October 12, 2019

"Parenting in 2050."

ADDED: Overheard at Meadhouse:
Did you like that?

There's something about it that I find off-putting.

There's something about it that I find on-putting.

Okay, puddin'.


Meade said...

OH MY GOD! Did I just call you "puddin?"

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Yeah, pretty much.

Fernandinande said...

"Puddin'" is an Cosby-based inside joke around here.

Video: the boy is the father of the man and vice-versa?

reader said...

It needed a ,”Riddle me this Batman.”

Bob Boyd said...

Now I want some puddin'...okay, some more puddin'.

Bob Boyd said...

OH MY GOD! Did I just call you "puddin?"

In public.

daskol said...

Is he raising a clone because he had hard luck finding a woman?

Kevin said...

I don't like how it copies the style and even some of the rhythm of the dialog and editing from Ryan George's "Pitch Meetings."

Maybe there is something else that both are copying, but I don't know it if so.

Mr. Majestyk said...

I found that quite amusing.

bagoh20 said...

Kids today are ruining their brand. Sales are gonna keep dropping unless they make the product more user-friendly.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

More and more I keep getting flashes of Denis Leary's character in Demmoliton Man:

I've seen the future, you know what it is? It's a 47-year-old virgin sittin' around in his beige pajamas, drinking a banana-broccoli shake singing "I'm an Oscar-Meyer Wiener".

gilbar said...

In 2050; won't we All be speaking Arabic? Or, Mandarin?

Joan said...

Kevin, that was my reaction, too: Hey, you're ripping off Pitch Meeting Guy!

But if it had actually been Pitch Meetin Guy, I would've liked it more. The script was pretty tight.