November 4, 2019

So, then, it looks like the Dems will go with Biden...

Here's the highest-rated comment over at the NYT:
This is the most depressing article I’ve read in a while. The idea of a second Trump term is literally terrifying. Who are these people that like him? How can it be? Fox News, owned by a soulless Australian, is destroying this once great country.
Second highest:
I simply cannot fathom this. How is this even possible? Also I live in Michigan and my sense is that Trump is deeply unpopular here. Are these polls using the same techniques that were used to predict a 97% chance of victory for Hillary? Perhaps the polls are wrong? I sincerely hope so because the alternative is unthinkable.


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BarrySanders20 said...

After Trump wins, he should buy a yacht and name it "UNTHINKABLE II"

rehajm said...

If you're 'literally terrified' about the United States electing someone you don't like you should consider finding another nation to live in. I hear Canada is popular in election years...

BJK said...

"Also I live in Michigan and my sense is that Trump is deeply unpopular here."

God bless the self-selection of Internet commentator bubbles; this is the new "but everyone I know voted for..." It's as though 2016 never even happened.

tcrosse said...

the alternative is unthinkable.

Think harder.

Rory said...

Some should ask those people what they've done in the last three years to "combat the rot that has sickened the Democratic Party."

Nonapod said...

The idea of a second Trump term is literally terrifying.

I'd like to ask this person what specifically Trump has done that has made their life worse, personally. Let me be clear, not something he has said. Not something that they disagreed with from a philisophical standpoint. Something that he has actually done. What policy has Trump enacted that has had a demonstrably negative effect on this persons life? An example might be that this person lost a job and that lost job can be directly and incontravertably linked to a specific policy that Trump supported or advocated for helped enact.

Jaq said...

It’s even more amazing when Drudge says that over half of Americans want Trump removed.

rehajm said...

Wisconsin sample D 30% R 32% I 37%

Pennsylvania sample D 47% R 39% O 13%

Michigan sample D 29% R 24% I/O 44%

Florida sample D 37% R 35% O 28%

Arizona sample D 31% R 35% O 34%

All samples are registered voters. Look right to you?

Ficta said...

I worry about these people. I really do. Trump will probably be reelected. I mean, why wouldn't he? The economy is good. He's the incumbent. Usually that's a shoe-in. But the bubble dwellers are completely oblivious. Many of them actually think the senate will remove him from office before next November, which is just nuts: sometimes representatives can be induced to fall on their swords, some of them have real jobs to return to, but most senators have no intention of leaving the senate just to further somebody else's crusade. Maybe the polls will give these hothouse flowers the news early and they'll have time to adjust. But I doubt it. Or maybe Trump will lose. But odds are good that these fragile souls will be in dire straits next year, losing all ability to function. Crazy.

tim maguire said...

I can fathom someone not liking Trump and not voting for him. I cannot fathom someone being unable to fathom that someone would like Trump and want to vote for him. How stupid are Times commenters?

tim maguire said...

rehajm said...If you're 'literally terrified' about the United States electing someone you don't like you should consider finding another nation to live in. I hear Canada is popular in election years...

They won't like Canada as much as they think they will.

gilbar said...

the commenters make a good point though!

IF (IF!) Trump wins the 2020 election, he would be President of the United States

Can you even pretend to imagine a world,
where Donald Trump was President of the United States? Unthinkable!!

traditionalguy said...

Remember the DC elites are not mad at Trump because he is corrupt.They are mad at him because he is not corrupt. And he plans to replace that magnificent corrupt system with silent majority Americans that no longer believe the Media Narratives.

Wince said...

"The horror."

Dave Begley said...

And Pauline Kael didn't know anyone who voted for Nixon.

Trump wins going away. Biden would be crushed in the debates.

Bay Area Guy said...

This is a great article! Thanks NYT!

First comment, rhetorical question:

"This is the most depressing article I’ve read in a while. The idea of a second Trump term is literally terrifying. Who are these people that like him?"

Well, I'd start with the 63 Million people (including me) who voted for him last time.

Second comment, similar rhetorical question:

"I simply cannot fathom this. How is this even possible?"

Well, you start with the 63 Million folks who voted for him in 2016. Then, you add the folks who think he's done a good job on the economy (3.6% unemployment), a good job on federal judges (160 judges, 2 on Scotus) and a good job on the stemming illegal immigration (building the wall).

What it shows is that the NYT readers are still living in their hermetically-sealed bubble. They don't read books or articles from the opposing point of view; they don't speak to or debate friends or family members with the opposing point of view.

They might not even have a single, treasured friend, who has an opposing point of view.

So, I say, when your opponents are perpetually confused and ignorant, let 'em stay confused and ignorant up through election day to 2020. That way, they can be shocked and surprised -- again!

robother said...

The list of things unthinkable by those incapable of independent thought goes on and on.

Pete said...

While Fox News boasts it's the most watched cable network, it still only has about 2.4 million viewers.

I think the commenter over estimates Fox's influence on voters.

gerry said...

So, then, it looks like the Dems will go with Biden.. .

Is that what one commenter cited as "literally" terrifying?

MadisonMan said...

Another vote against a Democratic Candidate I guess. Maybe some day the Democrats will nominate someone who isn't hip-deep in swampy ooze.

Bay Area Guy said...


brylun said...

"It looks like the Dems will go with Biden" until the details of the Biden Ukraine play for pay come out.

"Let's impeach Trump" for trying to find out about the Biden payoffs is the Democrat mantra.

readering said...

Depressing thought that Biden and Sanders still frontrunners.

rcocean said...

Sanders. Nominate Sanders. He's doing pretty good in those battleground states.

Polls show Trump behind nation-wide because he loses California, NY, New England by a zillion votes. In the rest of the USA, Turmp is probably ahead or even. In 2016 Trump lost California by 4 million votes and lost nation-wide to Hillary by 3,000,000 votes. Get rid of Cali,and even with DC, New England, NY, hawaii, Illinois, Md, - where he lost by massive margins, he beat hillary by 1 million votes.

DrSquid said...

Nope, as the time to actually vote nears, the dems will realize what a decrepit, corrupt old turd Biden is. And as they further recognize their leaders in the polls are either too old (Biden, Bernie) or just plain too bat shit crazy (Warren), they will turn to that polite, competent, articulate young gentleman from South Bend, Mayor Pete. Openly gay, but closetly as radical as Alinsky. And he will give Trump all the race he can handle. Betcha right now.

And I would prefer any of the other three, with whom DJT will mop the floor.

PM said...

Unthinkable but insinkable.

zipity said...

The re-election of Trump must happen. I eagerly look forward to the Lame Stream Media© and Liberals/Democrats (but I repeat myself) heads exploding the day after the election.

And please oh please let the Democrat nominee be Joe Biden. The man who cannot figure out where he is, and which way to face while giving a stump speech.

It will be the most entertaining election EVER....!

Big Mike said...

Biden is popular before Trump’s campaign starts running ads showing Slow Joe talking to a screen instead of an audience, or saying how glad he was to be in Ohio (when he was actually in Iowa), saying how glad he was to be in Vermont when he was actually in New Hampshire (or was it the other way around?), putting his arm around underage girls so that his fingertips Come close to brushing the side of their breasts, or women testifying on camera that he exposed himself to them (yes, it has happened), or any of a number of other things that suggest he’s a senile pervert. If Warren or even Klobuchar want yo win they’re going to have to play hardball.

hawkeyedjb said...


Now, I don't want Biden or Warren or Sanders or any of the other socialist soul-killers in the presidency. But I hope I will never be so clueless as to use adjectives like those. I understand and mostly respect those who make other choices. I would never dream of "unfriending" someone over their vote. I guess I live in a different universe. I like mine better.

Jaq said...

You know what should have been unthinkable? Giving Hillary the nomination. She’s the one who elevated Trump, as Wikileaks shows. Trump is your punishment for abandoning your purported “principles” for the Clintons. For a three decade long conspiracy of silence.

Original Mike said...

"The idea of a second Trump term is literally terrifying."

Wish s/he would have explained why.

Bob Boyd said...

The commenters remind me of this guy.

stevew said...

"Literally terrifying... Unthinkable... Who are these people that like him?..."

Chew on that for a bit. I know lots of people that won't vote for Trump, and lots of people that will. Most of those that will, particularly fellow Massholes arrived at Trump because he is the best of the alternatives on offer. I want to know who are these people that don't know anyone that favors Trump and that are literally terrified at the prospect of a Trump second term. I suspect they are the ones that got divorced or unfriended and unfollowed people they knew that support the president.

Pauline Kael, right? Except they can't even feel the Trump supporters, never mind know them.

Robert Cook said...

Trump or Biden? Biden or Trump? Either way, we get a moron in power, a stooge for the financial and power elites. Could we expect any different?

gilbar said...

i KNOW it's Scary! But just THINK what things would be like NOW, if Trump was President!

Would we experiencing the Economic Good times that Hillary has given us?
One thing's For Sure! we wouldn't be having a DowJones average flirting with 20,000!
We wouldn't be having an (seasonally adjusted) unemployment rate of only SIX percent
WHERE would our 401k's be???

