February 23, 2020

"As Sanders builds what could eventually be an insurmountable delegate lead, many Democratic House and Senate candidates are approaching a dramatic shift in their campaigns, as they recalibrate..."

"...to include praise of capitalism and distance themselves from the national party. Top campaign strategists from both parties view Sanders’s success as a potentially tectonic event, which could narrow the party’s already slim hopes of retaking the Senate majority and fuel GOP dreams of reclaiming the House, which it lost amid a Democratic romp in 2018.... 'The Democrats’ embrace of socialism is going to cost them their majority — I mean, it’s as simple as that,' said Rep. Tom Emmer (R-Minn.), chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee. 'Bernie is about as good a contrast as we could have ever hoped for.'... 'We flipped those [House seats in 2018] because of Donald Trump,' said one House Democrat who represents a suburban district, speaking on the condition of anonymity to reflect internal discussions. 'And if Democrats want to hand most of those back, put Bernie at the top of the ticket. And that’s how many of us feel.'"

From "As Bernie Sanders’s momentum builds, down-ballot Democrats move to distance themselves" (WaPo).

ADDED: From the Nevada concession speech of Pete Buttigieg:
I believe we need to defeat Donald Trump and turn the page on this era in our politics by establishing a tone of belonging, bringing an end to the viciousness and the bullying that is tearing apart our country. We must change what it feels like to live in the United States of America. And that is a real difference from Senator Sanders’ revolution, with the tenor of combat and division and polarization, leading to a future where whoever wins the day, nothing changes the toxic tone of our politics. I believe the only way to truly deliver any of the progressive changes that we care about is to be a nominee who actually gives a damn about the effect you are having from the top of the ticket, on those critical front-line House and Senate Democrats that we need to win.
I read that first at my son John's Facebook page (and here's something he put on his blog yesterday: "Can Bernie Sanders defeat Donald Trump in November?").

Buttigieg's speech is an interesting transition from the "electability" arguments against Sanders. That Sanders is going to lose is implicit. Buttigieg has moved on to the greater disaster: Democrats losing the majority in the House and worsening their minority status in the Senate.

Buttigieg also stresses "tone." Doesn't America want someone who speaks calmly and conveys dedication and intensity without yelling and showing us angry face? Look at him! This is in victory:


Steven said...

Hmm. Is there a path to 60 R senators, though? Start at 53, pickup Alabama (54), sure, then Michigan (55) is moderately vulnerable, and then, well, New Mexico (56) and New Hampshire (57) are not an extreme stretch, and Minnesota (58) and Virginia (59) are unlikely but not impossible. But none of Delaware, Illinois, Massachusetts, Oregon, or Rhode Island look like #60.

rhhardin said...

We're not the angry ones. It's the fucking republicans.

rhhardin said...

They gramsciated the young to too stupid.

Kristen said...

When I read "bringing an end to the viciousness and the bullying that is tearing apart our country" I think-- yep, that's why I won't vote for any of these vicious, bullying Democrats. Do they not realize we know *they're* the side that's been driving the cultural divide for years, through the vicious "cancel culture" they've built?

Mr. Groovington said...

They had 3 years to not fuck this up. They had the support of the media and unrestricted rein. Biden? They should concede in shame. But failing that, I couldn’t be happier than Sanders as nominee. So, looking forward to:

1) Asking my lefty American friends and enemies who they’re going to vote for
2) WaPo, CNN and NYT unable to endorse
3) Trump landslide
4) The largest inauguration speech in history
5) Obama, Pelosi and Schiff surveying the wreckage
6) Trump going full MAGA

Shouting Thomas said...

Viciousness and bullying are not tearing the country apart.

People are just arguing in op-eds and online.

Life is fine, peaceful and calm.

Enjoy this fine, peaceful and calm Sabbath. I will. Above 50 degrees this afternoon in the Hudson Valley.

rhhardin said...

Hillary knows what to do.

gilbar said...

with 50% of the nevada caucus votes in,
bernie has about half (46.64%) of Those; at 3564 votes

SO, that means:
there have been about 7200 votes counted so far (half of 7200 is 3600)
And IF we ASSUME that "50% of the reporting is in" means 50% of the votes still need to be counted

That would mean NEARLY as many people in the Entire state caucused for the democrats (14200), as went to President Trump's Rally in Las Vegas

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Relax people. It's not going to be Sanders. The DNC has not yet began to cheat. They are pulling the same crap in Nevada they did it Iowa.

