"Early in this presidency, Trump’s staff tried to nudge him out into the city more often for dinners or to attend events, but the plans always fell apart, said one of the former senior administration officials who called Trump a 'homebody.'... Now he tends to go to the Oval Office and adjacent private dining room for five to six hours a day for formal meetings, lunches and ceremonial events, current and former administration officials say. But the bulk of his work in the mornings, late afternoons, evenings and weekends happens in his private quarters where Trump can call staff and advisers as early as 6 a.m. and up to midnight.... He also uses it during working hours as a place to watch TV freely, tweet and serve as own his one-man communications director and political strategist. The residence serves like a bunker for his impeachment response and his real-time reaction to testimony, witnesses and public hearings.... Trump also loves to open up parts of the private residence to special guests, personally taking them on tours of the Lincoln Bedroom where he’ll show off a copy of the Gettysburg Address. It’s a party trick he deployed in an attempt to wow German Chancellor Angela Merkel and a move he uses with a wide array of other White House visitors...."
From "Forget the Oval. The real Trump action is in the residence/Fixated on impeachment proceedings against him, Trump is increasingly taking his official business to the White House’s executive residence to escape perceived risks of his formal office space" (Politico).
What a lonely weirdo he is!
ADDED: The article suggests it would be better if he'd go out at night in Washington, go to restaurants, as if he could just go out to a place and it wouldn't shut everything down. He can't really get "out." He's in the bubble wherever he goes and cannot just go be a regular person somewhere. At most, he can try to put on a show of doing something a normal person would do, like go to 5 Guys for a cheeseburger....
POlitico is a swamp spokesman. Has been since it was started.
"Party trick"?
Could he be genuinely proud of our country and its history? Nah, it couldn't be that.
It's a party trick.
These media people are so shallow, they're transparent.
I confess to having liked The Beach Boys very much back in those days.
(I got better.)
President Bill Clinton himself gave the go-ahead to invite political supporters to spend the night at the White House, and says there was nothing wrong with it.
The CNN study found 24 overnight White House guests who gave $100,000 or more to the DNC. CNN's $5.4 million figure does not include money given to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, or any state party committees.
So with Trump it's a 'party trick'. Of course the Clinton's NEVER (never) sold nights in the Lincoln bedroom. Never. It was just a quid pro quo, ya see. Totally legit.
Serious Question:
The demo's are clearly clutching at straws...
What are they going to clutch at; once the straw ban takes hold?
It was possible to paint Nixon as lonely and forlorn, drinking too much, increasingly erratic. Such a scenario doesn't work with Trump. The reader is more apt to judge the journalist and not Trump delusional.
So what?
a place to watch TV freely
You can't get The Gorilla Channel just anywhere!/s
He is a weirdo, but the time alone suggests he's a relatively well adjusted weirdo. As an obvious extrovert and ENTJ, his pending time this way is a positive sign of personality development. With Twitter or with phone calls he can engage his extraversion, but he's also found a way to fulfill himself without engaging with groups and others at all times.
Proclivities are slippery slopes.
Yeah, the stupid mixed metaphors give it away. It’s a bunker, but he has a “wide array” coming through it.
Didn’t the columnist also inadvertently reveal that Trump has impressive people skills, and can “wow” world leaders?
This is pretty much what I expect of him. I'd do the same, most likely.
If you've been around, people and parties just stop becoming interesting after a while.
Now which hack was given politicos gig this time:
If I were Trump, I wouldn't go out in anything less than an Abrams. Politico has been in the forefront of the media painting a target on the man. Can you imagine the threats the Prez has gotten? I'm sure his Secret Service detail kiss their family EVERY morning.
And there's the matter of the location Obama's missing fast n furious Barrett M82s for which their handlers were promoted. Clinton, Epstein, Weinstein the very public face of today's DNC.
Media has the sadz. None of the (ever more)puny arrows seem to pierce the Orange Man.
I know,report he now has three,THREE, scoops of ice cream!
No,not peach,it was vanilla.
IOW, Trump is just acting like he did as CEO of Billion dollar business. He goes to the office for 5-6 then "goes Home" to his private residence. He also spends the weekends at his golf courses, where he does't have to worry about certain intelligence agencies "overhearing"things.
They want him out there so they can attack him with cement milkshakes, and chants (amongst other things) like they do to anybody else who doesn't agree with their ideology. WHY would he want to put himself through that?
