From "Pen-t up anger: Republicans pounce on Pelosi over ceremonial writing tools" (in The Guardian), which I'm only reading because I noticed the headline in a sidebar while I was writing a post that was largely about an odd use of a hyphen and I was extra-curious about "Pen-t."
People got angry about pens, and a pun was in reach — "pen"/"pent" — and the headline writer strained for it, deploying that hyphen (putting the pun in punctuation).
It really is a strain, too, because not only was the "t" in "pent" a problem, but the whole idea of "pent-up anger" is wrong. I don't think the pens really made anyone angry. Trump supporters simply jumped at a great opportunity to savage and mock their opponents. And if that counts as anger, it wasn't "pent-up," because Trump supporters have been expressing themselves all along, every chance they get. We're very expressive these days.
Speaking of very expressive, here's Greg Gutfeld:
Here's @greggutfeld losing his mind over Pelosi giving away pens she used to sign impeachment articles, followed by footage of Trump giving away dozens of pens like candy mere hours ago following his China deal signing ceremony— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) January 15, 2020
And Rupar has lost his mind if he believes Gutfeld was losing his mind. Gutfeld was performing an excellent comic riff. It was effective and entertaining, and I presume Rupar knows it and is just rather dully using the boring internet approach of characterizing anything colorful as crazy.
ADDED: Trump's signing of the China deal is not like what Pelosi did at all. He quickly signs his name with one pen then hands a whole lot of pens over to be distributed as the ceremonial pens. Pelosi writes her signature in little segments, switching from pen to pen, so that each pen has the special magic of having been used to sign the document:
So much for a "solemn" event...
I love how they LOVE to spend our money on frivolous things, and then cry about how we don't want to fund their pet causes like abortion. It's time to take our money back, and DEMAND term limits. People are sick and tired of these elite asswipes that are above the law.
Pelosi Sends in Articles of Winepeachment
The impeachment is supposed to be a somber act. Democrats are supposed to act somber. Passing out pens is a celebration. Democrats are happily celebrating the success of their political scheme.
Karma has been known to be a bit of a bitch sometimes...
This whole impeachment thing was a ratings stunt for CNN and MSNBC.
Republicans "pounce"" again.
I love it when we do that for obvious reasons. One of Hobbes's tiger aphorisms is "If you can't pounce and over-run, you'll never devour anyone."
Nancy's gloating smile shows that she is a liar about this "solemn" event. She was absolutely giddy. We aren't blind...and neither are we dumb...Karma is a bitch!!!
I don't remember Trump saying he was sorrowful and prayerful about the China trade deal. That's the difference.
That frozen, demented look on Pelosi’s face (rictus?) warned me off of clicking the video.
GREG GUTFIELD: "..I’m trying to control myself from swearing. That was a frickin’ ceremony! You have ceremonies to award medals. You have ceremonies at weddings and funerals. This was like a baptism of the Addams Family! Did you notice they had a silver platter for the pens! Everybody got a special party favor — a little pen to take home! We are paying for those frickin’ pens and for that platter! And then you see the media taking pictures of the pens. Ooh look how special the pens are! They were spackling a turd with gold paint, right? And we’re all suckers! We’re all suckers for believing this is serious. We know it’s a sham. They say it’s historical, or it’s historic. That’s b.s., alright?! We know this was an emotional tantrum directed at daddy who won the election, and they’re mad at daddy. So we have to go through this phony procession. Ooh, let’s show pictures of the cloak room! Ooh, let’s watch them walk down the halls! Ooh, this is breaking news! Let’s repeat 25 times over and over again until I want to blow my brains out. If you’re a viewer, and you’re watching this coverage here’s four things you gotta remember. The media controls the narrative. Look what happened to The Five, right? They put the money in the jukebox, we gotta dance! Number two, the Dems and the media have been working on this for three years. So this ain’t a moral cause. This was a political vocation, meant to unseat an election. Number three, they don’t hate Trump. They hate you. He’s a proxy for you ’cause you voted for him. They think you’re a bunch of rubes ’cause you didn’t listen to the media. This is their revenge. And last but not least, you gotta store all that anger. And when this is over and when they lose — ’cause they will — you gotta rub their noses in their loss ’til the day they retire!...."
Nancy with the Medicated Eyes...
1. The Five is the only thing worth watching in Fox, and Gutfeld is a treasure.
2. If they have to preempt The Five then FNC should show it later like whatever used to call “tape delayed” so I can DVR it.
3. The younger Murdochs appear to have no idea how Daddy and Ailes kept the cable news channel interesting and relevant and I’ve no more patience for their obsession with both-side-ism especially now when the DNC-Prigressive takes have become more and more detached from reality.
4. Wonder what’s going on in the world? Don’t bother checking FNC CNN MSNBC because all of them would rather quote Trump tweets than tell us the fucking news, the facts about what is happening outside the DC-NYC bubble.
’Pelosi writes her signature in little segments, switching from pen to pen, so that each pen has the special magic of having been used to...’
...destroy all hopes of democrat electoral success in 2020.
