November 27, 2019

"In 2016, I hated both [candidates]... I went with Hillary because Trump had no history as a politician. He’s not exactly the person I’d have as my best friend..."

"But he’s a great president. Most politicians just talk about doing things, but Trump does them."

Said Juli Anna California, 57, a nurse from Coral Springs, Florida, quoted in "They Voted Democratic. Now They Support Trump/Two-thirds of battleground state voters who chose Trump in 2016 but selected Democrats in the midterms say they will return to the president next year."

Yes, the headline is about voting for Trump twice and deviating to the Democrats in the 2018 midterms, but that doesn't describe what the person I'm quoting did. Much of the article is about how people vote against the party in power in the midterms (which can be seen as a preference for divided government). But I picked Ms. California as the one to quote because I too hated both candidates in 2016 and voted for Hillary because Trump was — as I would put it — too weird. As for 2020, I have no plans yet. I like to wait and see what happens. But clearly Trump is less weird now that he actually is President, and, oddly enough, he's caused Democrats to become quite weird.


rhhardin said...

Just figure out which candidate means well and vote for them.

rhhardin said...

My Doberman is old enough to run, in dog years.

Bay Area Guy said...

"But he’s a great president. Most politicians just talk about doing things, but Trump does them." Said Juli Anna California, 57, a nurse from Coral Springs, Florida,

Ms. California? Is this some kinda redneck beauty pageant?

Rory said...

"he's caused Democrats to become quite weird."

Then he's over 200 years old.

Seeing Red said...

I never based my vote on having a drink or besties in my life.

Bay Area Guy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jaq said...

I would say that at this point, Trump and oddly, the utterly inexperienced and openly gay Buttigig, who has only been paying taxes since 2007, are the only #NORMAL ones.

Qwinn said...

Democrats have always been this weird. They have only ever been limited by what they thought they could get away with and still win elections. I think the only difference this time is that they don't think they CAN win so they're just settling for moving the Overton window as far left as possible.

Kevin said...

and, oddly enough, he's caused Democrats to become quite weird.

Again, we appreciate your perspective.

Can you point to some things you think they're doing differently now?

Because many of us are seeing the same patterns of behavior that have been in place for quite some time.

Jaq said...

About that Reuters poll coming to the rescue with high numbers supporting impeachment:

The Reuters/Ipsos poll was conducted online, in English, throughout the United States. It gathered responses from 1,118 adults, including 528 Democrats, 394 Republicans and 111 independents. It has a credibility interval, a measure of precision, of 3 percentage points.

Democrats outweighed Republicans + independents.

Michael K said...

I am starting to read Kurt Schlicter's new novel, "Collapse." It's about how Hillary's America recovered.

We all knew you voted for her.

Shouting Thomas said...

Trump has been an excellent president.

I think he would make a jolly friend. Why not? He has quite a sense of humor and he likes to have a good time. Plus, his mental processes and outlook are obviously unique.

What’s weird about him? If I’d been born to an accomplished father and bequeathed a starter fortune, I’d do exactly what Trump has done... expand his father’s business empire and get as much beautiful pussy as possible, along with some great kids along the way.

There’s something odd about this?

My inheritance by the way, was $42.50.

Jaq said...

"Democrats have always been this weird. They have only ever been limited by what they thought they could get away with and still win elections.”

HHH, Walter Mondale, Mike Dukakis, JFK, even Jimmy Carter were people who put America first, John Kerry was weird in this new way, America hating rich gigolo. Al Gore had the sense of honor to concede rather than upend our faith in our democracy. Obama and Clinton at least tried to project non weirdness in their public personas and only sold out America in the private dealings. These guys are sort of bent on the destruction of America as we know it. Hillary kicked it all off by destroying the democratic bargain, to accept a loss and come back next election with your best shot.

Seeing Red said...

It’s not Trump that made them weird.

Losing exposed them. It just happened to be Trump.

What Trump does is fight back. All their usual tricks aren’t working.

This is the world some of us have lived in for awhile now. The hate, the mocking, the othering....

Rob said...

Juli Anna California: According to her Facebook intro, she's a travel nurse ("Embracing the Adventure of America! #Vanlife"). Her unusual name may be self-created, since she includes Juli Broussard Ferrante in parentheses. But she also has a page on the International Association of WOMEN site, in which she says, "Direct Sales is the highest paying occupation in the world. As a Professional Isagenix Franchisee, I seek to help others create an income of freedom, as I already have, while helping others with their weight and health. Since I am compensated directly by Isagenix for YOUR success, I go to work for you to help YOU be successful."

Francisco D said...

But clearly Trump is less weird now that he actually is President, and, oddly enough, he's caused Democrats to become quite weird.

I very reluctantly voted for Trump because his weirdness was better than Hillary's sociopathy. Frankly, I would have voted for anyone but Hillary. Trump has surprise because:

1. My retirement feels a lot more secure with the stock market boom.

2. He is making it obvious that politics works to primarily enrich politicians.

3. He has brought the phony conservative moles out of hiding.

4. He makes it clearer to many people that the Mainstream Media is the propaganda arm and PR firm of the Democratic Party.

