Writes Franklin Graham (on Facebook).
Wow. That was an own goal.
Franklin Graham (apparently) would not have talked about his father's support for Trump, but the attempt by editors at Christianity Today to put Billy Graham's name on their political opinion forced him to go public.
Graham continues:
For Christianity Today to side with the Democrat Party in a totally partisan attack on the President of the United States is unfathomable. Christianity Today failed to acknowledge that not one single Republican voted with the Democrats to impeach the President. I know a number of Republicans in Congress, and many of them are strong Christians. If the President were guilty of what the Democrats claimed, these Republicans would have joined with the Democrats to impeach him. But the Democrats were not even unanimous—two voted against impeachment and one voted present. This impeachment was politically motivated, 100% partisan. Why would Christianity Today choose to take the side of the Democrat left whose only goal is to discredit and smear the name of a sitting president? They want readers to believe the Democrat leadership rather than believe the President of the United States.ADDED: Graham's post went up 9 hours ago (around midnight). Here's Trump's tweet, published some hours later:
Look at all the President has accomplished in a very short time. The economy of our nation is the strongest it has been in 50 years, ISIS & the caliphate have been defeated, and the President has renegotiated trade deals to benefit all Americans. The list of accomplishments is long, but for me as a Christian, the fact that he is the most pro-life president in modern history is extremely important—and Christianity Today wants us to ignore that, to say it doesn’t count? The President has been a staunch defender of religious freedom at home and around the world—and Christianity Today wants us to ignore that? Also the President has appointed conservative judges in record number—and Christianity today wants us to ignore that? Christianity Today feels he should be removed from office because of false accusations that the President emphatically denies.
Christianity Today said it’s time to call a spade a spade. The spade is this—Christianity Today has been used by the left for their political agenda. It’s obvious that Christianity Today has moved to the left and is representing the elitist liberal wing of evangelicalism.
Is President Trump guilty of sin? Of course he is, as were all past presidents and as each one of us are, including myself. Therefore, let’s pray for the President as he continues to lead the affairs of our nation.
....have a Radical Left nonbeliever, who wants to take your religion & your guns, than Donald Trump as your President. No President has done more for the Evangelical community, and it’s not even close. You’ll not get anything from those Dems on stage. I won’t be reading ET again!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 20, 2019
ALSO: Under Trump's tweet are all sorts of attacks on Trump that try to use religion against him, and these often go awry. Don't attempt a religious attack unless you're sure you know what you're doing (and if you are sure, God help you). Here's one example, just the first thing I saw over there, by someone who thinks he's hurting Trump:
And I’d like to remind everyone that he’s a “Christian” who doesn’t think it’s necessary to ask for forgiveness. pic.twitter.com/7wSpd4l1pc— Idea Jonez💡 (@ideuhz) December 20, 2019
MORE: Here's the Christianity Today editorial, which appears under the name of one person, Mark Galli, the editor in chief. He does not purport to channel the opinions of Billy Graham, but he does essentially say that he was encouraged to express his own opinions by Graham.
We want CT to be a place that welcomes Christians from across the political spectrum, and reminds everyone that politics is not the end and purpose of our being.... That said, we do feel it necessary from time to time to make our own opinions on political matters clear—always, as Graham encouraged us, doing so with both conviction and love. We love and pray for our president, as we love and pray for leaders (as well as ordinary citizens) on both sides of the political aisle....Galli should have foreseen that the anti-Trump press and social media would seize upon his editorial and exploit it as much as possible, putting Billy Graham's name on it conspicuously. I know the first reports I saw on the subject made me feel like I was getting Billy Graham's opinion and to wonder whether I'd misremembered that he had died.
1 – 200 of 311 Newer› Newest»Who owns "Christianity Today?"
Leftwing Christians are Christians too. They, of course, place politics ahead of God.
Lot’s of Democrats are strong Christians too, like Kanye West.
Why is it an own goal?
I do suspect an originally conservative organization has been captured by liberal activists.
That said I never read the site. Orthodoxy Today used to have some great reads and I thought they were affiliated somehow..
btw- I'm not thrilled when Christian groups take sides. Any side.
But I do agree that Democrats are corrupt and Christians should never support corruption.
Wikipedia already has the story included. This was a planned hit. I still can't find who owns it.
They sold their souls to the devil for a dollop of political correctness.
Own goal? That bigot Franklin Graham would come out to defend Trump was surely known at ET.
Anyone who lives in sin and is unrepentant is not a Christian. See 1 John 3:4-10. That's Trump for sure...
Sadly, even "Christian" news organizations have been captured by the looney left. I suspect this magazine is on its last legs anyway.
As a once subscriber to CT, I had noticed long ago that it had been hijacked by liberal elements.
BleachBit, your assertion that "Leftwing Christians are Christians too." is open to argument. How much doctrine can you throw out--including the very deity of Christ--and still be a Christian?
Only a Godless, left-wing moron would engage in the deadly sin of Presumption.
What’s amazing to me is how many “Christians” I know who are so short-sighted and lacking in Discernment that they think opposing Trump because he’s not a squeaky-clean choir boy is some how their moral imperative... they fail to see the hand of divine providence at work or acknowledge that the alternative is straight up Satanic / Demonic... so they tsk-tsk and clutch their pearls and speak in Sunday school platitudes, admonishing us over all his personal failings... as if Noah, Moses, David, Jacob, Isiah, or any of the great leaders of the Bible (besides Jesus and Abraham) were Boy Scouts...
It’s always amazed me that Christianity is a left-wing religion with mostly right wing believers. And Islam is a right wing religion with mostly left wing believers.
I'm Catholic and it drives me wild when the Church or the Society of Jesus enters into politics. The most recent one is where the Jesuit Pope told us it was our Catholic duty to believe in the CAGW scam. Hey, Pope! Stick to your business. In case you didn't know, Europe is no longer Catholic. Maybe you should go recruit and evangelize.
The other thing that drove me wild was when a number of bishops - including the then President of Creighton Fr. Timothy Lannon - signed a letter saying it was out Catholic duty to accept any illegal alien that showed up here in the United States. The Catholic Church is not in charge of immigration policy.
Trump at least mentions the many ways Christians are under constant attack both here and around the world.
Christians who refuse to support him for his policies because of his personal foibles and flaws... well you’re not marrying him or auditioning him to be your lifelong friend, and he’s not running to replace Jesus, so who the hell cares what he does in his personal life?
What is the point of obsessing over something that literally does not matter, at all? If you don’t know someone personally, then their personal life has zero impact on you. By definition.
That's Trump for sure...
Present day media teaches it’s perfectly fine to put your thoughts into the mind of people you don’t even know.
Just like when it’s OK to assume black people are incapable of learned thought and Jews think about money every waking minute.
