The Never Trumper Republicans, though on respirators with not many left, are in certain ways worse and more dangerous for our Country than the Do Nothing Democrats. Watch out for them, they are human scum!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 23, 2019
So I guess they are deplorable.
Only the ones on respirators. That will win them over!
I prefer lobotomized zombies myself, since they swore off thinking three years ago.
“This is one of the oldest and most effective tricks in politics. Every hack in the business has used it in times of trouble, and it has even been elevated to the level of political mythology in a story about one of Lyndon Johnson’s early campaigns in Texas.
“The race was close and Johnson was getting worried. Finally he told his campaign manager to start a massive rumour campaign about his opponent’s life-long habit of enjoying carnal knowledge of his barnyard sows.
“Christ, we can’t get away with calling him a pig-f****r,” the campaign manager protested. “Nobody’s going to believe a thing like that.”
“I know,” Johnson replied. “But let’s make the sonofab****h deny it.”"
Trump is giving it to them in terms they and their far left allies have been giving it to him and other conservatives for years.
Genius! Six dimensional chess to discourage GOP votes. Who needs Republicans in the senate? It’s not like there might be judges to confirm.
That’s probably true - swamp scum - but not called for.
He’s being generous
He should have just called them Pierre Delectos.
The cockroaches and maggots are demanding that somebody stop Trump from overturning rocks, and for God’s sake, turn off the kitchen light already and let us go back to feasting on graft in peace!
If only he'd included the word "fopdoodle".
I guess they're all on respirators. I don't think it's very nice to call a guy on a respirator "human scum." At least wait until he's out of the hospital.
"in certain ways worse and more dangerous for our Country than the Do Nothing Democrats"
More dangerous than Dems? I'm not sure. Worse? Yes.
He's making a point. It's language.
I get why these tweets bother some folks, but... I LOVE IT.
Ken B: "Genius! Six dimensional chess to discourage GOP votes. Who needs Republicans in the senate? It’s not like there might be judges to confirm."
You continue to impress with your very determined obliviousness.
The NeverTrumper fake conservatives in the media landscape have all (25 of them) been exposed and influence no one, though there are still just enough lefty-funded lefty-media sinecures as the resident "conservative" to keep some of them in tall enough cotten for long enough.
And McConnell will not countenance any of the more Pierre Delecto-like "republicans" in the Senate from going too far afield in terms of approving judges. Nope, that is the Senate Majority Leader's rosey-cheeked plump little baby and he will allow nothing untoward to happen to the judicial tot.
I'm not surprised you showed up here to complain about Trump's language after your Syrian delusions imploded.
In a way I feel for you. Trump is achieving so much that it makes it difficult for little guys like you to feel better about yourselves and what you think you know.
There there now. Stiff upper lip, wut wut.
I've noticed that, too.
Never denied their humanity!
DJT better watch it. I was going to go to the Trump lunch in Chicago next week, but his needless and pointless slap at Mattis put me off. I'll sit on my $2,800 for a while.
Everybody thinks that Kristol, Boot, Will, Goldberg, etc. have lost the plot line, and Mittens and Kasich are idiots. Why do this? Oh yeah, DJT is an idiot, too, but with better policies, (so far).
Speaking personally, I have reached peak Trump. He still has my vote, but unfortunately the questions I have are being resolved. This "scum" thing is not a good look. DJT ought to shut it for a while.
Tim maguire @ 2:29: Great anecdote! This is the sort of ploy politicians have used since the dawn of politics but few as graphically as LBJ. Though I disliked the man I can't deny that he was an interesting and very colorful individual.
Ubran Dictionary sez: (adj.) Possibly the worst word you can have your name associated with.
It is hard to define the word, but it is basically used to describe someone so disgraceful that they are seen as the lowest form of life. "Worthlessness", "waste of skin", "dirt". "Nothing". Far worse than most other insults, where the victim is often just referred to as genetalia.
Personally, I think calling someone filth would be worse. I think the rarer used insults hold more power.
I agree with Trump but he could have been a little harsher and adopted the Dems playbook and called them Nazis, Fascists or Commies
Is "human scum" worse than being called Hitler, a racist, a sexist, or any of the dozens of names Trump has been called over these past few years?