5. He drives the Democrats to be who they really are, hateful totalitarians who only seem reasonable when they are on NPR.

6. He is the most transparent POTUS in history which gives me more confidence in the future and;

7. He questions orthodoxy on issues such as foreign trade, NATO partnership and US welfare payments to foreign governments.

Bay Area Guy said...

Most people, including political junkies, rely on their world view to formulate their political views. If you grew up in a union household in the 60s, where your Pop and Uncles all worked at the mill, shipyard or factory, well, the odds are they all voted Democrat and so will you.

Likewise, if you attended Groton and Yale in the 60s, and Pops worked on Wall Street, and played tennis at various country clubs, well, the odds are y'all voted Republican.

Yes, there are exceptions, obviously.

Today, though, the main political error is failing to appreciate how vast the country is, and how many different world views there are. In 2016, 63 Million voted for Trump; 66 Million voted for Hillary. Thatsa lotta people. Many divergent world views and opinions. Most don't read the NYT or watch CNN. Many don't go to college. They do other things.

The Left seems to misunderstand this, more than the right. The Left seems to think that the college world is comparable to the real world, when it's not. The real world is work, bills, rent, mortgage, taxes, kids, potlucks, PTA meetings. The Left doesn't understand this, or don't want to understand this. They have these grandiose Marxist utopian notions that never pan out in the real world.

Oh well.

Beasts of England said...

’It has a credibility interval, a measure of precision, of 3 percentage points.’

Wow. They don’t even understand the terms they’re using.

Mike Tanis said...

Democrats will not change their behavior unless they are soundly defeated. They must not be rewarded. If you can't vote for Trump then please just stay home or vote for a 3rd party candidate!

Balfegor said...

"But he’s a great president. Most politicians just talk about doing things, but Trump does them."

I hear anti-Trump people complain sometimes that Trump hasn't actually done anything. But if Democrats are trying to make the claim that Trump is incompetent and ineffective, they undercut that argument everytime they react with hysterical indignation at Trump doing something. Candidly, I think hysterical overreaction by Democrats and the media has made Trump seem significantly more active and consequential than he would look on the merits, had their response been more measured.

Sebastian said...

"As for 2020, I have no plans yet."

So, great economy plus ongoing coup attempt does not suffice to make "plans"?

"I like to wait and see what happens."

Not enough has happened yet? So the line you sorta drew at Dems going off the cliff with impeachment wasn't actually a line?

And wait for what--Dems to get sensible? Or just the right moment to decide on no-more-Kavanaughs?

"But clearly Trump is less weird now that he actually is President, and, oddly enough, he's caused Democrats to become quite weird"

"Weird," sure, right, that's one way to describe what Dems have been doing. And, sure, degree of "weirdness" is the most relevant factor in deciding what direction the country should take.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'll take weird over corrupt all day long.

readering said...

I'm waiting to see. Will probably stay home if it's Biden, Sanders or Bloomberg. Will happily fill out seniors' absentee ballots for them if anyone else.

eric said...

I'm fascinated by the idea that only now have Democrats become quite weird.

I'd love to hear the professor expand upon that.

What are they doing differently now that they weren't doing before?

The only thing that sticks out to me is the bold face lying.

What I mean is, Obama told some huge whoppers but everyone knew he was lying. Example, he's evolving on gay marriage. This is what politicians have always done. We wink and we nod because we think we know their real position.

It seems Trump has changed that. And now Dems think to win, they have to take bold left wing stances without the fake lure to the middle.

Is that what's made them weird?

Chris of Rights said...

Skylark said...
Al Gore had the sense of honor to concede rather than upend our faith in our democracy.

You don't remember 2000 the way I do.

rhhardin said...

ot enough has happened yet? So the line you sorta drew at Dems going off the cliff with impeachment wasn't actually a line?

Women are prevented by a brain short circuit from thinking of consequences. Does he mean well, is the only question.

rhhardin said...

bold face lying

Times New Roman.

Bilwick said...

I just simplify it on what I call the Statist Scale (aka the Coercion Meter). On a scale of 0 t 10, with 0 being pure libertarian anarchism and 10 being complete tyranny--and 6.5 to 8 being what I call the State-shtupper Zone--which candidate is the closer to 10? Or, which candidate is closer to 0 and therefore more likely to leave me in peace? I wasn't crazy about Trump when he got elected, and put off by the uneducated, cult-like Trumpkins; but he's certainly closer to 0 than the neo-Marxist State shtuppers jockeying to be the Democratic candidate for president.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

I went with Hillary because Trump had no history as a politician.

Hammond "went with" Trump because Hillary had a history as a politician. Trump, OTOH, had a "history" running a business, meeting payroll, dealing with gummit regulators and bureaucrats, wrestling with IRS code, etc.

JohnAnnArbor said...

You don't remember 2000 the way I do.

I remember when Democratic clerks tried to count votes in secret, and Republicans prevented that. The Republicans were called a "mob" for, you know, insisting the law be followed.

I remember Democratic lawyers high-fiving each other every time they got a military absentee ballot thrown out on a technicality. Because they're the party of every vote counts.