"People close to the president say..."
Name them, or they don't exist and neither does this story.
No, I didn't always mistrust the press, but they've worked very hard at earning my disrespect and disbelief.
Doesnt he do a rally every other day, what a hermit.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but in Sorkin's The American President, wasn't the White House staff portrayed as obsessed with preventing the president from engaging in everyday activities, like dialing his own phone, going into a flower shop, boinking a woke activist?
Pffft, like a fart in the wind
It makes sense, and as Crack says, it's what I'd do, but the unfortunate fact is that you just can't believe anything most of the press says about this man, except that when it's not negative it's probably grudgingly true.
So shallow they are transparent... that's a keeper.
Reporter assignment: compare and contrast Trump's external WH visits (if any) to his predecessors' visits (if any).
Didn't Clinton make a big display of jogging regularly, for a while at least? I seem to recall SNL doing a skit where he sneaks into a McDonald's during one of his runs and eats some fries from one of the customers he meets.
The writer of the article hopes to goad Trump into getting out more. That never works with Trump.
Lonely? I don' think so. Lonely implies a longing for companionship. One can rightfully look at those photos of you watching the sun rise and sense your loneliness. Are you lonely?
Trump is 71 y/o. He doesn't need to "get out and socialize in DC". He doesn't need to go to Burger king. He holds rallies all across the country and talks to average people there. He holds endless press gaggles and watches TV. I want my President working for me and passing the right polices, I don't need him pretending to be "Just Folks".
He is in the Oval office for 5-6 hours per day, yet the "bulk of his work in the mornings, late afternoons, evenings and weekends happens in his private quarters where Trump can call staff and advisers as early as 6 a.m. and up to midnight". Sounds like a workaholic to me. Trump never asks to be left alone to eat his waffle, Trump would offer the person a waffle and invite them to join him.
His wife lives with him, he has lots of children and grandchildren who I believe he visits with frequently and he often golfs with others. We would anyone think Trump is lonely?
It’s a party trick he deployed in an attempt to wow German Chancellor Angela Merkel
Indeed, Trump said "Hold my beer!" just before his unsophisticated party trick failed to wow savvy German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
It really does not matter what Trump does, there will be a negative story spun on it. He knows that.
HIllary-Schitt-Brennen corruption cohort probably attempting to assassinate him.
First of all, even if they didn't hate him like poison, Donald Trump has way too much money to ever take the butt-sniffing leeches of DC seriously. Any billionaire can hang out with way better people in the comfort of their own castle.
Secondly, if the ridiculous cucks at Politico actually think that Donald Trump uses the power of the White House mainly to carve tweets, that's one more nail in the coffin of "meritocracy." It would certainly explain why Iran had to kill more than 100 people in the name of riot suppression, and why China's in an economic doldrums. Because Trump policy is succeeding.
"believe he visits with frequently and he often golfs with others. We would anyone think Trump is lonely?"
I think there's an idea that there should be a lot of other people around him — like those people who leak to the press — to keep him on track and doing sensible things. Isn't that what social life is really about in human culture? There's a fear that those who isolate (or insulate) themselves will get wild ideas. It's fine for an artist, whose work we're all free to reject and whom we're not relying on to do anything for us. But if someone has responsibilities and he's not out where we can keep imposing reality on him, we are at risk.
President Obama stops to have lunch at five guys, brings a cameraman.
Brian In-My-Room Wilson really was crazy.
"I'm sure his Secret Service detail kiss their family EVERY morning."
I suprised no one has gotten a couple of shots off yet. If Trump were assasinated the MSM would put on a show of sorrow and tears that such a thing could happen (even though he brought it on himself of course).
There's a big difference between self-possession and loneliness, let alone Brian Wilson or other hermetic aloneness.
Crack Emcee This is pretty much what I expect of him. I'd do the same, most likely.
If you've been around, people and parties just stop becoming interesting after a while.
I agree. Trump has had a pretty active social life. In the limelight. You can get real tired of that life eventually. He still is in the limelight, but he also has a very hefty job to be doing. I'd rather see him working than putting on a party hat and dancing.
Trump really hasn't been able to do anything "normal" like go grocery shopping. Go for a nice walk. See the sunrise. For many many years. He was famous. It is now even worse. He can't go out without an entourage. Try to get a hamburger and a diet coke without a crowd of people and media lice hanging all over him.
