Ha ha. That reminds me. 2 days ago it was my birthday, and I saw in my Google alerts that The Boston Globe had mentioned my name:
Thanks, but "legal affairs blogger" feels so off. Even when I was still working as a law professor, I didn't feel like a "legal affairs blogger." Even when I've thought of my blog as partially "law blogging," I haven't thought of it as "legal affairs" blogging. Anyway, thanks, Boston Globe.
I have said this every year on my bloggiversary, and I can say it again this year: I have blogged every single day. No days off — no holidays or sick days or down days in the world of Althouse blogging. In the early years of blogging, that seemed very special, but now, it's super-normal, and not hard to do at all. You might think I have to force myself at least some of the time to keep up this long record — 5,844 days in a row so far — but I don't. Was there ever a day when it was just a chore, an idea of needing to find something to put up on the blog? Actually, no! I love writing on this blog, and I only write about what interests me and only to understand and give meaning to things for myself.
If that works for you, thanks for reading. If you think I should be blogging about things I'm skipping or I should be doing this a different way, I don't know what you are doing here! Nevertheless, it's great fun to write knowing that people are here and reading.
And, so, the new year begins. Year 17.
Congrats on the anniversary, and happy belated birthday!
Cal Ripken wore number 8 on his jersey; Althouse now qualifies to wear number 16 on hers. Congratulations!
And I wrote that before seeing the banned commenter above.
Congratulations Ann. One of the only blogs left where I still partake.
Congratulations, professor.
I've been reading since day one. It's been a great ride.
Have always enjoyed your work, and arguing with you.
i keep forgetting that you and Rush are twins, happy late bDay!
and happy bloggiversery !
Well. damn! Happy anniversary and birthday, young lady. Thank you very much for letting me play here.
Congratulations. Your blog can now drive a car in Texas. Don't run us off the road.
Happy bloggiversary, professor!
(Do we get cake and ice cream?)
Happy Birthday and Happy Blog Anniversary!
Your writing has made this a very interesting site for me, a marketplace of ideas with some great commenters. I'm surprised that you don't get quoted more in the mainstream media, but then again Glenn Reynolds is right about its systemic bias.
Keep up the good work!
I love your blog, and read it first every morning, then several times during the day. You have uncommon insights, humor, intellectual rigor, and wisdom.
Congratulations on your "bloggiversary," from an old Badger (MS `81, Phd `84). Please keep it up!
Happy belated b-day!!!
You’re the best. The Number One Blogger in the Universe!
Congratulations, I started reading you a year or so later. I do not think I have missed a day checking in on what is interesting you.
No bloggiversary songso this will have to do for both it and your birthday. Congratulations and thanks.
I started reading your blog around fifteen years ago. I was really into Frank J Fleming at IMAO.us and he had linked to you dismissing his humor. I couldn’t understand how you didn’t get such a funny guy but I stuck around for some reason. Fifteen years later, I still read your blog every day and still can’t understand how you don’t appreciate Frank J and his new home at the Babylon Bee.
Happy Birthday and Bloggiversary!
You share a birthday with The Amazing Kreskin. Kinda cool.
Happy bloggiversary!
Happy bloggiversary!
Happy bloggiversary, Althouse.
I started reading your blog during the 2007 campaign season after hearing Rush mention it, so it’s ironic that the two of you share a birthday.
It’s pretty much first on my morning routine, right after Dilbert.
Thank you for what you do. I have been reading you regularly for most of your 16 years.
A belated Happy Birthday and congratulations on the annual nonsense to you!
Althouse and Insty are the only two blogs that I still read after discovering their value years ago. Althouse daily, Insty bi-weekly or so.
My appreciation of this blog and Althouse as a person speaks for itself.
That said, I do believe Althouse did go 24 hours without posting during that tumultuous time when she was struggling with comments and on a road trip.
I made a note of it.
Happy anniversary. I appreciate your dedication and consistency.
Thank you, ma'am. Happy Anniversary.
The Lou Gehrig of bloggers. I’m another big fan.
Congratulations! I first came here around the fall of 2004. I remember being baffled by one of your posts that I understood to support George W. Bush. How could such an intelligent and aware person support him? I now like George Bush.