Michael K said...

Al Gore had the sense of honor to concede rather than upend our faith in our democracy.

He conceded and then unconceded. I think the 2000 post election stuff drove him insane.

Michael K said...

My inheritance by the way, was $42.50.

Beats me. My father died when I was 31. I paid his delinquent taxes.

I did get some life insurance.

bagoh20 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bagoh20 said...

I do not understand why people want experienced politicians as Presidents. What is it about politics that you admire so much? Is it the endless unfulfilled promises, the corruption that makes them all rich despite limited salaries, or is it the lack of any real accomplishments in life before politics? What Trump brought to the table was a lifetime in the field of very competitive management of large organizations with large assets, which seems to me to be the perfect experience, or at least far superior to politics, being a college professor, or having the same last name as a previous President.

bagoh20 said...

It was precisely Hillary's political experience that disqualified her for me - not that she had some, but what she did with it.

Otto said...

This is why I have this angst for Ann. Paraphrasing ," I voted for the less weird candidate" is BS. You are a 60s liberal to the bone and voted based on policies. However you don't dare expose you views here on policies because you would get pancaked by most of your commentators and more importantly those 60s liberal policies have been a failure.
So knowing this you and most of the elite liberals pushed this weirdness in its many forms (eg,authoritative, non -presidential,he tweets, etc) during the '16 election. Now that we have seen the Trump presidency for 3 years that weirdness angle is thin gruel and you know it.
The sly 60s foxes have have been confronted by a roaring lion and all their wily ways have worked to no avail.

hstad said...

AA, this quote makes no sense to me, "...he's caused Democrats to become quite weird..." Given that your decision to vote for Hillary was what? "[In]...2016 and voted for Hillary because Trump was — as I would put it — too weird..." Interesting, since you did not know Trump - what because he had a reality TV show? Big deal, Reagan was a "B" actor in Hollywood at best. But Hillary was not weird? AA, not sure where you've been hiding out, but "weird" is not a term I would use for Hillary. Crooked and devious and dangerous is more like it. God saved us from this disgusting human being. BTW, I could care less if Trump gets re-elected - it's up to the voters. Our country has a checkered past in this arena - the election of local, state, national politicos. We've always used the 'National Enquirer' method - believed in lies politicos tell us.

MD Greene said...

Couldn't vote for either candidate in 2016. I do appreciate Trump using trade instead of troops on foreign policy matters, especially with China and Iran.

It seems to me that the best thing the guy has going for him is his antagonists. Every time he does something wacky, they go off -- forgetting, ever anew, that everyone understood exactly who he was years before the election.

In addition, we know that anytime Trump puts a foot wrong, those antagonists will bust him up, down and sideways. That would not have happened if Hillary Clinton were in the oval office today. It's a reason to consider voting Republican in any event, at least for those who want all elected officials to be held to the same standards.

Gahrie said...

And wait for what--Dems to get sensible? Or just the right moment to decide on no-more-Kavanaughs?

She has to wait until the Democrats actually choose somebody before she can come up with her rationalization to vote Democrat.

We'll start seeing the "This is how Trump lost me" and " This is how X won me" posts in early summer.

hombre said...

Yeah, Professor, “I have no plans yet [for 2020]” either.

Democrat support for free health care for illegals, open borders, gun grabbing, abortion, anti-Semitism, Green New Deal, impeachment, grifting, Russia collusion, Biden extortion, Deep State and “resistance” sedition, and their inability to provide for a healthy economy? Meh!

But I am troubled by Trump’s tweets and his boorish persona.

Seeing Red said...

Skylark said...
Al Gore had the sense of honor to concede rather than upend our faith in our democracy.

You don't remember 2000 the way I do.

And David Boies is involved with impeachment, too.

Seeing Red said...

No offense Professor, but some of us remember your justification post as to why the Dems should have the power so they can walk back from the ledge.

They haven’t changed. This is what they are. And They have the power.

wbfjrr2 said...

Adding to Skylark's comment on the Reuters pool sampling more Dems than GOP and Independents combined:
Sampling "adults" is useless garbage--40-60% of those do not vote.
What states did these people live in? If a large chunk came from the most populous states, CA, NY, IL, FL, the result will skew Dem
National polls of any group are useless given that we don't elect presidents that way. Its the Electoral College state by state vote that wins the day.

Some asides:
The Dems are always talking about Trump winning the "uneducated". I wonder how many of the Black population that votes Dem year in and year out are "uneducated"? I'm quite certain it is the large majority.
Dems loathe the "uneducated" white population--which just happens to still be the single largest demographic in the potential voter pool.

I started out thinking Trump was a joke, a PR stunt. Then I thought he was in the employ of Clinton, out to destroy the GOP party and its candidates. I bet a significant sum he'd not get the nomination. Then when he did get the nomination, I started to pay attention to what he was saying--secure borders, energy independence, lower taxes, lower regulation, better trade deals, supreme court constitutionalists, bring back manufacturing. So my vote was about 50-50 pro Trump/NEVER Clinton. Convincing me to vote for Clinton was always an impossible proposition. I truly loathe her even more than her rapist, grifting husband.