But enough scary what ifs, it's BEST not to think about the unthinkable!

Jaq said...

"I hear Canada is popular in election years...”

Any overwhelmingly white nation will do for Democrats. New Zealand is also quite popular.

Mike Sylwester said...

I'm quite sure that Vladimir Putin still has not begun to buy Facebook ads targeting the battleground states. When Putin does begin to buy them, then our President Trump will rise significantly.

The way the collusion worked in 2016 was the Carter Page, a witting secret agent of the Kremlin, would travel back and forth between Washington DC and Moscow. Page would deliver to Putin super-secret information about which states are the "battlefield states" and therefore should be targeted by the Facebook ads.

When Page traveled from Moscow to Washington DC, then he would deliver to Trump photographs of Russian prostitutes urinating on a hotel bed where Barack Obama had slept.

That's the way the collusion worked in 2016, and it surely will work similarly in 2020.

The most effective Facebook ad that the Kremlin buys in order to influence voters in battleground states is an illustration that shows Jesus arm-wrestling with Satan. The Facebook users are encouraged to "like" Jesus, which helps Trump rise in the opinion polls and then win the Presidential election.

Susan said...

It is deeply depressing.

People are so consumed with hatred that they will vote Democrat even though Quid Pro Quo Joe and Hillary! are the best the Democrats can come up with.

I guess it is better than examining the candidates and their policies and seeing where they come up short and why Trump might be an acceptable alternative to the corruption within.

Jaq said...

That’s before any of them go into Pennsylvania and assure voters that energy extraction will be shut down and that Trump is being too hard on China.

Darrell said...

Why is Chuck writing into the NYT?

Eliezer Eisenberg said...

Unthinkable. I do not think that word means what you think it means.

dbp said...

The comments at the NYT are encouraging: They give me faith that the Democrats will nominate the least electable person running, Warren.

R C Belaire said...

I, too, am a Michigan resident and probably 75% of the people I know well are all in for Trump. Yeah, it's a small sample and not statistically valid, but still. Even those who dislike Trump can't really get enthused over who's on offer from the other side.

YoungHegelian said...

The spirit of Pauline Kael is still strong among the NYT readership. They truly, truly have no clue as to what animates The Deplorables. Their trustworthy fall-back is, of course, racism. But, the problem with the left-wing belief in the systemic "white privilege" brand of racism is that they, the "good-think" lefties, are also implicated in systemic racism, yet they aren't Trump supporters. So, even their preferred causal explanation fails upon closer examination.

When my liberal friends ask me how to get an easy introduction to the Right, I tell them to just read Instapundit for a month or so, and follow the links. That'll take them to Althouse, to the Federalist, to Powerline, & a plethora of other sites. Rarely is my advice followed up on. It's not like they do it and then say "Well, that was nonsense", they just don't even try.

Jaq said...

The poll is misogynist.

Hunter said...

It seems that if Trump is deeply unpopular, Marxist collectivism is even more so.

CJinPA said...

One Twitter response: "This country deserves to die due to racism."

Fascinating what people will say out loud, though anonymously.

Ken B said...

Indeed. Every election I see outraged Democrats wanting to move to the only part of North America with fewer Mexicans in it. Why exactly we should accept people whose only reason for moving here is their unwillingness to accept elections is a puzzle. But those people never imagine that we have standards.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I was at a wedding on Saturday and my nephew-in-law happened to mention he was against giving the voters the option to pull the straight party ticket which Pennsylvania is considering outlawing.

He thinks voters should evaluate each and every candidate one by one and vote for individual selections when they vote [like he always does]. I asked him to name one Repub he has voted for? He could not answer that question. He's a brilliant guy too but, in his heart, he thinks govt can make it all better for everyone though his brain tries to tell him that's not correct.

Btw, I favor people having the option aka the freedom to pull a straight party vote in one fell swoop.

J. Farmer said...

I agree that this article is utterly depressing but not for the reasons that the commenter thinks. I always considered Trump a hail mary pass, and my pessimism has been born out. Trump is simply too much of a bumbling buffoon to see Trumpism put through. And the notion of an Establishment bobble head like Biden at the helm is even worse.

This country is heading for the trash bin, folks. Get out or get used to it.

Spiros said...

If Bernie Sanders comes out against open borders, he will win the nomination.

Jaq said...

In case you feel bad about not trusting polls, there is this from Wikileaks:

also want to get your Atlas folks to recommend oversamples for our polling before we start in February. By market, regions, etc. I want to get this all compiled into one set of recommendations so we can maximize what we get out of our media polling.

It goes on....

For Florida, the report recommends "consistently monitoring" samples to makes sure they're "not too old" and "has enough African American and Hispanic voters." Meanwhile, "independent" voters in Tampa and Orlando are apparently more dem friendly so the report suggests filling up independent quotas in those cities first.

- Consistently monitor the sample to ensure it is not too old, and that it has enough African American and Hispanic voters to reflect the state.
- On Independents: Tampa and Orlando are better persuasion targets than north or south Florida (check your polls before concluding this). If there are budget questions or oversamples, make sure that Tampa and Orlando are included first. <<--Love that little tidbit.

Meanwhile, it's suggested that national polls over sample "key districts / regions" and "ethnic" groups "as needed."

- General election benchmark, 800 sample, with potential over samples in key districts/regions
- Benchmark polling in targeted races, with ethnic over samples as needed
- Targeting tracking polls in key races, with ethnic over samples as needed

Anybody who wonders why they were shocked on election day shouldn’t.

It’s OK, You are not a Russian stooge for informing yourself as to how the sausage is made in media polls. The truth will set you free. Links to the pertinent emails are included in the article.

Jaq said...

These polls do show why they are so desperate to impeach Trump.

Francisco D said...

The idea of a second Trump term is literally terrifying.

This statement is literally the definition of intensely neurotic.

The Democrat Party has definitely locked up the vote for that segment of the population.

Jaq said...

New Poll Shows Democratic Candidates Have Been Living in a Fantasy World

In 2018, Democratic candidates waded into hostile territory and flipped 40 House districts, many of them moderate or conservative in their makeup. In almost every instance, their formula centered on narrowing their target profile by avoiding controversial positions, and focusing obsessively on Republican weaknesses, primarily Donald Trump’s abuses of power and attempts to eliminate health insurance for millions of Americans.

The Democratic presidential field has largely abandoned that model. Working from the premise that the country largely agrees with them on everything, or that agreeing with the majority of voters on issues is not necessary to win, the campaign has proceeded in blissful unawareness of the extremely high chance that Trump will win again.
. - NY Mag

rehajm said...

They won't like Canada as much as they think they will.

Based on the number who followed up on their threats to move there after the last election (zero) I suspect they might have an inkling...

Greg the class traitor said...

If they go with Biden, the "screen talker", Trump will crush him.

If they go with Warren, the Democrats will get destroyed up and down the ticket, because M4A will drive upper middle class voters to the GOP.

Sanders? Anything sane Sanders is for, Trump is doing. I'd love to see Trump v Sanders

Who else do the Democrats have? A small town mayor?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Warren needs to ditch medicare for all. Geeez.

RobinGoodfellow said...

In the future all liberals will be Pauline Kael for 15 minutes.

Ken B said...

Have you considered that the impeachment fight, as well as another Trump win, actually *constitute* the “Trumpism” you want? I agree w you that Trump has accomplished vastly less than everyone on both sides seems to think, but on the other hand he’s made the idea that “deplorables must be deplored and tossed aside” central to the public debate in a way it never was before. Isn’t that a necessary first step to the kind of Trumpism you want (and will never fully achieve)?

If nothing else he is forcing Democrat deplorablism — class prejudice straight up — into the open.

narciso said...

they would rather a soulless Mexican oligarch who gives the times there allowance, be the decider, Lachlan and other other Murdoch kin, are perfectly in line with European preferences, what are they whining about.

Ken B said...

What was Trump at this time of year 2015? Not 50 points down, but at least 20 I bet ...

JaimeRoberto said...

Heck, I'm in CA, and most of the people I know are for Trump. Goes to show that we all live in our own bubbles.

Bay Area Guy said...

Yay, I am glad Farmer is back!

But ...,

"This country is heading for the trash bin, folks. Get out or get used to it."

.... he is still stuck on the "We are doomed" nonsense.

The country, Yes, will be doomed, if the Left takes it down the path of Venezuela.

The country, No, will not be doomed, if smart folks like you and Althouse and others actively oppose the Left.

Todd said...

Rory said...
Some should ask those people what they've done in the last three years to "combat the rot that has sickened the Democratic Party."

11/4/19, 1:25 PM

Assumes facts not in evidence. The "standard" Democrat does not see anything wrong with the current Democratic party. The blinders are multi-purpose...

Michael K said...

Could we expect any different?

What you mean "we" white man ?

Meanwhile, Joe is talking to the screen with his back to the audience in Iowa.

The dementia gallops on.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Biden is retarded so it makes sense for Dems to pick him.

Rabel said...

Know your Nates!

Cohn is the one with the less bad hair.

