September 25, 2019

The transcript is released.

Read it here (at NBC).

I haven't read it yet, but I see the line that NBC cherry-picked — presumably the most damning thing — is "I heard you had a prosecutor who was very good and he was shut down, which is really unfair."

Here's the mention of Biden (click to enlarge and sharpen):

Ah! So what Trump was talking about was the way Biden "stopped the prosecution" and "went around bragging about it." Trump wanted Ukraine to look into Biden's interference with an investigation into Biden’s son. [Correction made: I’d originally written “investigation into Ukraine.” Sorry for the confusion!]


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Rabel said...

Zelensky speaks fluent English.

readering said...

I feel doubly conflicted. Biden one of two Democratic candidates I cannot not see myself punching hole for (three if Clinton actually jumped in). But he is unfairly and (ineffectively) smeared by Trump and others. (E.g., he bragged about getting universally reviled, corrupt prosecutor fired, not any investigation affecting his son canceled). And I believe POTUS should be removed from office, but VP would be a much more effective executive for policies I oppose. (But maybe he'll be implicated in Ukraine. Better chance than his predecessor.)

Milwaukie guy said...

It's Crowdstrike, dammit.

Sebastian said...

"she might actually be able to win such a vote denying an impeachment inquiry"

But what if subversive Republicans, taking a page from Trump's playbook turning negativity into positivity, would vote for an impeachment investigation, just to expose the absurdity of the Dems?

readering said...

From the very stable genius just now:

“I own something called the Miss Universe pageant years ago. Sold it to IMG. When I ran for president, I thought maybe it wouldn’t be the greatest thing to own the Miss Universe and Miss USA pageant. It’s a great thing. We had a winner from Ukraine. We’ve really had — we got to know the country very well in different ways. It’s a country that I think with tremendous potential.”

Ken B said...

Laslo is right. Which of these words have earned the death penalty? I think it's “bragging”.

Firing squad or hanging?

Limited blogger said...

I think I posted this in wrong thread... I asked...

Where is the 'UNCLASSIFIED' stamp kept, Who gets to smash it down on the docs, and why didn't they get a fresh ink pad for this big moment?

readering said...

More from the very stable genius:

“That was during the Obama Administration that you lost Crimea. I didn’t think it was something that you should have, but that was done a long time ago. I think it was handled poorly. But it’s just one of those things. One of the elements that we discussed is the United States helps Ukraine.”

But do me a favor . . . .

Kay said...

If Biden and the Donald both committed the same crime, then it’s only fair that they should both be allowed to get away with it.

FullMoon said...

Haha!. I see the usual Aholes here have got there talking points from the crooked democrats. Following right along like this guy on twitter responding to KimStrassel laying out the stupidity of the left.

"Jon Talotta
Replying to
This is just tribal spin. That document is a summary, not a transcript. It could not be more clear that Trump is pushing Zelensky to investigate Biden. This is the best they could do to sanitize the call. And it still stinks."

Brian said...

Isn't Pelosi in a pickle here?

If the house doesn't vote for articles of impeachment the DNC fails and Trump heralds it as a exoneration.

If the house does vote for articles of impeachment the Senate fails to convict and Trump heralds it as an exoneration.

Either way this is Pelosi's fault.

And don't get me started with other options. Trump isn't going to do a Nixon and resign. He wouldn't resign even if he shot someone on 5th avenue.

And you aren't going to get 22 Republican senators to vote to remove. Any republican that did would be throwing away their seat. With 91% approval rating among Republicans, voting to remove Trump is political suicide for any Republican Senator. Even with Pence taking office afterwards.

I think she was forced into this by her caucus, hence the modified limited hangout of official impeachment inquiry. But she wants this to go away sooner rather than later.

The whistle blower testifying has Mueller 2.0 written all over it.

jaydub said...

I was surfing around the various media sites trying to get a perspective on the direction the spin is taking, and I was amazed to find them not just spinning, but enthusiastically wallowing in excrement like pigs with no thought of the effort it will eventually take to clean off the stench. Rudy is out front, all over the tube, laughing his ass off because he knows what's coming, so I suspect it's going to be a lot of fun. That is not to imply the media or the Dems will ever admit any mistakes, but because they are being so transparent and illogical that the ones who count - the 10% or so of voters who are truly independent and who will decide the next election - are sure to reject the fecal sandwich being served up. These people have no clue how poorly this farce is playing in Peoria.

readering said...

Jim at: Here's the address for someone else explaining things from that memo of the phone call:

Tomcc said...

It certainly looks innocuous, but as mentioned above, it's not a transcript. At least not THE transcript.

readering said...

Address for fair summary from Brit press ("favour"):

Birkel said...


Assume for a second that Nancy Pelosi is not an idiot. (I believe that to be true.)
Then assume she still believed this was her best move.
Pelosi thought this garbage accusation that could be disproven the next day was the thing.
The thing to hang impeachment!?!
This assumes the benefit to Pelosi was small and she knew it would be small.

Therefore, Pelosi is trying to AVOID a harm.

And I ask you, dear readers, how big does the hopes-to-be-avoided harm have to be in order for Pelosi to attempt this ludicrous thing?
How bad must bad be, in order to consider this better?

PREDICTION: Worse than a curmudgeon like me could even dream.

gilbar said...

so, Which is More Disturbing?
That the supposedly non-partisan, "objective" media is Actively working to bring down a President?
Or, that the GOVERNMENT is Actively helping them?

One way, or the other; i guess it's For the Best:
People need to get over this crazy notion of thinking that The People have any power over The Powers That Be

readering said...

What's the deal with Crowdstrike (NASDAQ: CRWD)?

Marc in Eugene said...

This 'scandal' is an improvement compared to the last one because at least there isn't anyone urinating on anybody else.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Adam Schiff tweeted out a TOTAL LIE
and put the lie in quotes.

Here it is:

Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif, tweeted that "The transcript of the call reads like a classic mob shakedown: — We do a lot for Ukraine — There’s not much reciprocity — I have a favor to ask — Investigate my opponent — My people will be in touch — Nice country you got there. It would be a shame if something happened to her."

Adam Schitt(D) is a disgrace who should be removed from office.
He is a liar.

Lydia said...

Trump: The United States has been very very good to Ukraine. I wouldn’t say that it’s reciprocal necessarily.

Zelenskyy: I would also like to thank you for your great support in the area of defense. We are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps specifically we are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the United States for defense purposes.

Trump: I would like you to do us a favor though.

Nah, not even a hint of a quid pro quo.

Bob Loblaw said...

Haven't we mostly reached the time frame where any SCOTUS replacement won't happen until after the next election?

BUMBLE BEE said...

That such a clearly sphincter child would defame the magnificent "Blues Boy" with such keyboard diarrhea is telling.

gilbar said...

I saw a few minutes ago, on the anti-Trump Website: Drudge Report, a link, saying...
Acting DNI threatened to resign if he couldn't speak to Congress...

