September 29, 2019
Just another Sunday morning...
... not much to blog about, not for me, anyway. I’m feeling distanced from the impeachment drama. Too much yelling. Too much histrionics. There’s no way for me to contribute right now, not that interests me. I look for other things, but the news is clogged with Trump. I don’t take well to prods to get excited. We’ll see what happens. Feel free to talk about whatever you like in the comments.
Well, I've said it before and will say it again: the regular folks I interact with here in true blue Massachusetts are too busy going about their lives to get all worked up about this impeachment nonsense. The few that have mentioned it did so with moderate disgust at the naked and pure partisan politics of it all.
Mrs. stevew and I had our daughter's two children, one 3 years old, the other just short of 10 months, Friday afternoon into midday or so Saturday as daughter and son in law spent the day and evening Friday in Boston celebrating their 5th wedding anniversary. Yesterday afternoon we traveled to Gloucester, was a gorgeous day for poking around, then met up with another couple for dinner at the Azorean. Delicious.
Today we're headed up the seacoast (NH & Southern ME) scouting out neighborhoods and towns for our next house. We plan to put this place on the market next spring.
Not a lot of time in there for obsessing about Trump.
Enjoy some quiet and the things in life that really matter.
I just recently changed my voter registration to R after years of no-party affiliation. I did this to be eligible to vote for Trump in the CA primary. Over my lifetime, I've voted for more D's than R's in federal elections, but the D's are behaving so disgracefully that I am committed to defeating them.
I hope everyone's not like me and all worn out with this drama.
Admit I'm impressed - it was a well executed coordinated attack, must have been workshopped all summer, after the Mueller fiasco. The DNC met in SF last month so they probably finalized the details there.
But why can't they just wait until next year and vote him out?
When Bill Clinton was elected President in 1992 there existed a certain number of Democrats who saw Hillary as the best and most inevitable "first". 23 years later this has morphed into this mess. They aren't giving up.
Oingo Boingo had a silly name, but put out some catchy tunes, among them
Just Another Day. Fake vampire Danny Elfman used to front that band, and has become over the last 25 years maybe the biggest name in film and television music.
I just read a good book about Joseph Lister, The Butchering Art
Stanley Lombardo,s translation of the Iliad is fast and brutal. Recommended.
I keep sidling up to Boswell on Johnson but never take the plunge. Any opinions?
This whole week has felt like "Hey, we are Washington DC!!! Forget your daily life and close friends and family. Pay attention to us!!!" and it is really off-putting. The best thing seems to give them the opposite of what they want.
I want to hear Trudeau explain the sock.
I think Althouse's attitude towards this should be a warning to the Democrats, but I doubt that it would matter to hardly any of them. It is the Althouses of the world, and those politically uninterested or unaligned that have to be convinced by the impeachment mongers, and I don't sense in any way that this has been or will be successful without much stronger grounds for moving forward- an actual proof of quid pro quo.
I think impeaching Trump now (when the Democrats have nothing) will not only insure Trump is reelected, but also inoculate him against further impeachment attempts in his second term.
The Left needs to feel good about itself, and impeaching Trump is all they have. Clearly they don't feel good about Warren or Sanders, and Biden is toast at this point.
I am so grateful not to open this blog and read comments by C**** or I***.
"Spotted on the fly pad today: a bilateral gynandromorph! These are two sides of the same fly; the left side is male and the right side is female."
"This is not all that rare in flies (I spot them a few times a year) and is usually caused by an error in chromosome segregation during cell division as the animal develops."
"In Drosophila, each cell independently decides if it is male or female, and it does this by counting its X-chromosomes (1X=male, 2X=female). In an XX female, sometimes an X gets lost during cell division, producing X0 cells that develop male features."
Tonight is the Jewish New Year. May not be around much for a bit. L'Shana Tova everybody!
Hank Williams, "The Hillbilly Shakespeare", but wait, there's more!
What the hell is going on with Burisma? This crappy, obscure natural gas company also has Joseph Cofer Black on its Board of Directors. Mr. Black is the former Director of the CIA's Counterterrorist Center. Even if you're not a conspiracy crank, this is odd.
" I don’t take well to prods to get excited. "
Don't give up, Meade. It's just a ploy to get you to try harder.
Same Same Professor. I'm headed for UTUBE Mike Farris' gospel to soothe the savage beast! Mavis Maples to the rescue.
Come Together (Double-sided Guitar); it sounds better than it sounds.
So they begin "official" impeachment proceedings (whatever the hell that means) without taking a vote, then take a two=week vacation. I detect a lack of seriousness. Presumably members have to go home and find out if their constituents will tolerate this nonsense without having to defend their own coerced votes. Doesn't look good. Sorry Democrats. Democracy is a bitch.
The impeachment process is a drama. Analyze who falls for it as a drama. All that needs to happen is that it offers, like fiction, an entertaining world to live in.
You may not like soap opera. Too much drama. But lots of people like it, and they vote. They don't require it to be real, just entertaining.
The right's question - who the hell believes this stuff - is answered by saying they don't believe it exactly, just prefeer it.
Just another week of leftist hysteria. I agree, people jumping up and down and screaming is tiresome. Can't the left come up with actual ideas, legislation, proposals? Socialism has never worked. Ever. why is it they keep beating that tired old drum?
I live in a leftist state, and people I interact with daily are sick of it. Tulsi had it right. No impeachment. Just vote. thats the best way.
The Dems are basically just kids throwing a tantrum. And the media is shouting encouragement.
To comprehend what we are seeing in DC, one has to study the details of George Washington's narrow escape from the deep state's CIA-like operation that had a third of the locals on its side and bought a Commanding General at Fort West Point to set up it's capture by the British Monarchy that already held NYC.
By an act of God, Major Andre was captured with the detailed conspiracy plans in his boot, much like Q having captured the digital +data today.
NB: Washington spent the next years of the war seeking to capture Benedict Arnold with spy operations of his own and finally cornering his British forces at Yorktown. If not for capturing Andre, Traitor Arnold would have won the war for the London guys and celebrated the hanging of every last one of our founding fathers.
