November 27, 2019

Look what Trump just tweeted 10 minutes ago!

When I saw this in my Twitter feed, the photograph was only partially showing, only the belt level. I had to click on it to make the full image appear. I laughed out loud. A lot.

ADDED: I don't know how many votes can be swayed, but what it looks like to me is that it's really fun and lots of laughs to be on Trump's side, and it's painful and infuriating to be against him.

IN THE COMMENTS: "Wince" connects this tweet to Trump's "gorgeous chest" discourse at last night's rally:


effinayright said...

He got the idea from his bare-chested pal Putin, doncha know...

cubanbob said...

I love it! The man is a piece of work. He cut my taxes, made my portfolio go up 26% YTD and makes me laugh.

mockturtle said...

Bravo! He da man!

Lucien said...

I predict that CNN already have dedicated professional journalists on the job to prove this is a doctored photo.

Jerry said...

Trump doesn't take himself seriously - and has fun.

The left takes Trump seriously - and is miserable.

Humorless scolds don't have happy lives.

Beasts of England said...

He’s thoroughly mind-fucking the left. Good job, Champ!!

Meade said...

“No [Trump Republican] ever called me [racist].”

Ken B said...

Lucien is right. We are going to hear about “an apparently doctored photo misrepresenting the president's state of health and fitness”, with panel discussions and Max Boot as special guest.

pacwest said...

Is that photo real? I've never seen Trump without a shirt before. Wow. I never would have guessed he was in that great of shape. I'm going to eat more burgers.

Sharc 65 said...

CNN running a special 3-hour segment tonight on whether this photo is disinformation.

Curious George said...


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Schitt just responded with this.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Did he change his hairstyle?

CJinPA said...

Right now, Sylvester Stallone's agent, publicist and attorney are imploring him to issue a statement denouncing the Photoshop and Trump. The conference call is getting heated. Frank Stallone is trying to be the voice of reason but to no avail.

Wince said...

Trump joked about his "gorgeous chest" at last night's rally in connection with his recent medical visit.

Somebody probably did this photoshop in response.

Dingels said...

If you watched or attended the Trump Rally in Florida last night you get the joke. He was on a roll last night describing his "part 1" of his physical.

Earnest Prole said...

Trump is a member of the Village People? I always knew he was fabulous but this is gilding the lily.

wild chicken said...

Right now, Sylvester Stallone's agent

Yeah, well, Stallone is a shortguy. Hurr durr

madAsHell said...

What a magnificent bastard!!

Making Obama look like a soy-boy!

Quaestor said...


Most of the orange is from the neck down.

Gahrie said...

and it's painful and infuriating to be against him.

But oh so self-righteous.

Anonymous said...

Troll level: Galactic.

Bay Area Guy said...

Yo Adrian!

Iman said...

The Thrillah in Vanilla is a Press Killah.

Retail Lawyer said...

He's making a play for the gay vote. That must mean he's worried about that Butt guy.

bagoh20 said...
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Rit said...

It does make you laugh out loud, but it's in anticipation of what the reaction is going to be in some quarters (and it isn't laughter).

bagoh20 said...

It's testimony to his modesty that he always covers that incredible physique with a suit in public. He wants the women folk to vote for his mind - not just his body, but how can they resist that affecting them?

No wonder he said "They let you do anything."

Yancey Ward said...

This is Chuck bait, right?

MAJMike said...


FullMoon said...
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Sebastian said...

"it's really fun and lots of laughs to be on Trump's side"

It is. Might as well have a good time as the republican experiment and America as we know it are about to come to an end.

Beasts of England said...

’'s really fun and lots of laughs to be on Trump's side, and it's painful and infuriating to be against him.’

It’s like eating schadenfreude pie every day!!

mockturtle said...

The left takes Trump seriously - and is miserable.

Even worse, the Left takes itself seriously.

dbp said...
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FullMoon said...

Strangely enough, evenChuck, Inga, ARM, RV etc agree Trump and Rocky both underdogs with no chance of winning but they succeed through determination, effort and pure guts and truth, justice, and the American way.

Rocky theme

dbp said...

I would love it if Trump would hit the weights and get pumped-up like that 82 year-old woman Willie Murphy who beat the crap out of a home invader.

FullMoon said...

Photoshop his noggin onto DeNiro Raging Bull physique next, for even more laughs....

Jersey Fled said...


You broke the code.

mamawolf said...

Does anyone remember the Ted Cruz shirtless with tattoos photoshop? It was hilarious and so is this tweet. Someone photoshopped this and sent it to the president first. Trump supporters understand that he is fighting for the little guy; the “forgotten man” from his inaugural speech. The left has no sense of humor and will take this seriously and spend all day fact checking and mocking Donald Trump. They should just laugh at the tweet and move on. The fact that they can’t just proves why they do not understand why Trump won in the first game place.

Michael K said...

Might as well have a good time as the republican experiment and America as we know it are about to come to an end.

Only if Warren is elected. If Trump wins, it will last for four more years. Nobody knows what comes after that.

Francisco D said...