I clicked on it, and read for awhile before seeing, that it was about a WaPo article
So, i closed out....
Then, I just Now saw;
Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire denied a report by The Washington Post Wednesday that he had threatened to resign...

“At no time have I considered resigning my position since assuming this role on Aug. 16, 2019,” Maguire said in a statement.

Does anyone remember, back in the olden days? Back when They were young and stupid?
Stupid enough to consider Believing ANYTHING they read in the WaPo?

Ken B said...

I share your cynicism but not your prediction. I think he will choose a minority. The candidate I have in mind is Amul Thapar. Let the Democrats pivot from rejecting Catholics to rejecting a non Christian. With brown skin.

Rick said...

So the Dems best evidence is that Trump opposes the Dems casual corruption.

What do Biden, Hillary, Obama, Warren, Harry Reid, Bernie Sanders (among others) all have in common? Becoming rich working for the government. I'd include Edwards with his UNC sinecure but he was already rich.

The reveal here is not that Dem politicians are corrupt, we've long known that. It's that people who pretend to oppose corruption and misuse their government positions are actively attacking Trump and protecting Biden proving their entire position is a cover for partisanship.

People are actually making the argument we can't prove Biden had the UKR prosecutor fired to protect his son as if Biden has any other reason to care about a prosecutor in a foreign country. If we had journalists in the country instead of Dem Party Public Relations Managers maybe they would look for one other case he intervened in this way. No, not one? Plus he admitted the quid pro quo the left is feverishly claiming as the smoking gun against Trump even though it doesn't exist in that case.

Left wingers are nuts.

Iman said...

The Democrats - including those that comprise 90% of the media - will continue this phony bullschiff, they will not stop. All the good work that Trump, his administration, Ivanka and others have been doing for nearly three years gets no mention in the press. I am so goddamned sick and tired of this and I hope and pray these people bearing false witness will be held accountable in every way possible.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Yancey according to White House protocol there was no recording made. Four national security aides listen and type simultaneously (one from NSA, CIA, DIA and NSC), afterward notes are compared to produce the most accurate transcript of the call. What a system, eh!

Iman said...

MSNBC captures the mood and effectiveness of the TDS media...

tim in vermont said...

Seen on Ace of Spades: “The Russian hoax made them look stupid, this hoax makes them look complicit.”

It’s true. This is about Democrats defending corruption by pissing all over everybody and calling it spring rain.

FullMoon said...

Well, this is interesting..

The completely over-the-top response by a Deep State embed whistleblower and his/her political allies withing the administrative state now makes sense; it had nothing to do with Joe Biden. President Trump asked President Zelenskyy about “Crowdstrike.”

SDaly said...

The transcript is a hoot. Trump bashes Angela Merkel and Macron for being all talk and no action in helping Ukraine, and says that "The former ambassador from the United States, the woman [Victoria Nuland] was bad news and the people she was dealing with in the Ukraine were bad news."

He also says "As you saw yesterday, that whole nonsense ended with a very poor performance by a man named Robert Meuller - a very incompetent performance."


MikeR said...

"A smoking gun." "The beginning of the end." "The walls are closing in."

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

@Craig Howard

did u mean 'CrowdStrike' ?

narciso said...

well that's interesting:

Unknown said...

Here's an article on the situation from 4 years ago - before it became political. The prosecutor was protecting the company on whose board Hunter Biden sat.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Somebody will claim that she said the word nigger at a party when she was a teenager.

She's been seen in full green-face--at night she would apply Mint Masque Julep.

very raciss... who knows how many Aliens she's alienated

Matt Sablan said...

Readering: If *that* is your quid pro quo, then a lot of politicians are going to jail, least of all Biden and Obama, probably you could nab Bush and the Clintons too with that broad of a reading.

tim in vermont said...

Juan Williams just used “Whataboutism” again. How hard it must be to avoid so many on the record facts, but Williams is up to it!

Matt Sablan said...

"It certainly looks innocuous, but as mentioned above, it's not a transcript. At least not THE transcript."

-- Given the weight we're supposed to give pseudo transcripts done by the FBI, I feel this should be given the same.

narciso said...

well there was also devon archer of Seneca, who was associate with a convicted Chinese spy, allen ho, well two years anyway, they had a deal with atlantic, think of them as a tentacle, of the atlantic council, which had a whole host of dodgy donors, huntsman, was the honorary chairman (recently the ambassador to Russia) but its Scowcroft's baby,

Browndog said...

I stayed unplugged today so I didn't have to hear "Impeachment" 40,000 times.

Blogger Michael K said...

The Crowdstrike thing is the biggest news from this. I guess I posted that on Facebook while the Althouses were out for a walk.

Maybe Trump can ask the Ukraine PM to return it so the FBI, not the DC gang, can get a look at it.

DOJ was forced to admit in court filing they do not have, and never saw, unredacted Crowdstrike reports that implicated Wikileaks and Roger Stone in the hacking of the DNC emails.

This is kinda big news,

I have mentioned before, and will again, Crowdstrike is an "on the books" CIA contractor.

tim in vermont said...

"Trump: I would like you to do us a favor though.”

I would like you to help us look into foreign interference in the 2016 election.

Or are we not allowed to investigate this when it’s Democrats doing it?

Democrats are Baghdad Bob on this one! “There are no American tanks rolling directly behind me! Never believe your lying eyes!"

narciso said...

I pointed out the long McIntyre thread, which certainly makes the black hat they pinned on shokin, dubious, and the white hat on kasko, kind of gray,

MD Greene said...

One fun idea would be for AG Barr to offer complete immunity to the whistleblower (something Savanarola Holder never, ever did) and to let that person explain, on camera, the tortured logic by which he or she came up with the accusation.

It would be fun to watch, and the person would remain a hero to his/her colleagues and collect a nice federal pension.

LYNNDH said...

Mark, your an idjt. You damn well know that the released document is all there is. There is not a "transcript" but what 4 (I think or more) CIA agents writing down what was said and then combining them into one document. That is SOP. In case you don't understand SOP it means Standard Operating Procedure.

readering said...

When folks say the Trump administration could not be that incompetent, remember this news report:

“I personally think that sometimes such calls between presidents of independent countries should not be published,” Zelenskiy told Ukrainian media in a briefing in New York that was broadcast in Ukraine. “I just thought that they would publish their part.”

He now has some explaining to do to Merkel and others in Europe . . . .

Michael K said...

Blogger readering said...
Seeing Red: Lots of people are making the case. Here's the address for one:

NeverTrumpers are sounding just like Democrats. I wonder why ?

Rosalyn C. said...

Correction: Latest estimates are that Hunter Biden was paid $83K/month for his service as board member at Ukrainian energy company Burisma.