O'Sullivan's law, but they want us to vote for the followers of moloch, yeah right,
there is a personal place for social justice, but not governmental action,
The upshot of my complaint is that the American Catholic Church suggests that in order to be a good Catholic, one must vote Democrat. The same Democrat party that supports abortion and tried to destroy the Catholic and Jesuit educated Brett Kavanaugh because of the abortion issue.
This business infuriates me.
"Maybe you should go recruit and evangelize."
But what if Althouse is right, and people (including the Pope) don't believe what they profess to believe?
Morkoth: Good point and, as many of us proclaimed in 2016, we are electing a President, not a pastor. I am a firm Christian believer in separation of Church and State. [Not to be confused with the currently popular 'freedom from religion'].
I just wish Trump would leave ET out of it. True, he may have been an illegal alien, but he self deported long ago.
Democrats booed God at their Convention. It's like they need votes so they are now "prayerful" Just like how they HATED the RICH WHITE RACIST Founding Fathers, and now impeachment is all about honoring the Founding Fathers. Wake up...They are LYING to you AGAIN!!!!
Wikipedia also has the Franklin response. Reason folks read Wikipedia.
Anyway, the CT saga confirms the old law of institutions, that any outfit not explicitly devoted to conservatism will be taken over by progs.
Hey, Abraham is the guy who saved his own life by passing off his wife as his sister so she could join the king's harem.
The Jewish Bible is not the place to look for "faultless" human beings.
Anyway, the CT saga confirms the old law of institutions, that any outfit not explicitly devoted to conservatism will be taken over by progs.
For years I used to have a subscription to Christianity Today. I believe it had strong ties to the Billy Graham organization. He might have been one of its founders. It spoke strongly in its arguments for an evangelical christian faith.
But I'm not surprised that it has (so to speak) joined the dark side. There was always a tension between the articles by academics arguing what they think "ought" to be and real life experiences of their subscribers. I was often challenged and, I believe, made better by listening to them.
But less and less often. My subscription elapsed long ago and I can't remember the last time I used my browser bookmark to their web site. Maybe I'll take it down and free up some space...
Except even explicitly conservative institutions get taken over by the Left too.
Every time.
No exceptions.
It's what they do.
Only progressives are permitted the right to assembly.
Like Chik-Fil-A, another example of these people and their 'long-march' through the institutions.
Beria and Gramsci said it best (paraphrase), any institution that poses a popular threat can't be attacked directly because its popularity will mobilize its members and its allies. Such institutions can only be dissolved from within.
I hope someone will do a deeper dive into the backgrounds of their editorial staff, especially recent additions in the last 3-4 years.
Christ made a point of being non-political.
Face it. CT wants radical left nonbeliever Pence as President. (So do I.)
When you asked “Is the Pope Catholic?” It used to be a rhetorical question. Now I am not even sure bears shit in the woods.
On this issue Tam be decisive.
"Christ made a point of being non-political.”
“Render unto Caesar...” I think that was written in red type in my New Testament.
Evangelicals have explained their support for President Trump rest alot on the fact Democrats want to destroy their religious expression. To use the power of government to remove any hint of faith from these United States. That is why President Trump has their support.
Watching Democrats worship at the alter of Abortion, and at the same time claim to accept the teachings of Christ, is enough for them to practice their own faith, and forgive President Trump for his PAST transgressions.
David Begley,
I am a lifelong Catholic and generally only attend the Latin Mass. Ironically, I am usually the older person there. The pews are filled with you families in the twenties and thirties.
In my large, Irish Catholic family, before Vatican Disaster II, it would have been unthinkable for any of us to miss Sunday Mass. When the "reforms" of the Mass came, two of my uncles walked out and never came back. Looking at the second, third and now forth generations since the Council, hardly any of my family practices the Faith, although many show up for Christmas and Easter. I despise the Peronist sitting on the papal throne, Pope Libtard the First, an intellectual and spiritual lightweight.
The Catholic Church is in free fall and as the saying goes: get woke go broke
IMHO- Churches who demand adherence to any political persuasion should be kicked to the curb. It is SOOOO tacky. It is an insult to God. It is a insult to why you are at church to begin with.
I am proud of my church. I feel blessed to have found it.
When politics creep in, the pastors are so amazing about keeping it separated and out of any discussion. "All are welcome" ...All faiths are welcome, all denominations, atheists, Jews, agnostics, fence sitters, skeptics, and any political perspective. Various topics refrain from touchy current political BS.
That stuff is fleeting.
It's also a point of laughter between the two main pastors. I would guess each are from a different political point of view. I like not knowing for sure.
It's tacky to take sides. Tacky is not the right word. Icky? Yucky? Insulting? Lame?
Neutrality is key. * Can we have a small amount of time where all that anger is shed and the focus is on something else? Soothing bigger and more important? Politics and people in politics are fluid and fleeting.
Now I am not even sure bears shit in the woods.
They don't anymore! They're shittin' in my fuckin' driveway! What the Hell?! They're eatin' all these apples somewhere then coming over here and...oh...sorry...touched a nerve.
The Catholic Church is not in charge of immigration policy.
This is an old story. Forty years ago, when I was still a regular churchgoer, the local parish solicited me for a donation. I was hoping they were going to build a school. There was vacant property adjacent to the church that was zoned for religious use. I gave them $500 and learned it went to Santa Ana to support illegals. Last time I gave them money. Subsequently, I sent my kids to a private Episcopal school founded by a retired Anglican priest. The Catholic Church had given up on schools because there were no more nuns. It was a big mistake.
Now I am not even sure bears shit in the woods.
Yes they do.
Its always quite telling that the lefties continuously use appeals to authority (where the "authorities" were long ago compromised by the left) long after the conservatives/republicans/evangelicals etc caught on to their game.
It's why the "mainline" denominations are sinking like a stone in membership in direct correlation to their walking away from their faith.
These liberal "Christians" don't even believe in Christianity. Mostly they define their religious beliefs via a marxist social justice framework that says there are infinite pathways to God.
Franklin Graham has made a career out of defending a compulsive liar. What does this say about his own truthfulness? To believe his statement about his father one has to be either naïve or a knave.
Face it. CT wants radical left nonbeliever Pence as President. (So do I.)>>>>
If impeachment works to oust Trump, the Democrats have already prepared impeachment topics to be used against Pence. So odd to think that then we'd have President Pelosi--who'd have ever thought we'd have an Italian-American president?
Blogger readering said...
Face it. CT wants radical left nonbeliever Pence as President. (So do I.)
Yes, and we know why. He was governor of Indiana when the legislature passed a version of the RFRA. The left attacked and threatened boycotts so Pence backed down. That's what you abortion Christians want.
Stating that Trump should be removed from office over the criminal lies of Adam Schitt and his fraud of a Whistelblower? and using Christianity to cover? Gross.