The Guardian article is written by Matrhew Cantor, who is only a copy editor. This is not even journalism. It's only someone reading twitter and making up things to say about people's emotional state.
LBJ used "nearly a hundred pens" to sign the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
The world appears senile to her.
Yes I meant “prigressive.” Figure it out.
At the next Trump event, he should expose a t-shirt under his dress shirt that says:
"I got impeached and all I have to show for it is this louse t-shirt!"
Then sell some of them them on-line, signed by him for all his fans!
they don’t hate Trump. They hate you. He’s a proxy for you ’cause you voted for him. They think you’re a bunch of rubes ’cause you didn’t listen to the media.
This is oft repeated and I'm not sure its true. I don't think lefties give much thought to you. You show up in the tehir internal polls as a number. You're a number to them. An unpopular number. Fortunate in their minds they have developed legal and media schemes to override and sidestep this unpopular number. You''re an irrelevant number.
Tell me again about the problems with single use plastics.
Their pompous farce brings to mind -
"I guess we were all guilty, in a way. We all shot him, we all skinned
him, and we all got a complimentary bumper sticker that said, 'I helped
skin Bob.'"
AND she is not the President.
Nancy is SO HAPPY! she's written herself into history, as:
The Lady That Impeached The First President to Win Reelection After Impeachment
She'll be a Jeopardy Question some day!
This dried out shrew signed the paper, that guaranteed President Trump's Election
This is either the last impeachment for 100 years or the start of a cycle of impeachment that will engulf every future POTUS. Nancy has diminished the act, and ceded even more power to an executive she claims is already too powerful. What empowerment is greater than defeating a sham impeachment and striding to a 45-state overwhelming victory over the party trying to remove you?
For someone so obviously caught up in her own delusions of queendom, Nancy really should have better understood the old adage about striking at the king. She’s now handed him a solidly Republican majority to employ in his second term. Seeing as her side is all sore losers, they won’t be able to contain themselves when Orange Man Bad takes the oath again.
And if that counts as anger, it wasn't "pent-up," because Trump supporters have been expressing themselves all along, every chance they get. We're very expressive these days.
Althouse includes herself among the group of "Trump supporters." That's (good) news to me.
Gutfeld is correct - they do hate us.
The pens had to be made twice (at taxpayer expense), because the word "united" was mis-spelled as "untied". Good grief!
The younger Murdochs appear to have no idea how Daddy and Ailes kept the cable news channel interesting and relevant and I’ve no more patience for their obsession with both-side-ism especially now when the DNC-Prigressive takes have become more and more detached from reality.
They want those cocktail party invitations. One of the boys just paid $150 million for a house in LA. They are edging left with Brazile and Harf and ratings will start to slip if competition apprears.
As to hating us as much as hating Trump, look at comments on Facebook. They hate us. Look at Chuck's idiotic drivel.
"Do I not entertain you?!"
Nothing new about the pens thing. They're worth money though, for props at fundraisers and so forth.
Pretty twisted to be proud of this impeachment. It represents failure no matter how you look at it. Happily handing out the pens is like carefully preserving the ashtray you threw at your ex in that big fight that finally led to your separation and filing for divorce.
How serious and somber can the occasion be if you're signing like that?
“Here’s a ceremonial pen that was used to sign the articles of impeachment in our unsuccessful attempt to remove Donald Trump!” Yeah, that will be really valuable on eBay.
where's Chewbacca, why didn't he get a medal,
The Democrats say this is a super somber, serious, super serious thing. But they act like it is a partisan show.
The pens remind me of Gus Grissom and the dimes that almost dragged him to the bottom of the Atlantic.
I was watching AHC the other night and the story of the capture of Adolph Eichmann was on. He was captured in 1961 in Argentina by the Israelis, flown back to Israel, stood trial and was executed.
What struck me about the operation was while the men were relieved and even celebratory as they were leaving Argentinian airspace there was complete seriousness and professionalism in what they were doing. After his hanging in 1962 his body was immediately cremated, the ashes dumped in a bucket and taken by ship to international waters to be dumped. Even the bucket was washed out so no part of this evil man made it back to Israel.
I guess my point is the men in this operation weren't about to make trophies of their work. This was serious work and they treated it as such. Obviously taking out the architect to killing 6M isn't in the same category as whatever they think Trump did, but overturning an election is pretty serious business. You'd think they'd treat it as such.
al Jazeera is a cheerleader for Qatar's side, but of course,
well they bore an awesome responsibility, to bring to justice, someone who had been hitler's implements in the wansee protocols, I know the coauthor whose latest book inspired the last film, now Eichmann's lieutenant, alois brunner, made it to Syria, helped oversee the chemical rockets for Nasser and train assad's security force,
Granny Winebox and her Pens of Many Colors.
an uninteresting kabuki
aaron 'tractor' Rupar, again, how does he keep coming up like a bad penny,
“Trump supporters simply jumped at a great opportunity to savage and mock their opponents. And if that counts as anger, it wasn't "pent-up," because Trump supporters have been expressing themselves all along, every chance they get. We're very expressive these days.”