From WaPo columnist Marc A. Thiessen Democrats’ double standard on Ukraine "It got almost no attention, but in May, CNN reported that Sens. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.), Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.) and Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.) wrote a letter to Ukraine’s prosecutor general, Yuriy Lutsenko, expressing concern at the closing of four investigations they said were critical to the Mueller probe. In the letter, they implied that their support for U.S. assistance to Ukraine was at stake. Describing themselves as “strong advocates for a robust and close relationship with Ukraine,” the Democratic senators declared, “We have supported [the] capacity-building process and are disappointed that some in Kyiv appear to have cast aside these [democratic] principles to avoid the ire of President Trump,” before demanding Lutsenko “reverse course and halt any efforts to impede cooperation with this important investigation.”
Is it okay for Democratic senators to encourage Ukraine to investigate Trump, but not okay for the president to encourage Ukraine to investigate Hunter Biden?

I don't know much about Ukraine but I expect to learn more; seems they are in an awkward position of needing bi-partisan support for US funding.

stevew said...

Is Speaker Pelosi trying to reign in her far left and socialist members?

Michael K said...

readering said...
What's the deal with Crowdstrike (NASDAQ: CRWD)?

You mean you don;'t know ? Or are you bullshitting ?

Crowdstrike is the Democrat outfit that bleachbitted Hillary's server.

Come on. Not even you are that stupid. They are the ones that swore the Russkis hacked the server even though the download time screamed "Thumbdrive!" Seth Rich cannot be reached for comment. Nor can the GW medical resident who was kicked out of ICU when Rich was admitted alive, and maybe talking.

LA_Bob said...

BleachBit-And-Hammers said, "Adam schitt is needs to be removed from office.

I did my part. I voted against him as often as I could. Now he's someone else's rep.

Michael K said...

I see the Althouses are taking a break again.

CWJ said...


Did you compose that cherry picked exchange yourself, because I've read the full exchange and yours is weak, weak, weak, deceptive and weak. If you're simply repeating something you read elsewhere, you're forgiven for drawing your sarcastic conclusion.

Dude1394 said...

Hunter Biden getting 50k/MONTH. His salary was 600K

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Ben Sasse said ...
the idea that we would have foreign nation-states coming into the American electoral process, or the information surrounding an election, is really, really bad.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...


Democrats double standard on Ukraine

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Marc Theisen writes:

"It got almost no attention, but in May, CNN reported that Sens. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.), Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.) and Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.) wrote a letter to Ukraine’s prosecutor general, Yuriy Lutsenko, expressing concern at the closing of four investigations they said were critical to the Mueller probe. In the letter, they implied that their support for U.S. assistance to Ukraine was at stake. Describing themselves as “strong advocates for a robust and close relationship with Ukraine,” the Democratic senators declared, “We have supported [the] capacity-building process and are disappointed that some in Kyiv appear to have cast aside these [democratic] principles to avoid the ire of President Trump,” before demanding Lutsenko “reverse course and halt any efforts to impede cooperation with this important investigation.”

So, it’s okay for Democratic senators to encourage Ukraine to investigate Trump, but it’s not okay for the president to allegedly encourage Ukraine to investigate Hunter Biden?

effinayright said...

Mark said...
Worth noting this is not an official transcript of the call, it is labelled a 'recollection' officially.

So there may be liberties taking in phrasing to make it sound innocuous.

Smart way to get ahead of the actual transcript.

Yeah, that's it --- those transcribers don't transcribe, they recollect.


You're grasping at plastic straws, methinks.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

whistle blower is....

In addition to working for Hillary Clinton and Chuck Schumer, whistle blower attorney Andrew Bakaj also worked for the CIA. He retweets Brennan and brags about running ops to torpedo Trump nominees.

Ray - SoCal said...

Pelosi should ask Putin for a copy of the recording of the call.

I expect the nsa also has a copy.

effinayright said...

Lydia said...
Trump: The United States has been very very good to Ukraine. I wouldn’t say that it’s reciprocal necessarily.

Zelenskyy: I would also like to thank you for your great support in the area of defense. We are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps specifically we are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the United States for defense purposes.

Trump: I would like you to do us a favor though.

Nah, not even a hint of a quid pro quo.

It would have to be an ILLEGAL quid pro quo---otherwise it's a nothingburger.

Ray - SoCal said...

Clinton’s emails

Only the easiest public ones got deleted.

I’m pretty sure there are various copies around. NSA, google, nypd (Weiner laptop), etc. amazing none of these have come out.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

The "whistle-blower" is a Brennan flunky.

Yancey Ward said...

rcocean at 1:46 wins today's internet!

narciso said...

well well:

Temujin said...

There should not be a Democrat left in the House at the end of the 2020 elections.

Nichevo said...

readering said...
What's the deal with Crowdstrike (NASDAQ: CRWD)?

Now you're just being a try-hard.

Quaestor said...

For readering's neddy bene fit, the quid pro quo:

Trump: You give me a non-corrupt reason for firing that prosecutor on Biden's terms and I'll give you aa clear conscience.

Yancey Ward said...

Were there Sharpie marks on that memo? Readering, can you update us from the latest NeverTrump Republicans? Since Chuck got banned, we don't have anyone who read The Bulwark- could you start do that for us?

Bob Loblaw said...

"A smoking gun." "The beginning of the end." "The walls are closing in."

We heard that for eight solid years from 2000-2008. No wonder it merits an eye roll and nothing more.

Yancey Ward said...

Will the whistleblower ever surface? It is really up to the whistleblower- he/she can't really be stopped by anyone. I am guessing he/she quietly retreats after the complaint itself is released later this week- it is one thing to leak a complaint anonymously, but an entirely different matter to step forward and defend it publicly. That the IG has apparently saw fit to point out that the whistleblower has a bias against Trump, this probably means the bias is a completely open, deep, and provable with FEC records and social media posts- it is probably why they weren't doxxed by the media already- it wouldn't serve the purposes of the Democrats.

Jim at said...

But he is unfairly and (ineffectively) smeared by Trump and others. (E.g., he bragged about getting universally reviled, corrupt prosecutor fired, not any investigation affecting his son canceled). - readering

And yet you deem to lecture us on quid pro quo.

Yancey Ward said...

Also, in the betting markets, where people actually have skin in the game, the odds of Trump being impeached dropped precipitously after the transcript was released. Impeachment is over with again- the Democrats will have to find something else.

rehajm said...

All a distraction from the climate hoax?

Browndog said...

It would be cool if you'd just chime in with "comments are closed" so we don't waste our time..just saying.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"Good, because I heard you had a prosecutor who was very good and he was shut down and that’s really unfair. A lot of people are talking about that, the way they shut your very good prosecutor down and you had some very bad people involved. Mr. Giuliani is a highly respected man. He was the mayor of New York City, a great mayor, and I would like him to call you. I will ask him to call you along with the Attorney General. Rudy very much knows what’s happening and he is a very capable guy. If you could speak to him that would be great."

I wonder if Althouse understands yet, she hasn't before, why Rudy is important.

It's because he was a great mayor of a great city that got attacked by terrorists and not only recovered but flourished.

