to one not authorized and acted in favor of another country, one he bragged had offered him an office as Defense Minister.
All those are court martial offenses.
it's just embarrassing how far from the truth, Wallace is, and the rest of the press are either craven or ignorant,
One would think that people who served in the military and are now veterans wouldn’t smear the Vindman brothers. One would think that the veterans who had the guts to testify wouldn’t be demonized by Trumpists who are also veterans.
One would think liberals could escape groupthink once in a while, or even just once.
But, nope.
All those are court martial offenses.
Which the Army is declining to pursue.
Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy said Friday there is no investigation into Vindman,
Beasts: "Maybe she’ll vote for Avenatti in 2020, Drago!! "
The lefties/libs/dems say MS-13 machete murderers have that "spark of divinity" (which, by the way, Trump and his supporters do not have according to the left/dems/LLR's: hence irredeemable deplorables) but dumb lefties also said things like Avenatti was literally like "the Holy Spirit".
And obama was "sort of a god".
And I've got news for you: they lefties/dems/LLR's weren't kidding. They really believe that sort of stuff.
Beasts: "Maybe she’ll vote for Avenatti in 2020, Drago!! "
BTW Beasts, it will not surprise you in the least that on this very day, CNN guests were literally blaming Donald Trump for CNN's love of Avenatti with the CNN host most known for his love of Avenatti, Li'l Brian Stelter hosting the conversation!
Even better, it will not surprise you in the least to know that these same CNN guests have decided that Trump is suddenly just like Avenatti and Avenatti is just like Trump.
I mean, who could have predicted that?......besides everyone, I mean.....
now she needs to be held accountable
look who we have here
Unless there is some larger plan involved, I do not understand how seemingly intelligent, honest people, like Bill Barr, do not see the obvious injustice in letting McCabe skate free. I hope to see justice in the end--and I don't mean at the final judgement in heaven.
that's Robert hannigan the one who fed clues to louise mensch, and then had to depart post haste,
You're deplorable Cuckx sound just like Ralph Kramden "One of these days Alice-- Pow, right in the kisser! You're going to the Moon Alice to the Moon"
because I won't lie and say I can be impartial.
How does Jury Nullification run afoul of impartial !?
now he lobbies for Huawei, why boris has lagged on proscribing this appendage of Chinese intelligence, but muh Russia,
Blogger Browndog said...
For McCarthy to claim Trump's tweet poisoned the jury is as disingenuous as it gets
Who gets to choose venue?
Always the defendant?
There is plenty of deplorable country! Where you can smell the Jury in Walmart.
Oh my.
Inga's still clenching her sphincter in response to COMMENT VIOLENCE.
Hey..beats addressing the concerns underlying.
The Republican Senate made sure to let us all know that Trump is above the law.
The Republican Senate could only possibly do that if and when the Democratic House actually impeached Trump on an actual charge of actually violating a law. "The rule of law" means that you have to prove the accused committed a specific, detailed-in-advance violation of the law, not that you simply think they're a bad person who did something they really shouldn't have.
Everyone who voted to impeach and convict Trump in the recent farce very explicitly voted against the rule of law. Which means the entire list of Democrats in Congress who support the rule of law is "Tulsi Gabbard".
That is, in fact, a national emergency, since it means at least half the legislature is openly hostile to the rule of law.
The "law" Inga adheres to was rather informally put forth by the honorable Senator Harris:
"Dude gotta go!"
Inga said: The Republican Senate made sure to let us all know that Trump is above the law.
Every Representative who voted for impeachment and every Senator who voted for conviction also voted for Civil War II.
To those who answered my jury duty question, thanks. I am someone who would willingly serve, but have been called once in 35 years. There are about 155,000 jury trials in the US each year, which require around 2 million jurors. There are about 190 million eligible jurors, but given the selection methods, it is likely that there are only 100 million or so that can be located on a list to call (driver's licenses, voter registration, etc.), or will appear when called without just getting excused. If they narrow list further by age, then the potential pool might be closer to 75 million. Once in 35 years should be an outlier given how much I have moved around over that 35 years.
It is really simple, but probably too difficult for you to get your mind around- injustice breeds violence. A two-tiered justice system that is defined by the political label you carry will lead to violence, one way or another. It will likely start with the government cracking down on peaceful non-compliance with their two-tiered system, but it won't end there, and it won't end well for people like you who support that system. That is all Achilles is saying, and he is right to say it, and definitely not insane.
Boobs 4 Berno!
"The Democratic presidential hopeful had just finished introducing his wife Jane O'Meara Sanders as “the next First Lady” when a woman walked up to the mic and started rambling about subsidies for the dairy industry, video posted to social media showed.
“Bernie, I’m your biggest supporter and I’m here to ask you to stop propping up the dairy industry and to stop propping up animal agriculture. I believe in you,” she exclaimed before the sound was cut.
Two topless kindred spirits hopped onstage to join her. They poured milk on themselves and preened around the podium for just a few moments before security took the protesters away."
Dunno..pouring milk on oneself whilst topless and
decrying the dairy industry seems conflicted..
Uh, err.."Dude gotta go!"
The criminal law exists to protect the guilty. The innocent have already suffered. Therefore the only question is what to do against the guilty. And the problem the guilty have is that rough justice is always an option. To deny that basic human reaction, as wrong or impossible, is at least consistent with other Leftist Collectivist denials of human nature.
But that won't change basic human demands for perceived justice.
“It will likely start with the government cracking down on peaceful non-compliance with their two-tiered system, but it won't end there, and it won't end well for people like you who support that system. That is all Achilles is saying, and he is right to say it, and definitely not insane.”
Ah, nice whitewash of what Achilles has been saying. And that you side with his rhetoric is telling. I see this in Trumpists with increasing regularity now. All the scare tactics regarding the Bernie Bros and you Trumpists condone the violent rhetoric from those in your midst.
Walter’s still clenching his sphincter in response to COMMENT VIOLENCE by Bernie Bros. Ooooo scary Bernie Bros, gonna put you in gulags.
Berno Bros actually committing violence, you idiot.
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