February 14, 2020

Today at Instapundit: a simultaneous cultgasm.

Link. Link.


Darrell said...

Nah. That's the CPUSA Valentine's Sock Hop.

Wince said...

Satan came in through the bathroom window
Protected by a silver spoon

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

SNCTM doesnt serve meat?

...then what are people? Soylent Green????

traditionalguy said...

Satan's High Priests hate meat eaters. They know that the protein in beef strengthens human spirits until is is hard to make their brains lose resistance to easy demonization.

Remember:Beef eating is forbidden food. And Yoga Mediation with chants to kundalini demons is only a stretching exercise.

rhhardin said...

They're going for clicks with any right-wing bait they find. It's the site's business model. They themselves are not the -gasm people. Look what stupid stuff the left wing is doing now, is the idea.

Right-wing mob, strictly speaking. Lots of people on the right are actually on the right and find mobs equally unimpressive on either side.

Darrell said...

That's the CPUSA Valentine's Sock Hop.

And Cookie shows up at midnight to tell them that none of them are real Commies.

Ken B said...

A few of Glenn's confrères add value, Gail Heriot , David Bernstein in particular. Driscoll and Hoyt are irredeemable click-baiters. The article they link to never lives up to their headline and sometimes undercuts it.

Nonapod said...

Yeah they have muliple people contantly posting stuff over there. Many's the time I've seen the same link put up by different posters in a short period of time on Instapundit. I'm sure they check to see if what they're about to post has been already put up, but I imagine that sometimes during the time between checking and them putting up there own post the other persons post goes up.

jeff said...

Right wing the only ones that would click on devil worshipers at a vegan cafe? Well, that’s certainly a take. I guess. Lord knows how many times at the weekly right wing death beast gathering, we would be regaled with stories of vegan cafes and their corresponding satanic rituals. Also, Florida man. On holidays we discuss Florida man at a vegan cafe discussing satanic sex parties. How well you know us.

YoungHegelian said...

Whatta they puttin' in that quinoa, I askz ya?!

Earnest Prole said...

Ed Driscoll is dumber than a sack of hammers.

tim maguire said...

In the comments, it became a “who wore it better” contest over intro lines.

tim maguire said...

Jeff said...Right wing the only ones that would click on devil worshipers at a vegan cafe?

That’s a much better take than the one I see a few entries above. I was picturing Satanic rituals in the commode and clicked to find out how big this bathroom was.

JAORE said...

This certainly justifies my strict avoidance of vegan cafes.

Lance said...

TANSTAAFL, or, How Does Glenn Reynolds Afford All Those Diving Trips to the Bahamas?

wendybar said...

What was Bill Clinton doing in a vegan café???

Tom said...

Bloggers who post together stay together.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

ok so 3 Satan worshipers walk into a vegan cafe

the waiter asks "So what will you have?"

after some evil laughter, they respond "SOUL FOOD!!"

Brian McKim and/or Traci Skene said...

Ed Driscoll is the best writer on the site. (I will scroll down on Instapundit and be particularly impressed with a posting and I will, 9 times out of 10, guess correctly that it's Ed.) Full disclosure: I had a cup of coffee with him at a diner in Cherry Hill, NJ about ten years ago. He's from South Jersey, IIRC.