There is a world though where New York becomes the shit its voters demand, and they will get it good and hard, and it won't be a great city anymore. But this is all after Rudy. No honest person can claim otherwise.

iowan2 said...

Mark said...
Worth noting this is not an official transcript of the call, it is labelled a 'recollection' officially.

So there may be liberties taking in phrasing to make it sound innocuous.

Smart way to get ahead of the actual transcript.

According to Fox, there are 4 CIA transcribers. They corroborate each other and produce the only evidence of the conversation.
Your accusation requires we believe the CIA has a political agenda and does what is in their power to advance it. I'm willing to entertain that, but I don't think the deep state wants to go there.

Ken B said...

Readering's NR link is weak tea indeed. Not only does it not convince it isn’t even trying to prove anything nefarious. Ukraine wants US help, and the US wants Ukraine to aid in probing the Russian meddling in 2016. That's the alleged “quid pro quo”. So the phrase is meaningless. “Fire the prosecutor of you don’t get the money” is a pretty direct quid for a pretty direct quo. After all the billion had already been approved in other negotiations. But leaders talking, in general terms too, about what their countries want from each other?

Again: French's claim that there is a bargain here is wrong, and if it were right it would be Trump asking for help probing Russian interference.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"Trump just pulls the mask off the supposedly Machiavellian checkers moves the left try to make (reality: they're nothing more than children's taunts and responses to taunts). It isn't deep strategy. It's just calling their bluff again and again and again."

Interesting. It is deep strategy which is why Trump in on record of talking for running and winning potUS for decades.

Do you feel anyone could just do the simple things Trump has done and just, kinda you know survived?

Because you have no clue what is happening then, and Buwaya is right. Wake up dummy, Trump is all that stands between them and you.

These bluffs are government sponsered (aka unending cash and intelligence) and believed to be totally unbelievably un-believed by the Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. You feel you could stand up to him and his power, just by "calling bluffs" you moron?

You can't see war because war is bad, but your potUS is fighting 8 or 9 on your behalf without so much as a glimmer of understanding on your end.

Even Althouse on jihad can see Trump's once-in-a-lifetime amazing success, but some just think derp derp easy derp derp just call bluffs.

Run for potUS calling bluffs sir, or get behind the fucking winner you think you easily could be.

Baldanders said...

R.J. Chatt said:
"how he managed to collect a salary ($50K or more) for two years for what exactly, nothing?"

Probably worth noting that that seems to have been his _monthly_ salary for a do-nothing job. 50k a year is nothing, but 600k a year starts looking significant for a man of Hunter Biden's stature.

I've never liked Trump much, and I've never thought him much of a 3-D chess player, or a Rope-A-Dope artist. But with enemies like this, who needs friends?

steve uhr said...

Trump tells Z that Barr and Giuliani would be calling him. So instead of Barr working with doj lawyers he teams up with trumps private atty to work with a foreign power to get dirt on Biden. Did Trump tell Barr? Did Barr make the call? If yes what was said? If no, why not?

Baldanders said...

R.J. Chatt said:
"how he managed to collect a salary ($50K or more) for two years for what exactly, nothing?"

Probably worth noting that that seems to have been his _monthly_ salary for a do-nothing job. 50k a year is nothing, but 600k a year starts looking significant for a man of Hunter Biden's stature.

I've never liked Trump much, and I've never thought him much of a 3-D chess player, or a Rope-A-Dope artist. But with enemies like this, who needs friends?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Best Conspiracy Theory Award:

"Trump is gambling that if he shits up Pence enough, they [Republican senators] won't dare break support with him because then the VP goes down, too.

And if that happens, it's President Pelosi."

Gk1 said...

Was at the gym and marveled at the prattling of the CNN talking heads who openly admitted "Ok this is not like the Mueller probe where the president called it a hoax and it didn't deliver. This is different!" (I think it was Gregg Sargeant who said that) They said that out loud and actually admitted that!?!? As near as I could understand their idea of an impeachable offense is the president asking the Ukrainian PM to look into criminal matters. Yet our fearless CNN panel thinks this is an impeachable offense. Have they lost their ever loving minds?

Guildofcannonballs said...

[Correction made: I’d originally written “investigation into Ukraine. Sorry for the confusion!]

This is prog 101 brainwashing: A law prof emeritus corrects herself by writing that?

What does it mean?

Does it mean what I think it should mean if it had been written clearly?

Such as:

[Correction made: I’d originally written 'investigation into Ukraine.' Sorry for the confusion!]

Because if so that makes sense.

---[Correction made: I’d originally written “investigation into Ukraine. Sorry for the confusion!]--- as written makes some sense, but not near the amount of sense my punctuation makes sense-wise.

Michael K said...

Looks like the Althouses took the day off. Good idea.

TreeJoe said...

A few comments here repeating the, "I'd like you to do me a favor..." starting sentence as if it was about Biden.

The full quote is,

"I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike... I guess you have one of your wealthy people... The server, they say Ukraine has it. There are a lot of things that went on, the whole situation. I think you're surrounding yourself with some of the same people. I would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it. As you saw yesterday, that whole nonsense ended with a very poor performance by a man named Robert Mueller, an incompetent performance, but they say a lot of it started with Ukraine. Whatever you can do, it's very important that you do it if that's possible."

So apparently Trump's first priority was addressing Crowdstrike's role in 2016 election interference and election corruption - including the fact the DNC hired crowdstrike to independently assess a hack into their own servers rather than use the FBI.


When Trump got into Biden, here's the actual transcript as the topic was corruption. LOOK AT HOW the Ukrainian President is already aware of the apparent corruption and the company involved...

"The former ambassador from the United States, the woman, was bad news and the people she was dealing with in the Ukraine were bad news so I just want to let you know that. The other thing, There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it... It sounds horrible to me.

President Zelenskyy: I wanted to tell you about the prosecutor. First of all, I understand and I'm knowledgeable about the situation. Since we have won the absolute majority in our Parliament, the next prosecutor general will be 100% my person, my candidate, who will be approved, by the parliament and will start as a new prosecutor in September. He or she will look into the situation, specifically to the company that you mentioned in this issue."

Freaking troubling.

Guildofcannonballs said...

At first I felt "duh that's stupid" but over time, I came to conclude "hey maybe this is just how I feel okay about things." - Working Hard Calculatingly

So I watched Patriot.


Evverything I have ever wished to write, unless it involves my buddy beta3000.

Just makes you feel "damn they are good good good at all aspects of their craft wow" every episode.

Beta and I could write a better Lebowski, and I feel as though I've given enough inspiration that ALL SUCCESS IS MINE, JUST FOR BRINGING IT UP.

So little L is a bowler. Against her mom's vehemently vocal wishes.

That is a start. Just a lil ol grain O' tha salt(s).

Guildofcannonballs said...

I have more reverence for that old guy who knows all, like a fucking wizard, and has all the references that anyone could ever care to look into.

They all, without fail, pan out.

