News from the future.
Ticks was a nice touch.
I'd use my "insect politics" tag, but ticks are not insects.
Maybe if you thought about ticks more, you wouldn't be so apathetic. But are ticks an important aspect of global warming?
Here's a WaPo interview, from last May, with Matthias Leu, an ecologist and assistant professor at the College of William & Mary:
So far, we have not found an association with weather and tick populations. Many people think cold winters kill ticks. If that is true, why do ticks live in northern states, like Minnesota and Wisconsin? What does influence the tick population is the amount of deer and mice available to serve as hosts for the ticks....
100 years after D-Day comes The Great Tick Outbreak.
Maybe they could add a marker to show the first US city to go fully with candles as their source of light.
If they get their way, we'll all be back in the candle business agin. (right, California?)
The only ticks I have a problem with are in DC. We have an infestation, and they are sucking the blood out of all of us, as they get richer and richer and sell us all out.
NBC and Universal's "LA: 2017" (directed by some guy named Speilberg) was going all ecologically dystopian about future society back in 1971. So hyperbolic end-of-the-world tales in the name of modern pop culture art tied into contemporary issues has been going on for quite a while now.
One great thing about not knowing anything is you cannot forget anything.
We've been experiencing a heat inspired tick outbreak since Inconvenient Truth.
Global climate hoaxing is performance art.
Always has been.
We're starting to get more ticks up here in Norway. The media says it has to do with global warming. I have no competency to opine on that.
Boat houses on the ocean are a privilege for the rich, but raise my inland insurance rates.
I don’t travel to national forests at this time.
My sympathy meter is dead.
In April 1815, Mount Tabora in Indonesia exploded, the largest volcanic eruption in recorded history. The top 5,000 feet of the mountain, plus ejecta from inside the Earth, flew 26 miles straight up. We're talking about 10 cubic miles of earth weighing 10 billion tons.
Krakatoa in 1883 was cupcake with a headache compared to this monster.
People 1,800 miles away heard the blast. Ash fell 800 miles away.
Between 10,000 and 100,000 people died. They got blown away, suffocated, burned to death, or drowned in seven-foot-high tsunamis. Vast fields of congealed ash and pumice covered nearby seas the way ice does in arctic regions.
As a consequence of so much vaporized dirt and rock being flung so high in the sky, a cloud of crud spread over the upper atmosphere until it blanketed the planet.
There was no summer that year.
The next summer was worse.
As a consequence of the planet having no summer for two years, around the world from China to Europe and from India to America, famines, crop failures, mass livestock deaths, droughts, floods, starvation, plagues of cholera and typhus, and political upheavals caused tens of thousands of more deaths. Starving New Englanders fled to the mid-west. It snowed in New York in June. Bernie Sanders got frostbite in August. The door to Elizabeth Warren's teepee froze, and Joe Biden's Amtrak train was delayed.
And do you know what?
In two or three years, temperatures and the world's climate returned to normal.
So, we are supposed to believe that a global increase in temperature of a degree or two over a century means a crisis?
Get real.
These people are crazy and I'm not naming calling. I predict that Creighton will win the Final Four in 2032 and I'm selling T Shirts for it right now.
Bottom line: These people and their predictions have been massively and totally wrong for the last 50 years. Why are they right now?
If you can't get your catastrophic predictions to come true, make up ones that you pretend did.
If you're wondering why there's so much skepticism about climate change, there's one big reason.
Bambi is a big source of Ticks. One more reason for Deer Season.
The "normal" global climate has palm trees and crocodiles in Scotland.
How did life survive then?
As if "global warming" and "climate change" haven't already unleashed a torrent of blood sucking parasites on the body politic.
Will this watermelon pseudo paganist nonsense ever end?
Say, this is a great idea. I'm off to my local cemetery to put in some future gravestones for all the people who will die off from mass starvation when global cooling descends. Just getting a jump on the future societal panic.
Not a surprise- it was always fiction.