This morning NPR is showing only 50% votes counted. Really? The results they can't hide.

46.6 Sanders
19.3 Biden
15.4 Buttgig
10.3 Warren
4.5 karen

Do a hear a phlegmatic cackle off in the distance?

Seeing Red said...

We are in Calvinball.

gilbar said...

at the risk of sounding repeating myself

Looking at the democrat 'solutions', i can't help but think
Is That All There Is?

My daddy took me to a circus
“The Greatest Show on Earth”
There were clowns and elephants and dancing bears
And a beautiful lady in pink tights flew high above our heads
And as I sat there watching
I had the feeling that something was missing
I don't know what
But when it was all over, I said to myself
“Is that all there is to a circus”

Seeing Red said...

I believe we need to defeat Donald Trump and turn the page on this era in our politics by establishing a tone of belonging, bringing an end to the viciousness and the bullying that is tearing apart our country.

Him first. He can start by stopping using Christianity to nag.

We must change what it feels like to live in the United States of America.

There it is, change you can believe in. That’s why DJT won. Buttigieg didn’t listen.

But he’s all for Building that perfect Soviet Man.

Seeing Red said...

He can actually move even in America, to a place where he feels more comfortable.

He hates he’s in Indiana.

gilbar said...

could someone provide a list, of states so far; where Bernie hasn't "won the popular vote"?

gilbar said...

among democrats, that is

Seeing Red said...

Let’s face it, the tone started the day after the election. 3 years of whining, screaming, and meltdowns.

JAORE said...

Trump: You mad, bro?

Bernie: Everyone should be mad!

exhelodrvr1 said...

"phlegmatic cackle"

When I retire, that's going to be the name of my cover band.

Seeing Red said...

Just because the tone is “calm,” (possibly in public) doesn’t mean the words or the plans being put forth aren’t vile.

Meade said...

"Buttigieg also stresses "tone." Doesn't America want someone who speaks calmly and conveys dedication and intensity without yelling and showing us angry face? "

If ever a post deserved a civility bullshit tag...

whitney said...

For two years it was implicit and explicit that Trump was going to lose. There is a chance Sanders wins the presidency

Rory said...


So, lying.

rehajm said...

Let's hold the Bernie horses for ten days or so. By one account 'No one' is still most likely to have the most pledged delegates.

rehajm said...

...do the math and that insurmountable delegate lead looks insurmountably difficult to obtain...

AllenS said...

There is no chance that Crazy Bernie wins the Presidency.

rehajm said...

But he’s all for Building that perfect Soviet Man.

Heh. Cold War II: Orange Man vs Soviet Man.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Doesn't America want someone who speaks calmly and conveys dedication and intensity without yelling and showing us angry face? Look at him! This is in victory:

Well he's doing it for the country, not for himself. So he can gloat with satisfaction once the he's able to implement the policies that the country will benefit from. But after all these years, I have to accept that you're not able to understand that.

As for anger, calm, blah blah blah you'd think someone as intensely dedicated to preserving her shrine to DJT as you've shown yourself to be would have noticed little things like Mr. American Carnage's dark and angry inauguration speech, his caps-locked and exclamation punctuated tweets, his intense hatred for non-white Americans and the press, etc., etc., and basically anyone who doesn't gush with exultation for him - including most world leaders.

Every day you come across more and more like a 50% blind patron of the Monet exhibit who laments all the lack of color and detail. It's quite astounding really, your obliviousness to basic reason and observation.

Shouting Thomas said...


That fucked up screeching that goes on in your brain can be cured, but first you have to want to fix it.

I suggest finding a good Catholic church with a priest you can talk with.

Peace of mind and quiet are good things. The constant screaming, collisions and explosions going on in your head... that's not the way the rest of us live.

Being in a constant state of hysteria is not a sign of intelligence.

Jersey Fled said...

They are not going to let Bernie win the nomination. Only question is how are they going to screw him out of it.

My guess is a serious health problem right before the convention.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

That fucked up screeching that goes on in your brain can be cured, but first you have to want to fix it.

I suggest finding a good Catholic church with a priest you can talk with.

Peace of mind and quiet are good things. The constant screaming, collisions and explosions going on in your head... that's not the way the rest of us live.