While I voted for him, I thought he'd lose big time. I bet another large sum that he'd lose by 100 Electoral votes. I could not watch the returns until finally my betting friend pestered me into watching as it started to look like a real battle. I relented and am glad I did. I watched to the end, after Trump spoke. Along the way drank in the schadenfreude of the media clack and the political hacks. Truly delicious. Every now and then I watch the election coverage end to end by the various media--all three US networks, all cable channels, BBC, Canadian BC, Young Turks (especially delicious/hilarious--I highly recommend it!)

So here I am now, totally committed to Trump, sending in money every month to Trump, wearing my Trump hat everywhere but in restaurants. There truly is a hidden Trump vote this time around. I get whispered compliments, covert thumbs up, big smiles almost everywhere I go here in liberal (college town) Tucson. Often with a comment like "thanks for wearing that, its very brave of you" (not really, I'm always carrying concealed in case of Antifa-like reaction). I would say in over a year of wearing my hat, a total of three mean looks or negative verbal reaction vs easily 100 positive responses.

Ice Nine said...

>>Two-thirds of battleground state voters who chose Trump in 2016 but selected Democrats in the midterms say they will return to the president next year.<<

The tenor of this article seems to me to be that this is good news for Trump. I'm not the world's greatest mathematician or statistician but...isn't that, on the contrary, bad news for Trump? IIRC those battleground races were close calls for Trump and he won them because of these very people. So now there are 1/3 fewer of them. Not good in what were tight races. Did I miss something?

Daddy Binx said...

I wonder if she's related to Dani.

Iowan2 said...

IIRC those battleground races were close calls for Trump and he won them because of these very people. So now there are 1/3 fewer of them. Not good in what were tight races. Did I miss something?

There’s Republicans that didn’t vote for Trump, and Dems that will switch this time said...

Blogger Michael K said...

I am starting to read Kurt Schlicter's new novel, "Collapse." It's about how Hillary's America recovered.

I started reading it over lunch. I wasted more than 2 hours I could have been working.

It is really good so far.

The other 3 are also excellent and I recommend all of them.

Kurt recommends reading in published order though they are not published in storyline chronological order. He also says they can be read as standalone.

I think published order but it is probably not critical. The key thing is to read them. They are great!

John Henry

Chuck said...

It is always interesting and ironic; how much someTrump voters sound like Obama voters. And they might even be some of the same people.

Reporters so often appear to be satisfied to allow these people to express their feelings, and then the reporting is just a recitation of those feelings. We never see any extended, close examination of the thinking or reasoning — if any — behind the feelings.

So the economy is good? Why do you suppose that is? Does Trump get credit? Why? What exactly has he done? What has Congress done? Is it any sort of partisan thing, or is it personal to Trump?

What else has Trump done? What are Trump’s most important achievements for you personally? How have they affected you?

Do you have any particular political principles? Abortion? Immigration? Judicial selections? Taxes? Federal spending? Are you receiving any form of federal assistance; if so, what is it and what do you think Trump may do about it? What do you think should be done, if anything, about health care reform, and can you talk about your own health insurance?

I almost never see that sort of questioning when it comes to this small but significant group of exurban white voters in swing states. We’ve seen the old articles about the select group of counties that voted Obama-Obama-Trump. There are a lot in Iowa. And around the Quad Cities; in Wisconsin; the Ohio River valley; Michigan’s “thumb” area.

I’m certainly convinced that Trump should be impeached. But the Obama-then-Trump voting demographic is a reminder that the impeachment case needs to be made simple enough for a sixth grader to understand it, to get the support of this demographic.

Michael K said...

The other 3 are also excellent and I recommend all of them.

I did not like "Wildfire" as much. "Indian Country" is the best, I think.

Back to the book in a minute. said...

Blogger Shouting Thomas said...

I think he would make a jolly friend. Why not? He has quite a sense of humor and he likes to have a good time. Plus, his mental processes and outlook are obviously unique.

I agree. He seems like someone who would be fun and interesting to hang out with. Pretty much everyone seems to like him on a personal basis.

Even Leona Helmsly, who famously didn't like anybody, liked him.

At least until he became her landlord. Nobody ever likes their landlord.

John Henry

Leland said...

I agree with Francisco D @12:37.

I'll just add that Hillary intentionally created a method to hide her work as SecState from the American people and in the process mishandled classified information. That was enough for me to do everything I could to keep her from being President.

Michael K said...

So the economy is good? Why do you suppose that is? Does Trump get credit? Why? What exactly has he done? What has Congress done? Is it any sort of partisan thing, or is it personal to Trump?

There are people so ignorant that I wonder how they remember to breathe,

Cutting regulations, pressuring China to stop its mercantilist policy are two reasons. Congress did the tax cut and went home. Among other things they they neglected to repeal Obama care, as promised., McCain specifically ran on that promise. He also promised the border issue. said...

Since I am compensated directly by Isagenix for YOUR success, I go to work for you to help YOU be successful.

Yup, though I learned it 35 years ago as:

"You can get everything in life you want if you just help enough other people get what they want."