Also, Biden in a live debate against Trump is what should frighten them. He's currently almost invisible so he's trending up. I almost feel sorry for the guy.

Anonymous said...

Blogger I'm Full of Soup said...
"I was at a wedding on Saturday and my nephew-in-law happened to mention he was against giving the voters the option to pull the straight party ticket which Pennsylvania is considering outlawing."

You better hope they do outlaw it. I didn't much care right up until Beto's disastrous run for Senate. His fundraising didn't help him, but that - combined with Texas' straight party voting - resulted in a slate of Dems getting elected judge and county commissioner in all the cities in Texas.

Jaq said...

I think Trump’s real problem is not that he is a buffoon, but that he never had a nationwide base of support among the “mandarin” class. Why do you think the Clintons have their “foundation”? It’s a nice place to keep political operatives. They have a wide network of people they have placed into government, Lois Lerner types. They have people in media, like George Stephanopolis, and dozens and dozens of others, as Wikileaks showed.

Jeb or Rubio or Cruz would have come into this with US Attorneys ready to go, people for WH jobs who could be trusted, etc. But then again, they are already co-opted by the system and seen themselves as managers of decline, as directed by the EU and China, who would fight over the bones of our once mighty auto and steel industries.

If he gets re-elected, he has a better chance of having that machine at the ready.

Bay Area Guy said...

Let's keep this simple, shall we?

In 1992, Bill Clinton's head political honcho said, "It's the Economy, Stupid!"

In essence, he proclaimed that if the economy was bad, the Incumbent should lose. And, conversely, if the economy was good, the Incumbent should win. (As Clinton did in '96).

So, is the economy good right now? I'd say Yes. Any sentient person wanna disagree?

And, if the economy is good, then it follows that the Incumbent (Trump) should win, right?

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Either Republicans are impersonating Dems in the polls, or Dems are really stupid. It's too soon to tell.

James K said...

Trump is simply too much of a bumbling buffoon to see Trumpism put through.

Relative to what candidates usually accomplish vs what they promise, Trump has been hugely successful. Relative to some fantasy that he could wave his magic wand and (legally) do everything he said he'd do, perhaps not. For one thing, he's had all these ridiculous circuit court judges stopping him from doing things that any president ought to be able to do. Eventually those judges will be put in their proper place, but he can't just ignore them. By the end of his second term, he will have transformed the judicial system by his appointments, and presumably SCOTUS will reverse the lower court rulings that have slowed him down.

Jaq said...

If R’s get back half of those moderate to conservative House districts as backlash on the impeachment over nothing, Pelosi is done. She knows it, but she has the tiger by the tail, and can’t let go.

Todd said...

Robert Cook said...
Trump or Biden? Biden or Trump? Either way, we get a moron in power, a stooge for the financial and power elites. Could we expect any different?

11/4/19, 2:03 PM

You really need to stop sending your nights pulling a "dutch oven" on yourself. It is addling your brain.

Funny how all "Republican" politicians and especially Presidents are "morons" and "evil geniuses". They all have "handlers", they are all puppets, and they all put puppies in blenders for fun.

As has been asked by others to others, what has he ACTUALLY done that is so bad? Not said, not tweeted, not given a mean look to, but actually DONE (no rumors) that is so awful?

Ken B said...

Warren can’t go back on Medicare for all now. “Indian giver!”

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Come on. The country survived 8 years of Barack Obama. It can survive 8 years of Donald Trump.

The real problem facing the country is that progressives have accepted the DNC media fantasy that Democrats can no longer lose a Presidential election. Barry was supposed to have been the start of their 1000 year reign. Demographics and all, don't cha know. Anyway. nothing would be better for our system than for Democrats to keep losing until they can accept reality. I hope 2020 reinforces that concept.

Gk1 said...

Wow, reality is bleeding into the liberal bubble via the NYTs and the New Yorker? That was sudden and like synchronized swimming, precisely on cue.

Why now? Usually they run these sorts of reality based articles after their election predictions go sideways and they are pretending with the "Gee whiz, we sure missed that in our weighted polling that always favors democrats"

Why are they fessing up now they have a shit roster of candidates to defeat Trump or that the electoral map is all uphill for the dems?

chuck said...

Their trustworthy fall-back is, of course, racism.

That is why I hope that Trump takes a significant portion of the Black and Hispanic vote in 2020. Not only will the readership of the NYTimes commit mass suicide, leading to the demise of that sorry rag, but the resulting shock might push California into the Pacific to the benefit of all.

Jupiter said...

Skylark said...
"I hear Canada is popular in election years...”

"Any overwhelmingly white nation will do for Democrats. New Zealand is also quite popular."

Well, but Northern Canada is going to be the only inhabitable part of North America after the sky falls. Now's the time to buy some beachfront on Great Slave Lake!

FullMoon said...

Three million, nine hundred thousand Californicators voted for Trump.
Although it is a lost cause voting Republican here, I am hoping for a high turnout 2020 so we can see if Trump has risen in popularity.

Meanwhile, recall California Governor Newsome petitions being circulated. Newsome is Dem prez hope for 2024 or 2028. Connected with Pelosi, pretending to not be caucasion, as required.

wildswan said...

Even in Manhattan, 25% of the voters voted for Trump. So an NYC person who knows twenty or thirty people, knows six or seven Trump voters. But they don't have free speech in Manhattan so the Trump voters are hiding, and biding their time.

Rabel said...

Also, the Biden talking to the screen meme is bullshit. The podium was in the middle of the crowd and you can't see the part of the crowd below the screen that Biden was facing because of the camera angle. Mayor Pete can be seen doing the same thing immediately before Biden speaks.

AlbertAnonymous said...

“Literally terrifying”?

Cry me a River.

Try living in Venezuela or Cuba.

Jim at said...

If Trumps wins? Prepare accordingly.
These people simply will not accept it.

James K said...

Three million, nine hundred thousand Californicators voted for Trump.

Remember that in 2016 there was little reason for Republicans in CA to bother voting, since the Senate race was D vs D, and Hillary carrying the state was a foregone conclusion. So the margin of victory for Hillary was distorted. Yet another reason to appreciate the Electoral College: States can make all sorts of mischief to distort their popular vote totals, but it won't affect the national election.

Dave Begley said...


When I learned about voting machines and the ability to pull a lever and vote for a straight party ticket I was astounded. We have paper ballots in Nebraska.

I'm also amazed that state judges run for election. The Governor appoints the judges and then they stand for retention. The judges don't campaign.

The Nebraska Way is the Best Way.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

The Nats visited the WH today to celebrate their WS win. Catcher Kurt Suzuki put on a MAGA hat and was hugged by Trump.

Twitter reads like a million 15 year old girls in anguish because they saw that cute boy they liked so much with that horrible girl NOBODY likes! How could he do it?

"I HATE Kurt Suzuki now!"

And also: he's RACIST!

J. Farmer said...

@Bay Area GUy:

The country, Yes, will be doomed, if the Left takes it down the path of Venezuela.

The country, No, will not be doomed, if smart folks like you and Althouse and others actively oppose the Left.

This is precisely why I am pessimistic. People still think this is about left vs. right or defeating "the Left." To me, that is an anachronism that has not had much relevance in American politics for decades at this point. Certainly not since the end of the Cold War.

@Ken B:

If nothing else he is forcing Democrat deplorablism — class prejudice straight up — into the open.

I actually trace that back to the Palin VP pick. That was really when white identity politics burst onto the scene. Trump (or more properly his advisers) merely capitalized on it.


If he gets re-elected, he has a better chance of having that machine at the ready.

Quite frankly, I don't see much benefit to having a political machine if one is too incompetent to manage it properly. And Trump has demonstrated godawful personnel decisions. So far the only machine he has managed to build has been the duo of his scumbag son-in-law and bimbo daughter.

RichardJohnson said...

Highest Rated NYT comment:
Fox News, owned by a soulless Australian, is destroying this once great country.

I hardly ever read Fox News- perhaps if Instapundit links to it. I was never a big reader of Fox News.I have never looked at Fox News on TV. Yet I am a former Democrat who would vote Democrat today over my dead body. As Fox News had nothing to do with my leaving the Democrats and now voting Republican, that tells me that there are a lot of very poorly informed NYT readers who have little awareness of what lies outside the NYT bubble.

wildswan said...

If Trump is elected go outside, shout, Go East, Go East and start running.

My memories of what my family and I went through during the 1913 flood in Ohio I would gladly forget. And yet neither the hardships we endured nor the turmoil and confusion we experienced can alter my feeling toward my native state and city. I am having a fine time now and wish Columbus were here, but if anyone ever wished a city was in hell it was during that frightful and perilous afternoon in 1913 when the dam broke, or, to be more exact, when everybody in town thought that the dam broke. We were both ennobled and demoralized by the experience. Grandfather especially rose to magnificent heights which can never lose their splendor for me, even though his reactions to the flood were based upon a profound misconception; namely, that Nathan Bedford Forrest's cavalry was the menace we were called upon to face. The only possible means of escape for us was to flee the house, a step which grandfather sternly forbade, brandishing his old army sabre in his hand. "Let the sons -- ------- come!" he roared.

wildswan said...