Politics occupies perhaps 5 percent of a well-ordered person's attention. Well more than that means you've substituted politics for religion in your life.
Histrionics is the right term. Too much noise, too much screaming, and too much group think.
Histrioinics is the right term. Too much noise, too much screaming, and too much group think.
But why can't they just wait until next year and vote him out?
To ask is to answer. They know he will win.
Histrionics is the right term. Too much noise, screaming, and group think.
I discovered an article, The 50 Best Movies on Netflix Right Now, a few days ago. It is on the New York Times.
* The title is kind of vulgar clickbait which I assume was written that way because of the many Netflix subscribers who every so often google "new movies on Netflix" knowing that someone out there will scratch that itch much better than the primitive Netflix search function will.
* While there, I discovered that the NYT does an e-newsletter called "Watching" that allows a subscriber to "get recommendations on the best TV shows and films to stream and watch". (I subscribed.)
* ...making me wonder about the extent to which the NYT is keeping up its traffic and ad dollars through this type of tailored niche content that would appeal to a fairly large audience (and not I would think the normal NYT audience)
* And, based on the 50 movies on that list, I'm going to continue my Netflix subscription, even though I was on the verge of abandoning it.
Histrionics is a Donald Trump trait - and you can add Rudy Guliani, as well. On the other side of the fence, documents and events concerning Donald and the foreigners are mounting. The hiding of the whistleblower complaint; the hiding of word-for-word conversations that he had with foreigners; the summary documents released by the White House admitting to quid pro quo self dealing with the Ukrainian comedian and the new revelation that Trump told the Russians that he didn't have a problem with their interference in the 2016 election.
Add in the Intelligence IG's letter and the expected testimony of the whistleblower and you get impeachment - which I truly believe is exactly what Trump wants. Controversy is the name of his game but winning self-imposed conflicts is not always possible because he gives in and sometimes not even desirable as shown in the result of his anti-trust lawsuit against the NFL.
" Presumably members have to go home and find out if their constituents will tolerate this nonsense without having to defend their own coerced votes."
I reminds me of this: Look what I can do
Presumably members have to go home and find out if their constituents will tolerate
this nonsense without having to defend their own coerced vote
I think their mission is to "educate" their districts on the appropriate narrative so that when they are forced to vote for it they might have a chance to save their seats.
Watch Chuck Todd's segment on MTP today where he is practically giddy trying to explain the narrative through hthe use of a former ambassador. He's jumping up and down, excited to get his narrative out there.
Then later when Hugh Hewitt challenges the narrative to the roundtable, Chuck has a physical reaction to his cognitive dissonance.
The right's question - who the hell believes this stuff - is answered by saying they don't believe it exactly, just prefer it.
Exactly. It's drama but what other "politician" in modern memory can manage drama better than this President? The DNC are practically writing a hero's journey for him, including the descent into Hell (impeachment), only to be reborn the master of 2 worlds. The deep state and main street.
I still speculate that a bunch of democrats hope the horse will sing and they can impeach the president and some wise men (Mitt Romney?) will go up to the White House and convince Trump to resign for the good of the party and country.
Not going to happen.
When Trump is impeached, convicted and removed, everything will return to normal civil discourse under President Pence.
The Left needs to feel good about itself, and impeaching Trump is all they have. Clearly they don't feel good about Warren or Sanders, and Biden is toast at this point.
Agreed but this is a serious attempt that began in January when Pelosi changed the rules for the House. The impeachment will be run by the committees and Republicans will not be allowed to question witnesses. The vote will be by committees and there is a good chance it will pass. The structure is designed to shield the Dims in Trump districts from having to record a vote.
The two week recess is to construct the script for the hearings. CTH has been on this for months.
The incessant ad campaign may get enough soap opera women to agree that it is a valid issue.
I detect a lack of seriousness.
Me, too. It's such a big crisis serious we have to run home after only what, three weeks since Summer break?
...and the talk about going home to be with constituents. My leftie congress critters are either away running for office or vacationing away from home. Some crisis...
Spiros asked:
"What the hell is going on with Burisma? This crappy, obscure natural gas company also has Joseph Cofer Black"
Nothing surprising- if you check, Cofer Black was added in February of 2017, probably not a coinincidence that it was 1 month after a Republican President was sworn in (Cofer Black's ties are largely Republican according to his Wiki page). Burisma hires people who have pull with US politicians- it really is that simple. They wanted to hire John Kerry's stepson in 2014, but he declined the invitation, unlike Hunter Biden (of course, the stepson is heir to the Heinz empire and didn't need the money)
I don't want to sound like a conspiracy nut but the timing in all this is very interesting to me.
For weeks we had the buildup to the brat from some scandi land. Breathless reporting of her and her trip by renewable boat (I've heard conflicting stories on the boat. Some say it has a diesel powered chase boat and others say it has a diesel engine for emergencies -- maybe both).
The Dems had their big CNN climate crisis show.
Then her triumphant speech at the UN. Immediately after they dropped the whistleblower. Why step on their climate story? Why launch impeachment then go on 2 week break?
1. The Dems realized the climate crisis is badly hurting them;
2. They moved up the hearsay-blower for some reason. FISAgate coming in the next two weeks? Ginsburg dying or leaving in two weeks?
It all just seems odd.
PS to Althouse, the hysterics and yelling is only coming from a small group of extreme progressives. Most Dems I know are keeping open mind to impeachment and hoping this doesn't blow up in their face. Everyone else is either laughing and pointing or just shaking their heads.
Why was Chuck banned?
Accumulation of things I imagine. In addition, getting rid of him had the salutary effect of getting rid of a lot of comments that were only written to attack him in return. I personally don't think the bans and moderation are worth the effort since I scan over commenters who generally offer nothing of value, but it also isn't my blog and my reputation at stake either.
