December 8, 2019

"People have speculated that Speaker Pelosi or the party leadership asked me to resign because of the photos and the allegations about me. That could not be further from the truth."

Writes Katie Hill in "It’s Not Over After All/I overcame the desperation I felt after stepping down from Congress, and I’m still in the fight" in the NYT:
In fact, one of the most difficult moments during my resignation process was my phone call to the Speaker, a woman I admire more than anyone and whom I had come to love. She told me I didn’t have to do this, that the country needed me and that she wished I hadn’t made this decision, but she respected me and what I felt I needed to do. I told her what I told everyone else when I announced my resignation: that it was the right thing to do.
Do you believe that? I think she got the Al Franken treatment — forced out, and now, on the outside, really regretting it.
I knew it was the best decision for me, my family, my staff, my colleagues, my community... [I]n the days that followed... I would start shaking, crying, throwing up....

[W]hen it got dark I drew a bath, lit candles and brought over a bottle of wine. I laid there and thought about what I’d lost.... The bath water had gone cold. The wine bottle was empty. Suddenly and with total clarity, I just wanted it all to be over. I got up and looked for the box cutter. I couldn’t find it... and I got the paring knife and got back into the cold bath.... And I realized I couldn’t do it...  I don’t get to quit...

So the next day I put on my battle uniform: a red dress suit that my mom had bought me. I put on my war paint: bright red lipstick. I stepped up to that lectern and told the world that although my time in Congress was over, I wasn’t done....
The contemplation of suicide, with some knife-wielding action, is getting the most attention, I believe. But what I think is more important here is the pro-Pelosi propaganda, and I think it's no accident that the NYT is running this very long essay now about something that happened over a year ago. [CORRECTION: No! It was only last October.]

NOTE: I did not get caught up in the Katie Hill story last year. I only wrote about her after she resigned, and I said "Katie Hill shouldn't have resigned! She Frankened!" I said:
I think there's too much willingness to resign and get out of the way. You got elected by a set of people. Are they asking you to get out or are you letting members of Congress tell you to get out of their way? They're not you're constituents. Don't Franken!
ADDED: Well, I was wrong about when the Katie Hill defenestration happened, so I must turn my suspicion of the NYT way down. But I still do not believe the assertions about Pelosi, the woman Hill purports to "admire more than anyone."

I'm wary of things I'm told "could not be further from the truth." That's never true — that the asserted thing is the farthest thing from the truth. Why obviously exaggerate right at the point when you're pressuring us to believe you?


Leland said...

She didn't get Frankened, she got Gingriched. Gingrich went after Clinton over an affair and then got caught having an affair. Hill agreed to House rules that you can't sleep with your staff, because #MeToo, and then slept with two of her staffers. She violated rules she helped put in place. In both Hill and Gingrich cases, the actual acts performed were consensual, but they violated rules they put in place.

What Franken did wasn't consensual nor sophisticated.

rhhardin said...

It's a piece for women in any case. That may be enough motivation to run it, adding whatever message they want today.

Hey if women can change their mind about resigning afterwards, what about changing their mind about having sex. #metoo


rhhardin said...

Always a Woman

John Borell said...

1. You have to let yourself get Frankened. When told to resign you can say “fuck off” and not resign. She didn’t control the call for her resignation, she controlled her response.

2. Reminds me of a piece Above the Law ran about former Judge Alex Kozinski. Resign to avoid the investigation then come back. She was facing a House ethics investigation. She resigned to avoid that, knowing the results would be devastating. Now she can play the victim.

3. Fuck her and her demand for a double standard. The rules are now no sleeping with staff. Men that do what she did are tossed aside just the same. Make the rules and live by the rules. She got the same treatment men did.

4. She’s no victim.

rehajm said...

She told me I didn’t have to do this, that the country needed me and that she wished I hadn’t made this decision

Which country is that?

