February 10, 2020

At the Pink Fog Café...


... you can talk about whatever you want.


madAsHell said...

"That's what global warming looks like!!"

Lucien said...

Regarding Ambassador Sondland’s recall, there weren’t many times that he answered “What would have happened if . .” questions with “I could only speculate on that subject and I know you don’t want me to guess.” Volunteering answers to questions calling for speculation is a sign of friendliness to the questioner.

Michael K said...

Very happy to see that 70 5th columnists were let go from the NSC today.

traditionalguy said...

Spraying for mosquitoes already? Or is it the famous steam cloud the Climate Hoaxers PR machine loves to backlight and call industrial Pollution.

Jaq said...

I see I wasn’t the only one to tune out the Oscars after the Brad Pitt speech.

I also didn’t watch several movies that I had seem many times before.

Jaq said...

Michael Tracey@mtracey
Endless streams of red hatted people currently coursing through the streets of Manchester like invasion of the body snatchers

Wish I could be there.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Heard a Bloomberg radio spot just a few minutes ago. Turns out the was the guy who "rebuild" NYC after 9/11. Funny, I thought it was a guy named Rudy!

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Sorry, that should be "rebuilt", not "rebuild".

Jaq said...


Trump tweets Larry David in a MAGA hat.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Pete Boot-camp-camp???

per @MarkSimoneNY

Pete Buttigieg is misleading voters about his ‘military’ record. He pulled some strings and got in with no training, no boot camp, no anything and very briefly did office work in a cubicle on a base in Afghanistan for a few weeks and quickly left:


Rory said...

Chew a whole pack of Hubba Bubba and you'll make a pink fog.

Howard said...

Rulz of threez violation. A+

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

I took the Political Compass test again today. Strange. I'm more economic left and less libertarian than I was last time. I'm not sure what that says about me.

Economic Left/Right: 0.5
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -0.87

D. said...

>What happened 'FOLLOWING' Bolton's departure from the WH?
WH clean?
What happened 'FOLLOWING' impeachment?
Nadler, Pelosi, Schiff cannot walk down the street?
Imagine that!

narciso said...

What now:


Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Sessions swats Joe Sniffengroper's hands away from granddaughter


see it on the Slo-Jo slo-mo instant replay!

Kevin said...

I'm more economic left and less libertarian than I was last time. I'm not sure what that says about me.

Maybe it means nothing. Or maybe it says the people who write the test want everyone to find out they're more supportive of Bernie than they thought they were.

Questions can change, even slightly, to increase the desired response.

Even if they don't, the algorithms can change how they score the same answers.

Kevin said...

Pelosi's just waking up to the fact it was Biden she impeached.

FullMoon said...

Haha! I had someone behind me who was mumbling terribly. Mumbling. Mumbling. Rawr. Rawr. Oh. Ha," he explained, mocking Pelosi. "She was mumbling. Very distracting. Very distracting."

Trump Describes His Experience With Pelosi Behind Him During His SOTU Address

Clyde said...

That's not pink fog, it's a smoke signal! Fauxcahontas putting out a call for help: It says, "Send... Voters!" She needs them if she's going to take all of our wampum.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Residents of a small Kansas town, where the poverty rate is twice the national average, are being jailed for their unpaid medical bills

Only in America.

D. said...

>Only in America.<

If you are really concerned about this family and not just a partisan hack, go start a GoFundMe for them. I'm guessing partisan hack.

narciso said...

Oh thats not disturbing


Ken B said...

That is not a fog. Such an error simply cannot be unintentional. What other “pink f*g” comes to mind? Yes, this is Biden level homophobia from Althouse.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

"Individual acts of kindness don't solve systemic problems — in fact, they can do harm by glossing over deeper issues"

Jaq said...

"ccording to ProPublica, Casement is a cattle rancher who was appointed a magistrate judge, despite never taking a single course in law.

In Kansas, judges don’t need a law degree to preside over cases like these.

Nusrat Choudhury, the deputy director of the ACLU, told CBS that this practice 'raises serious constitutional concerns'.

'What’s happening here is a jailhouse shake-down for cash that is the criminalization of private debt.’”

The real problem. Doesn’t seem systematic to me.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

I bet you if I drop my iPhone into the harbor...

...a whale will fetch it


Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Aunty Trump said...
Doesn’t seem systematic to me.

That is because you are a sock puppet. To everyone else it looks like a systemic problem. Law enforcement, the courts, the lawyers, the hospital - none of these are part of the system? Not to mention the politicians failure to provide basic coverage for health care.