Watched a bit of the Sunday shows. The Dems think they are going to get Trump. All very excited. Chuck Todd out of his mind with partisanship.
It really is astounding how biased the media is. Not even close to be fair. All partisanship.
Saw an interview with Adam Schiff. Not a single fact. All opinion, speculation and conclusions.
Huskers looked horrible yesterday against OSU. Badgers will win the division going away.
I did see "Hamilton" Saturday afternoon. It is a work of theater genius that is incomparable and will never be surpassed in my lifetime. Yes, the tickets are expensive but worth it. Every American should see it.
Now compare the Founding Fathers to the likes of that idiot, corrupt loser Joe Biden.
I keep sidling up to Boswell on Johnson but never take the plunge. Any opinions?
You could have a look at the chapter on Johnson in Boris Johnson's book Johnson's Life of London, available you-know-where. It's a rip-roaring read.
this pantomime horse they've mounted is not worth talking about, but the fact the press is leaving out major details of the burisma case, including parties like the blue star group, which was chock full of Clinton and Obama officials, which put pressure much like dershowitz and co, did so in palm beach,
Histrionic is the right term.
While I understand his motivation, watching Drudge stir up the hysteria is disappointing. He needs to find a higher purpose.
Repeat, repeat, repeat.
Gomer Pyle voice
I want Trump to be *****PRESIDENT.
One * for each impeachment he survives.
I hope DeepState will oblige.
D need to win House again though.
Could Pelosi be tending Briar Patch for B'rer Trump?
Did they meet on tarmac somewhere?
I was hoping next years election would wait until next year, but the Democrats won't leave me along. Just donated to the Trump campaign. The upside of impeachment is that the Democrats won't get anything else done this year.
"The Left needs to feel good about itself, and impeaching Trump is all they have."
Ironically, they'd feel great if they had just gone back, figured out how they screwed up the election, and fixed it.
Here is something non Trump I've noticed reading the news. There is a shortage of daycare. There is a shortage of youth sport referees. There is a shortage of school bus drivers.
Children may be the future but it appears nobody wants to deal with your demon spawn.
they are serving up straight up garbage,
Hey- so what's been sparking joy at Meadehouse these days?
(... it can't be just 'spiders 'n sunrises' )
The most useful part of watching the Sunday morning political affairs shows for me is what it reveals about the various surrogates delivering their talking points. The elected officials current and former will basically say anything they're told. The ones who have talent believe they believe in what they're saying. The ones without talent are often 2nd and 3rd generation politicos. It's the ones who fake sincerity we need to watch out for, so it's worth taking note of them. Hapless talking point readers like Hakeem Jeffries of Brooklyn have already proven the Peter Principle.
This week it looks like many of the journalists and surrogates are also suffering from exhaustion. There were some new faces, none of them convincing. They're going through the motions.
Politics these days makes me think about the protestant reformation. Or the era portrayed in the Showtime series The Tudors. Two sides. No nuance. Once you know what side a person is on, that is IT. Each side thinks that the other will be damned to hell, and hanging/burning at the stake is the appropriate punishment.
Hillary is working the talk show circuit. Just another Sunday morning.
Come on! You don't want to be a part of the democratic anxiety machine!?
My wife quit watching Fox News as the news was so boring and depressing, too. I see Althouse is also bored.
“But why can't they just wait until next year and vote him out?”
Because they think this will help them vote him out next year. They don’t actually think they’ll be able to remove him from office. It’s a risky bet but they probably figure that the fundamentals favor Trump at the moment so it’s worth the risk.
Whatever happened to the Belt and Road Project?
While the US consumes itself with impeachment, cultural Marxism, Greta, the end of the world as we know it, cultural warfare, and dissolution China along with 152 countries is in the midst of the largest construction combine and project in the history of the world.
Ignoring green considerations and the end of the world caused by global warming hundreds of major construction projects are underway from Greece on the Mediterranean to Yiwu, China near the coast of the Pacific Ocean. Pipelines, seaports, rail lines, power plants, dams, new cities, expressways, terminals, oil fields, and gas fields are under development. It makes the transcontinental railway look like peanuts.
Trad Guy's comparison is interesting; been watching "Turn" again on Netflix and just finished the episode of Arnold's treacherous act at West Point and Andre's capture, trial and hanging. Arnold got away. But I hope the perps now do not.
It's September 29. On September 26, the Washington Post carried an article about the girl at Immanuel Christian who reported to her grandmother that three boys had cut her dreadlocks during recess. The original article has dropped off the website (if you go to "local stories page and scroll down and down and down it doesn't appear), but can still be found by searching (on WP) for the term "Immanuel Christian". I thought there would be a follow up article on this by now. Perhaps the Post is waiting for an announcement from the school about their investigation, and perhaps the weekend interfered with that investigation.
Too much yelling. Too much histrionics.
So all the lefty extremists have to do is yell and carry on a lot and Althouse will withdraw into her shell and hope the noise goes away sometime. I'm sure they knew that already.
These are the people who invented the PARTICIPATION TROPHY.
"I want to hear Trudeau explain the sock."
I'm sure his wife could explain it better.
Hari. I think this is happening now because Barr and Dunham are finding stuff. Big stuff. So there has to be a big distraction. Hence impeachment.
More on the gigantic Belt and Road project:
Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland; who rules the Heartland commands the World-Island; who rules the World-Island controls the world.
Halford Mackinder
In an earlier comment thread I was wondering about what role Republicans might play in the House impeachment proceedings. Commenter Yancey Ward provided an informed answer saying basically "no role". Here's an article fleshing out the rule changes that allow the House Republicans to be frozen out of the process.
The Deep State hatched its plot against Trump very early, and they told us so
Tcrosse asks: I keep sidling up to Boswell on Johnson but never take the plunge. Any opinions?
I have it on my old Kindle and read it part way but found it unexpectedly boring.
“But why can't they just wait until next year and vote him out?”
My theory: Democrats are more confident of beating President Pence in the election.
