"We are pro-life and pro-family. We are firm supporters of religious liberties and economic opportunity for men and women to exercise their gifts and create value in the world. We believe in the authority of Scripture.... American evangelicals have always been a loose coalition of tribes. We have fought one another as often as we have fought together. We at Christianity Today believe we need to relearn the art of balancing two things: having a firm opinion and inviting free discussion. ... We are far more committed to the glory of God, the witness of the church, and the life of the world than we care about the fortunes of any party. Political parties come and go, but the witness of the church is the hope of the world, and the integrity of that witness is paramount... Galli’s editorial focused on the impeachment, but it was clear the issues are deeper and broader.... The problem is that we as evangelicals are also associated with President Trump’s rampant immorality, greed, and corruption; his divisiveness and race-baiting; his cruelty and hostility to immigrants and refugees; and more. In other words, the problem is the wholeheartedness of the embrace. It is one thing to praise his accomplishments; it is another to excuse and deny his obvious misuses of power.... We... believe the evangelical alliance with this presidency has done damage to our witness here and abroad. The cost has been too high. American evangelicalism is not a Republican PAC.... It is time for evangelicals to have a serious discussion about how our identity as Christians shapes our activity as citizens. We will invite authors who represent a variety of viewpoints in a thoughtful and charitable manner. We will publish those essays in mid-January...."
"The Flag in the Whirlwind: An Update from CT’s President/Why our editor in chief spoke out against Trump, and why the conversation must continue" (Christianity Today).
And that editor in chief, Mark Galli, says he's gotten a lot of support,
The Hill reports,
"A stereotypical response is ‘thank you, thank you, thank you’ with a string of a hundred exclamation points — ‘you’ve said what I’ve been thinking but haven’t been able to articulate, I’m not crazy,‘” Galli told MSNBC. “We have lost subscribers, but we’ve had 3 times as many people start to subscribe."
1 – 200 of 269 Newer› Newest»CT is funded by George Soros. All you need to know.
“We have lost subscribers, but we’ve had 3 times as many people start to subscribe."
That's the New York Times business plan, too. And it worked! They stopped their decade long subscription slide and now have a profitable online business.
Yeah you’re probably right CT, why not supoort the progressive left instead, because they are totally not out to get you.
"associated with President Trump’s rampant immorality, greed, and corruption; his divisiveness and race-baiting; his cruelty and hostility to immigrants and refugees"
What rampant immorality?
What race-baiting?
His cruelty as opposed to O's? Telling illegals to keep out is "cruel"?
The Christian Left has to realize that mouthing lefty platitudes won't save them from the prog assault. It is their very faith that is immoral, and divisive, and cruel. For the moment, in this phase of the culture war, Trump stands in the way--as most evangelicals know.
"President Trump’s rampant immorality, greed, and corruption; his divisiveness and race-baiting; his cruelty and hostility to immigrants and refugees; and more."
Also his charity.
"We believe in the authority of Scripture....”
Except when Jesus said “Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s” of course.
And those new subscriptions? Well I know people who bought Dixie Chicks CDs that they never listened to more than once too.
If you don’t believe in borders, you are “far left."
Hey, Christianity Today. Stay out of politics!
You just lost more than half your readers.
We all know who Trump is. Some of his character is not at all appealing. Sex with a porn star is not exactly a moral act. In fact, it is repulsive. But Victor Davis Hanson's analogy is perfect. Trump is the tough guy who was hired as Sheriff to bring order to the town and clean it up. A tough guy for a tough job.
And who would you prefer as President? Hillary? The woman who's husband probably has had sex with a thousand women? Some of them maybe underage on Epstein's island? Hillary the woman who deleted her emails rather than have her multimillion dollar bribery scheme exposed?
Or what about the socialists, Bernie and Liz? Or Biden who is up to his eyes in bribes from China and Ukraine?
Politics is a zero-sum game and I'll never vote for another Democrat again.
We are Godly and wonderful but WE hate Trump.
what an asshole.
The problem is that we as evangelicals are also associated with President Trump’s rampant immorality, greed, and corruption; his divisiveness and race-baiting; his cruelty and hostility to immigrants and refugees; and more.
Wow. Any discussion of the corruption on the left?
They ARE far left. Go read the magazine! They're social justice warriors. Leftists who interested in Gay Rights, open borders, fighting "racism", and lots and lots of "Refugees" who receive lots of government $$$. They attacked Trump in 2016, and were VERY upset at the Travel Ban. Why would a Christian magazine be super-upset at not letting in MUSLIM potential terrorists?
If your idea of a Christian is Hillary or Bernie sanders, then they're "Conservative Christians".
Hugh Hewitt says it best.
In condemning President Donald Trump from the pages of the magazine Billy Graham founded, Galli has blindsided more than half of the evangelical Christians in the United States.
The entire enterprise - the magazine plus online platform - will suffer even as Galli heads out to retirement in January. But Trump will not.
I still wonder who paid for this.
! x 100
So where is the CT editorial condemning Mayor Pete for his gay marriage?
'We do not make judgements towards politicians - they come and go - but Trump is an immoral criminal!
We saw it on CNN! and Maddow!
"Those fucking evangelicals."
And CT's decision to double-down on the hyper-partisanship that is one-sided in judging the flaws of others will be its ultimate undoing.
Hillary could set up a Private Server and run it while head of the State Department, and use it to stuff her family coffers, and the so-called Christian left would be fine with it.
Chuck provides a fake quote or an unattributed quote from someones hearsay book.
You leftists sure do like your hearsay.
Chuck - Now perhaps Trump did say that - but when and where? Got any back-up?
Chuck: If Trump saying that was ever going to bother anyone, CT has put it to rest. Some people might have wondered who he could possibly have been referring to. Now we know, and we agree with the adjective in their case.
Me think he protest to much!
Which means CT made a boo-boo.
Not that I'm conceding he did say it, mind you. Sounds like complete bullshit and slander, actually, which is pretty much a given from you.
"We are far more committed to the glory of God, the witness of the church, and the life of the world than we care about the fortunes of any party."
So, stay the hell out of politics, dumbass!
The important thing isn't whether or not CT is conservative or leftist, or religiously correct, but that it is irrelevant.
Qwinn said...
CT is funded by George Soros. All you need to know.
Can you prove that? I honestly don't know all of the financial details, but I am pretty sure you don't either. And what I am saying to you in front of all of these other readers is to put up some links detailing how CT is "funded" (your word) by Soros.
And I want to make this really easy for you, because I want this to hurt so bad for you. I'll accept it if you can prove that "CT is funded by the Open Society Foundations," which actually is funded in part by George Soros.
And the reason that I find this to be such a provocative question is not merely because you hate me and because I hate you. Rather, it is because in the past, CT has published reporting about how "Sojourners," which is an avowedly left-wing religious foundation, actually IS "funded by what was then called the Open Society Institute.
Here's that LINK.
So to be clear and to sum up; CT has reported, and outed, left-wing religious organizations that had resisted disclosing their funding "by Soros." And now here you are, fresh from the pages of whatever Trumpkin news rock that you live under, telling everybody that it is CT that is secretly funded by Soros.
Prove it.
BleachBit-and-Hammers said...
Chuck provides a fake quote or an unattributed quote from someones hearsay book.
You can buy Tim Alberta's book, American Carnage, through the Althouse Amazon portal and help support her blog.
Chuck - Tell us more about that quote.
Give us the time-frame and the context. You're the expert on Tim Alberta and his knowledge of the Trump quote.
A stereotypical response is ‘thank you, thank you, thank you’ with a string of a hundred exclamation points — ‘you’ve said what I’ve been thinking but haven’t been able to articulate, I’m not crazy,‘
"'Multiple exclamation marks,' he went on, shaking his head, 'are a sure sign of a diseased mind.'" -- Terry Pratchett, in Eric, but also mentioned it in other books and IRL.
