... I'd wake up, maybe in the middle of the night, look at my iPhone and, in 4 seconds, I'd see what happened.
I woke up around 12:30. No results yet. Then again at 2:30. Nothing but the increasing weirdness of no result. I had my conspiracy theory already in mind: They're protecting Joe Biden. He did terribly, and they're trying to work something out to protect his candidacy, or they already know it's going to fail, and they want to manage the transfer of votes onto their favored candidate, maybe Amy Klobuchar and not Pete Buttigieg... or is it the other way around.
I wake up for good at 6:33. Still no results! Is this tied to the way the Des Moines Register did not release its last poll? Why the suppression?
Are the Republican results suppressed? No! "Iowa results showed the president winning with roughly 97 percent of the vote over former Massachusetts Gov. Bill Weld and former Illinois congressman Joe Walsh. The primary challengers walked away with about 1 percent each." (Fox News).
This is solely a screwup with the Democrats. How embarrassing and fishy!
Just keep moving. Nothing to see here!
Feels like a bad omen for the Dems.
Iowa Democrats are inherently vile and corrupt
And, YES; i'm speaking as a former Iowa Democrat
"And you want to be my latex salesman? I don't think so..."
The Iowa Caucus results didn't kill themselves.
Add this to the "trying to fit 10 pounds of Schiff into a five pound sock" mess the impeachment process has been, Hillary's incompetent campaign, covering up for Hillary's email scandal, etc., etc., Anyone saying the Democrats are capable of, and have enough integrity to, run the country needs to be put in a straitjacket until they take their meds.
Don't worry, the Democrats will have it all figured out when they start to run the government.
I'm listening to KXEL. Some politician is being interviewed and you can tell he's folksy but lying. Polls favored him, whoever he is. Softball questions.
There's nothing better than watching this Tom Perez woke version of the Democrat Party over the last few years. The most obnoxious, incompetent, crooked bunch I've ever seen. Not to mention, dishonest. They've had 3 years to prepare for this. They had the nation to themselves. This was the Big One. This was their chance to take back the spotlight.
Well...they did that. They got the spotlight shone directly on just what a clown show they are. This could be a very long summer for the networks, trying to convince the American public that this is the party they need to be voting for. It's off to a rousing start.
Which bonehead will be declared the Chosen Bonehead by those other boneheads?
The suspense has me on a tenterhook.
Conservative Tree House is doing a major “I told you so” on the Biden rescue mission which is looking more and more like Desert One. Burning airframes and a cloud of greasy smoke.
"How embarrassing and fishy!"
Ordinarily it would be, but these people are immune to embarrassment.
It's a defense mechanism they have.
The campaigns internal polling and the speeches last night do nothing but support the idea of funny business. While the others declaring ‘victory’ Biden was content to ‘take his share of delegates’...
A belichick might say: We’re on To New Hampshire...
Any wagers on IF we get a result today? If it is crooked they can hide the result amid the SOTU and acquittal vote later in the week...
This is an epic failure that will reverberate on the Democratic side all the way to November.
Whether innocent or not, if Sanders under performs, this will be interpreted by his supporters as a conspiracy to swing the election away from their candidate. More of them will stay home in November if he is not the nominee.
This is a disaster that goes way beyond a short delay in getting the results.
They don't seem to be able to get out of their own way.
Ultimately it's of little actual import; the votes will be reported and delegates assigned to the candidates. But it robbed their media partners of their show - chewing on and dissecting the results and what they mean in the horse race. And the candidates are robbed of the supposed momentum a "good" showing brings them. TFB.
Hey I have an idea — let’s hire the Democrats to run our health care system, economic policies and national defense!
We need a re-energized Joe Biden to defiantly seize the steering wheel of the "No Malarkey" bus and smash thru the Iowa caucus Headquarters.
How could they screw up so badly?
Come on, you need to look no further than our resident lefties. Imagine Inga in charge.
Where in the hell is Wigwam Warren right now to tell us "I have a plan for that". Your country calls out to you.
They made a compelling case in the Big Government controversy. If you can do the little things well...
They're just spreading the votes around, so everyone gets a fair share. Bernie didn't build that!
Do like day care: declare that everybody won and they all get a cup of ice cream?