Indeed il macchia set the narrative for the borgias particularly v caterina di sforza its laken stephanie lew four hundred years to correct. Similar with the tudor propagandists that shakespeare consulted im indebted to josephine tey for that insight. Going farther back the tales of procopius in thr earlu byzantine era suetonous and tacitus in the early time of casear.
Stanley Lombardo,s translation of the Iliad is fast and brutal. Recommended.
Lattimore for me, ever and always.
The intramural struggles of marius and sulla were strongly filtered by sallust who was a ceasar partisan, steven saylor takes strong exception with that. Thucydides favored pericles and his caste over successors.
There are only three things in this world that are certain: that death will claim us all; that the Germans will counterattack; and that blacks and American Jews will vote overwhelmingly for Democrat candidates.
Hope you're singin' this!
Tcrosse good merci
Don't blame you Althouse for being tired of it all.
I really do think the nation's future is at stake in the worst way. And it might be that after Trump, it will descend because of a feckless successor anyway. But for now, it looks like Trump is our only hope of salvation.
We should be in prayer (for those who believe in a personal, interested God). IIChronicles 7:14 is our promise.
Impeachment is rigged:
Nancy Pelosi’s December 2018 Rule Changes Block Republicans From Participating In Impeachment Process
Another interesting story comes from richard dearlove regarding the reasons the late prime minister chiraq had opposing the iraq war, 7 million reasons.
I’m with Rusty. I think the Dems think they can get GOP conviction votes in the Senate through IC/Deep State blackmail. This surveillance state is out of control, as per Schumer’s soothsaying. They’re all complicit. They all know. The Deep State is the UniParty’s congressional whip now.
The Los Angeles Chargers finally woke up for those who care about such things--and I do. They discovered they could score in the second half of an NFL game this season.
And of course I assume that our hostess is happy about the Wisconsin Badgers winning again (and again and again etc) this year.
Buck Sexton
Verified account @BuckSexton
1h1 hour ago
The real “principle” that liberals are advancing under the Ukraine collusion madness is:
Trump and anyone around him can be investigated endlessly and in bad faith-
But serious investigation of a Democrat, no matter how egregious the law breaking (see: Hillary) is a scandal
"I’m feeling distanced from the impeachment drama."
I understand, but the drama is not too distant from you: Dems mean to destroy the president and the system, and they mean to persuade you and all other nice moderately liberal women that they are right.
"Too much yelling. Too much histrionics."
Who's yelling? Devin Nunes didn't yell in his committee statements. Anything wrong with what he said?
"We’ll see what happens."
You have that luxury. But if the Dems do impeach Trump, will they forfeit your support? Or will you you still be "neutral"?
Since nice moderately liberal women like you can sway public opinion, what happens depends on people like you.
As an observer of The Maestro's moves over the last 2 years of war, there has been a sudden change. Instead og leading the charge in a hundred fights,Trump is calling out hisDeplorables he has been loyal too and challenging them to "come up on this hill and fight." He does indeed have a mass of loyal digital soldiers who are answering his call.
I actually feel sorry for the Crazed Media, including the Fox News that foolishly has has switched sides at the very moment of Trump's Austerlitz triumph over the CIA owned Empires.
"Why was Chuck banned?"
What evidence is there that he was banned?
The Trump campaign received $15M of donations in the seventy-two hours following Pelosi’s impeachment announcement. That’s a large value, per se, but it more importantly includes 50,000 new donors. Thanks, Nan!!
"Ezra Klein's argument as to why we must screech to impeach, even if impeachment does not result in removal.
Impeachment acts as a form of public disgrace. To be one of only four impeached presidents in American history, even if you are not convicted by the Senate, is to know an asterisk will be forever attached to your presidency, your offenses prominently recorded. It’s a humiliation for you and a warning to your successors."
Well, there you go.
Hilary Clinton throws Trump a lifesaver reminding us of what we could have wound up with as a President:
Daily Mail
Is Hillary about to try AGAIN? Clinton is joined by daughter Chelsea as she slams Trump as an 'illegitimate president' and a 'corrupt human tornado' ahead of a week packed with media appearances, sparking rumors she plans to enter the 2020 race
Hillary Clinton bashed Donald Trump as an 'illegitimate president'
She also lamented in an interview that she lost in 2016 to a 'corrupt human tornado'
The new criticism comes as Trump is found at the center of a new scandal involving his conversation with the Ukrainian President this summer
Clinton was joined by her daughter Chelsea Clinton to promote their book
Her packed media week has rumors flying she is considering entering the 2020 presidential race
Mike Sylwester said...
Why was Chuck banned?"
Althouse, can I implore you to reconsider Chuck's banishment? I ask for the purely selfish reason of wanting to see him invent more justifications on why Lifelong Republicans should should stand shoulder to shoulder with the Democrats in removing Donald Trump. Truly, his rants on Trump can be most entertaining ( for me) especially when followed by how all-in-all at the End Of The Day he will hold his nose and vote for Trump when he isn't removed from office, doesn't resign and campaigns for president in 2020. I might be wrong, but I suspect on not your only follower who would like to see Chuck back ( provided he doesn't continue with the same behavior that got him banned in the first place) for the reasons I stated.
I have to hand it to them:
Dems could be better show marketer than Trump : selling tickets to *Cagematch with Shadow-Boxing*
Histrionics is a Donald Trump trait - and you can add Rudy Guliani, as well."
Gadfly is accusing Trump and Rudy of acting like NY Democrats. Does Gadfly have a problem with NY Democrats? Who knew?
Moderation makes commenting a bit like communicating with a spacecraft near Neptune-- the delay, and in this case the unpredictable emerital comment-dumps, are maddening. I understand why, but it sucks.
If you're interested in the Belt and Road and MacKinder and all that geopolitics, go read R D Kaplan's Revenge of Geography*.
*Available at a portal near you
Yes, this whole "Impeachment" is rather tedious, isn't it? Its Trump-Russia all over again. And we already know its a big nothing burger. Yet the MSM write their crazy, made up, hate Trump stories, and we an occasional push-back from Trump and it just drones on and on.
