You wonder if, had the Democrats offered some genuine due process, equal subpoena power, president’s counsel present in all depositions, no requirements for Schiff’s approval for lines of questioning, and public hearings, if they couldn’t have peeled off a few Republican votes for this charade and maybe created some momentum.
Instead they come off as having zero confidence that their “case” can withstand scrutiny. Of course, I don’t blame them, their case stinks.
"In the dark and brooding silence Bruised and sullen storm clouds Have the light of day obscured Looming low and ominous In twilight premature Thunderheads are rumbling In a distant overture"
(excerpted from "Jacob's Ladder")
***** Should Eric Ciaramella be worried about getting 'suicided' by those who want him detached from the Ukraine scam?
Skylark said... You wonder if, had the Democrats offered some genuine due process...
Well, the problem is that the preposterousness and fraudulence of the Democrats' excuse for a case against the President would then be revealed, so, no, it wouldn't have garnered Republican support, and in fact would have quickly degenerated into mumbling and withdrawing of motions.
I'm going to treat this like a wide open cafe post to say: while changing our clocks I noticed our 1980's era bedside clock has alarm settings for "Him" and "Her"! Never noticed this particular clock was so non-woke/CIS gendered. Ha, 'non-woke' for an alarm clock.
Should we take it out back and beat it to pieces with a baseball bat like the printer in "Office Space"? Or should we just admit we need to turn ourselves into the PC Police?
The other day you got me thinking about the tilt of the earth and how it affects time, why do days get longer and shorter. This video, The Equinox Isn't What You Think It Is, explained a lot, but I still do not understand all this. While I get why summer and winter happen I still don't understand why fall and spring are so different except that the cycle of life, nature, is on its own trip. If someone can explain how earth's orbit produces fall and spring that I'd appreciate it. Save me some time.
Earth’s tilted axis causes the seasons. Throughout the year, different parts of Earth receive the Sun’s most direct rays. So, when the North Pole tilts toward the Sun, it’s summer in the Northern Hemisphere. And when the South Pole tilts toward the Sun, it’s winter in the Northern Hemisphere.
... "high crimes and misdemeanors" should not be about a partisan disagreement of government and should concern an action so gross that the general public just will not accept it being glossed over.
We have had three years of the Democrats searching for such a matter and repeatedly shouting: Eureka!, they have found it and will "soon" prove it only to have the jubilation fizzle out. I think the public may be so tired of this by now that they are shutting out the noise and may well miss it if the Democrats by some chance actually should stumble onto some matter that in normal times might have gained traction.
You get a wind shear across two different densities of air. The system is unstable (like water waves in a wind) and the fastest growing instability takes over the system, giving an equally spaced row of clouds corresponding to the spacing of the fastest-growing instability.
There is no reason for Trump to want the Bidens "investigated" by the Ukrainian government or ours. Burisma's payments to Hunter Biden and then to Joe himself - which have not been contested - should be sufficient to take Joe Biden out of the race for the Democratic nomination, and the longer he stays as a "top tier" candidate the more damage he does to the Democrat Party's reputation.
My reply to that: If Republicans have any sense should insist for open *interview* to just get time line and his state of mind – no need to attach legal jeopardy.
@R.J. Chatt said etc. Get you a real globe and move it around with a bright lamp in the center. In a dark room. If you can do it correctly physically you will understand and be proud.
Today at 2:32 PM today a true saint of a lady at our church passed away at the Grady Trauma Center from a fall and head injury. It was appropriate on on All Saints Day. That ladder cloud could be for Mary. Her family and friends sung When the Saints Go Marching In. I told her husband that he was a great man or God would not have entrusted Mary to him for 60+ years.
R.J. Chatt, I just watched the PBS video you linked to and the problem with that video is that they have greatly exaggerated the Earth's ellipse. If they had presented it accurately, it would have appeared to our eyes as if the earth was travelling in a circle around the sun.
It's no doubt true that the equinoxes don't perfectly divide the earth's seasons in to four quarters. And the reason for that is given by the video. Except if you check the actual number of days between they come pretty close to dividing the seasons into four equal quarters anyway.
