Fear of Spiders and snakes is a fear that many people are born with, along with fear of heights and fear of loud noises. All other fears have to be taught.
“We know that Mr. Mueller got a letter from Mr. Rosenstein that allowed him to target Michael Flynn Jr., and there was significant pressure to enter a guilty plea while they were hiding all the evidence that showed he had not been an agent of Russia, that there were no Logan Act violations,” Powell told Hannity.
I understand the FARA accusation are to be dismissed.
The son of Melania, who didn't seem to have a name, who is a beautiful young man. Melania's son, "together."
Now really, if we had video of Biden talking this way, what would the Althouse commentariat be saying? I don't know; maybe Biden does talk like that. I'm no defender of Biden. I'm just asking about Trump, based on video like this.
"According to a new report, prior to the 1996 election — via which Bill Clinton faced a dubious 2nd term — the Democratic Party hatched a plan to inundate conservative talk radio show with callers who were sneakily in fact left-wingers. The mission? To push Democrat talking points.
Evidence of the Talk Radio Initiative was discovered within documents at the Clinton Presidential Library, as noted by The Washington Free Beacon."
For those of you paying attention, the far left updated this tactic to include having left wingers pose as conservatives, sometimes as lifelong conservatives or republicans, in blog forums...just like Althouse.
To advance democrat talking points of course.
Lefty billionaire Reid Hoffman pled guilty under oath to just this sort of a scam.
On top of all that lefty moneymen have been purchasing the services of fake conservatives to run fake conservative websites to advance the lefty agenda. The Bulwark is the prime example of this.
I wonder if one of these fake conservative lefties has been posting at Althouse under the banner perhaps of a lifelong republican?
We shall have to keep a sharp eye out.
A real tell-tale clue might be a predilection for twisting every negative to dems story or storyline against republicans.
For instance its clear to literally everyone that Biden us a senile idiot. A fake conservative might spend time trying to create the illusion that its really a republican that is losing it.
If you see anything like that at Althouse be sure to make a mental note of it.
Husband is afraid of spiderwebs. If he has a spider on him he will knock it off no problem, squish it with a paper towel, etc but he doesn’t like the idea of having a spider on him of which he is unaware. We have very large webs pop up every night and it is funny watching him walk into the yard in the morning. If he walks into one he will stop, drop, roll, and then I have to do a brush down.
"I'm no defender of Biden. I'm just asking about Trump, based on video like this."
Chuck said...
"I am afraid you are mistaking me for someone who has an interest in fair treatment of Donald Trump. I'm not your guy. I am interested in smearing him, hurting him and prejudicing people against him."
The late term-abortionist said killing a baby in utero with digoxin prevented the "delivery of a live fetus," which is "the biggest disaster and it never goes away."
When the CEO of StemExpress was asked about the head of a baby being attached to the body upon tissue procurement, she said the photos from CMP are accurate and show that the heads are sometimes attached and sometimes are not attached to other parts of body.
The CEO of StemExpress indicated StemExpress as a business has grown larger. A former director for Planned Parenthood said, "We've been pretty successful" when asked about the ability to flip a baby in the womb to breech position in order to extract it with the head intact for brain harvesting. Doing so is more dangerous to the mother but more profitable for companies that sell baby body parts for research.
Chuck said So yeah, Meade. I wrote that. It's an accurate quote. I'd like to see the context in which I wrote it; no doubt it was in the midst of more insults and abuse of me by the Althouse commentariat. But I wrote it and I own it and I have never once denied it.
I'm not a journalist; I'm not a judge sitting on a case in which Trump is a party. I am not a government official owing a duty of fairness and fair dealing to Trump. I don't feel that I owe any duty of fairness to Trump. I think he's hateful and despicable and an asshole and I will be very happy when something very bad happens to him.
When you watch the entirety of the clip Rupar posted, makes Rupar and Chuck look like obsessed dopes incapable of understanding casual conversation. To be fair, only Rupar claims to be a "journalist".
She was hiding under a rock the last two days: https://www.redstate.com/alexparker/2019/09/11/msnbcs-nicolle-wallace-just-use-911-compare-trump-al-qaeda-terrorists/
I second chicklit's suggestion of Mindhunter. I binged season two last week, and it was outstanding. I also binged the first two seasons of Ozark since last Thursday, much better than I expected- it reminds me of Breaking Bad quite a bit, not quite as good, but very entertaining. Also, one show I will plug that is truly outstanding is The Dark, a German time traveling show- I was blow away by the first season when I watched it last year, and the second season was even better.
I talked to my youngest teenager today about what happened on 9/11. I discussed, in particular, how courageous the New York First Responders were, and how our country responded to the terrorist attack. She got it. I think (hope) it made a lasting impression.
Try to capture the face of a spider on a camera. I don't know what it is, but you can't do it. It's like trying to capture the face of the wildebeest. You can't do it. Every photo is just an asshole, an eyeball, and an ear cocked in your direction.
