"If any of them want to be released from their NDA so that they can talk about those allegations, they should contact the company and they’ll be given a release. I’ve done a lot of reflecting on this issue over the past few days and I’ve decided that for as long as I’m running the company, we won’t offer confidentiality agreements to resolve claims of sexual harassment or misconduct going forward. I recognize that NDAs, particularly when they are used in the context of sexual harassment and sexual assault, promote a culture of silence in the workplace and contribute to a culture of women not feeling safe or supported. It is imperative that when problems occur, workplaces not only address the specific incidents, but the culture and practices that led to those incidents. And then leaders must act."
A statement from Mike Bloomberg.
Well done.
with women to address complaints about comments they said I had made.
What about the women who have made more serious charges?
Now let's have the speaker of the house and the Senate leader do the same.
LOL...never happened.
Bring it on Fauxcahontas. If you've got 3 complaints that got settled with an accompanying NDA in 30 years, that's not an absolutely awful terrible no good sexist antifeminist record.
How about comments other executives made?
That is how a business owner gets things done. He thought about it for a few days and acted. Probably already contacted the three women affected and got their consent to do this, all of whom (I predict) said they did not want any part of the media circus of Warren using them to advance her campaign chances. So none of it comes out anyway.
Now he is going to use this to call for other candidates to release litigation or employment settlement documents, including Trump. He should expand his demand to include Warren's personnel files from the law schools where she faked her way in as an Indian.
Too fing late.
If he'd anticipated this and have made this statement when Warren brought it up, kneecapping her, he'd have won the debate.
So Bloomberg is admitting to Three based on his comments. How many on his actions? How many on his executives words/actions?
Do we just accept that its THREE? I guess so, because Bloomie would have ZERO reason to lie.
Also, what are the chances that "We" contacted these 3 woman and told them some extra $$$ would be coming there way. Not of course for keeping silent, but for all the great work they did at Bloomberg LLP - that's now just being remembered. Bloomie found three checks in his bottom desk drawer.
Now let’s have a Trump do that.
"Well done" is too late.
why didn't he say "3" at the debate? Could have blown over already
"Well done" is too late.
Consider the stakes.
Trump is in a great position because he doesn't have to release anything. If Trump's done anything wrong, we've heard about it. For 4.5 years (yes, its been that long) the DNC-media and the Democrats have been attacking trump and "asking questions".
Trump doesn't have to do a damn thing.
Some of you don't get it. It doesn't matter what Bloomberg does or does not do, what he did or didn't do in the past, what he will or won't do. Those who hate Trump will vote for him regardless because he's all they got. Arguing about, discussing, whether he was or wasn't hurt by his debate performance are missing this point. Like Rudy at Camp White Pine, you need to repeat, over and over: It just doesn't matter. It just doesn't matter. It just doesn't matter ...
Can you say to a billionaire "A day late and a dollar short"?
Companies with these problems fire company leadership.
Has Bloomberg ever met Blasey Ford ? Doesn't matter as long as Trump doesn't appoint him to the Supreme Court.
Has Trump ever been accused of and settled a work place sexual harassment complaint?
I don't know.
Now is the time to start filing complaints against Bloomberg. The guy is on a spending spree.
And why should they have to "contact the company" to be given a release??
You can give them a release right now. You can tell "the company" to send them a release and to renounce any and all NDAs.
And -- no -- I don't trust that it was only "three" victims.
"Well done"
I get it now.
Sounds like his first step should be to fire himself for leading the culture that did all these horrible things to women.
Is the 30 year time frame a reference to Warren's 30 year limit on being the only candidate to defeat a Republican incumbent (which conveniently excluded Sanders earlier Mayoral win)?
"Well done"
I know several men falsely accused of sexual harassment. One very seriously. My husband was the boss of one of the people accused and the accuser-- she had actually asked my husband to speak to her grad school class, and he did. She suggested they ride together to get there, and he said he would drive alone. To this day, I am so glad my husband was wise enough to stay out of a being somewhere alone with her.