Zig Ziglar

Pretty much the key to successful selling. Once you realize that, it is pretty hard to fail in sales.

She's also right about the unlimited income potentials in sales.

John Henry

Michael K said...

And David Boies is involved with impeachment, too.

He was also Elizabeth Holmes lawyer in the Theranos scandal and he specialized in lawfare against anyone who questioned the results of the tests. The grandson of Schultz who tried to warn his grandfather about the company ended up with $400,000 in legal fees defending himself. said...

Blogger hstad said...

Reagan was a "B" actor in Hollywood at best.

82 acting credits, most of them leading man, and he's a "B actor"

In his day, he was one of the most bankable stars in Hollywood.

Chosen by his peers to represent them in Screen Actor's Guild.

Reagan had a hugely successful acting career. Where do people get this B actor stuff from?

John Henry

YoungHegelian said...

@Michael K,

Cutting regulations, pressuring China to stop its mercantilist policy are two reasons. Congress did the tax cut and went home. Among other things they they neglected to repeal Obama care, as promised., McCain specifically ran on that promise. He also promised the border issue.

I want to disagree bigly with Chuck & minorly with you.

While I that what you described were all to the economic good, I think there was something much more profound afoot in the economic turnaround. It was an absence of fear.

Remember Obama's quotation "My administration is the only thing between you & the pitchforks"? Remember the now discreetly forgotten fact that the penalties exacted from Wall Street after the meltdown was funneled to pet Democratic & Progressive groups?

I think that much more so than anyone in Big Business wants to admit publicly, they lived in fear of what would happen if the Obama admin unleashed the Progressive Dogs on them. Obama was the "Good Cop". Anonymous & much more lefty political appointees were the "Bad Cops". No CEO, especially from a blue area, wanted to go public & criticize the Light Worker for fear of being labeled "racist", and thus getting canned by the board.

I think business is going gang busters now because they now know that no one in the Trump Administration seeks to shake them down at every turn. said...

Blogger Chuck said...

I’m certainly convinced that Trump should be impeached.

A serious question I ask everyone who says this:

What for? What is the "high crime and misdemeanor" that you think he has committed?

John Henry

Gahrie said...

Reagan had a hugely successful acting career. Where do people get this B actor stuff from?

The "R" after his name.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Anecdotal evidence is usually not reliable, however, I have recently spoken to several people who were not for Trump in the last election. Who voted for Hillary. And who all have said that they are definitely voting for Trump for various reasons.

He is getting things done.
Sticking to his campaign promises.
Is a fighter.
Feel like the Democrats are relentlessly piling on.
Don't like the piling on.
Pissed that the Democrats aren't doing anything that THEY campaigned on.
Feel like their jobs are more secure.
See their investments going up.
Don't want to see more taxes.
Are annoyed that the Dems want to give free stuff to illegal aliens.
Feel that they are being ignored and Trump is paying attention to what they want.

AND...more importantly, living in Californicateyou..."I don't want to see the rest of the country go down the shiter like we are." Actual quote.

These people were die hard Democrats. Now they are not.

Gahrie said...

So the economy is good? Why do you suppose that is?

Donald Trump is president.

Does Trump get credit? Yes. Why? What exactly has he done?

He directed his administration to cut regulations, and they have done so. He is protecting American interests in international trade. He changed the tax laws to allow companies to bring foreign profits home and invest them without getting killed by taxes. He doesn't talk about business as the enemy, or a Golden goose to be killed. He inspired confidence in the American people that spurred investment and put people to work.

What has Congress done?

Not much of anything...which is why so many of us prefer Trump to the GOP Establishment.

Is it any sort of partisan thing, historically prefers the Right, largely because the Right is predictable and promotes stability.

or is it personal to Trump?

Only in that Trump walks the talk.

Seeing Red said...

Reagan was a "B" actor in Hollywood at best.

And An A- President. The Dems rolled him on amnesty.

Seeing Red said...

Also a - for appointing SD O’C.

hombre said...

Blogger said...

“Blogger Chuck said...
‘I’m certainly convinced that Trump should be impeached.’ A serious question I ask everyone who says this: What for? What is the "high crime and misdemeanor" that you think he has committed.”

It is a waste of time to ask a “serious question” of an unserious person. We know that Trump has violated no statute, regulation, or rule, nor has he breached any other predefined standard of conduct. Schiff and Chuck only know: “Screw the election! Screw the Constitution! I want him impeached! Wah, wah, wah-h-h!”

Caveat: “Investigating Biden for his admitted extortion is wrong, wrong, wrong!”

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

I started out thinking Trump was a joke, a PR stunt. Then I thought he was in the employ of Clinton, out to destroy the GOP party and its candidates. I bet a significant sum he'd not get the nomination. Then when he did get the nomination, I started to pay attention to what he was saying--secure borders, energy independence, lower taxes, lower regulation, better trade deals, supreme court constitutionalists, bring back manufacturing.

Great description. That's exactly my same Trump path.

rcocean said...