Just wondering.
Tim Maguire beat me to it;.
You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy...
That will win them over!
Not sure how effective it is but this is how the lefties keep their own in line. You don't want to be part of that respirator shape up!
After ALL the names they have called him, he was being nice.
Why's he pulling punches?
Oh come on Donald. Just come right out and say what you really think about those Deplorable Democrats.
Romney knows that “impeachment: is a trumped up tissue of lies but he has a kid on the board of Burisma, so he pretends that it’s all true. That’s scum.
Romney did his best to undermine the commander in chief where we have troops in the field. That’s scum.
They say that if it were a secret vote, 30 Republicans would vote to convict. It’s probably true. They have their snouts in the trough same as Democrats. Nobody but the voters wants this corruption "looked into” for real.
Chesterton said that the voters have no right to ask questions, only answer them, well we are alking them through Trump and they don’t like it one bit. He might go down, but bless him, Trump has shown us the real nature of our governing class.
Ken B,
Defend your man, Pierre Delecto.
That's what you must do.
With religious fervor.
"Watch out for them, they are human scum!"
I wouldn't call them human scum. Too harsh.
How 'bout Delusional Rightwing Fuckheads?
By definition, never Trumpers will never support or vote for Trump. He is therefore not losing anything. He is winning points with loyal Republicans since they despise never Trumpers even more than they despise Democrats.
I’m trying to think of when was the last time the President of the United States was not accepted as the de facto leader of his party. Even Johnson, however grudgingly, and despite not being JFK, was acknowledged to be the caller of the shots. Should he coordinate more? Except in 2017 the Never-Trump Republicans never missed a chance to undercut Trump’s policies by leaking whatever he shared with them to a hostile media. From where I sit it is past time for Republican law-makers to accept reality, stop trying to undercut the President, and accept that his policies are working.
I rate that Tweet as 100% true. They’ve had almost three years to understand the new dynamic. If they’re still unsure which way the wind is blowing, they can get fucked sideways.
At least Democrats are up front about wanting Democrats to win
unlike some LLR's we've known; that want Democrats to win, but won't admit it
"human scum"
He could call them "literally Hitler " but that's already taken.
As the NeverTrumpers cry and cry and cry and beg forgiveness from their democrat masters, Trump is back in Pittsburg today pressing flesh with hard hats and giving a speech at the shale conference.
I'll bet just the thought of hard hat wearing males makes David French wet himself.....and not even on purpose this time!
Althouse--you need a new tag: "Trump's not as smart as he thinks he is."
NT's who condemned Trump just the other day over the word "lynching" will now tell us "the noose is tightening around his neck".
Wait for it.
So I guess the whole "deplorables" thing is forgiven and forgotten.
As Instapundit would say “Harsh, but fair."
Trump has been under enormous pressure, maybe more undeserved and illegitimate personal attacks than any president since Lincoln, but I really wonder if an hour later he really thought "scum" was a good idea. Calling them "stupid" or "irresponsible," or "swamp creatures" wouldn't bother me, but "scum" seems to go too far.
Even if their treatment of him seems to merit it, I don't think that is a good move.
What a horrible thing for him to say! I couldn't blame those he insulted if they decided to call him Hitler for 3 years because of this!
Oh. Oh, I see.
They question his faculties and his response, here's some more evidence for you.
Scum is better than 3rd rate politicians. I am sure he meant to say slime scum criminals fugitives from the 9th circle of hell impersonating politicians. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
Trump is giving it to them in terms they and their far left allies have been giving it to him and other conservatives for years.
Okay Bundy trial liar (I call you that I am sick of you calling me a liar about Bundy, while never telling me what the lie was, you just seem to think that because the charges were dropped because of government misbehavior, somehow Bundy did absolutely nothing wrong), find us a quote where "they and their far left allies" have called someone human scum.
The preseident is certainly kinder in his characterization of those folks that I would be in his shoes.
I can't wait to find out who the democrats called scum in 1998.
That will win them over!
There is no winning them over. They're consumed by hate and hence, batshit insane.
Six dimensional chess to discourage GOP votes
Which of the Dems are you voting for, Ken? Didn't think so.
here's some more evidence for you
Evidence of what? That he can wallow in the mud with the left?