It begins
No one would have believed in the last years of the nineteenth century that this world was being watched keenly and closely by intelligences greater than man’s and yet as mortal as his own; that as men busied themselves about their various concerns they were scrutinised and studied, perhaps almost as narrowly as a man with a microscope might scrutinise the transient creatures that swarm and multiply in a drop of water. With infinite complacency men went to and fro over this globe about their little affairs, serene in their assurance of their empire over matter. It is possible that the infusoria under the microscope do the same. No one gave a thought to the older worlds of space as sources of human danger, or thought of them only to dismiss the idea of life upon them as impossible or improbable. It is curious to recall some of the mental habits of those departed days. At most terrestrial men fancied there might be other men upon Mars, perhaps inferior to themselves and ready to welcome a missionary enterprise. Yet across the gulf of space, minds that are to our minds as ours are to those of the beasts that perish, intellects vast and cool and unsympathetic, regarded this earth with envious eyes, and slowly and surely drew their plans against us. And early in the twentieth century came the great disillusionment.
Add 100 years to the dates and reread.
Eventually the Laurentide Ice Sheet will return to North America- after all, it was last here only 20,000 years ago. It covered all of New England and most of the upper midwest of the US, and pretty much all of Canada. You can't blame its last advance on humans since it happened when humans were still picking the ticks out of each other's thick body hair- and probably not its retreat either (though there is some debate on this aspect).
that was the oppenheimer and Schneider scare strategy see 'day after tomorrow'
This is how the left operates.
VOX writes an item. then explains why the reader has to care, then explain the conclusion the reader should reach.
Schiff, was forced to sex up the Ukraine telephone call, because the actual real time memorial failed to arrive at the proper conclusion.
Now "artists" take artistic freedom to portray the conclusions the people should reach, if they had the vision of the "artist"
There is a similar observation for polar bears, where their numbers ebb and flow with seal populations, and other dietary preferences.
It has done pretty well, considering it is based on fantasy. Lots of money being made.
Chickens peacocks and the like a tick predators. They spend all day searching for them tirelessly. Food reward motivated.
Climate change is chaotic, without a discernible pattern outside of a limited frame of reference. That said, however the issue under contention is catastrophic anthropogenic global warming, perhaps catastrophic anthropogenic climate change, driven by a fraction of a fraction anthropogenic carbon dioxide sources, and judged by an effect characterized in isolation, that has underperformed in the wild. As well a models (i.e. hypotheses) that require regular injections of brown matter ("fudging") to remain compliant with reality, but have otherwise demonstrated no skill to hindcast, let alone forecast temperature or climate change.
They TRIED this, at Glacier National Park, but then realized their time frame was too short
National Park Quietly Removed Warning That Glaciers ‘Will All Be Gone’ By 2020
Signs warning glaciers would all disappear by 2020 now say:
“When they completely disappear, however, will depend on how and when we act.”
USGS still says on its website glaciers could all disappear sometime between 2030 and 2080,depending on how much warming occurs
which gives me another chance to quote Gen Buck Turgidson!
" I'm not saying we wouldn't get our hair mussed. But I do say no more than ten to twenty million killed, tops. Uh, depending on the breaks. "
If warmists stop using anecdotes, real or imaginary, and go for facts apathy will turn to outright disbelief.
I've found a dozen ticks on me and four on the dog this year. They never bite me, just crawl. Body hair, the great force multiplier, detects them. It's about an average year.
Somebody told me that opossums eat a lot of ticks. Hideous beasties, but it turns out to be true. Snopes confirmed it.
Communists have always been big on propaganda posters.
Did this guy put a marker on Martha’s Vineyard? Barack’s place will be underwater soon.
mosquitos have always been horrendous in Alaska, Minnesota and Canada. I always thought is was all the lakes and waterways. I guess its just been getting warmer.
Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Tick Fever make humans lethargic, disinclined to travel by car or plane. Yet the artist's POV presumes that an exploding tick population is a bad thing. In the battle between Angry Mother Nature and Sinful Promethean Humans, whose side is he on?
Let's have a painting of citizens from 2143 laughing hysterically at Al Gore as the ice sheets march south. Some castle in Austria I visited had a display on witch-burning from the later middle ages. Why were the witches burned? Causing crops to fail by altering the weather. What's changed since then? The weather varies continuously. Human folly, not so much.
There was an episode of Twilight Zone in which the earth was getting hotter and hotter: The Midnight Sum. The show's punchline is that this catastrophic warming is one person's fever dream, and that actually the earth is getting much colder.
