September 6, 2019

"'What I said was accurate!': Trump stays fixated on his Alabama error"/"Trump’s Sharpie-doctored hurricane map belongs in the Smithsonian."

Those are 2 headlines, both on the front page of The Washington Post, but not right next to each other.

I'm putting them side by side for humorous effect. Because: Who's fixated? Trump or the anti-Trump press?

Trump is hitting back, which is what he always does, and which the anti-Trump press likes to portray as mentally ill and unpresidential. (They're "fixated" on that characterization of Trump.)

So Trump hasn't dropped it — the subject of the Alabama-inclusive line on a map about the hurricane — but the press has also not dropped it. They seem to think it's a category-5 big deal. And now here's a WaPo column — it's by Eugene Robinson — portraying it as a monumental object worthy of display in the Smithsonian Museum.

So how is Trump "fixated"? He's just declining to sit back and take the beating like a turn-the-other-cheek Christian, in the manner of George W. Bush, who presided over the press's  Golden Age of Unanswered Attacks.


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Drago said...

National Hurricane Center twitter feed, Sep 2, 5am.

Clearly, the impacts to Alabama that were identifed on Aug 29 were identified again on Sep 2.

(Checking Calendar) hmmmm, yes, yes. It DOES appear that Sep 2 falls AFTER Sep 1.


JAORE said...

Wow! This is just like the two-scoops scoop.


Jason said...

Here's an animated series of the Tropical Storm Force Wind Probabilities chart. That's the graphic Trump saw that Chucktard is wholly ignorant of. Because his understanding of the issues involved is only CNN-deep.

The Chattahoochie had already flooded early this year, putting parts of the Columbus GA Riverwalk underwater. Though thankfully, Ranger Joe's, the Platinum Club and the Stop Light Inn were spared.

You can freeze the animation at any point. And you can see that all weekend and all through the 1st - the day Trump sent his tweet, the Chattahoochie River Valley was still facing a 10-30% probability of TS force winds, and had been for days... and anybody who's not an absolute idiot (sit down, Chuckles... you're not in that group) knows that you can still get some serious rain even if winds don't rise to TS levels.

If you pause the graphic at 5 and 8AM on the 2nd, though, you can still see green ink over the Chattahoochie.

Hey, UpChuck! Better put some ice on that.

Drago said...

JAORE: "Wow! This is just like the two-scoops scoop.


This is similar to LLR Chuck's pecan pie embarrassment (he is incapable of embarrassment, but everyone else saw it).

Which was similar to his racist attacks on Ben Carson.

Which was similar to his SDNY lies.

Which was similar to....(you get the idea)

Admitted Smear Merchants gotta go all Smear Merchant-y

Beasts of England said...

’I really don't care about you, or anything else associated with you.’


Jason said...

Chuck being told by an informed commenter that he's looking at the wrong product proceeding to triple down by reposting the wrong product once again = lulz. :D

bagoh20 said...

Trump's map was tracking the Trumpicane, which is definitely coming to Alabama.

Drago said...

Jason: "Chuck being told by an informed commenter that he's looking at the wrong product proceeding to triple down by reposting the wrong product once again = lulz. :D"

It really is awesome, isn't it?

With readering and all the rest of the lefties coming to LLR Chuck's defense!

It's absolutely perfect.

Just like TitleistGate and PecanPieGate, our noted racist poster Chuck will not be recovering from this latest episode anytime soon.

My prediction?

I'm glad you asked.

I predict LLR Chuck will immediately revert to Eddie Haskell mode to suck up to Althouse and then send her another series of plaintive missives begging her to protect him from others noticing what a dope he is.

Too late of course. Far too late....

Mark said...

Not that hard to use this thing called Google to find plenty of stories dated late August showing a possible storm track going directly over Orlando or Tallahassee and headed straight toward Alabama. The stories indicate that such projections were on the outer edge, but still they opened up sandbag stations in Tallahassee just in case.

Drago said...

I can almost hear LLR Chuck sweating over his computer, fingers typing furiously, hoping against hope that the NHC maps on Aug 29 and Sep 2 do NOT show what they clearly show.

tsk tsk tsk

One almost feels sorry for the tot. Like watching a video of a wounded wildebeast wandering aimlessly into the lions pride land.

Drago said...

Mark: "The stories indicate that such projections were on the outer edge, but still they opened up sandbag stations in Tallahassee just in case."

Everybody remembers storms that were supposed to head up the florida coast and instead crossed over Florida and entered the gulf and then making landfall on the southern coast of the US.

Only a fool doesn't prepare.

Jim at said...

And by Monday, the idiots on the left will be screaming about something else.

It's not working, assholes.

Mark said...