Perhaps you might want to ditch Christianity and start The New cult of Beelzebub. Freaks.
ARM, I don't recall Graham defending Obama. Do you have examples?
At Meadhouse, we laughed a lot at Trump calling it "ET."
ET is the new covfefe.
But think about: Jesus is kind of an ET.
"Evangelicals have explained their support for President Trump rest alot on the fact Democrats want to destroy their religious expression. To use the power of government to remove any hint of faith from these United States. That is why President Trump has their support."
How, exactly, are Democrats trying to destroy anyone's religious expression, or to "remove any hint of faith" from the U.S.? In fact, no one is trying to do this. This country is overflowing with religious faith, of many faiths. No one is restricted from practicing their faith.
(Note: "alot" is not one word.)
The GOP is lame. The Democrat Party is a Criminal Enterprise.
See Hillary and Biden for starters. Shchitt is their hand-maiden.
I remember once I was fly fishing in Alaska, we had an Indian guide. He carried a revolver on his hip and gave us yellow whistles on a lanyard to wear around our necks. “For the bears, just blow the whistle if one comes close,” he said. “Are there bears around here?” My wife asked him. “Yes, I saw some bear scat just a few minutes ago.” he said. “How do you know it’s bear scat?” I asked him. “It has yellow whistles in it,” he said.
What other men fall short of God’s standards, Spiros, since you have the ability to read men’s hearts? Have you considered Obama’s definition of sin, in your remarks?
readering said...
Wikipedia also has the Franklin response. Reason folks read Wikipedia.
12/20/19, 9:23 AM
Worry not! The response will be edited away because of "fairness" or some such, before too long. Their "curation" is broken over there...
Christianity Today doesn't rank in the top 100 magazines in circulation in the U.S. despite there being an estimated 167 million self proclaimed Christians.
Strangely, Dr. Oz The Good Life ranks #89.
That tells you everything you need to know.
True story.
Trump continues to flush out liberals from conservative corners. The National Review cast was first to cockroach their way into the light. The Koch brothers and Chamber of Commerce were quick to follow. NeoCons in general finally officially showed their liberal underpinnings. And now comes that tired, faux evangelical rag Christianity Today.
The Republican Party today and conservativism in general is a whole different animal post-Trump. We are a much bigger tent than before but not big enough to hold the Bill Kristols and CT’s.
For what its worth, e-mail has been removed from the column. Not sure who owns it now...maybe the same people that own Cosmo and GQ?
The Left using "Christians" even Clergy for their own ends is an old story. Back in the 1930's and 1940's you had Christian clergy that supported the USSR, and the Communist Party. Not to mention the Spanish Republic which killed 6,000 Nuns and Priests. Even today we have the national council of churches. Now the rot has spread so that even the Southern Baptists are being led by Left-wing globalists who hate Trump.
It’s always amazed me that Christianity is a left-wing religion with mostly right wing believers. And Islam is a right wing religion with mostly left wing believers.
That's the dumbest comment of the day. Granted, the day is young, but still ...
"He does not purport to channel the opinions of Billy Graham" Yeah, but I think mentioning Billy Graham in the first sentence of the article is close enough.
Robert Cook asked, “ How, exactly, are Democrats trying to destroy anyone's religious expression”
Ever hear about that Houston mayor who wanted pastors to submit their sermons to her before preaching them? You know, to check for bias.
Mark Galli seems to have deleted all of his tweets as well. Not as if he had many followers. I never heard of the publication myself. I do know that 99% of evangelicals I know support Trump. Very strange column.
This impeachment was politically motivated, 100% partisan.
We've been over this BEFORE!
The ONLY REASON that there was lack of bipartisanship was because of the REPUBLICANS!
IF ONLY the REPUBLICANS would agree, 100% with the deep state... We would have complete unity
The Evangelicals are practical voters.
Billy Graham died with a net worth of $25 million. He was a better hustler than Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, and those guys are All-Star hustlers.
Billy’s Son is a practical guy.
As is Trump.
The Left needs to up their game, if they can. If not, this game is over before halftime.
"Ever hear about that Houston mayor who wanted pastors to submit their sermons to her before preaching them? You know, to check for bias."
No, I hadn't. Doing a quick check, it seems the appropriate uproar forced the city to drop their subpoenas of the sermons.
Wikipedia also has the Franklin response. Reason folks read Wikipedia.
It's been added since I looked this morning.
re 12/20/19 09:46 Cook Comment - nutty and unhinged.
Not an argument, just an observation: https://townhall.com/columnists/dennisprager/2019/12/17/why-the-left-doesnt-like-christmas-n2558112?fbclid=IwAR2Zt0elmviVxedN3IPhX5fEiHBvb7HsEcT-23qfn1VsypnuvtNWcwbBJBc
L O Fucking L
Video from last night’s debate cut with video of Trump.
Christianity Today is an example of Conquest's 2nd Law of Politics.
Galli resigned in October, total gaslighting
The Graham family are Scots Irish North Carolinians who live and breath a Calvinist fighter's courage. As are the Truett family who invented the Chicken sandwich. If I were a liberal, I would chose some other families to attack.These folks know a real Christian and a real leader when they see one.And as Gamaliel told the Sanhedrin who were discussing killing Peter and John, "if these men are from God you cannot defeat them and you will find yourself fighting God." That's good advice for these Religious fakes that are going after Trump for Soros money.
And there are literally tens of millions of faith filled Christians praying for Sinner Trump as we speak.
Anyone who thinks Christianity Today is a "Conservative" Magazine, should go look at their website. Its currently run by a Stanford/Harvard Grad who spent years working at an "inter-faith alliance". Its full of Social Justice cant, and support for illegal immigration. WE must love our illegals. WE must welcome outsiders. Here's their header on social justice:
It’s a tired trope that evangelicals only recently began caring about “social justice,” a buzzword that carries connotations of political activism and “the social gospel.” In fact, orthodox Christians have long recognized in Scripture a call to defend and uphold the dignity and well being of all persons, especially the poor and powerless. Take, for example, John Wesley, who led prison reform and abolitionists movements in 18th-century England. More recently, evangelical leaders like Ron Sider and Jim Wallis have promoted Christian engagement in anti-war, environmental, and immigration causes, while facing suspicion of falling prey to partisan politics. At the local church level, sex trafficking, fair trade, and clean water campaigns are trendy ways today for lay Christians to fight social ills, even if that means simply clicking a “Like” button.
And here's a Featured Articles
Does Socialism Have to Be ‘Godless’?
How an earlier generation of believers stretched the boundaries of faith-based political imagination.
I think a lot of the issues people talk about are the Christian-owned businesses. The Butcher, The Baker, and The Candlestick Maker who don’t want to sell stuff for gay weddings.
Also, the employee provided health coverage from Christian business owners and universities that omits some forms of birth control.