This is such an obviously political play, with the motivation clearly aimed at the 2020 Evangelical vote. I doubt it will work as planned, but when has that ever stopped the anti-Trump forces? His luck in enemies is his greatest asset.
One of the things about being a Christian is recognizing when your prayers have been answered, even when the answer is not at all what you pictured.
I think a lot of evangelicals see Trump's flaws quite clearly, but they also think, Hey! Remember what we prayed for our nation? Peace. Prosperity. Preserving our freedoms. Our prayers are being answered.
I wonder what the Professional Christians at CT prayed for?
God works in a mysterious way
His wonders to perform
LLR-lefty Chuck: "Can you prove that? I honestly don't know all of the financial details,..."
Posted right after Chuck hits us with more far left hearsay that must be, like, totally legit.
Like, totally!!
LLR-lefty Chuck maintains his perfect 100% talking point alignment with the far left.
Not easy to do. Even Inga and Freder and the rest sometimes slip up and admit to having some "bad thought" ideas which don't align with the left.
But not our Chuck!! He's locked in baby, and the only thing that can satisfy him is more lefty talking point cowbell!!
I'm surprised the Jesuit magazine "America" hasn't done the same thing, but the Jesuits are too smart to do that. At least I think so. Mag is far Left.
Well I wish self-described Christians would shut the hell up about politics, when purporting to speak on behalf of all evangelical faiths. How arrogant! And to claim they have “3 times as many new subscribers as letters complaining” I say “extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof” and I want to see the data. Did they GET thousands of new subscribers? No, his claim is that they got letters claiming to be new subscribers which sounds to me like lefty activists submitting “Thankyou!!!!!!!!” comments on their article. Any Bible believing Christian who read the original hit piece on Trump, IMO, would see through the hyperbole to the question being begged by the string of accusations against Trump: what President, indeed what human being, could be claimed to be free of those vices of immorality and dishonesty?
In truth Christianity Today should not be endorsing men and women but should look upon the fruits of their labor and advocate for the policies CT favors. To endorse or condemn men is to make assumptions and to guess at what they will do once elected. It is always at the end a binary choice. Was Hillary a paragon of Christian virtue? Would not a President Hillary have been just as mean and of low character as CT labels Trump? Based on her record she would have been twice as evil as Trump. So IMHO a “Christian” magazine should limit itself to editorializing on results, on the fruits the President’s efforts bring forth, much as God says that our acts reveal our hearts. Trump has defended Christians and religious liberty. He stands with Israel. Already those two things set him apart from every opponent he has. My Bible says God will bless those who stand with Israel and destroy those who are against His chosen people. Maybe this editor should spend some time reading his copy.
What is it about Trump haters and their claim to some sort of moral higher ground?
You have to ignore a large pile of corruption on the left to place yourself in such a pious position.
mccullough said...
So where is the CT editorial condemning Mayor Pete for his gay marriage?
CT has dozens and dozens of them:
They are all basically more detailed and substantive and provocative than anything that Trump has said about the subject. But I take it that like most Trumpists, what you want is a lowbrow, thuggish, straight-up gut punch from Trump to Buttigieg. Something personal. Has Trump condemned Mayor Pete's gay marriage? THAT day will be an interesting blog day at Althouse.blogspot.org.
Chuck: I have difficulty linking from work, but it's still front pagesd at pulpitandpen.org
Plenty of links preferred in evidence. The links between Soros and CT are established and documented.
After months, though, you've finally made a verifiably true claim. Good for you!
I do indeed hate you. Loathe would probably be more accurate.
I still wonder who paid for this.
Mike Pence.
Their entire magazine is full of weasel words like "Conservative Theologically". Hey we're not Hillary supporters out Theology is "Conservative" whatever that means.
BleachBit-and-Hammers said...
What is it about Trump haters and their claim to some sort of moral higher ground?
You have to ignore a large pile of corruption on the left to place yourself in such a pious position.
That's a problem for Trump-haters from the far left.
It's no problem at all for conservative Trump-haters.
The Lincoln Project.
Dave Begley: "I'm surprised the Jesuit magazine "America" hasn't done the same thing, but the Jesuits are too smart to do that. At least I think so. Mag is far Left."
Good catch and quite on the nose.
However, we have seen that there are quite a few SJW lefties who have marched their way thru all of the mainline denomination church bodies and have become nothing more than another front in the dem/leftist/LLR-leftist assault on America.
CT has been purchased by the far left in the same way that leftist billionaires have become the funders for FakeConservative defunct publications like the Weekly Standard and current and soon to be defunct publications like the now openly leftist The Bulwark.
The Bulwark will be folding up shop right about 2022 in Trump's 6th year in office when the lefties determine their bought and paid for hacks like Bill Kristol and Charlie "deadbeat dad" Sykes and Qatar-owned Rick Wilson are no longer needed for another failed impeachment against Trump and won't help the left in 2024.
(In your defense though, I will admit I hate Ritmo, Inga and ARM more. I probably shouldn't, as they are at least not lying about their loyalties, but they are even more dishonest than you in pretty much everything else.)
The original complaint was borrowing Billy Graham's name for their politics. Aside from that, who cares what they say?
we’ve had 3 times as many people start to subscribe.
"Start to subscribe" sounds like weasel words. Did they subscribe or didn't they?
Chuck - the Lincoln project was started by Trump-hate obsessed nut job Bill Kristol.
LOL - have fun with that.
What is Christianity Today's position on transsexuals using bathrooms?
Standing or sitting?
LLR-lefty Chuck: "It's no problem at all for conservative Trump-haters.
The Lincoln Project."
The entire "Lincoln Project" are non-conservative, pro-far left dems who have all long ago declared they have left the republican party and endorse every far left democrat policy and all dem politicians over republicans.
FakeCon Steve Schmidt has literally already declared he left the republican party about 17 times.
Personally, between now and November I'm going to put the over/under on the number of times Steve Schmidt and the rest of the FakeCon Lincoln Project democrat fankids "leave the republican party" at about 23.
Twice a month ought to be the right amount of times these FakeCons declare this in order to give their lefty paymasters their money's worth.
Gee, I can't imagine why Althouse and Meade would have banned LLR-lefty Chuck from the blog for being an obvious dishonest poster..............
LLR-lefty Chuck, I sure hope you are doing a better job on the other blogs where you post posing as a "True Principled Conservative Who Just Happens To Love The Dems", because it sure isn't working out too well here, is it?
Qwinn said...
Chuck: I have difficulty linking from work, but it's still front pagesd at pulpitandpen.org
Plenty of links preferred in evidence. The links between Soros and CT are established and documented.
After months, though, you've finally made a verifiably true claim. Good for you!
I do indeed hate you. Loathe would probably be more accurate.
I was there before I posted my comment aimed at you. To make sure that you didn't really have anything to go on.
Not one single link documents Soros "funding" of CT.
I hate you lying fucking alt-right blowhards, spreading misinformation like what you tried to do in the first post on this page. And you had the fucking gall to write, "All you need to know."
Yeah, well it wasn't "all" that these readers needed to know.
Fernandistein: "What is Christianity Today's position on transsexuals using bathrooms?"
CT, like LLR-lefty Chuck, is in perfect alignment with the entire leftist SJW agenda, as you would expect from another Soros-purchased front group.
Santa Claus Accused Of Quid Pro Quo For Giving Children Gifts In Exchange For Good Behavior
Back when W Was president, Republicans were criticized for voting for him based on the fact that they liked him as a person, rather than voting on the basis of policies. Now that Trump is in, they're being criticized for voting on the basis of policies and not on their reaction to him as a person. There's no sincerity to this opportunistic criticism. It's akin to civility bullshit.
Chuck said...
"Those fucking evangelicals."
12/23/19, 9:07 AM
Did the bad orange man say a bad word? He's not using the word literally. It's an intensifier, and without knowing the context, it's hard to tell if it's good or bad.