The Bottom line is we have NO national press or media in the old sense of the word. They're not independent reporters, they're not interested in REPORTING what the President does or says. Instead, they are proud partisan hacks helping the DNC. If something helps Trump, they'll make it look bad or not report it. If the issue (illegal immigration, border security, the booming economy, trade deals, etc.) hurts the D's, they just won't report it. IF an issue hurts Trump - they will exaggerate it. And if they can't find a story that hurts Trump enough - they will make one up.
There's ZERO reason to read any NYT/WaPo story that is negative to Trump. It may be true. Its most likely False. But you'll have to wait 48-72 hours to find that out.
Blogger chuck said...
I was hoping next years election would wait until next year, but the Democrats won't leave me along. Just donated to the Trump campaign. The upside of impeachment is that the Democrats won't get anything else done this year.
9/29/19, 1:26 PM
Since wonders will never cease, Drago should take note of this miracle.
Except, the Axis and the Central Powers Controlled Eastern Europe in both WW 1 and WW 2 and lost both times. And the USSR controlled E. Europe and lost the Cold War.
Here's my 20th Century truism. Whoever controls London and New York commands the world.
Sorry Dave. I have no intention of seeing "Hamilton". Alexander Hamilton was our worst founding fathers. Sure, he was a co-author of the Federalist papers but otherwise, he was warmongering, Aristocrat loving, rich capitalist who hated the average person - you know like me. Burr did the USA a favor. Plus, I don't rap or break dance.
While I understand his motivation, watching Drudge stir up the hysteria is disappointing. He needs to find a higher purpose.
I deleted Drudge from my Favorites page. He is way too much of a drama queen.
I’m feeling distanced from the impeachment drama. Too much yelling. Too much histrionics. There’s no way for me to contribute right now, not that interests me.
This is how democracies die. The courts have already lost all legitimacy in the eyes of most Americans (and did so many, many years before Trump). People were already disgusted with the disconnect between what they voted for and what officeholders actually do. If the coup were successful, it would be the final nail in America's coffin.
Yes ben talmadge another yale man ran nathan hale as well as the protagonist in turn.
Rusty, "I think this is happening now because Barr and Dunham are finding stuff. Big stuff. So there has to be a big distraction. Hence impeachment."
This definitely has a "wag the dog" feel about it.
Its a Sunday morning talkshow
I'm wishing Lord that I was stoned
'Cause there's something in a Sunday Talk Show
That makes a body feel alone.
And there's nothin' short of dyin', half as tiresome as the sound
Of the squawking TV Box, and a Sunday Meet the Press comin' on.
Here's my 20th Century truism. Whoever controls London and New York commands the world.
My 21st Century truism: Whoever controls Beijing and Hong Kong controls the world. London and New York are nothingburgers now.
I think Althouse's attitude towards this should be a warning to the Democrats
AA's attitude -- and the attitude of millions of others, including myself often -- is to tune out, to walk away, to disengage. Then there are two generations of people after her's which actually buy into this despotism.
The decline of America's big cities -- controlled by Dems for over a hundred years -- shows that the Dems have little reason to fear from their destructive ways.
Here's fun!
Did Republicans Lose Orange County for ever?
The whole article is about Rep Rouda, a new dem congressman. He Claims that he was a Life Long Republican, that was FORCED TO SWITCH to being a Democrat Politician... Forced by, You Know Who: Donald Trump. Then they say...
Bush’s invasion of Iraq in 2003 angered Rouda. “[That] kind of sealed the deal. Like, I’m done with this party,” he said.
Oh, And this Life Long Republican, that hadn't voted for a Republican This Century... Also, wasn't Even an Orange County Resident!
Rouda moved to Orange County from Ohio in 2007, managing his real estate law practice from one of the priciest zip codes in all of California.
And then, My favorite line:
“It’s not that Orange County’s values have changed; it’s that the Republican party’s values have changed. And they’ve completely lost touch with reality and the vast majority of voters,” Rouda told me as he sipped a Starbucks iced latte with soy milk
Orange County's values haven't changed; says the Ohioan (who last supported a Republican, when he voted for Governor John Kasich; and is married to Kaira Sturdivant, a liberal Democrat who supported Jimmy Carter a woman that Doesn't Even Have a REAL Name)...
Serious Question:
Did the Original Republicans in Orange County sip Starbucks Iced Lattes, with Soy Milk?
Did the Original Republicans in Orange County MARRY Liberal Democrats that Support Jimmy Carter?
according to the article; Rouda is in a neck-and-neck race between Rouda and his presumed GOP opponent.
The Article Made NO MENTION of Vote Harvesting, or whether Rouda had been in a neck-and-neck race at the end of Election Day, 2018
@StephenFearby, commentator “chuck” with a lower case ‘c’is not the person of whom you are thinking.
And you folks fixated on you-know-who aren't much better. He's not even here and you guys are still disrupting things in talking about him.
I watched SNL last night for the first time in probably 10 years. Larry David as Bernie Sanders was the best thing all night. But Maya Rudolph as Kamala was a vey close second.
Fearby: "Since wonders will never cease, Drago should take note of this miracle."
Fearby, "chuck" is not "Chuck".
Do take note.
There's a good fellow...
“Why was Chuck banned?"
Which time?
Michael Bloomberg sucking dick for the Chinese Communist Party is just so sad.
You know, this is why we got Trump: the supposed "adults in the room" are anything but. And, not just subtly, quietly fucked up, but major-leagued, blatantly, yuuuugely fucked in the head.
Like Michael Bloomberg, who seems to have forgotten that absolutely no group in human history is responsible for the deaths of more human beings, in this case of their own citizens, in peace time, than the Chinese Communist Party. Unlike the Germans & the Russians, the CCP has yet to even to begin to honestly examine the democide of the Chinese people.
Once again there is no underlying crime.
Once again the Dems are pinning their hopes on the coverup.