I guess some introspection over why the message isn't getting through to the Deplorables is off the table.
Seriously -- does it ever occur to the enviro-crazies that their message isn't persuading people?
They should listen to Scott Adams' podcasts where he talks about how important persuasion is. That is, if they really do care about winning people over to their cause.
But if it's just about religion, as what seems more and more evident, then nothing will change. They'll just continue to shriek more and more hysterically. And eventually people are going to get killed, as part of the inevitable civil unrest.
Has a park ever been closed by a tick outbreak? Just wondering. Can't find any evidence of same doing a quick Internet search.
Moderation doesn’t get rid of ticks either, though they post less.
Argumentum ab erroris.
I’m Ok with all this future history stool as long as if it or something very similar doesn’t happen we can have the author bastinadoed endlessly. Deal?
Oddly, this article makes me even more apathetic about AGW. Historically when nations have been faced with deadly peril, people have been willing to suit up and face a high probability of sacrificing their lives. I see no one, not a single person, who is living a life that suggests they really believe the threat is real. Certainly not this clown.
I'm bored by global warming apathy.
You know, I didn't need to learn today that ticks are arachnids, rather than just plain old insects. Until today ticks were a nuisance, now they are way, way worse for this arachnophobe.
As for the artists in question, meh. I prefer subtlety in art, not the 2x4 over the head sort.
24 September 2061 Nigerian Famine Averted by Record Siberian Pineapple Crop
If you're not eating babies, you don't care enough about Climate Change.
--The Democrats
Dammit I'm going to find the creative writing thing that will get everyone to do what I want to when I want to do it. Dammit.
What kills insects over winter, if they die at all, is not cold. It's dryness. Wet winters & especially wet springs, lead to nasty, vermin filled summers.
Insects & arachnids have been around for millions of years. They have adapted to getting through that 1/3 to 1/2 of the year that's cold. Matter of fact, when insect eggs get destroyed by exposure in a harsh winter, it's usually because the cold desiccates the eggs, not because they freeze.
What does influence the tick population is the amount of deer and mice available to serve as hosts for the ticks.
So my cats are actually good for something?
"What does influence the tick population is the amount of deer and mice available to serve as hosts for the ticks.... "
Oh, a little science for a change. That's nice.
I have a nephew aged 28 who thinks summers in LA always topped out at 85 degrees before global warming, whenever that was in his vivid imagination.
The problem is not with the hypothesis. The problem is with the we've-got-to-take-action-now-or-we're-all-gonna-DIE mentality. It is comic and tragic at the same time.
On the other hand "It’s the Heat and the Humidity, New Study Finds: Why Lyme Disease is Common in the North, Rare in the South"
Stupid is as stupid does.
"Hundreds do not die in blizzard that doesn't happen."--January 25, 2049
cubanbob: "Will this watermelon pseudo paganist nonsense ever end?"
It may take a generational change before it dies out.
rhhardin @1:11 PM: Lucky that you don't have to deal with Jersey ticks. Those suckers always bite if they get a chance and they know just where to go (hint: I often find them when I'm taking a shower). Fortunately, none so far have been loaded with Lyme, but still the allergic bump takes months to subside.
I tell my wife that this is yet another reason why we should have backyard chickens (aside from the company, and the eggs), but since the ticks don't bite her, she's not biting either.
All ticks must die.
I'm lukewarm on global warming. And on global cooling, for that matter.
As Neils Bohr and Yogi Berra both correctly noted, “Predictions are difficult, especially about the future.” And in the meantime, there’s a lot of money to be made in the fear-mongering racket.
Tick tick tick
The clock is ticking
And the ticks are telling us
We're running out of time to
Save the Planet from
Climate Change!
A little propaganda for any warmist who wants to use it.
I prefer the future history I fantasized about when I was a child.
I was sure we'd have flying cars by the time I was old - "old" being 50.
Faux markers, faux warning, faux warning.
Argumentation through appeals to empathy. The science is an emanation from a penumbra (Twilight fringe), the condemnation of color blocs ("diversity") is exploited for social leverage, and the motives are sectarian and unreconciled.
From the NYTimes 08/10/2029:
...Former President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama killed today at their estate on Martha's Vineyard when a Great White shark swam through an open window during high tide.....