From the Montgomery (Alabama) Advertiser --

Will Hurricane Dorian hit Alabama? Here's what we know and how you can track the storm
Ashley Trawick, USA TODAY NETWORK Published 5:51 p.m. CT Aug. 30, 2019 | Updated 9:08 p.m. CT Aug. 30, 2019

Just a few months after a tornado killed 23 people in Lee County, Alabama now faces the possibility of Hurricane Dorian, which is currently making its way to the East Coast.

The question begs: will Hurricane Dorian hit Alabama?

Here's what we know. . . .

(Story then features tweet from AL National Guard @AlabamaNG

#HurricaneDorian is projected to reach southern Alabama by the early part of the week. We are watching closely and #ready to act. Are you?)

Drago said...


Trump Re-election Campaign selling Official Donald Trump Fine Point Markers in 5 marker sets!!

Oh Chuck, President (yes, PRESIDENT) Trump is making even more money off your laughable angst!!

Seriously, I just might be getting a bit winded from all the winning....but I suspect my second wind will kick in soon and I'll be right as rain.

Drago said...

Will the DJT Official Marker sets be available via Amazon thru the Althouse portal?

That would be even better.

Who is gonna cough up $15 to send LLR Chuck a set? Although certainly he could afford his own since he charges upwards of $Eleventeen gazillion dollars/hour for his very valuable legal and political advisory services.

No wonder he has enough cash on hand to keep Morgan Fairchild in such high cotton.

Beasts of England said...

Look, y’all - Chuck took his carefully selected data, his preferred narrative, and then - using his own static analysis - weaved them into his truth. Isn’t he at least entitled to his own truth?

pious agnostic said...

Mark at 9/6/19, 1:18 PM

I'm more concerned about the improper use of "begs the question"

Jim at said...

He is boring, obsessive, predictable and not very bright. Scrolling is also your friend.

Exactly. I only catch snippets of people responding to his idiocy. But he does need an avatar.

Drago said...

Beasts: "Isn’t he at least entitled to his own truth?"

Fair enough. Can't Chuck just eat his waffle?...

Andrew said...

Trump campaign now selling official markers (as Drago just mentioned) = reason number a million why I love this man.

There's more fun here:

Jon Ericson said...

Here Chuck, use this for your avatar

Or maybe you would prefer

Beasts of England said...

The only way the Official Trump Marker troll could be any better is if they’re made in China!! 😜

Skippy Tisdale said...

"No, Jason. I trust the Birmingham NWS office over you."

Shoter Chuck: "I always trust those southern redneck, hayseed hicks!"

rehajm said...
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rehajm said...

Chuck? Chuck?

He's gone, like his narrative. Maybe next thread...

Chuck said...

Skippy Tisdale said...
"No, Jason. I trust the Birmingham NWS office over you."

Shoter Chuck: "I always trust those southern redneck, hayseed hicks!"

I trust the Birmingham NWS office because they were right. And Trump was wrong. It was a flat out beautiful weather week in Alabama.

Bruce Hayden said...

“The Chuck and Inga show. Why I go to the cafe posts but none last night”

I really did miss having a cafe post last night. Had some questions, then today some more stuff on seemingly favorite topic - SpyGate. It wasn’t that long ago that I though that cafe or ONT comment threads were silly. Now, I go through withdrawal when Ann doesn’t put one up.

Beasts of England said...

’I trust the Birmingham NWS office because they were right. And Trump was wrong. It was a flat out beautiful weather week in Alabama.’

Post hoc rationalization - the cornerstone of logic!! 🤣

Drago said...

LLR Chuck still refusing to address the National Hurricane Center projections.


Because of course he is.

You can just picture Chuckie wandering over to the NHC twitter account and finding the projections referenced by Trump and others and then cursing to himself but then figuring, ah, what the heck, lets just pretend my earlier lies are meaningless and "Move On".

Too funny.

SharpieGate joins PecanPieGate and FeedingTheGoldFishGate and CollusionGate and TitleistGate and HoaxDossierGate and TrumpDestroyingObamaMagicalDream-PerfectEconomyGate etc etc etc!!

Jason said...

Just when I think Chuckle couldn't possibly be any dumber, he finds a new and innovative path to stupid.

Drago said...

Jason: "Just when I think Chuckle couldn't possibly be any dumber, he finds a new and innovative path to stupid."

There was a time when Inga/FrankiM was clearly the dumbest lefty on the boards, but these days there is no question LLR Chuck is valiantly wrestling that moniker from her.

In Inga's defense, she has been posting less often than before (you know, all that Mueller disappointment and unpleasantness) so Inga has wisely reduced her moronic commentary to merely 100% of her actual comments which appear only 50% as often.

A "clever" strategem.

Drago said...

In other news certain to devastate LLR Chuck, wildly far left and stupid Think Progress, one of Chuck's primary "go to" sources for information and talking points, finally ran out of others people's money and shut down this week.