Some of the sources they reference point out bin laden wasnt all that in his big fight with the soviets, but the back story about zawahiri, is very interesting.
I just did a guy from Beirut attending hbs. He was amazing. He was a management consultant for 4 years and traveled to Saudi Arabia and uae and met guys off Grindr. Isn't that hot? I asked if I was his first American and he said yes. I hope I made the red white and blue proud.
Have I mentioned lately that I am totally creeped out by spiders? You might call it a phobia.
Rumbling around Italy I can report not one question about American politics or of Trump. That's not unusual, Italians are very polite in my experience. This is my sixth trip to the country, still haven't had a bad meal. There are lots of tourists here - lots from APAC countries; Australian and New Zealand couples, Chinese and Japanese tour groups (many Chinese women are older and well dressed, lovely hats - we went hiking, a rigorous jaunt that thinned the crowd considerably.
We thought and talked about 9/11, were in Positano on that fateful day 18 years ago. Simultaneously feels like yesterday and a lifetime ago.
Omg. He just texted me with a pics of my keys and saiid he took them by mistake with a pic of my keys with bmw key. He apologized profusely said he was so clumsy and is taking an uber back to give them to me. I should be the gay liaison at the Un. I could totally broker a Mideast peace plan. I have satisfied so many middle easterns. But I get confused in Grindr Jews referred to themselves on Grindr as middle eastern. When I arrive I expect Mohammed and instead I get Ethan or Aaron. So confusing. They all kind of look the same to me though. Swarmy and dark and cut. . Tonight's guy was Christian though. I asked. But not practicing. He told me I have an amazing body. I live for that. There is a reasoni am at the gym every day. Because I want adoration He just dropped the keys off. He loved my penthouse loft. I fucked for 2 hours and he came 3 times. He was a rich Lebanese too. Parents are doctors. I asked of course.
As more and more evidence comes to light of the dems/left/LLR-left's attempt, for the first time in American history, to utilize all facets of the awesome power of government to literally frame an opposition candidate, then President-Elect and then astonishingly a President, there is an expectation that the far left will attempt to paint many many actions of the victim of the literal coup attempt as some sort of major scandal in order to muddy the waters and protect the coup plotters.
This is strikingly similar to how communist and totalitarian regimes behave in other countries.
It stands to reason that the "Blog Forum Initiative" fake conservatives will be out in force to assist in amplifying these non-scandals, particularly since the 1 major dem candidate who many believe is the only candidate that can effectively challenge Trump was an active and knowing participant in the frame up and coup attempt.
Everyone should keep a sharp eye out for just such activity at Althouseblog.
@Chuck: Trump was speaking about Melania's concern over young people getting sick from vaping. The words make sense when you listen to the whole thing. You're dialing it in, which is archaic for a troll.
I'm enjoying Mindhunter as good science fiction. They haven't gotten to the part yet where the Feds not only failed to solve any crimes, anywhere, ever because they were obsessed with finding patterns and then misled the public for decades beause the patterns they came up with were completely wrong, literally enabling prolific serial killers to hide in plain sight.
The depiction of the Wayne Williams murders in Atlanta is pure fiction. By 1980, scores of FBI and DOJ were working on the murders, along with hundreds of state, county and local police and even foreign law enforcement. Nobody was ignoring the victims. It was the local police who went screaming that the killings were connected, not the feds, and certainly not the black politicians who tried to bury the murders until they began making money off them.
With few exceptions, the feds did nothing but diddle with Mayor Maynard Jackson trying to find a non-existent Klan connection. Jackson was less interested in solving the murders than in raking in the millions pouring in from all over the country, much of which went walking. He and his inner circle, Lee Brown and George Napper, were pushing the Klan story to enhance their political power and line their pockets. President Bush gave millions. The "Mindhunters" strutted around town playing Atticus Finch and looking for racists under rocks while the local cops comforted the parents and endured public hostility and staked out the bridges and caught Williams.
When the victims' parents started getting big money in donations, some other parents are suspected of killing their own kids to get on the gravy train. Typically, Netflix makes this horrorshow into a tale of good feds bravely sounding the alarm as racist local cops ignored dead black boys. As usual, exactly the opposite was true.
Tina Trent said... @Chuck: Trump was speaking about Melania's concern over young people getting sick from vaping. The words make sense when you listen to the whole thing. You're dialing it in, which is archaic for a troll.
I did listen to the whole thing. I think I understand the basics of what Trump was trying to say. In English, in a normal speaking voice, it would have been something like, "My wife Melania is here with us in the Oval Office, and as we discuss some of these issues of foreign relations and foreign trade, a very important domestic issue is the rapid growth of the vaping industry and the use of those products among children, including children the same age as our son Barron. As the mother of a teenager, Melania is deeply concerned about these issues."