Bushhitler. Chimpy McHalliburton. Just a couple of terms lefties threw around that were considered just peachy back then.
Personally, I think "effete snobs" is much closer to the mark.
"So I guess the whole "deplorables" thing is forgiven and forgotten.”
I gotta hand it to you guys for message discipline.
It occurs to me that this may hurt Trump in 2020. Human Scum don't really deserve to be insulted like that.
Freder: "Okay Bundy trial liar (I call you that I am sick of you calling me a liar about Bundy, while never telling me what the lie was,"
You mischaracterized every single finding of the judge and jury.
You are a Bundy Case Liar.
And you were called out for each one of those lies on that thread, which anyone here can read for themselves.
I have been reading some of the never Trumpers off and on and they are an incorrigible, uneducable lot who lost contact with the real American world a long time ago. " Pond scum" might have been a more polite descriptor, but scum in any case.
Twitter is the shovel that Trump can't put down.
"Human Herpes" is at least alliterative.
Oh Lord. And sigh.
What dbp and I Callahan commented. But, yeah, a little searching through his copy of Roget's wouldn't have hurt before he posted that tweet.
"Human Scum" is just too harsh. I would have called them Fucktards.
dbp said...
By definition, never Trumpers will never support or vote for Trump. He is therefore not losing anything. He is winning points with loyal Republicans since they despise never Trumpers even more than they despise Democrats.
Agreed. Even Freder and readering agree by acting pissy about it.
That's what I like about Trump. He is so tough!
They're consumed by hate and hence, batshit insane.
Yes and they will never accept Trump as a Republican or a President no matter what.
The topic of NeverTrumpers is an interesting one. There are a couple at Ricochet and I have wondered what, exactly, is their complaint. One, I know, simply hates him for some sort of style issue. He never explains it as if all should know why he feels this way. There is a possible key. Feelings.
Gary Robbins Post author
Since this is a source document and not a commentary, I believe that it exists in the public realm and is not subject to copyright issues.
I copied this from Time Magazine.
It turns out, pointed out by another Ricochet member, this is NOT his testimony. Taylor seems to be another ex-military NeverTrumper.
Sort of like the ex-SEALS guy who thinks pulling out of Syria is a disaster. Will these guys ever admit we don't have to fight everybody else's war ?
Trump is just this Rodney Dangerfield character who should never have been allowed into the club,
As a Never Trumper and even before, my greatest illegal act was failure to pay federal income tax on a cash credit given by the state of Wisconsin for building an earth-shelter house. I didn't claim the income because the state said the income was tax exempt.
Meanwhile back at the House of Trump, he regularly cheated on his taxes collecting millions from his All County Maintenance business that generated millions by over-charging for repairs reducing profits reported while providing a basis for raising rents. Add Trump University which ripped off students, violations of New Jersey Casino laws by regularly doing money laundering transactions and interacting with Mafia and Russian criminals, Then there was the foreign workers in who were underpaid while removing asbestos without proper protection, while sleeping in the contaminated building . How about filing totally false information on his property values for purpose of reducing property and hundreds of millions in inheritance taxes. Examples go on and on, including current activity as he violates the Constitution's Emoluments clause every day.
Trump, the criminal, is calling innocents "scum!" while offering up "No collusion" and "No quid pro quo" defenses to cover any and all law violations.
So I guess the whole "deplorables" thing is forgiven and forgotten.
You let me know when Trump specifically insults half of the voters - as opposed to calling out elected officials and talking heads whose entire existence is criticizing him - and we can talk.
They question his faculties and his response, here's some more evidence for you.
Says the same person who criticized Kavanaugh's 'judicial temperament' when said judge got upset at people calling him a drunken rapist.
Whatever happened to Reagan's Eleventh Commandment? Broken on all sides!
You know, just this Sunday a big wheel turned in my attitude.
And I see Cleeent! (Eastwood) has turned a wheel himself, if his Twitter feed today is any guide. "Not only was @FBI agent Pete Strzok fucking Lisa Page ..
He was fucking the American People out of OUR right to chose OUR duly elected President with OUR #Vote.
Put this #PeterStrzok assclown under the damn jail, Doug." etc.