Guy works two jobs, has a kid with cancer and ends up in jail. Who can't be proud of that?

narciso said...

Was he really this stupid?


narciso said...

This was why obamacare had to be passed, between deductibles and premiums one cant afford to use it, this is the last (redacted) we were stampeded into and propublica was at the forefront of this.

Clyde said...

If you read the article, it doesn't say that the man was jailed for unpaid medical bills. He was jailed for contempt of court for failing to appear at the hearing to say that he was too poor to pay his debts. If he had shown up when and where he was supposed to under the agreement, he would not have been jailed.

Ken B said...

“Life long paleo conservative “ supports ... Sanders!

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

He should not have been in court multiple times in the first place.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Broken system.

Ken B said...

I see you have met ARM.

Michael K said...

Not to mention the politicians failure to provide basic coverage for health care.

I assume your knowledge of health care is about as extensive as your knowledge of economics.

Jaq said...

He shouldn’t have been in court period. The problem was the judge in that county.

Jaq said...

Your sock puppet comments make zero sense, BTW. I am a character, I have an avatar. Sometimes you come off as older than Howard.

Michael K said...

ARM,. I read that article which, of course, is in a NHS supporting UK newspaper.

Bullshit is the polite way to describe it. I wish I had a dollar for every patient I treated who never paid a bill.

narciso said...

There are some unique circumstances here


Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

When a long time commenter here changes their avatar and implied sex I think it is fair to say that they are using a sock puppet, a transsexual sock puppet. The more interesting question is why? Why would they do that?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Michael K said...
I wish I had a dollar for every patient I treated who never paid a bill.

That is only because you are too broke to retire.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

some Flu Manchu tidbits

DO THE MATH: China holds “good news” press conference, accidentally admits the coronavirus mortality rate is closer to 17 per cent


Does A Sudden Surge In SO2 Levels Suggest A Huge Surge In Cremations Across China?

North Korea Concealing Coronavirus Outbreak; Officials Ordered To 'Quickly Dispose Of Bodies'

Chi-Coms ‘Disinfect’ Wuhan With Fleets of Trucks Spraying Chemicals in the Air


Michael K said...

That is only because you are too broke to retire.

Cute. The point is that the article you quote is a lie. Maybe one crazy judge went nuts but we have Medicaid, which is lousy pay for the docs but it will pay for emergency and life saving care. Most complaints, like yours, are ignorant.

AZ Bob said...

Biden lashes out when he feels he is being cornered and has no way out.

What is a dog faced, pony solider? Any why would you call a perfectly nice young lady that?

Rory said...

"Only in America."

Kansas residents are seldom jailed anywhere else.

narciso said...

For the david frenchs of the wold


Jaq said...

"Why would they do that? “

That’s really an interesting question to you? That’s sad.

Jaq said...

It’s an homage to Betamax 3000 if you must know.

Jaq said...

Oh, and thanks for using the right pronoun.

rehajm said...

I’m not ready to buy the idea Biden is finished by a poor performance in NH. Even if it’s true doesn’t he have to continue to campaign in order to maintain his ‘political rival’ status?

FullMoon said...

NOT FUNNY: Student, 21, Says It Was ‘Humiliating’ When Biden Called Her A ‘Lying Dog-Faced Pony Soldier’

rehajm said...

Once that goes, he’s fair game by Democrats standard...

pacwest said...

ARM, Yesterday you were bitching because of the trillion dollar government overspending and today you are calling for more government medical spending. ??

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Can you jail people for free these days?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Aunty Trump said...
Oh, and thanks for using the right pronoun.

No problem. I am all about the community these days.

D. said...

>Can you jail people for free these days?<

Ask Manafort or Stone.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

"ccording to ProPublica, Casement is a cattle rancher who was appointed a magistrate judge, despite never taking a single course in law.

Where I live in Texas, a particular connected woman with a high school diploma is a Justice of the Peace making a six figure salary deciding small to medium cases.

Her nephew ran against my husband for a city board appointment; my husband won the appointment and later the nephew was arrested for fraud.

Fun times!

pacwest said...

"Can you jail people for free these days?"

J. Farmer said...

@Ken B:

“Life long paleo conservative “ supports ... Sanders!

Why it's almost as if who sits in the Oval Office doesn't have that big of an effect on the country. As if there are power centers beyond the Executive. Or even outside the Madisonian institutions of government. Inconceivable!

narciso said...