He universities that refuse clubs that exclude other students for religious based reasons.
When my house (or country) is on fire and firefighters are working to put it out, asking for particulars about a firefighters personal beliefs or habits is entirely irrelevant.
Tom wrote:
"It’s always amazed me that Christianity is a left-wing religion with mostly right wing believers. And Islam is a right wing religion with mostly left wing believers."
This is an example of Conquest's 3rd Law of Politics.
Some guy called Henry Lawrence Myrna took control of Christianity Today in 1975. Its now a 501c Nonprofit. I don't think the Graham family is involved in it, at least not for a very long time.
Conquest's 2nd Law is incorrect for 2 reasons:
1) It makes an exception for explicitly right wing institutions. If anything, they are more likely to be taken over.
2) It suggests that the cause is intrinsic to the nature of institutions. This is wrong. It is coordinated, malevolent infiltration. Until that is recognized and guarded against directly, it will never end.
Rcocean - Indeed. Leftwing Christianity isn't about Christ, it's about leftwing pet issues.
I attended 3 RC schools 62-74. All still going strong.
“Why is it an own goal?”
Because in attempting to undermine Trump with evangelicals it brought forth the previously unknown and forceful endorsement of Billy Graham. Whose endorsement carries more weight, Mark Galli's or Billy Graham's?
"It’s always amazed me that Christianity is a left-wing religion with mostly right wing believers. And Islam is a right wing religion with mostly left wing believers.”
Things people pretend to believe for political advantage for $100, Alex.
Michael K said...
I don't recall Graham defending Obama. .
This is a very old man's idea of a witty comeback. Next we'll get a crack about the Boer War and the brilliance of Churchill.
As a Christian it seems clear to me that there is divine providence involved in the fact the Donald Trump is our President.
The Scots-Irish were Presbyterians.
Franklin Graham was a Hall of Fame Hustler.
Here's another CTI article:
The Fight for Social Justice Starts Within
Only a vibrant inner life can sustain the activist’s soul.
Franklin Graham has made a career out of defending a compulsive liar.
That's no way to talk about Jesus. He liked to tell stories, but I think "compulsive liar" is going a bit too far.
Wikipedia: "William Franklin Graham III (born July 14, 1952) is a Christian evangelist and missionary."
Next 'Babylon Bee' post....
So Cookie, you realize don’t you that noting the uproar was appropriate concedes the point? You wanted an example of Democrats trying to squelch speech, and you were given a case you concede was such a case.
ARM - Howard is using your blogger account to post and is drinking even more heavily than usual this morning. Thought you might like to know.
All in all, I say good for Franklin Graham. It is true that most of our institutions have been taken over by the progs. Schools & universities, government offices at all levels, media in all areas, the family unit, and many, many religious organizations in all religions, with the possible exception of Islam (where they'd be 'dealt with').
Progs are like a disease. They insert themselves without you realizing what they are, then destroy the body from within. I'd like to say something positive about progressives, but even their name is a lie. There is nothing progressive about their results. Unless you like living in the streets and eating cat. But don't worry. If you feel bad that some people live in the streets and eat cat, the progs will make sure it gets all evened out. By the time their done, everyone will be living in the streets and eating cat, except of course for their Dear Leaders.
I'd bet that the average age of ET subscribers is somewhere north of 60.
If you are NOT a Christian, and you show up to a Church to listen in - do you expect a political lecture?
Do you expect to be lectured to about current events and politically correct adherence to the particular political party's pet issues?
When it comes to Trump, I say Render unto Caligula that which is Caligula's...
The American Catholic Church hierarchy are certainly leftist and social-justice oriented in their views and attitudes. Further, I suspect that a majority are practicing homosexuals.
A notable exception to this is the blessed Charles Chaput, Archbishop of Philadelphia. A member of the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation, Chaput is a throwback in the best sense of the world (although I have a problem with his stance on immigration and illegal aliens). His book "Strangers in a Strange Land: Living the Catholic Faith in a Post-Christian World" is an eye-opener in this regard.
Here in Chicagoland the views and attitudes of the congregants vary from parish to parish. Some are wonderfully orthodox (i.e. not leftist or SJW in their cast). Included among these are St. John Cantius (where Latin High Mass is beautifully celebrated) and the Polish-language churches. My parish church is liberal/left and I no longer attend mass except on Easter and Christmas. This used to be a mark of shame among Catholic but I don't regard it as such, rather I regard it as a necessity for preserving my faith. In these upside-down times, if you're not a cafeteria Catholic your Catholicism is doubtful and problematic. I have long since gone beyond the point of being able to tolerate the leftist homilies that pollute my efforts to worship as a Catholic Christian at Sunday mass. Plus, I remain outraged by the "scandals" (as they are so euphemistically known) perpetrated by the church's "gay mafia" priesthood, in part because they are ongoing and in part because of the church's disgraceful (even criminal) handling of this obscene situation. Thanks, Cardinal Bernadine! /sarc
I can’t stop laughing about “not reading ET again”
That was perfect. I’m convinced that (1) Trump never read Christianity Today and that (2) Trump purposely put “ET” instead of “CT”
Funniest man in show biz
Here's Galli in 2017 on Trump. He's NOT a supporter:
It has been customary to give a new president 100 days before evaluating his administration. With President Donald Trump, many could not wait even 100 hours—and for good reason. Trump and his team tripped out of the starting block and fell flat on their collective faces. The President’s executive order temporarily suspending refugee resettlement and banning travelers from seven Muslim-majority countries was an administrative and legal disaster.
Before and after the election, CT has also weighed in on our political or moral concerns about Trump. He has promoted policies and appointed people who work against matters we have editorialized on—his callousness toward refugees and his seeming indifference to the environment are two examples. And while evangelicals may disagree about the President’s policies on such matters, few would argue that Trump is a moral exemplar. Both the Left and the Right have noted vices and ethical problems, from utter self-centeredness to cruel remarks to blatant conflicts of interest, and more.
FTR: The Scots Irish Presbyterians whose families were out fighting Indians on the frontier could not get Princeton graduates to come out and be their clergy, so they announced themselves to be men of faith and became the Southern Baptist preachers. Billy Graham did the same thing. Their credentials were the message they preached.
Conclusion: "Christianity Today" is Christian in name only. Its a bunch of SJW's posing as Christians to advance "the "agenda"
ARM - Your shaming a "compulsive liar" is laughable. Do you think your side has no liars?
Shcitt is a known liar. And you are ignorant and blind if you cannot see it and know it.
Schitt successfully used LIES to conquer the man you hate.
But that is OK. It's for the greater good, right?
Let's just call this what it is: a bunch of lefties applying ANOTHER weak tea appeal to authority to try and separate Trump from his base.