So he is our fantasy character in this game of "hey gimme dat" American politics. My faith in his knowledge being nearly-silently doesn't diminish the power.

I don't mean to fuck with woodpile uncle remus or cause shit, but it will be knowted* that telling everyone to fear crowds is ugly hate. Just really mean-spirited stupidity. Every bit as bad as that 16 year old. Really all the same: WE'RE DOOOMED!

They got science you see, and their science makes them superior, and their science says we're all doomed unless you give them your children, which has happened to an extent, and then your wealth.

Because it should have never been yours to begin with, you stole it. Because you are bad.

*I just feel like I talked some shit I ought to show some honor and coin a term for the bro

Hagar said...

This was a two way conversation and the Ukrainians probably did record their end which Trump and his staff certainly is aware of and also that if such a recording exists it will be leaked.

As for mentioning the Bidens, with Joe Biden being all over the world with that video of him bragging about getting the prosecutor who was investigating his son fired by threatening to withhold a large amount of U.S. aid, it is not unreasonable for Trump to assure the Ukrainian president that his administration is all in favor of U.S. citizens suspected of criminal activities abroad being investigated and charged if found warranted.
The Democrats may not like it, but the response should be to look innocent and ask if they actually are in favor of protecting such miscreants who travel around the world and bring the U.S. into ill repute by their nefarious activities.

DeepRunner said...

Never-Trumpers and Dems (not necessarily the same thing) see what they want. Meh. This is a zero-calorie nothing-burger. If Trump found a cure for cancer, they'd say he didn't do it soon enough.

Mitt is Jeff Flake without the personality or intellect. Nancy is Dracula without the soul. Sad but true.

Hagar said...

The "whistle blower" apparently is not a whistle blower because a whistle blower as defined in the act must have personal knowledge of whatever he wants to blow his whistle about. Hearsay won't cut it.
Furthermore, the act that requires reports of whistle blower statements to be reported to Congress within 7 days refers to reports involving intelligence officials; not the President.
There is, of course, the general requirement that reports of criminal activities by anyone be referred to the Justice Dept. This was done and the Dept. determined that no credible charge of criminal activity was involved and no urgent action required

Guildofcannonballs said...

I think the greatest story in sports is John Daley.

What a golfer.

Next time you win the US Open you can really have a valid opinion.

Like Andy North.

tim in vermont said...

I went to readering’s link, and you know what? David French never touches on why it’s not legitimate for the chief law enforcement officer in the land (duly elected to that position) to look into election meddling coming out the Ukraine.

Maybe readering could try in his own words, since, you know, he is better than us due to his elite education, this would be a good time for him to explain this to us in his own words, or maybe he could link to an article that explains why it is wrong to look into election meddling in 2016?

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Corrupt left attempting to Impeach Trump over Biden family crimes.

Guildofcannonballs said...

So I've got a billion things to say.

Mike S. is the greatest: Thank you Sir.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

We got Trump now

Mike said...

"So what Trump was talking about was the way Biden "stopped the prosecution" and "went around bragging about it.""

Except that's not what he did. He pushed the Ukraine to fire a prosecutor who *wasn't* moving forward with corruption investigations. Trump's understanding of the issue was like his understanding of everything -- based on something he'd heard and half-remembered.

Drago said...

Shorter Uhr, readering and ARM: It's imperative that everyone not see what is right in front of them with the dems and instead conjure up some visions of Trump doing those things instead.

Also, these are not the Crowdstrike droids you've been looking for...

Bay Area Guy said...

@steve uhr;

"Trump tells Z that Barr and Giuliani would be calling him. So instead of Barr working with doj lawyers he teams up with trumps private atty to work with a foreign power to get dirt on Biden. Did Trump tell Barr? Did Barr make the call? If yes what was said? If no, why not? "

I repeat for your edification - 2 years of Mueller investigation, no imprachment - 1 innocuous phone call, impeach?!!?

To uhr is human, to forgive, divine.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

It's OK when The Party does it

Democrats Asked Ukraine To Investigate Trump In 2018

Look at the most corrupt senator in the US Senate. Bob Menendez. He should be in prison. New Jersey voters should feel nothing but shame and disgust over their vote for him.

narciso said...

Except that isnt exactly true:

tim in vermont said...

"He pushed the Ukraine to fire a prosecutor who *wasn't* moving forward with corruption investigations.”

I guess you are allowed your opinion as to what the facts are. Anyway, here are some facts from somebody with a clue:

But Ukrainian officials tell me there was one crucial piece of information that Biden must have known but didn’t mention to his audience: The prosecutor he got fired was leading a wide-ranging corruption probe into the natural gas firm Burisma Holdings that employed Biden’s younger son, Hunter, as a board member.

U.S. banking records show Hunter Biden’s American-based firm, Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC, received regular transfers into one of its accounts — usually more than $166,000 a month — from Burisma from spring 2014 through fall 2015, during a period when Vice President Biden was the main U.S. official dealing with Ukraine and its tense relations with Russia.

The general prosecutor’s official file for the Burisma probe — shared with me by senior Ukrainian officials — shows prosecutors identified Hunter Biden, business partner Devon Archer and their firm, Rosemont Seneca, as potential recipients of money.
- The Hill

effinayright said...

Tomcc said...
It certainly looks innocuous, but as mentioned above, it's not a transcript. At least not THE transcript.

It's not a transcript by a sole transcriber, but of multiple transcribers and others who heard the conversation.

It's not a recording, as many heads of state would object to having their comments recorded and played back to the world.

What happens is: all the participants at our end, and all the listeners---transcribers or not---put their heads together afterwards and look at the transcriptions and what they remembered, and then they isaue the official transcript.

I't NOT a just a "recollection", because the transcribers have their contemporaneous accounts.

Drago said...

Ben Sasse: "the idea that we would have foreign nation-states coming into the American electoral process, or the information surrounding an election, is really, really bad."

In 2016 the dems brought in Russia, the Ukraine, Great Britain, Australia and Italy.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Hagar - exactly. Also, Trump is not an employee at the CIA or FBI. He's the president.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Biden bragged about dirt on Biden because democrats know they operate above the law.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Really, Readering?

Written by the guy who Bill Kristol wanted to run 3rd party against Trump (not Hillary) in 2016?

Guildofcannonballs said...