Maybe he's smelling more than ever the full hatred roaring across half the nation that I did this Sunday, and realized i gotta fight as full on nasty as they do.
here's what happened to me, sorry if it is long:
My dear friend "5-Star" & I went out to lovely little Aurora, OR for their annual Quilt Show on Saturday. They hold it in their park of historic buildings and museum, with a well-staffed crew that share state & local history and crafts joyfully. Another friend enters her contemplative textile art in this show each year, a cherry on top for us, among the distinct varieties of quilting they show each year, plus we had a terrific lunch at a local new place that was smashing and a colorful fall drive back to PDX.
So you see how ready we were when 5-Star wanted to return on Sunday to buy one particular item. Off we went, straight after church.
But that sunday -- just one day later! -- there was something new:
Across the street from the historic park and next to the little Presbyterian Church was another historic home that had put up a wretched lifesize Halloween monster mounted in front: a monstrous orange-headed Trump brandishing a giant knife in one hand & the bleeding purple head of the Statue of Liberty in the other.
That is really all that happened.
i can't stop thinking about it. right now that means realizing I need to give what I get. I need to become like them. what i tweeted last night and today i may come to regret.(I did hold back on some thresholds, but this seems like just the beginning.)
This also caused me to Walk up our hill this afternoon to a rare house: the owner braves the PDX firestarters by festooning his home with an American flag and <>. Went to introduce myself and see if he knows how I might help. left my card.(our experience of trying to help on oregon Republican elections has been a disappointment. Honestly their organization is hard to contact, bless their hearts. this is my way to try again)
times are a changing. I have had enough. These elite supremacists have coached their herds to treat half the nation like they treated black people 200 years ago, and lynched 100 years ago. Now we are the ones must be controlled and hated on. I fear my actions won't be pretty, but what is around me is very ugly already.
Powerful Goodness, guide us all now, despite our capacity to rage.
You mischaracterized every single finding of the judge and jury.
Well, there you go, lying again. First off, I just stated the simple fact that Bundy and his followers blocked roads, including an interstate. I never said anything about the judge and jury. There was no jury finding to mischaracterize, the case was dismissed before it got to the jury, you moron. And I never disputed that the judge properly dismissed the case because of government miscondcuct. So what exacltly is the lie I told?
Trump, the criminal, is calling innocents "scum!" while offering up "No collusion" and "No quid pro quo" defenses to cover any and all law violations.
gadfly is outraged ! Outraged, he says at Trump calling political opponents "scum." How could he use such language !
No sense of irony at all.
Getting too damned mean for this old man.
I’ve got to get along with the lefties at the churches I serve. I don’t have enough life left to go to war.
I’ll vote for Trump next year. Other than that, I’m out.
People are up in arms that Trump called people scum? If he was truly the Hitler most of the Never-Trumpers pretend, he'd have them shot. Grow a brain, it will help you a lot in life.
Utah Republican Senators Mitt Romney and Mike Lee are both underwater with negative approval ratings with state voters, according to a recently-released Y2 Analytics poll for Fifty-one percent of Utahns strongly or somewhat disapprove of Romney,
I can’t believe I gave that asshole money and said that people were being unfair for pointing out that he gave that guy’s wife cancer.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, the pathetic gadfly truly is the Poor Man's LLR C****.
Poor gadfly. He only has two hands with which to type and limited time to articulate the thousands of non-crime "crimes" the dastardly Trump committed.
And now he wishes to associate himself with the pro-Hillary rantings of the now exposed more well known NeverTrump crew (which numbers about 25).
Too funny.
bbkingfish: "That's what I like about Trump. He is so tough!"
Those dead russian mercs in Syria and the Chinese economic negotiating team certainly think so.
But then again, I have to keep reminding myself that being "tough" to a lefty simply means you use slightly fewer pallets to deliver the hard currency to the biggest state sponsor of terror in the world.
bbkingfish thinks history began about 15 minutes ago.
Spoiler: It didn't.
Phil 314: "Twitter is the shovel that Trump can't put down."
Seems like only yesterday when Phil here was lecturing us about how Romney certainly hadn't run for office to oppose Trump and to work with dems to bring him down as well as telling us that any discussion of the CIA running agents into the Trump campaign was another crazy conspiracy theory!!