(Someone else telling us what Trump was thinking instead of what else he actually said cannot tell you if it was meant negatively, positively, or was neutral.)
LLR-lefty Chuck: "I hate you lying fucking alt-right blowhards, spreading misinformation like what you tried to do in the first post on this page"
LLR-lefty Chuck was a big booster of the hoax dossier, Adam Schiff and entire democrat talking point portfolio for the last 4 years.
LLR-lefty Chuck believes if he just keeps getting angrier and angrier (which explains his attacks on women and children and his racist posts as well) that he can bludgeon his way thru the truth.
Spoiler: he can't. But lets just admit, its fun to watch Chuck and his lefty allies spin their way into oblivion.
The first thing I remember reading off an outhouse wall:
Be like Dad not like sis lift the lid when you piss
Tom T: "Now that Trump is in, they're being criticized for voting on the basis of policies and not on their reaction to him as a person. There's no sincerity to this opportunistic criticism. It's akin to civility bullshit."
This is a standard tactic on the left, best exemplified on this blog by LLR-lefty Chuck and Inga. Coincidently, both of those posters were banned for their vulgar attacks and clear dishonest lefty posting, though only LLR-lefty Chuck was exposed as a leftist posing as a conservative whereas Inga is clearly a leftist. So that makes Inga a much more honest person than LLR-lefty Chuck even though she is as dense as a doornail.
BleachBit-and-Hammers said...
Chuck - the Lincoln project was started by Trump-hate obsessed nut job Bill Kristol.
That was the whole point. Conservatives, Republicans, and ex-Republicans (who left the Party because of Trump) who opposed Trump in the primaries, and who may or may not have voted for Trump in the general, and who now regard Trump as a danger to the nation.
People who have no need to answer for anything in the Obama or Clinton administrations, since they were Clinton- and Obama-opposing Republicans.
Drago never gets tired of spanking the Chucky. I think it's time to get a room gentleman.
Not far left, but they do have a thing for illegal immigrants and refugees. I'd say that they are close to liberal mainstream Protestantism politically, which is curious because in the early days, Martin Marty and the Christian Century, the flagship liberal Protestant magazine, had nothing good to say about Billy Graham and Christianity Today. Of course, mainstream liberal Protestantism is markedly left of center politically, and "theological conservatism" isn't incompatible with political leftism (if that's what you want to call it).
About the Soros thing. Organizations that they are involved with and support are also supported by Soros. They have similar views on immigration. Whether Soros directly funds the magazine or not is another story. Talk of some connection is spreading all over the internet, but if it's not exactly true, somebody who knows should say so. Nobody needs more fake news.
At CT, I only found two articles mentioning Buttigieg, neither of which discuss his sexuality. They do have a story about the Dem candidates and LBBT matters which does not challenge their view.
At the link provided, they also have this article -
"For Black Evangelicals, How Does Masterpiece Cakeshop Compare to Jim Crow?"
LLR-lefty Chuck: "That was the whole point. Conservatives, Republicans, and ex-Republicans (who left the Party because of Trump) who opposed Trump in the primaries, and who may or may not have voted for Trump in the general, and who now regard Trump as a danger to the nation."
This is another transparent lie as every one of these FakeCon's are not just fighting against Trump, they are fighting against every single republican at every single level and are advocating for every far left policy outcome possible.
In truth, they always have. They are a 5th column group funded by lefties intended to demoralize the conservative base and advance democrat interests.
The problem for you FakeCon's Chuck is that you guys have been completely exposed.
The jig is up amigo. Time for Conservative Inc to develop a new grift is upon us......and you guys aren't moving fast enough to effect 2020.
Ain't that a shame?
No sale, Chuck. Trump won and the bottom line is Bill Kristol was furious Hillary didn't win.
I honestly can't understand how you can profess to be a conservative Christian and support a party that wants to enshrine in law fundamental principles that are anathema to your faith. I am thinking gay marriage and the current transgender movement, which is out to really transform what it means to be human in a way that is incompatible with a Christian anthropology.
BleachBit-and-Hammers: "No sale, Chuck. Trump won and the bottom line is Bill Kristol was furious Hillary didn't win."
No one was as furious at Hillary's loss than LLR-lefty Chuck. He literally melted down on these pages and it was fun to watch. The mask had already slipped off completely but that was when LLR-lefty Chuck decided to break the mask into pieces and burn it down to ashes.
LLR-lefty Chuck thinks he can resurrect his lost credibility for effective use in 2020, not realizing of course that there was no credibility from the beginning.
A fools errand performed by a fool.
Poor Chuck.
I would add the Democratic party's support for extreme abortion positions as well.
Wow, so Chuck is going to the mat splitting the hair between "Soros fiunds CT" and "CT engages in multiple large advocacy projects arm in arm with verified Soros front groups that are in fact funded by Soros". My statement that CT is funded by Soros is TOTALLY DIFFERENT from CT works on projects funded by Soros.
Look, I posted my source, I think my representation is quite fair (if it's a stretch in any way it's still not even a tenth of how far you stretch in virtually every post). Others can look at it and judge if what I said was a fair representation. You are the LAST person who can judge anything fairly.
Interesting, though... are you conceding that funding from Soros is actually a bad thing?
Sydney: "I honestly can't understand how you can profess to be a conservative Christian and support a party that wants to enshrine in law fundamental principles that are anathema to your faith."
Careful now.
Logical statements like yours are anathema to LLR-lefty Chuck and he has no doubt already added you to his long list of Althouse posters he will be attacking using every standard lefty talking point.
The good news is you can prepare yourself with the daily LLR-lefty Chuck's onslaught by simply perusing the DNC website, MSNBC transcripts and Media Matters press releases each day and you will know exactly how LLR-lefty Chuck will be coming after you since Chuck never deviates from the lefty/Dem narrative of the day.
That makes it easy.
Qwinn: "Wow, so Chuck is going to the mat splitting the hair between "Soros fiunds CT" and "CT engages in multiple large advocacy projects arm in arm with verified Soros front groups that are in fact funded by Soros". My statement that CT is funded by Soros is TOTALLY DIFFERENT from CT works on projects funded by Soros."
There is no limit to how twisted LLR-lefty Chuck's logic becomes when defending and obfuscating for his beloved dems/lefties while attacking anyone who tries fighting back against them.
No limit at all.
I read this morning that 8 of 10 evangelicals approve of Trump's presidency.
You should have seen how strongly LLR-lefty Chuck defended Stolen Valor Da Nang Dick Blumenthal!! That was an amazing thing to see.
Blumenthal had lied over and over and over again for years about his non-existent Vietnam combat experience and LLR-lefty Chuck labeled it a one-time "mis-speaking"!!! LOLOLOLOLOL
We had a lot of fun with that one.
I honestly can't understand how you can profess to be a conservative Christian and support a party that wants to enshrine in law fundamental principles that are anathema to your faith.
Sure you can understand. When someone has rejected truth - and even the idea of truth - it is easy to not be truthful about self-characterizations, even if they don't realize it themselves.
Then there is also the reality that the devil can -- and often does -- quote scripture for his own ends.
You know that we libtards really enjoy all this blue on blue fighting that you Trump apologists insist upon engaging in.
Virtue Subscriptioning.
The magazine has very few subscribers and no one cared about it before the DNC Media gave them world wide publicity. Why? To create a split in the Evangelical Community. Democrats HATE that white Evangelicals vote 75% R, so they're always trying to subvert and push Liberal Evangelicals. It gets boring.
Of course, LLR-lefty Chuck's defense of Blumenthal pales in comparison to the Chuck's sustained boosterism of MSNBC hosts and their Russia Collusion narratives.
BTW, did you know that Bill Kristol and several of the FakeCon types at National Review (I'm looking at you Jonah Goldberg and Steve Hayes) also were involved with taking FusionGPS direction for stories they wrote advancing the Russian Collusion hoax?