Kid Rock – My Name Is Rock Lyrics
from album: Early Mornin' Stoned Pimp (1996)
Fly with new blast, get gas
Kid rock some folks thought I'd flew right past
Faded fast, ran outta gas
Here I come again, all back in that ass
No questions, I tell no lies
Rely kid rock is on the rise
Like a sky scraper
I'm back like smack, and so are the vapors
And the papers, cause I'm gonna rhyme
Right, jump right back up into the lime light
And I'm rackin my brain where the pain was
No I got more soul than the train does
Mid western funkin, car pumpin from the amps in the trunkin
Ya can't stop this boy, this time
I'm the real macoy
And you know my name is rock

You know my name is rock (7x)

So hey punk, feel the funk
Feel the wrath of the rock
Non stop, I got a glock in my pants
I don't dance, I sit around
I don't sip 40's, I pound
I been around too long, commin too strong
Kid rock got it goin on
See me, see you, see through, emcee's who knew
Fly like the wind, I hang like a hinge
Been gone like rhymes on a drinkin binge
So don't cringe at the sight of rock
Ya wanna fight the rock, ya gotta fight this glock
And you can say my beats are fake
But it don't mean shit when your gettin paid
Hip-hop, the jam don't stop

You know my name is rock (7x)

I'm the d to the o, p to the d
O to the straight up g see
I been around like jesus layin tracks
But I had to come back, I had to come back
Back from the dead, enough said
Still trippin like fred
Be red, ya got a head full of holes
I got a head full of bowls
I'm the k-i straight from the d, punk
From the home of the b funk
Aint no frontin here, I wont disapear
I'll be around next year
I'm the jiffymack
In the rack, writin off for some ify crack
Last year, this year it's all the same
But you know my name is rock
You know my name is rock (8x)
K-i-d's the name

narciso said...

Yes its a game of telephone, just gossip, what they call in the business d grade material. You need a program to navigate this game but only pete rose is selling

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...


Elizabeth Warren is asked if her ethics plan would allow the son of a Vice President to serve on the board of a foreign company... she says “no.” Then she gets flustered perhaps realizing what she’s saying & says “I don’t know, I’d have to check my plan.”

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Biden Ukraine dealings – 7 essential facts
1. Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, joined the board of Ukrainian energy company Burisma in April 2014, according to RSB bank records. Hunter Biden had little background in energy. Over a 16-month period, Burisma paid $3.1 million to a bank account associated with Hunter’s business.
2. Joe Biden led the Obama administration’s policy toward Ukraine when he served as vice president. Biden helped shape Ukraine’s energy and anti-corruption policies, issues that directly impact Burisma.
3. Burisma sought to capitalize Hunter Biden’s name and relationships. According to The New York Times, Hunter Biden helped assemble the company’s legal team, which consisted of American attorneys and consulting firms, including a former Obama Justice Department official.
4. Burisma is led by an oligarch named Mykola Zlochevsky. Zlochevsky served as ecology minister under pro-Russia former Ukrainian leader Viktor Yanukovich, leading to allegations that he used his office to benefit Burisma.
5. Burisma was under legal scrutiny. Shortly before Hunter Biden was appointed to Burisma’s board, British authorities froze $23 million of Zlochevsky’s assets as part of a corruption investigation. Ukraine opened its own probe later that year.
6. Financial records from Morgan Stanley show numerous lines of money going into the account of “Robert H. Biden.” The funds originated from oligarchs and anonymous LLCs in Ukraine, China, Kazakhstan and elsewhere.
7. In 2013, then-Vice President Biden and his son Hunter flew aboard Air Force Two to China. Ten days later, Hunter Biden’s firm scored a $1.5 billion deal with a subsidiary of the Chinese government’s Bank of China.

effinayright said...

Mike said...
"So what Trump was talking about was the way Biden "stopped the prosecution" and "went around bragging about it.""

Except that's not what he did. He pushed the Ukraine to fire a prosecutor who *wasn't* moving forward with corruption investigations. Trump's understanding of the issue was like his understanding of everything -- based on something he'd heard and half-remembered.


bullshit. Biden said that the one billion would be denied UNLESS the prosecutor was fired.

Biden openly bragged about what he had done. It's on tape that'll be replayed thousands of times in the next few months.

Why would Biden have said the prosecutor had to be fired, if he were already fired?

Are such a fuckwit that you don't know that---or a greater fuckwit for denying that Biden said what he did??

Drago said...

I think its just delightful ARM is finding something to smile about on the heels of this latest democrat self-own.

Unfortunately, I am afraid ARM and pals are going to need quite a few more consolation comfort pics before Trumps admin ends in Jan of 2025.

effinayright said...

Lewis Wetzel said...
Really, Readering?

Written by the guy who Bill Kristol wanted to run 3rd party against Trump (not Hillary) in 2016?

Oh my God!!! --- a quid pro quo, formerly known as negotiating, horsetrading, brokering a deal, or even engaging in Big Power Politics!!!

The fucking POINT is, it wasn't illegal for Trump to make such a request, but it WAS for Biden to demand that a prosecutor lay off his son.

The latter, ladies and gents, is what the Dems kept yammering about during the Mueller probe---it is AN OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE.

Seeing Red said...

Well, Skylark, that was what I was originally hoping, that readering would spell it out.

narciso said...

Im not that old,

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

‘Well, Son of a Bitch’ : Ukraine Scandal Is About Biden

Release of the transcript of President Trump’s call with Ukraine’s new president makes one thing clear — the Democrats are focusing on the wrong guy. They’re trying to use this episode to impeach Mr. Trump. What the conversation shows, though, is that Mr. Trump was enlisting help to do exactly what he had promised to do, drain the swamp. The culprit on whom to focus is Vice President Biden.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

“There’s a lot of talk about Biden’s son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great.”

Vice President Biden, Mr. Trump added, “went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you ·can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me.”

The left think this is a crime.

tim in vermont said...

"the idea that we would have foreign nation-states coming into the American electoral process, or the information surrounding an election, is really, really bad.” Quoted by ARM

Heaven forfend!

“According to the member of parliament of Ukraine, he got the court decision that the NABU official conducted an illegal intrusion into the American election campaign," Lutsenko said.

"It means that we think Mr. Sytnyk, the NABU director, officially talked about criminal investigation with Mr. [Paul] Manafort, and at the same time, Mr. Sytnyk stressed that in such a way, he wanted to assist the campaign of Ms. Clinton," he continued.

Solomon asked Lutsenko about reports that a member of Ukraine’s parliament obtained a tape of the current head of the NABU saying that he was attempting to help Clinton win the 2016 presidential election, as well as connections that helped release the black-ledger files that exposed Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort’s wrongdoing in Ukraine.

"This member of parliament even attached the audio tape where several men, one of which had a voice similar to the voice of Mr. Sytnyk, discussed the matter."

tim in vermont said...

ARM is working overtime today. You can almost smell the flop sweat from these guys. That kind of stuff works on people who have long since made up their minds, like NEVER Trumpers. Never is a long time, I know, and Democrats in the cult. But Biden is toast, and Warren is way too far left.

Big Mike said...

I have to admit that I am very troubled by the Democrats' belief that being a candidate for federal office means that no one is supposed to investigate you for corruption. No wonder there are so many running on the Democrat side! I wonder what Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar, Cory Booker, and Robert F. O'Rourke have been doing that they need the "you can't investigate me because I'm a candidate" card so badly?

Michael The Magnificent said...

Crowdstrike is the Democrat outfit that bleachbitted Hillary's server.

Incorrect. It was Platte River Networks that bleachbitted Hillary's server.