Good times, good times.
You can learn alot about what isn't real by reading Phil's comments about what he says is real.
Amadeus 48
What the Trumpkins here do not get is that Trump is insulting *voters* not just politicians. And the politicians he is insulting includes those who give the GOP a slight majority in the senate. What if Ginsberg shuffles off this mortal coil, and Trump loses a couple senate republicans for the confirmation? We have seen pettiness before.
Gadfly, in your litany of complaints about Trump's "crimes" can you explain why he's never been indicted or let alone convicted of anything?
It's always a case of allegations, never convictions.
I Callahan
Last time I supported a fringe candidate. This time I expect it to be a choice between Trump and a fringe candidate.
You might not think that matters, but I’m not so atypical. Lose a few thousand votes in close states to fringe candidates, or from voters who stay home, see what happens. Some senate seats were decided by very small margins.
Trump referred to 'Never Trumper Republicans'. Since they are in the same party, that is Republican, and they seek to destroy a sitting Republican President..
Well I guess they are scum in a way.
Hey Aunty--I can go with NTs as lobotomized zombies, but I think jealous zealots also works. I am not into this "scum" thing. It is too undifferentiated.
Trump has a troubling past, but a great present. What does the future hold?
The worst part of this marshmellow fight, Trump stepped on his best work today.
He pantsed Obama, spanked his bare ass, and gave him a titty twister, and wet willy, on national TV.
All over his failures in the Middle East. I thought it was poetic. So the media can concentrate on this bit of navel lint, and ignore the public humiliation of Obama.
Trump doesn't name anybody. They have the opportunity to show they're not scum, or they can stay with the never trump team. A choice.
The counter would be to embrace scumminess. Where would the world be without scum.
Scum probably serves as protection.
(Thinking back of three years of nonstop Hitler, etcetera invective), yeah, pretty much.
Maybe he should have called them "Human Paraquat"
"So I guess the whole "deplorables" thing is forgiven and forgotten."
There was a time in the recent past when most blue collar unionized men voted for Democrats. They were likely to believe affirmative action is unfair, that women are different from men, that there is no pressing need to re-define marriage, that immigration laws should be enforced and that it might not be a great idea to import a lot of radicals from Islamic countries.
Hillary would call these men: “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic”, which shows she is writing-off their votes. Never Trumpers have already said I will never vote for or support Trump
The difference is not exactly subtle.
"I wouldn't call them human scum. Too harsh."
I agree. Too harsh and wordy. Why add the gratuitous "human?" Scum often consists of a rich microbial biofilm, containing potentially pathogenic bacteria. So "scum" alone is better speech — stronger, more accurate and concise.
dbp: "There was a time in the recent past when most blue collar unionized men voted for Democrats."
Trump was in Pittsburgh today with the hardhat guys who adore him and will crawl over broken glass to vote for him again.
The best part?
It makes LLR Chuck and gadfly cry.
They say that you know you are over the target when the flak starts getting really thick, clearly Trump is over the target. I wonder if Beowulf ever let slip an intemperate imprecation while doing battle in that nest of trolls?
Ken B: "Amadeus 48, What the Trumpkins here do not get is that Trump is insulting *voters* not just politicians."
The NeverTrumpers have already come clean as lefties.
Nice try though.
Doddering doodads of derogation
I'm trying to imagine the Human Scum Halloween costume.
Trump lynches back... you go girl
The correct technical term is "scumbag".
Remember, he's never going to get better. It's going to get progressively worse.
cry havoc and let loose the dogs of war,
Blogger wholelottasplainin' said...
Gadfly, in your litany of complaints about Trump's "crimes" can you explain why he's never been indicted or let alone convicted of anything?<
gadfly is also libeling the IRS. I expect he might hear from them one day soon.
readering said...
Remember, he's never going to get better. It's going to get progressively worse.
Yeah, by January 2024 he'll be ready to leave.
I'm guessing this is aimed at one particular Never Trumper. I'm guessing Trump knows how he polls in Utah compared to this particular Never Trumpet.
A Bill Kristol face mask would be the human scum Halloween costume.
Ha. Like a Ronald Reagan mask from the 80s.
Freder: "And I never disputed that the judge properly dismissed the case because of government miscondcuct."