A moment of silence if you please for this difficult loss for Chuck along with the loss of the potential of hundreds of deaths from Dorian that Chuck was counting on to launch Operation Re-invigorate Bush/Katrina Blame Game.

Thoughts and prayers Chuck. Thoughts and prayers.

Drago said...

Anybody catch the latest economic news?

Apparently Chuck and Inga missed Hurricane Create Jobs and Raise Wages, which is apparently hitting the entire country!!

Rising wages again? Under Trump? Accelerated even? My goodness, that's gonna send LLR Chuck back into therapy!

Drago said...

Do you really want to see Chuck's head explode?

Somebody ask him if obama and his minions really did spy on Trump!


Chuckie spent about a year going full PecanPie/Sharpie-gate on that one and then, suddenly, he never ever addressed it again.


Almost like something happened......

Michael K said...

In Inga's defense, she has been posting less often than before

Also ARM gave up the ghost about the time the Hoax was collapsing.

And who was that crazy woman who hated doctors ?

Of course Penguin appeared not long after ARM disappeared. Hmmm.

BudBrown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pookie Number 2 said...

I spend some of my professional life looking at The Hurricane Center’s maps. The one that Wile E. Chuckyote misinterpreted explicitly says that “hazardous conditions can occur outside the cone”.

One wonders whether Chuck will take a minute away from criticizing Trump’s stubborn-ness to admit his own mistake. (One really doesn’t wonder. Malignant racists like Chuck aren’t much into integrity.)

Nichevo said...

Beasts of England said...
’How much clearer can this be?’

If that’s directed to me, I’ve only asked for clarification about the NWS in Birmingham outranking the National Hurricane Center. I haven’t received that.

9/6/19, 12:44 PM

Where are everybody's instincts? Perhaps someone at Birmingham NWS was an Obama appointee or SJW studies graduate. Who, whom.

Beasts of England said...

From the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), which oversees the National Weather Service (NWS) and the National Hurricane Center (NHC):

’From Wednesday, Aug. 28, through Monday, Sept. 2,the information provided by NOAA and the National Hurricane Center to President Trump and the wider public demonstrated that tropical-storm-force winds from Hurricane Dorian could impact Alabama. This is clearly demonstrated in Hurricane Advisories #15 through #41, which can be viewed at the following link,” the agency said in an email to “The Birmingham National Weather Service’s Sunday morning tweet spoke in absolute terms that were inconsistent with probabilities from the best forecast products available at the time.’

Game, set, and match, President Trump. Sucks to be Chuck.

Chuck said...


I saw that NOAA advisory about Birmingham NWS’s Trump-pushback Tweet go up.

NOAA, acting as an arm of the Trump Administration. This is gonna be a good fight. I will want to hear exactly who at Birmingham NWS put out their tweet, and all of the background info, and the rest of all of the NWS info that led the Birmingham office to put it out, and the detailed meaning of the NOAA press release.

It’s really been a gorgeous week in Alabama.

Drago said...

Its funny watching LLR Chuck desperately wish away the National Hurricane Center's warnings for Southern Alabama on both Aug 29th and Sep 2nd.


As with Chuck's laughably absurd assertion that obama gave us a dream economy, Chuck's defiance in the face of irrefutable facts which are available for all to see will live forever.

And I intend to remind him of it for as long as Reid Hoffman keeps Chuck assigned to Althouseblog.

Beasts of England said...

’NOAA, acting as an arm of the Trump Administration.’


Holy fuck, dude. Get a hold of your emotions and quit being such a pussy.

Drago said...

Chuck's latest failure is even funnier than Bloody-Eyed Biden The Pirate forgetting that obambi was the "last" President before Trump, not Bush which happened just today!!

Hey Chuck, whaddya gonna do once your preferred candidates racist deadbeat dad Walsh and Sleepy Creepy drop out of the race?

Too funny.

Drago said...

Beasts: "Holy f***, dude. Get a hold of your emotions and quit being such a pussy."


Just sit back and enjoy it, like me!

Beasts of England said...

’Just sit back and enjoy it, like me!’

I’m enjoying it a bunch, Drago!! And in about twenty minutes, I’ll be enjoying this lovely Alabama weather and an even lovelier Alabama babe out on my boat... 😎

Birkel said...

Well done, you Beast!

narciso said...

lol, they probably used the weather satellite from superman 3,

Chuck said...


Qwinn said...

LOL... I'm dying here... Chuck spends four days wasting our time about how lame Trump is for not being able to admit when he's wrong... and then...

"I will want to hear exactly who at Birmingham NWS put out their tweet, and all of the background info, and the rest of all of the NWS info that led the Birmingham office to put it out, and the detailed meaning of the NOAA press release."

As if ANY response to ANY of that could possibly move Chuck to admit *he* was wrong.