It's desperation on stilts for the left/dems/LLR's and its not going to work though I can understand that after debates like the one last night and the now hoax impeachment to go with hoax collusion and the dem candidates all deciding this year was the right year to go full socialist, what else are the dems going to do?
So much for ARM's laughable "Great Awakening".
I notice ARM doesn't vomit up that silly ploy much any longer. For obvious reasons.
as if Noah, Moses, David, Jacob, Isiah, or any of the great leaders of the Bible (besides Jesus and Abraham) were Boy Scouts...
Abraham had his fair share of failings too. Twice denied Sarah was his wife in order to save his skin and the whole handmaiden thing.
It’s Bernardin. Was pronounced Bernardine but not spelled that way.
For the record,
Billy Graham saw a way to make a good living and dominated the religious hustling industry.
$25 million. Hall of Fame Hustler.
The Presidents used him, for a hefty fee, the way the Dems used Jesse Jackson and now Al Sharpton.
Billy, come pray with me for the cameras. I’ll wire you the money now.
Blogger exhelodrvr1 said...
Christ made a point of being non-political.
Yes. According to the Bible, this is true. According to the same Bible, he was the son of God sent to die for the sins of man, not to lead a political revolt. He was pre-destined to do so.
But, this has nothing to do with his followers being a-political. Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's means does not mean Christians can be part of a political process in order to protect their rights to practice their beliefs. It is clear in old testament times that God was fine with theocracies. It is America and its constitution that prevents it now, setting a new precedent after coming from a Kingdom that had an official Church.
So, Trump doesn't ask God for forgiveness, he just tries to do a better job the next time.
Deeds and actions over words sounds to me like a higher proof of morality rather than asking for forgiveness for oneself each time you sin.
As if buttering-up God is the test of one's true faith and religiosity.
Trump's moral character is not grounds for impeachment. It's not a high crime or misdemeanor. If you think Trump's too much of a sinner to be president, vote against him.
They like Pence now more than Trump. Billy Graham was the only way for the Deep State to get a meeting with God.
Franklin Graham has made a career out of defending a compulsive liar.
All politicians lie here and there, but Trump has been much less of a liar than any other president in history, of either party. So your statement here is just flat-out wrong.
What does this say about his own truthfulness? To believe his statement about his father one has to be either naïve or a knave.
Given your first statement is wrong, your second is rendered null and void.
It could be argued that Progthink is a religion, just like Communism. There is nothing objective in Progressive thinking and much of it opposes reason and yet we have seen the state incorporate this 'religion' into law.
Partisanship is double-edged. Yes, support for the impeachment is partisan but so is opposition. Once you take a position, you can't accuse the other side of partisanship without accusing yourself. Oh, you say opposition to impeachment is bipartisan? Then support for it can't be partisan.
An explicitly right wing political organization is, of course, a target for infiltration, but the idea is that such an organization will police its management, and will be mostly successful. The organizations Conquest was talking about being turned left are those that aren't explicitly right wing, and won't be policing the politics of its management because politics isn't the organization's reason for being.
The NRA, for example, has been around for a long, long time, and it is explicitly right wing and political- it protects itself from infiltration quite well. There are lots of such organizations.
No church of which I have been a member has excluded anyone from attending services and none has ever talked politics from the pulpit. Membership does require a profession of faith.
Progressivism is a religion for the followers. The leaders like Pelosi, Reid, and Obama are practical people. That’s why they are wealthy.
You could say the same about Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnel, and the Bushes. They tend to use traditional religion on their appeal to voters.
Trump is great because he’s not the least bit religious and makes knowingly clumsy attempts to come across as semi religious from time to time. It’s part of his charm to the Evangelicals. That and he’s happy to leave them alone.
"you say opposition to impeachment is bipartisan? Then support for it can't be partisan."
This is obviously not true as a general rule- a proposition can be fully partisan while opposition to it is bipartisan in nature. Now, such things would be fringe propositions, so in the case of impeachment the statement just happens to be true since Democrat voters support it 95% to 5%, at least. But, still, what do independents think?
A church's teaching that marriage is between one man and one woman is not political. Neither is teaching that abortion is murder.
It is amusing that the Left seems to think the op-ed will have any effect at all. This is just like Chuck or ARM linking to David French and his fopdoodle brigade of NeverTrumpers- it brings a smile to my face.
Mockturlte drills down to the essence gems.
10:53 & 10:50
I have attended progressive churches. 2 of them. Don't walk away. Run!
Good point. The Left is furious that their tactics aren’t working.
Trump voters don’t care that Trump dodged the draft and took digs at McCaib’s military record and don’t care that he’s been married three times and fucks porn stars and centerfolds.
The Left needs to up theirs game. Can’t complain that the other team made adjustments and your playbook is now worthless.
I doubt many--if any--Evangelicals believe Trump is a Christian in the true sense of the term. But he's what we want as a President because he fights back against the media, the Progs' agenda and for our freedoms.
This is one of those days where the vile, God-hating atheist that mock the "sky fairy" scold us for not being real Christians like them.
It’s Bernardin. Was pronounced Bernardine but not spelled that way.
Thank you, Mrs. Grundy, for correcting my typo.
I don't like to lecture anyone on what makes a good christian or a good evangelical.
That is a left-wing tactic.
ok - here's this lecture: Think for yourself and shed preconceived notions that were planted a long time ago by Hollywood.
BleachBit observers: I have attended progressive churches. 2 of them. Don't walk away. Run!
Once attended a funeral at a liberal 'church' that had a woman pastor and the hymnals had been revised to refer to God as She. I kid you not.
Robert Cook said...
How, exactly, are Democrats trying to destroy anyone's religious expression, or to "remove any hint of faith" from the U.S.? In fact, no one is trying to do this. This country is overflowing with religious faith, of many faiths. No one is restricted from practicing their faith.
(Note: "alot" is not one word.)
Merry Christmas.
To keep their membership numbers stable, most of the CT type churches will not discuss Religion or Politics at their Churches. So this crude hit piece article must have been paid for by the Dems.
A sample prayer from the pro Trump Evangelicals would proclaim warrior King David's Psalm 63:9-11: Those who want to kill Trump will be destroyed. They will go down to the depths of the earth. They will be given over to the sword and become food for the jackals.But Trump will rejoice in God and all who swear by him will rejoice in him, while the mouths of liars will be stopped.
Ok, fair enough. I'll give you the NRA. And the Salvation Army too.
What else you got?
I've got: Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, NRO, the Weekly Standard, Reason, Chik Fil A, virtually every Church...
I actually went and read the opinion piece. It's the usual, "Trump is immoral, immoral people shouldn't be President. Your damaging your witness" tripe.
The choice isn't between Jesus and Trump. Trump is (or was) a horn dog, but he doesn't seem to want to curtail my religious rights, or at least is willing to fight for them in exchange for my support. So known horn dog vs left that is trying to invalidate the 2016 election and my vote? Now I know that the editorial staff at CT hates me. That's a useful data point.