From Wikipedia, for 2019, the solstices and equinoxes are: winter, December 21; spring, March 20; summer, June 21; fall, September 23. And that is, if you count the days between, a pretty even split.
Alternatively it may be that you are asking why spring is bursting with life while in the fall not so much seems to be happening.
First off, is that really true?
If we were to measure the amount of living biomass at comparable days in the spring and fall, with respect to the amount of sunlight that they receive, is there a big difference between the two? In fact is it possible that there is more living biomass in the fall, for comparable days, than in the spring?
The "whistleblower's" lawyers have offered to answer the Republicans' written questions; presumably also in writing. Just more charades.
The Democrats have been at this for three years. If a serious impeachable matter existed, more than one person would have known about it, and it would have been public knowledge by now.
THE SATURDAY NIGHT JOKE A blonde city girl named Amy marries a Colorado rancher. One morning, on his way out to check on the cows, the rancher says to Amy, "The insemination man is coming over to impregnate one of our cows, so I drove a nail into the 2x4 just above where the cow's stall is in the barn.
Please show him where the cow is when he gets here, OK?" The rancher leaves for the fields. After a while, the artificial insemination man arrives and knocks on the front door. “I came to inseminate the cow,” he said. Amy takes him down to the barn. They walk along the row of cows, and when Amy sees the nail, she tells him, "This is the one right here."
The man, assuming he is dealing with an airhead blonde, asks, "Tell me, lady, 'cause I'm dying to know. How would YOU know that this is the right cow to be bred?" "That's simple," she said. "By the nail that's over its stall," she explains very confidently.
Laughing rudely at her, the man says, "And what, pray tell, is the nail for?" The blonde turns to walk away and says sweetly over her shoulder, “I guess it’s to hang your pants on,” she replied. (It's nice to see a blonde winning...once in awhile.) H/T Legally Sufficient
Diversity (and exclusion) breeds adversity and unless its progress is mitigated will force a dysfunctional convergence as it has throughout the world, throughout time.
Appeals to empathy are useful leverage for purposes of nonprofits, market differentiation, suppress people's voices, and to gerrymander the vote. And, sometimes, for productive causes.
In fact is it possible that there is more living biomass in the fall, for comparable days, than in the spring? '«_''’''' IOW “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that people gain weight in the cooler season and lose weight in warmer.
Also plants adapted to the seasons in the temperate zone by developing buds to enclose and shelter potential leaves and shoots over the winter. And the seasonal, regular, flat-bladed leaves fall off because the water in the cells of these thin-skinned leaves would freeze and burst the cells if the leaves tried to winter over. The next spring when it gets warm, the flat-bladed leaves unfold from their buds. In tropical climates the leaves stay on or anyhow fall off in a less seasonal way. And evergreen leaves have better protection and less flat, exposed surface than the seasonal leaves. It's explained by evolution in theory - sea plants to tropical plants to seasonal plants - but I don't think it's very well understood in reality exactly how the morphology and the timing changed or how buds developed. To me, unfolding leaf and fern buds are as beautiful as flowers. There are tons of pictures of that on Google images
rhhardin said...You get a wind shear across two different densities of air. The system is unstable (like water waves in a wind) and the fastest growing instability takes over the system, giving an equally spaced row of clouds corresponding to the spacing of the fastest-growing instability.
Re Spring and fall Earth'S axis is tilted in its orbit. This means that when the earth gets to one end of its orbit the northern hemisphere is leaning toward the sun, and gets more sun per square foot than the Southern Hemisphere, because in the Southern Hemisphere the light hits at a more oblique angle. That is our summer. The reverse happens at the other end of the orbit. That is our winter. It is the angle that matters, the difference distance from the sun makes little difference.
This is weird. The country went off of Daylight Savings time at 2 AM yesterday (9/3) morning, and I went all day without noticing. Then I thought “Duh!” We are currently living in AZ, that doesn’t participate. We are on Mountain Standard Time year round (known colloquially as “Arizona Time”). The further we go from our agricultural roots, the sillier the entire exercise is, having to adjust our clocks two times every year. Luckily, for me, I only have to adjust one clock, the one in our Audi, at the end of our migrations both ways every year. I thought for a minute that I would have to change the microwave clock in MT, but I am saved that because there is more Daylight Savings Time than Standard Time every year. So, I just leave MT clocks on MDT year round.