I think you need to give us your definition of "weird". Why not just be honest with yourself? You're a Democrat, a liberal on social issues, who almost never voted Republican. Frankly, I'll be shocked if you vote for Trump.

narciso said...

seeing as hunter biden, came from the boardroom of david boies, yes hes involved,

narciso said...

much of the muh Russia foolishness, in Austria and Italy, france etc, is largely because of kindred sympathies against social progressivism, typified by Russia,

FullMoon said...

Caveat: “Investigating Biden for his admitted extortion is wrong, wrong, wrong!”

Dems can argue and spin the extortion situation all they want. The un disputed fact that Hunter got millions of dollars because daddy had influence pisses off a lot of average, common people.

hombre said...

Full Moon: “Dems can argue and spin the extortion situation all they want. The un disputed fact that Hunter got millions of dollars because daddy had influence pisses off a lot of average, common people.”

So? High ranking Dems and their Deep Staters have immunity. Just stay tuned.

hombre said...

@Full Moon: You know I was parodying Chuck, right?

narciso said...

Mulvaney, called the bluff of the possum, when he presented a budget which had discretionary program cuts, and even that was too much,

Drago said...

Noted Racist Poster LLR Chuck: "I’m certainly convinced that Trump should be impeached"

Every moron who thinks Maddow is "brilliant" and obama "magnificent" agrees with yiu.

Normal people, however, do not.

FullMoon said...

hombre said...

@Full Moon: You know I was parodying Chuck, right?

I could never be so cruel as toby mistake you for one of them.

Drago said...

hombre: "@Full Moon: You know I was parodying Chuck, right?"

It has become impossible to parody LLR Chuck because there is no ludicrous far left position that you can identify that LLR Chuck won't "out left" you on.


The absolute best feature of the Trump Presidency: completely exposing all the FakeCons like LLR Chuck.

And these exposed fakers can never go back.

Max Boot figured that out and simply accepted the entirety of the far left policy buffet, without exception.

In LLR Chuck's case there was no "journey" involved. He was always at home on the far left.

Chuck said...

Michael K said...
“So the economy is good? Why do you suppose that is? Does Trump get credit? Why? What exactly has he done? What has Congress done? Is it any sort of partisan thing, or is it personal to Trump?”

There are people so ignorant that I wonder how they remember to breathe,

Cutting regulations, pressuring China to stop its mercantilist policy are two reasons. Congress did the tax cut and went home. Among other things they they neglected to repeal Obama care, as promised., McCain specifically ran on that promise. He also promised the border issue.

Althouse’s post — and my comment — were both aimed at the particular issue of voters who voted for Obama (‘08), and then Obama again (‘12) and then Trump (‘16) ; and then a Democrat for Congress in 2018, and who are now primed to vote for Trump again in 2020. Do those voters hate Obamacare? Trump does. Not that he has any idea what to do to replace it. Do two-time Obama voters revile his signature legislative achievement? More importantly, what do they want from health care reform? I already asked that:

Do twice-Obama voters think about deregulation? A scholar at AEI might. (But a lot of AEI scholars probably think Trump is a rube too.). I just don’t think that deregulation is a big Obama-voter issue.

There are the China tariffs. So destructive to American farmers that Trump needed to send them bailout cash on an Obama scale of spending. But unlike the auto bankruptcies, the farm cash won’t be paid back.

We really don’t need to argue the pros and cons of Trumpism; we’ll never agree. I was only trying to raise questions about Obama+Trump voters. They have always been a mystery to me.

traditionalguy said...

Voltaire's rule that you will know the authority ruling over you by the one that you are forbidden to make fun of. That means the big American media empires are still ruled over by Obama. But who created and runs Obama?

The President is working full time to end that situation.

Seeing Red said...

Trump is tinkering from the side with Medicare.

narciso said...

well that doesn't fit the narrative,

Seeing Red said...

Well, I guess the Dems should get on with passing USMCA then.

I assume we send some food to them?

Via Lucianne:

Something is shaping up in the political background around the USMCA. Yesterday Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez-Obrador (AMLO) sent a second letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi urging USMCA ratification. Team Trump and Team AMLO are working together against Team Pelosi & AFL-CIO Richard Trumka. Essentially AMLO has been saying the labor provisions within the USMCA trade pact are already being put in place by Mexico, and Pelosi should quit trying to hide behind labor concerns to avoid ratification. Tomorrow, on the eve of Thanksgiving at the request of the Trump administration, U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer, Mexican Foreign Minister Jesus Seade and Canadian Deputy Minister Chrystia Freeland are holding...

We are at war with the Chicoms. Unfortunately, our farmers are in the front line, but this is bigger then them.

OTOH Farm Bills are SOP.

Seeing Red said...

Than them.

Drago said...

Its funny reading LLR Chuck writing about Trump's economic strategy vs China.

LLR Chuck clearly has no idea what he is talking about other than what he might have read from some democrat hack "economist".

Gee, I wonder who all those farmers will be voting for? We know the answer of course, and it won't be LLR Chuck's beloved dems.


narciso said...

maybe tom friedman, who did a larry miller type cloying interview of ren zhe fe, Huawei's chairman emeritus

Original Mike said...

