October 19, 2019

"So there is not the least bit of concern for what goes into the baby's body when being nursed by a man who has been pumped full of hormones?"

"It's now just another frontier of 'equality' to ensure that men can breast feed? I am appalled at the narcissism at the heart of this experiment, as well as the contortions that trans people put everyone else through in order to accommodate their feelings (non-gendered bathrooms, reinventing pronouns, etc.)."

A top-rated comment at "Are We Ready for the Breastfeeding Father?/He has intrigued and disgusted for millenniums. He has also remained largely hypothetical, until now" (NYT). The article features an illustration of hairy chested man breastfeeding a baby. Hair in the baby's food!

The article reports on...
... a peer-reviewed case report confirmed that a transgender woman, assigned male at birth, [who] was able to breastfeed her child after she was put on a regimen of hormonal drugs..... Before the treatment, the patient had been receiving feminizing hormones for six years. We don’t know how long it would take for a cis man to induce functional lactation. But “we have a pretty good idea of the types of hormone cocktails that would be needed,” said Tamar Reisman, an endocrinologist with the Mount Sinai Center for Transgender Medicine and Surgery and one of the two authors of the case report....

“I just thought, ‘How cool if it would work!’” Mr. Bengtsson said. “Just imagine the extraordinary consequences it could have for our society.”
The article collects some interesting material on the subject of tales of men who were able to breastfeed (without any servings of "hormone cocktails"), not that you'll believe they were true:
In the fourth century B.C., the philosopher Aristotle noted that some men were able to produce milk by squeezing their breasts. In the King James translation of the Bible, the breasts of the malnourished Job are described as full of milk. Later, in the Babylonian Talmud, we find a story of a widowed man whose “breasts opened and he nursed his child.”...

By the end of the 19th century, the American physician George M. Gould and his colleague Walter L. Pyle listed, in their book “Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine,” a number of instances of men suckling infants, including an unverifiable report, relayed by 16th-century missionaries in Brazil, claiming “there was a whole Indian nation whose women had small and withered breasts, and whose children owed their nourishment entirely from the males.”...
The author continues:
What is startling, when we dig into the history, is just how many great minds, from Aristotle to Darwin, have earnestly, and without judgment, pondered the question of men’s breast milk...  [I]n Marge Piercy’s 1976 sci-fi novel, “Woman on the Edge of Time,” in which a woman named Connie is transported into the future — the year 2137 — where she sees a bearded man breastfeeding a child. She notes that he has breasts, “like a flat-chested woman temporarily swollen with milk.” Connie is angry at first: “How dare any man share that pleasure?” she thinks. But in the end, the world depicted in the book is ultimately intended as a gender-free utopia....
If you want a gender-free utopia and you're willing to do artificial things to get there, why not just do what was already happening in America in the 1950s, switch to bottle-feeding formula. Both parents can do that. But the transgender movement isn't about making gender less important!


R C Belaire said...

The world is going insane -- if not already there.

Lucid-Ideas said...

"She", "her"


Laslo Spatula said...

...Mount Sinai Center for Transgender Medicine and Surgery...

The internal competition at Mount Sinai is fierce with the adjoining Anorexic Gastric Bypass clinic.

I am Laslo.

Fernandinande said...

R. Crumb already covered this subject.

a transgender woman, assigned male at birth

An incantation consisting of misused words.

The Bergall said...

Ann, add the tag mental illness to this post...............

RBE said...

I totally agree with your assessment.

alanc709 said...

The baby is being fed those hormones, too. Think that will have no consequence?

Howard said...

Sign of the apocalypse #124,987,567,269

Sally327 said...

Perhaps just another example of how medical/scientific advances are aimed at men, keeping them alive and thriving, even to do things their bodies aren't originally designed to do. So typical.

But then I've never thought the transgender movement was much of a benefit to women as it so often seems to perpetuates stereotypes and seeks to define what being a woman means according to a male point of view. Like here, breastfeeding, oh that's a woman thing. I want to be a woman so I have to be able to breastfeed. But millions of women never breastfeed.

stevew said...