Meanwhile hundreds of people were streaming by our house in wild panic, screaming "Go east! Go east!" We had to stun grandfather with the ironing board. Impeded as we were by the inert form of the old gentleman -- he was taller than six feet and weighed almost a hundred and seventy pounds -- we were passed, in the first half-mile, by practically everybody else in the city. Had grandfather not come to, at the corner of Parsons Avenue and Town Street, we would unquestionably have been overtaken and engulfed by the roaring waters -- that is, if there had been any roaring waters. Later, when the panic had died down and people had gone rather sheepishly back to their homes and their offices, minimizing the distances they had run and offering various reasons for running, city engineers pointed out that even if the dam had broken, the water level would not have risen more than two additional inches in the West Side. The West Side was, at the time of the dam scare, under thirty feetof water -- as, indeed, were all Ohio river towns during the great spring floods of twenty years ago. The East Side (where we lived and where all the running occurred) had never been in any danger at all. Only a rise of some ninety-five feet could have caused the flood waters to flow over High Street -- the thoroughfare that divided the east side of town from the west -- and engulf the East Side.

More to come.

Out of a desire to help I publish these instruction

Tank said...

J. Farmer said...
I agree that this article is utterly depressing but not for the reasons that the commenter thinks. I always considered Trump a hail mary pass, and my pessimism has been born out. Trump is simply too much of a bumbling buffoon to see Trumpism put through. And the notion of an Establishment bobble head like Biden at the helm is even worse.

This country is heading for the trash bin, folks. Get out or get used to it.

Where you been bro?

Who do you think could have done better, and how?

Sebastian said...

"The idea of a second Trump term is literally terrifying."

Goes to show, progs hate the thought of the country enjoying record-low unemployment, the wall going up, conservative judges being appointed, crazy wars being avoided. Terrifying!

"Who are these people that like him?"

Oh, I don't know, a bunch of deplorables, about 60M, give or take. But it's telling, isn't it, that a prog has to ask "who are these people?"--clearly doesn't know any. How many of us righties lack any such personal knowledge?

Earnest Prole said...

Wait, Althouse reliably told me Biden was the weakest, not the strongest candidate to challenge Trump.

narciso said...

of course it's about the left, they have indoctrinated the two youngest generations to hate this country, the 1619 project is the latest iteration of it, as was the howard zinn hymnal approximately around the time you were born,

if the push for the wall wasn't working, they wouldnrt be trying to demoralize with phony outtakes, from three year old testings,

Fox News is what Breitbart later became, what Richard Mellon Scaife and Rush Limbaugh were, a pretext, it has a populist Hearstian shell and a Respectable Luceian center,

Jaq said...

"Quite frankly, I don't see much benefit to having a political machine if one is too incompetent to manage it properly.”

That’s your opinion. You reject mine. Whatever. I don’t think anybody without a major power base can do anything as president other than face the slings and arrows of the deep state and their press allies. or succumb to them. You seem to think that these immense impediments could have been overcome by another smarter outsider without a political machine. Trump is facing a top bottom coalition of the hyper wealthy, who can buy news networks and important newspapers as hobby horses. I say you are dreaming.

The name calling: “scumbag” and “bimbo” says you are not serious about any real discussion.

Jupiter said...

These guys should try reading some of that really persuasive Russian propaganda on FaceBook. I'm sure that, just like me in 2016, they would find themselves mindlessly repeating;

"Must ... vote ... for Trump. Must ... vote ... for Trump". With their hands out in front of them like zombie sleepwalkers.

hawkeyedjb said...

Robert Cook said...
"Trump or Biden? Biden or Trump? Either way, we get a moron in power, a stooge for the financial and power elites. Could we expect any different?"

If Trump were a stooge for the financial and power elites, they wouldn't be working so hard to get rid of him.

jimbino said...

While no fan of Trump, to say the least, I note that the Dem's socialism would ruin the country and incentivize both the wealthy and entrepeneurial to flee to greener pastures, like Brazil, Chile, Taiwan or even China.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I was all in for HIllary in 2016 - until the Russians got to me.

Bay Area Guy said...


This is precisely why I am pessimistic. People still think this is about left vs. right or defeating "the Left." To me, that is an anachronism that has not had much relevance in American politics for decades at this point. Certainly not since the end of the Cold War.

Well, you remain confused. First, I didn't say "left v right." But it sure as Hell is about defeating the Left. They are the primary problem in our country. True, the Left has allies -- some are country club Republicans like Jeb Bush, some are RINO Republicans, some are Deep State Republicans. STeve Bannon describes all establishment folks who seek to "Manage the Decline" of the US, as the problem.

So, to be clear: Constitutional law, Judeo-Christian values and free market economics are what made the US top dog on Planet Earth. Returning to those values will reverse the slide. The left actively opposes all 3 of these values. Hence, they are the primary problem, and should be resisted, mocked and voted out of office.

How come a smart guy like you can't see this?

Jupiter said...

"This is precisely why I am pessimistic. People still think this is about left vs. right or defeating "the Left." To me, that is an anachronism that has not had much relevance in American politics for decades at this point. Certainly not since the end of the Cold War."

You think Bernie Sanders and Liawatha are not Leftists? Maybe you could explain just precisely which political persuasion you think requires defeating. The Monarchists? The Anarchists? Maybe the Plutocrats?

dreams said...

Trump is going to win in a landslide, bubble baby liberals don't have a clue and therefore will double down on their ongoing hissy fit.

Jaq said...

“Emergency! Emergency! Everybody to vote for Trump!”

Jupiter said...

"Trump or Biden? Biden or Trump? Either way, we get a moron in power, a stooge for the financial and power elites. Could we expect any different?"

I have been reading Cookie's contributions to this blog for several years now. I do not recall any instance wherein he remarked favorably on any political proposal, party or candidate. How about Eeyore, Cookie? Are you for Eeyore? Or is he a tool of Big Honey?

J. Farmer said...


I don’t think anybody without a major power base can do anything as president other than face the slings and arrows of the deep state and their press allies.

I agree with this and have been saying as much for the last three years. Trump could have been spending his presidency building such a coalition. He hasn't. He spent the first year of his presidency punting his domestic agenda to Paul Ryan. He has gotten rid of people who could actually carry his agenda forward and has instead preferred yes men and people who flatter his ego. You may have voted for Donald Trump but you got Jared Kushner.

The name calling: “scumbag” and “bimbo” says you are not serious about any real discussion.

They're not mutually exclusive. I am more than capable of being rude about Javanka and still having a "real discussion."

Rory said...

Wildswan: love Thurber.

Sebastian said...

"it looks like the Dems will go with Biden"

Do it, Dems!

On second thought, in case lefties other than Cook read this, maybe I shouldn't give them such gleeful advice. But then, YH just told us that his lefty friends don't even follow up on his friendly advice that exposes all our secret sites to them. Instapundit! Althouse! Seems like we're still safe from prying prog eyes.

Anyway, Hunter's dad is the best they've got. At least as long as Oprah doesn't jump into the race.

JPS said...

Jupiter, 3:20:

"Northern Canada is going to be the only inhabitable part of North America after the sky falls. Now's the time to buy some beachfront on Great Slave Lake!"

The name is problematic, though. After we all move up there, we'll have to change the name. But not give the land back to the Athabascans who used to live there.

Paul said...

rehajm said...

"If you're 'literally terrified' about the United States electing someone you don't like you should consider finding another nation to live in. I hear Canada is popular in election years..."

Yea, but those that threaten to go... never do!

Unknown said...

Biden? Joe Biden? He of the bleeding eye and the facing away from the crowd? That Biden?

Gk1 said...

I think the Facebook posting by the russians showing Jesus arm wrestling Satan explains Wisconsin turnout and why Trump won that state. I'm not sure how the cartoon image of Calvin (of Calvin & Hobbs) Peeing on a Ford while wearing a Chevy jacket affected the turnout in Michigan.

One thing's for sure, as Hillary Clinton proclaims, Facebook needs to be punished for the damage they have performed on U.S Elections!

Dude1394 said...

The tears of democrats are delicious.

Friendo said...

I agree with DrSquid @ 1:46

Amadeus 48 said...

This is part of what is happening.

The hysteria runs so close to the surface that few Trump supporters want to get metaphorically pepper-sprayed by other people in social situations. It is never pleasant to be called a racist Nazi in a social situation by people you have considered to be friends (although you are liking them less every day). I think Althouse and Meade could share lots of dicey conversations about Trump and the deplorables that they have had in Madison, and I bet that their social circle has contracted to a degree, although I doubt they will talk about it any time soon.

The fact is all of these people that say that they don't know anyone who supports Trump know a lot of people who support Trump. It's just that the Trump people are unwilling to risk social controversy or even make the evening unhappy for someone who hates Trump.