When you can't go anywhere in public without causing a BFD....you just want to not go anywhere public.
The comments beneath that Politico piece are ultra lame. Althouse has a much better comment section.
Proclivities are slippery slopes.
But his probably slide away from alone time.
Journalists are all playing a dumbed-down version of the Althouse game "If you had to argue". In this case, they have to argue that whatever Trump does or says is wrong/stupid/insane/immoral/illegal. They don't understand that half the fun and most of the challenge is switching sides and arguing the other way (what he said was smart/funny/insightful...in other words, pretend they're talking about Obama.)
If he went out a lot, all we'd hear about was how he shut down traffic and inconvenienced people who have better things to do than to sit in a traffic jam waiting for Trump to do some unnecessary thing. No one would say, well, the reason you're inconvenienced is because you have a job, unlike during the last administration.
Obviously Politico is setting the stage for Trump's suicide due to loneliness.
Working from the home office allows you to get more work done. I did it for eight years before retiring.
Let us know when he insists on swimming in the nude like Slow Joe.
Trump sounds normal for a guy who is 73.
IMO, the Beach Boys' best was Kokomo, although they didn't write it. Always enjoyed The Sloop John B, too. Some of their car songs were cute, too, like Little Deuce Coupe. Most of their stuff was pretty lame but in good fun and not political, which I appreciate.
BTW, Trump is a billionaire/multi-millionaire for most of his life. I doubt he's seen the inside of a grocery store for 30 years. Its one reason i found the "He raped me in the Department store dressing room" so absurd. Trump always had P.A.'s to shop for him. Its funny that no expected FDR, Ike, Or JFK to be "just plain folks" and show up at a local restaurant and grab a burger. Even Reagan spent most of his time in the White House/Camp David or at his California Ranch.
But beginning with Clinton, we've got into this dumb cycle of our Presidents supposedly being "average Joes" - even though they aren't. Bush was always seen riding his bike, Obama was playing Basketball, and Clinton was jogging. And all of them were making occasional visits to the some fast food joint, JUST LIKE US. It was all FAkE, FAKE, FAKE. And now we have Billionaire who actually EATS Big Macs, and the sophisticates can't stop sneering at it.
I remember how Obama would regularly shut down half of Los Angeles at rush hour on Friday afternoon to come collect money from his fawning celebrity friends. It was extremely rude, and he didn't seem to care, becuase he just kept doing it despite all the local outrage. What a dick move.
I can remember a NYT/WaPo article about "Crazy" Trump calling everyone constantly at all hours just to chit-chat or get some work done. Now, its "Hermit/lonely" Trump spends all his time isolated and weird in his bedroom watching TV.
Final Comment. Has there ever been a single WaPo/NYT article about the White House and Trump that has an acutal name attached to the quotes? Its ALWAYS anonymous "White HOuse officials" or "Those familiar with the situation" or a "close White House staffer". Never a single name.
You know who else had a bunker?
"Brian In-My-Room Wilson really was crazy."
But good, artistically crazy.
Althouse wasn't a surfer girl.
At the time of the alleged Carroll rape Trump owned Plaza hotel and Bergdorf, NYC's most luxurious department store, is next door, on way to Trump Tower, just down the street (5th Avenue).
The MSM produces another anti-Trump article.
Will miracles never cease?
I thought The Beach Boys was supposed to be a rock band, not the Jaycees glee club.
maybe Trump should have his state police (oh, sorry! i meant Secret Service) go out, and find him bimbos? They could bring 'em back, and clean up after
Oh, wait; Wrong Political Party
I suppose it beats the crapper like LBJ.
They really want to being up the Lincoln Bedroom?
It’s amazing the tech-raised kids don’t know how to google.
Ann Althouse said...
"Brian In-My-Room Wilson really was crazy."
I can still remember hearing "Pet Sounds" and that thought crossing my mind, but with an "Oh My God" in front of it.
J Severs said...
Reporter assignment: compare and contrast Trump's external WH visits (if any) to his predecessors' visits (if any).
Whataboutism at its worst. Trump is sui generis. And just because all previous presidents did something, that doesn't make it okay when Trump does it!
Or at least, so I've been told.
I see readering is investing again in the fake hoax rape charges against republicans.
Tsk tsk
Why not just claim that Kavanaugh tossed a couple of his 5,000 rape victims over to Trump in the 80's at the direction of Putin who was busy turning Trump and Boris Johnson into Soviet assets at the time?