Now I do wear a watch on my dominant wrist, but leave it on MST year round. I justify that because we have family in both back here in AZ. I got an Apple Watch last December, and it of course keeps track of Daylight Savings time automatically (and changes in time zones - it switches back and forth between MDT and PDT within maybe 10 miles when we drive back and forth between MT and ID, at its closest only 20 miles away). For the first eight months I had the Apple Watch, I only wore it (on my weak wrist). But my partner decided that since she had given it to me, and I wasn’t wearing it, she might as well give it away (probably to her son - ignoring that he works in IT and no doubt has an Apple Watch too). So, I had what I call one of my brilliant moments (she has other terms for it). I decided to wear it on the opposite (dominant) wrist, because every other night I sleep without the Apple Watch, while it recharges. Works great, though maybe looks a bit dorky. She complained, but I pointed out that she wears a high end gold Rolex that she has a really hard time reading, after having acquired vision issues. It has some diamonds, I think, in the crystal (one of the stupidest ideas I have ever seen) that makes reading the time difficult in the first place, and her vision issues makes it even worse. Which is where I come in - I wear two watches now, and have to reset all the clocks in the house (synchronized within almost a second - her OC, not mine) every time we lose power. Which is more often than you would expect in MT, living 1/4 mile from a hydro dam (we get our power from another dam 30 miles down river). Which is one of the reasons that I am going to install a UPS/generator system there next spring when we get back up there.
As is obvious, I think that my mind is roaming a bit. Up for an hour or two in the middle of the night. Or at least while it is still dark. When this would happen a bit earlier, that is when I used to depend on commenting on Ann’s blog, before she instituted full time moderation. Oh well. Life changes.
Lucien said... Why do Fox News and even the White House seem scared to say Eric Ciaramella? Wh Is there to fear?
Because identifying a "whistleblower" (one that follows the requirements laid out in the whistleblower act) has been made a crime. Everything must be controlled and made part of the show.
“ Because identifying a "whistleblower" (one that follows the requirements laid out in the whistleblower act) has been made a crime. Everything must be controlled and made part of the show”
I think that there are two different reasons. For Trump, it was like he handled SpyGate and esp the Mueller investigation. He Constitutionally could have shut it down at any time for cause. Instead, he gave them millions of documents, got Barr confirmed as AG, who shut it down properly, without having to exert his Article II powers. The Mueller people were, essentially, holding their bogus Lawfare Obstruction of Justice statutory misinterpretation over his head, to keep him from shutting down their investigation. He could have done so at any time, for cause, but the Dems (and their MSM lackeys) would have used it as count 1 in his inevitable impeachment. This speaks of someone who talks a big game, but has always had a stable of lawyers around making sure that he always colored well within the legal lines. Someone who always knew that his enemies would use the law against him, if he let them.
Imagine for a minute that Lawfare tactics could be used against the Lawfare people and the other Dems opposing Trump. There is now an officially open criminal investigation into the origins of SpyGate. Much of what Brennan, for example, has been doing, is intentionally designed to interfere with that investigation, and keep his butt out of prison where it belongs. In other words has the real statutory intentional intent required by that Obstruction statute, and not the bogus Lawfare general intent that the Mueller prosecutors were trying to use. The entire Schifty Shit show is at least partially to interfere with ongoing DOJ investigations, and save the butts of all the Dem operatives who illegally engineered and executed SpyGate and its Mueller run coverup.
As for Fox News, what if Eric Ciaramella isn’t actually the whistleblower? Would their outing him correctly, given his ties to Biden, Brennan, Rice, etc, all enemies of theirs, constitute Actual Malice for a defamation suit. Notably, a federal judge in KY very recently reopened a part of Nicholas Sandmann’s defamation lawsuit against WaPo. Is it worth it for Fox News? Besides, they get to be seen taking the high road, letting lesser media outlets do the dirty work.
“In other words has the real statutory SPECIFIC intent required by that Obstruction statute, and not the bogus Lawfare general intent that the Mueller prosecutors were trying to use.”