Instead we got one of Trump's weird word-salads about Melania having "a son -- together --"
I think that the underlying issue is some unspoken psychosocial issue that Donald Trump has with Barron Trump. Let me repeat that for clarity. Donald Trump, I think, has some weird psychosocial issue with Barron Trump. But I don't know. Let me repeat that as well; I don't know. Someday maybe we will get more answers about Donald Trump, Barron Trump and Donald Trump's psychosocial issues.
Someday, I expect, we'll know more and I am looking forward to learning much more about the psychology of Donald Trump and his progeny. Perhaps if in the future Barron Trump writes a book about his experiences as a Trump child and a teenager in the White House.
I meant to add; a large part of the weirdness in that Oval Office meeting was not just Trump talking about Barron with no mention of his name as Melania's son "together;" it was also Trump's crazed whiparound of world trade issues, careening from one topic to another like somebody who was on medication.
I don't care about Trump's personal weirdness. I voted for him because he supports the same platform as I do. Also because he alone has the strange qualities that enable him to punch back at the corrupt and powerful and vicious media.
If he had also been a man of interpersonal integrity and psychological nuance, I'd say great, we've got a trifecta. But I'll settle for the two out of three that actually involve doing his job.
The rest is fodder for comment threads, and renting out space in his enemies' brains.
That guy looks like an orb weaver (Araneidae). Unlike jumpers, they have very poor vision but the ability to know exactly which radial to run up when an insect hits the web. Some species give the web a shake and judge from the reflections where the target is located.
I'll admit it's not as attractive as some in that family. For really nice coloration check out Leucauge venusta, the green orchard spider. https://www.arenapile.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Orchard-Spider.jpg
The picture doesn't do justice to the iridescent chartreuse coloration. They are very common here in the spring but disappear by early summer. Oddly, they tend to build their webs at 45 degrees to the vertical.
I don't know because I stopped paying them after... I don't recall what they did that provoked me to cancel, as a matter of fact. But, at Amazon Prime there is-- am catching up with the Claremont Review Summer issue-- a French television series called A Village in France that the reveiwer, Martha Bayles, invokes Shakespeare and Tolstoy to praise. Seven series, seasons.
A quick search of google shows nothing...no reports, no news articles, no comments...about this "Blog Forum Initiative". A look at bing shows more results, but nothing about this secret program he keeps babbling on&on&on about. He says that there is "more and more evidence" of this program coming to life...but where is this information he claims to be privy to coming from?
It's almost as if it is being totally be made up, on the spot, and completely fabricated.
Kinda like almost every other claim/accusation that he makes about other people....
purplepenquin: "A quick search of google shows nothing...no reports, no news articles, no comments...about this "Blog Forum Initiative". A look at bing shows more results, but nothing about this secret program he keeps babbling on&on&on about."
The "Blog Forum Initiative" is the name I've given to the clear effort being made on blogsites that is a natural followon to the democrats/lefts "Talk Radio Initiative". Now revealed Clinton records documents thousands of lefties were trained and paid to call into talk radio shows in the 1990's and beyond and pretend to be conservatives while advancing lefty narratives.
Fast forward a few years and we see lefty billionaire Reid Hoffman admitting under oath to doing the same thing in online forums all the while we see far lefty billionaires like Pierre Omidyar sucking up some of these fake conservatives and starting up fake conservative websites (in Omidyar's case it is the fake conservative site The Bulwark) where those websites supposedly advance the cause of conservatism by preaching the value of the lefty policies and politicians.
This is one reason why the lefties simply cannot understand how a true grassroots movement begins because everything the dems/left/LLR-left/"Blog Forum Initiative" fakers do is driven top down by the lefties "betters".
But it's perfectly cool for you to continue playing dumb. Really, I wouldn't want it any other way.
For instance PP, it has been noted that its very likely the incoherent and clearly senile Joe Biden is on any number of medications.
A typical "Blog Forum Initiative" fake conservative would take that information and then attempt to redirect that sort of a charge onto a republican somewhere.
Has anyone done that to your knowledge on this thread?
Let me know if they have. We must remain vigilant regarding these lefty efforts.
Of course, when it comes to the Talk Radio Initiative, all we have are hard copy records and records of training and payment and thousands of examples of seminar callers and now seminar bloggers and even under oath testimony by a lefty billionaire admitting to funding precisely that sort of activity.
You know what the dems/lefties/LLR-lefties call that? A conspiracy theory.
We know return you to your previously scheduled discussion on the Pee Tape and Russia Collusion.....
That is where state prosecutors Angela Corey, Bernie De La Rionda and John Guy come in. They knowingly took false testimony from “Dee Dee” who was identified at trial as Rachel Jeantel (Witness #8), in order to prosecute the arrest. However, It was always clear that Ms. Jeantel was never actually the young woman who was Trayvon’s girlfriend.
Throughout the pre-trial phase, and actual trial itself, the fabrication of witness #8 (Rachel Jeantel) was somewhat of a not-funny running joke; it was just absurd, yet the media ran with it without question…. well, until witness #8 took the stand at trial.
