"Blast" is an old-timey euphemism, befitting a party whose front-runner says "malarkey."
I get out my OED. "Blast" means "To strike or visit with the wrath and curse of heaven." Selected historical examples:
1793 T. Hastings Regal Rambler 74 Leaving all the ladies below to blast or bless their eyes, no matter which."Malarkey" is U.S. slang that means " Humbug, bunkum, nonsense; a palaver, racket. (Usually of an event, activity, idea, utterance, etc., seen as trivial, misleading, or not worthy of consideration.)" Selected historical examples:
1823 W. Scott St. Ronan's Well I. viii. 197 ‘As I think, he laid hands on your body...’ ‘Hands,..no, blast him—not so bad as that neither.’
1955 N. Marsh Scales of Justice ix. 209 ‘Damnation, blast and bloody hell!’ Alleyn said.
1924 Indiana (Pa.) Evening Gaz. 12 Mar. 13/1 The rest of the chatter is so much malarkey, according to a tip so straight that it can be passed thru a peashooter without touching the sides.Why, you might ask, are Cory Booker and Julian Castro the ones blasting the potential all-whiteness of the December debate? They have presented themselves as nonwhite.
1938 Down Beat Mar. 5/4 We've got to say to the recording companies..‘Cut out the Mullarkey and give us some down-home stuff!’
1958 Sunday Times 20 Apr. 31/1 I will only give you the politician's malarky about imponderables and changing circumstances.
“I’m a little angry, I have to say, that we started with one of the most diverse fields in our history, giving people pride,” Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.).... “And it’s a damn shame now that the only African American woman in this race, who has been speaking to issues that need to be brought up, is now no longer in it.”Booker has yet to qualify for the debate. The implication is you Democrats had sure as hell better get me into that debate or you're in immense trouble.
With the deadline to qualify days away, four white men and two white women have qualified so far, including former vice president Joe Biden, South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg, billionaire Tom Steyer, and Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.). Entrepreneur Andrew Yang and Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii), who are both nonwhite candidates, each need one more good poll to qualify, whereas Booker, who is black, and former housing secretary Julián Castro haven’t hit 4 percent in any of the required polls. Former Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick, who is black, entered the race Nov. 14 and also does not have any qualifying polls....It must be so frustrating to Booker (and Harris) to see how many black people just really like Biden. Blond leg hair and all.
Wait, so *Warren* is white? Has anyone alerted Harvard?
Hate whitey and free abortions are pretty much all the Democrats have to offer these days.
Booker looked like a potential winner until he opened his mouth.
Cory Booker's eyes are bluer than my dad's
Hate whitey and free abortions are pretty much all the Democrats have to offer these days.
Don't forget the free Tampax in public bathrooms!
The total lack of diversity on policy is more disturbing.
Stupid white bashing like this helped Trump get elected.
Send in corrupt power-mongering eternal-power-seekers THE Clintons to save the day. Ignore their white as marshmallow fluff.
Last night I was at a trivia contest, and the guy next to me was telling about how Corey Booker was putting on a donors' dinner tomorrow night (i.e. tonight). The cost to attend was $350 a person, but a female friend of this guy said she could secretly arrange for him to attend for free.
I told him that practically everyone will attend the dinner for free.
Former Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick, who is black
This makes me wonder if Patrick will earn enough recognition for the press to feel they can drop the who is black explanation before he drops back out...
Dec. 3 (UPI) -- Sen. Cory Booker's campaign said Tuesday the Democratic presidential candidate would pump $100 billion into historically black colleges and universities and other institutions serving minorities as part of his effort to boost higher education.
Is Booker still in? He's black, right? So what the hell is he complaining about? SAve us, Booker.
isn't Tulsi a minority? She's still in. She's pretty great. But the left do not trust her because the queen said she and Jill Stein are being groomed by the RUSSIANS! or is it the Ukrainians?
Has anyone alerted Harvard
They know. It was kind of their idea...
Let's be honest.
Unless the Democrats elect black people to be president from now on, they will forever be racist.