The statute requires SPECIFIC intent. Mueller was trying to use the Lawfare developed GENERAL intent standard instead. These are legal terms of art. The example I have used before is Trump’s firing of Comey. The firing potentially interfered with a criminal investigation (Crossfire Hurricane). Trump intentionally fired Comey. Thus, general intent. But Comey was fired for cause, for lying to his boss, Trump. Making things more egregious, Trump didn’t know about the criminal investigation because Comey lied to him about the existence of that criminal investigation, in response to a direct question. Normally, a legitimate reason for an action that interferes with a criminal investigation is sufficient to negate the specific intent requirement of that Obstruction of Justice statute, even if some ulterior motive can be shown. But with firing Comey, Trump couldn’t have had the required specific intent, because he was lied to by Comey, and, thus, didn’t know about the criminal investigation that he may have inadvertently interfered with.
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Is that Jacob’s ladder?
I'm reminded of the moment when Fredo got his,
You wonder if, had the Democrats offered some genuine due process, equal subpoena power, president’s counsel present in all depositions, no requirements for Schiff’s approval for lines of questioning, and public hearings, if they couldn’t have peeled off a few Republican votes for this charade and maybe created some momentum.
Instead they come off as having zero confidence that their “case” can withstand scrutiny. Of course, I don’t blame them, their case stinks.
Blogger Big Mike said...
Is that Jacob’s ladder?
"In the dark and brooding silence
Bruised and sullen storm clouds
Have the light of day obscured
Looming low and ominous
In twilight premature
Thunderheads are rumbling
In a distant overture"
(excerpted from "Jacob's Ladder")
Should Eric Ciaramella be worried about getting 'suicided' by those who want him detached from the Ukraine scam?
Looks more like the stairway to heaven to me.
pacwest said...
Looks more like the stairway to heaven to me.
Skylark said...
You wonder if, had the Democrats offered some genuine due process...
Well, the problem is that the preposterousness and fraudulence of the Democrats' excuse for a case against the President would then be revealed, so, no, it wouldn't have garnered Republican support, and in fact would have quickly degenerated into mumbling and withdrawing of motions.
I need a weatherman to know how the wind blew those clouds into that shape.
I'm going to treat this like a wide open cafe post to say: while changing our clocks I noticed our 1980's era bedside clock has alarm settings for "Him" and "Her"! Never noticed this particular clock was so non-woke/CIS gendered. Ha, 'non-woke' for an alarm clock.
Should we take it out back and beat it to pieces with a baseball bat like the printer in "Office Space"? Or should we just admit we need to turn ourselves into the PC Police?
The other day you got me thinking about the tilt of the earth and how it affects time, why do days get longer and shorter. This video, The Equinox Isn't What You Think It Is, explained a lot, but I still do not understand all this. While I get why summer and winter happen I still don't understand why fall and spring are so different except that the cycle of life, nature, is on its own trip. If someone can explain how earth's orbit produces fall and spring that I'd appreciate it. Save me some time.
That’s one bad motherfucker of a ladder.
how earth's orbit produces fall and spring
What Causes the Seasons?
Earth’s tilted axis causes the seasons. Throughout the year, different parts of Earth receive the Sun’s most direct rays. So, when the North Pole tilts toward the Sun, it’s summer in the Northern Hemisphere. And when the South Pole tilts toward the Sun, it’s winter in the Northern Hemisphere.
In short: angle of incidence, not distance.
... "high crimes and misdemeanors" should not be about a partisan disagreement of government and should concern an action so gross that the general public just will not accept it being glossed over.
We have had three years of the Democrats searching for such a matter and repeatedly shouting: Eureka!, they have found it and will "soon" prove it only to have the jubilation fizzle out.
I think the public may be so tired of this by now that they are shutting out the noise and may well miss it if the Democrats by some chance actually should stumble onto some matter that in normal times might have gained traction.
You get a wind shear across two different densities of air. The system is unstable (like water waves in a wind) and the fastest growing instability takes over the system, giving an equally spaced row of clouds corresponding to the spacing of the fastest-growing instability.
There is no reason for Trump to want the Bidens "investigated" by the Ukrainian government or ours.