I had my conspiracy theory already in mind...
The Iowa Caucus did not hang itself.
Good rule of thumb, don't vote for a democrat...ever.
They're just waiting for Al Franken to drive down with a trunkful of ballots.
Either that or Stacey Abrams is coaching the candidates on how to claim their victory was stolen from them.
When it come to this group of lefties: Never attribute to stupidity that which is adequately explained by malice.
It's bad news for the Democrats when Joe Biden can't find enough dead people to vote for him.
I blame the Russians. Definitely the Russians. And Trump, of course, because reasons.
"Hey I have an idea — let’s hire the Democrats to run our health care system, economic policies and national defense!"
And not to forget border security given their established record.
So if there are something like 1,600 caucus sites, each with at least a couple party officials to supervise/tabulate, how flipping hard can it be for each site to phone in, report the three (or so) sets of numbers, and then have a team in Des Moines (or Duh Moines, as the cover of the NY Post has it) tally them up?
This is wildly embarrassing.
they aren't even trying to hide the corruption this time. The voter fraud, the manipulation of the count. totalitarians just can't help themselves.
This latest clusterf**k brought to you by the clowns that screamed how Trump was making the USA look foolish and inept to the world.
the initial spin is that it is the Iowa Dem party at fault. I can't wait for the media spin on all this to ramp up and tie all this to Trump and the Russians.
Media Democrat lickspittles will probably talk about how battle-tested their eventual nominee will be, having fought through the sabotage that the GOP/Russians/Israelis are rumored to have imposed on our democratic processes on the primaries, starting with the Iowa caucuses.
Lawrence O'Donnell and Joe Scarborough, announcing their engagement (NTTIAWWT) and Joe's transition, will jointly interview eventual nominee Mike Bloomberg, who will talk about how tough things were in Iowa because of the sabotage, ignoring the fact that Bloomberg did not compete in Iowa.
O'Donnell will start off some lunatic rant with, "Just as the Nazis burned down the Reichstag, Donald Trump in Iowa personally set a match to our Democracy..."
dreams said...
Good rule of thumb, don't vote for a democrat...ever.
I've followed that rule for as long as I can remember. And never regretted it.
I blame white people, too many white people in Iowa.
dreams said...
Good rule of thumb, don't vote for a democrat...ever.
I've followed that rule for as long as I can remember. And never regretted it.
It's kind of like the "don't buy the service plan on your appliances" rule.
I believe it was Stalin who said that it doesn't matter who casts the votes, it matters who counts the votes.
Wise words from the original Uncle Joe!
This is better than I could have hoped for!
What a great lesson for those pushing a national popular vote, or rather, it is a meaningful lesson to those whom the Democrats intend to disenfranchise, given their dishonest pushing of the NPV idea, and their smears against the moderating genius if the electoral college. “Counting votes is easy!” they said, just before stepping on a rake in one of the sparseliest populated states, and eating it tines first.
What's amazing is how Trump's enemies regularly self-destruct through frenzied excess without his input.
Time for Ritmo to lecture us about how brilliant the Democrats are compared to the mouth-breathing Republicans.
I hope to GOD that Democrats never win again.....Talk about RIGGING elections when you don't get the results you want. Bernie Bros should be out rampaging and attacking the Democrats elite who keep shutting hem out. Stop trying to kill Republicans and put the blame where it really belongs...on their party!!!
97%+ of R vote to Trump. Nice!
them..not hem!!
Real Clear Politics has a table of caucus results posted. Clicking on the table shows that it's 1.87% reporting.
"This is solely a screwup with the Democrats. How embarrassing and fishy!" That seems to be the spin so far. that all this was the result of a bad app. In a society that had a functioning press, and a legal system that worked, most of the Dem leadership would long ago have been indicted for corruption, vote rigging, money laundering and more.
but yeah, lets just say it was a glitch, and move on to the next level of corruption. Nothing to see here at all folks.
Today would be a good day to introduce a bill ending the ethanol mandate.
I must say the Dems are doing an excellent, efficient job in one area.
They are quickly turning us into a third-world shit-hole country.
Now they are actively suppressing votes. Bernie needs to get some international inspectors in here to insure a fair election.
If they were smart, they kept the existing systems in place, while adding the new app to the process.