Once again Trump’s releasing documents faster than they can be subpoenaed.
We’ve seen this movie before.
"Moderation makes commenting a bit like communicating with a spacecraft near Neptune-- the delay, and in this case the unpredictable emerital comment-dumps, are maddening. I understand why, but it sucks."
Yeah. We all know who to thank for it. Who knew Fen was such an asshat?
I can understand Ann’s predicament. The lawyer in her understands Trump abused his power but she doesn’t need the constant meanness from her own readers.
"Too much yelling. Too much histrionics. There’s no way for me to contribute right now, not that interests me."
This is how I've felt about all American politics since Trump's election.
Ken B said...
"I keep sidling up to Boswell on Johnson but never take the plunge. Any opinions?"
I recommend listening to it on tape. Somehow, the sheer volume of it doesn't seem so daunting then; it just rolls on and entertains you. I found it well worth hearing!
another one of those scenarios involves the former bodyguard for king salman, who ended up dead, but previously he had been a bodyguard for the last king, prince Abdullah, who is a rashid, one of the tribes that lost out to the sauds, at the turn of the last century,
like that film ad astra, who would think that's a destination one would want to travel to, I guess since pluto is indeterminate as a planetary body,
"I can understand Ann’s predicament. The lawyer in her understands Trump abused his power but she doesn’t need the constant meanness from her own readers."
Yeah, I'm sure that's it. :rolleyes
Nancy Pelosi’s December 2018 Rule Changes Block Republicans From Participating In Impeachment Process
Only in the House where you are correct.
However, consider this.
What if Trump takes advantage of Senate rules to turn the impeachment trial in the upper chamber into no-holds-barred investigations, with brutal cross-examinations of witnesses such as Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and Barack Obama?
Hmmm ?
And here’s a related “what if” that Democrats would be well-advised to consider carefully: Trump is the final arbiter of what remains classified and what is declassified.
The president has been saying for months that he is declassifying “everything” regarding the Russia hoax. He could do the same thing with regard to former Vice President Joe Biden’s dealings with China, and with Ukraine, and regarding his son, Hunter.
Trump can also declassify documents on as-yet-unexamined aspects of Hillary Clinton’s years as secretary of state, and Obama’s whereabouts during the Benghazi crisis, and what Obama knew and when on official surveillance of Trump.
Do the Democrats have a glass jaw ?
Another example of supposed "adults in the room" behaving like the whack jons they are:
Biden campaign demands news channels stop booking Giuliani.
Because Giuliani isn't a "public official", ya see. He just happens to be the President's lawyer, which I imagine would be helping in teasing out internal scuttlebutt in the Trump admin, but, hey, wadda I know?
From the Biden Team: "By giving him your air time, you are allowing him to introduce increasingly unhinged, unfounded and desperate lies into the national conversation."
Translated, that means he says stuff we disagree with, so he "lies". You know, "lies", like Hunter Biden was paid $50k a month by a Ukrainian oil firm to do seemingly nothing....
meanwhile the deepstate uk edition, is moving against boris Johnson, through some bogus inquiry against the city's promotion department, and the scots are pushing for a vote of no confidence,
"The president has been saying for months that he is declassifying “everything” regarding the Russia hoax."
Yes, he HAS been saying it for months. I suspect he doesn't have the ability to get it done.
Is it me or has Greta Thunberg gone missing from the national conversation?
what have we here:
multiverse standards,
We were on vacation sitting in a little cafe in Amsterdam. Sitting next to us was a very nice couple from New York. We were enjoying conversation, good food and good beer. . Unfortunately the lady had a case of Trump induced Tourette’s. Every once in a while she couldn’t help but dropping a snarky comment about Trump before being shushed by her husband. My husband and I ignored it. Not going to talk politics on vacation.
The conversation turned to the concentration camps we’d been to. The husband said he saw a picture of a pile of rings that had been taken from people as they entered the camps. It reminded him of a picture of a pile of rosaries that had been taken from people crossing our borders. My husband and I sputtered. Dinner was over.
SteveW asks: Is it me or has Greta Thunberg gone missing from the national conversation?
Maybe someone found a racist tweet.
We’ve seen this movie before.
Groundhog Day starring Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff?
It reminded him of a picture of a pile of rosaries that had been taken from people crossing our borders. My husband and I sputtered. Dinner was over.
When they're arrested they don't get to keep anything that could be used as a weapon, including "toothbrushes, rosaries, pocket Bibles, water bottles, keys, shoelaces, razors, mix CDs, condoms, contraceptive pills,..."
Some janitor collected, sorted and photographed the confiscated items and this guy chose to ignore everything except the rosaries, which don't seem to be a major item. Click thru the pics at the New Yorker link...
the link is about a daisy chain of Ukrainian interests, that seems to be supporting Pelosi, schumer, Schiff, et al, and some unsavory ones,
...or we'll shoot this dog
Beto’s Fundraising Pitch: ‘Now, We Don’t Want Anything To Happen To The Kitten …
Time Running Out for Big-Spending Cory Booger
N.J. senator needs $1.7M to stay afloat, spent $1.6M in second quarter on payroll alone
oh and back in 480 bc, was the battle of salamis, that determined the fate of Athens vs the Persian empire,
Is it me or has Greta Thunberg gone missing from the national conversation?
Greta Thunberg sings Swedish Death Metal (go to at least 0:25)
steve uhr said...
I can understand Ann’s predicament. The lawyer in her understands Trump abused his power but she doesn’t need the constant meanness from her own readers.
And I can understand steve uhr...who regularly and repeatedly makes unsupported assertions and pretends they are facts.
That's a hallmark of a witless ancephalic buffoon.
Given what's going on these days, ‘Quid Pro Joe’ seems a more effective nickname for Biden now than 'Sleep Joe'.
Just like Fauxahontus (Photo of her 1986 State Bar of Texas Registration Card);
...suits Elizabeth Warren better than Pocahontas.
maybe a little overconfident,
I can understand Ann’s predicament. The lawyer in her understands Trump abused his power but she doesn’t need the constant meanness from her own readers.