Ticks would use tax-exempted hugely endowed institutions and other confiscated tax funds for propaganda and limited "public" lands and rights-of-way for "muh roads and bridges" to install marketing materials for their products.
In 2063 there will only be one kind of lettuce at the supermarket.
What I especially like about global warming is how cold the weather has been.
It seems the problem with GlobalWarmingClimateChangeClimateDisruption is that the narrative needs juicing.
Per The Guardian:
In addition to providing updated guidelines on which images our editors should use to illustrate the climate emergency, we have updated our style guide to introduce terms that more accurately describe the environmental crises facing the world. Our editor-in-chief, Katharine Viner, said: “We want to ensure that we are being scientifically precise, while also communicating clearly with readers on this very important issue”. These are the guidelines provided to our journalists and editors to be used in the production of all environment coverage across the Guardian’s website and paper:
1.) “climate emergency” or “climate crisis” to be used instead of “climate change”
Climate change is no longer considered to accurately reflect the seriousness of the overall situation; use climate emergency or climate crisis instead to describe the broader impact of climate change. However, use climate breakdown or climate change or global heating when describing it specifically in a scientific or geophysical sense eg “Scientists say climate breakdown has led to an increase in the intensity of hurricanes”.
2.) “climate science denier” or “climate denier” to be used instead of “climate sceptic”
The OED defines a sceptic as “a seeker of the truth; an inquirer who has not yet arrived at definite conclusions”. Most “climate sceptics”, in the face of overwhelming scientific evidence, deny climate change is happening, or is caused by human activity, so ‘denier’ is more accurate.
3.) Use “global heating” not “global warming”
‘Global heating’ is more scientifically accurate. Greenhouse gases form an atmospheric blanket that stops the sun’s heat escaping back to space.
4.) “greenhouse gas emissions” is preferred to “carbon emissions” or “carbon dioxide emissions”. Although carbon emissions is not inaccurate, if we’re talking about all gases that warm the atmosphere, this term recognises all of the climate-damaging gases, including methane, nitrogen oxides, CFCs etc.
Since we announced these changes, they have been reported widely, shared across social media channels, and even prompted some other media outlets to reconsider the terms they use in their own coverage.
In order to keep below 1.5C of warming, the aspiration of the world’s nations, we need to halve emissions by 2030 and reach zero by mid century. It is also likely we will need to remove CO2 from the atmosphere, perhaps by the large-scale restoration of nature. It is a huge task, but we hope that tracking the daily rise of CO2 will help to maintain focus on it.
Viner said: “People need reminding that the climate crisis is no longer a future problem – we need to tackle it now, and every day matters.”
I have noticed the NYT now exclusively uses "Climate Emergency" and "Climate Crisis". And run of the mill weather, like a blizzard, is now referred to as an "extreme weather event".
Maybe I'm Pollyanna reincarnate, but could these be signs this whole tribute to religious zealotry is getting ready to collapse in ignominy?
Sort of like communism. Seemed like it would go on forever, until suddenly it didn't.
Global Warming is a fanatical religion. With a quick search of the internet you can find numerous articles showing how ALL of the global warming religion's priests predictions being mistaken. Make no mistake, global warming is just another power and money grab for the elites. If it were real, they would not be jetting around in private aircraft or living on the coasts
In 2063 there will only be one kind of lettuce at the supermarket.
If so, I hope it's Bibb.
They (we have no idea who) put in the CO2 heat/energy adder because they got the watts in - watts out values backasswards and have incomprehensibly averaged and depowered the input. See A Most Excellent Exposition. It's a good bet it's BS as well on the grounds that it is marketed by a mentally ill Euro weeny teen and her handlers and uniparty cameramen, a hostile white coat wearing plaintiff that would rather suffer the most embarrassing dismissal with prejudice than hand over his dodgy data for evaluation, and tax funded artists in backwaters that have access to the NYT desk.
Q: What did they use for light in South Australia before candles?
A: Electricity.
Yancey Ward said...
From the NYTimes 08/10/2029:
...Former President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama killed today at their estate on Martha's Vineyard when a Great White shark swam through an open window during high tide.....
You goddam tease.
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