That’s remarkably similar to how Trump opponents jump, to mock and savage Trump. It’s not anger, nor is it pent up on our parts either, because we’ve been expressing ourselves all along too. Expression is a good thing.
no wonder
Presidents do this all the time when there is some major bill signing ceremony. I always thought it silly and I don't think PDJT does it. He signs once, with one pen and then gives out souvenir pens. Or at least he did yesterday.
Has any congressperson or Senator ever done this before? If they have, I never noticed or don't remember.
John Henry
where's Chewbacca, why didn't he get a medal,
I was the only one in the theater who laughed at that in TROSW
Obviously the delay in sending the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate was caused by the time it took Vistaprint to gin up those custom pens.
Nancy and her pack of corruptocats can all go to hell.
There are some bitter lessons to be learned here. But only Marxists think history is determined by laws. There is always a huge component of contingency.
If you wreck your engineering schools in the name of diversity and inclusion, there will be consequences. If you conform "science" to an ideology of race, class, and gender, there will be consequences. If math becomes political, there will be consequences.
I never forgot that I practiced a form of sophistry for a living. Lawyers may know the truth, but we don't seek it. We seek a plausible story that we can make convincing.
And tigers really do want to eat their prey.
Number three, they don’t hate Trump. They hate you. He’s a proxy for you ’cause you voted for him. They think you’re a bunch of rubes ’cause you didn’t listen to the media.
I think that captures it especially when it applies to the Althouse trolls.
Have some sympathy for Nancy. She doesn't get to sign much. I guess this is her big reveal: she thinks she the shadow POTUS.
This is a very sad, delusional, and frustrated human being. She may start raving about being Napoleon next. She needs help. Granny has gone nuts.
Pelosi forgot the "Mission Accomplished" banner in the background.
Did FDR use multiple pens to sign the declaration of war in 1941? And did he hand them out to friends and supporters?
Nancy unwittingly commemorating the event that all but guarantees Trump a second term.
If you wreck your engineering schools in the name of diversity and inclusion, there will be consequences. If you conform "science" to an ideology of race, class, and gender, there will be consequences. If math becomes political, there will be consequences.
This seems to be part of Identity Politics, which is as destructive a trend as I've seen in US history. Then engineering marvels that won World War II were based on Henry Ford and the genius of people like Andrew Carnegie and Donald Douglas. China has been training engineers for 30 years and India has been doing much the same with computer coding. Stanford now has a "minority Physics" department It is insane.
It’s not anger, nor is it pent up on our parts either, because we’ve been expressing ourselves all along too. Expression is a good thing.<
More doltish nonsense from the dolt. TDS is a rage like the Bernie guy who wants to put Trump voters in gulags, One Bernie guy already tried to kill the GOP leadership.
In the 60s, the Weathermen discussed concentration camps and killing 25 million people they could not convert to Marxism. These Democrats are the children of those Marxist murderers.
Actually, I’m pretty sure the inscription on the pens is, “We’re gonna impeach the motherf*cker!!”
Is Rupar an idiot, or just another dishonest leftist?
The Democrats have been trying to tell the story that impeaching Trump is a serious and solemn event. Then they play these celebratory games.
Trump is rightly and proudly celebrating signing a trade deal, an accomplishment. We're bagging on the Left for lying about why they're doing, not for celebrating it.
Ah, I see the problem. Rupar is a leftist. He KNOWS they lie all the time. He doesn't see why anyone would have a problem with that.
After al, complaining about his side lying would be like complaining about his side breathing. it's just so unfair of those mean Republicans!
Gee, I hate those people.
Nancy reminds me of the Ida Lowry character from the move "Brazil". She's decomposing before our eyes.
Each one of those pens probably represents a $100,000 contribution to Nancy pelosi's War chest
Professora said
And if that counts as anger, it wasn't "pent-up," because Trump supporters have been expressing themselves all along, every chance they get.
We're very expressive these days.
Q: is this an inclusive WE, royal WE or declaiming WE
Getting a pen which signed the articles of impeachment is like getting a piece of the one true cross.
Expression on the Left: Acting out, continuing refusal to accept results of November '16 election, i.e., reality
Expression on the Right: expressing righteous anger at this ongoing madness
"LBJ used "nearly a hundred pens" to sign the 1964 Civil Rights Act."
CRA and this impeachment.... yeah, just the same.
"Is Rupar an idiot, or just another dishonest leftist?"
I think he works for Vox, does that answer your question?
Howard said it best. $100k each.
Trump didn’t drive these people crazy, they were crazy all along.
Blogger Amadeus 48 said...
I never forgot that I practiced a form of sophistry for a living. Lawyers may know the truth, but we don't seek it. We seek a plausible story that we can make convincing.
Q: how does this work with LAW PROFESSORIAT?
The next time the Republicans get a House majority, they should proceed, on the very first day, to impeach Obama, Clinton, Carter, LBJ, JFK, Truman, FDR, Wilson, and Cleveland, with the charge in each case reading:
"on [one/two/four] counts of the same crime for which Donald J. Trump was impeached, viz., having dared to be elected over a Presidential candidate of the same party as the current House majority."