I just came back from a weekend seminar (topic: Churchill, Roosevelt, Hitler, and Stalin in WWII) with lots of people from Evanston (think older Northwestern alums). There were plenty of center-right people there, but more upper-middle class liberals of the sort that have turned Illinois deep blue. All the center right people shut up about Trump, although many of us will vote for him next time. The leader was a history professor from DePaul who played his cards well, but there was no doubt about where he stood (somewhere well left of center. Roosevelt at Yalta was actually a genius, and Stalin largely kept his word thereafter). Fine. There was lots to discuss.

The only truly vocal people on contemporary topics were some well-meaning elderly liberals who kept trying to draw parallels between Trump and Hitler. Everyone else shut up about contemporary politics. I did have a nice private conversation with one friend of my wife who wanted to discuss where US foreign policy should go from here. We weren't that far apart, but I had to set a ground rule that there was no point in trying to draw parallels between Trump and Hitler as demagogues. ("There is only one Hitler, and Trump isn't like him. Trump hasn't killed 5 million people in concentration camps, and he doesn't want to.")

But here is the real point: all the Trump people in the room were keeping score. There were some people who earned respect and some who earned contempt, and the Trump people all know what the score is. The Dems and never-Trumpers don't have a clue about what we think or even who we are. It will stay that way through election day, when they will wonder where all those Trump votes in Illinois came from.

Kevin said...

So these are the numbers before Trump has even begun on the nominee and during yet another partisan hatchet job on his character?

And the Dems already used up their "grab them by the pussy" tape in the last election...

What's it going to be like for these people to wake up after Election Day and realize some of their neighbors "who would never vote for Trump" did just that?

How deep will the sense of betrayal go?

Drago said...

This is why the dems/left/LLR-left and their althouseblog minions like readering and sunsong are pressing so hard to cover up their Ukrain corruption by falsely accusing Trump:

Breaking: Memos detailing Hunter Biden's contacts with Obama State Department released. VP son's Ukrainian gas firm pressed US officials to end corruption allegations ... just a month before Joe Biden forced firing of prosecutor overseeing case.

Really getting fun now, eh sunsong?

Amadeus 48 said...

Joe Biden won't be able to remember how to tie his shoes by election day. His limited brain-power is making his decline, but keep an eye on his shoes. Tom Wolfe would.

Gretchen said...

If the Democrats nominate an old white man they have no inspirational BS to pull from the hearts of their more moderate voters who thought it was awesome to have Obama because he was black.

Apparently they really like old white guys. The fact Biden does best of the 3 shows many Democrats don't want radical ideas, and they think Warren is a nag.

TJM said...

Presidents generally get a second term, even terrible ones, like Obama. But for Ross Perot, Bush would have had a second term. Carter was a "special" case!

Amadeus 48 said...

Oops. "masking" not "making".

stevew said...

"This country is heading for the trash bin, folks. Get out or get used to it."

Chicken Little makes an appearance.

We've had, what, 45 Presidents in our history? A few have been exceptionally good, in many ways because they presided over very, very challenging circumstances and navigated well. We've had a few that have been really bad, but even in their badness the US survived and recovered (see: Carter to Reagan). Most have been in the big middle I call "competent".

As for current times with Trump, the economy is strong, most people that want a job have a job, foreign economic relations are on the upswing, and our international entanglements are reduced thereby saving lives and treasure.

So, perhaps you can list for us the ways in which the US is headed to the trash bin.

FullMoon said...

I want mayor Pete to run. Nice attractive harmless gay white guy. Get an idea how many homophopes are still in USA.

In 2008 Californicators voted against gay marriage. Things have changed since then,or have they?

Statewide, Prop. 8 was approved -- the "yes" vote was in favor of eliminating same-sex marriage -- 52.3 percent to 47.7 percent. That number is even more remarkable when you consider that President Obama won California with 61.1 percent of the vote on the same day. (Worth noting: Then candidate Obama opposed same-sex marriage.)

All five of California's most populous counties -- Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernadino and San Diego -- voted in favor of Prop. 8 even as Obama was carrying four of the five in the presidential race.

Michael K said...

I had to set a ground rule that there was no point in trying to draw parallels between Trump and Hitler as demagogues.

I think you could make a fair comparison between Trump and Mussolini. Mussolini was an intellectual and Socialist newspaper editor and was popular in the US in the 30s. Italy was a weak reed to try to build an empire from. Had Mussolini never met Hitler, he would have died in bed and probably beloved.

Trump has an entirely different background, and is far more experienced in large operations but his appeal is not that different. Mussolini made the trains run on time. Trump is reviving the economy, largely by deregulating and tariffs on China.

The Hitler thing is just hysterics.

tcrosse said...

Yea, but those that threaten to go... never do!

To be fair, Canadian immigration is not easy unless you've got the do-re-mi or some valuable skill. As it is, they have all the loony lefties they need.

n.n said...

At least as long as Oprah doesn't jump into the race.

Wasn't Oprah an accessory to #MeToo, specifically Weinstein's casting couches?

Amadeus 48 said...

Althouse--This is Nate Cohen, not Nate Silver. Nate Silver decamped to 538.

narciso said...

that is interesting, that tracks some of what the kyev post was saying then, of course the usual suspects are trying to source this controversy to manafort and not weber and podesta down stream,

BUMBLE BEE said...

I fully expect rampant voter fraud in 2020 it's all they got. These drama queens sure gulping their xanax with a vodka chaser. Who will Biden have for a VP? Same question for Bernie! Neither one gonna make it to 2022. Amadeus48... Velcro is for seniors' shoes!

n.n said...

Memos detailing Hunter Biden's contacts with Obama State Department released. VP son's Ukrainian gas firm pressed US officials to end corruption allegations

Novel. The impeachment is a cover-up of unprecedented, global corruption. They were right. At least as far as we are concerned, the cover-up is worse than the original crime. The Ukrainians have a different perspective and casualty list.

Jaq said...

"wherein [Cookie] remarked favorably on any political proposal, party or candidate.”

He allowed once as to how he might vote for Warren.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"I simply cannot fathom this. How is this even possible?"

Exactly how I felt about HRC's nomination in 2016. Who are these people? How bought/stupid/oblivious can a human being be? Aren't there any people of principle in the Democratic Party? Incredible!

phantommut said...

Bay area guy makes a great point: Well, I'd start with the 63 Million people (including me) who voted for him last time.

I didn't vote for him last time; I voted Libertarian as a protest. (I could comfortably do that because I live in New York State, and the chance of it not going to Hillary was zero.) But depending on the Democrat, I very well might vote for him this time.

I don't think Trump loses a single voter who voted for him in 2016 in the next election. Everyone who voted for him knew what he was and still is; nothing he's done since is outside the character everyone already knew. He will pick up voters who didn't want to take a chance on him.

The bottom line is that the Democrat will have to win new votes. and more new votes than Trump picks up. I think Pelosi knows this and that's why she's resigned herself to this Hail Mary impeachment process; there's a chance she may keep her Speakership (and maybe gain some new members in purple districts, with the right candidates.) But I think she's decided Trump will walk away with 2020 and she's working with what she's got.

effinayright said...

Jim at said...
If Trumps wins? Prepare accordingly.
These people simply will not accept it

Aside from the crazed/effed-up Antifa types, the Left are anti-gun. ("Ick").

Their men are "men without chests". Their females are mostly poseurs, and NONE are real or potential Linda Hamiltons ("Terminators").



So...Why should be think such mythical creatures exist in the thousands in America?

And even if the rest decided to take up arms they wouldn't know how to use them.

Nor would they understand strategies the military uses to deal with civilian insurgents.

Millions of armed veterans know their weapons and understand those strategies.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


"They excuse Bill Clinton and his enabler Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit. They excuse Gropey Joe. They are in the process of excusing Katie Hill, whose naked hairbrush photo has ensured that none of us will ever sit on a hotel room chair again. Why no outrage? Why no concern? Because taking out Stumbles McMyturn or Hoover’s Dad or Congresswoman Every Man’s Lesbian Fantasy Destroyer does not help the faction of the elite that benefited from #MeToo. That would help us, but not the elite. Throuple Gal was exposed by Townhall’s peppery sister site Redstate, not the mainstream media, and the mainstream media is horrified – not by her furniture defilement but that word of it got through the gate they yearn to keep.

The simple fact is that they desperately want Trump out so they can return to the good old days of winks, nods, and payoffs.

Look at the Biden Family Crime Syndicate and the antics of the junior capo of the Cosa Nose Candy. In what universe is it A-OK that the crack-fueled Johnny Appleseed of paternity suits that is Joe’s snortunate son was cashing in on $50K a month in sweet, sweet Ukrainian gas gold just weeks after Ensign Biden got booted because he tooted? And then there’s riding on Air Force Two to the NBA’s favorite dictatorship for some commie ducats. Now there are even some Romanian shenanigans too – is there a single country on earth that Totally-Not-Senile Joe didn’t shake down for the benefit of his daughter-in-law’s second hubby?