Appalled, that's a good word in this context, I'm going to use it.

These people are also nucking futs. Assigned male at birth, by whom, the penis attached to his body?

The best take is our host's, that this isn't about making gender equal or invisible. It is about the opposite. And you will be made to affirm whatever choice is made.

MadisonMan said...

It's been my understanding that, in men, breast discharge is a sign of developing breast cancer. Whether or not chemically-induced lactation falls into that category?

tim maguire said...

But the transgender movement isn't about making gender less important!

This is the irony at the heart of the transgender movement—the very people who insist that gender is a social construct also insist that it is central to a person’s character and psychological well-being and you must get their preferences right or you damage them.

wendybar said...

Sick. Poor kids have to grow up with mentally ill parents.

Beth B said...

For years, feminists have been warning that A Handmaid's Tale was our future. When, in fact, women might slowly become extraneous in this souped-up hormonal world that the 100+ genders folk imagine. Hey, anybody remember when modified "Frankenfoods" were the worst possible thing imaginable? But Frankenpeople? Trendy! Cool!

Rosa Marie Yoder said...

The book of Romans has weighed heavily on my mind this week. Has God given up on the United States of America?

Romans 1:28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done.

Saint Croix said...

The article features an illustration of hairy chested man breastfeeding a baby. Hair in the baby's food!

These are people who are willing to kill newborns, and partially-born infants. So I don't think they are really worried about the health of the baby. The baby is still a nobody, as far as they are concerned.

rhhardin said...

Hey women are full of hormones too. That's even a major problem very often.

Fernandinande said...

Hair in the baby's food!

That reminds me of this horrible excuse for a joke (nobody walks into a bar):

A little girl goes to the barber shop with her father. She stands next to the barber's chair eating a snack cake, while her dad gets his hair cut. The barber says to her, "Sweetheart, you're gonna get hair on your Twinkie." She says, "Yes, I know, and I'm gonna get boobs, too."

gilbar said...

Who the Hell CARES about some 'baby'?
The REAL ISSUE here, is the RIGHT (the GOD GIVEN RIGHT!) of adult people to mess up, not only their own bodies; but All of Society .
So, cis athletes can't compete? So?
So, cis girls are upset by seeing penises in the locker room? So?
So, cis girls are assaulted, raped, murdered, in the locker room? So?
So, babies get cancer having milk from Real women (chix with dicks)? So?

The rights and safety of the vast majority of people are Irrelevant

gilbar said...

Laslo Spatula said...
...Mount Sinai Center for Transgender Medicine and Surgery...
The internal competition at Mount Sinai is fierce with the adjoining Anorexic Gastric Bypass clinic.

don't forget the adjoining Cutter's self surgery unit!

Francisco D said...

I have done assessments of transgender surgery hopefuls, as is often required by insurance companies. Was this (assigned at brith) fella assessed for mental illness?

I suspect that there are some men in women's bodies and vice versa. However, that is a tiny fraction of the current transgender craze. Ask any teacher about the number of trans kids in her classroom. It is a fad that is really getting carried away.

We are enabling mental illness in order to virtue signal.

Saint Croix said...

One strange thing about a sex-change is that you are simultaneously changing the sexual orientation of your partner.

Imagine you're a gay man. "I'm a gay man. I have sex with men. That's what I do. Because I'm a gay man." And you are married, because gay marriage is a thing. And now your husband has a sex change. He has breasts and a vagina. He looks like a woman. And he insists that everybody calls him a woman now.

So now your gay man is like this: "I'm having sex with a woman. She's got breasts and a vagina. I got to call her a woman. She's a woman now. Holy shit, I'm having sex with a woman. I'm a straight man. What the fuck?"

Temujin said...

I cannot believe all of the acrobatics this society is taking on to please the less than 1% (supposedly) of transgendered people in this country. Why, we're ready to alter women's sports, and bathrooms nationally. Stop everything. There may be 1 trans person in the vicinity.