Hang them together or separately.
Blogger JAORE said...
"LBJ used "nearly a hundred pens" to sign the 1964 Civil Rights Act."
CRA and this impeachment.... yeah, just the same.
to the extent that both represent failure of constitutional process >>> yes
Just to recap, this was a partisan shampeachment. There was no "High Crime". Nobody cares, and no R's voted for it. IRC, one independent - Justin Amash - voted for it. We got impeachment because 228 D's - about 55% of the House - voted in lockstep for it.
It should have been dismissed out of hand, but the RINO sisters, Mittens, and a couple other R Senators, want to punish Trump and Grandstand.
Pelosi writes her signature in little segments, switching from pen to pen, so that each pen has the special magic of having been used to sign the document
Relics. Fragments of the True Cross. Idolatry.
Trump is President. Pelosi is (unconvincingly) pretending to be.
Because of RINO clowns like Mittens, we now have a precedent. Every impeachment by the House, no matter how weak or partisan, will result in a drawn out Senate Trial. Thereby giving the D's an incentive to "impeach" every R President in the future. Way to go Mitt, hell of a Job!
One good thing about Mittens being elected to the Senate, is we now know what a complete disaster Pierre Delecto would've been as President. It sad the USA had to suffer through 4 more years of Obama, but Mittens would've been even worse. Sometimes seemingly bad results turn out to be for the best.
If they do the same thing when he'e acquitted, these people can collect the whole set!
Blogger Michael K said...
Then engineering marvels that won World War II were based on Henry Ford
Amen and amen. I am huge fan of Henry Ford for inventing what is called today the "Toyota Production System" but that he called common sense.
And don't forget Charles Sorenson who started at Ford as a patternmaker in 1905 and quickly became general manager of all Ford manufacturing until 1945. He was the one who put Henry Ford's ideas on productivity to work.
In a few months, during WWII he:
Acquired a greenfield site called Willow Run
Built an enormous aircraft manufacturing plant 3.5mm square feet, 1 mile long
Plus airport
Acquired machinery for the plant
Hired and trained thousands of workers
And started producing B-24 bombers at the rate of 1 per hour. (Hour, as in 60 minutes)
It is pretty hard to defeat a country that can do something like this.
His autobiography "My 40 years with Ford" is a fascinating read and a must for anyone in manufacturing.
How long until the Trump Impeachment Commemorative Plates become available?
You can get a second one free if you call now and pay a separate shipping and handling fee.
Lance, here is a pic of FDR signing the declaration of war against Japan. Sure looks like a single pen. Looks like it came from the deskset seen in front of him so unlikely to be given away.
John Henry
Howard said...
Each one of those pens probably represents a $100,000 contribution to Nancy pelosi's War chest
So we agree that this was an illegal use of her government position for personal political gain, right?
I kept hearing on the media about how solemn the Democrats were, about having to take this terrible step.
Looks like "solemn" is the last word to describe all those happy faces.
I find Trump at times appalling, but his enemies are so much worse.
It's traditional to hand out pens when signing something historic that is for the good of the nation.
The only thing "historic" about the impeachment, is that is the first with no high crimes or misdemeanors. It was not intended for the good of the nation, it was intended for the good of the democratic party.
As for how tacky it was - did the Republicans hand out pens at the Clinton impeachment?
Terrific PBS interview of Steve Bannon.
I never watch long videos but this is worth two hours.
The hit job by Kelly in that first debate was a Fox News hit. Planned by Ailes and Murdoch.
Iman said...
"Is Rupar an idiot, or just another dishonest leftist?"
I think he works for Vox, does that answer your question?
Probably. "Embrace the healing power of 'and'"?
I've seen photos of this and some video excerpts, haven't picked up the sad and sober vibe just yet. Will keep looking. On second thought, nah, likely doesn't exist and I've got work to do.
That idiot Rupar does five tweets every time Trump says anything.
Wake up, people, we WANT a trial.
We want Schiff, Hunter Biden, and Joe Biden called as witnesses, and put under Oath.
We want Vindman brought under oath, without Schiff to protect him from questions.
We want the IC IG questioned about why he changed the whistleblower rules, and who he discussed that with.
We want a trial.
Part of "we" is "republican partisans who want to destroy the Democrats." But a majority of "we" is "an American patriot who doesn't want to see impeachment abused". The Democrats must be crushed, publicly and horribly, for their abuse of impeachment. And they must be crushed politically. They must lose so severely in November 2020 that no one will ever again go down their path.
And the best way to do that is to use this impeachment trial to expose their corruption to teh American people. To personally destroy everyone involved with it.
THAT is the goal
Wouldn't it be hilarious if Pelosi gets voted out of office? It wouldn't be the first time the Speaker of the House lost an election, see William Pennington of New Jersey. Galusha Grow of Pennsylvania and Tom Foley of Washington also lost re-election to their House seats from Wiki. I remember the Foley loss, as I was a WA resident at the time. The only people who weren't surprised were his constituents.
"Todd said...