Important Note: each element of my fantastical hypothetical has literally been put forward by the lefties/LLR-lefties in both the US and Britain.
Give “Surf’s Up” a listen, crazy genius.
Too much obvious effort. He has a full life.
rcocean said...
Final Comment. Has there ever been a single WaPo/NYT article about the White House and Trump that has an acutal name attached to the quotes? Its ALWAYS anonymous "White HOuse officials" or "Those familiar with the situation" or a "close White House staffer". Never a single name.
That how WaPoNYT brought down Nixon: By an anonymous "Deep Throat." It's the only tool the Dems have. It's blunt, but it worked. Trouble is, Trump tweets. Imagine if Nixon tweeted. Would it be funny to recite Trump tweets in a Nixonian voice?
Final Comment. Has there ever been a single WaPo/NYT article about the White House and Trump that has an acutal name attached to the quotes? Its ALWAYS anonymous "White HOuse officials" or "Those familiar with the situation" or a "close White House staffer". Never a single name.
Good observation, rcocean. I wonder if it ever occurs to these 'news' media that we the people have long ago caught on to their deceit and subterfuge.
from the Barry O'Bama video
"NBC was filming; "A Day in the Life", at The White House."
The adoring media come to your house, to film "A Day in the Life", and you JUST HAPPEN TO DECIDE...
THAT You should go to a burger stand; like you Often do (except that you have to stare at the menu, For A WHILE; before deciding what to try). Of course, THIS ONE TIME, is the ONLY TIME that anyone, EVER sees you go to a burger stand.
You understand, don't you? If people come to film "A Day in the Life" of YOU; you're going to want to do the things you Usually do.... Like go to a burger stand for the first time, in Your Life
On the Other Hand. If a bunch of college sports stars come to your house, and you break training with them, Gorging on fast food.... the media will ridicule you
Some delicious soup said...
I wonder if it ever occurs to these 'news' media that we the people have long ago caught on to their deceit and subterfuge.
Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!
There's a fear that those who isolate (or insulate) themselves will get wild ideas. It's fine for an artist, whose work we're all free to reject and whom we're not relying on to do anything for us. But if someone has responsibilities and he's not out where we can keep imposing reality on him, we are at risk.
More reason to decentralize the US Government.
Get them out of the swamp and the cockroaches follow as long as they can get their organic kale.
Typical media concern trolling. Politico and the other Trump-hating media want lots of video of D.C.'s populace harassing Trump and other Republican politicians at dinners and parties.
I do wonder though, who these journalists really think they are fooling with this nonsense? Are they really this stupid?
It makes sense to me! However, I got this nagging sensation? Oh, the source is "Politico" enough said. False until I can prove it is a fact. That's how bad it is with me the the MSM.
rcocean said, "Even Reagan spent most of his time in the White House/Camp David or at his California Ranch."
One thing that baffled and enraged Christopher Hitchens was that Reagan ate TV dinners most nights in front of the TV when "he could have had dinner with anyone he wanted to anywhere in the world".
I would bet that when you're surrounded with people, cameras, microphones, and hoopla all the time, some private time is a yuge blessing.
Also, I think Trump would be more fun at a Five Guys than Obama was.
This would be the equivalent of Breitbart writing about how it is unfortunate that Elizabeth Warren or Barack Obama were missing out on the opportunities of visiting a gun show.
people keep saying that we need to "Drain the Swamp" that is Washington DC
I think this is Totally Wrong.
We need, "in the interests of environmentalism", to restore the Swamp
Most of the District of Columbia used to be tidal marsh, full of malaria and cholera
We need to make it like that Again.
My Modest Proposal
*Have the EPA, through the Clean Water Act; condemn ALL structures in the district, except for the Seats of Government (Capitol, Whitehouse, Supreme Court), and Historical Monuments.
*Ban (in the interests of the Green Movement) ALL electricity and ALL Fossil fuels in the District.
*Refill the tidal pools, and ban any attempts at mosquito control
Make it so that government officials will be motivated to spend As LITTLE Time as possible in the District. Make it so that being in the District; is a DEATH Sentence, from disease and discomfort.
I think this would solve a LOT of our problems.
"So, what did your folks do?"
"Well, they were lobbyists, so i was raised in an orphanage"
"I do wonder though, who these journalists really think they are fooling with this nonsense? Are they really this stupid?"