"I was only trying to raise questions about Obama+Trump voters. They have always been a mystery to me."

Who are you voting for in 2020?

Drago said...

LLR Chuck's tactic here today, as it is with all leftists, is to take an obvious achievement of Trump's and pretend Trump has nothing to do with it.

It's laughable, but if you are pro-dem FakeCon like LLR Chuck, what else do you have to argue about?

The best news is that this leftist tactic of Chuck's has no influence at all on the entire republican base and vast majority of independents and even 35%+ of the dems! LOL

LLR Chuck could conceivably become the Deadest of the Last Lefty Dead Enders.

Drago said...

And lets not forget that little old FakeCon Chuck is also not a big fan of Brexit so the collapse of the slightly less Maddow-"Brilliant" Corbyn has got to be weighing heavy on LLR Chuck's limited mind as well!

So. Much. Winning.

Drago said...

OM: "Who are you voting for in 2020?"

LLR Chuck will be voting straight dem again this year, as always.

He'll lie about it here at Althouse where he has been banned for being a completely disingenuous poster, but we all know the truth.

narciso said...

is any of these news breaks real?

Drago said...

narciso: "is any of these news breaks real?"


LLR Chuck's FusionGPS, dems and lefty media heroes are just pulling the same schtick over and over and over again.

They are literally trying to hit Nunes with a replay of the hoax Michael Cohen to Prague lies that were much played up on this blog by certain "LLR's" (LOL).

Original Mike said...

He makes a big deal about Obama+Trump voters, but he's going to have to vote for someone who bears no resemblance to Trump (who, I believe, he claims to have voted for in 2016).

Original Mike said...

"at Althouse where he has been banned for being a completely disingenuous poster,"

I see no evidence that he was banned.

narciso said...

well that's a given, but you would think they would actually have some evidence, but as we see with the piece about mark sandy, the transcript is inconvenience to the narrative,

Jim at said...

is a reminder that the impeachment case needs to be made simple enough for a sixth grader to understand it

Which is why you still don't. It's over your head.

narciso said...

well there is no case, so you need this game of telephone, to pretend to create one,

Michael McNeil said...

One clue is that during the recent moderation period, almost none of his posts managed to get through.

Beasts of England said...

’I was only trying to raise questions about Obama+Trump voters. They have always been a mystery to me.’

After eight years of Obama (D) malaise, maybe they didn’t want another (D) and decided to try the (R).

Original Mike said...

"the impeachment case needs to be made simple enough for a sixth grader to understand it,"

It is that simple: Orange Man Bad.

Original Mike said...

"One clue is that during the recent moderation period, almost none of his posts managed to get through."

How does one distinguish between posts blocked vs posts not submitted?

narciso said...

it's like in the dark knight, batman did not create the joker, he arose out of the fetid urban milieu,

Johnathan Birks said...

Vote Libertarian, perfesser. You know you want to.

Birkel said...

Noted racist fopdoodle who pretends to be conservative thinks the president should have a plan for health insurance.

Conservatives think free people operating in a free market will deliver products and services to people through an exchange of value.

Fake AF Conservative

Achilles said...

’It has a credibility interval, a measure of precision, of 3 percentage points.’

The stupidity burns. This is wrong on so many levels.

The only people more stupid than journalists are the people who actually believe the things they write.

Original Mike said...

"The New York Federal Reserve made a quiet admission two days ago that was missed by almost all financial media. In the NY Fed economic blog they admitted everyone was wrong, President Trump’s 2017 tariffs against China did not lead to increased U.S. consumer prices [Read Here]. The Fed also said imports of the Chinese products affected by U.S. tariffs have fallen by an annualized $75 billion. That’s a huge chunk of business U.S. purchasers have shifted to Japan and other Southeast Asian countries."

Milwaukie guy said...

The farmers are getting combat pay for being at the front in the China Trade War. No American would deny them their due.

Milwaukie guy said...

My Thanksgiving prayer is "Bless the farmers and workers who bring us this bounty and to the soldiers and sailors who protect us. Amen."

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Please tell us more about the wonders of Liz Warren Conservatism Cuck! Your boring and endless walls of text mean so much to us!!!! I mean I could just go to The Bulwalk for the very same thing, but of course no reads that piece of shit anyway.

Drago said...

Original Mike provided the link:
"The New York Federal Reserve made a quiet admission two days ago that was missed by almost all financial media. In the NY Fed economic blog they admitted everyone was wrong, President Trump’s 2017 tariffs against China did not lead to increased U.S. consumer prices [Read Here]. The Fed also said imports of the Chinese products affected by U.S. tariffs have fallen by an annualized $75 billion. That’s a huge chunk of business U.S. purchasers have shifted to Japan and other Southeast Asian countries."

It really is amazing isn't it? How often LLR Chuck is more ignorant of reality than Inga.


bagoh20 said...

What exactly would it take for the Democrats to lose Althouse that they have not already done. Do they have to shoot someone on 5th avenue, and then eat the corpse? What if they use the wrong fork to do it?

bagoh20 said...

I'm as philosophically libertarian as they get, but even I won't vote for a Libertarian candidate.