Never just switch over from one system to another, not until the new system has been tested alongside the existing system and verified to report the same results. And that is probably the problem they have - the numbers between the old and the new system don't match, so the new system didn't pass Quality Assurance checks.
Just wait. If Democrats get their way, you can phone your votes in soon.....Fools.
Last night about time early results shoulda been in, they were reporting how 89% of Iowans wanted government healthcare, and 77% favored Medicare for all (I wondered what’s the diff?), with very precise numbers. Where did THOSE come from?
People are criticizing Iowa and its caucuses but it seems to me the whole perfectly reflected reality. Older voters went for Bernie; younger voters for Pete; a mix went for Warren; the supposed favorite, Biden, didn't make the cut off; the Dem party apparatus was unbelievably incompetent. And, finally, unwilling to report on the mirror being held up to Dem reality, the media is shooting the messenger and saying "get rid of Iowa caucuses" just as they called for abolishing the electoral college after 2016. Meanwhile Trump won what he needed to win. Before we tell Iowa to get rid of the caucuses, let's see how well these events predict what happens in the rest of the election. I'll bet the whole event will be a mirror of the future just as it has always been. The Dems don't want to think that, naturally.
Iowa isn't that big. Why didn't the precinct captains just get in their cars and drive to where the results get reported and hand them in physically?
They can't count the number of people in a high school gymnasium, but they want to run our health care.
No Malarkey!
Headline: "Trump Hickory-Sticks Weld: LLRs Hardest Hit"
What a disaster. I just called a relative just because I was curious to see what her reaction would be and she cclaimed that this happens kind of regularly and is no big deal. The saddest part is I think she believes what she's saying
None of the candidates is as exciting as the disaster. Sad!
How quickly, and easily, the mind goes to "They're up to something." Everything is a metaphor.
Iowa will lose its first in the nation status over this. Not only will Iowa lose influence, but lots of economic activity. No more TV ad buys and hotel rooms all over the state.
Apparently they didn’t test the app.
- Iowa poll fail
- Iowa caucus fail
- Impeachment fail
I’m spotting a trend...
Picture yourself as an undecided ready to be convinced to vote *for* a Democrat instead of *against* Trump.
“Beat Trump” messaging doesn’t work on you because you, like nearly everyone else, are only interested in voting *for* candidates and ideas.
How are you feeling this morning, after this shady stuff? How much can you trust the Dems going forward, in this election cycle or even after that?
All that *after* three years of bitching incessantly about “election interference” ... LOL GTFO!
I finally got tired of all the winning last night. This morning, after a good night's sleep, I'm ready for more. Stock market looks raring to go: reassured that the DNC will do whatever it takes to suppress Bernie, including pissing away what scraps may remain of the Dems' 2020 chances?
The caucus system seems otherworldly and a tedious way to go about this, but its 48 years old now, and has worked (I guess?) for Iowans through almost 5 decades. Until this one. Today's Dems are so utterly corrupt, they could not even release the main poll over the weekend because of improprieties. And now the entire caucus will be asterisked long after Trump's asterisk is forgotten.
I dunno. I don't think I want these people anywhere near a position to make judgements that affect my life or my country.
I'm telling you- there should not be another Dem elected for 2 generations. Time to clean it out.
tim maguire said...
Iowa isn't that big. Why didn't the precinct captains just get in their cars and drive to where the results get reported and hand them in physically?
They LITERALLY let people caucus at sites in 13 other states and D.C., as well as three in foreign countries: France, Scotland and the Republic of Georgia.
WHY? Because Iowans don't WANT Jo Biden, So they had people in EUROPE vote for him
The best goals are own goals.
This is the hidden genius of America. We reach a point where we admit the problems are there, and we fix them.
We're criticized by the Soviet Union for our racist past and Jim Crow laws, and Americans respond by ditching them. We wear our flaws openly, and focus more on moving past them.
Well, about 25% of the time. But in a world where nations fix none of their problems, that's an improvement.
This makes me think of the statement, "never attribute to malice that which is equally explained by stupidity."
Maybe we just need to put Alexa in charge of everything.
@Michael The Magnificent.
Yep. This is an indictment of the core Progressive idea.
This is the Chesterton's Fence Caucus.