Try harder Field Marshall.
Ken B said...
Amadeus 48
What the Trumpkins here do not get is that Trump is insulting *voters* not just politicians. And the politicians he is insulting includes those who give the GOP a slight majority in the senate. What if Ginsberg shuffles off this mortal coil, and Trump loses a couple senate republicans for the confirmation? We have seen pettiness before.
Do it. G'wan. We call. Show us whatcha got. Skin that smoke-wagon and see what happens!
It's enough with you Hamlets. You're on the bus or you're off the bus. Join the Ds if you want. You will not be missed.
If Donald Trump shot you all on Fifth Avenue, he wouldn't lose a single vote.
You, Amadeus, stay the fucking course. Unclench. He's doing it for a reason. Don't miss that lunch, it's an opportunity you're lucky to be able to buy with mere money.
readering: "Remember, he's never going to get better. It's going to get progressively worse."
Remember, the totalitarian left (which is ALL of them) is never going to get better. They are just going to get progressively worse in weaponizing the government against political opponents.
Mixed feelings.
There is a group of never Trumpers in government that are doing everything in their power to thwart his Presidency. The rumors around the attempted coup, and it’s never Trump supporters if true, is mud blowing.
Plus the constant labeling Trump as Hitler is disgusting.
I wish Trump would not go all fire on brimstone, even if true and well deserved on many of his opponents, so he can appeal more to moderates by showing he is the saner.
Like someone above already suggested, I was dying to see him use "fopdoodle" in that tweet.
NeverTrumpers worked to get Hillary Clinton elected- literally worked for that result. For a self-claimed Republican to have done that does make them scum. In any case, their influence down to basically nothing at this point. The only people reading NeverTrump pundits are people like ARM, so in that regard, the NeverTrumpers have found their natural audience and new masters- Democrats.
I think this is another one of Trump's "decorum" violations.
Certainly Impeachable.
these are mostly the people who didn't protest when the Ukraine was sent #hashtags and food rations, rather than heavy weapons,
Why add the gratuitous "human?
He's magnanimous, and was appealing to their 'Better Angels'
Whatever happened to Reagan's Eleventh Commandment? Broken on all sides!
Remember when John Kasich refused to attend the Republican Convention in his own state and Ted Cruz told the delegates to "vote your conscience"?
Good times.
Yes, it won't get better until Democrats decide that their plan to destroy America and turn it into a one party state with no dissent allowed will not happen.
That's the crux, really: the left wants to eliminate the right. Permanently. They do not believe that there should be any opposition at all to them.
So there are those on the right who want to fight back, and those that think eliminating all of the "deplorables" is a-ok. The NeverTrumpers are those second types, who have zero problems with the left destroying those evil conservatives who want, you know, things like the freedom to disagree with the left and the freedom to say no to big government.
That's the big global question: are we the people slaves and serfs, subjects to be ruled. by our "betters", the self-claimed elite bureaucrats? Or are we capable of ruling ourselves and do we have liberty? Which means we can disagree and not be punished by our "betters?"
Leftists are pushing hard the idea that liberty and the rights of man shouldn't exist. Oh, they give lip service to the idea, but they hate the very idea that someone, somewhere, is happy despite not being ruled by the left.
Whoa! There must have been some massive stab in the back we don't know about it. "Human Scum" is tough - even for Trump. It'll be interesting to see if there's more info forthcoming.
Caught: NY Times Conveniently Runs Interference for Hillary Clinton in Her Battle With Tulsi Gabbard
NYT = Clinton Super pac
How the Never-Trumpers want Trump to tweet:
I say, trying to impeach me isn't cricket. But play on Chaps!
How the Never-Trumpers tweet about Trump:
Trump's fucking Hitler. Trump's a nazi/racist/bigot lying scum who should be impeached.
Look's like Trump is now returning the favor.
Here's a quote for the Never Trumpers:
When you strike at a king, you must kill him - Emerson.
natasha Bertrand, the designated fusion recipient at the atlantic, (now at politico) seems upset that a mere nunes staffer was on the nsc staffer,
’It's going to get progressively worse.’
I’m not sure why Trump would choose to surrender.