Good luck finding an archdiocese and confessional still standing after all the RCC bankruptcy filings. Funny how easily that demand for a celibate leadership leads to pedophilia rackets. You really think celibacy is natural - esp. in a male dominated leadership? THen why is the president you jerk yourself off to paying off extramarital NDAs to porno actresses and Playboy bunnies?

Anyway, I thought you were done playing Vatican fuckboi and fancying yourself a newborn New England Protestant or Evangelical in true American style. Aren't they the ones who will come to rescue you from the hordes and restore that Whites-Only Utopia you dream of?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Peace of mind and quiet are good things. The constant screaming, collisions and explosions going on in your head... that's not the way the rest of us live.

Pretty hilarious coming from a guy who parades around the internet with the nickname "shouting" and talks about screaming at any woman who won't pay him the courtesy of the time of day. Time to barge into some more third-world hovels for another wife-locating excursion search party!

Being in a constant state of hysteria is not a sign of intelligence.

Hilarious. The only calmness you've ever experienced is in a dark booth with a guy who couldn't tell if he was a kiddy fucker or fruitcake. Lol.

Equipment Maintenance said...

PTPSCUDD said: "...his caps-locked and exclamation punctuated tweets..." as an example of Trump's degradation of American politics.


Rick said...

The focus on tone as the difference implies the substance of Sanders and Pete is the same.

hawkeyedjb said...

"his intense hatred for non-white Americans"

Examples, please.

MartyH said...

I plan to ask my D rep how many of the eleven brands of deodorant that Bernie says are too many he plans to eliminate, and which ones. Now there’s a wedge issue! I think Old Spice will make it. Even jokingly suggesting Secret will cost you the women’s vote...

David Begley said...

Hillary gets the nomination at the convention with Pete as her VP.

Rob said...

Of course Bernie is angry. “Get offa my lawn, you billionaires!” He hasn’t had a good bowel movement in ten years. Give the man a little Metamucil and watch what a pussycat he is in the morning.

Rory said...

"Hillary gets the nomination at the convention with Pete as her VP."

I'm wondering if this is what Buttigieg is angling for, under either Clinton or Bloomberg. Even losing as VP he can just sort of grift along to 2024.


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Of course Bernie is angry. “Get offa my lawn, you billionaires!” He hasn’t had a good bowel movement in ten years. Give the man a little Metamucil and watch what a pussycat he is in the morning.

Is that about the time of day when the compulsive Twittering would start?

HIlarious watching Trumpanzees call other politicians angry. Next thing they'll say other politicians use more bronzer too.

Milo Minderbinder said...

Smart. Run against Trump with someone who's never created a job, never sponsored legislation that passed, honeymooned in Russia, espouses an economic philosophy that even the Chinese rejected, is five years older than Trump and just had a heart attack, and is perpetually angry at,..., anything. No one ever followed a pessimist. Who do 'pubs have to thank for this?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

No one ever followed a pessimist.

We can leave the following to you.

Real Americans go their own way. They're eagles. And they're fine with hiring a hawk to pick off your vulture capitalist turkey buzzard in bronzer.

Michael K said...

Smart. Run against Trump with someone who's never created a job,

Didn't you mean "held a job?" Unless you count politics as a job, of course.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Buttigieg is less electable than Sanders, according to the general election polls at Real Clear Politics. Switching to the he’ll drag other Democrats down argument is a back-handed way of acknowledging that.

Temujin said...

They (Dems and the Left) have watered and nurtured this thing for years. Starting in the 60s with my generation- Socialism! Many of my peers stayed in school to teach the next generations about Socialism! They've nurtured it and served it up to us for years. Now they've got the candidate and a huge number of yoots (and some actual adults who must have missed the entire history of the 20th century) who are ready to pull the lever for this.

Now they're worried about losing the House? Not the country, mind you. But the House of Reps?

It's theirs. They own it. And the end results will not be pretty. Either a total demolition of the Dem party as we know it (my calling for no Dems for 2 Generations may happen yet), or if, by some crazy chance, Bernie wins? There will be war in the streets. This country will not willingly accept Socialism on a full scale.

William said...

I wonder if anyone in the media will describe Sanders' rhetoric as "divisive". They don't seem totally on board with him, but they're still not treating him like he's as morally repugnant as a typical Republican....His wife has a friendly, open face, but she's overweight and doesn't dress well. I wonder if any style editors will ever commission a critical article on her.....The Sanders' candidacy will be a challenge to the media's double standards.