But yeah, let's make sure there are no NDAs and women can just tell whatever story they used to try to get money out of a company.
Let us hope this tanks that feckless — bless her heart — fake Cherokee forevermore.
Impressive stupidity from the commenters here calling it too late. Too late if you are in a zinger contest, but not too late if you are in a character and leadership contest. I am sure the usual fools will say “Liz got my vote with that horse face lesbian shot” but undecided voters might have other ideas.
Rare in politics! Warren challenged Bloomy, he took his lumps, and accepted the challenge.
Smart move. But let's see those jokes he told:)
There are legal technicalities. The contract is with the company. Don’t get stuck on stupid.
Mike forgot to add:
"I have also taken a DNA test to confirm that I am of Jewish descent. If it turns out that I have lied about my ethnicity, I recognize that this will disqualify me and I will withdraw from my campaign."
I’ve done a lot of reflecting on this issue over the past few days and I’ve decided that for as long as I’m running the company, we won’t offer confidentiality agreements to resolve claims of sexual harassment or misconduct going forward.
From now on should a woman have a problem with me, she can hire a lawyer out of her own pocket, be deposed under penalty of perjury, go through intense discovery into her personal life, and try to convince a jury of her claims.
Of course while this is going on, she will have to maintain her standard of work, such that she is not terminated for declining output and lack of attention to her job.
And of course company members will no longer be bound by a non-disparagement clause, such that we can tell other employers about her accusations, the cost to the company, and how it impacted her performance.
Should she object, she knows where to find Elizabeth Warren.
Just like Trump shamed Warren into that DNA test.
Christine Blasey Ford is suddenly searching (inventing?) her "memories" for recollections of being in the Bloomberg offices ....
Wait until Bloomberg figures out that he’s not allowed to deny the accusations.
Have fun playing golf with Charlie Rose and Matt Lauer
"Well done"
Trump's steak?
Wouldn't this expose the (likely woke) women as willing to sell their silence?
And what women wants to step up to the "horse faced" label?
Bloomie should explain the majestic beauty of horses.
If he has only 3 NDAs and resultant settlements in 30 years that is actually impossibly amazing. The gold diggers have become pretty brazen in the last couple decades.
I would start taking a look at suspicious suicides and disappearances.
Just joking.
I can't help reading this like a lawyer. There are 3 NDAs with women whose only complaint was harassing speech, who can be released. What about other women with more, umm, physical or job-related sexual discrimination or harassment claims?
Blogger Calypso Facto said...Christine Blasey Ford is suddenly searching (inventing?) her "memories"..
Will this go-round require the little girl voice?
Inga said...
Now let’s have a Trump do that.
What a dullard. Home many women has trump asked for a DNA in the past? Name them?
What a dullard.
Bloomberg didn’t run the company while he was mayor. He started up again there in 2014.
And why should they have to "contact the company" to be given a release??
To be told that they need to give the money back first?
Forbes says he's the the fifth richest guy in the world. He owns 88% of Bloomberg LP. He can't hide behind the entity and claim that it was deal between those folks over there. He had to do something. This was never going to stop, and it will probably continue because rich Jew.
- Krumhorn
What's the over-under on Lizzie Warren decrying "Horse-faced Lesbians" again at next week's debate?
This has to be used at all future Dem debates with Bloomberger on stage.
And we need reaction shots.
In other news
A local conservative radio host notes that when Trump had NDAs with former workers, they were routinely described as "hush money", but that this term is not used in connection with BLoomberg.
Well done.
Burnt. And Trump eats burnt political opponents.
Now, Mayor Pete needs to ask Bloomberg about releasing the men from NDA's. Fair is fair.
The post debate polling must have been brutal for such a quick flip. I doubt this will be enough to convince Bernie to ask Bloomberg to join his ticket as VP.