I don't begrudge them from living a life. I do begrudge them from requesting society as a whole to bow down to then as some sort of special class. They are not a special class.

traditionalguy said...

A transition from illusion to delusion appears to be easy. All you need are hormonal poisons and mind altered victims . And we are supposed to respect the evil scientists that do this just to prove it works? IMO they are simply Nazi Scientists at war with captured good people. That is not healing people. It is butchering them with a SciFI theory.

Paco Wové said...

The NYT actually used "milleniums" in a headline?

Browndog said...

A new study just released showed that 95% of all baby food in the U.S. contains high levels of heavy metals (Lead, arsenic, aluminum).

3rd World Country status.

Why aren't we talking about it, raising hell?

Because we have to talk about all the stupid shit that liberals want to talk about.

DavidD said...

“Assigned male at birth.”

“Party of Science.”


1984 was not intended as an instruction manual, people.

PB said...

Appalling is a good word for it. Also defining deviancy down is apropos, though Moynihan was referring to crime.

The acceptance of gender dysphoria as other than a mental disorder is chilling. Not a far walk to where medical professionals create a test to determine what you should be and then compel that change. China would likely embrace this to solve its imbalance in the male/female ratio due to societal preference for boys and Sex selection "techniques".

whitney said...

"I am appalled at the narcissism..."

I guess better late than never

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Kids need moms. Real moms. If that makes me an asshole, I really do not care.

Jamie said...

Yesterday I listened to a podcast in which Ben Shapiro was interviewing Neil Degrasse Tyson. Shapiro asked a question about whether there were areas of science - *science*, mind you - that were off-limits, on either side of the political aisle. Shapiro gave as examples anthropogenic climate change as a hypothesis that some on the right would like to see excluded from study (I actually would be surprised if there's anyone on the right, including the staunchest "deniers," who believes that scientific study should be eschewed; they only doubt that actual science is being done), and on the left, transgenderism.

Of course Tyson gave a ringing defense of climate change science. But I was shocked to hear the knots he was willing to tie himself in to avoid admitting that the "scientific consensus" is far more complete that transgender people are not actually, physically the sex they claim, than the "scientific consensus" that climate change is predominantly anthropogenic and can be "stopped" by our taking actions that (coincidentally! Unexpectedly!) would bring about a New World Order.

Tyson also apparently got into a Twitter war a while ago about a fantastical county he called Rationalia, in which every law had to be supported by the best scientific evidence. Just driving from here to the grocery store, I thought of three or four examples where that system would result in exiles at best, death camps at worst. Just goes to show you that (as it ever was) "intellectuals" will always believe that their brains, and *only* their brains, are properly constituted to rule. And they'll always be wrong.

D 2 said...

Wait. For the sake of the child, if I nod politely and agree we should control through some sort of public policy what a parent does to their body, because it may have an adverse impact on the ....

Wait, what. Wait.


The hard lesson, still to be learned by so many, is that there's always a line to be drawn, somewhere. And there's enough history to inform us that those who were quite derisive yesterday about others wanting to hold on to some line, now want these same others to stand with them, to hold back these new young Turks, while yesterday's spit is still not wiped away. Mensheviks asking for traditional peasant stock to come in and help beat back these new Bolshies who are creating insane chaos in the alleyways

So now you want to hold a line. Hmm. Let me get the spit off my face.
Or maybe it's too late. You better make a separate peace because the ticket's been bought, enjoy the ride.

tim maguire said...

Francisco D said...I suspect that there are some men in women's bodies and vice versa. However, that is a tiny fraction of the current transgender craze.

I am often reminded of the observation that the best predictor of whether a teenager will come out as transgender is whether they have a friend who is trans.

You are almost certainly correct that for a vast majority of trans people, it is a temporary lark or curiosity (or attention-seeking by the parent). There is unlikely to be a physiological basis for the phenomenon for any but the relative handful of people with genetic disorders that cause misformed genitals (ex., hermaphrodites).

mockturtle said...

Rosa Marie Yoder asks: The book of Romans has weighed heavily on my mind this week. Has God given up on the United States of America?