There have been many columnists that I followed regularly but stopped after awhile because their columns became just variations of a theme. I've stuck with reading your blog because of your freewheelin' approach and there are a number of interests and perspectives that we share in common.
Glad to hear that you still have a passion for this. Hope that continues for many more yearns.
Blogger Kylos said...
I started reading your blog around fifteen years ago. I was really into Frank J Fleming at IMAO
Forgot about him. He cracked me up. I didn't know he was at Babylon Bee. No wonder it's the best comedy on the web.
Not enough comedy on the web. Or anywhere.
Your blogging streak is very impressive, even if it's something you love doing. Thanks.
And happy belated birthday.
I offer good advice, even though you don't need it. Keep blogging about what interests you. Some stuff I can't generate any interest in myself, but I'm a better person for being exposed to new concepts, or different takes on old subjects.
You staying true to your interests is what keeps this space fresh.
Besides, its you interests that cultivates the quality of commenters.<how do you spell that word?
Happy Anniversary!! I love your blog!! It is the first thing I go to in the morning. (I gave up Drudge over a year ago...he was first!!)
Happy belated birthday and happy blogging anniversary !!
Congratulations, dear Ann! May we all be around to enjoy your insights and observations and your acolytes' comments for many years to come.
Happy birthday and anniversary Ann, and many more.
Well then, happy belated birthday and happy blogging anniversary.
You know, I hope, that being around and viable for this length of time, in this marketplace, means you're doing something right. Congratulations.
I love that. You are the Lou Gehrig of bloggers.
Happy Bbirthday. Happy Aanniversary.
Thanks for the years. Always wonder how you do this every stinkin day. But glad you do.
Ann, thanks for the ride!
Congratulations! I love this blog, and love the professor’s unique take on things. At this point virtually all my news comes from here.
Happy happy birthday and happy bloggiversary !
I've enjoyed reading and commenting here greatly.
I am fortunate enough to have once made a comment here that earned me a tag. I consider it to be like a golfer considers winning a major championship.
Best wishes going forward.
Reading your blog and sharing aloud to my husband some of your observations or those of your commenters has made me feel like a more interesting person in the morning. I deliberately seek out your blog over the daily newspaper which is just filled with AP stories...it's like getting to have dessert first. Congrats on your impressive blogging record.
You may not feel like it’s a big deal to blog like 5,000,000 days in a row, but not many people can or will do that AND stay interesting and engaged. It’s actually quite amazing, and I tip my cap to you Ann. Congratulations and thanks for being there for us.
Congrats Althouse. You always manage to keep it interesting. Thanks for all you do.
Lou Gehrig? When does Ann become the Cal Ripken of blogging? Personally I prefer the Phil Garner of blogging. Happy Anniversary and a cheers to the start of a new blog year using the Althousian calendar.
Congrats. I can't even remember when I started reading (well before Meade asked you out as I was here for that).
Althouse is, without question, my favorite blog.
There are some mornings you post late and I wonder, "Is today the day she skips", but without fail, all these years, there is always something here for me.
In the days of me-too & affirmative consent, "legal affairs" seems like a different thing..
What's Ann been looking at over there all these years?
A big congrats, didn't miss a day even when having eye surgery !!!
Althouse is my last stop in the morning because I like to linger.
And belated Happy Birthday to Althouse who is almost exactly two years older than me and lived part of her young life about 20 miles away from me in NJ.
Thanks very much for this blog. You have unique and varied interests and take me places I wouldn't ordinarily go. You're fun to hang out with.
Congratulations! It really is an amazing accomplishment. Really fun on this side as well.
No bloggiversary song so this will have to do for both it and your birthday
Yep no bloggiversary song. This anniversary song might do. I send it to my wife every anniversary in lieu of flowers. Works every time. Yes, I married well...
And, so, the new year begins. Year 17.
Thanks, but "legal affairs blogger" feels so off... I haven't thought of it as "legal affairs" blogging.
We'll talk next year... when you've reached the age of consent in Wisconsin.
When all our blogging affairs will be "legal affairs".