Burisma's payments to Hunter Biden and then to Joe himself - which have not been contested - should be sufficient to take Joe Biden out of the race for the Democratic nomination, and the longer he stays as a "top tier" candidate the more damage he does to the Democrat Party's reputation.
So: Winning!
now one of the other experts they consulted was clint watts, who thought we should ally with al queda in Syria,
Seen on CTH comments
Whistleblower willing to answer Republicans’ questions in impeachment probe, lawyer says
My reply to that:
If Republicans have any sense should insist for open *interview* to just get time line and his state of mind – no need to attach legal jeopardy.
Show mercy to the fool
And further:
It will be like amnesty to all fools who voted for Hillary aka deficiency of proAmerica spirit
David Foster Wallace would've called this foto "Consider the Ladder."
And then there would be footnotes.
I am Laslo.
@ALP said etc.
Etiquette require to start your letter with
Dear Prudence Althouse.
@R.J. Chatt said etc.
Get you a real globe and move it around with a bright lamp in the center. In a dark room.
If you can do it correctly physically you will understand and be proud.
Report due for the solstice day.
To emphasize that it is theater :
House Republicans should conduct INTERVIEW off-site of Capitol.
A Christmas present to the Nation.
encouraged to be joyful, charitable, generous, kind, and forgiving.
I Stress again if Republicans have any sense. And don't live up to be the stupid party
Today at 2:32 PM today a true saint of a lady at our church passed away at the Grady Trauma Center from a fall and head injury. It was appropriate on on All Saints Day. That ladder cloud could be for Mary. Her family and friends sung When the Saints Go Marching In. I told her husband that he was a great man or God would not have entrusted Mary to him for 60+ years.
R.J. Chatt, I just watched the PBS video you linked to and the problem with that video is that they have greatly exaggerated the Earth's ellipse. If they had presented it accurately, it would have appeared to our eyes as if the earth was travelling in a circle around the sun.
It's no doubt true that the equinoxes don't perfectly divide the earth's seasons in to four quarters. And the reason for that is given by the video. Except if you check the actual number of days between they come pretty close to dividing the seasons into four equal quarters anyway.
From Wikipedia, for 2019, the solstices and equinoxes are: winter, December 21; spring, March 20; summer, June 21; fall, September 23. And that is, if you count the days between, a pretty even split.
Alternatively it may be that you are asking why spring is bursting with life while in the fall not so much seems to be happening.
First off, is that really true?
If we were to measure the amount of living biomass at comparable days in the spring and fall, with respect to the amount of sunlight that they receive, is there a big difference between the two? In fact is it possible that there is more living biomass in the fall, for comparable days, than in the spring?
I don't know the answers to these questions.
What is it with all of these tug at the heartstrings type commercials during football games. I miss the Swedish Bikini Team.
Herr Pluggs von Sniffengroper insists
I’m not a child molester!
The "whistleblower's" lawyers have offered to answer the Republicans' written questions; presumably also in writing.
Just more charades.
The Democrats have been at this for three years. If a serious impeachable matter existed, more than one person would have known about it, and it would have been public knowledge by now.
Sydney be like "Can you hear me now?"
Michael Flynn defense says Mifsud phones they seek from DOJ may trace back to FBI and CIA
A blonde city girl named Amy marries a Colorado rancher. One morning, on his way out to check on the cows, the rancher says to Amy, "The insemination man is coming over to impregnate one of our cows, so I drove a nail into the 2x4 just above where the cow's stall is in the barn.
Please show him where the cow is when he gets here, OK?" The rancher leaves for the fields. After a while, the artificial insemination man arrives and knocks on the front door. “I came to inseminate the cow,” he said. Amy takes him down to the barn. They walk along the row of cows, and when Amy sees the nail, she tells him, "This is the one right here."
The man, assuming he is dealing with an airhead blonde, asks, "Tell me, lady, 'cause I'm dying to know. How would YOU know that this is the right cow to be bred?" "That's simple," she said. "By the nail that's over its stall," she explains very confidently.
Laughing rudely at her, the man says, "And what, pray tell, is the nail for?" The blonde turns to walk away and says sweetly over her shoulder, “I guess it’s to hang your pants on,” she replied.