The CTH community knew everything about Ms. Jeantel was a big fraud created by the Martin family, Benjamin Crump and their national media allies.
PP: " The "more and more evidence" you were referring to is all in your own mind."
The Clinton documents regarding the Talk Radio Initiative are now a matter of public record.
The online forum activities of lefty billionaires funding posters to pretend to be conservatives is in the court records for Reid Hoffman.
The purchase of supposedly conservative websites and the hiring of supposedly conservative writers by far left activist billionaires such as Pierre Omidyar is a matter of public record.
So, yeah, its all made up!!
Nice Try.
Seriously, an effort worthy of a certain LLR who must remain nameless.
PP decides now would be a perfect time to deny on the record and under oath evidence as made up!!
Precisely what Inga did for months and months and months when it was pointed out to her that Christopher Steele had provided under oath testimony at trial in a London court that the so called Steele dossier was completely unverified and was to be verified by the FBI....which never did because duh.
That went on for months and months and months until she simply stopped talking about it all together and then simply reincarnated herself.
I didn't "deny" anything - simply pointed out that there is no evidence of this "Blog Forum Initiative" that you keep saying there is "more and more evidence" of. I don't doubt that something may be afoot - both of the major parties as well as other political organizations obviously have a strong online presence - but it appears that you simply made up this particular named program. I also don't beleive your claim that everyone/anyone on this blog who speaks ill of Trump is being paid to do so.
That aside- Althouse has asked us to refrain from the personal attacks and back-and-forth snipes. She has also asked that we not refer to people who have been banned from this blog. Are you going to respect her wishes or are you going to continue to say Fuck you, bitch!! I'll do what I want like others have?
"I feel bad for television critics and cultural critics,” he explains. “They may have laughed like hell at that, and then they went home and they know what they have to write to keep their job. So when I read TV reviews or cultural reviews, I think of someone in prison, writing. I think about somebody writing a hostage note.”. - Matt Stone
He who controls the cushy jobs controls the culture of media.
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What’s good on Netflix?
"Hey, Shelob! Long time, no see."
Skylark said...What’s good on Netflix?
What an ugly spider!
Fear of Spiders and snakes is a fear that many people are born with, along with fear of heights and fear of loud noises. All other fears have to be taught.
Flynn and his lawyer are on the offensive. Nunez says it is all going to come out.
forget Netflix--
watch Zdenek Gazda's inspring work from 3 yrs ago!
Saw a movie tonight- Peanut Butter Falcon. No Oscars will be had but it was worthwhile.
I like this one:
More on the Flynn case.
“We know that Mr. Mueller got a letter from Mr. Rosenstein that allowed him to target Michael Flynn Jr., and there was significant pressure to enter a guilty plea while they were hiding all the evidence that showed he had not been an agent of Russia, that there were no Logan Act violations,” Powell told Hannity.
I understand the FARA accusation are to be dismissed.
Ok, Skylark-- you win the Cankle-Toss!!
This from Gen Flynn’s hearing today shows you the catch-22 which Mueller put Gen Flynn in.
Mueller crew didn’t produce exculpatory (Brady) material pre-plea and now they say they don’t have to because Flynn already plead guilty.
So Sidney Powell asks: Whats the point of Brady? (per H. mahncke)
There really is no end to Trump weirdness.
Melania "has got a son -- together -- and he is a beautiful young man, and she feels very strongly about it."
The son of Melania, who didn't seem to have a name, who is a beautiful young man. Melania's son, "together."
Now really, if we had video of Biden talking this way, what would the Althouse commentariat be saying? I don't know; maybe Biden does talk like that. I'm no defender of Biden. I'm just asking about Trump, based on video like this.
Why yesterdays victory went down a memory hole.
So who are you voting for Chuck? Senile Joe Biden, Bernie? Lizzie Warren?
Who knew that you had desert-camouflaged spiders in Wisconsin? Pretty badass...
LLR Chuck: "I'm no defender of Biden."
Obama, Not Trump, Outed Russian Spy
Flashback: Russia says John Brennan visited Russia in 2016 for undisclosed purposes
dont forget Libya 9/11/12
the "Spontaneous Attack Motivated by an Offensive Video",
where, apparently some otherpeople did some stuff
Here's an interesting tidbit:
"According to a new report, prior to the 1996 election — via which Bill Clinton faced a dubious 2nd term — the Democratic Party hatched a plan to inundate conservative talk radio show with callers who were sneakily in fact left-wingers. The mission? To push Democrat talking points.
Evidence of the Talk Radio Initiative was discovered within documents at the Clinton Presidential Library, as noted by The Washington Free Beacon."
For those of you paying attention, the far left updated this tactic to include having left wingers pose as conservatives, sometimes as lifelong conservatives or republicans, in blog forums...just like Althouse.
To advance democrat talking points of course.
Lefty billionaire Reid Hoffman pled guilty under oath to just this sort of a scam.