Paco Wové said...

"The focus on tone as the difference implies the substance of Sanders and Pete is the same."

One offers poison coated in sugar; one offers poison coated in more poison.

William said...

I wonder if anyone in the media will describe Sanders' rhetoric as "divisive". They don't seem totally on board with him, but they're still not treating him like he's as morally repugnant as a typical Republican....His wife has a friendly, open face, but she's overweight and doesn't dress well. I wonder if any style editors will ever commission a critical article on her.....The Sanders' candidacy will be a challenge to the media's double standards.

Paco Wové said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Temujin said...

And I love how all of the networks have seemingly got the Word from on high that they are not to call Bernie a "Socialist". They are to call him the "Democratic Socialist".

I call complete and utter Bullshit on that. There's no degree of socialism. Bernie's a flat out Socialist. My God...who honeymoons in the old Soviet Union? Who does that? What kind of mind does that? A socialist would. A true believer. A die-hard believer who thinks the old Soviet way was a good way.

All you have to do is listen to him talk, and watch his face as he talks. This is a socialist in the worst possible way. Someone should tie his right arm to his leg so he can't speak anymore.

Big Mike said...

Someone should tie his right arm to his leg so he can't speak anymore.

@Temujin, good thing I was through drinking my Sunday morning coffee when I read that!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Temujin hates America so much you'd think he'd pretend the years 1932 - 1945 never happened. Let alone the 1950s when top marginal tax rates exceeded 90%!

So we get that he hates FDR and all the greatness America achieved under him. It's what the outsourcing Reagan rebellion was all about: Reversing all the gains America made under FDR and afterward.

Bernie Sanders has not proposed a single policy anywhere near as socialist as the many that FDR initiated. But that's how much they hate both of those Democrats, these Replundericans. Greatest times America achieved. They're such ideological creeps that they would rather mortgage our kids' futures ecologically and economically to pay of a billionaire and his cronies than to do anything for America, especially anything for working people popular enough to get a Democratic president elected 4 times in a row.

Your hatred for America and all the greatness it achieved is appalling, Temujin. But I get it: Your hatred for American Democrats and all the great things they did for America is way stronger than every normal American's love for our country.

Maillard Reactionary said...

This is all very entertaining, but it would be more entertaining if I didn't live here.

Big Mike said...

@Steven, six years ago Mark Warner (D-VA) won with less than 50% of the vote, barely beating a guy who ran a lackluster campaign (due to a Libertarian siphoning off 2% of the vote). I don’t think Virginia belongs in the “unlikely” category. Especially not the way rural Virginians feel about Democrats after one month of that party controlling the governorship, State Senate, and House of Delegates, and not after the Democrats’ impeachment fiasco.

mccullough said...

After Bernie takes the Dem Party down, get ready for:

The Orange New Deal

rcocean said...

How ridiculous! What do the polls say? The last ones show Bernie BEATING Trump. All these whiners including the Democrat Billionaires will fall in line and support Bernie if he gets elected.

Also, don't fall into Buttigig's trap. He's setting himself as the MODERATE alternative. But he's NOT moderate. He's just as radical as Bernie, he's just not as explicit about it. And he's willing to trim his sails when it comes to Nationalized Health care. But he's still a tax and spend Leftist.

rcocean said...

If you're an R - you want Bernie. Not because he's a weak candidate, but because he will give us an HONEST election. Let the American people choose between Trump and a honest man who honestly says what he's for and against. As opposed to fakes like Buttigig who are constantly spinining and hiding what they truly believe.

Big Mike said...

@Shouting Thomas, it’s even warmer and more pleasant here in the Shenandoah Valley, but thanks to Democrats I would not characterize Virginia as “peaceful.”

rcocean said...

"Let alone the 1950s when top marginal tax rates exceeded 90%!"

People forget that Reagan's great "tax cut" of the early 1980s lowered the top rate to 50%. Now, the rich squeal like stuck pigs because they pay 38%. The super rich aren't responsible for our prosperity. Personally, I'd favor a wealth tax on everything over $5 Billion.

Big Mike said...

I am curious about whether anyone has published a breakout of Nevada caucusing by ethnic group? How much support did Buttigieg get from black and Latino voters? The conventional wisdom was that he’d find very little support due to the way he treated black and Latino neighborhoods in South Bend. Is that how it played out?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Now, the rich squeal like stuck pigs because they pay 38%.