Crowdstrike was a private security contractor working for the DNC that did the analysis of the hacked DNC email server, and which alleged that Russia was behind the DNC server breach

tim in vermont said...

Maybe one of our trolls could link Max Boot. I am not tired of laughing at you guys yet.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Good news. Leftwing corruption excusing hollywooders are cheering their precious corruptocrats! Yay Hillary and Biden money grubbing! Orange man bad!

bad news

"I've seen a lot of libertarians/independents remark today that this was their breaking point - the latest impeachment move by the Democrats have them voting for Trump just because they are tired of this. Are you seeing the same?"

+ some rational democrats.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

It got almost no attention, but in May, CNN reported that Sens. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.), Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.) and Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.) wrote a letter to Ukraine’s prosecutor general, Yuriy Lutsenko, expressing concern at the closing of four investigations they said were critical to the Mueller probe. In the letter, they implied that their support for U.S. assistance to Ukraine was at stake. Describing themselves as "strong advocates for a robust and close relationship with Ukraine," the Democratic senators declared, "We have supported [the] capacity-building process and are disappointed that some in Kyiv appear to have cast aside these [democratic] principles to avoid the ire of President Trump," before demanding Lutsenko "reverse course and halt any efforts to impede cooperation with this important investigation."

So, it’s okay for Democratic senators to encourage Ukraine to investigate Trump, but it’s not okay for the president to allegedly encourage Ukraine to investigate Hunter Biden?

Lewis Wetzel said...

I've listened to David French, I've read David French. There is something weird about his Trump hatred. He gets excited when he talks abut Trump. His voice speeds up & his spoken sentences become shorter and more emphatic (I've noticed the same thing with Jonah Goldberg. Not with fellow #nevertrumper Kevin Williamson, however). This does not happen when French discusses his nominal political and ideological enemies on the left.
Unlike Jonah Goldberg and Kevin Williamson, French is a Baptist. You don't have to read much French before you realize that his main objection to Trump is that Trump is a sinner, and, what's worse, a sinner who does think that the fact that he is a sinner is especially important. French is incensed at his fellow Christians who support Trump or who do not feel the same disgust at the idea of President Trump that he does. Not fellow baptists or fellow evangelicals, but fellow Christians.
I am Lutheran. Last I heard, Lutherans were Christians. Lutherans don't make a big deal about the sins of other people. That isn't your area of concern, your area of concern is your own sinful state. The idea that God wants us to rank others by the depth of their sinful actions is repugnant. It is missing the point entirely. French should pay more attention to his own sins then he does to the sins of Trump or his fellow Christians.

mockturtle said...

M Jordan opines: I still object to the Trump is playing 4D chess meme. What he's doing is playing checkers while the rest of the political world insist on chess.

Trump just pulls the mask off the supposedly Machiavellian checkers moves the left try to make (reality: they're nothing more than children's taunts and responses to taunts). It isn't deep strategy. It's just calling their bluff again and again and again.

L'audace. Toujours l'audace.

Yancey Ward said...

Unknown wrote:

"Here's an article on the situation from 4 years ago - before it became political. The prosecutor was protecting the company on whose board Hunter Biden sat"

That article was dated 12/09/2015- nearly at the last point in the 2016 primary season for Joe Biden to get into the race. Draw your own conclusions.

readering said...

If I had a $ for every time Michael K typed "not even you are that stupid." Even Trump has more variation in his insults. CrowdStrike claim is biggest joke out there.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Sometimes it's real tough to not link Gram singin' "She."

What as hit version:

She came from the land of the cotton
A land that was nearly forgotten by everyone
She worked and she slaved so hard
A big old field was her back yard in the delta sun

Oh, but she sure could sing
Oh, she sure could sing

[Verse 2]
Then he
Looked down and he took a little pity
The whole town swore he decided he'd help her some
But he
Didn't mind if she wasn't very pretty
And deep inside his heart, he knew she was the only one


She had faith, she had believing
She led all the people together in singing
And she prayed every night to the lord up above
Singing hallelujah, hallelujah

[Verse 3]
Used to walk, singing songs by the river
Even when she knew for sure she had to go away
Never knew what her life was to give her
And never had to worry about it for one single day

ash hit shit ash

Yancey Ward said...

You know it is over when readering, ARM, and Steve Uhr write the comments in this thread that they did- only readering was really trying, but was forced to defer to David French who has all but killed National Review with his incessant NeverTrumpism.

Here is a clue to the trolls- the people you have to convince aren't those who already hate Trump- they would believe anything you told them, but you have to convince the people who reliably vote Republican, and the transcript of this call isn't anywhere close to making such an argument. With this call as evidence, even Trump's worst critics in the Republican caucus in both houses won't vote for impeachment and/or conviction, and everybody who doesn't have their heads up David French's ass know this. And remember, the complaint is going to be released sometime in the next few days- do you want to take any wagers that it completely mischaracterizes the phone conversation itself?

Yancey Ward said...

"Not with fellow #nevertrumper Kevin Williamson, however)"

The difference might be that Williamson had a recent reminder from The Atlantic fiasco that sucking up to the likes of readering is like having a poisonous snake for a pet.

Yancey Ward said...

Readering, you get that because you do try to play stupid too often. You probably think it is an effective debate technique, but it leave a terrible impression on pretty everyone, no matter whether or not they agree with your politics. A few here on the right do the same sort of thing, and it makes me think a great less of them even if I normally am in agreement on other things.

Drago said...

readering: "CrowdStrike claim is biggest joke out there."


It is indisputable that the left wing Crowdstrike firm was the ONLY entity that "analyzed" (wink wink) the supposedly Russian hacked DNC servers and the DNC refused to provide those servers to the FBI and Crowdstrike did not even provide the actual analysis info to the FBI for review. Just a short report which stated Oh Yeah, It Was The Russkis!!

And everyone nodded along....

What a joke.

Of course, this is Hoax Dossier-o-phile readering we are talking about, so we should probably add that the only reason the russians hacked the DNC servers (not really of course) is because Hitler hacked the servers from the West.....

Lewis Wetzel said...

"Crowdstrike was a private security contractor working for the DNC that did the analysis of the hacked DNC email server, and which alleged that Russia was behind the DNC server breach"
Crowdstrike is also highly partisan & it refused to open its books on its analysis to the FBI.

Lewis Wetzel said...

" Blogger readering said...

If I had a $ for every time Michael K typed "not even you are that stupid." Even Trump has more variation in his insults.
. . ."
Dammit, Jim, I'm a doctor, not a poet!

Bob Loblaw said...

He pushed the Ukraine to fire a prosecutor who *wasn't* moving forward with corruption investigations.

So your contention is Joe Biden pushed the Ukrainian government to fire a prosecutor because said prosecutor wasn't moving forward with a corruption investigation of his own son? Really? That's the story you're sticking to?

donald said...

She is a beautiful song. Man that dude was the bomb dignity.

stevew said...