On top of all that lefty moneymen have been purchasing the services of fake conservatives to run fake conservative websites to advance the lefty agenda. The Bulwark is the prime example of this.
I wonder if one of these fake conservative lefties has been posting at Althouse under the banner perhaps of a lifelong republican?
We shall have to keep a sharp eye out.
A real tell-tale clue might be a predilection for twisting every negative to dems story or storyline against republicans.
For instance its clear to literally everyone that Biden us a senile idiot. A fake conservative might spend time trying to create the illusion that its really a republican that is losing it.
If you see anything like that at Althouse be sure to make a mental note of it.
Now they caught the head movie critic bin qumu in eastern libya a year ago.
Husband is afraid of spiderwebs. If he has a spider on him he will knock it off no problem, squish it with a paper towel, etc but he doesn’t like the idea of having a spider on him of which he is unaware. We have very large webs pop up every night and it is funny watching him walk into the yard in the morning. If he walks into one he will stop, drop, roll, and then I have to do a brush down.
I have my suspicions.
"I'm no defender of Biden. I'm just asking about Trump, based on video like this."
Chuck said...
"I am afraid you are mistaking me for someone who has an interest in fair treatment of Donald Trump. I'm not your guy. I am interested in smearing him, hurting him and prejudicing people against him."
3/4/16, 4:46 PM
The late term-abortionist said killing a baby in utero with digoxin prevented the "delivery of a live fetus," which is "the biggest disaster and it never goes away."
...isn't alive.
When the CEO of StemExpress was asked about the head of a baby being attached to the body upon tissue procurement, she said the photos from CMP are accurate and show that the heads are sometimes attached and sometimes are not attached to other parts of body.
The CEO of StemExpress indicated StemExpress as a business has grown larger.
A former director for Planned Parenthood said, "We've been pretty successful" when asked about the ability to flip a baby in the womb to breech position in order to extract it with the head intact for brain harvesting. Doing so is more dangerous to the mother but more profitable for companies that sell baby body parts for research.
walter, that is indeed damning evidence against "Blog Forum Initiative"- "Republican" Chuck.
And to think this "LLR" offered that up on his own volition.
Hiding in plain sight you might say...
Chuck said
So yeah, Meade. I wrote that. It's an accurate quote. I'd like to see the context in which I wrote it; no doubt it was in the midst of more insults and abuse of me by the Althouse commentariat. But I wrote it and I own it and I have never once denied it.
I'm not a journalist; I'm not a judge sitting on a case in which Trump is a party. I am not a government official owing a duty of fairness and fair dealing to Trump. I don't feel that I owe any duty of fairness to Trump. I think he's hateful and despicable and an asshole and I will be very happy when something very bad happens to him.
Seriously after the eel he made of himself this morning its time to ignore.
That was a fusion gps full pillow effort, re stem express.
My hovercraft is full of eels.
My neeples explode with dee-light.
Heh, that was actually zoidberg from futurama.
I see straight lines.
When you watch the entirety of the clip Rupar posted, makes Rupar and Chuck look like obsessed dopes incapable of understanding casual conversation.
To be fair, only Rupar claims to be a "journalist".
Maybe they are using the hungarian phrase book.
Aaron 'tractor' rupar, snorfle.
Why actually have real news:
Did no one else notice that that "Hey Guys" video ends with the girl saying "Hey guys, thanks for watching, remember to subscribe"?
She was hiding under a rock the last two days:
Barbie Zimmerman? Poe's Law ??
Liberals Attack ‘Racist’ Day of the Dead Barbie Doll
Ya got me. I didn't.
In my defense, videos like that give me the heebie-jeebies because of the youthful stupidity sure to blast me.
So I just jump into the comments.
So on the anniversary of september the house passes a bill, that takes away our leverage over gulf states, slashing off shore drilling
Drill baby, drill.
Jon Ericson: "My hovercraft is full of eels."
It is an eel wind through which "Blog Forum Initiative" Chuck blows no good.
Every September 11 I watch In Memoriam, an HBO production of which I have a DVD. Both graphic and very moving.
Narciso sez: Seriously after the eel he made of himself this morning its time to ignore.
Was he a green nude eel?
"What's good on Netflix"
I second chicklit's suggestion of Mindhunter. I binged season two last week, and it was outstanding. I also binged the first two seasons of Ozark since last Thursday, much better than I expected- it reminds me of Breaking Bad quite a bit, not quite as good, but very entertaining. Also, one show I will plug that is truly outstanding is The Dark, a German time traveling show- I was blow away by the first season when I watched it last year, and the second season was even better.
Every September 11 I watch In Memoriam, an HBO production of which I have a DVD. Both graphic and very moving.
I have a DVD copy of "The Path to 9/11" which Disney/ABC suppressed until Hillary looked done.
Not easy to find but worth it.
"What's good on Netflix"
Pepperoni, mushrooms & onions!