I’m sure we can all relate. I mean what member of Congress hasn’t downed a bottle of wine in the tub then reached for a box cutter?

Bob Boyd said...

Franken is thinking,
"I can't believe I lost a Senate seat over a fake titty grab when I could have had a girl with no pants on brush my hair. I feel like a total loser. Wheres my paring knife?"

gilbar said...

a bottle of wine in the tub then reached for a box cutter?

PROTIP: take some aspirin first; it's a blood thinner, and will prevent clotting; keep water WARM

Ann Althouse said...

"1. You have to let yourself get Frankened."

Please note that you're using "Franken" as a verb in a different way than I did.

I said "Don't Franken." I put the recipient of the pressure in the active role. Don't do what he did. He had control, and he gave it up, to his regret. Don't do that.

You're saying "get Frankened," using the verb the other way around, so that "to Franken" means to pressure someone to resign. Then you have to say to the individual that he should resist the pressure, that, for example, Franken shouldn't have allowed himself to "get Frankened."

In my definition, my coinage, I say that Franken should not have caved. After he caved, the advice to every else is: Don't Franken.

I agree, however, that the verb "Franken" is much more likely to catch on in the form you are assuming. But, be clear that it's not how I used it. I believe the member of Congress has the power to stand his ground. He can only be expelled on a super majority vote, so he holds his own fate.

Bob Boyd said...

Hill is still in the fight to make all those deplorable Americans live up to her moral standards and be better people whether they want to or not. She refuses to be distracted by her own behavior.

John said...

I recently learned the meaning of the acronym "thot", this is a textbook example.

stevew said...

I'm not buying it, any of it. She didn't want to quit, her constituents didn't want her out, and the rules she violated didn't demand that she resign. She left because Pelosi decided she had to go. Pelosi saw Hill and her actions as a threat to the agenda.

But, as Obama liked to day, make no mistake, Hill will be back soon enough, she's got nowhere else to go.

Bob Boyd said...

Hill: Pelosi didn't tell me to go Franken myself.

Michael K said...

Interesting that the NYT is buying her victim routine.

I guess the new standards get lowered again. The photos are what did her in.

Carlos Danger should come to her rescue.

The Bergall said...

It's tough not knowing right from wrong........

Narayanan said...

Ann Althouse said...
"1. You have to let yourself get Frankened."

Please note that you're using "Franken" as a verb in a different way than I did.

I said "Don't Franken." I put the recipient of the pressure in the active role. Don't do what he did. He had control, and he gave it up, to his regret. Don't do that.
Do I have this right? Per AA usage :
Senate R's Franken when D's mention filibuster!

Narayanan said...

Q: do R's feel relief or regret when they Franken?

AllenS said...

Franken me once, shame on you; Franken me twice, shame on me.


Temujin said...

I smell a Stacy Abrams.

Some of these people just don't know when to shut up and go away.

So the next day I put on my battle uniform: a red dress suit that my mom had bought me. Nice. She uses that touch to let us know she's just a good girl who clings to things her momma gave her, and presumably told her. Like...go screw your help. All of your help, men, women, whomever. Then mess up your marriage by messing up others marriages. Good. Now make sure you post everything you do on social media outlets. Or just capture it all on camera for use later. You'll look so cool. You so bad, girl! Now- go put on that red dress I gave you.

She's repulsive. We've got enough psychos in office in Washington. Time to weed some of these lowlifes out of there.

Unknown said...

It's "woman logic"

Its true if others feel it strongly

She quit rather than have the intern testify.

The Demstablishment can't have law professors judge the President's fitness

with the her wet pussy sliming a hotel chair on the Net

Guimo said...

As for her taking a bath, she “lay” there. The word is not “laid.,” although who knows what else happened.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Someone needs to re-write that song "I feel pretty" with a new theme "I'm still relevant" for idiots like Hill.

And the big question I have is did she really realy love Pelosi and, if so, was Pelosi in that hotel room too?

Bob Boyd said...