That's one of the reasons these morons so vehemently defend the leftist/dem/LLR coup attempt.
And lets not get started with the pivotal role John McCain played in working with FusionGPS and the dems to advance the hoax dossier in order to throw the election to the dems.
Piece of crap Romney is exposed as well with his several of his staff members being involved in Ukraine along with his son.
That's what's going on here.
Howard: "You know that we libtards really enjoy all this blue on blue fighting that you Trump apologists insist upon engaging in."
There is no "blue on blue" here.
There is only conservatives fighting FakeCon non-conservatives like LLR-lefty Chuck.
Trust me, its no surprise to anyone that you don't get that.
It should work out well for them for a while. All those new subscribers are TOTALLY devout Christians. That's why they weren't subscribing before. Because of their devotion.
What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?
Blogger Bob Boyd said...
we’ve had 3 times as many people start to subscribe.
"Start to subscribe" sounds like weasel words. Did they subscribe or didn't they?"
Subscribe to CT and get one year free
At the link you get "one year free" only if you subscribe to print and digital for three years.
The problem is that we as evangelicals are also associated with President Trump’s rampant immorality, greed, and corruption...
I accidentally read 1st Chuck then passed on the rest.
Christianity Today can go to Hell.
Not that I'm judging.
Subscribe to CT and get one year free"
That reminds me of an ad I saw in Vail: "Learn to ski from the Valley's best instructor. First lesson free!"
Don’t feed the hate-filled trolls. Don’t waste your time looking for honesty from fake conservative quasi-Republican thugs. Look at results and behold how three years of government oriented toward Republican goals, even in the face of 100% cultural and deep state opposition, has brought us peace and full employment and all over the world the Left is at its lowest share of power since the 1970s, in many Euro countries at the lowest since before WW2 or ever. The screeching and rending if garments abs open hate you read here are the result of the Left and the Deep State losing their death grip on the GOP, which they almost had subverted to the Global Elite. Enjoy their cries. It is the bleat of a dinosaur with one foot in a tar pit.
mockturtle said...
I read this morning that 8 of 10 evangelicals approve of Trump's presidency.
Where did you read that?
Here is a handy .url that will take you to the Daily Caller, which describes and links to fresh polling data from the Politico/Morning Consult poll, indicating that 43% of evangelical voters think that Trump should be impeached and removed. 39% responded "strongly" in favor of impeachment and removal.
Howard said...
You know that we libtards really enjoy all this blue on blue fighting that you Trump apologists insist upon engaging in.
You mean Tulsi vs the Socialists? I think you got the teams wrong.
Chuck, still trying. I give you credit, Chuck. There is one NT left at Ricochet. You two should get a room.
"President Trump’s rampant immorality, greed, and corruption"
Lies and slanders are no way to witness. CT needs to shed the hubris, embrace humility, and seek HIS forgiveness. Learning a little bit about the constitution and political history might help, too.
who now regard Trump as a danger to the nation.
I think anyone who regards 3% unemployment and 28,000 Dow Jones as "a danger to the nation" needs a non-crazy shrink.
Still bleating!
We are far more committed to the glory of God, the witness of the church, and the life of the world than we care about the fortunes of any party.
Yeah, right. That's why it's obvious from your editorial that you take the crudest sort of msm propaganda as gospel truth, not even having bothered to test its "revelations" against any readily available confuting information whatsoever.
I guess you could claim that you're just so focused on the glory of God that you're woefully uninformed about the nitty-gritty of worldly politics. It defies probability, however, that what "information" you have come to possess is 100% TDS b.s.
LLR-lefty Chuck: "....Politico/Morning Consult poll, indicating that 43% of evangelical voters think that Trump should be impeached and removed. 39% responded "strongly" in favor of impeachment and removal."
One can expect to see more fake polling as the reality of the situation on the ground gets worse and worse for LLR-lefty Chuck's beloved dems.
The fake polls are used to buoy the collapsing dem/lefty confidence and morale that they can defeat DJT. Spoiler: they won't.
These push polls, heavily manipulated and massaged to produce dem talking points to avoid speaking about DJT's astonishing conservative policy success in the face of the mental midgets like LLR-lefty Chuck and Team FakeCon, will have to be produced in even greater numbers now that the Trump conservative policies have reached critical mass with the success of the Trade Deals and will further accelerate the economy going into 2020.
Remember: LLR-lefty Chuck told us directly that Trump would NEVER deliver on ANY Trade deals. Not a single one. And LLR-lefty Chuck called anyone who thought Trump could deliver on those Trade Deals idiots and Trump cultists.
And now we have new trade deals with Japan, South Korea, Separate trade deals with Canada and Mexico in addition to USMCA, China Phase 1 and China already rapidly moving towards Phase 2.
Pay close attention to how Trump's team will be working with Boris Johnson to align US trade policy with the EU in a way that directly supports Great Britain. The EU no doubt believes they can now squeeze Johnson to send a message to other nations that would dare contemplate leaving the EU (Poland, Hungary, Italy, Greece, etc). However, as with the US and China, Great Britain holds natural trade negotiation advantages over the EU and the US is going to lay down the law with the EU forcing the EU to go thru London for access to the US markets. Just wait and see.....
Remember, LLR-lefty Chuck said all of this was literally impossible. Literally.
Why? Because that was the dem/lefty talking point and LLR-lefty Chuck long ago outsourced his thinking to Soros/Omidyar/Reid Hoffman-funded outfits.
Vichy Evangelical
Potemkin Protestant
Christians allowed to be pro-family and anti-abortion in exchange for silence about the vicious and increasing anti-religious bias of the left. Useful for dividing Christians, therefore tolerated and encouraged by the hard left. They'll come for them last. Example, The Editor of Christianity Today 2019
Sydney said...
"I honestly can't understand how you can profess to be a conservative Christian and support a party that wants to enshrine in law fundamental principles that are anathema to your faith. I am thinking gay marriage and the current transgender movement, which is out to really transform what it means to be human in a way that is incompatible with a Christian anthropology."
Well. That. Although I don't usually concern myself with what two consenting adults do together. I have a problem with killing unborn children on my dime. Plus it's immoral. The enlightened left doesn't seem to have a problem with it. They like to pontificate(pun) on what he (Trump) is, but are always a bit shy when it comes to what he does. If I remember my Sunday school; God likes good words, but he likes good works more. What has Trump done to harm Christians, Jews, muslims, hindus, bhuddists….etc.?
Blogger Chuck said..."Those fucking evangelicals." 12/23/19, 9:07 AM
Well Chuck didn't[say it], but posted a 'Tweet' from an anonymous source(s)? I really don't know what his point was?
But I'm reminded of what Tom Clancy once said: "...The difference between reality and fiction? Fiction has to make sense. There's nothing that's ever happened in the world that didn't start in one human mind..."
"Et tu", Chuck?
wildswan: "Useful for dividing Christians, therefore tolerated and encouraged by the hard left."
Indeed. That is the entire point. LLR-lefty is simply attempting to amplify this transparently dishonest attack on Trump voters by the Soros-funded idiots on the far left, which includes the Lincoln Project, The Bulwark, half of National Review, etc.
“The problem is that we as evangelicals are also associated with President Trump’s rampant immorality, greed, and corruption; his divisiveness and race-baiting; his cruelty and hostility to immigrants and refugees; and more. In other words, the problem is the wholeheartedness of the embrace.”
Amen brother.
Inga: "Amen brother."
The pro-infanticide party speaks...and never questions the mountain of baby body parts they scoop up and sell for fun and profit.
Go ahead Inga, justify that.
“What has Trump done to harm Christians, Jews, muslims, hindus, bhuddists….etc.?”
Maybe he question should be what has Trump done to Christianity, to morals, to principles? He’s turned them on their heads, where good is bad and bad is good. Evangelicals, except for a minority of them, have fallen down in front of the golden idol of Trumpism.
pro-family and anti-abortion
Pro-family, yes. Anti-abortion (for reasons other than self-defense), yes. Specifically, pro-human.