But our garbage elite’s garbage media seems amazingly uninterested in all this – it’s fascinated by the timing of a situation room snap after Trump unleashed the Army’s Delta Force on al-Baghdadi and by dog medal memes, but the Veep’s boy’s bag-mannery is not merely of no interest but is something they close their fussy phalanx ranks around to protect. Keep in mind, the premise underlying the whole star chamber impeachment festival of onanism is that Donald Trump, America’s chief law enforcement officer, was somehow wrong and bad and double-plus ungood because he allegedly asked the Ukrainians, “Hey, what’s the dealio with the Columbia Kid’s pay-offs?” "

chuck said...

@J. Farmer but you got Jared Kushner.

Kushner seems pretty competent to me. What am I missing? Trump seems to go through people until he finds someone who performs to expectation, then leaves them alone. But you may have a point about building the party, he needs someone deep in the party to help pull that off.

Jaq said...

Read the email from this FOIA response, the one on the second to the last page:

Burisma was using Hunter Biden’s name to try and get an investigation called off, during the 2016 primaries, BTW. This was a couple weeks before Papa Biden brought down the billion dollar hammer on them.

So Biden had not only the conflict of family but he had the conflict of the harm that dragging the Biden name into this mess would do to the Democrats.

Wince said...

"So, then, it looks like the Dems will go with Biden..."

The Dems went with Biden when every one of his Dem opponents ignored the corruption issue.

Which may lead one to believe the party's exposure is larger than just Biden.

Jaq said...

But the records do indicate that Hunter Biden’s fellow American board member at Burisma, Devon Archer, secured a meeting on March 2, 2016 with Secretary of State John Kerry. In addition to serving on the Burisma board, Archer and Hunter Biden were partners at an American firm known as Rosemont Seneca.

“Devon Archer coming to see S today at 3pm – need someone to meet/greet him at C Street,” an email from Kerry’s office manager reads. “S” is a shorthand frequently used in State emails to describe the Secretary of State. The memos don’t state the reason for the meeting.

It’s a shame that Drudge cashed out. He would have enjoyed this.

Mary Beth said...

Today is the day that Warren's Meme Team was supposed to launch, but I'm not seeing any spicy memes. Lots of anti-Warren memes in the thread they began with Meme Team Assemble.

Trump will once again have the dankest memes. His supporters enjoy making them, Trump enjoys sharing them. This plus his tweets means he interacts with people in a way that the front-runner Democratic candidates can't even comprehend.

walter said...

Biden's support is growing expodentially.

Qwinn said...


"I have been reading Cookie's contributions to this blog for several years now. I do not recall any instance wherein he remarked favorably on any political proposal, party or candidate."

Nonsense. If anyone *dares* to besmirch Russia in any way, shape or form, Cookie will *not* stand for it. Kinda like The Nation and Glenn Greenwald. The only reason this lot didn't jump on the Mueller train is because it casts Russia in a bad light.

Now America? You are correct. There is nothing anyone in America has ever done that meets with Cookie's approval. Or could do, for that matter.

MacMacConnell said...

Data from Friday’s Mississippi Trump rally:

✅ 16,432 voters identified

✅ 24% voted once or less in last 4 elections (12% in zero)

✅ 27% Democrat

✅ 20% Black

Yancey Ward said...

Rehajm asked:

"All samples are registered voters. Look right to you?"

Hard to say- people lie to pollsters all the time, but of the states, Pennsylvania and Florida are the ones with closed primaries, so will likely have the fewest other/independent registrations. The other states are open primaries to practical purposes.

I think main point here is to look at who is doing the polling at this point in time and tried to figure out what their political motive is. It isn't as easy as assuming they want to make Trump look weak- that could be a motive, or the motive might be to support, let's say Biden.

As a sure Trump voter next year, I like these results- Trump is constantly being under estimated based on polls, and here is a poll by organizations run by people who are anti-Trump in the extreme, and yet they got numbers showing him not doing that badly.

Marcus Bressler said...

It's a lectern, NOT a podium. You stand ON a podium, behind a lectern.


Donald Trump is the best president in my lifetime. I'm 64.

Temujin said...

This kind of stuff just brings a smile to my face. I'm astounded at how many people hang out only with people that think like they do. So of course they have no idea 'who those people are' that would vote for Trump- yet again. They must all be getting their daily instructions from Fox News (damned Aussie).

The key is that the country gets a load of Trump, what he says, what he thinks- daily. They haven't even begun to really listen to Joe Biden, Bernie, or Elizabeth. When they do, those polls won't even matter. It'll be a landslide. Unless....the Dems come up with someone to step in and take control of their party, leading them out of the dark and into the light. Taking them to the highest highs. I mean...Moochelle. The one who hated our country until her husband won the Dem nomination a few years ago, and now hates it again! But...she could love us one more time, if only.

Anyway, I have to go get more instructions form Brett Baier now.

J. Farmer said...


We've had, what, 45 Presidents in our history? A few have been exceptionally good, in many ways because they presided over very, very challenging circumstances and navigated well.

The notion that you think it's the occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue who determines the success or failure of our nation is myopic in the extreme.

As for current times with Trump, the economy is strong

There are actually things more important than money. Tell all those people in places like Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Ohio who have had their lives decimated by automation and offshoring that hey, sure their communities have been destroyed, but we got an extra tenth of a point to our GDP, so what the fuck do they have to complain about?

most people that want a job have a job

Right, tell the people who are competing with Amazon robots and self-checkout kiosks and touchscreen ordering systens, that sure their value is extremely depressed, that they are ground down and treated like cogs in a machine, but hey, they have "a job," so what the fuck do they have to complain about?

our international entanglements are reduced thereby saving lives and treasure.

Tell that to the Yemeni children starving to death because Trump decided to go all in on Obama's idiotic decision to back the Saudis in their war on Yemen. Tell that to the family's that have lost loved ones in the stupid, idiotic war in Afghanistan, which has received an increase in US troop presence since Trump's taking office. Tell that to the young men who are currently putting their lives on the line in Syria to "get the oil," something a braindead buffoon like Trump doesn't even understand but is happy to gamble with young American men's lives over. I am sure the families of these men have no problem with these soldiers being treated like political props in the service of Trump's pathetic ego. But hey, according to people who don't have a clue, "our international entanglements are reduced," so what they fuck do they have to complain about?

So, perhaps you can list for us the ways in which the US is headed to the trash bin.

See above. And if that is not enough, consider this. For the last several years, the number of non-white births have exceeded white births. Soon we will be a majority minority country. So tell me, what Latin American country do you envy, because that's where we are heading? I hope you love the government of California, because we are in the process of reproducing that on a national scale. What do you think are the prospects for national conservative politics when demographics do their work on Texas and Florida?

gilbar said...

Hey wildswan

A) it sounds like your Grandfather was the sensible one, with the right ideas
B) MAN! you're OLD!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


Gunner said...

Biden would not win Arizona by 5 points even if Meghan McCain rode the zombie corpse of her father through the state, screaming "Trump sucks!". These polls are bullcrap.

gilbar said...

Bleachbitandhammers mentioned ....
Congresswoman Every Man’s Lesbian Fantasy Destroyer

Look! I have NO problem with Lesbians...
As long as they are Gorgeous, Big Titted, and do guys too

I've seen PLENTY of Lesbians (in movies) and they seem fine
But Congresswoman Thruple is giving not just Lesbos a bad name; she's giving BONGS a bad name!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Boston Herald:

"If Medicare-for-All is implemented, wave goodbye to consumer choice and say hello to rationed care and longer wait times to get medical treatment and prescription drugs.

But don’t take my word for it, take a glimpse at how socialized medicine is working in neighboring Canada.

Last year the Fraser Institute, an independent Canadian think tank, reported the median wait time to see a general practitioner is 8.7 weeks. To see a specialist is an additional 11 weeks. That’s nearly 20 weeks before a Canadian citizen can get the care they need. Now consider if you or a loved one has a life-threatening illness like cancer where the disease will likely advance while waiting months before the bureaucracy hopefully signs off on treatment.

Gaffes notwithstanding, Joe Biden is poised to benefit politically from Warren’s socialized medicine plan. He now appears like the adult in the room by opposing the elimination of private insurance.

In a statement released Friday, Biden’s campaign slammed Warren for promising her plan won’t raise taxes on the middle class.

“For months, Elizabeth Warren has refused to say if her health care plan would raise taxes on the middle class, and now we know why: because it does. Senator Warren would place a new tax of nearly $9 trillion that will fall on American workers.” "

This is where Joe has the advantage. Go Joe!

I Callahan said...

Also I live in Michigan and my sense is that Trump is deeply unpopular here.

So Chuck posts at the NYT? Not surprising.

Kidding aside, I'm also from Michigan, and outside some really lefty towns (Ann Arbor, Ferndale, Detroit), Trump is NOT deeply unpopular. I'd LOVE to know where this guy really lives, and be able to tell him to get out of his cloistered little community.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


"If anyone thinks allowing power hungry socialists to control the entire health-care industry — 20% of the U.S. economy — is a good idea or will go smoothly, just remember that here in Massachusetts, the government couldn’t even get a website to work during the Obamacare rollout.

And who can forget the 2015 inspector general’s report that found that 307,000 veterans may have died waiting for medical treatment at the VA? Not exactly confidence building.