Remember when we'd get together
Burn the candle don't you know
Smoke and drink and live forever
No one there to tell us no

Out the back and down the alley
Gone to get your bucket spiked
Come back when you think you need me
Come back any time you like
Where'd you get that red dress
Where'd you get that red dress

alan markus said...

although who knows what else happened.

If only the goat could talk. The one that appeared in some of those pictures.

AllenS said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stlcdr said...

I have no sympathy for her, but don’t think she should have rolled over. Obviously she’s regretting it now. She’s on the other side of Democrat machine and seeing the nastiness of it.

She probably relishes throwing someone out of a lifeboat, now the person is her.

AllenS said...

Pelosi couldn't have been in the room with Hill. Pelosi is a good Catholic girl. She prays for people. Even if she doesn't like them.

Mike Sylwester said...

I drew a bath, lit candles and brought over a bottle of wine

She still is drinking too much alcohol.

alan markus said...

The guy running to replace her - one of the "Young Turks"

Dems Fear ‘Carpetbagger’ Cenk Uygur Will Lose Them California Seat

“Obviously, the genes of women are flawed. They are poorly designed creatures who do not want to have sex nearly as often as needed for the human race to get along peaceably and fruitfully.”

"In another post, Uygur laid out his rules for dating, which included third-date advice to women like: “If I haven’t felt your tits by then, things are not about to last much longer.”

"In a 2004 blog post, Young Turks co-founder David Koller described underage girls he and Uygur met as “whores in training.”

“Japan is butter, I’m hot knife,” Uygur said, waving his hand to illustrate the metaphorical knife. “I’d run through those girls!”

William said...

I can understand the suicidal ideation and the "let's try this" sexuality, but such excessive admiration for Nancy Pelosi shows signs of a disordered mind. She needs to find her center.....So we're agreed that sex with under-aged children or subordinate staff personnel is wrong. Does any other type of consensual sexual behavior disqualify you for public office? Or, more to the point, are those the only two types of consensual sexual behavior that we are now allowed to publicly criticize.

mccullough said...

The money Pelosi arranged for her was too good to pass up.

RMc said...

When someone says something "could not be further from the truth", it's usually pretty close to the truth.

Crimso said...

"No! It was only last October."

In this political climate, two months feels like years. I suspect this feeling permeates the entire political spectrum.

Bob Smith said...

You realize that Ms.Hill is the best the folks in her district could do.

daskol said...

This rehabilitation, including the Pelosi toe-sucking, was inevitable. She did as she was asked. And I think it's true the it wasn't the photos, strictly speaking. It was the impropriety of screwing a young staffer, and some financial impropriety that was being revealed by her messy divorce. This is her second act, to which she entitled herself by doing as she was asked and defenestrating herself. She loves Nancy because Hill continues to hope, with good reason, that she will work again: she's proving her usefulness now. She's an apparatchik. She has an interesting sex life, and is otherwise a bland political cutout.

Curious George said...

"and I got the paring knife and got back into the cold bath.... And I realized I couldn’t do it."

No cuts, no gory.

daskol said...

I disagree with this notion that she somehow miscalculated. That presumes she is an independent person with a career independent of the Dem machine. She was doing her job then, and she'd doing it now by kissing up to Pelosi.

mockturtle said...

Not only a nut case but glorying in the fact. Why was she elected in the first place?

MAJMike said...

We have the worst ruling class ever.

gspencer said...

"Suddenly and with total clarity, I just wanted it all to be over. I got up and looked for the box cutter"

Spare us. Go rub one out. You'll feel better.

Lurker21 said...

mockturtle said...
Why was she elected in the first place?

Because Kristen “My girl Katie is running for Congress” Bell is so hard to resist.

John Borell said...

“Please note that you're using "Franken" as a verb in a different way than I did.”

I don’t mean to quibble about grammar as I may have misstated what I meant.