I'm thinking of pitching a new sitcom called Convenient Jesus. You see, the main character is actually Jesus, but he just wants to live his life and be left alone. However, he's constantly called upon by varying groups of people to help them out by being Jesus at particularly convenient times -- like when they want to win an argument or do some kind of public relations or want to help pass legislation, etc.
Those same people forget all about him most of the time, though.
“Go ahead Inga, justify that.’
Drago, while your comment doesn’t deserve a response I will respond. I hate abortion, I would never encourage abortion, I’ve never had n abortion, I would do whatever I could to support a woman through pregnancy, I’m fine with abortion being limited to 20 weeks. However, I don’t have and neither does the state have the authority to dictate/legislate to women what they do with their bodies and life that is within it, up to a certain point. That’s between them and God.
Here we have a case in which Christians are telling Christians what it means to be a true Christian and you still will not have any of it because it contradicts your blind allegiance to the greatest con man who ever lived. Drago's hero who has paid for a hundred abortions. You better hope the atheists are right
Inga: "Drago, while your comment doesn’t deserve a response I will respond. I hate abortion, I would never encourage abortion, I’ve never had n abortion,...."
Your party supports infanticide.
You passionately support that party.
BTW, Inga STILL believes in the Hoax dossier, believes Brett Kavanaugh is a gang rape leader, believes in Trump Russia collusion conspiracies and believes Carter Page is a russian spy.
To this day she still believes these things.
And she passionately supports a pro-infanticide party.
Qwinn said...
Wow, so Chuck is going to the mat splitting the hair between "Soros fiunds CT" and "CT engages in multiple large advocacy projects arm in arm with verified Soros front groups that are in fact funded by Soros". My statement that CT is funded by Soros is TOTALLY DIFFERENT from CT works on projects funded by Soros.
Look, I posted my source, I think my representation is quite fair (if it's a stretch in any way it's still not even a tenth of how far you stretch in virtually every post). Others can look at it and judge if what I said was a fair representation. You are the LAST person who can judge anything fairly.
Interesting, though... are you conceding that funding from Soros is actually a bad thing?
You fucking liar!
Everybody knows what "funded by Soros" means. And you've got nothing. Not a shred of proof that Soros funds the operations of CT. And my own link published on this page shows that CT had exposed "Sojourners" real-life "funding by Soros."
You're a weasel, and your weasel-post stands you down from your self-proclaimed simplistic declaration that "CT is funded by Soros," when in fact it isn't.
You didn't say that "CT works on some of the same things that some Soros groups work on... [and even then I have real doubts about the actual truth of such a categorization]." Nope. You said that CT was funded by Soros. And you then said, that was all we needed to know. You made the terms so simple and declarative. It's all on you.
And of course you posted the name of your "source." I am going to give these readers the actual link to the page you are talking about. It's a weasel-smear job from start to finish, where they do everything they can to link Soros-encouraged ideas and groups and projects, with CT. But they had no links, N-O-T-H-I-N-G, about "funding." There's not even a byline for the piece. It's a bunch of Soros links, and a bunch of CT links, mashed into a few paragraphs by somebody who didn't sign their name. There's no reporting. It's a guy in front of his computer, collecting hyperlinks.
And let's be real clear; for alt-right shit heads like you, "funded by Soros" is a brand. You all toss it out like it was magic dust to destroy your left-wing enemies without doing the actual work of examining details, support, background info, footnotes, et cetera. Because you are lazy people with lazy standards for arguments. You don't want to do the work.
So I want to make it real clear again for all the readers; the first comment on this page declares that "CT is funded by Soros," and I am suggesting that that statement is a lie. I didn't claim to know one way or another but I challenged Qwinn, who made the claim, to back it up. And he hasn't backed it up, and I don't think he can back it up. Weasel.
I guess it’s Manic Monday for Drago again.
Trump is guilty as charged.
The Nazi corrupt left have spoken.
I took a look through the e-zine the other day- this editorial is just a lie, and the writers know it, too. This is the sort of lying protest you get when the writer knows he has been caught out. I bet the part about new subscriptions is a lie, too.
“You all toss it out like it was magic dust to destroy your left-wing enemies without doing the actual work of examining details, support, background info, footnotes, et cetera. Because you are lazy people with lazy standards for arguments. You don't want to do the work.”
If it comes out of the mouth of Trump or Putin it’s gospel to them.
LLR-lefty and racist poster Chuck: "t's a weasel-smear job from start to finish,..."
LLR-lefty Chuck was big booster of the hoax dossier, of the hoax Trump russia collusion, the Schiff-ty fake "memo" which was proven to be 100% lies as well as Schiff-ty's fake Trump phone call "transcript".
Remember this when LLR-lefty Chuck lies about other posters who expose the many Soro's connections to different lefty Front Groups.
And, as an aside, see the absolute outrage and anger that LLR-lefty Chuck exhibits when his lefty masters are exposed or attacked. The anger boils over. It literally boils over.
I wonder what might be said about such angry defenses of the far left by LLR-lefty Chuck. It's like someone is attacking his family members......
Inga and LLR-lefty Chuck and ARM.
That's quite an Althouse blog lefty starting lineup, isn't it?
Inga, remind us again, how many people do you still claim Brett Kavanaugh gang-raped? You claimed it was in the hundreds over several decades, did you not?
Don't be shy now. You've always been so proud of your grand conspiracy assertions.
Gee, its just like the old days right before both LLR-lefty Chuck and Inga were banned.
Looks like Team Dem is pulling out all the stops now that the Sham-wow impeachment has flopped like a fish washed up on the beach....and smells about the same.
The left went after reagan because he was divorced, and lets say his church attendance was spotty but protected other pols who towed the line, like say packwood until 94, they made other assertions against john tower at the 89 hearing.
In the 1970s and '80 when the Religious Right seemed so powerful, it was part of being respectable to condemn "religion in politics". Of course, that was when most media/university people didn't realize there was a "religious left". There always has been. And they can quote Scripture as well as anyone.
Iowahawk describes the process that has happened with CT (it is a common one)
1. Identify a respected institution.
2. kill it.
3. gut it.
4. wear its carcass as a skin suit, while demanding respect.
CT of present time ticks off all four boxes.
My biggest takeaway from Chuck's last post is that even if I were to prove Soros was *directly* funding CT, instead of just funding projects CT works on so CT doesn't have to spend their own money on it, even if I were to prove that, it wouldn't matter.
Per Chuck, funding by Soros is "just a brand" by us lazy thinkers who use it in place of real argument. Which is why you're hysterical that I take into account the fungibility of money in my accusation. Because Soros links dont matter anyway.
If you'd just stated your real position up front, Chuck, that Soros funding is no big deal and a-ok, and anyone who brings up Soros funding is just an alt-right troll, I wouldn't have bothered wasting time on you. But you couldn't say that from the start, could you? It would undermine your "HOW DARE YOU SUGGEST SOMETHING THAT I REALLY DON'T THINK WOULD BE A BAD THING ANYWAY" pose? HOW DARE YOU? HOW DARE YOU?!?!
Such a sad pathetic facsimile of a man.
I heard George Soros funds Christianity Today so they are probably just proggie hacks, nothing to concern oneself with.
The left is hilarious, though- did they really believe the anti-Trump editorial was going to fool anyone other than themselves? All that work to coopt CT, and its pays off in exactly jack shit in influence.
Whenever another lefty Front Group funded by Soros and other lefties is exposed LLR-lefty Chuck's posting becomes even angrier and more erratic than usual.
Almost as though he views the exposure of lefties funding FakeCon's is somehow a direct threat to him here at Althouse blog.
Mark galli someone pointed out wrote a bio of stalin hagiographying karl barth.
