November 26, 2019

At the Tuesday Night Cafe...

... keep the conversation going.


Churchy LaFemme: said...

Seems like a lot of music talk lately. I've posted some links to classic rockers reconsidering their hits. Here's another one:

A dynamite version of A Whiter Shade of Pale from 2006.

David Begley said...

MSNBC’s Chris Hayes is pitching softballs to the coup plotters at Fusion GPS.

What a fucking tool.

narciso said...

Chu:The State Department denied Shokin a visa out of what George Kent averred, providing no facts or details whatsoever, a "broadbased consensus," that for Shokin to allege corruption at the US embassy must itself be corrupt. [p. 50, George Kent statement (out of 355 empty rambling pages, in closed session, Nov. 6, 2019)]. What this is, is self-dealing. It is bias and an obvious conflict of interest from which State Department

officials had a duty to recuse from any decision upon, and refer to their White House superiors for decision. They knew the White House decision would have been to admit Shokin (and his successor prosecutors) to meet and testify to Giuliani and his team, so it was insubordinate of State to block such entry and testimony from Shokin (and other Ukrainian prosecutors). A lot of firings are very likely warranted here.

stephen cooper said...

a. blunt was interesting on Poussin, missed lots of the references to Orlando Furioso, not sure he knew much

Lawrence Person said...

Enjoy this month's Twitter primary for the Democratic Presidential race.

Roughcoat said...


“Why do the Lords of the West sit there in peace unending, while we must die and go we know not whither, leaving our home and all that we have made? . . . Why should we not envy the Valar, or even the least of the Deathless? For of us is required a blind trust, and a hope without assurance, knowing not what lies before us in a little while. And yet we also love the Earth and would not lose it.”

stephen cooper said...

nothing in this world is worth more than trusting a friend.

narciso said...

Blunt the art expert and soviet apy.

narciso said...

Have i referenced tim powers declare recently its lecarre blended with lovecraft, its not a light read as it goes back to the 19th century and forward to 1988, with kim philby smack dab in the middle.

traditionalguy said...

Trump tonight unloaded on the Dems and Media at a new level. The Rally tonight was like Patton’s speech to the D-Day troops that opened the movie Patton, but without the censorship of Patton’s language.

gspencer said...

CJ John Roberts can't preside at the Senate trial. He's gonna be a witness and he has a prejudice against Trump.

28 U.S. Code section 455. Disqualification of justice, judge, or magistrate judge,
(a) Any justice, judge, or magistrate judge of the United States shall disqualify himself in any proceeding in which his impartiality might reasonably be questioned.
(b) He shall also disqualify himself in the following circumstances:
(1) Where he has a personal bias or prejudice concerning a party, or personal knowledge of disputed evidentiary facts concerning the proceeding.

See also Federal Rules of Evidence, Rule 605,
The presiding judge may not testify as a witness at the trial.

Roberts’s certainly involved because he made the FISA court appointments and oversees the FISA court generally. Which means that the Senate GOPers defending the president will call him as a witness.

What’s more, Roberts is on record rebuking Trump on the Obama judges remark. In short, Roberts’ ability to act as an impartial is non-existent.

stephen cooper said...

sometimes old spy novels entertain, sometimes they present a better world version of our shabby deep state, sometimes
Poussin just decides that someone has gotta paint the Realm of Flora or the apotheosis of that scene from the Battle of the Bulge where J.D. said this is just too much .

Still no pictures of our Slovenian-American first lady on Vogue and its ilk, well Moliere's statute cannot be found at the Comedie Francaise .... Sad !

narciso said...

Declare has an interesting twist,

stevew said...

That support for Warren has "plunged" buoys my confidence in the discretion of the voters.

stevew said...

As for music, I recommend another listen of The Court of the Crimson King. Start at the beginning and listen all the way through.

Rick.T. said...

Via Instapundit: “I’ll take things I wish I never knew about for $200, Alex.”

“In the post, she explains that “30 seconds of sunlight on your butthole is the equivalent of a full day of sunlight with your clothes on,” and that it is “an ancient Taoist practice that’s been around for a while!”

narciso said...

What fresh hell:

narciso said...

That was the jezebel link.

narciso said...

On that note:

wildswan said...

"He supervised billions of dollars of aid that went from the U.S. taxpayer to Ukraine," Hilton said of Biden. "Much of that went to Burisma, a gas company that was paying his son."

So we were likely paying for Hunter Biden's crack habit. But he used up all the money and wouldn't pay support for his little child.

Beasts of England said...

Friendsgiving is a wonderful concept. We had about two dozen dishes plus a smoked turkey as the centerpiece. Four different guitarists, including yours truly, and a mandolin player. Good clean fun...