They're J-School graduates, so I'm thinking 'Yes'.
I mean, would you go out if you risked, by going to a favored place, the utter economic destruction of said favorite place through tactics ranging from simple boycott and slander to actual arson?
A consequence of journolistic witch hunts and threats of warlock trials?
At the time of the alleged Carroll rape Trump owned Plaza hotel and Bergdorf, NYC's most luxurious department store, is next door, on way to Trump Tower, just down the street (5th Avenue).
Ex-President Bill Clinton was knowingly involved and actively participating in a human trafficking ring while his wife was SOS.
gilbar: Your suggestion re: The Swamp is a sound one. It would also be the ideal solution for what to do about Atlantic City, NJ. It is a city we do not really need, and which has proved an intractable problem since the early 20th century: Bulldoze the place, relocate the residents to some suitable venue (e.g., Trenton, Camden, or State Prison) and let the wind and tides do the rest.
After a couple of hundred years, it might be worth visiting again.
Politico could have compared Trump to JFK quote on Jefferson dining alone
Politico could have compared Trump to JFK quote on Jefferson dining alone
"Didn't Clinton make a big display of jogging regularly, for a while at least?"
-- That was another time where presidential security, and DC security in general, was radically different.
Trump also loves to open up parts of the private residence to special guests, personally taking them on tours of the Lincoln Bedroom....
I am so old I can remember when a previous President rented out the Lincoln Bedroom for campaign contributions.
The article suggests it would be better if he'd go out at night in Washington, go to restaurants...
Be a good idea to first ask Sarah Huckabee Sanders to drop by the Red Hen restaurant in Lexington VA and test the temper of the times.
Hammond makes my point a bit better than I did. There's no good reason for Trump to go to a place. They'll either shout him out and make a scene and be heralded as heroes standing up to a tyrant for being rude, or they'll be utterly destroyed by the mob if they risk welcoming him. It is a kindness to not inflict that on his allies and tactically sound not to give ammunition to his opponents.
He goes out to his gigantic rallies, he calls TV stations, and tweets about the pre-impeachment smear campaign. Nothing in his behavior is bunkerish. Yet Politico inserted "bunker" in the report. They are mad that Trump doesn't behave like Hitler who committed suicide in his famed bunker.
I thought The Beach Boys was supposed to be a rock band, not the Jaycees glee club.
They're a floor wax *and* a dessert topping!
Of course this is the ultimate mid-tempo rocker, but consider the rougher sounds of Dennis & Blondie.
Also just for fun, consider this version of Althouse's link: In the early 60s, nobody knew what they were doing, or needed to do.. (Hey, the Beatles did it too!).
Also just for fun, the spiritual flip-side of Althouse's link.
Matt Sablan said...
I mean, would you go out if you risked, by going to a favored place, the utter economic destruction of said favorite place through tactics ranging from simple boycott and slander to actual arson?"
Well said. If Trump were to go to any restaurant in DC the owner would be faced with a Hobson's choice: serve the president and suffer the Lefty consequences or refuse to serve him and suffer the hate mail from Trump supporters. The best thing is for Trump not to go. That's how shitty this country has become.
There seem to be a lot of east-of-the-101 types among you. Truth is, the music of Brian Wilson was, and still is, just short of divine. Sometimes the lyrics run a tad puerile, but if that is all you hear, don't listen to any J.S. Bach devotional pieces unless you're a Christian fundamentalist. Don't listen to the marginally literate Jimi Hendrix at all.
Brian Wilson was a perfectionist who had the best studio musicians in the world working for him. He was an innovator who knew exactly what he wanted and worked until he got it. Calling him crazy is the shallowest of analyses.
@cubanbob: +1
Years ago there were news stories about Bill Clinton as President, jogging or pretending to jog or thinking he might jog in DC. One story said the Secret Service cars would remain running while they waited for him; he might come, he might not. Maybe once there was an actual story that during a so-called jog he stopped at McDonald's.
Anyway SNL did a send-up: a president barely jogging, stopping at McDonald's.
Haha, apparently last night, Trump went out for dinner - handed out cash like candy to the serving staff.
Trump out for Dinner 11/23/19
Thanks Drago for faithfully directing attention to one of my comments.
readering: "Thanks Drago for faithfully directing attention to one of my comments."
I only drew attention to it from the east because Hitler attacked it from the west.
