November 4, 2019

Sunrise, 6:35.


The loveliness peaked 9 minutes after that:



roesch/voltaire said...

Nice sho! You might consider going PhotoMidwest nature group for like minded photographers.

MadisonMan said...

The early morning light is welcome. But wow was it dark at dinner time last night.

Big Mike said...

Two really beautiful photographs.

Ann Althouse said...

"The early morning light is welcome. But wow was it dark at dinner time last night."

Go to bed early!

Stay on the equivalent of Daylight Saving Time if you prefer it — when it comes to your eating and sleeping and waking.

Yes, various things — work? — are scheduled by the clock, but you are free — to the extent that you are free — to live by the sun.

I invite everyone out into the sun.

This morning at my sunrise place, there were about 30 people there at the official time, 6:35, but 9 minutes later, at the peak experience, I was the only one left.

I invite you to look at what is really there in nature and not at the clock.

MadisonMan said...

Go to bed early!
Says the retired Professor. Sorry, I will stay up late-ish (that's 9 PM in my house) grading! In your favorite soon-to-be DarkMonth, I'm at work before the sun rises, and I get home after it sets. And what do I see in my email today? A suggestion to where I can write another proposal.

Original Mike said...

"I invite you to look at what is really there in nature and not at the clock."

Yes. Go out after dinner and look at the stars.

Ann Althouse said...

Another idea is to value the beauty of the night.

Original Mike mentions the stars. There’s also the moon and the artificial light.

I enjoy seeing the lit up state Capitol in the darkness.

Go out for a walk or run at night.

We have places around here where you can skate after dark or cross country ski.

You could have an outdoor fire pit and sit outside at night.

Value the darkness!

Original Mike said...

I see skies of blue and clouds of white
The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night
And I think to myself what a wonderful world