"The Presidents used him, for a hefty fee, the way the Dems used Jesse Jackson and now Al Sharpton."
Maybe the Chief Rabbi of England, or the head of Muslim Council is more your speed.
As an atheist, zzzzzzzzz
You know who else were horn dogs, Jacob and David. Solomon was a bit of a horn dog too, though some people claim that he only married all those women to cement political alliances.
Achilles: Merry Christmas.
Re Christmas season in these latter days, I am grateful for the extra fillip of enjoyment I now get out of the little things, such as saying "Merry Christmas" and putting money in every Salvation Army bucket that I pass. These were always a pleasure, but now, you know...
(Not that anybody where I live gets irked at "Merry Christmas", even though the place is wall-to-wall earnest white virtue-signaling progs. But I have fond memories of the consternated faces on some of the bluer-than-thou burghers of Portland, OR, where I used to live, when thusly greeted. Warms my heart even now.)
”So Cookie, you realize don’t you that noting the uproar was appropriate concedes the point? You wanted an example of Democrats trying to squelch speech, and you were given a case you concede was such a case.”
One failed instance is not evidence of a mass attempt by Dems to restrict practice of religion.
Angle-Dyne, Samurai Buzzard said...
ARM - Howard is using your blogger account to post and is drinking even more heavily than usual this morning. Thought you might like to know.
Thanks for the heads up.
The best thing about liberal churches is that they are sparsely attended and their members are usually old. Evangelical churches are full of young families.
Cook: Let me guess, when multiple catholic adoption agencies are forced to close because they refuse to place children with gay "parents", that's no restriction on religion at all, right?
Ron W: The choice isn't between Jesus and Trump.
Please put that on bumper-stickers and repeat it regularly as a PSA.
On second thought, never mind. Anybody *not* getting that is being willfully obtuse and self-deluding.
One failed instance is not evidence of a mass attempt by Dems to restrict practice of religion.
You failed to address the numerous other examples in this same thread. Which pretty much do show evidence of a mass attempt to restrict practice of religion.
Franklin Graham is a nepotism hire who had no significant independent profile until he started fellating Trump. To the limited extent he was known at all it was for supporting dictators who persecuted gays and saying that most Protestants do not view Mormonism as a Christian faith. Class act all round.
Beloved Commenter AndIrrationalMan,
What do you call Hunter Biden, Chelsea Clintoon?
Those guys were all pre-rainbow, pre-Flood, pre-Holocaust.
No, they weren't. Noah and the flood predates Abraham.
Genesis 1-11:9
God creates world and mankind, mankind sins, God expels mankind from the Garden, Adam and Eve get busy, one of their kids (Cain) murders another one of their kids (Abel), bunch of generations go by, God decides that mankind is violent and wicked and needs to be destroyed, decides to flood the world killing everyone except for the one righteous man, Noah and his wife and their three sons and their wives, God has Noah build a boat, which also houses animals. After the flood God tells Noah and his family to spread out over the world, after a couple of generations they don't, instead they build the tower of Babel. God doesn't want that, so he gives them different languages and forces them to disperse.
Genesis 11:10 - 50:26
Mostly about Abraham and Sarah and their descendants who eventually become the Hebrew people in the 2nd book of the Bible, Exodus.
Poor ARM, didn't get the memo to ixnay on any mnepotisay accusations until the whole Hunter Biden thing has been successfully buried.
This is a very old man's idea of a witty comeback. Next we'll get a crack about the Boer War and the brilliance of Churchill.
ARM is trying to convince us that he is not senile. Churchill (some of us read history) was a correspondent in the Boer War and not a supporter. The Boer War was probably the incitement for WWI. Since you lefties don't read history, I avoid talking about it here. At Chicagoboyz we frequently have discussions about it.
Wow. Something touched a nerve with Beloved. They hate it when their cargo cult politics doesn’t work.
ARM - LOL - Dictator Trump!
So old.... so... tired.
Well, at least Trump pushed dictator for life BOOOOOSH! NAZI! out of the way. That was really bad. Theocracy!
Much of the criticism directed against Trump's character and rhetoric is justified, but his policies, to date at least, have been focused and successful. His critics have not yet made a connection between his character and his policies. In fact, there's been a noticeable disconnect. If Trump is such a dissolute and undisciplined character, why has America prospered so much during his tenure? It's a fair question......I will probably vote for Trump. My support for him is not particularly religious or fervent. The anti-Trumpers are the ones with cult like zeal.
Trump hired his daughter and his dumb-as-shit son in law with public money as White House staff to advance their commercial careers and make fools of themselves at public gatherings.
"first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye."
@Robert Cook: “ No, I hadn't. Doing a quick check, it seems the appropriate uproar forced the city to drop their subpoenas of the sermons.”
Ah, but you prove the point that Libs are trying to control the religious impulses of others. When exposed, they pull back but the push is always there. Secularism, is nothing more than the tribal/religious alternative to Christianity. It must destroy that other tribe.
TJM said...
What do you call Hunter Biden, Chelsea Clintoon?
Not government employees?
How about sorting out Trump's silicone enhanced daughter and thousand yard stare son in law before you worry about the Dem's problems.
Concern trolling is not a good look on Trump supporters. There is literally no topic on which they cannot reasonably be accused of hypocrisy.
Once attended a funeral at a liberal 'church' that had a woman pastor and the hymnals had been revised to refer to God as She. I kid you not.
LOL. I'd be less offended by that than, say, a lecture on gun violence or some NPR type crap bloviating from the pulpit.
“Now I am not even sure bears shit in the woods.”
Of course they do. In MT, there is enough gear scat on the road some days that you have to actively avoid it when we go out for walks. Everybody in the subdivision is really good about locking up trash, so I have to expect that the bears are more interested in the pre-venisons and Thanksgiving dinners ampling around the neighborhood. My partner won’t let me put up cameras on “her” house (the one in MT), but I am building a large garage next door, and at the top of the list for additions are night vision cameras.
The interesting thing about the campgrounds in the surrounding National Forests are that they all have signs up for telling brown and black bears apart. You are supposed to be able to tell their scat apart, but haven’t seen enough brown bear scat to test it out.
And as to orange whistles in the bear scat - I have mostly heard the joke with bear bells instead. Looking back a quarter century, from tromping around brown bear areas in AK, we mostly trusted to bear spray and bells. Today, I would tend to also carry a firearm loaded with suitable ammunition. The area south of Missoula appears to be the hotbed in the country for making bear loads, running down US 93, through Stevensville, to Salmon, ID. Funny thing is seeing those bear loads now in the Cabelas in PHX. A new phenomenon- even a couple years ago, they were even hard to find in NW MT.