I talked to my youngest teenager today about what happened on 9/11. I discussed, in particular, how courageous the New York First Responders were, and how our country responded to the terrorist attack. She got it. I think (hope) it made a lasting impression.
Try to capture the face of a spider on a camera. I don't know what it is, but you can't do it. It's like trying to capture the face of the wildebeest. You can't do it. Every photo is just an asshole, an eyeball, and an ear cocked in your direction.
I havent considered it, yes path to 9/11, looming tower covers some of the same material but without the unconfortable moments
Going down mwmory lane,
Were all shows in that era, narrated by william conrad?
I have the book The Looming Tower: Al Qaeda and the Road to 9/1l and bought it for my kids, too. Not sure if they read it.
Some of the sources they reference point out bin laden wasnt all that in his big fight with the soviets, but the back story about zawahiri, is very interesting.
@Yancey Ward: Thanks for the suggestions!
I just did a guy from Beirut attending hbs. He was amazing. He was a management consultant for 4 years and traveled to Saudi Arabia and uae and met guys off Grindr. Isn't that hot? I asked if I was his first American and he said yes. I hope I made the red white and blue proud.
He just texted me and said I was the best. I represented america well tonight.
Nighty night.
Have I mentioned lately that I am totally creeped out by spiders? You might call it a phobia.
Rumbling around Italy I can report not one question about American politics or of Trump. That's not unusual, Italians are very polite in my experience. This is my sixth trip to the country, still haven't had a bad meal. There are lots of tourists here - lots from APAC countries; Australian and New Zealand couples, Chinese and Japanese tour groups (many Chinese women are older and well dressed, lovely hats - we went hiking, a rigorous jaunt that thinned the crowd considerably.
We thought and talked about 9/11, were in Positano on that fateful day 18 years ago. Simultaneously feels like yesterday and a lifetime ago.
The Who, futzing with Bobber Ann
Bobber Ann
Omg. He just texted me with a pics of my keys and saiid he took them by mistake with a pic of my keys with bmw key. He apologized profusely said he was so clumsy and is taking an uber back to give them to me. I should be the gay liaison at the Un. I could totally broker a Mideast peace plan. I have satisfied so many middle easterns. But I get confused in Grindr Jews referred to themselves on Grindr as middle eastern. When I arrive I expect Mohammed and instead I get Ethan or Aaron. So confusing. They all kind of look the same to me though. Swarmy and dark and cut. . Tonight's guy was Christian though. I asked. But not practicing. He told me I have an amazing body. I live for that. There is a reasoni am at the gym every day. Because I want adoration He just dropped the keys off. He loved my penthouse loft. I fucked for 2 hours and he came 3 times. He was a rich Lebanese too. Parents are doctors. I asked of course.
The scandal deepens, relative to Trump’s obsession with defending his erroneous hurricane warning to Alabama.
It was Trump himself, who ordered NOAA to issue the infamous pro-Trump statement last Friday afternoon:
Goodbye Chuck
How can you tell the difference between Titus and Chuck?
One is fucking assholes and the other is a fucking asshole.
Thanks, Drago!
I'll keep an eye out.
(There's a joke there, but it's too early.,)
I asked of course.
Of course.
As more and more evidence comes to light of the dems/left/LLR-left's attempt, for the first time in American history, to utilize all facets of the awesome power of government to literally frame an opposition candidate, then President-Elect and then astonishingly a President, there is an expectation that the far left will attempt to paint many many actions of the victim of the literal coup attempt as some sort of major scandal in order to muddy the waters and protect the coup plotters.
This is strikingly similar to how communist and totalitarian regimes behave in other countries.
It stands to reason that the "Blog Forum Initiative" fake conservatives will be out in force to assist in amplifying these non-scandals, particularly since the 1 major dem candidate who many believe is the only candidate that can effectively challenge Trump was an active and knowing participant in the frame up and coup attempt.
Everyone should keep a sharp eye out for just such activity at Althouseblog.
@Chuck: Trump was speaking about Melania's concern over young people getting sick from vaping. The words make sense when you listen to the whole thing. You're dialing it in, which is archaic for a troll.
I'm enjoying Mindhunter as good science fiction. They haven't gotten to the part yet where the Feds not only failed to solve any crimes, anywhere, ever because they were obsessed with finding patterns and then misled the public for decades beause the patterns they came up with were completely wrong, literally enabling prolific serial killers to hide in plain sight.
The depiction of the Wayne Williams murders in Atlanta is pure fiction. By 1980, scores of FBI and DOJ were working on the murders, along with hundreds of state, county and local police and even foreign law enforcement. Nobody was ignoring the victims. It was the local police who went screaming that the killings were connected, not the feds, and certainly not the black politicians who tried to bury the murders until they began making money off them.