So if sanders isnt right on immigration, amd he wants to end reliable electricity, maybe if you lived in chiang mai that was.t a major concern, but for others

J. Farmer said...

p.s. It's almost as if no matter which party controls Congress or the presidency, we get more spending, more militarism, more immigration, and more globalism. But luckily since Trump became president, we've had...oh wait...more spending, more militarism, more immigration, and more globalism.

J. Farmer said...


So if sanders isnt right on immigration, amd he wants to end reliable electricity, maybe if you lived in chiang mai that was.t a major concern, but for others

Yeah, for others, I guess Trump is their only hope. Oh wait, who was it who said, "I want people to come into our country, in the largest numbers ever?" Oh yeah, Trump.

FullMoon said...

Another fake.
Mr. Buttigieg’s stint in the Navy isn’t as impressive as he makes it out to be

narciso said...

Do they have to be gaslighting us all the time?

walter said...

Michael K said..Very happy to see that 70 5th columnists were let go from the NSC today.
There was a "journalist" over the weekend referring to the err reassignment of the 2 Vindmans as "Friday night massacre".
Must be apoplectic now.

narciso said...

A strike or two in syria, also one again the russians, probably compares to reagan moving against gaddafi and grenada. A few advisors for a time.

Chuck said...

Trump in New Hampshire tonight:
“You do know who’s paying for the wall, don’t you?” He said. “Redemption from illegal aliens. The redemption money is paying for the wall.”

Now I could be combative and say that no one is quite sure what the fuck Trump means by “redemption money.” And I could suggest that however anyone might concoct a definition of “redemption,” such a funding source could never come close to funding an estimated $22 billion Wall project.

But I think that it’s more cruel (and more fun for me) to simply ask Trump’s supporters to explain how all of this works. How “redemptions” pump billions into the Treasury, and how Trump, without Congress, gets to spend that money on his wall.

If it’s good, then we can ask Trump fans for a good reference as to what Trump also claimed in the Monday NH rally;
“If you look at what happened in [the 2016 general election in] New Hampshire, where thousands of people came up and voted from a very liberal part of Massachusetts and they came up in buses and they voted.

"I said, 'What's going on over here?' My people said, 'You won New Hampshire easily except they have tremendous numbers of buses coming up.' They're pouring up by the hundreds, buses of people getting out, voting."

Trump added, "So what do you do? Recall the election. Recall the election. I mean, there, you should be able to recall the election."

So I was hoping to get some Trump fans to show us some real reporting on “busloads” of people from Massachusetts voting in New Hampshire. And exactly which members of Trump’s crack team of election law experts back any of this up. And, uh, how one might go about “recalling” an election.

Just honest questions from Trump’ own speech.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Too bad it's not a velvet fog..

narciso said...

Oh that...unsurprising:


William said...

I guess the upside of that quarantined cruise ship is that pretty soon we will have independent data on the infection risks and mortality rate of the coronavirus. It must really suck to be on that ship though. It must really super suck to have to be a staff member on that ship. They don't live in cabins. They live four to a small room and have an almost certain risk of exposure. I wonder if the cruise ship line will pay them extra. Whatever it is, it's not worth it.....It would be a nice gesture if at some award ceremony, the actor volunteered to distribute his salary to those cruise ship workers.

narciso said...

Thats true i guess but the extraordinary callousness that brought us to this point is striking.

Drago said...

I just feel like we ought to all chip in and purchase pecan pies from Sarah Sanders as well as some new sharpies to send to LLR-lefty Chuck.

Perhaps an autographed photo of Vindman and/or Schiff?

Other ideas?

Drago said...

Uh oh!!

LLR-lefty Chuck approved Mike Bloomberg (2015): "95% of murders, murderers and murder victims fit one M.O. You can just take the description, Xerox it and pass it out to all the cops. They are male minority, sixteen to twenty-five. It’s true in New York, it’s true in virtually every city. That’s where the real crime is. You gotta get the guns out of the hands of the people that are getting killed."

No wonder LLR-lefty Chuck likes Bloomberg so much. He makes racist statements too!

It all makes sense now.

J. Farmer said...

"95% of murders, murderers and murder victims fit one M.O. You can just take the description, Xerox it and pass it out to all the cops. They are male minority, sixteen to twenty-five. It’s true in New York, it’s true in virtually every city. That’s where the real crime is. You gotta get the guns out of the hands of the people that are getting killed."