Original Mike said...

Blogger bagoh20 said..."I'm as philosophically libertarian as they get, but even I won't vote for a Libertarian candidate."

Same here.

cubanbob said...

I don't understand our hostess. As of now the front running Democrats are two Communists and one senile criminal and Trump is the weird one?

Birkel said...

Original Mike:
I was posting that story two days ago.
Appreciate the force multiplier!

Truth will out!

bagoh20 said...

"Weird"? In the dictionary definition, does it include "highly effective", "popular", "hard-working", "heterosexual", "patriotic", or "successful". I guess it should then.

"Weird" is someone who thinks socialism is a successful strategy, or maybe that's just "dumb".

Original Mike said...

I'd been wondering where the Trump tariff apocalypse was. said...

Blogger Chuck said...

Do those voters hate Obamacare? Trump does. Not that he has any idea what to do to replace it.

And there we have what I, and perhaps others, find so annoying about Chuck. Other fascists (A/K/A) progressives) here are open about their fascism.

Chuck pretends he is not.

Then he comes along and shows that he is working from the assumption that there must be some kind of govt provided, taxpayer funded healthcare. And complains because PDJT doesn't agree with him.

Why not replace Obamacare with what we had before? Free and open markets? Very minimal govt healthcare, mostly provided by the states. Private insurance disconnected from the workplace for major stuff. Minor visits paid out of pocket.

That is what PDJT is replacing Obamacare with and it seems to be working. He, with the help of Gilead, has basically cured AIDS. Drug price reductions, which started under Obama have accelerated as PDJT's FDA has streamlined procedures for getting generics (about 80% of all prescription drugs) approved for market. 3-4 weeks ago he passed regulations mandating that hospitals receiving federal monies (most of them) become transparent on pricing. This has already had some positive effects and will have more as the new rules take effect.

Chuck tells us that PDJT has not replaced Obamacare. If we take that to mean that he has not replaced it with some other govt program likely to be as bad or worse. He is right.

If he means that PDJT has not taken the move to free up the market as far and as fast as should be, I agree. He is fighting a pretty strong headwind and it is amazing to me that he has made this much progress.

But if he means that PDJT has nothing to replace Obamacare with, he is demonstrating obtuseness, stupidity or dishonesty. Perhaps all 3.

PDJT is replacing it with the free market.

(Faster please)

Chuck a Republican? Perhaps he is. Perhaps he is lying about it. If he is, it is a sad comment on the state of the Republican Party. It is why PDJT must destroy it.

John Henry said...

China is about to lose 25-40% of all their pigs to an unstoppable swine flu. They have already lost a good chunk, I've heard 10% or so, and are struggling to contain it.

Pork is a huge staple for them. They are going to have major problems feeding their people.

Tariffs will be the least of their problems.

John Henry said...

In 2018 I did a lot of work for a company here in Puerto Rico. Major Pharmaco everyone here would know. I was supposed, in the fall of 2018, to go to Malaysia to duplicate the work in a big plant there.

I was really looking forward to spending a couple weeks in Malaysia and had planned to take an extra week to do sightseeing.

Instead, the company decided to close the plant in Asia and move the production to Puerto Rico and New Jersey.

They will supply Asia from the US rather than locally. Even with higher labor costs, even with higher shipping costs. Even with higher regulatory costs.

I am certainly glad to see the production come here and I am getting work out of it so it's an ill wind that doesn't blow somebody.

Thank you PDJT!

OTOH, I wish they could have waited a year or two. I was really looking froward to going to Malaysia.

John Henry said...

Re Collapse, the latest Kurt Schlichter book,

I just got through the part where Kelly Turnbull, the protagonist, is in the Florence Co SuperMax prison to pick up a prisoner.

He runs into Anthony Wiener in one of the cells. A guard mentions that James Comey used to be there but had been released and was working at a Pizza Hut in Florida.

Who says there isn't justice in the world? Even if only in fiction.

Well, done, Kurt, well done.

John Henry said...

BTW: Chuck, still curious what high crime and misbemeanour (or anything else) you think PDJT should be impeached for

John Henry said...

Blogger bagoh20 said...

"Weird" is someone who thinks socialism is a successful strategy, or maybe that's just "dumb".

Weird is finding a human foot in your toaster oven. This is just dumb.

John Henry

le Douanier said...

But clearly white supremacy and clown as POTUS is less weird now that DJT actually is President (w/ pal from Santa Monica and such, and staff ID-ing DJT clownishness in office), and, oddly enough, he's caused Democrats to become quite opposed to white supremacy and clown as POTUS. Which is bad for the Ds!

le Douanier said...

Logic is tricky.

Rusty said...

Original Mike said...
"I'd been wondering where the Trump tariff apocalypse was."
It's happening in China. They do everything for us.
Free Hong Kong.

Rusty said...

I know I'm going to regret asking this.
And just how is Trump a 'white supremist'? a-dss

Rusty said...

Save your breath , John Henry. He doesn't know.
He also doesn't know that our farmers are selling soybeans and pork to China, again.

What are you waiting for, Althouse? A civil war.

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