You really are amusing.
That’s like only Constitutional lawyers can understand the US Constitution.
Spell it out, Steve.
Short words. No linking.
rcocean said...
Sorry Dave. I have no intention of seeing "Hamilton". Alexander Hamilton was our worst founding fathers. Sure, he was a co-author of the Federalist papers ..>>>
he was warmongering, Aristocrat loving, rich capitalist who hated the average person
>>>entirely unsupported assertions, offered without a scintilla of context, typical of intellectual nullites like you.
Care to offer any actual evidence, and why a rich capitalist should be condemned for being so?
You are SOOO predictable in your unexamined prog prejudices.
- you know like me. Burr did the USA a favor. Plus, I don't rap or break dance
>>.Hooray for killing political people you don't like. You're a fuckwit, rocean.
Re Boswell's Life of Johnson, I had long heard it praised as one of the greatest books ever; but I tried to read it and got bogged down at about page 100 in a 1000 page edition. Was it really necessary that we read EVERY letter Johnson wrote?
FTR: The term "Trump's histrionics" is simply the throwing of shade on Trump's communication skills for being so far above the heads of most of his critics that they sullenly resent him for showing them up .
Biden NEVER. does interviews or takes questions from the public. He barely campaigns. He’d screw up too much.
,,It reminded him of a picture of a pile of rosaries that had been taken from people crossing our borders.,,
Even Snopes admit those objects date to the reign of Obama
So it shall be written: so it shall be done.
,,It reminded him of a picture of a pile of rosaries that had been taken from people crossing our borders.,,
Even Snopes admit those objects date to the reign of Obama
So it shall be written: so it shall be done
Drudge siren. Whistleblower fears for his life.
What a laugher!
More drama trying to create a heroic victim.
(This might be a duplicate - delete if so!)
I was researching whether Pastafarian-Supremacists get colander hair cuts, rather than bowl cuts, and if any of them used a vacuum cleaner to suck some of the hair thru the holes to dye it a different color (saw that somewhere but w/o a colander), and failed to answer either of those questions. But found this:
AMSTERDAM — The Dutch human rights ombudsman agreed to review an Israeli student’s religious discrimination complaint over his university’s refusal to allow him to wear a pirate suit to his thesis defense.
The College for Human Rights, a government watchdog, said it would mediate in a talk on Tuesday between Michael Afanasyev, a 38-year-old Russia-born Israeli geohydrologist completing his PhD thesis at Delft University of Technology, and faculty, the Omroep West broadcaster reported. ...
Afanasyev requested permission to wear the unusual clothing citing his belonging to the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, or Pastafarianism...whose loose set of rules includes showing up in pirate costumes to official events, Bobby Henderson, has said that a decline in the number of pirates over the years is the cause of global warming. ...
Backing up his claim, Afanasyev presented to the media and to the College for Human Rights a picture of his Israeli passport, in which he is seen wearing a colander on his head. He said the Israeli interior ministry allowed him to wear it in the picture."
"...Sitting next to us was a very nice couple ...."
No they weren't.
I admit I am a very imperfect son of bitch with many bad habits, some proven fatal over not-too-long-of-a-term, yet I feel sometimes when all attempts at using my "logic" have failed why by God then emoting, recklessly, is the only way to express myself.
I remember the Crack Emcee using this device and seeing its limitations, the "can't you see how messed up I am because of your position on this issue??" but I've not learned as much as I have should at this venue in order to express myself with force goodly.
My apologies.
I am like AA and some of the others on here, I have pretty much tuned all this out, except for what I read here and on a couple of other blogs, I'm tired of it and don't care. I took a 20 mile bike ride this afternoon, despite the heat, which gave me some time to reflect on the situation.
I think the Democrats are stupid, the main reason, they don't control the Senate. Suppose they vote out a few articles of impeachment. Once it gets to the Senate, with the Rs in control, it's a whole new game. They will control the process and the witnesses and they could turn it into a trial of the Democrats and their Ahab-like pursuit of the great whale Trump since the 2016 election, as well as going after the failed Russian collusion and whatever has gone on with Ukraine. With the right management it could be very embarrassing for the Ds as their corruption is exposed. And if it is all televised there is now way their media allies can hide it. And the Senate could drag it out for a good while, day after day, witness after witness, to the point where the Ds would be begging them to stop. But again, it would take the right management, the right lawyers, and McConnell's and the Rs in the Senate willingness to go along.
And I have spent most of this past week binge-watching the Ken Burns "Country Music" program, which is, I think, the best thing he has done. My TN home, where I spend about half my time and where I am now, is just 25 minutes from the Carter Family place, where they still have live local musicians and dancing every Saturday night. I probably need to get back up there some time soon. The Burns show is really a good program and even if you are not a big fan of country music it is a fascinating history and there are lots of good interviews with some of the key players, some of whom, like Merle Haggard and Mel Tillis, have passed on since Burns started filming several years ago. I found the interviews with Haggard alone to be worth the time, I had never really known about how important his relationship was with Johnny Cash. It's a great story. Give it a look, you won't be disappointed.
I keep sidling up to Boswell on Johnson but never take the plunge. Any opinions?
Boswell is an acquired taste. IMO, the work is a window into the culture, politics, and language of the time (American war of independence). I read a few pages a night since it is a rich dessert and am 2/3rds through the book. Well worth the effort imho.
Wow. Rudy rips Steph so bad on Biden that Biden;s team sends message to networks begging them to ban Rudy from their news shows.
Rudy Giuliani, having avoided the Clinton trap, then rips the legs out from under the Biden-Ukraine defense and beats Stephanopoulos over the head with the truth hammer.
Drudge has dialed to eleven:
Almost at the same time as the american war, half a world a way the brits were fighting the first of the mysore wars in india, and warren hastings was prosecuting it effectively.
Instead of being rewarded, back home a rival from the indian office phillip james had made impeach charges and edmund burke took up the spear.