But that’s not all. Warren’s Medicare For All plan will also destroy at least two million jobs. A stark reality that will buoy the campaigns of Biden and Pete Buttigieg, campaigns who by contrast come off as more sensible moderates.

Will we see a future Biden/Buttigieg ticket in the making? Only time will tell."
Boston Herald

Perhaps we should over-look Joe's money grubbing past. I'll take Joe's money grubbing over HIllary's fake family charity, and all the international dark money poured into it. and the denial to our faces that it matters. and her Strozk insurance policy that keeps paying off via Adam Schitt, and her lies a mile high and her private server while head of the State Dept. and on and on...


America’s Politico said...

To All:

Remember what I had mentioned before:

The Next POTUS is Liz Warren. There is nothing you, Trump, or Biden can do.

The Next VPOTUS will be a Gov. (CO, MT, or WA) or Castro or Booker.

Deal with it.


Jack Klompus said...

The idea of a second Trump term is literally terrifying.

Why don't these insufferable neurotic morons ever write from their new country where they moved and report on how fabulous their new lives are? We just always seem to be stuck with them. I understand Florida Man Cookie (who by the way lives in New York City in case you didn't know) has carved out his niche as the resident Nouveau Chomsky dissident guy and gets paid by the vapid cliche, but what's keeping the others here other than perhaps no other country wants them?

I Callahan said...

Trump could have been spending his presidency building such a coalition. He hasn't. He spent the first year of his presidency punting his domestic agenda to Paul Ryan.

Your last sentence contradicts your first two. By handing his domestic agenda to Paul Ryan, it was an ATTEMPT at building a coalition. It failed because the deep state doesn't WANT to coalesce around Trump; they want to defeat him and use him as an example to anyone - unless you're part of the club, don't bother running.

Trump has no one in Washington. If he were as amiable as Ronald Reagan but with the same domestic agenda, he not only would have just as much support, but probably would have already been impeached. I don't know why a level-headed guy like you doesn't see this.

Kelly said...

“Who are these people that like him?” Well, me for one. Didn’t start out that way. I hated him in the beginning. HATED. It’s funny the memories that pop up on Facebook about how much I detested him. After he won I pretty much just shut down on politics. Then a funny thing happened. It began dawning on me that the whole Russian thing was garbage. And the more I read, the more pissed off I got. Just because I may not like someone doesn’t mean I think the Intelligence agencies should remove him. So guess what? Can’t wait to pull the lever for Trump. Thank a democrat for my vote.

Jaq said...

Tee hee

ThunderChick said...

BleachBit-and-Hammers @ 5:26

Well said!

Jaq said...

Good thing the Democrats are so smart, they will figure a way out of this one!

Matthew Yglesias
Key problem: "Nearly two-thirds of the Trump voters who said they voted for Democratic congressional candidates in 2018 say that they’ll back the president against all three named opponents."

wildswan said...

I will watch Joe Biden's shoelaces - always learning. To me he is a good guy in a bad time and not the man for a time of challenge. It will show by him not making it physically. Why does he have that same strange pallor that Bill Clinton has? Do the injections cause that?

Further Studies in the Psychology of Difficult Times (1)

"The fact that we were all as safe as kittens under a cookstove did not, however, assuage in the least the fine despair and the grotesque desperation which seized upon the residents of the East Side when the cry spread like a grass fire that the dam had given way. Some of the most dignified, staid, cynical, and clear-thinking men in town abandoned their wives, stenographers, homes, and oflices and ran east. There are few alarms in the world more terrifying than "The dam has broken!" There are few persons capable of stopping to reason when that clarion cry strikes upon their ears, even persons who live in towns no nearer than five hundred miles to a dam."

Jaq said...

Marc Short@marcshort45
Former SF Mayor Willie Brown offered some advice to the Democrats over the weekend: “Come next year, Trump will have an impeachment victory and quite possibly a solid economy. The Democrats will have — what?”

Jaq said...

This has to be a trap, it’s too much fun!

The Impeachment Show

Matt Sablan said...

Wouldn't the polls that predicted a Clinton presidency be even WORSE for Biden?

Michael K said...

Watched a little bit of the Kentucky rally tonight. Rand Paul is standing tall (well not so tall, but as tall as he can) and even Mitch was there.

I think the Republicans know that this is their future and it is time to join the parade. We will see. It's us or the deep state and their Pravdas.

Jaq said...

Another reason Dems shouldn't extrapolate 2018 into 2020: by my math, there were roughly *52 million* eligible non-college whites who didn't vote in 2018 vs. only 13.7 million eligible college whites who didn't vote.

There's plenty of upside for Trump, esp. in Upper Midwest.

“I fear we have awakened a sleeping giant.”

But I suggest more fingers to the eyes of the deplorables.

Lazarus said...

In 1972 when Pauline Kael said nobody she knew had voted for Nixon, Nixon got a third of the vote in Manhattan. In 2016, Trump got under a tenth of the vote in Manhattan. I don't think Kael was really saying she was surprised by the election result. It was more that she was commenting on the difference between her world and the world beyond Manhattan. But a liberal living in Manhattan today is even less likely to meet a Trump voter than she was to have met a Nixon voter.

Biden? He's is own worst enemy. Always shooting himself in the foot.

But if he's as bad at that as he is at everything else, maybe he has a chance after all.

Jaq said...

America’s Politico said...
To All:

Remember what I had mentioned before:

The Next POTUS is Liz Warren. There is nothing you, Trump, or Biden can do.

The Next VPOTUS will be a Gov. (CO, MT, or WA) or Castro or Booker.

Deal with it.


exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

America’s Politico said...

that Hillary would be elected President in 2016.

Not impressed with your predictive powers, bud.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

I really do hope that Warren is the nominee, though. I'd love to see Trump challenge her math.

Too many people seem to have a soft spot for that senile coot Biden. I don't think Lizzy Warren inspires such affection.

Gahrie said...

Biden gets the nomination. Then he dies early in Spring. Hillary steps forth as a compromise candidate with her own war chest to save the party.

Bet it won't happen?

Stake through the heart I tell you.

Ken B said...

It’s odd. I am *sure* I heard lefties ranting about “the military industrial complex” even just a few years ago. But now the deep state is a myth and the CIA is the touchstone for trustworthiness.

Mutaman said...

"How is this even possible?"

Polls are very clear that most of Trump's support come from people who are not well educated.

J. Farmer said...

@I Callahan:

Your last sentence contradicts your first two. By handing his domestic agenda to Paul Ryan, it was an ATTEMPT at building a coalition

How is that "building a coalition" when Ryanism is exactly what Trump campaigned against in the GOP primary? The Establishment loves Paul Ryan, and it was great gift for them that Trump handed his domestic agenda over to Ryan. That's like saying that a pro-life president is building a coalition by putting a NARAL spokesperson in charge of vetting SCOTUS nominees.

I don't know why a level-headed guy like you doesn't see this.

I don't see it precisely because I am level-headed and not a Trump lickspittle. There are plenty of people on the dissident right that Trump could have brought into the fold to help see his vision enacted. Instead, he systemically excluded and marginalized at the behest of his two closest advisers, Jared and Ivanka, because they were more interested in keeping their New York reputations intact, and in service of his own massively insecure ego. Remember Trump reversed his Syria policy because Ivanka saw a picture of a dead kid and cried. What testicular fortitude our supposed alpha male in chief demonstrated there. Trump's pyrrhic PR victories are the epitome of winning battles while losing the war.

Lewis Wetzel said...

They want Biden because they are tired of having a liar and braggart in the White House?
Biden has been wrong on every major foreign policy issue since 1990, and he considers himself an expert on foreign policy. And the MSM believes Biden's bullshit.
Presidential candidates usually pick a running mate a) who will not outshine them, and b) attract a critical demographic.
Say hello to VP candidate Maxine Waters.

JPS said...

Kelly, 6:38:

"It began dawning on me that the whole Russian thing was garbage. And the more I read, the more pissed off I got. Just because I may not like someone doesn’t mean I think the Intelligence agencies should remove him."

Well said. I used to be appalled by Trump. By now I'm much more appalled by the people trying to save us from him.

J. Farmer said...


Kushner seems pretty competent to me. What am I missing

It is not his competence I take issue with. It's his ideas. Had Trump promised to give us the Jared Kushner presidency, I never would've voted for him. Kushner is the kind of creepy, amorphous bipartisan blob that has been dragging this country down for decades. If your goal is to hasten American decline, by all means you should be cheering Kushner on.

JamesB.BKK said...

Robert Cook perceives Trump as serving power elites? Is that why they are so vigorously yet lamely trying to remove him after having failed to thwart his election? There must be something akin to cataracts for perception.

You know who hates having Trump as president? Members of pedophile / child abuse rings. That's some tricky fellow constituency for one to have. But the coming US dissolution will be spectacular. Who (will have) orchestrated it is the most interesting undiscussed subject.

J. Farmer said...

@Bay Area Guy:

So, to be clear: Constitutional law, Judeo-Christian values and free market economics are what made the US top dog on Planet Earth. Returning to those values will reverse the slide. The left actively opposes all 3 of these values. Hence, they are the primary problem, and should be resisted, mocked and voted out of office.