At the next Trump event, he should expose a t-shirt under his dress shirt that says:
"I got impeached and all I have to show for it is this louse t-shirt!"
Then sell some of them them on-line, signed by him for all his fans!"
At $1,000.00 each he wouldn't have time to do anything else in his life but sign them. I'd cobble together the money.
Twitter libtards LOVE tacky stuff like Pelosi wasting time with the pens.
Greg, I disagree. A formal trial by the senate just lends credence to the sham. I've already urged my Senators to expedite the matter into the trash bin of history where it belongs. We don't need any more of this time-wasting nonsense.
val demings as Orlando police chief, left her gun in her car, and it was stolen,
For a historical comparison, there is anecdotal evidence that Cromwell and his colleagues used the pens used to sign Charles I's death warrant to squirt ink at each other in the stairwell. Doubt it's true but part of me would like to think it is.
’val demings as Orlando police chief, left her gun in her car, and it was stolen,’
File under: historic first.
we're in the best of all possible hands,
"Spackling with gold paint" is one of the better lines to come out of this Congressional Kabuki. We'll see what happens, but the market is skyrocketing this morning. If you are one of those deplorables whose retirement savings are in the stock market, you want more Trump--and zero Pelosi-Schiff-Schumer.
The problem with witnesses, and Cocaine Mitch knows this, is for every sentence a dem witness speaks, it will be "new information" that requires "further investigation" and more corroborating witnesses, and more impeachment.
Much more impeachment.
Impeachment to infinity.
so that each pen has the special magic of having been used to sign the document
That's nice for those who believe in magic.
very dark magic, there's a novel by leigh bardugo, which is a cross between harry potter and the magicians, ninth house, which is about a secret society at yale, that deals in magic
The more I see this jackassery the more I expect Trump and some other republicans to make the case that Trump should get another term by virtue of the fact the democrats have done their very best to obstruct each and every step of his presidency. I think the public is coming around to that thinking.
Speaking of jackassery, ladies and gents, I give you Patterico...
Speaking of jackassery, ladies and gents, I give you Patterico...
Patrick is a sad case. I don't know what is the matter with him. I started reading his blog over his local stories, which was mostlky nrefuting the LA Times. I met him through Cathy Seipp and went to her funeral with him.
He is so doctrinaire about hating Trump, I wonder about him as a prosecutor. Maybe a scary guy. There is a lot of prosecutorial abuse in this country.
hackery at it's finest, in 'give me liberty' frank millers dyspeptic followup to the dark knight, the president rexall, stays in office from 1996-09, and that's only because Saudis retaliated for an accidental satellite strike,
Pelosi looks very pleased with herself in that video.
My apolitical friends thought her attitude was out of tune with the moment.
Watching his apparent mental decline over these last 3 1/2 years has been something to behold.
I can understand the toll that the attack from Kimberlin's goons took, but shouldn't that make one more conscious of the left's
So, due diligence and fiduciary responsibility are impeachable offenses. Welcome to the Twilight Fringe.
Pelosi is a very hateable person even without all the unjustified sanctimoney, faux-gravitas, and barely contained glee. That she's a phony pretty much is par for the course for a bigtime DC Dem politician. But she has a demeanor and mannerisms that I personally find absolutely insufferable when combined with all that revolting fakery.
Sometimes I fear I may suffer from Pelosi-Derangement Syndrome. Or for once I can somewhat sympathize with the Trump-Deranged.
I was in Palos Verde with a group of guys who were prep school classmates of my wife in September 2016. We agreed on everything until the ed when they all said, I hate having to vote for Hillary. Ugh! I couldn’t believe it.
California is different. Trump is impossible. That may explain part of Pattterico’s craziness. Or maybe he’s a jerk.
Or maybe I am.
I noticed that yesterday's impeachment poll [seen on Fox] is pretty much evenly divided yes and no on conviction. It was a poll of 1500 registered voters.
First, this is less than four pollees for each CD.
Second, 66 million voted for Clinton and 63 million for Trump. Like the same halves! It's like an election do-over!
Third, is there any way to be the urban redneck in my CD? I have a couple of benjamins in my wallet right now for the enterprising pollster. I want to be an influencer.
We could have one antifa/gender-fluid, one old white lady liberal, one sort of clueless moderate and me. The moderate is bi-racial, a sort of POC, given the unbearable whiteness of Oregon.
Penned up would have worked better.
Gutfeld is correct - they do hate us.
That's fine. Reciprocity is a good thing.
Somber Impeachment Ceremony Concludes With The Impeachment Dancers.
mockturtle said...
Greg, I disagree. A formal trial by the senate just lends credence to the sham. I've already urged my Senators to expedite the matter into the trash bin of history where it belongs. We don't need any more of this time-wasting nonsense.
Sorry, mockturtle, but you're wrong
The Senate saying "this is trash", and voting it down, is just "Republicans shilling for Trump"
Hunter Biden on the witness stand, trying to explain what he did for the $600k / $1 million / year that Burisma paid him? THAT is ratings gold.