But I mean she had the power. She got “Frankened” in that she had the control over whether she resigned or not. I didn’t mean that Pelosi did the Frankening, but that Hill had the power to say “fuck off” and did not. She was always in control.

Wince said...

So, in other words, if Franken had any sense he wouldn't have de-myrrhed?

How Christmassy!

mockturtle said...

So, in other words, if Franken had any sense he wouldn't have de-myrrhed?

Nicely played, Wince.

Jaq said...

Threatening suicide is just a way to say fuck you, and actually doing it is the ultimate fuck you.

AllenS said...

To Franken, or not to Franken, that is the question.

AllenS said...

Learn to Franken. Fuck that code shit.

Browndog said...

I'm Full of Soup said...

Someone needs to re-write that song "I feel pretty" with a new theme "I'm still relevant" for idiots like Hill.

She isn't still relevant--she's more relevant.

Someone posted a photo of her and AOC having dinner Friday night. Just the two of them.

It seems she has more power and influence now than she ever did as a sitting representative.

I don't get it, but I don't the get deal with Stacey Abrams either.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

"[Hill] has acknowledged errors in judgment that made her continued service as a member untenable," Pelosi said on Sunday night. "We must ensure a climate of integrity and dignity in the Congress, and in all workplaces.”

She was pushed.

Pelosi may have well said those nice things to Hill's face but Pelosi sent clearly sent the assassin.

Lurker21 said...

Mommy issues. Daddy issues. Maybe Pelosi was kind to Hill at some point or at least recognized her and acknowledged her presence, and she's grateful for that. Maybe Pelosi was cold and cutting and made Hill leave, but she got that treatment a lot at some earlier point in her life and can now only smile through the tears and take it.

Don't underestimate the need for mental continuity, for some attachment or relationship or conviction to hang on to. When the walls are caving in around you, you don't start knocking them down. When you realize you are alone on an island, you don't burn whatever bridges you have left. Someone who is already considering suicide needs all the stability she can get to hold her back, and too much lashing out makes the isolation and temptation all the greater.

Michael said...

Are the “allegations” separate from the pictures?

Jaq said...

Correction, threatening suicide is manipulation, committing suicide is “fuck you."

Beth B said...

Whether her supposed hero worship of Nancy Pelosi is bullshit or not, the Speaker did her a mercy by letting the Congresswoman "Franken" herself. Katie Hill sounds nuts. Her drinking was part of her poor judgement in the first place. And here she is, post-crying/shaking/puking, telling us how she sloshed around in a bathtub and downed a whole bottle of wine without even noticing. This, right before she went on a search for a box cutter to kill herself.

This woman is a mess. Whether she was a member of congress or a greeter at the Walmart, she'd still be a mess. Her announcement about putting on her red power dress and "war paint" lipstick (wait, is that racist?), and heading out to take on the world, sounds awfully like a regretful post-bender addict declaring how they're gonna put on their one shirt without holes in it and go out and get a job this time. They might even get their kids back and repay their Mama for the money they stole from her, too!

Everything about Katie Hill screams "Train Wreck". Better she should be where the harm she can do will be minimized.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Do you believe that? "

It's another re-write of history - with the hacks in the press running to her side.

The media at the time reported that Nancy asked her to leave. She broke Congressional rules about having affairs with staffers.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The collective democratic left have made lying the cornerstone of WHO THEY ARE.

Bill Peschel said...

Kaus' Faster Feiler Thesus in operation. Only two months after resigning, and she's already primed for her comeback!

~ Gordon Pasha said...

Who had access to both the photos and the texts (everyone seems to have forgotten the latter)? The girlfriend in the throuple. She's the one that threw Hill under the bus initially, not the husband.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Bleed or get out of the tub.

SGT Ted said...

Sounds like a narcissist and a manipulator, possibly high functioning BPD. The absolute refusal to take any real responsibility for her actions is a huge tell. When she was held to account using rules she promoted politically, she absolutely could not handle it.