Why get off from religion here? Because it is boooring. The clergy for a lot of mainstream Protestant denominations went hard left several decades ago, and their membership crashed. I know that I don’t go to services to hear about abortion, gay sex, etc. Ditto for a lot of others. It shouldn’t surprise anyone that the RC church followed suit, and had similar results. My RC partner was a devoted church goer until her priest tried to convince her to accept her husband’s cheating, and stay with him. After all, he had done his assigned penance (apparently going to confession a couple times a week). Sorry, she could, and has, forgiven him. But with a photographic memory, she can’t forget, and that meant wondering whose bed he was in, whenever he left the house. His loss, and my gain. So, she now goes to mass on Christmas, Easter, funerals, and weddings.
The one character issue that I will give Trump a clear lead over his adversaries is hypocrisy. Of all the numerous horn dog Presidents, he is the least hypocritical. And he was good at it. With the exception of JFK, he fooled around with the hottest women. To some extent, a hot woman is an affirmative defense against charges of infidelity. I'm sure that there are Biblical passages that support this view.
no, the old testament is the foundation of the new, from genesis to malachi, now the progs most rely on one passage from Leviticus,
ARM makes a good point about Son-In-Law and Ivanka. They are as worthless as any Biden or Bush.
Actually, Biden’s Dead Son is useful.
He’s a Prop in The Saga of Joe.
Cokehead Son is a liability. Never let a Cokehead handle the money.
The Dems need to up their game.
Don't worry about corrupt leftwing democratic progressive international pay to play scams from people like the Bidens and the Clintons. and the media cover they receive. Your lying eyes!
We have bigger issues. Like Ivanka ...made out of plastic!
“How, exactly, are Democrats trying to destroy anyone's religious expression, or to "remove any hint of faith" from the U.S.? In fact, no one is trying to do this. This country is overflowing with religious faith, of many faiths. No one is restricted from practicing their faith.”
Of course they are, from Christian cake makers forced to bake cakes celebrating sinful couplings between people of the same sex, to celibate nuns forced to pay for birth control. Sure, in many cases the courts have intervened. But it was still mostly Democrats utilizing government power to impose antithetical beliefs upon devout Christians.
Your newer Big Box evangelical prosperity-doctrine places...
I have never been to a 'prosperity-doctrine' church. And, I would venture to guess, neither have you.
along similar lines of concern,
ARM: Franklin Graham is a nepotism hire who had no significant independent profile until he started fellating Trump. To the limited extent he was known at all it was for supporting dictators who persecuted gays and saying that most Protestants do not view Mormonism as a Christian faith. Class act all round.
And? Is there a point in there somewhere?
You copy-paste some drivel from a bunch of dumb, wrist-flapping prog Christian scolds, as if this was supposed to mean something to anybody here. Some other vaguely familiar figure comes out and tells them they're full of shit, and some defect in your neuronal networks translates that into meaning that he must be an Authority of some sort to Trump supporters.
There's nothing of interest here apart from the humorous aspect of some pompous, painfully stupid pharisees getting bitch-slapped by one or another parties for their idiotic posturing. The only one holding a brief for any of the participants is, apparently, you, for the church ladies.
TDS does terrible things to the ability to get a joke. (Your pious defense of Mormons against their detractors is pretty funny, though.)
Bruce H-
Indeed. In fact the Colorado Christian cake baker receives intolerant leftwing hate, rage and continued threats on a near constant basis. Still.
But yeah - the left are OH SO Tolerant.
Biden’s daughter isn’t bad looking. Her face is a bit long like a horse and her forehead is too high. She’s more attractive than Tiffany but much less attractive than Ivanka.
She looks capable unlike Cokehead Son. She should have been the funnel. Less likely to attract attention.
President Trump doesn't feel he needs to ask for forgiveness. OK, that's his opinion. Not a very good one, but he certainly should be free to express it.
Christianity Today also has the right to freely express its opinion as well, even though it sucks pond scum for s number of reasons. Not that pond scum is inherently evil or anything like that.
Colorado is a blue state. The Baker should move for his own sake. Leave Colorado to The Progressives.
Boer War as incitement for WW1? Okay, Wikipedia missed that.
ARM: "Trump hired his daughter and his dumb-as-shit son in law with public money as White House staff to advance their commercial careers and make fools of themselves at public gatherings."
More ARM lies. BOTH Jared and Invanka, like their father, forego their govt salary.
Feel free to correct the record ARM! (We won't hold our breath)
And Jared is "dumb-as-s***" eh?
Harvard Undergrad
NYU: Dual JD/MBA degrees
Jared led Trump's 2016 Campaign digital campaign and analysis effort which contributed directly to Trump's strategic campaign decisions to attack WI, MI and PA along with ME2. All of which were laughed at by ARM and the rest of the dumb as s*** lefties who thought they knew it all.
Yes indeed, our little ARM is becoming quite the little anger ball these days, isn't he?
Something tells me its really beginning to sink in how Trump and his team have strategically and tactically crushed the lefties/dems/deep staters/LLR FakeCons every step of the way.
The best part?
We will have 5 more years of data points of ARM failing to react well to Trump Presidency victories.
Thoughts and prayers ARM. Thoughts and prayers.
readering: "Boer War as incitement for WW1? Okay, Wikipedia missed that."
Should the person who believed, vehemently, that the only reason Stalin invaded Poland from the East is because Hitler invaded Poland from the West really be opining on any military history for any reason?
Was that a wise move?
You and ARM were made for each other!!
“If the President were guilty of what the Democrats claimed, these Republicans would have joined with the Democrats to impeach him.”
Oh boy and Santa Claus is real.
ET go home!
the germans backed the boer, the uk the other faction, they missed a chance over Agadir, biden is the same age as Churchill was when he was elected in 1951, needless to say he has a deficit of reasoning skills,
30 democrats impeached Bill Clinton.
Ignore ignore ignore!
These two idiots are White House employees who get preferential treatment when it comes to Chinese patents and buyouts of bad real estate deals. That's sufficient remuneration in my book. And you really should read up on how Jared got into Harvard. Makes those poor bastards out at USC look like amateurs.
"To some extent, a hot woman is an affirmative defense against charges of infidelity. I'm sure that there are Biblical passages that support this view.”
Women say the same thing about a big dick.
Poor Inga.
She has waited 3 years for Impeachmas and now all she'll get is a t-shirt!
Better luck next time with your next Hoax Impeachment based on Hoax Crimes delivered thru a Hoax Process!!
BTW, anyone else catch the hilarious performance by the CNN talking heads after their own polls show battleground voters moving decisively in Trumps direction after the latest dem/marxist political ploy collapse which was happening simultaneously with Trump's magnificent economic performance?
Not only did Trump find obambi's Economic "Magic Wand", Trump found an entire trunk full of them!
Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah!