And speaking of good music, here’s a tune from c. 1970 that I heard for the first time last week. Josefus ‘Crazy Man’.

Known Unknown said...

Midwest Nice

Known Unknown said...

Midwest Voice Translator"

Ken B said...

Walesa is going to Hong Kong. Fucking hell but what a great man.

Lawrence Person said...

Narisco: I reviewed Declare for National Review back in the day...

FullMoon said...

Do-Nothing Speaker Pelosi Blows Off All Her Work in DC Will Join Global Warming Summit in Madrid with Greta Thunberg

narciso said...

Sid you, its a rather remarkable undertaking.

FullMoon said...

Booker falls ,Buttigieg plunges..

narciso said...

Did you, the work itself although to properly review it, andrew hale the protaginist is an intriguing fellow.

MadTownGuy said...

WaPo's Max Boot comes out in favor of uniparty rule:

For Aiding Trump's Abuse of Power, GOP Deserves to Be Voted Out of Existence.

narciso said...

He say hes a fan of stalin, and lenin dissolved the constituent assembly so...

walter said...

wildswan said...So we were likely paying for Hunter Biden's crack habit. But he used up all the money and wouldn't pay support for his little child.
He supported single moms at Archibald's...

narciso said...

In a manner of speaking:

Drago said...

MadTownGuy: "WaPo's Max Boot comes out in favor of uniparty rule:
For Aiding Trump's Abuse of Power, GOP Deserves to Be Voted Out of Existence."

Max has been saying that since the fall of 2016. Max is irrelevant. Hence his whining and crying article he penned after writing his book and his new masters on the left simply ignored him or attacked him for his previous policy stances and conservatives and republicans ignored him and laughed at him for his hilariously reversed policy positions he took to get a lefty billionaire paycheck.

Poor little Max.

Imagine being pathetic Max Boot where he has to go into CNN everyday and suck up to everyone in the building at all times on all issues since his biggest fear is losing that paycheck.

Did you know Max is now a big time Climate Change activist? And big time feminist? And big time Black Lives Matter fella? And all for abortion on demand? And all for increasing taxes on the "rich" (middle class)?

If you didn't know better, you'd think Max Boot was Maxine Waters!!

Lewis Wetzel said...

Love this interview with Jeremy Corbyn:
The Labour Party has disciplined hundreds of its members for making anti-Semitic comments! So the Labour Party can't be anti-Semitic!

Seeing Red said...

Via Lucianne: MIAMI – A 60-Year-old Miami man said he was forced to shoot and kill a gunman who had broken in to his van early Monday morning in an attempt to rob him of his jewelry. “The guy I killed last night, he put an AK-47 to my damn face,” said Donovan Stewart. Stewart told CBS4’S Peter D’Oench that he had to act quickly because he was worried about the safety of his 11-year-old son and girlfriend who were in the van with him. “I am from Kingstontown in Jamaica,” he said, “and I am not going to go out like a punk. So I emptied my Glock in his chest.

Seeing Red said...

They don’t live in the real world.

Via Lucianne:

In a major policy reversal that critics say will cost the city and taxpayers millions of dollars, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti has abandoned his long-stated goal of getting the city’s public employee unions to pay a portion of their healthcare costs. Under contracts signed this year that were supported by the mayor, many of City Hall’s largest unions will continue to contribute nothing toward their healthcare premiums. Garcetti also backed agreements with several smaller unions, allowing those employees who had been contributing 10% of their premiums to stop paying in January....

Lewis Wetzel said...

Corbyn, BTW, does not come from worker stock. He is bourgeois, his mother was an educator and his father was engineer. Corbyn was given (that is, he did not earn) and elite education at private schools.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Wow, that Corbyn interview was an epic "own goal".

I'm sure the BBC guy was a lefty, but he didn't hold back. Why can't anyone grill our pols this way?

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“I am from Kingstontown in Jamaica,” he said, “and I am not going to go out like a punk. So I emptied my Glock in his chest.“

Johnny Too Bad in the flesh. I’m glad we lifted our lamp beside the golden door for this cat.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

so what ever happened to the other guy, Joe Pientka?

some interesting questions, etc per brian cates

Pientka is the guy that can not only blow the lid off of the Flynn frame up by the SpyGate plotters....

did you know he was ***also*** directly involved in that cool secret BACKCHANNEL beween the FBI & Fusion GPS beginning in October of 2016?

it's been public knowledge for going on 2 years now that the other FBI agent interviewing @GenFlynn along with Peter Strzok is JOSEPH PIENTKA, his name is still redacted in all official documents.

It's now late November 2019 and FBI Special Agent Joseph Pientka is ***STILL*** the Dept. of Justice's designated Invisible Man.