I don't know about that but the super rich pay even less than that. Way less. Romney probably paid like 12% and Trump too, I'd bet. Way less than their secretaries. Fuck them all.

hombre said...

Mayor Pete favors the Gramscian approach to converting the nation to communism. Bernie’s approach is too abrasive.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

hombre wants to convert the nation to eternal cold warism.

Thomas Paine wanted UBI. What a marxist that patriot was. And decades before Marx himself was even born!

Face it, hombre - your beliefs are foreign to America. Unless by "America" you mean Coolidge-Hooverism.

Temujin said...

President Toilet Paper:
I actually love this country. Which is why I know Bernie and today's Dems are the end of it.

All the greatness America achieved under FDR? Seriously.
Like watching the holocaust from his summer home and ignoring it until that war came to his front door and HAD to do something? It's not like we're talking a tribe of Taliban. The Nazis and Japan were carving up the rest of the world.

As for his 'work' at home, here's a book for you to read, The Forgotten Man After reviewing it, go back and order it through the Althouse Portal. Not sure what you've been spoonfed in your schools, but this might clear your head.

Andrew said...

That was my thought when watching his speech last night. Can he turn off the anger even once? Can he lighten up just a little bit?

Even if he were not a socialist, even if what he espoused was reasonable, I'd never vote for him. How is he going to sell himself as a candidate if it looks like he's about to blow a gasket?

mccullough said...

When the marginal rates were 90%, taxpayers had a lot more deductions.

Now Liberal New Yorkers and California’s are screaming because the Orange Man limited their SALT deduction to $10,000. And capped the mortgage deduction.

For the good old days of the 1950s when Country Club fees paid by companies for their executives were tax deductible to the company and not taxed as income to the executive.

Make Country Clubs Great Again

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I actually love this country. Which is why I know Bernie and today's Dems are the end of it.

This is a non-sequitur. And it's nonsensical. The only America you could love if you hate Bernie and Democrats is the one that existed prior to 1929. Were you even born then? Or do you just want to pretend that, like the Civil War, it never happened? And changed nothing?

All the greatness America achieved under FDR? Seriously.

Yep. Seriously.

Like watching the holocaust from his summer home and ignoring it until that war came to his front door and HAD to do something?

Not much he could have done, especially since there was no policy for implementing the aims of the Holocaust until the Wannsee Conference of 1942 - more than a month after the Pearl Harbor attack made it possible for the US to even enter WWII.

You think America doesn't stop enough immigration and isn't isolationist enough now? You should have seen back then. And Republicans supported those policies as much as anyone.

It's not like we're talking a tribe of Taliban. The Nazis and Japan were carving up the rest of the world.

Oh they were? I never noticed. What deep scholarly knowledge you have.

As for his 'work' at home, here's a book for you to read, The Forgotten Man After reviewing it, go back and order it through the Althouse Portal.

Revisionist tripe doesn't become any less revisionist tripe because a conservative political pundit remembers to title it after the same forgotten men that they didn't care about at any time from Taft through W. Bush. Only conservative politicians find praise for that manifesto. Economists have junked it.

Not sure what you've been spoonfed in your schools, but this might clear your head.

Lol. Back to your Mein Kampf with you. Nice revisionist economics. And good to know that you think the Holocaust was in full swing prior to 1941.

Bernie Sanders can school you on all that stuff. Instead of imagining stuff up from the past in the comforts of your own armchair, his family actually lived it. He can tell you a lot more about it than your right-wing political hacks can.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Shlaes used phony statistics and intentionally omitted anyone earning money through FDR's many public works programs. I guess because the money they made was money that she and her fellow ideologues think that they shouldn't have made, preferring them to starve instead.

What a hack.

Chuck said...

Yes, it is a really wonderful point made by Althouse and picked up by others here; Sanders seems to be in 24/7/365 Anger mode. Even in a victory speech.

It reminds me of Trump’s speech to the CIA on his first full day in office. Freshly inaugurated as President of the United States, in front of the Agency’s wall of heroes, Trump still went off on a lengthy tirade about the news media.