#nevertrumpers David French & Jonah Goldberg in a typically unhinged Trump hate fest:
Per Meade:
I agree. Too harsh and wordy. Why add the gratuitous "human?" Scum often consists of a rich microbial biofilm, containing potentially pathogenic bacteria. So "scum" alone is better speech — stronger, more accurate and concise.
Priceless! :-D
Trump is reminding us that they're human.
readering said...
Remember, he's never going to get better. It's going to get progressively worse.
Correct. FOR YOU!!!
For us it's better every day.
As is true every. single. time., what Trump says about them is far less mean-spirited and unfair than what they said about him, and they always go first. Tell me a case where that is not true.
Don't forget we are talking about a "clown", "racist", "Nazi", "Hitler", "fool", and "motherfucker" to recite just a few. And these are people actively trying to destroy his presidency at the expense of the country. Trump is being far too kind.
It has been said before, we know what you are... we're just haggling over the price.
Readering, Nearly everything has gotten better for 3 years now, except the chances of the Dems winning in 2020. Maybe that's what you meant.
Drago bravely fights on tilting at windmills and real and imagined LLR's.
Blithering boobies of backstabbing
Dithering dinguses of detraction
Trump should be nice to the nazis who call him a nazi.
Trump - please let me pack and get out before you build a wall around Colorado.
deplorable me
readering complains that Trump is never to be better than 3.5% unemployment.
Saddens me to type that is likely.
Hillary was clearly talking about Tulsi, and Trump is clearly talking about Romney. Why shouldn't NeverTrumpers feel the full brunt of his wrath? Plus, if there weren't an element of truth in it, it wouldn't "play" well.
We're in the prelude to a civil war, and it is appropriate to call on people to take sides, and to punish those who don't. Ann is constitutionally opposed to this sort of thing. But there are just wars.
During my entire adult life I have heard that Republican Presidents and candidates are stupid but malignant Hitlers. "Drumph" (insanely jejune) will either start wars, not start the wars we want, push the nuclear button at Putin's direction to destroy the world, not fight Putin, Tariff China or Bow Down to China, stop illegal immigration or not stop it fast enough. Supporters are racist deplorables.
Now anti-Trump Republicans are labeled as human scum. I care a bit about decorum but that ship has sailed. If Trump is impeached and removed by the Republicans a cloud will rise forming into the face of Harry Reid, saying, yes we lied about the FISA warrants, yes we lied about Hillarymade Russian Collusion, yes we lied about quid pro quo... but it worked didn't it?
And if that unfolds, I will never vote for a Dem or Repub again, who cares what I do, there are plenty of fake votes to make up for me.
There was a reason Trump tweeted that!
NY Times was pushing the news a mole in the Whitehouse, that is Sabotaging Trump, has a book deal.
Anonymous Trump official who wrote New York Times essay about resistance from inside the administration has a book coming out
Book, titled “the warning” is out Nov 19
Description from amazon:
Product description
An unprecedented behind-the-scenes portrait of the Trump presidency from the anonymous senior official whose first words of warning about the president rocked the nation's capital.
About the Author
Described as "a senior official in the Trump administration," Anonymous offers a firsthand account of one of the most consequential presidencies in American history.
"F**king human scum" - there, I fixed it.
Human scum sort like the two fraudulent husksters who work with Giulliani and claim to be working indirectly for Trump?
I cannot believe Trump would attack Pierre Delecto in this way.
Has he no honor?
Trump should have tweeted, “We will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.”
Heads would explode.
Well that shamed me into voting for him.
I think that Trump went too far with calling the Never Trumpers "human scum".
I think he should have stopped at "Saracen Dogs!". But, I dunno, maybe that would have upset the negotiations with the Turks....
Amazon does not allow pre-reviews. I was going to ask if it was listed under "fiction."
Most of the Never Trumpers were social liberals like Jennifer Rubin and Max Boot who wanted forever war and illegal servents. Now that the Dems have bribed them, they are showing their true colors.
