December 29, 2019

"Rotting penis not pictured."

That's at Gizmodo, where I knew that wasn't a picture of a rotting penis and where they are wrong that I "might like" something about Yoda.

CORRECTION: That says I "may also like" that thing about Yoda. As if I liked the rotting penis! I am sick of these insinuations from Gizmodo. It thinks it knows me, but it does not know me.


gilbar said...

are you SURE those cheeses AREN'T made out of Rotten Penises?
Can you PROVE that they aren't?

Lucid-Ideas said...

I've heard of pillow-biters, but this is getting ridiculous.

I am not Laslo

I hope he shows up. He's been batting .1000 lately.

rcocean said...

How disappointing. Who doesn't want to see a rotting penis? Pretty much any body part will rot, if you're bitten and you don't clean it or see a doctor soon enough. The human mouth is full of bacteria. We're better than cats, but not by much.

mockturtle said...

Our hostess gives us the distinct impression that she likes the idea of a rotting penis.

frenchie said...

I try to not take these things so personally.

gspencer said...

Did their "sex" involve some kind of venomous snake?

gspencer said...

Well, why don't you give me the message. I’ll see that it gets to Mr. Maitland.

I guess I can do that. Okay, tell Victor that Ramon, the fellow he met about a week ago. Well, I went to the clinic this morning and found out I have Herpes Simplex 10. I think Victor should see his doctor before things start falling off the man.

You better tell him yourself.

bagoh20 said...

It would be more disgusting on multiple levels if it was rotting before it was was bitten.

Bob Boyd said...

Rotting penis not pictured

It looked liked a road-killed herring.

Wince said...

Althouse said...
As if I liked the rotting penis!

"Ahem. My eyes are up here."

Fernandinande said...

"On examination, a 3 cm (1.2") well demarcated black necrotic wound without purulent drainage was present (Fig. 1). The patient was afebrile and otherwise well appearing."

The impicturable horrible festering wound looks like a piece of black paper.

Bob Boyd said...

Scrotum Self-Repair

Danno said...

I have the same impression of Gizmodo, though I keep its newsfeed on MyYahoo page for tech articles that they produce. All of their staff writers are soy-boys and other large city millennial types, so I ignore their lefty-slanted commentary.

Beasts of England said...

I dated a girl who enjoyed that peculiar activity. Trust is very important in a relationship...

Rabel said...

The Yoda link at Gizmodo was a discussion of age and the appearance of age. It raised the interesting concept of "negligible senescence" and cited the "naked mole rat" as one example of an animal that demonstrated that characteristic.

There was no mention of retired professors or profile pics so I don't see why they thought you might be interested.

whitney said...

You're getting upset with an algorithm. Very similar to Old Man screams at Cloud

Darrell said...

That man can do a pre-show at Alamo Drafthouse now. Before the Cats showing.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Ray Charles & Diana Krall - You Don't Know Me

tcrosse said...

The penis rots from the head.

Iman said...

Don’t knock it. It’s considered a delicacy in some cultures/countries.

Kevin said...

Jews are being murdered! Quick, run the rotting penis piece!

whitney said...

Hey Christians are being murdered too. This probably won't even make the news

bagoh20 said...

"Rotten penis not pictured."

You know I saw that story about Hunter Biden being left out of the family photo, and I thought it was telling, but that caption is just mean.

bagoh20 said...

Some are rotten, but all are toxic.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Perhaps Gizmodo does know you, and has been programmed to annoy you.

Vet66 said...

Don't patronize 'GIZ if that is the limit of their vocabulary....

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Sex can be a vehicle for self-expression."

Paul said...

Bitten or just a blow job? Lots of people don't know you can get all kinds of diseases by oral sex.

The Gipper Lives said...

"Mr. Schiff is said to be resting comfortably."

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Not everybody likes rotting penis, but it's still polite to offer.

Bob Boyd said...

This would make a great Listerine commercial.

MeatPopscicle1234 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Narr said...

"So Doctor Hu, all the other specialists say amputation is the only cure for Hong Kong Dong!
Can you give me hope?"

--Certainly! No amputation necessary. In two days it fall off.

I'll be here all afternoon

Bob Boyd said...

If the antibiotics hadn't worked, the patient was prepared to have his rotting penis embalmed.

JML said...

Reminds me of a story I heard....
A GI was in the Far East and had unprotected sex with a bar girl. After he returned to the states, he noticed a discharge from his penis. He went to a doctor, and a culture was taken. It turns out he had a very rare form of clap, resistant to all drugs. He was advised it had to be amputated. He was shocked, and went to a multitude of doctors. His dick was slowly turning purple, then desperation, he asked the last doctor if there was any chance for a cure. The doctor advised him that he knew of a Chinese doctor who specialized in rare Asian disease, and he could get him a consultation if he wanted. He readily agrees, goes to see him and as the Chinese MD is examining him, he tells him, "Doc, I've been everywhere and you are my last hope. They all tell me I have to have my penis amputated! Is this true?" The doctor clucks, and says, "No! Is not true - no need to amputate." The man is relieved and says, "Great, you can cure me and I don't have to have it cut off?" "Oh no," says the doc, "there is no cure, but no need to cut it off, it will fall off its own in a week or two."

JML said...

Well crap! Narr heard it too!

Bob Boyd said...

300 years ago somebody would have been burned alive if this happened.
Of course, the penis would have been a total loss as well.
This is the best time in history to be a dick.

rhhardin said...

Looks like a yeast infection. Might be a trans person.

Iman said...

Spotted Dick? Good show, old chap!

Spiros said...

This stuff happens.

n.n said...

Black widow? Or, perhaps, a Brown Recluse.

The venom of the brown recluse spider causes the afflicted flesh of the victim to rot and fall away.
Five Deadliest Spiders in the World


Maillard Reactionary said...

Laslo bait. He must be taking a nap just now.

Bob Boyd said...

I was wondering what kind of snaggle tooth could give the poor guy a 3 cm cut in the head of his penis. Now I'm thinking this came from some kind piercing in her lip or tongue.

Iman said...

“You showed that dick to me
And then you said, "Here’s why”
I had to look away
That poor unlucky guy
I hope I’ll never know
The one who chewed it so
And you don't know me“

—- Ray Charles

Iman said...

“You showed that dick to me
And then you said, "Here’s why”
I had to look away
That poor unlucky guy
I hope I never know
The gal who chewed it so
And you don't know me”

—- Ray Charles

Anonymous said...

Ann, I wish you wouldn't. I don't like the vulgarity that some folks express. It's not a free speech kinda thang. It's just vulgar. This Althouse, how do you get your hands around her. Meade, can you wrangle this gal. Lord have Mercy and God bless the man that lets her run.

Anonymous said...

NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO. What the Hell? No. Just No.

Anonymous said... posts are showing up in different threads. I fear I'm being used.