Bernie released his own polling numbers this morning showing him winning with 29%.
Biden did not make the 15% cut.
Any deviation from this in the official (i.e. rigged) results will trigger WW III in the party.
Nice move, Bernie.
The app that was supposed to help the Iowa Democratic Party quickly report Monday's caucus results – but contributed to confusion and a muddled result as campaigns were in an uproar – is linked to Hillary Clinton campaign veterans.
Shadow, a tech firm that describes itself as a group that creates "a permanent advantage for progressive campaigns and causes through technology," is the company that created the Iowa Democratic Party's app, according to The New York Times. At least the COO, CEO, CTO and a senior product manager at Shadow all worked for the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, according to LinkedIn profiles.
Nothing to see here, people; Just Move Along, Nothing to see here
1. I do believe that the Dem results will finally come out and be settled in a way satisfactory to most, because each of 1600 places has a pen and paper set of results.
2. I believe that this is a bigger deal than it might be in other circumstances because we are looking at SOTU tonight and acquittal tomorrow. If there had been one or two bright shiny Democratic "winners" they would have stood out to counterbalance those two "trump in the spotlight" events. Instead as it now stands, it looks like Trump winning the news cycle three days in a row, and by the end of the week (or after the NH primary, if Bernie wins) there will be a lot of very disheartened Democrats.
This party is a complete joke at this point.
The GOP was the Stupid Party for decades but I think that baton has been passed.
I never watch cable news of any type but I imagine CNN etc will be entertaining as hell all week. And tonight is the SOTU, and tomorrow the vote to end impeachment! How could this have gone any worse for the new Stupid Party! LOL
Hams have almost weekly state contests. Outsiders multiply contacts by the number of counties in the target state worked, insiders multiply contacts by number of outside states plus inside counties worked.
Everybody who wants to go for actual recognition emails in their log and the results come out. It seems to work okay.
If you work a high-scorer in a close contest, they may mail you a request for your log, to check the high scorer against, if you don't mail it in. It's then called a check log.
The clown car is fully loaded and on the road to New Hampshire.
Meade said Hey I have an idea — let’s hire the Democrats to run our health care system, economic policies and national defense!
Yeah. And Gavin Newsome (Pelosi's nephew) Governor of California, is threatening to have the State take over Pacific Gas and Electric because......the conditions mandated by the State caused fire conditions to be extreme.....but nevermind. It is all PG&E's fault.
We are truly frightened and are seriously considering converting to propane and buying a whole house generator. Many people in this area have propane and almost everyone has a small generator. The thought of incompetent California being in control of our heat and lighting in a freezing winter is horrific.
Think of it. The STATE wants to take over a private company that is owned by millions of stock holders. They want to run it by fiat and with a bunch of crony bureaucrats. Sounds like pre war Germany when the industries and businesses were stripped away from those nasty ethnic jewish people.
The NAZI's were the National Socialist German Workers' Party. They just threw in the worker part to make it sound better. The concept is the same.
It’s Schrodinger’s Caucus! 😺💀
Epstein voted in Iowa for Biden
I don't understand how the precinct chairs couldn't photograph and text or email the results to the main office, add them up and get the results out by 6 a.m. at the latest. The one page sheets were reportedly completed on time. So that's 10:00. Two generous hours for the chaos. Have people text them and email them. They have plenty of staff and volunteers to add up 1600 results from 1600 precincts. That's processing 250 precincts per hour for six hours. They can't add 250 numbers in a hour? They can't break into five groups for QA? They can't recruit precinct chairs and campaign managers to duplicate their results? They didn't have any back-up plan? Until this year they did it without an app. Did all those people die since 2016? In 1965 we went to the moon.
I know this isn't original, but for some reason it finally occurred to me last evening. The impeachment stuff was only partially about Trump. It also was a huge boon to Sanders, Warren, and other D candidates. "Oh, let's talk more about that phone call, and how Trump is bad for talking about Biden's obvious corruption." "What corruption? Oh, yeah, that's something we should probably talk more about in order to analyze Trump's flagrant violations...
Not that our faithful D Senators would use deeply serious political tactics for their own ambitions...
Tina Trent said...
... In 1965 we went to the moon.
I'm sure that would have been news to LBJ! (Pssst, 1969, I was there!)