But isn’t that what both the Bernie and Trump crowds want? Raging, howling against their perceived oppressors?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Stop getting all emotional and distracted by emotions, Chuck. Focus on the substance of what's being said. If you want a teddy bear who will do ASMR for you then maybe get into New Age, or find a psychiatrist who will help you overcome your need for a presidential daddy figure to whisper sweet nothings into your ear.

Sanders is doing the FDR thing, which is exactly what the country needs. They tried wistful Reagan speech tones, and it just outsourced the hell out of us. And Obama just smiled and acted cool and also failed to address the things that ended up getting your buddy elected.

No more of this cocktail party circuit-style of presidential campaigning. It's done.

Chuck said...

Sanders is to FDR as Trump is to Lincoln.

And as I punctuated that sentence, I felt the need to add, “And I mean that in the most insulting and demeaning way that you can imagine.”

Marc in Eugene said...

I plan to ask my D rep how many of the eleven brands of deodorant that Bernie says are too many he plans to eliminate, and which ones. Now there’s a wedge issue! I think Old Spice will make it. Even jokingly suggesting Secret will cost you the women’s vote...

Usually I don't bother my congressman (Mr DeFazio) because, barring a miracle that I don't expect to be the occasion of, he is immovably immured in his progressive Democrat positions but maybe I'll go to his next 'open office' event in town and ask him this question.

Jupiter said...

It's kind of amazing to realize that the Soviet Union died unlamented of its own criminality in the 90's, but the disinformation campaigns it started to weaken America are still going strong, and have become the platform of the Democrat Party.

Jon Ericson said...

Let the hate flow through you.
We enjoy the conniptions.
Feels good, man.

FullMoon said...

".. turn the page on this era in our politics by establishing a tone of belonging, bringing an end to the viciousness and the bullying that is tearing apart our country. We must change what it feels like to live in the United States of America."

Imagine what it would be like if the media stressed the good things about the state of the country. If celebrities stopped complaining. If American children were once again brainwashed to think of USA as a melting pot where citizens all shared common values, instead of forcing diversity upon them.

Ah, never mind..

Shouting Thomas said...

I’m going to have to entertain the notion that Ritmo is actually the Unabomber operating anonymously from prison.

Same mentality.

I’m a genius! I’m a genius!

I’ll hose you down with adjectives!

You can’t be particularly functional, Ritmo. Are you on welfare?

FullMoon said...

Does free tuition include med school? Room and board? Food stamps, section 8 and welfare?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Sanders is to FDR as Trump is to Lincoln.

Right, LLR-Chuck. And you're one to know. Name a single thing Sanders is doing that is different (especially less democratically!) than FDR did or would have done.

You can't do it.

Hey, just because your party's been filled with nothing but hacks, poseurs and haters ever since having made Teddy Roosevelt persona non grata doesn't mean you can blame your lack of direction on us.

Shouting Thomas said...

Second question, Ritmo:

The Unabomber was a virgin at age 50.

Are you a virgin, too?

Shouting Thomas said...

You can feel that storm of adjectives boiling up in Ritmo’s diseased brain, ready to blow his top!

Watch out!

He’s a political expert! On welfare.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Oh, Tommy. Go fight the white fight for your government SSI.

You don't have to blow that priest any more. And chances are, his archdiocese can't pay you for it any more anyway.

But the good news is, Full Moon is here and he's ready to get as close to you as you two lovebirds are willing to get. No matter how wrinkly and varicose that old hog is.

Full Moon's lips are already smacking at the opportunity. He loves old guys like you - in that way. Don't let him down; he needs guidance. And you need to feel useful.

FullMoon said...

50 year old Manchild threatens:
"No more of this cocktail party circuit-style of presidential campaigning. It's done. "

Tell 'em I'm comin', and Hell's comin' with me!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It must be tough Tommy, not having an immigrant corporate lawyer to support you any longer. What was the highest annual pay you took home?

You know, it will say on your government SSI statements what that was, in case you forgot.

I'm out to live life. But otherwise I'd wait to see how long you'd weasel out of an answer on that one.

Shouting Thomas said...

Really, Ritmo, the person who has to live with that obnoxious, juvenile shit going on in his brain is you.

I apologize to Howard for suggesting that he operates at Ritmo’s level of abysmal stupidity.

Howard’s Aristotle in comparison.

Find something to do with your life, idiot.

FullMoon said...

50 year old manchild feels the Bern

Turns out to be diaper rash (Bloomberg worthy?)