Curious George said...

"Suddenly and with total clarity, I just wanted it all to be over. I got up and looked for the box cutter"

If only she was more organized.

chickelit said...

How about a big round of ughs?

Birkel said...

Hill has every chance to declare this is the Hill she's willing to die on.
She failed.


Chris N said...

Is that Oprah’s couch she’s maneuvering up those stairs? Did they lay a traveling pantsuit on top?

Who needs committed marriage and rules about sleeping with subordinates, when you’ve got polyamory and liberated expression of the Self?

Chris N said...

As a member of P.A.T.R.I.A.R.C.H, the Hill protocol wasn’t supposed to initiate until Outback was complete.

No 1 will not be pleased.

Christy said...

Why would she offer up a template for her own perfect murder?

Virgil Hilts said...

I have never agreed with all these stupid laws/rules about consensual adults sleeping with other consensual adults. We have discrimination and harassment laws. If it's consensual - if neither adult party complains - then why the hell should the State get involved before or after the effect? MY beef with Katie Hill is supporting some rule that deprives consensual adults of freedom to do what they want with their bodies behind closed doors. I was fine with her having her flings and threesomes, more power to her.

Howard said...

Beth nails the situation. I'll add that Ms. Hill appears to have not yet reached rock bottom in her heart. I think she still needs to shave her head get in a 1970s era RV and start running down fences and mailboxes in her neighborhood before she realizes that she has a problem

Automatic_Wing said...

She loves Nancy because Hill continues to hope, with good reason, that she will work again: she's proving her usefulness now. She's an apparatchik. She has an interesting sex life, and is otherwise a bland political cutout.

Yeah, she, like all freshman congressmen, is a cog in the party machine and nothing more. She has to do what the party tells her to because she's nothing without the party. Once you've been in congress for a while, gotten some seniority, delivered some pork to the district, you're someone in your own right. But a first termers has none of that, so they have no choice but to toe the line.

Yancey Ward said...

This is basically a fairy tale beginning to end. Hill was forced to resign by the leadership, and that includes Pelosi. She has probably been promised something to make nice since then- I would start looking for mega-book deals or a huge GoFundMe account.

If this were twenty five years ago, you could look forward to Hill's pictorial in Playboy. Now, you probably have to visit Pornhub.

Yancey Ward said...

And I agree with Althouse- Hill should have told the leadership to fuck off- she won her election and is running again in 2020. Hill pretty much disqualified herself with her spineless resignation.

mockturtle said...

Automatic Wing observes: Once you've been in congress for a while, gotten some seniority, delivered some pork to the district, you're someone in your own right.

Or, more accurately, 'raised a veritable shitload of money' for the Party.

BUMBLE BEE said...

She's got a point there. She DIDN'T tap her shoe under the toilet stall or anything!

mockturtle said...

She DIDN'T tap her shoe under the toilet stall or anything!.


Amadeus 48 said...

Hill is a disaster--a no-talent hack swept into Congress in a wave election with extensive vote "augmentation". She resigned because she was having an affair or affairs with several staff members. That is a bad look for anyone. Now that we are deeply in the "Ze Decade", she would have been pushed off the train by either party by any leader. Pelosi here is not being decisive, sympathetic, admirable, or any other thing. She's being practical.

Pelosi just flushed the toilet and walked away. Now the poop is yelling, "I am a natural byproduct"! Perhaps true, but still unpleasant.

Stephen A. Meigs said...

Who had access to both the photos and the texts (everyone seems to have forgotten the latter)? The girlfriend in the throuple. She's the one that threw Hill under the bus initially, not the husband

Somehow I missed the Kate Hill scandal. Thanks.