The DNC is a serial abuser.
But Bernie keeps going back to them.
Because, deep down, Bernie knows that they really love him and care for him.
Plus, he was kind of asking for it.
The D's not only used a new untested "APP" they introduced a new requirement to report data on 3 different levels of voting. But still. We're counting people in a gym, and then reporting a number. How hard is that?
Fishy? Yeah. D's voting is ALWAYS fishy. Maybe that was the problem. They were trying to hold an honest election, and they didn't have enough practice.
Fill out a form, take a picture, email it in. Shouldn't take 12 hours.
Fill out a form, take a picture, email it in. Shouldn't take 12 hours.
As someone stated, Software firm that developed the APP wasn't vetted, probably a corrupt firm hired by D's with some kickbacks involved.
SNL will run a skit where Trump personally hacks the DNC app. By November, millions of democrats will be repeating the tale as gospel truth.
Hey I have an idea — let’s hire the Democrats to run our health care system, economic policies and national defense!
In that sense, it doesn't matter if Biden, Bernie, Liz or Bloomberg win. They are going to staff their administrations with the same incompetent hacks.
And the press will portray it all as Camelot.
What a bunch of malarkey.
Enter Hillary the savior and Ann will vote for her again.
I think it should be called the Iowa Cauc-up.
How is this a failure for the Dems?
What has been the result of almost every Dem action since the 2016 election? To undermine faith in the system.
It’s like Epstein’s death: there’s a nefarious plot scenario and a sheer ineptitude scenario, and each seems more implausible than the other.
Wow. You had one job.
I understand the turnout was very low.
These contests are supposed to resolve things with clarification of who has support and some people dropping out. Politics is the art of compromise, but this mess has hardened differences.
My theory is that if you can't accept something so basic as two sexes, your thinking and capabilities as a functioning human being are broken beyond repair. And in time it shows.
The app was designed by a firm named "Shadow". Shadow has a history of working with progressive groups as well as with Hillary. Either the app had a design flaw or it performed just as it was supposed to.
I asked once but it bears repeating, how did they tabulate the voter poll on public option, widely reported at 10 pm CST, when they could count the caucus votes from the same poll of voters? How?
Clyde: You're right. And it wasn't a typo.
Good thing I'm not counting the Iowa ballots.
Though I'd still do a better job and be done by now.
The DNC is a serial abuser.
But Bernie keeps going back to them.
Swede is right. [Is it a Jewish thing?] I'll bet Bernie came out ahead and the 'chaos' is the Dem Party's way of re-rolling the dice.
“The app was designed by a firm named "Shadow". Shadow has a history of working with progressive groups as well as with Hillary.“
I hope to God the development team was diverse!
Hawkeye Cockeyed
"The clown car is fully loaded and on the road to New Hampshire."
And if things are handled even semi-competently there, it will be proclaimed as a great victory and Trump's death knell.
Dang dumb Dems!
Paul Sperry
Democrats are in a State of Chaos. CNN talking heads in complete meltdown over Iowa mess. Voter turnout--& enthusiasm--way down. Biden & Bernie claiming system rigged--by fellow Dems (not Russians)! Tom Perez AWOL. And now some Dems may join Repubs in voting for Trump's acquittal
Results of 2020 Iowa Democrat Caucus finally in: Republican Party is clear winner; State of Iowa Democrat Party, National Democrat Party a distant second and third.
It's an illustration of Arrow's theorem. You can't design a voting system that does everything you'd want. This one is probably as close to fair as you can get, though.
What is Trump going to say about this at the SOTU? You know he's going to give himself a hernia restraining the impulse.
I woke up this morning expecting to learn that Sanders had won and the Democrats were tearing their hair out.
I wake up and learn only that the Democrats are tearing their hair out.
Steyn is 100% certain that it's suppression and Bernie won. You could count it all manually and have it out by now, easily.
rcocean said...
Fill out a form, take a picture, email it in. Shouldn't take 12 hours.
You left out "set up your 'security' so there's no user IDs, no passwords, just a PIN that's on the form.
So any photo of the form shows a mischief maker how to upload their own form with their own results.
It'a a really impressive level of incompetence
Embarrassing and fishy describes the Super Bowl halftime show too.
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