With few exceptions, the feds did nothing but diddle with Mayor Maynard Jackson trying to find a non-existent Klan connection. Jackson was less interested in solving the murders than in raking in the millions pouring in from all over the country, much of which went walking. He and his inner circle, Lee Brown and George Napper, were pushing the Klan story to enhance their political power and line their pockets. President Bush gave millions. The "Mindhunters" strutted around town playing Atticus Finch and looking for racists under rocks while the local cops comforted the parents and endured public hostility and staked out the bridges and caught Williams.
When the victims' parents started getting big money in donations, some other parents are suspected of killing their own kids to get on the gravy train. Typically, Netflix makes this horrorshow into a tale of good feds bravely sounding the alarm as racist local cops ignored dead black boys. As usual, exactly the opposite was true.
Is it Itsy bittsy spider? Or itsy tinsy spider?
Tina Trent said...
@Chuck: Trump was speaking about Melania's concern over young people getting sick from vaping. The words make sense when you listen to the whole thing. You're dialing it in, which is archaic for a troll.
I did listen to the whole thing. I think I understand the basics of what Trump was trying to say. In English, in a normal speaking voice, it would have been something like, "My wife Melania is here with us in the Oval Office, and as we discuss some of these issues of foreign relations and foreign trade, a very important domestic issue is the rapid growth of the vaping industry and the use of those products among children, including children the same age as our son Barron. As the mother of a teenager, Melania is deeply concerned about these issues."
Instead we got one of Trump's weird word-salads about Melania having "a son -- together --"
I think that the underlying issue is some unspoken psychosocial issue that Donald Trump has with Barron Trump. Let me repeat that for clarity. Donald Trump, I think, has some weird psychosocial issue with Barron Trump. But I don't know. Let me repeat that as well; I don't know. Someday maybe we will get more answers about Donald Trump, Barron Trump and Donald Trump's psychosocial issues.
Someday, I expect, we'll know more and I am looking forward to learning much more about the psychology of Donald Trump and his progeny. Perhaps if in the future Barron Trump writes a book about his experiences as a Trump child and a teenager in the White House.
I meant to add; a large part of the weirdness in that Oval Office meeting was not just Trump talking about Barron with no mention of his name as Melania's son "together;" it was also Trump's crazed whiparound of world trade issues, careening from one topic to another like somebody who was on medication.
I don't care about Trump's personal weirdness. I voted for him because he supports the same platform as I do. Also because he alone has the strange qualities that enable him to punch back at the corrupt and powerful and vicious media.
If he had also been a man of interpersonal integrity and psychological nuance, I'd say great, we've got a trifecta. But I'll settle for the two out of three that actually involve doing his job.
The rest is fodder for comment threads, and renting out space in his enemies' brains.
That guy looks like an orb weaver (Araneidae). Unlike jumpers, they have very poor vision but the ability to know exactly which radial to run up when an insect hits the web. Some species give the web a shake and judge from the reflections where the target is located.
I'll admit it's not as attractive as some in that family. For really nice coloration check out Leucauge venusta, the green orchard spider. https://www.arenapile.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Orchard-Spider.jpg
The picture doesn't do justice to the iridescent chartreuse coloration. They are very common here in the spring but disappear by early summer. Oddly, they tend to build their webs at 45 degrees to the vertical.
Nature is full of variety and interest.
Thank you, Phidippus, for the interesting spider info. I've always been both terrified and fascinated by these creatures.
What’s good on Netflix?
I don't know because I stopped paying them after... I don't recall what they did that provoked me to cancel, as a matter of fact. But, at Amazon Prime there is-- am catching up with the Claremont Review Summer issue-- a French television series called A Village in France that the reveiwer, Martha Bayles, invokes Shakespeare and Tolstoy to praise. Seven series, seasons.
A quick search of google shows nothing...no reports, no news articles, no comments...about this "Blog Forum Initiative". A look at bing shows more results, but nothing about this secret program he keeps babbling on&on&on about. He says that there is "more and more evidence" of this program coming to life...but where is this information he claims to be privy to coming from?
It's almost as if it is being totally be made up, on the spot, and completely fabricated.
Kinda like almost every other claim/accusation that he makes about other people....
purplepenquin: "A quick search of google shows nothing...no reports, no news articles, no comments...about this "Blog Forum Initiative". A look at bing shows more results, but nothing about this secret program he keeps babbling on&on&on about."
The "Blog Forum Initiative" is the name I've given to the clear effort being made on blogsites that is a natural followon to the democrats/lefts "Talk Radio Initiative". Now revealed Clinton records documents thousands of lefties were trained and paid to call into talk radio shows in the 1990's and beyond and pretend to be conservatives while advancing lefty narratives.
Fast forward a few years and we see lefty billionaire Reid Hoffman admitting under oath to doing the same thing in online forums all the while we see far lefty billionaires like Pierre Omidyar sucking up some of these fake conservatives and starting up fake conservative websites (in Omidyar's case it is the fake conservative site The Bulwark) where those websites supposedly advance the cause of conservatism by preaching the value of the lefty policies and politicians.