But really, you should quit dancing around and simply assert directly that Trump is guilty of this laughably and ludicrously and transparently false slander in the same way that you completely bought into the fake gang rape charges against Kavanaugh.
You'll feel better.
In other news:
cubanbob said...
If Trump were to go to any restaurant in DC the owner would be faced with a Hobson's choice: serve the president and suffer the Lefty consequences or refuse to serve him and suffer the hate mail from Trump supporters.
Hence the reason the media is mad that he doesn't go out. They'd love to report him getting turned away by a restaurant owner or the staff refusing to serve him.
Haha, apparently last night, Trump went out for dinner - handed out cash like candy to the serving staff.
Did you see the comments ? Haters that missed their chance to show him how smart they are.
Brian Wilson was a perfectionist who had the best studio musicians in the world working for him.
One of whom was Glen Campbell.
I think Trump is one of the most socially involved people in the world today -- he's hardly living isolated in his room. Also he has close regular contact with his adult children, a strong emotional support network. Hardly the profile of a crazy recluse. I thought Ann was being facetious about him being a "lonely weirdo" but then she followed up with the comment about Brian Wilson and the suggestion that "There's a fear that those who isolate (or insulate) themselves will get wild ideas." Someone in power needs people around him "to keep him on track and doing sensible things. Isn't that what social life is really about in human culture?" That MO defines a follower, not a leader. A leader has an internal North Star, a strong sense of Self and clarity about right and wrong. Anyway that's what I look for in a leader, not someone who has to consult with focus groups and polls to know what to do.
Besides personal comfort, one of the practical benefits of working more out of the residence is that leakers, the so called knowledgeable sources we read quotes from, are not credible. Lke what happened in the impeachment inquiry -- people had to admit they had no actual personal knowledge or direct contact with the President. They presumed, assumed, conjectured.
Noticed the Politico article had no info whatsoever about the decor of the private residence. What do they expect when they are 100% hostile and negative?
I think pdjt has been exonerated by the charade of the past 2 weeks.
He should should come out and say so publicly.
If for no other reason than to drive The fascists nuts.
John Henry
How is an office on the 2nd floor of a 70 year old building a "bunker" I have 3 real bunkers from wwii in front of my house. He's welcome to come work from them any time.
John Henry
indeed john henry, that was an interesting angle, you brought to my attention, miss jarezka, seems to have bailed right after shokin was fired, and before privat bank went pearshaped,
I think "grandma is on the roof" iykwimaityd
Ruth Bader just released from the hospital again.
You think this shampeachment is something?
Wait'll she leaves the bench.
You ain't seen nothing yet como decimos en mi barrio
John Henry
Talk about possible fake news: so the Secretary of the Navy did not threaten to resign?
Brian Wilson was a perfectionist who had the best studio musicians in the world working for him. He was an innovator who knew exactly what he wanted and worked until he got it. Calling him crazy is the shallowest of analyses.
I recently watched a documentary about the Beach Boys and apparently Brian Wilson was bipolar. 'Crazy' may denote mental illness but doesn't really describe Wilson.
’I think pdjt has been exonerated by the charade of the past 2 weeks.’
He should definitely make that claim!! And, honestly, I’m surprised he hasn’t done so already. Maybe he’ll read this thread and take your suggestion. 👊🏼
If you find anything Narciso, please share. Either here or by email johnfajardohenry@gmail.com
She seems to have come here straight from Ukraine.
She is, apparently still a Ukrainian citizen. She was supposed to give up her us citizenship to take the Ukrainian finance minister post but I don't know if she did.
John Henry
Via Zero Hedge:
..."Mr Lutsenko stated that there was also a payment of $900,000 to Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC for consulting fees. Hunter Biden is a partner in Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC along with Devon Archer and the dates of this transaction are approximately anywhere from January to December 2015. According to Mr. Lutsenko the $900,000 invoice was for services rendered for lobbying by Joe Biden....
If be interested to see if she has a connection to vindman. I'm sure she would have known ambassador yovanovitch.
What evil have these Ukrainians been up to in our emerald Isle?
John Henry
this was her successor,
who was sacked two years later,
from the aspen institute link, she was chief economic officer in the kyev embassy, around the time the good colonel was there then he went off to Moskva, he ended up on the joint staff,
President Trump is without question the most effective and successful president in decades, notwithstanding the non-stop attacks of the Media/DNC/Deep State Complex.