Happy birthday and anniversary both. My day isn’t complete without at least a couple visits here, I appreciate that every day there is something new. Thanks Ann!
Correction, it's two years until the blog is 18.
A smart lady with 16 years of thinking like a woman. Now she's suspicious of panderers to women but still not suspicious of thinking like a woman.
"We'll talk next year... when you've reached the age of consent in Wisconsin. "
Ah yes, one final year of blissful marriage to a sexagenarian. What comes next? I'll have to look it up.
(Whew! I was afraid it might be veganarian.)
If you think I should be blogging about things I'm skipping ..., I don't know what you are doing here!
Hoping that you'll blog about those things in your usual interesting and insightful way. Of course. And enjoying what you are blogging about.
“You might think I have to force myself at least some of the time to keep up this long record — 5,844 days in a row so far — but I don't. Was there ever a day when it was just a chore, an idea of needing to find something to put up on the blog? Actually, no! I love writing on this blog, and I only write about what interests me and only to understand and give meaning to things for myself.”
Good for you! Life is too short to not do what one loves.
A smart lady with 16 years of thinking like a woman
And no thinking at all before that.
You are The Dude, Althouse.
I read the blog everyday, first thing. Thank you.
Congrats for garnering another year of blogging excellence.
Happy bloggiversary, and thanks for all of the interesting takes that keep us coming back.
I LOVE that the only person whose occupation is not included in the Boston Globe birthday announcements is "The Amazing Kreskin." It's just assumed.
Like I said, always something interesting.
You're doing great, ma'am! I greatly enjoy what you cover and your willingness to take an independent view. Thank you!
This blog is now old enough to drive. Can’t wait until it’s old enough to legally drink and smoke.
Happy anniversary, Ann!
Happy bloggiversary! I really look forward to reading every day. We never know what we will find.
Looking at my bookmarks backup file from long ago, your blog was added Christmas Eve 2006.
My first memory of your blog tells me (vividly) that it was a post about the TV Show Jericho expressing wonder at where they got all the candles. After searching on a few occasions, that memory seems to be inaccurate.
Dear Althouse, thanks for making the interweb so interesting and addictive.
Happy birthal-anniversary and bloggal-anniversary! Can't say I have never missed day reading your daily posts but it's maybe 99.4%. One never knows what topics and information one will find here but it's all very much appreciated.
Started reading your blog during GWB's second campaign to get a pulse on the electorate. I wasn't disappointed, and I've been with you ever since. Congratulations!
Have a great one.
"I love writing on this blog, and I only write about what interests me..."
Must be something about the birthday. That sounds a lot like what Rush says about his radio show. Have you thought about an "open blog Friday" where you take up topics suggested by the audience? Just kidding, of course.
Happy Bloggiversary, and I hope you're having more fun than a human being should be allowed to have.
Congrats, Ann.
Happy belated birthday and happy bloggiversary! Thanks for sharing your insight and your artistry with us throughout these 16 years.
Happy birthday, congrats and thanks! When I vow to give up the internet cesspit (as I do from time to time for sanity’s sake), I always find I can’t quit you. Your thoughtful writing is a beacon shining through the muck.
“ That said, I do believe Althouse did go 24 hours without posting during that tumultuous time when she was struggling with comments and on a road trip.”
The record is based on days, which begin and end at midnight. There was a day when we were traveling when I didn’t blog until the end of the day and that might have followed a day when the last post was in the morning. But there are no skipped days, not anywhere in the archive, and absolutely no cheating by prewriting and scheduling a post for later of by backdating.
That one day when I didn’t blog until late was disturbing to some people, since you had no way to know if I was suddenly not there because I had some personal calamity. But no, we we just hiking at Arches.
I love writing on this blog, and I only write about what interests me and only to understand and give meaning to things for myself.
The best are ones where the blogger writes for themselves, not for attention and clicks. It's why I keep coming back to Althouse.
Happy anniversary Ann
Thumbs up. You've done a fine job, AA.
Happy blogger-Ann-versary,
Yes, your record of daily blog posts is amazing. I couldn't do anything everyday for thousands of days. You're the Iron man of blogging.