Shouting Thomas said...

Ritmo, you obviously have nothing to do and nobody in your life.

FullMoon said...

I apologize to Howard for suggesting that he operates at Ritmo’s level of abysmal stupidity.
Difference is, Howard does it on purpose, for fun..

hstad said...

LOL - Bernie Sanders just got the endorsement of Nicaragua’s Dictator - Daniel Ortega.


Yancey Ward said...

Wow, Buttuvwxyz went all in on the civility bullshit.

Yancey Ward said...

Althouse Jr. needs to put in some deeper thought into that little electability meme of his. Sanders does better with men and young people and worse with women and the elderly in the Democratic nomination race- that is why his, Cohen's, reasoning is weak and almost surely wrong about Sanders' chances in the general election.

I am reluctant to cite them most of the time, but in this case I don't have to worry too much about bias in doing so- head to head polls of the various Democrats vs Trump demonstrate that Sanders is likely the strongest candidate to face Trump. Sanders is the one candidate that might be able to cut into Trump's biggest demographic advantages- his advantages with men and working class white people.

Also, one final point- Sanders crushed everyone last night except Biden in the minority voters, and it will take a good showing among minority voters to win for the Democrats in November.

narciso said...

not surprising at all, the educational templates are soviet designed,

Bunkypotatohead said...

Three days ago Bloomburger was the man to beat.
All these political prognosticators are worse than the guy who reads the weather on TV. Five day forecast my ass.

Ken B said...

The gop could run Jesus against Mussolini and they would still lose the senate seat in Michigan.

Ken B said...

“ Wow, Buttuvwxyz went all in on the civility bullshit.”
He can get away with it though, because he's much better a Christian than Mike Pence.

wbfjrr2 said...

Yancey Ward, if Bernie is such a strong candidate, why are the dems running away from him, including the down ballot dems?

The polling industry sucks, as I think you know, so citing them convinces almost nobody who’s thinking.

Blacks going for Bernie— likely inner city types wanting free shit?

Big Mike said...

[Pete Buttigieg] can get away with it though, because he's much better a Christian than Mike Pence.

And how much does Pete contribute to charity? And I am talking his money, not tax dollars.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

We should use more measured speech when we call half the country
racist deplorables.

Neither Bernie's histrionics nor Buttboi's dulcet timbre will
sink or save the Dems.
It's their shitty policies and attitude towards over half of the US

When Hillary hears talk of 'tone'

...she's thinking "Sopranos"

The Godfather said...

Suppose the "Wise Persons" of the Democratic Party get together with Joe, and Liz, and Pete, and Mike, and Amy, and Tom (have I missed anyone?), and make them all agree: Whichever non-Bernie candidate comes out with the most delegates, all the others will agree to withdraw and support him/her.

narciso said...


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Well I can see a whole nine hours has gone by, and it didn't take Moon and Tom long to get down to the slurp slurp.

Tom likes performing that priestly function for you Moon. You remind him of the days when he was an altar boy.

He feels it's important for young cocksuckers like you to service old men like him. It's part of his own "circle of life." He did it when he was young, and now it's your turn.

And we can all tell how much you like making old men like him feel wanted.

Night, night, you two lovebirds. ;-)

Big Mike said...

With 87% reporting it's Bernie with 47.1%, Sleepy Joe Biden with 20.0%. and Mayor Pete with 13.7%. Does anyone know whether the 15% rule applies to Nevada? Because if so then Mayor Pete comes away with zero delegates while Bernie and Sleepy Joe split 36 delegates, roughly 25 to 11, give or take arcane rules that only a Democrat could come up with.

DeepRunner said...

Assuming nothing major happens that imperils Trump's nomination, which will happen in late August, this is what he should emphasize in his convention speech:

* Bernie's revolution is revolting to look at and think about
* Any Democrat claiming to be a capitalist worked against "you and me" for the last four years to undo the election of 2016
* For all their talk of being pro-choice, the only choice Democrats want is for your choice in all things to be eliminated

Feed the base, and you feed the beast.

Unknown said...

> I wonder if anyone in the media will describe Sanders' rhetoric as "divisive".

No his utopia is "bold"

> There is no chance that Crazy Bernie wins the Presidency.

He is running on massive economic change

during the best economy we've had

Hopefully he forces the fake Dem moderates down ticket to drop their masks (Doug Jones)....

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