Sadly, the United States of America has given up on God. Thankfully, Christ died to save individuals and not nations.

D 2 said...

... It must be a common movie or tv comedic thing .... where one guy is all like "Hmm i don't think this is the right thing to do..." and the second guy is like "shut up fool" and then it escalates and the second guy keeps telling the first guy he's an idiot or a jerk or whatever and then in the end, when things start getting really out of hand, the second guy looks over and says: hey, why not lend a hand here buddy?"

So NOW you want my input? (Laugh track)

Michael K said...

I don't think they are really worried about the health of the baby

Yes. Good observation. Will the insanity ever end ? I don;t know.

Ken B said...

A long held theory of where babies came from believed women produced semen. This was not a fringe belief, Leeuwenhoek believed it.

Speculation is not proof. Speculation can be useful, suggestive, fun. But it is not proof.

gilbar said...

BleachBit-and-Hammers said...
Kids need moms. Real moms. If that makes me an asshole, I really do not care.

"Dicks, pussies and assholes" speech - Team America

gilbar said...

a fantastical county he called Rationalia, in which every law had to be supported by the best scientific evidence.

The BEST Scientific evidence, can give NO REASON WHY humans should exist
The BEST Scientific evidence, can give NO REASON WHY. At Best, Science can tell you HOW

gilbar said...

“I just thought, ‘How cool if it would work!’” Mr. Bengtsson said. “Just imagine the extraordinary consequences it could have for our society.”

You know, When Edward Teller thought these EXACT thoughts; a LOT of people dissed him for it

Ken B said...

Tyson would abandon Rationalia if the latest evidence showed that the death penalty is a deterrent.

Wince said...

Hair in the baby's food!

But it's never too early to learn good flossing habits!

narciso said...

there's also 2 thessalonians, and 2 timothy, the former reminds me of that Brazilian series apocalipsis, about the rise of the 'man of perdition' the rapture has happened, he has not revealed himself yet, the temple is being built, (contra paul's metaphorical treatment)

Unknown said...

What the fuck is wrong with these people.

effinayright said...

Browndog said...
A new study just released showed that 95% of all baby food in the U.S. contains high levels of heavy metals (Lead, arsenic, aluminum).


"Heavy metals are defined as metallic elements that have a relatively high density compared to water [1]. With the assumption that heaviness and toxicity are inter-related, heavy metals also include metalloids, such as arsenic, that are able to induce toxicity at low level of exposure [2]"

Aluminum is not a heavy metal. Iron is, but so what---it's essential to human life, as are trace amounts of others.


"It has been reported that metals such as cobalt (Co), copper (Cu), chromium (Cr), iron (Fe), magnesium (Mg), manganese (Mn), molybdenum (Mo), nickel (Ni), selenium (Se) and zinc (Zn) are essential nutrients that are required for various biochemical and physiological functions [12]. Inadequate supply of these micro-nutrients results in a variety of deficiency diseases or syndromes [12]"

So, How about some more details. *Which* heavy metals? How the concentrations?

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

... a peer-reviewed case report confirmed that a transgender woman, assigned male at birth, [who] was able to breastfeed her child after she was put on a regimen of hormonal drugs.....

I'll lay money that this same transwoman goes out of her way to buy organic hormone free dairy products at the supermarket.

Bay Area Guy said...

These mentally ill males and their leftwing enablers both deserve a fierce bout of menstrual cramps.

Seeing Red said...

There was an article about a woman completing her transition to a man while pregnant.

That is horrifying. What a selfish person.

Peer-reviewed: I read it, sounds good to me.

Men’s bodies are changing to women. I think it’s 60 years of birth control hormones in the water causing changes.

Show me the science either way. Plus all the antibiotics.

mockturtle said...

North speculates: I'll lay money that this same transwoman goes out of her way to buy organic hormone free dairy products at the supermarket.

They do. I often see them in my natural foods market.

vanderleun said...