We're still waiting for Chuck to apologize to all the people he called insane conspiracy theorists for agreeing with Trump that Obama spied on Trump Tower.

Mark said...


Be our guest. Go file all the requests. Get back to us in 8-9 months when they respond.

This is of the highest priority. Work night and day on it.

Jeff said...

This is the proof that the NOAA was, in fact, saying that Alabama was in some danger at the time that Chuck insists Trump should have known that it was not.

Chuck, you've lost. Get a life, already.

jim said...

Face it, the man's crazy.

readering said...

This crazy incident is delicious because anyone can understand POTUS altering government hurricane forecast map with a sharpie. When it's agreed he's lost it people will look back on this week.

Fen said...

"I’ll be enjoying this lovely Alabama weather and an even lovelier Alabama babe out on my boat"

The world can't be this small... but is "Days" part of your boat's name?

Fen said...

"This crazy incident is delicious because anyone can understand POTUS altering government hurricane forecast map with a sharpie. When it's agreed he's lost it people will look back on this week."

LOL. How many more of your Alternate Realities need to fizzle out before you guys figure out it's YOU who are out of sync?

I think about half the Dems need to be put in mental institutions.

gilbar said...

readering said...

Dream on.

Jason said...

The AP headline is a lie. NOAA did not reverse itself.

But Democrats now trotting our public employee union heads on this subject is hilarious.

readering said...

Sharpie is ridiculous.

jaydub said...

I hate to beat a dead blog post to death, but I have personal info on what NOAA was thinking up to and including 31 Aug. My ex-NOAA meteorologist brother-in-law and his NOAA friends were still discussing on his blog the possibility of a Western Dorian exit from Florida on the 30th because some of the models showed that. They all live near the NOAA facility in Southern MS, so they pay very close attention to what's headed their way. When I asked him on the 30th whether I should worry about my condo in Gulf Shores, AL he said he would give me an update on Saturday, the 31st because the models should be coming into agreement by then. The update on the 31st was the first time they all agreed on a sharp northward turn. At that time, the models all agreed that Dorian was going to split the state up the middle heading north, and didn't start to drift to the East until the Bermuda high started to wane and the jet stream started to drop South.

Bottom line is if Trump thought Dorian might be heading into the Gulf toward Alabama on or before 31 August, then he was thinking what the NOAA folks, or most of them, were also thinking as well. I wasn't following what the "sharpie" thing was about because I recognized it as BS from the start. Bottom line 2, Chuck is insane.

Meade said...

Chuck, Skylark said you are blinded by your hatred for Trump. He's right and you're wrong.

readering said...

Chuck not blinded by Trump hatred but by all the crap he takes in the comments. He's low vibration it appears,unfortunately.

Chuck said...

So this is legitimately interesting from jaydub:

jaydub said...
I hate to beat a dead blog post to death, but I have personal info on what NOAA was thinking up to and including 31 Aug. My ex-NOAA meteorologist brother-in-law and his NOAA friends were still discussing on his blog the possibility of a Western Dorian exit from Florida on the 30th because some of the models showed that. They all live near the NOAA facility in Southern MS, so they pay very close attention to what's headed their way. When I asked him on the 30th whether I should worry about my condo in Gulf Shores, AL he said he would give me an update on Saturday, the 31st because the models should be coming into agreement by then. The update on the 31st was the first time they all agreed on a sharp northward turn. At that time, the models all agreed that Dorian was going to split the state up the middle heading north, and didn't start to drift to the East until the Bermuda high started to wane and the jet stream started to drop South.

So I don't know how to grade the veracity of that, but I think I like it. As of Aug. 31 there was a rapidly decreasing possibility of Dorian crossing Florida and moving to the gulf side.

As of September 1, when Trump tweeted and when Birmingham NWS corrected him, the possibility was nil. And Birmingham NWS knew it better than Trump did. And if Trump had instead had his people check with Birmingham NWS they could have done a corrective, informative tweet and would have been done with it. But psychopath Trump would not do it that way.

So jaydub goes on:

Bottom line is if Trump thought Dorian might be heading into the Gulf toward Alabama on or before 31 August, then he was thinking what the NOAA folks, or most of them, were also thinking as well. I wasn't following what the "sharpie" thing was about because I recognized it as BS from the start. Bottom line 2, Chuck is insane.

This I think is incorrect. NOAA explains the president as having apparently worked off of charts that were available to the public. As if the president was understandably mistaken because he did not know what Birmingham NWS knew.

And because jaydub did not follow "the 'sharpie' thing," jaydub missed Trump's saying, "I don't know, I don't know, I don't know," to the question of how the Sharpie mark got on the Oval Office chart. And I expect that jaydub missed the small handful of equally-dumb verbal statements made by Trump on September 1 and 2.

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