Joe Biden on the witness stand, trying to explain why he wanted to fire that prosecutor? And having his every lie responded to, in real time? That is political and ratings gold.
Schiff put on the stand, and forced to tell where he got his fake transcript from? Where he got the information from for his anti-Nunes "report"? you know, the one completely disproved by the IG's report?
The Democrats have spent the last 3+ years building towers of lies, with the "press" running cover for them. This trial gives the GOP a chance to pull all the cockroaches out into the light. To put them on national TV, and put them to the question.
I'm sorry, but only an idiot would pass on that opportunity
Her attitude there kind of belies her claims to be a good Christian, one who prays for Trump and doesn’t hate anyone, but only wills the good of another. If you truly only will the good for someone else then wouldn’t you be sorrowful about having to punish them, no matter how justified? Think of how you feel when you have to punish a child. It’s a sick parent who enjoys punishing a kid. Warning to all- do not use Nancy Pelosi as an example of a good Christian.
OK, you see a girl on the street and her T-shirt says “If you’re not angry, you are not paying attention.” Which is she, liberal or conservative? But there is wisdom in that shirt, I saw one today, deny them your attention, don’t let them make you angry. As the somebody said “the secret has been there all along."
I remember all of the goofy grins like that during the Kennedy funeral... well, OK, I was a fly on the wall at CIA headquarters.
Pelosi's son
John Kerry's step-son
Biden's son
What do they have in common?
Ukrainian mega bucks.
yes but creepy gargoyle Murkowski, will vote such a witness list down, this is our problem, same with maine senator Collins,
peach mint dancers, is that something out of the hunger games or perhaps the running man?
I can't buy your "love of Country"
With your Peach-Mint and talk of "Time"
Silver trays and golden fountain pens
Cannot mend this nation of mine
(apologies to Jack Rhodes and Dick Reynolds)
Greg the CT to mock:
"Greg, I disagree. A formal trial by the senate just lends credence to the sham. I've already urged my Senators to expedite the matter into the trash bin of history where it belongs. We don't need any more of this time-wasting nonsense."
Sorry, mockturtle, but you're wrong
The Senate saying "this is trash", and voting it down, is just "Republicans shilling for Trump" [...fantasy scenario of Biden père et fils and Schiff getting grilled in the Senate on live tee-vee...]
As if your delicious fantasy scenario wouldn't be characterized as "shilling for Trump", and much worse?
Sure, it would be wonderful, but...ain't never gonna happen. So mock is right - the Republicans should treat this sham with the contempt it deserves.
Greg suggests: I'm sorry, but only an idiot would pass on that opportunity
Then I shall don my dunce cap and sit in the corner. But I won't agree with you.
"Faithful execution of the law does not permit the president to substitute his own policy priorities for those that Congress has enacted into law,” the GAO wrote
Looks like every president since maybe, George Washington is going to be retroactively impeached! The funny thing is that the law included a time limit, which was met.
Remember when Obama faithfully executed immigration law? Me neither. He had other priorities having to do with demographic engineering of the electorate.
They are covering up a steaming pile of corruption.
Son of a bitch! You know who else broke that law? The creepy old man formerly known as “Plugs."
"California is different. Trump is impossible. That may explain part of Pattterico’s craziness. Or maybe he’s a jerk."
I live here, can confirm. The population here is brain dead liberal like Illinois which continually votes for democrats that have sent the state into the shitter. Its weird to get them to talk through illegal immigration until they hit a speed bump of reality when they see how much of the school budget has been eaten up absorbing non english speaking kids who have learning disabilities. This place is truly fucked and Im not sure of my long term plans are of staying in 8 years. Trump is a nonstarter even if he personally fixed the water supply problem.
Obama broke the law in Bergdahl release deal, GAO report says
She kind of looks like Joker but without the makeup.
"Trump is a nonstarter even if he personally fixed the water supply problem.”
The way to fix the water supply problem is to import millions more people from south of the border. Obviously.
Same in South Florida. Keep bringing them in, then blame Republicans when the red tide comes.
So let me get this straight: Trump slightly delays Ukraine aid, still delivering it within the timetable established by Congress, and thereby broke the law.
But Biden threatening to not send ANY Ukraine aid unless they fired a prosecutor investigating his son's employer is totally legit.
Have I understood this correctly?
You've got it right Qwinn..
it wasn't that the articles weren't ready for the senate. the souvenir pens weren't ready. that was the holdup. priorities.
Mmmm. Pens designed to look like bullets with Pelosi's name on 'em. Finally a message with bipartisan appeal.
I strongly recommend Michael K.'s link to the Steve Bannon PBS interview. It will give you a clearer perspective on the Trump campaign and on his early Presidency.
Thanks Mike.
The way to fix the water supply problem is to import millions more people from south of the border. Obviously.
Urban greenhouse effect, democratic gerrymandering, and social and natural resource stressors. Fortunately, they are pursuing emigration reform to mitigate progress at both ends of the bridge and throughout.
’Have I understood this correctly?’
In a nutshell. It perfectly explains why Trump is being impeached for Biden’s malfeasance...