(It's nice to see a blonde winning...once in awhile.) H/T Legally Sufficient
The clouds look like tank treads rolling over a peaceful place to go fishing.
Could the equivalent to “Who is John Gault?” be “Epstein didn’t kill himself”?
Is this blog-able, Althouse?
“If someone can explain how earth's orbit produces fall and spring that I'd appreciate it.”
Spring is things blooming after the post-Winter thaw; Fall is leaves turning after the pre-Winter frost.
Diversity (and exclusion) breeds adversity and unless its progress is mitigated will force a dysfunctional convergence as it has throughout the world, throughout time.
tug at the heartstrings type commercials
Appeals to empathy are useful leverage for purposes of nonprofits, market differentiation, suppress people's voices, and to gerrymander the vote. And, sometimes, for productive causes.
In fact is it possible that there is more living biomass in the fall, for comparable days, than in the spring?
“It is a truth universally acknowledged, that people gain weight in the cooler season and lose weight in warmer.
Why do Fox News and even the White House seem scared to say Eric Ciaramella? Wh Is there to fear?
The CEO of McDonalds is stepping down because he had a relationship with a subordinate. How sexist — this would never happen to a female CEO!
Also plants adapted to the seasons in the temperate zone by developing buds to enclose and shelter potential leaves and shoots over the winter. And the seasonal, regular, flat-bladed leaves fall off because the water in the cells of these thin-skinned leaves would freeze and burst the cells if the leaves tried to winter over. The next spring when it gets warm, the flat-bladed leaves unfold from their buds. In tropical climates the leaves stay on or anyhow fall off in a less seasonal way. And evergreen leaves have better protection and less flat, exposed surface than the seasonal leaves. It's explained by evolution in theory - sea plants to tropical plants to seasonal plants - but I don't think it's very well understood in reality exactly how the morphology and the timing changed or how buds developed. To me, unfolding leaf and fern buds are as beautiful as flowers. There are tons of pictures of that on Google images
rhhardin said...You get a wind shear across two different densities of air. The system is unstable (like water waves in a wind) and the fastest growing instability takes over the system, giving an equally spaced row of clouds corresponding to the spacing of the fastest-growing instability.
Such lovely order from chaos!
Thanks rh!
Re Spring and fall
Earth'S axis is tilted in its orbit. This means that when the earth gets to one end of its orbit the northern hemisphere is leaning toward the sun, and gets more sun per square foot than the Southern Hemisphere, because in the Southern Hemisphere the light hits at a more oblique angle. That is our summer. The reverse happens at the other end of the orbit. That is our winter. It is the angle that matters, the difference distance from the sun makes little difference.
Warren touches her nose when she lies.
A lot of people do that. The Pinocchio story was on to something.
This is weird. The country went off of Daylight Savings time at 2 AM yesterday (9/3) morning, and I went all day without noticing. Then I thought “Duh!” We are currently living in AZ, that doesn’t participate. We are on Mountain Standard Time year round (known colloquially as “Arizona Time”). The further we go from our agricultural roots, the sillier the entire exercise is, having to adjust our clocks two times every year. Luckily, for me, I only have to adjust one clock, the one in our Audi, at the end of our migrations both ways every year. I thought for a minute that I would have to change the microwave clock in MT, but I am saved that because there is more Daylight Savings Time than Standard Time every year. So, I just leave MT clocks on MDT year round.
Now I do wear a watch on my dominant wrist, but leave it on MST year round. I justify that because we have family in both back here in AZ. I got an Apple Watch last December, and it of course keeps track of Daylight Savings time automatically (and changes in time zones - it switches back and forth between MDT and PDT within maybe 10 miles when we drive back and forth between MT and ID, at its closest only 20 miles away). For the first eight months I had the Apple Watch, I only wore it (on my weak wrist). But my partner decided that since she had given it to me, and I wasn’t wearing it, she might as well give it away (probably to her son - ignoring that he works in IT and no doubt has an Apple Watch too). So, I had what I call one of my brilliant moments (she has other terms for it). I decided to wear it on the opposite (dominant) wrist, because every other night I sleep without the Apple Watch, while it recharges. Works great, though maybe looks a bit dorky. She complained, but I pointed out that she wears a high end gold Rolex that she has a really hard time reading, after having acquired vision issues. It has some diamonds, I think, in the crystal (one of the stupidest ideas I have ever seen) that makes reading the time difficult in the first place, and her vision issues makes it even worse. Which is where I come in - I wear two watches now, and have to reset all the clocks in the house (synchronized within almost a second - her OC, not mine) every time we lose power. Which is more often than you would expect in MT, living 1/4 mile from a hydro dam (we get our power from another dam 30 miles down river). Which is one of the reasons that I am going to install a UPS/generator system there next spring when we get back up there.