This is one reason why the lefties simply cannot understand how a true grassroots movement begins because everything the dems/left/LLR-left/"Blog Forum Initiative" fakers do is driven top down by the lefties "betters".
But it's perfectly cool for you to continue playing dumb. Really, I wouldn't want it any other way.
For instance PP, it has been noted that its very likely the incoherent and clearly senile Joe Biden is on any number of medications.
A typical "Blog Forum Initiative" fake conservative would take that information and then attempt to redirect that sort of a charge onto a republican somewhere.
Has anyone done that to your knowledge on this thread?
Let me know if they have. We must remain vigilant regarding these lefty efforts.
Has anyone done that to your knowledge on this thread?
Google is a great search engine to find lefty antidemocratic projects. :)
Of course, when it comes to the Talk Radio Initiative, all we have are hard copy records and records of training and payment and thousands of examples of seminar callers and now seminar bloggers and even under oath testimony by a lefty billionaire admitting to funding precisely that sort of activity.
You know what the dems/lefties/LLR-lefties call that? A conspiracy theory.
We know return you to your previously scheduled discussion on the Pee Tape and Russia Collusion.....
The "Blog Forum Initiative" is the name I've given...
Oh. So it is something you've made up. The "more and more evidence" you were referring to is all in your own mind.
Thanks for clearing that up. Much appreciated!
The "more and more evidence" you were referring to is all in your own mind.
No, it took 20 years to surface, just like the Russia hoax worked for two years.
Even the Trayvon hoax is going to leak out after 7 years.
That is where state prosecutors Angela Corey, Bernie De La Rionda and John Guy come in. They knowingly took false testimony from “Dee Dee” who was identified at trial as Rachel Jeantel (Witness #8), in order to prosecute the arrest. However, It was always clear that Ms. Jeantel was never actually the young woman who was Trayvon’s girlfriend.
Throughout the pre-trial phase, and actual trial itself, the fabrication of witness #8 (Rachel Jeantel) was somewhat of a not-funny running joke; it was just absurd, yet the media ran with it without question…. well, until witness #8 took the stand at trial.
The CTH community knew everything about Ms. Jeantel was a big fraud created by the Martin family, Benjamin Crump and their national media allies.
They won't have to give the money back, I'm sure.
PP: " The "more and more evidence" you were referring to is all in your own mind."
The Clinton documents regarding the Talk Radio Initiative are now a matter of public record.
The online forum activities of lefty billionaires funding posters to pretend to be conservatives is in the court records for Reid Hoffman.
The purchase of supposedly conservative websites and the hiring of supposedly conservative writers by far left activist billionaires such as Pierre Omidyar is a matter of public record.
So, yeah, its all made up!!
Nice Try.
Seriously, an effort worthy of a certain LLR who must remain nameless.
Next up for PP: What evidence exists that obama ever spied on Trump?!!
So 2016.....
PP decides now would be a perfect time to deny on the record and under oath evidence as made up!!
Precisely what Inga did for months and months and months when it was pointed out to her that Christopher Steele had provided under oath testimony at trial in a London court that the so called Steele dossier was completely unverified and was to be verified by the FBI....which never did because duh.
That went on for months and months and months until she simply stopped talking about it all together and then simply reincarnated herself.
I didn't "deny" anything - simply pointed out that there is no evidence of this "Blog Forum Initiative" that you keep saying there is "more and more evidence" of. I don't doubt that something may be afoot - both of the major parties as well as other political organizations obviously have a strong online presence - but it appears that you simply made up this particular named program. I also don't beleive your claim that everyone/anyone on this blog who speaks ill of Trump is being paid to do so.
That aside- Althouse has asked us to refrain from the personal attacks and back-and-forth snipes. She has also asked that we not refer to people who have been banned from this blog. Are you going to respect her wishes or are you going to continue to say Fuck you, bitch!! I'll do what I want like others have?
I wonder if purplepenguin used to listen to Blue Oyster Cult.
"I feel bad for television critics and cultural critics,” he explains. “They may have laughed like hell at that, and then they went home and they know what they have to write to keep their job. So when I read TV reviews or cultural reviews, I think of someone in prison, writing. I think about somebody writing a hostage note.”. - Matt Stone
He who controls the cushy jobs controls the culture of media.
I also don't beleive your claim that everyone/anyone on this blog who speaks ill of Trump is being paid to do so.
Oh, I agree there. I'm sure you do it out of conviction. Not the kind McCabe is facing but conviction anyway.
PP: "Are you going to respect her wishes or are you going to continue to say F*** you, b****!! I'll do what I want like others have?"
Somebody is getting very very upset.
We just watched a couple of 'em. I like the colors and Ed Kemper.
Phidippus said...I wonder if purplepenguin used to listen to Blue Oyster Cult.
More like "Rage Against The Machine." Ze quoted lines from "Killing In The Name" almost verbatim.
I tried to check out Mindhunter, but I am not into grisly crime
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