No, Qwinn, you have it all wrong.
If you could prove that Soros had funded CT, as you claimed, I'd stand down. That was the proof I asked for. If you had it, I would shut up about this.
So you have that wrong. Go get proof of "Soros funding." Then come back, and show us your work. And if you find that there is no such proof, come back and apologize for having made such a misleading declaration at the top of this page.
And don't play the "fungible funding" game with me. This isn't Planned Parenthood, which really does engage in fungible funding. YOU CAN'T SPECIFY A SINGLE WAY THAT A SOROS-FUNDED GROUP SAVED MONEY FOR CT.
And since I apparently can't emphasize this enough, both the editors at CT and I agree that if a publication is "Soros-funded," it is worth knowing. As I commented earlier, it was CT that publicly outed "Sojourners" for being a Soros funding project. But what is worth knowing are accurate details, and not garbage tag-lines.
You said "CT is funded by Soros." I said, "Prove it." You haven't proven it. You have come close. You haven't cited us to anyone else who has "proven it."
I didn't defend Soros or Soros-funding. What I am saying is that you are a weasel when you declare that CT is funded by Soros without any proof.
wrote a bio of stalin hagiographying karl barth.
Stalin liked Barth that much?
Guildofcannonballs said...
I heard George Soros funds Christianity Today so they are probably just proggie hacks, nothing to concern oneself with.
Wow. Really? That's bad. Hannity will prolly have moar tonite.
LLR-lefty Chuck: "I didn't defend Soros or Soros-funding."
" However, I don’t have and neither does the state have the authority to dictate/legislate to women what they do with their bodies and life that is within it, up to a certain point. "
Except the government does seem to have authority to dictate what they do with their bodies as it relates to cocaine, heroin, nicotine, self harm.
If the democrat party wanted to combat the view that they were pro-infanticide they would be consistent about this "authority to dictate/legislate... bodies" with legislation that included those other things. But they do not.
If they did not want to be called the abortion party they would pass laws that made "rare" occur more often when they were talking about making abortion "safe, legal, and rare".
Abortion kills human life, that is a biological fact, not a theological tenet. We can argue about when "personhood" begins, or when recognized rights should be applied to those persons not yet unborn and we can do so in an organized and rational fashion, or we can have a political party that believes that a child can be delivered from the womb into the birth canal except for the head and then be killed as a constitutional right. We cannot have both.
Here we have a case in which Christians are telling Christians what it means to be a true Christian and you still will not have any of it because..."
Because we don't answer to men and their definition of what it means to be a good Christian. No, instead it reveals the hubris with which other men feel empowered to pronounce on another man's heart. The greater sin is in proclaiming another unfit for God's Kingdom when it's literally none of your damn business how Trump reconciles his heart with God.
It used to be understood that only demagogues pronounce the upon the content's of another man's heart, but that was long ago when the FISA court was thought to consider exculpatory evidence, and people did not generally condemn each other as "irredeemable" as that was thought to be gauche and a sin in itself. By what authority do you read Trump's heart Howard? Do you not have the obligation as a citizen to consider his good works with at least the seriousness you do the list of sins you accuse him of? Or do you think you are ordained to throw the first stone, being so righteous and all?
You have to ignore a large pile of corruption on the left to place yourself in such a pious position
It's all been debunked. Turns out it always just an unfortunate misunderstanding on your part.
this editorial is just a lie, and the writers know it, too. This is the sort of lying protest you get when the writer knows he has been caught out. I bet the part about new subscriptions is a lie, too.
The Editor is retiring Jan 1. I wonder what his new job will be ? "Parthian Shot" used to refer to Parthians that fired missiles as they retreated.
“This is the sort of lying protest you get when the writer knows he has been caught out. I bet the part about new subscriptions is a lie, too.”
Exactly. Pretty standard Internet stuff. A couple of supportive emails (with lots of exclamation points!!!!!!!) are multiplied like loaves and fishes and become The Voice of a Generation. I was thinking as I read Althouse’s OP that this is just the kind of justification put out immediately before a self-inflicted collapse.
" However, I don’t have and neither does the state have the authority to dictate/legislate to women what they do with their bodies and life that is within it, up to a certain point. "
Certain point. Which is?
Depends on the country.
It also depends on “The State.”
Talk about cognitive dissidence coming from someone who wants the State to dictate more.
Once you’ve given/voted them Authority to tell you how to live what to eat what where what to drive if you should drive what makes you think they’re going to stop ?
Nannystaters don’t stop.
Seeing Red said...
Talk about cognitive dissidence coming from someone who wants the State to dictate more.
Once you’ve given/voted them Authority to tell you how to live what to eat what where what to drive if you should drive what makes you think they’re going to stop ?
Nannystaters don’t stop.
The cognitive dissidents will man the barricades. Fighting in the streets.
Anyone else notice how silent FakeCon LLR-lefty Chuck has gone on McConnell?
Recall that for years LLR-lefty Chuck has pretended to support McConnell (you know, for appearances sake). But now that McConnell has blown up dems impeachment plans and narratives with one 30 minute speech our little faker LLR-lefty Chuck has said.....not a word!
Very telling, eh?
I think Chuckles has gone full blown Authoritarian Leftist and his LLR facade has completely crumbled.
Now I can read or scroll past his posts just as I do with ARM, Inga and Ritmo.
Chuck is holed up in Oakland County with his White Friends. They all voted for Mitt Romney. But unlike Mitt they weren’t able to leave Oakland County for The White Hills of Utah.
They are the Pierre Delecto Patriots.
Francisco D said...
I think Chuckles has gone full blown Authoritarian Leftist and his LLR facade has completely crumbled.
Now I can read or scroll past his posts just as I do with ARM, Inga and Ritmo.
Just scroll past, please. That would be fantastic. Thank you and have a nice day.
"when most media/university people didn't realize there was a "religious left". There always has been. And they can quote Scripture as well as anyone."
I once used the term "Christian Left" in conversation with liberal friends. They took offense.
I wonder if the editors of CT would be okay with LLR-lefty Chuck's racist posts and attacks on women and children?
Not to worry Chuck! Those CT guys would cut you a lot of slack once they understood you are a proud man of the left playing for Team Dem.
Chuck said...
BleachBit-and-Hammers said...
Chuck - the Lincoln project was started by Trump-hate obsessed nut job Bill Kristol.
That was the whole point. Conservatives, Republicans, and ex-Republicans (who left the Party because of Trump) who opposed Trump in the primaries, and who may or may not have voted for Trump in the general, and who now regard Trump as a danger to the nation.
People who have no need to answer for anything in the Obama or Clinton administrations, since they were Clinton- and Obama-opposing Republicans.
Trump's greatest accomplishment was removing the masks.
We all know you are a liar and a piece of shit Chuck.
The democrats are enemies of freedom. You are traitors. Traitors are worse.
And we will not let your lies pass. If they impeach Trump it will be the Republicans in DC we look for first.
That is why you were asked to leave and why moderation is coming back soon because your disingenuous bullshit clutters up this forum.
But as long as you post here it will be made clear you and your cuck political movement are loathed by republican voters.
You are clearly on the other side and will be treated that way.
The most amazing cultural change is that before Trump, Christian Evangelicals were the most likely group in America to say infidelity disqualified a President, and now they are the least likely.
I once used the term "Christian Left" in conversation with liberal friends. They took offense.
They're Pro-Choice religion, Twilight faith, liberal ideology, and bray to mortal gods.
Sebastian: I'm curious, what was their basis for their offense? Was it that "Christian Left" is an internal contradiction? I suppose I could agree with that one.
Christian Evangelicals were the most likely group in America to say infidelity disqualified a President, and now they are the least likely.
I imagine the issue for them is primarily normalization (e.g. advocacy, activism), then tolerance (e.g. social liberalism) with repentance.
It’s been 20 years since Clinton. Some have died off.
