September 23, 2019

"If you are motivated by a wish to help on the basis of kindness, compassion and respect, then you can do any kind of work, in any field..."

"... and function more effectively with less fear or worry, not being afraid of what others think or whether you will ultimately reach your goal."

Tweets the Dalai Lama.

It is not by chance that this post follows the one below it.


Seeing Red said...


madAsHell said...

“So, I’ve got that working for me!”
—Bill Murray, Caddyshack

bagoh20 said...

Maybe in your line of work, whatever that is. Some people have jobs where that will get you killed, and they make your bullshit possible for you.

Michael P said...

That is well put. A bit longer than "when you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice", but similar in vein.

Automatic_Wing said...

That's a pretty big if. I'm just sayin'.

Fernandinande said...

kind of work, in any field...

Oil field. Oil was never mean to anybody, so it should be treated with kindness and respect. But not compassion.

“So, I’ve got that working for me!”

He seems to think total consciousness is a good thing. It might hurt a lot.

Kevin said...

Do you know what the Lama says? Gunga galunga... gunga, gunga-lagunga.

Kevin said...

Big hitter, the Lama.

Jeff said...

I had better advice about careers for my kids. When considering what you want to major in, remember that if you're intelligent and willing to work hard, you can find interesting and challenging work in almost any field. So get into one that pays well.

cubanbob said...

Between the Dalai Lama and Marianne Williamson hokum I'll go with the Dalai Lama. At least he isn't running for president ( and as it is, Williamson is occasionally the sanest Democrat).

le Douanier said...

This blog is the best ever. Perfection.


dustbunny said...

Seems like Greta is motivated by her obsessions. Hard to see any compassion on her part just anger, resentment and fear. The video of Trump passing her by was the most interesting thing I’ve seen concerning her. She looked momentarily excited as though hoping he would genuflect like all the other adults in her presence, for then she could reject or harangue him. Instead he ignored her (did he even know she was there?) and she, as someone on twitter noted, glared like a jilted spouse.

Leland said...

Of course, Dalai Lama's comments work for Trump too.

Darrell said...

The Dalai Lama Tweets. That makes President Trump's Tweets divine.

Ken B said...

I think this is Althouse’s response to those who see her silence on the Thunberg threads as tacit approval.