Trump is posing as Rocky, a lower class White bum who beat Apollo Creed - A Black Man!

What an egregious example of White Supremacy.

It is a dog whistle to the racist Althouse Hillbillies.

Chuck and Inga were a little late on this one, so I thought to fill in.

narciso said...

you know I used to find tucker annoying, like when he previewed his big project, the daily caller, back at cpac in 2009

mockturtle said...

Good catch, Francisco D ;-)

wild chicken said...

Yeah Trump is fun and all, except for the killjoys on Twitter who deride us daily when we don't denounce!! and renounce!! him over this and that.

Meade said...

Okay, I see now. Neck down it's Rocky, not Ali.

Howard said...

It's how Trumpists like Shouting Thomas picture der leeder before he blows him

Matt Sablan said...

It reminds me of the silliness of all the Super Obama comic books; harmless silliness for fans.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump does need to trim down. For his own good. Screw the pansy fatties who mock his weight.

Why won't Colbert invite Trump on his show to do some weight lifting together?

Skippy Tisdale said...

"It's how Trumpists like Shouting Thomas picture der leeder before he blows him"

Still a little cunt.

Drago said...

Yancey Ward: "This is Chuck bait, right?"

LLR Chuck AND Howard.

Howard has already taken the bait with another of his "insightful" comments.

To Howard's credit, this time, he at least used the appropriate words in the correct way in his 13 word posting.

So he's got that going for him, which is nice.

readering said...

AA easily amused.

tim in vermont said...

WaPo says POTUS motives “unclear.” readering says “that’s not funny.” Meanwhile in most of America, it’s the holidays. He’s giving us stuff to talk about over Thanksgiving dinner.

Browndog said...

I have always thought that Trump likes to say something "outrageous" at his rallies so the media will attack him.

It's the only way he can get them to report he even had a rally.

FullMoon said...

Now they gotta do Gretas head on Pelosi's bod

Do-Nothing Speaker Pelosi Blows Off All Her Work in DC Will Join Global Warming Summit in Madrid with Greta Thunberg

eric said...

Today is November 27th.

An important day in Rocky history.

FullMoon said...

Getting serious now, we need a poll. Which is more egregious, this, or Melania wearing the wrong shoes to hurricane zone?last year

Browndog said...

The Washington Post
‏Verified account @washingtonpost

Trump tweets doctored photo of his head on Sylvester Stallone’s body, unclear why

whitney said...

The truth is, Young Trump was hot. Had a great body and he was a good looking man so he was something that most of the world never was. And he does look like he's a lot of fun

Sebastian said...

"Young Trump was hot. Had a great body and he was a good looking man"

Though overweight, he's managing his decline well -- better than Peter Berlin.

And didn't I read somewhere that he and Melania have sex every day? Also better than Peter Berlin.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Obama-style hagiography would have been better?

Tomcc said...

Making a mockery of others mockery. As much as I dislike him, I love how he makes heads explode.

Seeing Red said...


It’s better than the Clinton portrait Epstein had.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Make Abdominals Great Again !

FullMoon said...

Browndog said...

The Washington Post
‏Verified account @washingtonpost

Trump tweets doctored photo of his head on Sylvester Stallone’s body, unclear why

Now, that's funny...

Ann Althouse said...

"And didn't I read somewhere that he and Melania have sex every day?"

Why the hell would that information be available? And why would it be true if it is available? It's just a boast, like "You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful—I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the pussy. You can do anything."

FullMoon said...

Why the hell would that information be available?

Nobody knows what Mueller knows..

FullMoon said...

"And didn't I read somewhere that he and Melania have sex every day?"

“It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘sex’ is.

(If the—if he—if ‘is’ means is and never has been, that is not—that is one thing. If it means there is none, that was a ...)

Sebastian said...

"Why the hell would that information be available?"

Hey, hey, men doing humor here: the "information," if my declining memory serves, was provided by the Donald himself. That's how it became "available," though it could have been Russian disinformation to make him look weird that I failed to filter out.

Amadeus 48 said...

Mueller went deep. Anything could be out there.

Melania, mon amour.

FullMoon said...

Honeymoon memories..

dreams said...
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dreams said...

Don't trust anyone who doesn't like Trump and Never Trumper Republicans are especially odious people.

BUMBLE BEE said...

It's Hillary's turn... Oh Wait!

Ken B said...

It's *always* Hillary's turn.

Jim at said...

The left takes Trump seriously - and is miserable.

Yes. And as I've said before, the best part is they deserve it.

Rick.T. said...

BleachBit-and-Hammers wins today! That was great. Already shared.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

"And didn't I read somewhere that he and Melania have sex every day?"**


Seeing Red said...

Rabbit sex or hall sex?

Earnest Prole said...

The left takes Trump seriously - and is miserable.

Trump ruins everything, especially his enemies.

404 Page Not Found said...

I had no idea Trump was in such great shape.

404 Page Not Found said...

The left will no doubt add this to the 20 gazillion "lies" they imagine Trump has already told. Much rending of garments to ensue.