George kent, then the deputy chief of mission, then ended up anti corruption coordinator, yes like someone handing one 'parking tickets at the Indiana 500'
Obama - uh uh uh
Given the success of previous public confrontations against others who resigned, I wonder how many in the administration have turned to disguises when out in public or bunkering down.
According to Mr. Lutsenko the $900,000 invoice was for services rendered for lobbying by Joe Biden....
No wonder Biden is threatening Lindsey Graham. He has asked for Biden documents from Pompeo. I assume that is for a planned Senate trial. The Democrats opened this can of worms.
Giuliani says it reminds him of his Mafia days.
the times of course, doesn't address the content of the documentation, just the effrontery of requesting it,
Beach Boys and the rest of recorded music used The Wrecking Crew. A fascinating documentary from 2008. Buy the DVD for a musical Christmas at the Portal... "Boomers".
I saw President Obama at an ice cream shop in St. Paul, from half a block away behind secret service lines of course. Interestingly, he had with him a double with the same build and dress etc. as him, presumably to foil an assassin. As if anyone would prefer Joe Biden.
now you tell us,
Our successful President is 73. He has been giving his best years to save us. And he is clearly a stable genius who loves us. This Thanksgiving most sane Americans will be giving thanks to God foremost for the courage of a real man named Donald Trump.
Good-bye Richard Spencer.
Next time keep more people in the loop with your backdoir dealings.
What I find most fascinating is the idea that going to parties and gatherings in DC and Georgetown will give you needed exposure to the real world.
Note: I think Google has a new way of banning people it doesn't like: a never ending string of stupid prove you're human challenges. I got 5!
’One of whom was Glen Campbell.’
The Wrecking Crew. Tommy Tedesco, Hal Blaine, Carol Kaye, Victor Feldman, et al. - some serious talent all around...
TJM: "President Trump is without question the most effective and successful president in decades, notwithstanding the non-stop attacks of the Media/DNC/Deep State Complex."
Trump is likely the most accessible President in our nation's history. Not only that, but lawmakers say he communicates with them directly often and John Barasso stated directly that Trump was always, ALWAYS, available when he needed to speak with him.
So, yeah. "Bunker".
Fake News.
oh captcha is dark magic, conjured on mount doom,
Little Deuce Coup and Surfing USA were both the same song with different words.
And both were Chuck Berry's sweet little sixteen.
I loved all 3
John Henry
Little Deuce Coup and Surfing USA were both the same song with different words.
Not exactly. Not the 'chorus', if you will.
They just want opportunities to embarrass him--like when he went to a World Series game.
So, he's a terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad person because he doesn't disrupt the whole city by going out "casually" and then taking abuse form jerks.
And if he did what they want, they would rag on him for being insensitive to all the people he is inconveniencing, and because he didn't have the good grace to just kill himself when someone booed him or shouted an insult at him.
How utterly dreary are all those people.
Berlin Station is so cartoonish that it makes the old 60s Batman look serious by comparison. But it is still a hell of a show. I've been binging on season 3 this week and loving it.
One of the plot points really made me sit up. A CIA agent, pretending to be a Puerto Rican investor approaches a Russian "oligarch" with a scheme to rip off us funds in Puerto Rico.
He brags about all the millions in hurricane relief money he stole after Hurricane Maria.
It doesn't make any sense the way it is presented but i thought it interesting that the writers would recognize the plausibility of russians stealing us funds in pr.
John Henry
Little Deuce Coup and Surfing USA were both the same song with different words.
What's wrong with recycling? A lot of popular music artists have, shall we say, stuttered.
"Little Saint Nick" is basically "Little Deuce Coupe" also.
And in sadder Beach Boys news, Jeff Foskett is done singing, cancer having taken his soaring voice.
Here is is on his own endearing Fish (a hit in Japan, I believe) and his take on The Marmalade's Reflections of my Life
Democrats have a fawning corrupt press following them around.
R's endure endless harassment from the hack-D corrupt press.
Not complaining about the recycling, just mentioning.
There were a couple other bb songs where the same music was used for both a surf song and a car song.
409 and surfing safari, for example.
Again, no problem for me.
John Henry
Theres actually 2 movies and a book about the wrecking crew. All excellent.
John Henry
Sir your blog is awesome please tell me will i get approval
See my blog also
Pollutico, propaganda for the proletariat, I mean the commentariat.
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