And, unless that black person is a woman, misogynist.
Oh well.
They should t have stunk so badly.
All politics aside, Booker is uniquely stupid for a Rhodes scholar.
Kamala was supposed to be the Trump slayer. She was not ready for prime time. I am surprised she didn't catch fire anyway. Many of us over here on the non-left assumed she would be The One. Gonna be hard for the left to create a second Obama.
befitting a party whose front-runner says "malarkey."
Have y'all seen Jo Biden's latest campaign commercial?
i tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time
"Lord loves a workin' man; don't trust whitey; see a doctor and get rid of it." -- Navin R. Johnson
It’s the leg hair. Black people just can’t resist touching hair with blond highlights. It’s the same impulse that drives white guys to try and touch Black girls’ hair. It’s related to Biden’s inability to resist the impulse to sniff little girls and wax eloquent about kids bouncing on his lap. It’s autonomic for Joe. What other candidate could plausibly have blond highlights?
You know. It’s the OTHER party’s candidate who is presently garnering 34% interest from Black voters. NOT a coincidence.
I prefer Orin Hatch's 'No Tomfoolery' campaign personally. Way way more old-timey than 'malarkey'...whatever that is. Buttigieg should come out with a 'no shenanigans' campaign as a throw-back reference to Super-Troopers. It'll help him clean up his age-demo group's vote.
I hear Hilldog is thinking about try #3. Her campaign slogan should be 'just say no'.
If the Democrat debate stage gets any whiter, Liz Warren will need to take another DNA test.
I remember the kerfuffle in the progressive henhouse when a Congressman used the word "niggardly". And what would happen here if the folks who "blasted" the all white Democrat debate had used the word "denigrate" rather than "blast"? The mind boggles at the thought.
I'm reminded of Grandpa Simpson talking to Bart and Lisa about 'being cool'.
Oh I'm not with it anymore is that right?
Well, I used to be with it
And then they changed what 'it' was
Now what I am isn't 'it'
And what is 'it' is weird and scary to me
No one tell Biden it happened to him, say around...oh the last time he ran for president.
And, unless that black person is a woman, misogynist.
AND unless that black woman was assigned male at birth, a Transphobe!
Here's the deal: they are terrible candidates. Their race has nothing to do with it.
I never got the Kamala hoopla. Obama had the Oprah ability to float between the black and white worlds. Kamala was never really accepted by either side.
Seen at Instapundit:
"So the Democrats are essentially the old white rich party?"
Yes. Again. Just like the last time:)
Hillary Clinton paranoia and conspiracy theory reminder check:
Clinton made these remarks on Campaign HQ with David Plouffe:
“I’m not making any predictions, but I think they’ve got their eye on someone who’s currently in the Democratic primary and are grooming her to be the third-party candidate. She’s the favorite of the Russians,”
“They have a bunch of sites and bots and other ways of supporting her so far.”
“That’s assuming Jill Stein will give it up, which she might not because she’s also a Russian asset. Yeah, she’s a Russian asset—I mean, totally. They know they can’t win without a third-party candidate. So I don’t know who it’s going to be, but I will guarantee you they will have a vigorous third-party challenge in the key states that they most needed.”
Clinton spox Nick Merrill later clarified, when asked if Clinton was referencing Gabbard: “If the nesting doll fits.”
I remember the kerfuffle in the progressive henhouse when a Congressman used the word "niggardly".
I think you are thinking of the David Howard incident. He was an aide to the DC mayor. I remember the incident vividly because we discussed it in English class my senior year of high school.
Humbug, bunkum, nonsense
...poppycock! claptrap! balderdash!...
Hate whitey and free abortions are pretty much all the Democrats have to offer these days.
Which makes the state of the current campaign line up all the more troublesome.
If I was a Biden campaigner, I would be quaking that my boss may actually get up on a general election debate stage or campaign stage and do something as awkward or more awkward then nibbling his wife's finger.