How come a smart guy like you can't see this?

That is not what made the US great. What made the US great were the people who created the country, and those things are the result of the people. We are rapidly replacing those people with a new people, and those new people won't give a damn about any of those things. Demography is destiny. The Anglo-Protestant core that is responsible for that greatness if being hollowed out in favor of a Latin American serfdrom with an East Asian and Jewish technocratic elite running things from their safely ensconced super zips. See Fritz Lang's Metropolis for a sign of what is to come.

JamesB.BKK said...

Ronald Reagan turned California red which allowed it to turn itself into a third world shithole with South America levels of inequality and electric service. He is not to be emulated.

Jaq said...

John O. Brennan@JohnBrennan
As in previous times of National peril, we rely on our military, diplomats, intelligence officials, law enforcement officers, & other courageous patriots to protect our liberties, freedom, & democracy. May they stay resolute & strong despite corrupt political headwinds they face

If the CIA doesn’t like who we vote for, it’s up to them to take him down. viz: JFK.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"Trump or Biden? Biden or Trump? Either way, we get a moron in power, a stooge for the financial and power elites. Could we expect any different?"

Interesting. Is there a real financial and power elite that act completely disinterested in policy and only care about money, no matter who is in power and no matter who they put in power?

I would find that very, very heartening. The opposite of Bobbins Cock's worries.

Bobbin's feels they are all in cahoots, even those that hate each other.

Which is what I, as a dumbass, used to think about D v. R./Lib v. Con. false dichotomy. Trent "cunt" Lott said bad things about Harry "evil" Reid, so they must disagree on their both accumulating vast amounts of power and wealth right? No.

Now I see much more deep state, but truly opposites with truly opposite ideologies also, such as Theil v. Soros.

Maybe Bobbin's brain hurts beyond elementary caricatures? Anyway, keep it up, they love you fucking Communists here at Althouse, like Bobbin's loves Candy Cdebia or Cderbia or whomever the dumb proud Communist bitch in Denver is.

Hope she gets hers, which is the basis of all "law" as I assume Althouse acknowledges.

stephen cooper said...

its gonna be kamala

it is all above the pay grade of manafort

narciso knows that

you do don't you narciso

...crickets, as usual .....

she is not nice but she is not any more nasty than Jimmy Cartah

who grew up with hatred for blacks in his heart

and never repented for his support for Roe v Wade

the court decision that ushered in the era

when 3 little black babies were aborted for every one non-black baby

you can look it up

if you care.

Pray for the poor old man, who does not know how much harm he has done in his life.

Mary Beth said...

Also I live in Michigan and my sense is that Trump is deeply unpopular here.

They must not have noticed the 13,000 or so people who attended Trump's Michigan rally last March (with another 20k outside the arena). That was back when people started lining up the morning of the rally. People were lining up 30 hours before the Lexington rally.

It's not just to see Trump. I'm sure there were people who didn't get in line until today who got in, but the early people want to spend time with like-minded people. It's nice to have conversations where the other person isn't just gratuitously sticking in snide comments about the bad orange man.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Okay my last post was incoherent. I know the points I was attempting to make, but I can't erase and quickly redo them now.

Proves the point of moderation, in its own way.

They are in cahoots, the elected fucks.

But also their/there are rich/wealthy/powerful that hate each other and are mostly ideological and not focused only on policy that increases their wealth presumably.

This resurgence of Communism, out and proud, is a problem. They are advertising they will be the ones to murder another 100,000,000 for the 21st century because they just didn't finish the job with 100,000,000 dead last century.

I spend some time wasting thought on things like "what if the Stanford profs were ridiculed and highlighted as a lesson in punishment for their evil lies that cause so much pain" but then get religious.

We all know vengeance ain't Guildy's.

Ruprecht said...

I hope they all film their election night trauma again.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Yeah-- that's what those w/speech impediments thought of the Titanic.

Dont vorry, Dahlinks-- it's going to be HRC at the last minute.
She will be ready. She's always been ready, (like Mr. Torrance was always the caretaker at the Overlook Hotel)

Joe Briben's gaffes, Ukrainium 1, Chyna, walking off a podium into an industrial fan, etc will have the Dems extra desperate for a seasoned pro.

bbkingfish said...

I think the Dem race is going to come down to Warren vs. Pete. I say that because, since the beginning of the year, they are the only ones who have greatly improved their standing. The old-timers have either stagnated (Sanders), or leaked oil (Biden). The Senators (Klobuchar, Booker, Bennet, Harris) all talk in Washington-speak and are the kind of professional political career-builders voters are sick of.

If I had to bet, I'd guess Pete wins out over Warren. He's more moderate, way less scary than Warren is to monied interests, lacks a long voting record that the GOP can go negative on, gives younger people a reason to turn out, and presents the greatest possible overall contrast to Trump, personally, stylistically, and even visually.

If he could get Tulsi to be his running mate (I'm pretty sure they're well-acquainted from DNC days), it would be a dynamite ticket, in my opinion.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Seeing all these gaffes and the stress of the campaign maybe poor old Joe wont be able to assist in his defense at the trial.

Adolf Fiinkensein said...

What's wrong with Fox being owned by an Australian?

The Democratic Party is owned by an Austrian.

Anonymous said...

I think philospher George Carlin can explain what is going on. His observation was:

You know how dumb the average person is. And half the people are dumber than that!

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Skylark said...
Marc Short@marcshort45
Former SF Mayor Willie Brown offered some advice to the Democrats over the weekend: “Come next year, Trump will have an impeachment victory and quite possibly a solid economy. The Democrats will have — what?”

11/4/19, 6:57 PM

Willie Brown is a toad, but he is a savvy political operator. I'm sure the Dems will ignore him.

Just like the young snots who ran Hill's campaign ignored Bill when he suggested that she pay a few more trips to the upper Midwest.

"OK, Boomer!"

iowan2 said...

I can't get past the big picture.

All of the leftist so ignorant of basic civics.

Out nation, guided by the Constitution, provides three branches of govt, with defined checks and balances. It is impossible for one person to do any damage to our nation. Impossible.

That fact, proves the lies being told by Democrats,leftists and the media.

Guildofcannonballs said...

There is no difference between "taking everything from Bonnie and Clyde" and making a film for cheap starting during the 1980's.

Now, decades later, we hear complaints about reruns.

You funded these reruns with your rewarding everything took from Bonnie and Clyde.

I am watching it now on over the air TV and wow oh wow oh wow.

I just can't believe how many scenes I've already seen even though I've never watched it before, even longer than 10 second clips.

Theft this blatant is honest: it's all for idiots to get worked up about, like every that ... better man than I we all know Buwaya has talked about for some time quitely.

I guess I can appreciate the cheap grift.

Pray for all those killed and their families in the Phillipines after the recent quakes:

traditionalguy said...

The Trump Rally in Lexington, KY tonight was 80% repeat material kept interesting with an added 20 % on current events and some new bon mots. But he was using a tone of voice and confidence that was stronger than ever. The man enjoys being among friends at a time he can see his plans are wrapping up the destruction of the stupid Dems. It was like there will be no holding back any more.

And he repeated his promises of coverage of pre-existing conditions. And then threw in not replacing pre-existing Doctors in contrast to Lizzie's single payer replacement Medicare for all (but the Federal people like herself) that inevitably replaces our Doctors in Medicare for the over 65 unless the Doctors go for full Medical slavery like Cubans have had to do.

Megaera said...

Consider this: Biden's viability as an actual president is notional at best--he may make it to election night, but does anyone seriously entertain the notion that he can function for four full years after that? OTOH, if he makes it past the primaries he names (insert some unelectable nightmare as his VP and the Dems count on him carrying them to Victory. At which point he's free to fall apart (and if he won't go quietly there's always Article 25) and his unelectable running mate is In for the full term.

Birkel said...

America's Politico > J Farmer

We get it, J Farmer. You prefer (insert something here) and we heathens will never live up to your high standards.
Get it thru your head: America just isn't that into you.
You're not our preferred boyfriend.

Meanwhile, there is literally nothing more important than financial success.
That is the ballgame.

cyrus83 said...

The NYT's readers might figure out how it's possible Trump can win by consulting the rules for winning the presidential election, something most of them have overlooked in between yelling at the sky and pointing to the irrelevant national popular vote result these last 3 years. Maybe they'd understand Trump supporters better if they wore a MAGA hat for a day. No? I suspect it would work about as well as having men wear high heels for a day to understand women.

The Democratic base does not seem to understand that the key to winning this election is found in the handful of states that were close last time - Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Florida chief among them. They instead have gone full steam ahead on the priorities of gated-community residents and the inmates at the college and university asyla.

Banning fracking and coal is not going to help in Pennsylvania. Banning private insurance is not going to help anywhere there is a significant union presence. Taking China's side in the trade war isn't going to go over well in the Rust Belt. Democrats don't seem to understand this because most of their 2020 candidates and political leaders come from safe blue areas where the only thing they need to do to win is out-progressive the other Democrats in the primary.

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