That might work well with AA’s suggestion to let them play on a timer when going to sleep.
“Lattimore for me, ever and always.”
Has his virtues certainly, but I found him slow. Fitzgerald is excellent in both books. I was less happy with Lombardo's Odyssey, but his Iliad was great. I need to get back to Odyssey soon. Probably Fagles.
Not edmund burkes finest hour,
"Someone said...
Blogger chuck said...
I was hoping next years election would wait until next year, but the Democrats won't leave me along. Just donated to the Trump campaign. The upside of impeachment is that the Democrats won't get anything else done this year.
9/29/19, 1:26 PM
Since wonders will never cease, Drago should take note of this miracle."
Don't make a capital error about chuck.
Ask yourself: What did which chuck Chuck when whichever Chuck chucked? Whichever Chuck chucked what whichever Chuck would chuck if whichever Chuck would or could chuck what whatever whichever chuck would.
" keep sidling up to Boswell on Johnson but never take the plunge. Any opinions?"
Its a rich dessert, as stated above. And better "dipped in to" a little at at time, then read straight through for long stretches. Like Joyce or the Federalist papers.
Bloomberg’s comment on China surprised me, especially with how the current leader has consolidated power. He’s the most powerful since Mao.
The Netflix Obama movie, American Factory, on the factory taken over by China was interesting,
At the Chinese hq they had pictures of all the recent Chinese leaders. Since Deng in western dress. The latest was in a Mao type jacket / top.
With the moderation the threads are more readable and the replies are at a higher level.
Inga and Chuck I have mixed feelings on. Both deliberately would troll and destroy threads and go off topic, which I hate. Others times they did share valuable insights.
Hunter has become the (not aggressively enough) Hunted--
but where is he?
-where is Ghislaine Maxwell?
-where is Josef Mifsud ?
as far as what's up with Gretard The Eco-Brat, didnt she get nominated for an 0'bama-style Nobel?
Ahhhhnold Schwartzenscheister has lent her his "electric Hummer" as her AWG 'Popemobile'
Trump won 3,084 of 3,141 counties in America in 2016.
"Carol said...
I hope everyone's not like me and all worn out with this drama."
I learned in the prolife wars that you have to keep yourself together. You simply have to continue to enjoy life. There's a lot to work out as far as understanding the Dems, especially their cheaty impeachment strategy. This information is at Conservative Treehouse and Michael K has summarized it above. But if you don't feel like reading it till whenever, well, stay in your own life until the spring flows again. Don't keep going with your mind in a turmoil until you overheat and seize up but rather live the personal life which will regenerate into an interest in these politics.
That said, it appears that the Dems are going to try to force impeachment through in the next month by various tricks including excluding the Republicans from questioning witnesses. They're going to throw everything, all day, all of them - like CNN covering the lost plane and just about as thoughtful. At the end - spoiler alert - the surprise ending will be that Trump will not be impeached, Biden will crawl off and Hillary will reappear as a candidate. This is the weakness of what they are doing - it is all aimed at the return of Hillary. I can't feel the mood of the country very well; I think it isn't formed because the dog ate everyone homework on this. Everyone wants to skip class and phone in sick on this. But I think the return of Hillary will crystallize everyone's thought's. She's Greta Thunberg, grownup, and masking her hatred of everyone, but not very well.
I've tossed and turned at night. Chuck and Inga where are they? Every day I get up I wonder what of chuck and inga. Are they alive? Are they still posting? What of Chuck and Inga? Those giants that strode the internet.
What a great time we had, insulting each other, spamming threads, boring every else with our predictable back and forth, playing "Crossfire" and saying the same thing, over and over and over again.
Sigh. Oh, how i miss them. /s/ Lonely heart Conservatives.
...and a tip of our 'CAPS' to Lower-Case chuck
who has been a real trooper all along.
Just watched a clip of SNL mocking a Dem debate. It was very well written and they effectively savaged most of the candidates, especially Kamela. Went a long way in correcting their liberal bias. Clip here:
Blogger FullMoon said...
Trump won 3,084 of 3,141 counties in America in 2016
Did not realize his win was such landslide.
Do you have votes totals?
Surely he can regain same next year.
I hope for improvement!
Yes xi actually chose to study marxism in the late 90s
Dascol 11:48 thank you I love me some Oingo Boigo many years now
Last week I visited with a friend I hadn't seen in a few years.
"You know, I used to be interested in politics."
"Oh, yes!"
"Not anymore. I can't stand it. You know how often most people used to think about politics? Maybe for a short time around each election. People shouldn't be obsessed with politics all the time."
"I love it now. Now everyone is interested! Everyone is paying attention."
"They're not paying attention. They're screaming in each other's faces. They're not discussing anything."
I hate it. Nice visit with my nice friend though!
wildswan said...
"...Don't make a capital error about chuck.
Ask yourself: What did which chuck Chuck when whichever Chuck chucked? Whichever Chuck chucked what whichever Chuck would chuck if whichever Chuck would or could chuck what whatever whichever chuck would."
OK, I want to upchuck my Chuck post.
Probably shes the ancient mariner only running wilm get it out of her system.
... cuperent lustrari, si qua darentur
sulpura cum taedis et si foret umida laurus,
illic heu miseri traducimur.
Juvenal, I,2,155-157 [When the shades of these our 'statesmen', shameful in their vices, descend to the underworld] the heroes of old would, were it possible, want to be purified of their presence itself, so profound the degradation into which we have fallen.
Politics follow culture.
Our mindset of abundance has defeated you long ago.
Blogger FullMoon said...”Trump won 3,084 of 3,141 counties in America in 2016 “
This why we must change the Electoral college to more accurately reflect the will of big cities.
Amexpat: The video to which you allude is 'no longer available'. But it is nice to hear the SNL is at least making a feeble attempt to be less biased. I remember the golden years of SNL when their skits were rarely about politics and were almost always funny.
How do you guys know what day it is?
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