Yancey Ward said...

"Why do the Lords of the West sit there in peace unending, while we must die and go we know not whither"

And thus the fate of Numenor was decided.

Narayanan said...

. In short, Roberts’ ability to act as an impartial is non-existent...
Nice strategy on his part. Many moves back before anyone else figured out endgame.

Clarence Thomas on hot seat.

Can Thomas delegate?
RBG for instance to flush her out in the open!

Ken B said...

Jeremy Corbyn interviewed.

Mr Corbyn does not do well. Oh my no, Mr Corbyn does not do well at all. This is the whole interview, posted online by the Conservative party.

Drago said...

Ken B: "Mr Corbyn does not do well. Oh my no, Mr Corbyn does not do well at all. This is the whole interview, posted online by the Conservative party."

I had heard about this earlier today and just finished watching it.

O. M. G.

Astonishingly bad performance turned in by Corbyn...and by "performance" I of course mean that Corbyn made it quite clear where he stands anti-semitism, tax and spend programs and national security.

What a disaster for him...which means its going to be great for the Brits who have already seen Johnson surge to a large lead.

Perhaps Corbyn made the mistake of assuming all BBC interviewers would roll over for him as a leftist the way the US media rolls over for the democrats. If so, he made a bad guess!!

Josephbleau said...

For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition;
And gentlemen in England now a-bed
Shall think themselves accurs'd they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day.

Mr. Groovington said...

narciso said...
Blunt the art expert and soviet apy.

Along with others who went to Marlborough. I avoided expulsion by the narrowest of margins.

BudBrown said...

I got to the 11 o'clock weather late, just at the end, then the break and a Lightening teaser,
teased enuff so I pondered how we ever got a freaking hockey team and I don't care, long enough to a see the Bloomberg ad. Long ad. Really good. Hard hitting but not too such. Referred to you know who as HIM. He got the best and they spent some time on the thing I think. He's comin for Florida.

Bill Crawford said...

My wife is being transported from one hospital to another. Part way there, the ambulance broke down. Now sitting by the side of the road.

Bill Crawford said...

On the road again. New and newer ambulance

Quayle said...

Bill, hope things are within the “can handle OK” range. Best wishes.

Jersey Fled said...

“30 seconds of sunlight on your butthole is the equivalent of a full day of sunlight with your clothes on"

We are truly living in the end times.

Temujin said...

I guess outdoor furniture manufacturers need to think about redesigning some chaises.

tcrosse said...

“30 seconds of sunlight on your butthole is the equivalent of a full day of sunlight with your clothes on"

This is an opportunity for a new, special formula CopperTone, with custom applicator.

tim in vermont said...

Why doesn’t Max Boot bust out for some war zone or other, grab a gun, and join in. He loves war and maybe it is no longer his role to create wars, maybe he should just settle for fighting in one.

tim in vermont said...

It did remind me of the old Coppertone ad, taken a few steps further.

MadisonMan said...

Bill: What Quayle said.

Having watched part of the Corbyn interview, wow. Corbyn comes off horribly I'd love to have seen the post-interview meeting at Labor HQ.

Howard said...

I just invented a full spectrum bung bulb. Batteries and KY jelly not included.

Howard said...

What's up with all the Deutsche Bank suicides. Keeping up with the Klintons?

Churchy LaFemme: said...

The Brexit part of the Corbyn interview gets overshadowed, but it was just as bizarre: As Prime Minister, you are going to take no position on the biggest domestic issue of our times? You won't campaign for the Brexit deal you promise to negotiate? If you won't campaign for the Corbyn deal, who will?

Excellent questions. No good answer.

narciso said...


stevew said...

Mollie is doing great work, aka: investigative reporting. They accuse Nunes, and other Republicans they don't like, of trying to "get dirt" on Joe Biden. Not fabricate or manufacture dirt, aka: lies, like the pee tape, but uncover facts, truths, that would be politically inconvenient or injurious to Biden.

They really are panicked about this impeachment expedition and its failure.

Bill Crawford said...

Thanks. We are at the second hospital, waiting on tests and possible gall bladder surgery. Not the most serious medical condition but incredibly painful for her.

Francisco D said...

Poor little Max.

An unexpected bonus of the Trump presidency is that fake conservatives are being outed.

narciso said...

prayers for you, bill Crawford,

Seeing Red said...

What's up with all the Deutsche Bank suicides. Keeping up with the Klintons?

There’s more?

Older rumor it was going to collapse.i think they got a fair chunk of Our QE money.

Seeing Red said...

Prayers, Bill.

Ken B said...

Yes. It was wonderful. The question, can a middle aged man have a thirty minute orgasm I can now answer in the affirmative.