The MSM on the Trump's trade deal:
2016: Trump is Demagogue - NAFTA is perfect
2017: Its a trade war with Mexico! We're all going to die!
2018: Farmers are being destroyed by Trump's crazy Trade war with Mexico
2019: Trump's treaty is going nowhere. R Senators hate it.
2020: Oh, there's a new NAFTA - who cares? Its impeachment time!
a strange strange world we live in,
narciso said...
yes but creepy gargoyle Murkowski, will vote such a witness list down, this is our problem, same with maine senator Collins,
If Collins doesn't want to lose in a primary, she won't vote the witness list down
Having the Democrats look like total piles of garbage helps Collins win in November. The better for Trump, the better for her re-election
Blogger Angle-Dyne, Samurai Buzzard said...
As if your delicious fantasy scenario wouldn't be characterized as "shilling for Trump", and much worse?
Hmm, getting Democrats to testify, and having their testimony looking bad is "shilling for Trump"?
Only in the fantasy world where all voters take their marching orders from CNN
And if we're in that world, the GOP is toast anyway.
If HB does NOT testify, then the press can accuse those voting to subpoena him as "shilling for Trump."
If HB does testify, and can not give any valid answer to the question "so, what did you do for your millions of dollars from Burisma", then anyone saying he shouldn't have been brought to testify looks like the corruption cover up artist that they actually are.
Same for daddy Joe. First he has to testify under oath that he threatened to withhold $1 billion in loan guarantees (making him, what 2.5x the "criminal" that Trump is?). Then he has to try to explain WHY the prosecutor needed to be fired. And every BS answer he gives gets immediately countered, with him there, having to address the fact that he was caught lying.
"Oh, I did it because of policy advice." "Who was it from? When was it? President Trump has agreed to waive executive privilege on that document, if it actually says what you say it says."
Schiff didn't allow the GOP to call witnesses, and blocked their questioning of the Democrat witnesses, because the Democrats can't handle exposure.
Stop supporting Schiff
I appreciate where Greg is coming from but think since 90% of normal people have completly tuned out impeachment, its best to let it be tossed into the garbage as soon as possible. Nothing that comes out of any trial would change the minds of anyone pro or con who have paid attention.
The best way to have any closure is for Ms.Lindsey to get off his ass and start some hearings into Biden, Burisma and CIA whistleblowers. This is where real accountability would happen. The so-called impeachment "trial" should just be over the laughably weak constitutional grounds for the impeachment charges with a quick up and down vote. Enough.
have they not been paying attention, what's happened the last three years, rhetorical,
I'm with Greg on this. It is a pretty tremendous opportunity to force the media to cover a lot of subjects they'd rather avoid. He's right that Schiff knew that permitting Republican witnesses to be called would be fatal to his case, which is why he didn't permit it. Why abstain from any defense? Why let the Democrats write the entire script for posterity?
We rarely get opportunities to affect the narrative like this. Seize the day.
first it was Michelle Obama
... and now what's all this about Nancy Pelosi's penis?
Just watched The Shootist again. The barber asks to take J. Wayne's hair since he will be dead very shortly and, as a famous man, his hair will be worth a lot.
He scoops up the hair from the next chair too in the same container after getting Wayne's hair.
“Impeachment is like pornography for the Trump-deranged.” - @MZHemingway
“Does that mean that CNN is the pornhub for liberals?” -@AdamBaldwin
Pelosi writes her signature in little segments, pausing for an aide to tell her what letter comes next.
Stable people
I’ve read that these pens resemble rifle cartridges l. I’ve seen the pics, they certainly do.
Curious isnt it:
She looks like a giddy little girl working through her new SHARPIE collection.
The others gather around her like she's a casket.
Qwinn asserts: I'm with Greg on this. It is a pretty tremendous opportunity to force the media to cover a lot of subjects they'd rather avoid.
Force the media to what??? Are you f-ing crazy? They'll cover what they bloody well please and distort it as they wish. If you think otherwise, you are Charlie Brown [see 'football'].
For a historical comparison, there is anecdotal evidence that Cromwell and his colleagues used the pens used to sign Charles I's death warrant to squirt ink at each other in the stairwell. Doubt it's true but part of me would like to think it is.
By "anecdotal evidence", you mean "anachronistic urban legend". While an occasional fountain pen dates to the 17th Century (quills remained standard until the mass-manufacture of dip pens in the 19th Century), fountain pens able to be squirted didn't exist until the verge of the 20th.
As the ceremonial writing tool she is, she's far from pensive.
Steven @ 7:43: My anecdote was recounted from memory and should not have used the word 'squirted'. Nor, according to my source, was Cromwell, himself, involved in this childish prank. "There is the story told by Colonel Ewer that he and Henry Marten inked each other's faces with pens after signing, as the warrant lay in the Painted Chamber, like grotesque schoolboys". From Cromwell, Antonia Fraser, 1973.
John Henry, this article from the Christian Science Monitor says FDR was the first to use multiple pens to sign bills of "high public interest".
That he didn't use multiple pens to sign the declarations of war (Japan first then Germany and Italy) says something, I think.