For the less worldly, there are many reasons to sign NDAs (Non-disclosure agreement). I sign them routinely. I am probably under an NDA with more than half of my clients and some prospective clients. Over the past 35 years, I've probably signed a couple hundred.
Generally, I can't even tell people I have done work for Acme Widgets without violating the NDA. Nothing sexual about it at all.
I would be surprised if the Trump organization did not have tens of thousands of NDAs with employees and others.
Nothing to do with sex, though.
I do not think Bloomberg's statement was well done and disagree with Ann. He could have said "Anyone who has an NDA with the Bloomberg organization or with me is hereby released from it. If you need a specific release in writing, contact us and we'll give you a release."
Perhaps a caveat that it only applies to sexual issues and not to business methods and such.
His statement felt weasely to me.
John Henry
I suspect that the majority of harassment complaints against the Bloomberg organization accuse someone other than Mike Bloomberg of actionable conduct. Where those cases have been settled, with confidentiality clauses in the settlement agreements, the accused individuals may have thought the company bought their peace years ago. They don’t deserve to have their names dragged through the mud just because Bloomberg now wants to be President. Bloomberg may have been a named defendant in any or all of those cases, based on allegations that he should have kept bad things from happening, set a better example, etc.
So in the three cases where he says there were claims of wrongdoing by him personally, it’s up to him to release the complainants from the confidentiality provisions of the settlements.
Fragile envelopes of beautiful souls. That's women in the narrative that women buy.
Too late, I'm afraid. You get one chance to make a good first impression.
Note, though, the way that statement is worded:
"with women to address complaints about comments they said I had made"
This is a tell- what about other NDAs alleging something other than comments? He could have been clear that these were the only three NDAs of relating to such incidents of which crude comments is only a subset, but he didn't do that. I think this was carefully worded by Bloomberg's lawyers.
Bloomberg makes a mistake here, anyway. I doubt these women come forward. If his political opponents want to, now, they can simply find their Christine Blasey Fords that worked at Bloomberg at any time in the last 40 years.
Keeping Faith (season 1) is about a woman lawyer betrayed by everybody and afraid of losing her children, constantly breaking down or near breaking down, with no NDA's in sight.
It's the breaking down part that women tune in for. Pick up some tips.
Not a bad series though. You only see screenwriters at work out of the corner of your eye.
No explanation why she loves those particular kids though. They look like a pain to me.
Anyway she seems to be able to take it. A role model for women in today's sissy workplace.
Ken B,
It is too late because it is too late. There is no way to erase that moment in the debate- more people saw that and read about than will read this story about the NDAs. It is that simple. The best thing Bloomberg can hope for is that no one cared about it in the first place, but I don't think that will turn out to be true. Additionally, this wasn't the only thing he mucked up that night- this is the more minor of things that hurt him.
Basically, what Bloomberg has done here is confirm there are NDAs relating to his behavior, and now he is incredibly vulnerable to other women coming forward with either the truth or, more likely, lies. Of the thousands of women that he has worked with over the years, how confident could he be that none of them have an ax to grind for any reason and the political motivation to do so?
This sort of like taking the advice some people gave to Kavanaugh when the story first leaked out about Blasey Ford- some people advised him to not categorically deny the charges, but the carefully say he couldn't remember. This was horrid advice, which Kavanaugh, fortunately, didn't take. Bloomberg will be lucky if this just passes by without further incident.
I liked Season 1 of "Keeping Faith". Season 2, though, disappointed me a bit. Still watchable, though.
What to bet there are all sorts of NDAs?
"There are legal technicalities. The contract is with the company. Don’t get stuck on stupid."
LOL! Bloomberg IS the company. The NDA is an agreement that requires the women to not speak. Bloomberg can cancel the NDA anytime he wishes, or he can say "Go ahead and speak and I won't sue". Bloomberg has fulfilled his side of the contract. He can release the women from fulfilling their side ANYTIME he wishes.
