September 25, 2019

"Mark Normand's Bad-Ass New Orleans Trans Nanny."


David Begley said...

New Orleans is - hands down - the weirdest city in America.

rehajm said...

Yah, I was thinking for New Orleans that's a typical Wednesday. Fun story I guess but I feel a bit weird listening to Normand, like I'm exploiting his miserable life for a bit of mild entertainment.

The Vault Dweller said...

I wish Enus was still around. Doesn't this story show how unimportant 'identity' is for helping out kids? I don't mean in the traditional sense of the difference between men and women, but one of the check-boxes some now want us to adhere to? I could see a woman doing the same thing Enus did, but I could not see it happen the same way. It either would have broken immediately in favor or not in favor of that person. Because those boys saw that guy as a man, even though he was wearing a dress, they responded to his challenge with a counter challenge, and he responded with his own riposte. If it was a woman there would have been action on the initial challenge or not at all.

Otto said...

Another boring progressive comedian showing us how progressive he is.In actuality he main objective is to make a buck. They never last.

Tom T. said...

True story: Our old neighbors were a family named Tran, and every now and then my wife would say something like, "the Trans' cat is in our back yard again!". That always made it sound like maybe it used to be a dog.

Freder Frederson said...

You people need to get out more. There are a lot of men (even some straight men) who like to dress as women. Cross dresser is a perfectly appropriate term. Drag Queen is a subset that favors over the top outfits.

Dave Begley said...

True story. The son-in-law (Fat David) of a lawyer bought a bar in the French Quarter. Guys come around and repeatedly ask to buy the bar. Guy said no, it wasn't for sale.

Father-in-law finds out. He's the lawyer for Mafia kingpin Carlos Marcela. (Carlos supposedly had JFK killed.) Father-in-law puts the word out to the wise guys to leave his son-in-law alone. They do. That's New Orleans. They have a different way of doing things down there.

jaydub said...

Joe Biden knew Enus as "Corn Dog" and kicked his ass after work one day.

CJinPA said...

What a story. He's right, it should have been made into a TV show. But the bullies and thieves were the wrong complexion.

robother said...

I remember the stories about the NO blacks taken in by Houston after Katrina. Houston police (and blacks) couldn't believe how out of control the NO types were, a whole different level of criminality.

Christy said...

I had a mammy. Did that make her a trans(-race) nanny?

Earnest Prole said...

There aren't enough men named Enus any more, much less women.

Thuglawlibrarian said...

Technically it is a burglary, not a robbery.