Also, President Trump has definitely used multiple pens to sign laws:
I like what Ted Cruz tweeted: "Given the circus in the House, I’m surprised she didn’t use crayons. ?? ?? ??"
Blogger Greg the class traitor said....
This trial gives the GOP a chance to pull all the cockroaches out into the light.
Quite a few of cockroaches are Republicans ... Burr
Each side want to call "hostile witness"
Aren't there different rules for that?
Don't you have to establish hostility?
What do you do if any Witnesses claim 5A protection!
I'm convinced D's have complete plan to stymie cuck R's.
Change my mind.
D and R legislative motivation is opposite Power vs Justice .
Instapundit quotes as follows:
as Ayn Rand wrote:
“Did you really think we want those laws observed?” said Dr. Ferris. “We want them to be broken. You’d better get it straight that it’s not a bunch of boy scouts you’re up against… We’re after power and we mean it… There’s no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren’t enough criminals one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What’s there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced or objectively interpreted – and you create a nation of law-breakers – and then you cash in on guilt. Now that’s the system, Mr. Reardon, that’s the game, and once you understand it, you’ll be much easier to deal with.”
I think Trump understands it, but fortunately in his case, it makes him much more difficult to deal with.
Cruel neutral will always favor power seeking.
Gk1 said...
I appreciate where Greg is coming from but think since 90% of normal people have completly tuned out impeachment, its best to let it be tossed into the garbage as soon as possible. Nothing that comes out of any trial would change the minds of anyone pro or con who have paid attention.
The best way to have any closure is for Ms.Lindsey to get off his ass and start some hearings into Biden, Burisma and CIA whistleblowers. This is where real accountability would happen. The so-called impeachment "trial" should just be over the laughably weak constitutional grounds for the impeachment charges with a quick up and down vote. Enough.
mockturtle said...
Qwinn asserts: I'm with Greg on this. It is a pretty tremendous opportunity to force the media to cover a lot of subjects they'd rather avoid.
Force the media to what??? Are you f-ing crazy? They'll cover what they bloody well please and distort it as they wish. If you think otherwise, you are Charlie Brown [see 'football'].
1: Lindsey isn't going to get off his ass. He's also highly unlikely to dig into the standard political corruption of politicians family members getting paid off by companies in exchange for the politicians doing favors for the companies. Too many people on both sides of the aisle are sucking at that teat
2: This isn't about getting the nightly news to give us soundbites. This is about people going to C-SPAN and watching for themselves.
This is about Trump tweeting out videos with Hunter Biden being asked "so, what did you do for Burisma for you X million dollars", and having no answer. Or Biden explaining how he had no valid reason to demand the prosecutor be fired. Or Adam Schiff failing to explain how how his anti-Nunes "memo"got everything wrong, while agreeing that the IG report does say that everything he claimed was, in fact, false.
It's about getting around the blockade of information the MSM imposes.
it's about not preemptively surrendering to the Left, but fighting them
Yeah, I really don't understand the urge to preemptively surrender to the Left in this matter by so many conservatives that I know *want* to fight the Left. There's been one hell of a clever propaganda campaign that's affected folks who are normally on guard against it on this one.
If Schiff and the media were so confident that they could keep their narrative intact in the face of an actual defense and Democrats under questioning, then Schiff and Nadler would've permitted those in the House hearings, rather than embarrass themselves complerely by screaming "Urgency!" and then holding the articles for a month. They're weak as fuck on this one, guys. If you can imagine a better chance to blow up the narrative and get some progress thrown in jail than we have on this one, please lay that hypothetical out for me, cause otherwise I don't see one.
Or, if you can't imagine a better situation than Republicans in complete charge of witnesses with the precedent of the House's tactics to allow us to screw the Dems as hard as they screwed us, but you think that even with THAT MUCH going for us, we're still doomed and no point trying, then actually sign on the dotted line that you give up and can't stand fighting anymore.
I'm not asking Republicans to try to kick Lucy's football. I'm trying to get them to not preemptively pass up the best chance ever to kick Lucy herself in the frikkin head.
Narayanan: "I'm convinced D's have complete plan to stymie cuck R's.
Change my mind."
Wrong wrong wrong!!
The D's AND their cuck R allies crafted a plan TOGETHER to stymie the rest of the republicans and conservatives.
Burr will do whatever Warner tells him to do and Romney just wants to play Howard Baker.
Guildofcannonballs said...
Just watched The Shootist again. The barber asks to take J. Wayne's hair since he will be dead very shortly and, as a famous man, his hair will be worth a lot.
He scoops up the hair from the next chair too in the same container after getting Wayne's hair.
1/16/20, 6:40 PM
Think of it like cutting cocaine with corn starch, you still get "some" cocaine in your bag...
Qwinn said...
I'm not asking Republicans to try to kick Lucy's football. I'm trying to get them to not preemptively pass up the best chance ever to kick Lucy herself in the frikkin head.
But Pelosi is using Magical Statist Pens! With just a few strokes she can erase the Constitution and wipe out your rights!
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