Besides even Churchill would’ve done a deal with the devil under the right circumstances.
Sebastian said...
"when most media/university people didn't realize there was a "religious left". There always has been. And they can quote Scripture as well as anyone."
I once used the term "Christian Left" in conversation with liberal friends. They took offense.
There absolutely is a Christian Left. Make no doubt about it. There is "Sojourners" and its guiding force, Rev. Jim Wallis. Just like there is "The Nation" and David Corn. And there is of course Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders.
And there are all of the usual left-wing suspects in academia; Yale, etc.
But then there is "Christianity Today," which is to religion what the Weekly Standard was, or what "The Bulwark" is, to conservative media. And there is Bill Kristol, and Charlie Sykes and Steve Hayes. With conservative credentials to match anyone's, apart from Trumpism. And, in the political arena there is Rep. Justin Amash and former Rep. Dave Trott.
And in academia, there is Hillsdale and George Mason. Reliably conservative, not reliably Trumpy.
Christianity Today is a Soros supported rag completely aligned with the leftist media.
There are several "articles" in CT that are just reprints from various Soros organizations.
But the money quote:
"Andrea Mitchell
On Christianity Today article calling for POTUS removal, @peterbakernyt: "It's a significant moment, the first crack in a wall that's been strong for him up until now, the bedrock of his support, in some ways, among his core constituents, has been the evangelical community."
9:26 AM - Dec 20, 2019"
So yeah CT, just like Bullwork and The Weekly Standard is just a leftist organization pretending to be some group they were not in order to influence republican voters.
But republican voters have caught on to this bullshit line.
Christianity Today is read and believed by nobody. Not even the cucks like Chuck.
Chuck said...
But then there is "Christianity Today," which is to religion what the Weekly Standard was, or what "The Bulwark" is, to conservative media. And there is Bill Kristol, and Charlie Sykes and Steve Hayes. With conservative credentials to match anyone's, apart from Trumpism. And, in the political arena there is Rep. Justin Amash and former Rep. Dave Trott.
All leftist funded traitors.
Well Amash is a Chinese funded traitor so he is a little different.
Omidyar the franco persian ebay partner is financing the dispatch, or as i call it the dinghy
or as i call it the dinghy
Or The Dispatched.
Quoted in the blog post:
"“We have lost subscribers, but we’ve had 3 times as many people start to subscribe."
Wonder how many will cancel their subscriptions or decide not to renew. I'm guessing that with the far left they won't abide the theological stuff.
Well, I guess Chuck is right. The reality is that CT published articles propping up and supporting Soros-funded organizations. So it's not so much that Soros funded CT, as CT funded Soros (by publishing hagiographic adverts for Soros organizations that Soros would've otherwise had to pay for himself).
If Soros HAD paid CT to publish that article directly, then disclosure rules would probably have forced them to disclose the Soros connection in their articles boosting World Relief and EIT. But instead, they just gave their own magazine pages to some guy from World Relief. So it's all good!
So you were right, Chuck. I have no evidence that Soros is funding CT directly with cash. All I got is that CT boosts Soros funded organizations in its pages without disclosing that funding. Totally different! Nothing to see here! So glad you drew attention to the hugely important distinction there, or I might've made a fool of myself for sure!
Charlie Sykes is a fraud. Like Chuck
Achilles said...
All leftist funded traitors.
Exactamundo. You demonstrated it better than I ever could.
The Trumpists' claims that "Christianity Today" is "leftist" are as credible as the claims that Steve Hayes or Bill Kristol or Justin Amash are leftists.
A world where Trump is the only true conservative, and all non-Trumpists are leftists. Trumpism.
Pierre Omidyar and Pierre Delecto.
Chuck’s heroes
There absolutely is a Christian Left. Make no doubt about it. . . . And there is of course Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders.
Sanders is Jewish.
102 mentions of Chuck. A new Record. CT = Chuck Today.
...The reality is that CT published articles propping up and supporting Soros-funded organizations...
Now be very clear, because I see that you are not giving up on your essential point even though I am gradually forcing you to back the fuck down.
Which articles? When? What do you say the connection is? I'm calling bullshit unless you are clearer and provide links.
Amash is a joke. He’s a China schill.
He had no problem with China’s protectionism. That’s his Free Trade.
The jig is up with Conservatism, Inc.
Mark said...
There absolutely is a Christian Left. Make no doubt about it. . . . And there is of course Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders.
Sanders is Jewish.
I didn't mean that Sanders was a Christian or part of the Christian left. I meant that he is part of the left. An acknowledged, socialist, leftist. The Nation is journalism what Sanders is to politics. And what "Soujourners" is to religion.
I also see LLR-lefty Chuck's media heroes on the left are accelerating their attacks on Durham and his probe.
Interesting. Almost as if they know exactly what he is finding....and that it wont be great for Chuck's far left deep state allies.
Naturally, since I told Chuck hours ago that I am at work and can't provide links from here, he bases his victory condition on whether or not I can provide links.
Even though both my and Achilles' links both link to the CT articles boosting Soros-funded EIT written by a guy from Soros-funded World Relief. You know, that being the primary supporting link in both of the articles we linked to.
But unless I get in trouble at work by using their computers to provide a link one level down from links that have already been posted twice, Chuck declares victory!
It must be so nice to be Chuck, in Chuck's facsimile of a mind.
102 mentions of Chuck. A new Record. CT = Chuck Today.
Endeavor to be the electrode, not the frog leg.
The Babylon Bee declares:
"Other publications have announced that Trump should be removed from office, but they are not as virtuous as we are, because they obviously don't care about the abuse of power that has been happening in Washington for decades. You might say this editorial is the ultimate virtue signal to end all virtue signals.
Impeach everybody. Here we stand. We can do no other. God help us."
I have many friends who are Christian. Even some Evangelicals. I was surprised when I found out they supported Trump because - let's be honest - he's not the type of candidate the 'Religious Right' would traditionally support.
But they did and still do, and it has nothing to do with his supposed moral failings. It's because he's better than the alternative.
CT couldn't be more wrong if they tried.
So you didn't mean what you said? Well that present a problem, doesn't it? How are people to know when you say something whether you meant to say it -- and if you didn't mean it, why did you say it?
That's the problem when one is so quick to shoot his mouth off -- he gets very sloppy with the facts.
But then again, there seems to be a pattern of that.
"I see that you are not giving up on your essential point even though I am gradually forcing you to back the fuck down." Uh oh, that sniveling little pretend lawyer is gradually moving to his usual fantasy of "forcing down men's throats." He already is using the word "forcing."
As this new meltdown continues, I predict that cheered on by that old abortion loving box wine bitch Inga, Chuck will start threatening female journalists and attacking children. All of Trump's greatest hits in one thread!
Thank goodness that Chuck and Inga defy Althouse's banning them, great to hear the whine and lamentations of cucks and cunts on Christmas Eve Eve.
Merry Christmas you filthy animals!
To Qwinn and Achilles:
So now the position is, yeah, we haven't got any info that Soros has "funded" CT. But one time, CT published a moderate op-ed column by a guy who is well known for speaking about immigration policy moderation to groups of evangelicals...
That's it, from what I've seen. CT published one column by a Matthew Soerens, the immigration moderate. The guy who wrote that ignoring current settled immigration law in favor of some sort of open borders-type policy is a non-starter in any debate. That Matthew Soerens.
And because CT published a column written by Matthew Soerens, and even though CT IS NOT FUNDED BY SOROS, the Soerens column makes CT "aligned" with Soros.
What horseshit!
Earnest Prole said...
Endeavor to be the electrode, not the frog leg.
The electrode is Althouse, routinely eliciting violent ideation in her readers.
The Soros boogie man is behind everything in the minds of the Trump cultists. It's their security blanket.
The Putin boogie man is behind everything in the minds of the anti-Trump cultists. It's their security blanket.