As is obvious, I think that my mind is roaming a bit. Up for an hour or two in the middle of the night. Or at least while it is still dark. When this would happen a bit earlier, that is when I used to depend on commenting on Ann’s blog, before she instituted full time moderation. Oh well. Life changes.
Lucien said...
Why do Fox News and even the White House seem scared to say Eric Ciaramella? Wh Is there to fear?
Because identifying a "whistleblower" (one that follows the requirements laid out in the whistleblower act) has been made a crime.
Everything must be controlled and made part of the show.
“ Because identifying a "whistleblower" (one that follows the requirements laid out in the whistleblower act) has been made a crime.
Everything must be controlled and made part of the show”
I think that there are two different reasons. For Trump, it was like he handled SpyGate and esp the Mueller investigation. He Constitutionally could have shut it down at any time for cause. Instead, he gave them millions of documents, got Barr confirmed as AG, who shut it down properly, without having to exert his Article II powers. The Mueller people were, essentially, holding their bogus Lawfare Obstruction of Justice statutory misinterpretation over his head, to keep him from shutting down their investigation. He could have done so at any time, for cause, but the Dems (and their MSM lackeys) would have used it as count 1 in his inevitable impeachment. This speaks of someone who talks a big game, but has always had a stable of lawyers around making sure that he always colored well within the legal lines. Someone who always knew that his enemies would use the law against him, if he let them.
Imagine for a minute that Lawfare tactics could be used against the Lawfare people and the other Dems opposing Trump. There is now an officially open criminal investigation into the origins of SpyGate. Much of what Brennan, for example, has been doing, is intentionally designed to interfere with that investigation, and keep his butt out of prison where it belongs. In other words has the real statutory intentional intent required by that Obstruction statute, and not the bogus Lawfare general intent that the Mueller prosecutors were trying to use. The entire Schifty Shit show is at least partially to interfere with ongoing DOJ investigations, and save the butts of all the Dem operatives who illegally engineered and executed SpyGate and its Mueller run coverup.
As for Fox News, what if Eric Ciaramella isn’t actually the whistleblower? Would their outing him correctly, given his ties to Biden, Brennan, Rice, etc, all enemies of theirs, constitute Actual Malice for a defamation suit. Notably, a federal judge in KY very recently reopened a part of Nicholas Sandmann’s defamation lawsuit against WaPo. Is it worth it for Fox News? Besides, they get to be seen taking the high road, letting lesser media outlets do the dirty work.
Whoops. Should have been:
“In other words has the real statutory SPECIFIC intent required by that Obstruction statute, and not the bogus Lawfare general intent that the Mueller prosecutors were trying to use.”
The statute requires SPECIFIC intent. Mueller was trying to use the Lawfare developed GENERAL intent standard instead. These are legal terms of art. The example I have used before is Trump’s firing of Comey. The firing potentially interfered with a criminal investigation (Crossfire Hurricane). Trump intentionally fired Comey. Thus, general intent. But Comey was fired for cause, for lying to his boss, Trump. Making things more egregious, Trump didn’t know about the criminal investigation because Comey lied to him about the existence of that criminal investigation, in response to a direct question. Normally, a legitimate reason for an action that interferes with a criminal investigation is sufficient to negate the specific intent requirement of that Obstruction of Justice statute, even if some ulterior motive can be shown. But with firing Comey, Trump couldn’t have had the required specific intent, because he was lied to by Comey, and, thus, didn’t know about the criminal investigation that he may have inadvertently interfered with.
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Comments older than 2 days are always moderated. Newer comments may be unmoderated, but are still subject to a spam filter and may take a few hours to get released. Thanks for your contributions and your patience.