Have you forgotten "teabaggers"
" even Barack Obama isn't above occasional name-calling. Reading through Jonathan Alter's new book on President Obama's first year, "The Promise: President Obama, Year One," Tapper comes across a November 30, 2009 interview in which Obama declared that the unanimous vote of House Republicans against the stimulus bills "set the tenor for the whole year ... That helped to create the tea-baggers"
Rachel Maddow is the first to mock the Tea Party's use of the phrase on her left-leaning MSNBC show. "Even Governor Mark Sanford of South Carolina is getting in on the hot tea-bagging action," she says, stifling laughter.
I think the Nevertrumpers have been colluding with the Dems since before the Glorious Election of 2016. On PBS, on election night, Judy Woodruff said it was an acknowledged fact that parts of the GOPe wanted Trump to lose big and worked against him.
But he didn't call them scum until these same Nevertrumpers made it harder for him to get peace between the Kurds and Turkey. Probably Trump has details about their dirty deals in the Ukraine and then he hears these guys with pockets stuffed with cash, calling for endless war, indifferent to how many soldiers are wounded or killed. And scum is the word for those indifferent to the soldiers.
"There has been speculation that Coats's firing as DNI was connected to the intelligence community's response to the Trump telephone conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy on July 25, 2019. Coats's dismissal was three days later. This sequence of events was not understood at the time, because details of the call, which resulted in the impeachment inquiry against Trump, were not then yet public."
Wonder if Coats has written a book?
I wouldn't be surprised if Coats was the "never-trumper" scum - Trump was talking about. Another fraud like Sessions who pretended to be pro-Trump but secretly a double-agent.
roesch/voltaire said...
Human scum sort like the two fraudulent husksters who work with Giulliani and claim to be working indirectly for Trump?
No, I think he referred to the Deep Staters with their snouts in the Ukraine trough. Your guys.
Trump should call the #nevertrumpers "neocons." Because most of them, and then the Dems would have to defend the neocons whom they hate. Or hated until 2016, anyhow.
"Human scum sort like the two fraudulent husksters who work with Giulliani and claim to be working indirectly for Trump?”
What was the Hillary campaign doing plying Putin spies for dirt on Trump? Trump was just investigating election interference coming out of Ukraine, which actually happened, BTW.
Democrats figure that not only can they remove Trump if they win in the Senate, but destroy the party for the foreseeable future, and maybe forever. So they have a lot of incentive to go hard here.
Never Trumpers refers to politicians and writers in DC, not voters. But you knew that, just not convenient for you to concede it.
Still standing, still fighting against all comers. I like that in a president. Not like that twinkie Obambi. Refreshing.
Spiro Agnew was good.
"Human scum" is presidential-twitter for fucking scumbags, which is what he meant.
Well, he didn't say they were lower than whale shit, which is one of the worst insults in my corner of the world.
The never Trumpers are lower than whale shit, but he didn't say it - I did.
I think that Trump went too far with calling the Never Trumpers "human scum".
Yeah. It is used to justifiy the phony moral superiority of the Left.
Of course, they have their noses so far up their asses, that they do not need much to justify their sense of moral superiority. Just ask Rob Reiner.
It appeals to his base I guess but further disgusts moderates. And his targets brush it off or delight in it because his insults and praise are so obviously tied to himself. Kinda like the indifference to insults by commenters here.
Per an earlier comment. Why would anyone believe what a pair of fraudulent hucksters say? Oh, confirmation bias.
roesch/voltaire said...
"Human scum sort like the two fraudulent husksters who work with Giulliani and claim to be working indirectly for Trump?"
You can do better R/V. Maybe you can claim Trump is going to privatize all national parks.
It appeals to his base I guess but further disgusts moderates. And his targets brush it off or delight in it because his insults and praise are so obviously tied to himself. Kinda like the indifference to insults by commenters here.
FYI, you have to turn the page. You some how got on the talking points from 2016, Looks like October of 2016, so maybe you just saw the month at the top of the page and thought it was the current talking points. Or? Are your handlers just recycling old talking points? Gee that didn't work for the last election, why would they work this time?
readering gets to tell people about moderates.
Superpowers like that are fun.
Reagan: never insult another republican.
Trump: Reagan was a fucktard.
Me: If they're not conservative in their legislative roles, then fuck them.
Anybody can register as a Republican.
Hillary and Fauxcahontas both did.
That label means shit.
I call all statists, and their cowardly ennablers, human scum. But then, I love liberty, so I'm funny that way.
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