ARM: those springtime junkets to Austin Texas don't pay for themselves. Her customers (products) need to be stimulated or else they will shop via Insty.
Be sure to exit through the Althouse Amazon Porthole, there's still time left for overnight shipping of impulse buy presents.
Exactly Drago, they are just as addled as you people. You have more in common with Antifa than your LLR comrades.
The electrode is Althouse, routinely eliciting violent ideation in her readers.
Althouse deserves far better than her dopey commenters.
I can put up with a lot of shit, but how dare anyone denigrate box wine. It the greatest thing since sliced cheese. I can smell the elitism in here, and it smells of elderberries.
Howard: "You have more in common with Antifa than your LLR comrades."
Riiiiiiight, except for all the actual physical assaults and shutting down university speakers I don't agree with, etc etc etc.
Except for all those real world differences, you are once again spot on!
Any other dumb and self-serving comparisons you would like to make at this time? Don't hold back now. LLR-lefty Chuck and ARM never do.
The condemnation of Trump by so-called Christians --- over accusations of criminality that are false. or basic policy disagreements. It's really outrageous and pious.
For instance - Trump is following our immigration laws. How is following our immigration laws an illegality? Any mention of Obama's child separation policy?
Actually the article does knock Obama's child separation policy... but only to advance the premise that it's even more important that we open the floodgates now. Obama screwed up too (see how moderate we are?!?!) and damn Trump for not fixing it YESTERDAY!
Drago said...
Riiiiiiight, except for all the actual physical assaults and shutting down university speakers I don't agree with, etc etc etc.
Still waiting for you to condemn the regular violent ideation expressed here and the impugning of literally any and every non-Trumpist commenter. Why not clean house here first?
Also looking forward to you finally condemning the Nazis in Charlottesville for murdering an innocent woman.
How do you excuse Hillary and Biden - but condemn Trump?
ARM: "Still waiting for you to condemn the regular violent ideation expressed here and the impugning of literally any and every non-Trumpist commenter. Why not clean house here first?"
Still waiting for you to accept the results of the 2016 election and climb down from the mountain of baby parts the lefties laugh about as they barter them away.
I won't hold my breath though.
Drago said...
Still waiting for you to accept the results of the 2016 election and climb down from the mountain of baby parts the lefties laugh about as they barter them away.
You actually seem more hysterical than the average Antifa. Still, your love of human life must surely dictate that you finally condemn the Nazis in Charlottesville for murdering an innocent woman.
You are right, Drago. I apologize. What separates you people from antifa is they have the balls for direct action where as you guys just sit back and play the victim card on talk radio and conservative blogs
Howard: "You are right, Drago. I apologize. What separates you people from antifa is they have the balls for direct action where as you guys just sit back and play the victim card on talk radio and conservative blogs"
Its easier sometimes to just say "I was wrong".
Good luck next time with your transparently false equivalencies which any sentient person can recognize immediately.
Limit them to morons like ARM. That guy will bite on anything.
Is it just me, or does ARM seem very reluctant to confront the fact that he strongly supports the pro-infanticide party?
What is it ARM? Is it because the babies are so very little that makes you think they are unworthy of what should be normal human consideration?
Or is it something deeper in you that makes it okay to chop those little guys up and sell off the parts?
Still waiting for you to finally condemn the Nazis in Charlottesville for murdering an innocent woman.
It wasn't that long ago that the dems/left would simply pretend the unborn babies were not worthy of any humane considerations.
But this latest step of happily considering whacking a full term baby that has already been born really does represent something horrifically different, isn't it?
I guess we are back where we were.
Chuck--have a happy Christmas.
Inga--have a happy Christmas.
Howard--have a happy Christmas.
ARM--have a joyous Festivus.
I like Festivus. Thank you, and you also have a merry pagan ritual of your choice.
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Drago said...
Riiiiiiight, except for all the actual physical assaults and shutting down university speakers I don't agree with, etc etc etc.
Still waiting for you to condemn the regular violent ideation expressed here and the impugning of literally any and every non-Trumpist commenter. Why not clean house here first?
Also looking forward to you finally condemning the Nazis in Charlottesville for murdering an innocent woman.
Fuck the Nazi's in Charlottesville. They were organized by Occupy Wall Street.
Fuck the Antifa thugs in Charlottesville.
But mostly Fuck Terry Mcauliffe and the Media and the mayors office in charlottesville who made the entire confrontation happen on purpose.
And we note how you support Antifa as if they are on your side and pretend the "Nazi's" are on our side.
It just shows you are a piece of shit.
Howard said...
You are right, Drago. I apologize. What separates you people from antifa is they have the balls for direct action where as you guys just sit back and play the victim card on talk radio and conservative blogs
You better hope it stays that way.
Gun and ammo sales are at record highs btw. Probably just the awesome economy you guys are so angry about right?
Your support and admiration of antifa is noted.
This thread just draws the bright read line clear as it can get doesn't it?
Achilles said...
Fuck Terry Mcauliffe and the Media and the mayors office in charlottesville who made the entire confrontation happen on purpose.
I assume you have copies of receipts for transportation of the Nazis to Charlottesville paid for by McAuliffe, the media or the mayor's office. In the absence of those receipts it would seem difficult to argue that a bunch of out of town Nazis invading an otherwise peaceful town is the responsibility of any of these people.
Achilles said...
Gun and ammo sales are at record highs btw.
More violent ideation. Is it something in the water?
Qwinn: "Sebastian: I'm curious, what was their basis for their offense? Was it that "Christian Left" is an internal contradiction?"
No. I think it was the implied parallel with "Christian Right."
They had always used that label as a pejorative put-down, so they perceived "Christian Left" as a similar insult.
Chuck said...
To Qwinn and Achilles:
So now the position is, yeah, we haven't got any info that Soros has "funded" CT. But one time, CT published a moderate op-ed column by a guy who is well known for speaking about immigration policy moderation to groups of evangelicals...
Open borders is "moderate" now. Of course. All these people working with Obama and pushing for amnesty but not amnesty amnesty are real conservatives and real evangelicals. Obama and Hillary were the real conservatives.
Cuck said so.
That's it, from what I've seen. CT published one column by a Matthew Soerens, the immigration moderate. The guy who wrote that ignoring current settled immigration law in favor of some sort of open borders-type policy is a non-starter in any debate. That Matthew Soerens.
And because CT published a column written by Matthew Soerens, and even though CT IS NOT FUNDED BY SOROS, the Soerens column makes CT "aligned" with Soros.
What horseshit!
We just note that they agree with democrats all the time, and here and there we find direct conflicts of interest.
And of course you think that 2 obvious conflicts of interest do not define the entire organization. "What horseshit!"
I am 100% positive there are more conflicts of interest that are hidden behind Christianity Today's facade.
You are a joke. So are all 100 or so "LLR's" that are left. You are only here to be mocked. I am so glad you are here to show the people in this forum how phony and absurd the cuck republican movement really is.
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Achilles said...
Gun and ammo sales are at record highs btw.
More violent ideation. Is it something in the water?
It isn't in the water. It is a logical reaction to your actual violence. There have been 1000's of attacks on us by you and yours.
Almost every major college campus has little bands of ARM's red shirts attacking people who disagree with him.
You are a piece of shit.
Enjoy that Strange New Respect, fellas.
The trolls and the troll feeders have taken over the thread.
Achilles said...
There have been 1000's of attacks on us by you and yours.
The phrase 'You and yours' used in this manner conventionally refers to myself and my family. If I understand you correctly you are claiming that I and/or my wife and children have been responsible for 1000's of attacks on some entity known as 'us'. Mine and my familiy's actions and our continued freedom seem to suggest a remarkable failure on the part of law enforcement.
mockturtle said...
The trolls and the troll feeders have taken over the thread.
Who really are the trolls here? The nitwits proclaiming one idiotic conspiracy theory after another or the helpful rational objective observers attempting to help them sort out fantasy from reality.
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