That's all the fucking legal technicalities there are. Its not "legal magic". Bloomie can call his lawyer and have a legal document sent to the women in one day.
Yeah, I feel so SORRY for Bloomberg. Remember when he defended Trump, kavanaugh, and the guy in Alabama - from accusations that were 10, 20, 30 years old.
Wait, he didn't.
Mini-Mike doesn't look like a sexual predator. He looks like the kinda of guy that sexually harasses women through verbal abuse. Or protects his execs when they get a little too "Frisky" with the lower level employees.
Bloomberg doesn't give off the vibe of a masher. He looks buttoned down and business foremost. Sleaze looks like the natural by product of Weinstein's clanking diesel. Bloomberg's engine looks solid state and compact. It doesn't use oil or generate much heat or noise. When you have fifty or sixty billion dollars, the women come on to you, not the other way around. Still, he had to settle with three women. Where there's smoke, there's usually a smoke making machine that any decent prop department can provide....We'll see how it goes, but he doesn't look like a horndog.
Let me get this right. You want a decision maker who acts on the spur of the moment, with no time spent thinking or discussing?
Or is it that you think he should have been ready with an “oh snap” comeback to every bogus charge?
Or is it that you think John Stewart style gotcha politics — which is precisely what Warren engaged in — is the right approach?
I think Bloomberg has handled Warren's odious trick well. At the time he was unfazed, and now he has handled it in a way which exposes her and makes him look responsible and capable.
Have you taken a stupid pill? Bloomberg said anyone wanting a revision of the contract can have one, just contact *the actual legal signatory*, the company. Mark asked why they had to contact the company. Really? If you rent a house from my company and I say that your good taste in movies means I'll cut your rent $50, just contact the company would that really confuse you?
Bloomberg LP is privately owned. Bloomberg owns 88% of it.
He has the authority to waive the non disclosure provision. Same with Trump. Privately owned company.
Now get Congress to open up its sexual harassment payouts. Names.
Angry Amy need to public announce that any of her former staff are free to talk about her, disparage her, and give specifics about their time working with her.
Release every office complaint that makes Amy specifically.
Actually, she should confess. The moderators need to go down each allegation so far and say: true or false.
Well done? I say burnt.
Ah, he'd better be right in the specifics. Also, too little too late.
Let me get this right. You want a decision maker who acts on the spur of the moment, with no time spent thinking or discussing?
As our host pointed out in her heated post, he was obviously prepped for the line of attack, but prepped very poorly. He wasn't surprised, he just had a talking point and stuck with it, even though it proved to be a very stupid talking point.
I am guessing he's dug himself a deeper hole.
Ken B,
He should have been prepared for exactly those attacks. He wasn't. On the stage, with all those eyes on him, he failed miserably. Today's action won't change that because no one will pay any attention to it. He kind of reminds me of George Costanza and the Jerk Store comeback. It is too late, and worse is that he is now completely vulnerable to lying accusations from disgruntled former employees.
Two thoughts:
* Althouse, are you praising someone who, in a "debate", was shamed by Warren and Biden, who have shame issues of their own (DNA test results for self-professed minority Warren, Hunter for Biden, etc.), into doing the right thing?
* What's the bet he had his lawyers find the three safest NDAs to unlock?
Derb on the dem debate and Bloomberg's problem: the democratic party is not a safe space for normal people. Bloomberg was not able to fake crazy convincingly.
Complete bullshit.
NDA are valid contracts, if made in accordance with the law. NDA can NEVER be enforced to cover up ANY CRIME, EVER.
PoundMeToo wants to bring back the days when women and children could not make enforceable contracts. They've almost convinced me.
who cares if he'sguilty of anything?let him buy the nom then 20-500 rounds of Calvinball(kavanaugh ruleset).
M Jordan says, "Well done? I say burnt."
Kudos! Well done, M Jordan!
Kind of funny the things these candidates have trouble with. Warren with DNA. Bloomberg with NDA. So which candidate's problem with NAD?
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