"“I just thought, ‘How cool if it would work!’” Mr. Bengtsson said. “Just imagine the extraordinary consequences it could have for our society.”"

In the fullness of time, and not THAT far away, this amused fellow and his ilk will be composted.

narciso said...

you're not going to get it from that study, it mentions the elements,

walter said...

Put man boobs to work!

n.n said...

The transgender spectrum ("rainbow") classifies states and/or processes of divergent physical and/or mental attributes ("gender") correlated with sex.

So now your gay man is like this: "I'm having sex with a woman. She's got breasts and a vagina. I got to call her a woman. She's a woman now. Holy shit, I'm having sex with a woman. I'm a straight man. What the fuck?"

This may explain the phobic response of transgender/homosexuals to transgender/neo-sexuals and the "separate but equal" treatment of transgender/bisexuals.

n.n said...

I don't think they are really worried about the health of the baby

Social progress, perhaps social justice, and, ostensibly, "noble cause" corruption. As for babies... fetuses, colorful clumps of cells, sometimes profitable parts, interchangeable, disposable, recyclable, when she, or he, is deemed a life unworthy of life. Deja vu.

chuckR said...

An absolutist position is warranted. Here is mine. 1) Parents who facilitate or encourage transgenderism in their minor children are guilty of child abuse. 2) Woke people who are not MDs or related researchers should STFU. They have no standing. 3) MDs who mess with the endocrine system or surgically mutilate an otherwise healthy body are guilty of medical malpractice.

Rosalyn C. said...

nn said: "... This may explain the phobic response of transgender/homosexuals to transgender/neo-sexuals and the "separate but equal" treatment of transgender/bisexuals."

Maybe there is also a recognition that the homosexual liberation/coming out movement has been co-opted by other forces which have nothing at all to do with the acknowledgement that males/females can and do contain a multitude of expressions. Remember when we thought being progressive meant accepting that women could like masculine type activities and men could like feminine type activities? What we have now are young children deciding that if they are strongly attracted to the opposite sex preferences they should alter their physical bodies to conform to those gender stereotypes. In fact the transgender movement tends to be regressive because its emphasis is on how a person "presents" in society, one's appearance determining if that person is seen as male or female.

There is also the strange phenomenon where biological men with feminine preferences who transition to transwomen would rather appear as masculine women than express themselves as very feminine males. Likewise we see biological females with masculine preferences who transition to transmen choosing to appear as feminine males rather than masculine females. IOW the patriarchy still wins -- being masculine is better than being feminine. Gays and lesbians would tend to most sensitive to this irony as it negates their existential being, imo, but very very few are willing to discuss this openly because our leftist dominated political culture and the LGBTQ lobby does not allow this discussion.

mockturtle said...

I agree with chuckR's 1:48 absolutes. We're in a technological era in which, if something CAN be done, no matter how reprehensible, someone believes he MUST do it. Mary Shelley revisited. These experiments will not end well.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Intreagued? No. Disgusted? Yes.

Jamie said...

Re: N. D. Tyson abandoning Rationalia the second any scientific evidence indicated that the death penalty had a deterrent effect - he abandoned Rationalia *within that very interview,* when it was pointed out to him that scientific evidence indicated beyond any shadow of reasonable doubt that healthy and genetically normally formed humans comprise two and only two sexes. (I'm not trying to negate the feelings of anyone - but to pretend that your feelings magically transform you into a different physical being, or that putting on a semi-permanent full-body costume turns you into the being you're portraying, is definitely not scientifically supported.)

Tyson took refugee in the "why do we even care? Anyway, it's sociology, so let it go" thing, which is fine as far as it goes, but how much public policy is sociology? If you can only make laws with scientific evidence, as in his Rationalia, you end up with results that WILL NOT please the Left. Including the scientifically minded Left.

They wouldn't please there Right either, but we already know that and largely reject the premise that science is the only "logical" basis for laws to consider.

BUMBLE BEE said...

They've got the Josef Mengele thing goin on in spades. Again, why no data on trans suicides? Moral behavior? How much of these "hormones" wind up in the water fable?