I can't wait until the blog goes to prom!
"and absolutely no cheating by prewriting and scheduling a post for later of by backdating."
That's interesting. I just assumed some of those "road trip" posts were prewritten. That's even more impressive.
I started enjoying LaAlthouse's salon in 2008. Where do I re-enlist for another 12 year hitch?
We were commenters once and young.
Who still remembers mobile Althouse taking us into the Ia Drang Valley outside Cincinnati? She won that battle and would not leave her man behind.
Glad you're here. Your blog is consistently one of the brightest spots of my day. (That's supposed to be a compliment, not a suggestion as to how dismal the rest of the world seems.)
Congratulations on your blogging anniversary, belated happy birthday. Hope you keep blogging - I enjoy reading and occasionally commenting.
Great blog! Happy Anniversary.
A quote from this blog post by Althouse from wayback in 2006 appears in An Anxious Age by Joseph Bottom published in 2014. This was the first book I ever read that linked bloggers like Althouse and Glenn Reynolds to serious discussions of the sort that previously only appeared in books. (This book is about "elites" and why today's "elites" are not the elite of any community, social or spiritual. They don't look to improve any community or lead to any salvation which is a unique state of affairs.) Anyhow on this birthday I thought you'd like to see bloggers getting into books. And the post is interesting - it looks ahead and looks back.
Time Flies!
I've been reading ever since Insty mentioned that you were looking for a new car.
I congratulate you on this anniversary.
Happy birthday too.
Say hi to Meade.
Congratulations, Happy Birthday (a bit belated but only a bit), and keep on having FUN! FUN! FUN!
Like Browndog earlier, my main blog-reading is Althouse and Instapundit, although I also read (lightly) Volokh, a few nutrition / health blogs, and a couple of climate science blogs. There's others I would love to read regularly, but even in retirement there are only so many hours in the day.
For current events and "color", it would be hard to beat Althouse and Instapundit.
Keep Althouse Great!
Happy Sweet Sixteen, professor.
and, as of today, i can now read your posts with cataract free eyes. i read (and re-read) your cataract posts carefully, regarding you as an insightful and faithful reporter. your description of the withdrawing from the sighted world and the new beginnings proved true. merci beaucoup.
Damn! Sporty Spice is 46!!!!!
I have been a regular visitor (around once every three days at that time) since about 2005 or so, but I lurked for years before offering a comment. I remember reading blog entries from 2004 (election related mostly, and linked from other blogs and comments sections, most likely Drum's Political Animal), but I didn't have the page bookmarked until 2005. I started visiting every day during the Walker vs Wisconsin unions brouhaha in 2011.
Happy blog day (and B+2)!
You've made this blog worth reading every day, which I've done for many years. I do miss some of the commenters from years past (sippican cottage, etc.) who, for one reason or another, dropped off.
Visited occasionally many years ago, but made it a regular stop during all the Wisconsin madness. Thanks for the work and the insights.
Here's to 16 more.
The stats are amazing-- I can only follow 20-25% of the threads, and I take breaks from even that much (the World and Althouse go on spinning).
Congratulations and thanks for letting us roughhouse here.
16, legal in many jurisdictions!
"Legal affairs blogger" sounds better than "radical right wing blogger" as you're sometimes characterized. How would you like to be described, in 4 words or less?
Happy Anniversary and belated birthday. You also share a birthday with my late father-in-law.
Congratulatations on the new year of blogging! If there were an annual blogging awards show, you would have been nominated every year and been a strong contender for top honors in some of them. Ad multos annos!
I find this blog rather manducational
16?? THWEET!!
... (just had dental work)
Quite a run. Congratulations. Hope you (and the commenters) get many more years.
Re DrSquid, I usually put on my manacles (what I'm wearing when my beer goggles are off) when I read the Althouse blog. You have to be at the top of your game here.
Our Hostess' tolerance for different points of view and for the many big egos and prickly personalities here is, while finite, impressive and an inspiration to us all.
Many happy returns, Professor.
Many Thanks! I love your work! Been here at least 10 years!
Good luck,Good health!
Congratulations on 16 years, plus one day.
You have astonishing perspicacity!
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