September 14, 2019

The #SexSoBadThat tag that's trending on Twitter is so bad that I couldn't read my way into understanding it.

Go here to read it yourself.

Is there an actual trend in noticing that bad sex is bad or are people having fun with the idea that sex is generally bad or is it a way to express annoyance at some specific sex that you yourself experienced?


Ralph L said...

I called her father and bitched him out for being present and loving.

That's different.

Ryan said...

It's a way for people who aren't having sex to console themselves.

Howard said...

the Old Man taught me there was only good, better or best sex... No way I'm reading the twitter sploid on the topic. Only positive vibes, dude

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Oddball : Why don't you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don't you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?

Moriarty : Crap!

Wince said...

Bad sex is mostly about consequences, experienced after or thought about before and during.

walter said...

The prevailing interpretation is that it was so good..but:
A Frenchman died during sex on a work trip — and now his employer is being held liable

n.n said...

Friendships with "casting couches" #MeToo? And regrets following progression of human life to our basic components and baser behaviors.

tim maguire said...

What about “good sex is great, but bad sex is pretty good too”?

JAORE said...

Women are told all their lives that their sex organs are the most wonderful, desirable things on earth. Men are hardwired to act like that is true. Hence most women believe they are dynamite in the sack. And damn few men are going to dissuade them from that belief because, after all, we want to find out for ourselves.

Find a woman that loves sex, is willing to be creative and have fun at it? Wow. Add in she's smart, funny, caring and talented? OMG! That's when you say, as I did, "Happy 30th anniversary, dear one."