" the complaint is going to be released sometime in the next few days- do you want to take any wagers that it completely mischaracterizes the phone conversation itself?"

I'm greeted this morning by identical headlines in the NYT and Boston Globe:

"Trump pressed Ukraine’s president to investigate Democrats as ‘a favor’"

That's their story and they're sticking to it!

tim in vermont said...

It’s funny how “get dirt on Biden” is shorthand for investigating foreign interference in US elections for Democrats.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

You can make many many complaints about Trump but he is a lot of fun - like an episode of I Love Lucy. We live in unserious times and he is a perfect match for these times.

iowan2 said...

this is the OLC ruling on why this IC whistle blower is not a whistle blower This exposes the Whistle blower and the Inspector General are both partisian hack. Opperation in collusion with Democrats in congress to create on going fake news to keep the pressure on President Trump. Because it has never worked in the paste, but this is THE ONE!!!

alanc709 said...

"Mark said...
Worth noting this is not an official transcript of the call, it is labelled a 'recollection' officially.

So there may be liberties taking in phrasing to make it sound innocuous.

Smart way to get ahead of the actual transcript."

CIA operatives make a contemporaneous record of presidential calls with foreign leaders. There is no recording of the call, since presidents learned from the Nixon experience that recordings are dangerous. If anyone tampered with the previously classified transcript, it's a major crime and a massive conspiracy, all ginned up in 24 hours notice, or less. You really need to up your meds if you believe that.

CWJ said...

That's also how our local ABC affiliate spun it. You and I know it's a blatant misrepresentation of the actual "favor" Trump requested, but the MSM will get away with it. This would all be a sick joke, if the corruption of the press weren't so serious.

Narayanan said...

,,,Crowdstrike is also highly partisan & it refused to open its books on its analysis to the FBI.,,,
I'm seeing hints that CIA own CrowdStrike.

tim in vermont said...

They have obviously decided that the only way to get people to accept talking points this absurd is endless repetition.

tim in vermont said...

"We live in unserious times and he is a perfect match for these times. “

Serous times are when connected insiders like the Bidens, the Kerrys, and even noted mobster, and inspiration for the Oscar winning movie “The Departed,” a movie about FBI corruption, BTW, noted Mobster Whitey Bulger’s nephew can help themselves to the natural resources of a country like the Ukraine, devastated by the Soviets and the Nazis, and now victims of American venality.

That’s serious times.

iowan2 said...

President Trump was following the letter of the law, coordinating with Ukraine on investigating corruption A treaty that was ratified when Joe Biden sat in the Senate now the Democrats are going to Impeach a President for honoring a Treaty.

Birkel said...

Above through a narciso link:

One of Mitt Romney's Advisors is on the board of the same company that employed Cokehead Biden.

MadisonMan said...

And remember, the complaint is going to be released sometime in the next few days- do you want to take any wagers that it completely mischaracterizes the phone conversation itself?

Oh, but then the script will be -- but this wasn't the only complaint! There were others that were a lot worse! And on and on and on.

Birkel said...

The person wrongly called "whistle blower" was repeating hearsay nonsense. They did not expect the president to release the call transcript. The "whistle blower" wrote a perfect script for the press and other Democratics. And Democratics went running with it. And they ran right over the cliff.

Meep. Meep.


Birkel said...


The complaint by the Leftist insider to the Leftist lawyer is released.

Karen of Texas said...

"Repeat a lie often enough..."

I am seriously amazed at the two completely different interpretations placed on the reading of this transcription. The same has happened with the Mueller report. Every person brings their own bias and baggage to the reading. This seriously affects comprehension evidently. Bottom line is the media is seeking to create the interpretation it favors so that anyone reading the release had been manipulated to believe it exposes another Trump sin even though it actually discloses a Biden sin. Repetition makes a fact seem more true whether it is or not. Understanding this can help you avoid falling for propaganda...

Somewhere Goebbels is smiling...

stevew said...

"They have obviously decided that the only way to get people to accept talking points this absurd is endless repetition."

Tried and true tactic. Recall how they continuously argue Trump endorsed the white supremacists in Charlottesville? Same thing.

Brian said...

This seriously affects comprehension evidently

And this is a real problem. Imagine if we changed governments based on whether someone said they heard Laurel or Yanni. Half the country is going to be disappointed.

Nichevo said...

The Inspector General of the Intelligence Community (ICIG) is Michael K. Atkinson. Narciso is our resident bloodhound-fetch, boy! Tell us who this fellow really is.

Nichevo said...

I should say, that it's a very effective leftist / Alinsky technique, to personalize, to use the name rather than the title of the responsible party. You always hear them saying Barr instead of the Attorney General. So let's dig into these people and see what makes them tick.

Narr said...

Skylark@733. Nailed it.

On to other topics

Anonymous said...

I'm not a David French hater. But this - "But if I couldn’t walk a witness, judge, and jury through the transcript of Donald Trump’s call with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky and demonstrate that a quid pro quo was more likely than not, then I should just hang up my suit and retire in disgrace." - should embarrass him. "More likely than not" is a very low evidentiary bar; it might not even get an indictment, wouldn't get a criminal conviction, and would be tossed on appeal if it somehow did. It certainly won't get any republican senators to vote to convict on impeachment, and frankly wouldn't get all the democrats.

Anyone who takes seriously this clearly off the cuff scribbling is a fool.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Skylark said...
They have obviously decided that the only way to get people to accept talking points this absurd is endless repetition.

As stevew said, they do it because it works. They also do it because they aren't smart enough or informed enough to devise anything else (viz most of the lefty commenters here). I still, to this day, meet people on occasion who are absolutely certain that Sarah Palin really did say that she could see Russia from her house. And I have known people who intentionally and knowingly spread that lie. Now they're getting it back in spades, and they're eating their liver.

readering said...

Well, the complaint has been published and Yancey Ward has lost one bet.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

unseriousness indeed. Biden's son is an international crook along with Hillary.

Loyal Democratics yawn.

readering said...

Biden's son in office or running?

Rusty said...

The funny thing, readering, is you think it amounts to something.

tim in vermont said...

"Biden's son in office or running?”


Just maybe it would be better if the government of United States of America didn’t present to the world as a graft machine.... Maybe it wold be better if cronies of politicians weren’t selling political protection to oligarchs who were involved in raping the energy resources of poor countries trying to get back on their feet after the communists got through with them.

I take your comment as acceptance that the Biden family has abused his position and abused his power for personal gain.

readering said...

Peggy Noonan today:

"In the end, in purely practical political terms, the one person who will be hurt by this story will be Joe Biden. Every telling of this story necessitates pointing out that Mr. Biden’s son Hunter had cozy financial relationships with other countries, including Ukraine. It’s real swamp stuff. It looks bad, say the former vice president’s friends. No, it is bad."

I agree (and I don't want to see dad nominated.) But a red herring for the issue being debated: Trump abuse of power for political gain against the opponent seen by him at the time as his likely challenger.

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