Two days after James Earl Ray was born was a big day near Saugus, and it was also the anniversary of the Desjardins Canal train wreck, Canada's second deadliest ever. A couple boys in Montreal were probably murdered over this coincidence some 35 years ago. Throw in that "girlfriend" Desjardins was from Saugus and that Saugus High was Rep. Hill's alma mater, and that 11 days after Hill resigned was the school shooting at Saugus High, and you've got some serious signs of zombie activity. Not just possibly concerning signs as with whatever the hell might have been going on with the girl that Kavanaugh might or might not have sexually assaulted. That iron cross tattoo is presumably real. Oh yeah and earthquake-spirit devotee Herbert William Mullin would admire her for having gotten her University degree at Cal State Northridge (though admittedly his appreciation might not extend more than taking it as a sign that her inner nature has kindly willingly prepared herself for her human sacrifice to the earthquake spirits).

Lately I've been wondering whether it goes back all the way to the attempted assassination of Mayor Gaynor. He was shot in 1910 on the anniversary of the steamship Erie disaster that killed mainly German immigrants, at the place where the Hoboken Docks fire devastated the German Lloyd shipping company. Then in 1912 the Titanic hit the iceberg on the anniversary of Lincoln getting shot, and exactly half a year later former Lower East Side bartender Schrank shoots Roosevelt in Milwaukee. Schrank claimed he had lost his fiancee in the 1904 General Slocum disaster (over 1000 dead), and for sure when arrested shortly after the shooting he had in his pocket written down in a note the German name of Luther's hymn "A Mighty Fortress is Our God" that was played by the German-speaking St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran Church Band as the Slocum was leaving port filled mainly with its parishioners. Two similar assassination attempts involving assassins from or near NYC Lower East Side, with three possible references to US maritime disasters that especially hurt Germans. Zombies all the way down? or were there connections between the first assassin zombies and clandestine fear-mongering activities of (say) the German General Staff wearing their iron crosses? Murdering girls, young women and the occasional boy, assassinating leaders, I'm pretty sure they've done all that so I don't know why I shouldn't expect the zombies weren't also into helping start the First World War. I'd say Schrank was much more certainly a zombie than Gallagher (Gaynor's shooter), because zombifiers like to build on past coincidences when constructing mummery.

Many of the Germans in Little Germany (now the East Village) moved to Yorkville after the Slocum disaster, closer to Hell Gate, where the ship caught fire.

According to period newspaper accounts, the brother of the woman Schrank claimed as his fiancee was highly skeptical that they were that close, though he admitted Schrank may have identified her among the many drowned and dead bodies. Most accounts on the internet sadly overlook this, giving false impression.

Otto said...

Being an bisexual whore while also being a married congress women is not good optics for the Dems. And if her district is blue (, then it is a good political maneuver.

Ann what virtue are you espousing for Hill to have not quit and keep on fighting?

M Jordan said...

12/8/19, 8:31 AM
Blogger mockturtle said...
So, in other words, if Franken had any sense he wouldn't have de-myrrhed?

That's gold! Good!

Clyde said...

She was taking sexual advantage of subordinates. She deserved what she got. If she’s “still fighting”, she’s like the Japanese soldier on the island who didn’t realize the war was already over.

Jupiter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jupiter said...

Didn't she just get a divorce? Thank God there's no kids. But she still needs to get a job. Let it go, honey, you're too crazy to be a legislator from California.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“[W]hen it got dark I drew a bath, lit candles and brought over a bottle of wine.”

Total made-up bullshit and so calculated I doubt she even wrote it. Life as Lifetime. They know their audience. I’ll give them that.

chickelit said...

So, in other words, if Franken had any sense he wouldn't have de-myrrhed?

That's gold! Good!

Bravo, you two!

By way of distraction, I offer only an old Persian story which explains why these gifts were chosen. At this point, it's all speculation:


Earnest Prole said...

Funny coincidence, I was just thinking our politics aren’t crazy enough and what we really need is stuff like the bathtub scene in Godfather 2.

Sebastian said...

Wait, Franken didn't coerce an underling on the payroll into sex, did he?

Ann Althouse said...