At this point I'd be worried he'd hug Trump instead of shake his hand. Maybe grab his ass. Or Melania's ass. God...it could be anything. On a campaign stop he ends up grabbing some baby and shaking it while kissing its mothers hand. No! Bad Biden! It's the other way around!
I swear he'd do the Euro thing with some head of state - kissing cheeks and all - and accidentally use too much tongue.
It must be so frustrating to Booker (and Harris) to see how many black people just really like Trump.
people are all coming down on Jo, for using phrases like Malarkey
He's Just a little ahead of his times
we're less than 28 days way, from living in the '20's... We might as well get used to it
23 skidoo!
I remember the kerfuffle in the progressive henhouse when a Congressman used the word "niggardly".
Back when The Economist was still about economics they liked to publish all the letters to the editor every time some Brit would use niggardly in an essay.
If the Democrat debate stage gets any whiter, Liz Warren will need to take another DNA test.
We have a winner!
“I’m a little angry, I have to say, that we started with one of the most diverse fields in our history, giving people pride,” Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.).... “And it’s a damn shame now that the only African American woman in this race, who has been speaking to issues that need to be brought up, is now no longer in it.”
Apparently I have been misinformed about what the purpose of a competition among a field of candidates is. I had thought it had something to do with appraising the various candidates' suitability for office, and to find out *from* the voters which issues "need to be brought up".
Now I find out that the purpose is to "giv[e] people pride", and to dictate *to* the voters which "issues need to be brought up".
Shenanigans welcome down at Paddy O’Googahan’s Authentjc Irish Pub.
If poll performance is the criteria for debate participation this situation is caused by racist Democrat voters. The Democrats need to police their ranks and purge the non-believers.
’Which makes the state of the current campaign line up all the more troublesome.’
Tank Abrams should sell her availability for Vice President to the highest bidder. She shouldn’t settle for a penny less than $50M.
Why don’t they just force Harris to join the debate? It will be racist and sexist without her.
All-white debate?
"But, but, my high cheekbones count don't count anymore?"
"These palefaces have no respect for the Native American," as she slugs down her Chivas firewater.
gilbar: ...we're less than 28 days way, from living in the '20's... We might as well get used to it.
Hope we get to enjoy nine years of roarin' good times before the big crash.
@Chris N
Biden will shoot the next person that says shenanigans! Pete? What's your slogan?
"Diversity is our strength."
At Biden HQ:
"Things couldn't be better. His numbers have never been higher. European heads of state love him! It's in the bag!"
"Sir, Biden just licked Emmanuel Macron's face in Bilderburg."
"God f*cking damnit. Spin it. How much tongue? A little or a lot?"
..blast potential all-white...
Under Identity Politics, this is the future. Forever.
"Blond leg hair and all."
Tough noogies, Spartacus. Some got it, some don't. That's the breaks.
Democrats jumped the ass with diversity and exclusion.
It’s the leg hair. Black people just can’t resist touching hair with blond highlights.
I figgered that Biden's popularity with communities is the result of his approval by Obama, but maybe He wouldn't have approved of Biden if not for the blond leg hair.
Maybe Obama could give his blessing to the proceedings or something. I don't know.
Friggin' white people. You can't swing a dead cat...
Hey! Hows about we judge the candidates, not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their...um...Never mind.
Kamala was supposed to be the Trump slayer. She was not ready for prime time.
California is no longer the future.
From Hiram Johnson to Reagan and now to Harris.
Shorter Booker:
"Will someone please grab ME by the political pussy?"
Democrats hate people of color!!!! (Their primaries...their votes....can't blame the Republicans for this one!!)
Only real question is... will Buffoon Biden suck his thumb at the debate? I mean since his wife cannot be up there with him.
And more free stuff promised!! Is it 'quid pro quo'? Vote for me and I'll give you free this and that!
When did Andrew Yang become White?
Booker should complain to the Black Voters. They make up 20% of the Primary voters and aren't supporting him. Sads. Neither are the other People of Color: Asians and Hispanics.