"These two idiots are White House employees who get preferential treatment when it comes to Chinese patents and buyouts of bad real estate deals. “
Yes, we need to replace Trump with Biden to put an end to this kind of nonsense!
Hunter Biden FanBoy ARM: "These two idiots are White House employees who get preferential treatment when it comes to Chinese patents and buyouts of bad real estate deals."
ARM really thinks he can sell the idea that businesses run by the Trump's and Jared Kushner prior to the election didn't exist!!
What a cutup you are ARM!!
ARM, did you know that as of the Fall last year, the Trump Organization actually consisted of over 530 distinct business entities?
Of course not! We mustn't expect you to be able to keep up with such things. Much better for you to simply curl up in front of the fire with your latest copy of Antifa Monthly. I hear there is an excellent article on the most efficient ways to defecate on police vehicles and simple home remedies for getting rid of body lice.
Good luck!
Angle-Dyne, Samurai Buzzard said...
You copy-paste some drivel from a bunch of dumb, wrist-flapping prog Christian scolds, as if this was supposed to mean something to anybody here.
Where exactly is here? It is an open forum filled with people of diverse viewpoints. One of those viewpoints is that Trump is an appalling dumbass and one of the most amoral people to ever walk this earth, albeit something of a pussy when it comes to actually implementing the implications of his dark and fetid imaginary world. I am catering to that demographic.
You know, its a real shame.
ARM spent the last 3 years lying to himself and everyone around him that Trump was going to be removed from office and that obama gifted our economy to Trump etc etc etc.
And at no point in time did anyone ever believe him.
So, what's left? Well, nothing really, beyond going Full LLR-lefty C****.
We don't blame you ARM. It's all you have left. Literally.
Hey, did you all happen to catch Nancy "Shakes A Lot, And Not In A Good Way" Pelosi trying to claim credit for USMCA!!!!
Comedy gold my friends. Comedy gold.
How about sorting out Trump's silicone enhanced daughter and thousand yard stare son in law before you worry about the Dem's problems.
Classy, ARM.
The Scots Irish Presbyterians whose families were out fighting Indians on the frontier
Except that Billy's Grahams (like mine) were in Mecklenburg County, where Indians weren't an issue, and where the Presbies started the Princeton of the South, Davidson College (sadly, also gone prog and unaffiliated), in 1836. After The War, my Grahams married a Baptist and then the sister of an Episcopal bishop. I suspect that's why Billy was a Baptist.
ARM: "One of those viewpoints is that Trump is an appalling dumbass and one of the most amoral people to ever walk this earth, albeit something of a pussy when it comes to actually implementing the implications of his dark and fetid imaginary world. I am catering to that demographic."
Well then, I'm sure LLR-lefty C**** will be along shortly. Inga and readering are already here so if you play your cards right they can get you fully up to speed on all things Geo-political & Military strategy.
Ivanka got the Chinese Trademarks. Not the patents.
But it’s Chinatown. So the royalties are sparse since the counterfeits are a big part of their economy. Also, Xi doesn’t like Trump. Trump’s been eating’s Xi’s lunch. With Xi’s chopsticks.
But Xi’s daughter is back at Harvard. With Obama’s daughter.
So everything is good. Xi needed her out of China before the Politburo pits two in the back of his head. Xi paid Trump a lot for that.
More than he paid Biden not to run against Hillary.
I Callahan: "Classy, ARM."
It's all he has left.
His veneer of detached observer has fallen by the wayside as his dem/LLR-lefty team has collapsed like a house of cards across the board.
Nancy better hold on to those impeachment articles like a comfort blankey because thats all she's going to have in 2020.
Trump is the most amoral president since FDR.
He should be put on the dime opposite FDR.
Drudge seems very interested in the Christianity Today story. Apparently Drudge has become a member of the same demo.
When you've lost Drudge?
What's the over/under on how long it will take before ARM and Inga and the rest of the Moron Brigade decide they need to snatch credit for Trump's tax cuts and deregulation on behalf of the dems?
I'm going to say 5 months.
Drudge got paid just like CT got paid. Trump supporters moved on.
It’s a stale playbook.
The Dems need to up their game. It’s almost halftime and they are down 28-0.
ARM: "Drudge seems very interested in the Christianity Today story. Apparently Drudge has become a member of the same demo.
When you've lost Drudge?"
You really don't know, do you? Sweet Jesus, you are out of it.
Drudge went NeverTrump and hard anti-Trump early in 2019.
I swear, if it weren't for hilariously mis-timed appeals to authority, ARM would have nothing to post.
He's like a slightly smarter Inga (yes, low bar).
This week in Trump awakenings:
Trump Should Be Removed from Office
“Where exactly is here?”
Good question. It sometimes sounds like the inner sanctum of the Temple of Trump.
“It is an open forum filled with people of diverse viewpoints.”
Well, it used to be a bit more so than in the era of Trump.
Hey ARM, don't you have a recent Charlie "deadbeat dad" Sykes article to link?
Did you know that according to Inga, Charlie Sykes is the Official Voice That Must Be Listened To And Obeyed?
BTW, anyone else notice how impeachment doesn't even merit top line coverage in most media markets?
Well, I guess when the dems abandoned their Hoax Impeachment the few remaining Dead Enders decided to walk away as well.
Take it easy on ARM. The playbook hasn’t been updated. The Dems are still running the Tampa 2.
The Drudge buyout story seems to only be a product of Repubs yet to experience the awakening. Let's see some actual paperwork.
Drago still on his super charged manic high, I see.
Now ARM is simply re-linking his already debunked CT editorial.
Hey ARM, you probably don't understand this (God knows Inga doesn't), but if you happen to link to the same nothingburger multiple times, it still really only counts as a 1-time thingy.
I hope this helps.
Good luck!
How exactly does a guy who has never drank, never done drugs, and never smoked get reclassed as utterly amoral? Because he's had 3 wives? Because he talked about gold diggers in a private conversation? Is that really the standard now? I'm sure this new standard will be applied evenly, and those who DO massively drink and do drugs will be graded negatively for those things as well.
Inga: "Drago still on his super charged manic high, I see."
Filed under: Things Inga Posts When Everything The Dems Have Tried Have Failed
ARM has been shamed into trotting out his laughable "great awakening" schtick.
Enjoy it while you can people. It won't be around for long.
Drudge’s audience split.
He’s yesterday’s boxscore.
The Weekly Standard - Dead.
Drudge. — Dead.
Niedermayer -Dead
Drago said...
"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."
Funny how Drago so fervently hopes that the Articles of Impeachment never make it to the Senate. Just as funny as McConnell not calling any witnesses, when it does. Anything to make it all go away, eh? Sorry it’s not going away. Trump is the third President in history and the first one in his first term to be impeached, anybody who thinks it’s not an impeachment until it gets to the Senate for the trial is stupidly mistaken.
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