“ But I mean she had the power. She got “Frankened” in that she had the control over whether she resigned or not. I didn’t mean that Pelosi did the Frankening, but that Hill had the power to say “fuck off” and did not. She was always in control.”

That is, you were not disagreeing with me.

By having a different meaning for Franken, you made something seem like disagreement.

Jeff Brokaw said...

Shaking, crying, throwing up... wine bottle is empty now because she probably drank the entire bottle... who gives a shit? I’m supposed to feel bad for her now because she’s an emotional mess who used her position of power to sexually harass a young woman? WTF is wrong with her, and WTF is wrong with the NYT for green lighting this pathetic bullshit?

I’ve officially had enough of this tendency today to celebrate total immersion in one’s emotions as if it is some sort of higher calling. It’s not, it’s the exact opposite and it is literally damaging to us as a culture.

And the media and politicians are absolutely the worst offenders.

bagoh20 said...

Women reveal stuff like this so much lately that I'm starting to believe everything they do, good or bad, is for the emotional rush, and mostly it's negative emotions (depression, regret, shame, etc). Not much talk of the joys or passions they experience from their decisions or actions. It's like they are addicted to the sads, which is a kind of victim-hood mentality.

Jim at said...

She had sex with one of her staffers and we're still discussing whether or not she should've been axed? Really?

mockturtle said...

You're probably right, bagoh @1:13. Not just the negative stuff, either. As we have seen, the competition for 'gender reveal' parties has gotten out of hand and trying to outdo each other with more viral posts, be it decorative food displays, trans children or pathos. That these women are taken seriously is more troubling even than are they, themselves.

John Borell said...

“ That is, you were not disagreeing with me.”

Agreed. This should be a lesson to myself: Don’t comment before coffee.

Ken B said...

Epstein did not Franken himself.

Ken B said...

I think she should have resigned because she voted for the rule she broke. I think Pelosi kicked her out.

Swede said...

This isn't difficult.

Pelosi said resign or the ethics investigation will ruin you. Forever.

So she resigned.

Buyers remorse? Probably. She's dumb enough.

Rosalyn C. said...

Ilhan Omar allegedly married her brother and committed immigration fraud, had an affair with her campaign manager, to whom she is paying a huge salary out of campaign funds, while both of them were married to other people, and she wouldn't think twice about resigning. So what the heck is wrong with Katie Hill? Would Pelosi tell Hill to quit but not Omar? I doubt it. If Nancy told Hill to quit it wasn't over breaking the rules, it was because Hill couldn't handle the pressure.

I didn't follow the story when it came out because threesome stories aren't interesting to me. Apparently Hill and her husband had an undisclosed open marriage and had other threesome flings, but when she was rumored to also have had an affair with another man, that was too much for her "abusive" ex husband. He flipped out. Saddest part of this sob story, imo, is that the beautiful young UC Davis alum actually was in love with Hill and was heartbroken by the breakup. Don't know if Hill is planning on becoming officially bisexual or polyamorous. Do we have that to look forward to? I don't think her district was all that progressive, so onward and upward.

Bunkypotatohead said...

I always keep a few extra box cutters in the bathroom, near the tub, just for occasions like this.
Next time be prepared!

Gospace said...

MAJMike said...
We have the worst ruling class ever.

We'll, there you've identified the problem. Those of us who understand what it is to be American don't have rulers.

Way too many today are way to willing to be ruled, and there are to many petit tyrants willing to do so.

If anyone I was considering voting for ever stated they wanted to rule over us I would work hard to ensure their defeat.

mockturtle said...

I always keep a few extra box cutters in the bathroom, near the tub, just for occasions like this.
Next time be prepared!

But skip the candles. They could be dangerous.

RMc said...

Way too many today are way to willing to be ruled, and there are to many petit tyrants willing to do so.

See a need, and fill it.

Anonymous said...

I see you were unable to resist the urge to blog about this story. Very sorry you lost the battle.

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