Elect Booker President, or your a racist. LOL!
When did Andrew Yang become White?
Booker, Gabbard, and Yang haven't yet officially qualified for the Debate. They have until the 12th.
WHo is supporting Tom STeyer? We need to place them under psychiatric examination.
Tulsi and Yang just need "one more good poll". As opposed to "one more good Pole".
Biden: Black people love me. I relate.
Tells anecdote from 50 years ago.
This seems like balderdash to me
Where is The Trans Candidate?
Obama set a high standard for black and hispanic candidates.
They fall short of that standard.
Hillary set a low bar for White Women candidates. Warren meets or exceeds it. The rest have not.
This seems like balderdash to me
I prefer hogwash, with a mild soap.
“And it’s a damn shame now that the only African American woman in this race, who has been speaking to issues that need to be brought up, is now no longer in it.”
Other than "bussing" I can't think of a single issue that harris talked about that "Need to brought up". Notice Booker didn't actually NAME the issues. Let's be honest, NJ will elect anyone with a D after their name. Crooks, perverts, Leftists, idiots. As long as they're Democrat Establishment approved - they're in.
Democrats are fundamentally at odds with themselves over race:
I. Race doesn't matter. Race is a social construct. There is no rationale for conducting research on the behavioral correlates of "racial groups", because there is no such thing.
II. But, race is essential to identity. Pandering to racial subgroups is perfectly appropriate. We must celebrate (racial) diversity.
III. The fact that e.g. there are relatively few black high-energy physicists or mathematicians, while there is a relative excess of black violent felons, is evidence of RACISM.
IV. But, that there are relatively few Asian football players, and a relative dearth of white basketball players, is just because White Men Can't Jump. Why do you ask?
"...the only African-American woman in this race..."
Forgive me for repeating myself, but Harris barely qualifies as black, being 3/8 white and 1/2 dot Indian.
Barry was 1/2 black, but that wasn't enough for Whoopi Goldberg, who (gently) took him to task once on The View for trying to claim the mantle of Blackness, insisting that he was instead "biracial".
I only bring this up because it's very important for us all to agree on who fits where and what we call them.
WHo is supporting Tom STeyer?
Whoever he's buying all that air-time from. This guy's commercials have been a bonanza for somebody.
Didn't the polls have Harris wiping the floor with Trump?
I guess the Democrats don't want to win.
As was pointed out at Insta, the DNC field currently has two women, a gay man, a Jew, a half Jew, and a Catholic. We've never had a woman, a gay man, or a Jewish president, and only one Catholic. Apparently, "diverse" only relates to the thinnest possible physical characteristic.
Democrats regard people of East Asian descent as Caucasians with slanted eyes. Why Asian-Americans let them get away with that is a good question.
A blast is an outburst of anger. It is never to be used unless one does not want any relationship with the targeted person. That said,it can be eloquently delivered.
"Hate whitey and free abortions are pretty much all the Democrats have to offer these days."
Don't forget open borders and eat the rich.
I experienced the most diverse community of people in the army where the only thing that mattered was competence in completing a task. I felt the worst racial tension and animosity at the oh so progressive University of Pennsylvania.
"It must be so frustrating to Booker (and Harris) to see how many black people just really like Biden. Blond leg hair and all."
Yes, those damn racists who just won't get behind their own kind (and Kamala married to a white man yet)!
Malarkey" is U.S. slan ... i MET A man whose last name was 'malarky' and his comment was that it made naming his kids easy ... fulla, loada, etc
He has to say that. It's the party line. #DebatesSoWhite. If Harris's dropping out means that Booker is the only African-American on the state it could make Corey very happy though he wouldn't say it out loud. But he knows his candidacy won't last much longer, so there's maybe more than a touch of resentment in his saying what he has to say anyway.
Isn't Booker's entire point of view yet another example of equality of outcomes instead of opportunity? How transparent can one be?
I forgot to do a Harris limerick.
From out west there came one Kamala
Whose good looks could oft draw a holler
Her pol skills beyond head
Were worth little, it’s said
Won’t buy coffee when teamed with a dollar.