So true.

narciso said...

Are those the only people he goes after?

Wa St Blogger said...

Blanket social programs don't solve systemic problems — in fact, they can do harm by glossing over deeper issues

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

To chants of “Bernie! Bernie! Bernie,” Sanders arrived on stage for a political rally that turned into a rock concert headlined by the band The Strokes.


really? 78, and recovering from a heart attack--

...and you pick that band?

who was the warm-up band-- the Myocardial Infarctions?

The D-Fibs?? (good name for a deceitful Dem band)

Bernie's concert/rally gets only about 1/3 of Trump's typical

... Trump IS the 'concert'

"this is in an arena I was at 2 nites ago, which included ALL of the
Democrats, and we have a bigger crowd BY FAR, for Trump"


Iman said...

Police were summoned to a daycare center where a three-year-old was resisting a rest.

Iman said...

When you get a bladder infection, urine trouble.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

“This is much larger than just texts between two FBI agents.”

A high-ranking FBI official confirms a number of the missing 50,000 FBI text messages — as well as other text and email messages among FBI brass — reportedly discussed initiating physical harm to President Donald Trump.


Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

weaponized Greek columns...and now the Presidency!!

Payback/Karma's a bitch, eh Dems??

(CNN)Donald Trump is moving fast in the wake of his impeachment trial to use the government to punish his enemies and pursue his political ends, underlining how his acquittal has helped make him one of history's most powerful modern Presidents.


Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

hey, lady! Cant we just eat our waffles??

Awkward: Liz Warren Interrupts People Eating in a Diner—- Who Clearly Want Her to Leave Them Alone


Chow, but without the "Pow-Wow", please

purplepenquin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
purplepenquin said...

"Your sock puppet comments make zero sense"

Mmmm, mmm, mmm! That's a tasty bowl of irony you're cooking up there...topped off with a couple heaping scoops of hypocrisy.

alanc709 said...

Calling Ritmo a sock puppet is offensive to socks. Doesn't have the IQ of Jell-O.

Ann Althouse said...

"Heard a Bloomberg radio spot just a few minutes ago. Turns out the was the guy who "rebuild" NYC after 9/11. Funny, I thought it was a guy named Rudy!"

Giuliani's term as mayor of NYC ended in December 2001, so Bloomberg really was the one there for rebuilding.

wildswan said...

I guess I'm just a dogfaced pony soldier paleo-mind but I couldn't quite follow what "Aunty Trump" meant by "BTW. I am a character, I have an avatar." Have "comments" slowly become "world of warcraft moves"? Am I playing Clue while they play Candy Crush? Is this insomnia or is this a dream and whose dream is it?

Jaq said...

"topped off with a couple heaping scoops of hypocrisy.”

That makes even less sense.

Jaq said...

Oh, I see, you didn’t understand my comment.

Jaq said...

"Am I playing Clue while they play Candy Crush? Is this insomnia or is this a dream and whose dream is it?”

There are a lot of commenters here whose comments should not be taken at face value, if that’s what you mean.

Jaq said...

I think though that “Aunty Trump” has worn out her brand. Originally I liked her because she made me less chatty. It didn’t seem right for her to ramble on for paragraphs on a single drag of a cigarette, and her femaleness tempered my comments. But that effect has worn off. Besides, ARM and Howard slobbering over her is starting to creep me out ;^) I kid! I kid... She is based on a girlfriend from college who used to say funny things after she took a drag on a cigarette.

I have been laid up for over a week and have been way over posting. But I am getting better and am headed out on a road trip, so maybe I can give her a rest.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

What in tarnation? Is this real?


Clyde said...

Not all new ideas are good ideas.

tcrosse said...

Purple haze.

Ken B said...

Why do we have to get guns out of the hands of the people getting killed? I would have said it was better to disarm their killers.

Howard said...

I don't care if you are a sock puppet. I always figured it was just a character that you put on so you could talk to people like me and ARM like a real man and not a spittle-flecked incel snowflake that never give an inch on the defense of POTUS. I mean we all see what happened to the LLR to be named later.

But I have to agree with you, girlfriend. I think we're all getting a little stale around here, except Althouse.

Howard said...

There's no shame in brown-nosing

walter said...

That truepundit story is from January 2018.
Not saying irrelevant..but probably worth mentioning when excerpting.

madAsHell said...

Only in America.

I see it as free health care, room, and board!! What's not to like??

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