This is marlarkey!
Booker missed his opportunity when he chose to remain in the closet.
Sounds like a threat. New Jersey speaks: nice little debate you got there, be a shame if anything happened to it.
Phidippus AKA Philippians
I remember discussing with a black democrat friend back around 2002 that we seemed to be heading for a return of “octoroon”. He agreed. I feel prescient.
Good one, Skylark.
"Blast" means something else in the context of Eric Swalwell.
It was, I am told, eloquently delivered.
I think the blonde leg hair thing was kind of an authentic moment. One of very few for the dotard Joe.
"Biden: Black people love me. I relate.
Tells anecdote from 50 years ago."
I believe his anecdotes. So what if they're 50 years old? They happened, and he happens to be old. I believe in Cornpop, and I believe in Biden's leg hair. I'm serious.
OTOH, I have no reason to vote for Biden, and I never will.
“And it’s a damn shame now that the only African American woman in this race, who has been speaking to issues that need to be brought up, is now no longer in it.”
And just whose fault is that? Because last time I checked, it was a Democratic primary race underway.
Booker sounds like a diversity supremacist: my form of diversity is superior to yours.....There does seem to be a fair amount of diversity among the candidate as to height, age, hair quality, sex, sexual orientation, and dietary habits. I like Buttigieg's hair, but he's kind of short. Sanders has crazy hair, but he's tall enough. Biden has the right height, but he's kind of old and the hair, despite surgical intervention, isn't very good. It's very difficult to find just the right metric when evaluating these candidates.
Among the female candidates, Tulsi clearly has the most sex appeal. Sex appeal usually works for male candidates, but it doesn't seem to get much traction for women.
Kamala should have gone on an apology tour. She should have apologized for her Brahmin ancestors and for the caste system that caused so much misery in her mother's native country. Then she should have gone on to claim that only people of her diversity (i.e. caste) were qualified to govern America.
Time to allow Black and Other Colors Faces.
Biden says: Don't hate me becuase I'm beautiful and blonde in all the right places. Elect me President, and I'll let you sit on my lap - all of you.
Can't a few of the Dems wear blackface? They do it at parties. Why not for the party?
The party of slavery and Jim Crow can't get people of color to show up? Amazing!
It must be so frustrating to Booker (and Harris) to see how many black people just really like Biden.
Probably because most people are not diversitists. He would improve his quality of life immeasurably by refraining from color judgments.
What snippets can one recover. http://www.hplovecraft.com/writings/texts/fiction/cs.aspx
From H.P. Lovecraft, The Colour out of Space.
There was once a road over the hills and through the valleys, that ran straight where the blasted heath is now; but people ceased to use it and a new road was laid curving far toward the south. Traces of the old one can still be found amidst the weeds of a returning wilderness, and some of them will doubtless linger even when half the hollows are flooded for the new reservoir. Then the dark woods will be cut down and the blasted heath will slumber far below blue waters whose surface will mirror the sky and ripple in the sun. And the secrets of the strange days will be one with the deep’s secrets; one with the hidden lore of old ocean, and all the mystery of primal earth.
Since Tulsi pwned Kamala, it seems only fair that she is credited with Kamala's last 4 poll numbers.
Also seen at Instapundit:
What do you call a candidate pool with two women, a gay man, a Jew, a half Jew, and a Catholic?
Apparently this is not enough diversity for the woke-scolds.
REP. MIKE JOHNSON: This whole production is a sham
Nails it.
The modern left cannot, and do not, offer hope. They offer destruction.
"WHo is supporting Tom STeyer?"
"Whoever he's buying all that air-time from. This guy's commercials have been a bonanza for somebody."
I think he's only doing that barrage of ads for us here in Vegas. I don't why, but it is really annoying here. I must see 10 of them a day, on cable and on Youtube.
Those three "law profs" at the hearing today work at the white-shoe firm of Balderdash, Flumdoodle and Hooey.
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