A bit. Quite ridiculous but somewhat entertaining. A great example of how when you hate someone, really hate them, you will find fault in everything they do, no matter how inconsequential and small.
I think the thing that surprised me is that NOAA backed him up. He has his own guy in there but the rest of the staff is all watermelon. I expect in the coming days we’ll get leaks from the insiders how there was huge pushback. The neverending story:
Nobody ever knows 100% where the damn hurricanes are going — so who gives a shit about speculation in the first place? It’s all a big guessing game anyway.
The problem here is the people making a big deal about it, not Trump and his speculation. I cannot even believe the stupidity that animates and energizes some people these days.
In the Making the President Look Bad Game there are winners and losers. But any moderate voter would instantly know the Game is but a poor player that struts and frets its hour upon the stage and then is heard no more. It is a tale told by a CNN Idiot, full of sound and fury and signifying nothing.
Maybe all these genius ankle-biters should set up a betting market on hurricane paths and call them Hurricane Futures, and then they can prove to everybody exactly how smart they are by putting their money where their mouth is.
JackWayne: "I expect in the coming days we’ll get leaks from the insiders how there was huge pushback. The neverending story:"
Unfortunately for the dem/lefties like LLR Chuck, the Natiinal Hurricane Center graphics produced over the entire relevant time frame ckearly show Alabana in the potential area of impact AND news reports on CNN on multiple occasions also mention Alabama and even Mississippi and Louisiana!!
It simply doesnt get any better than this.
Very reminiscent of the video footage of Trump following Abe's lead in goldfish feeding in Japan that the lefties deceptively edited and were later caught with their panties down!!
Equally absolutely irrelevant yet the lefties and LLR-lefties go to DEFCON IMPEACHMENT 1 over their obvious lies.
Who doubts that Nadler will call hearings on this?
I was finding it ridiculous on both sides (including the "anger" of FORMER NOAA officials blasting the agency for "caving in") until the Trump people posted the CNN weather people saying it could affect Alabama. All they could reply with was a lame "doctored video" charge. I was following Dorian because my hometown could have ended up like the northern Bahamas and it was definitely predicted to possibly cross the state and make landfall to the north.
The Lamestream Media can't help themselves. They didn't have a Blame Katrina on Bush situation so....
“Asked why the president was obsessed with Alabama instead of the states that would actually be affected by the storm, the strategist said, ‘you should ask a psychiatrist about that; I'm not sure I'm qualified to comment.’”
Yes, I’m following Sharpie-gate. First, I believe it was Trump trolling the media from Day 1. It was classic Trump: a cartoon that the media would mistake for reality. Trump learned much from the WWE. But now, as the “scandal” rolls into Phase 2, we have an amazing development: NOAA divides the weather community by supporting Trump’s version of events. This is extremely important because NOAA is one of the two foundation stones that the Climate Change community rests its faith upon. It was an Obama-weaponized NOAA that cooled the past by doctoring data to tilt the temp line upward thus fictitiously ending the “Pause” in warming that began in 1998. That Pause hurt the warmists’ argument greatly, NOAA to the rescue.
Finally, this split in the weather world has exposed the bias that was always there. Now the left is crying politics!
Trump, whether by luck or design, is truly breaking down rotten institutions.
I think its healthy that our gin drenched smear merchant LLR has wisely decided to take a different approach to smearing Trump after his failed attempts to wish away relevant National Hurricane projections and news reports blew that initial tactic right out of the water.
But you know our Chuck!! Will he be disciplined enough to stop himself from falling into that rabbit hole again?
Trump mentioned Alabama last among several states in his tweet.
Chucktard: "Why is Trump obsessed with Alabama?"
As I said in the last Dorian thread: Just when I think Chuckles couldn't possibly get even dumber, he outdoes himself by finding a new, innovative path to stupid.
When it looked like Dorian was going to make landfall in Florida and roll right over Disney World, I said we should construct a giant altered dominant chord up in New England and float it out to sea.
Did anyone cough up the $15 necessary for the set of 5 Official Trump sharpie pens to forward to Chuck?
After all, any $gazillion/hour highly regarded legal beagle like LLR Chuck who just so happens to be married to Morgan Fairchild AND has a full wall projection system to allow for viewing ALL lefty media outlets simultaneously deserves nothing less!!
Jason said... Trump mentioned Alabama last among several states in his tweet.
Chucktard: "Why is Trump obsessed with Alabama?"
As I said in the last Dorian thread: Just when I think Chuckles couldn't possibly get even dumber, he outdoes himself by finding a new, innovative path to stupid.
That wasn't my question. That's not a quote from me.
Had it been my question, it would have been, "Why is Trump so obsessed with the Birmingham NWS tweet, which was correct, and why did Trump continue to talk about 'Alabama' in his public statements on Sept. 1 and 2?"
And now my new questions would be, "Who are the people in the Administration best able to answer all questions about the NOAA statement issued on Friday afternoon? Who drafted it, what information was it based on, and what were all communications between the White House and NOAA on that statement?"
Remember! Every single one of the people upset about sharpiegate; ALSO, Still Believe that Trump said that Nazi's were fine people. Their 'logic' LITERALLY goes like this:
A) It's True that Trump explicitly excluded Nazi's from his list of fine people, BUT! B) He talked about 'the people there on Saturday', AND! C) I KNOW, FOR A FACT; that NO ONE was there on Saturday besides Nazi's... I KNOW, 'Cause D) Someone Who Was There, On Saturday; Wasn't a Nazi... And HE SAID no non-nazi's were there E) the antifa people? That were there on Saturday? I don't know What you're talking about!!
Yes, It's a quote from you. You posted it. If you didn't want to associate yourself with it, you shouldn't have posted it.
And no, Chucktard, the BNWS tweet was not correct at that time. The NHC had not projected the probability of Alabama seeing weather effects from Dorian to zero. BNWS was wrong to say that, as NOAA correctly noted.
Trump spoke about Alabama on the 1st and 2nd because the NHC wind probability forecasts still had the Chattahoochie Valley at risk from TS weather effects and outer rain bands until the 2nd.
As has been repeatedly pointed out to you, with links, including by NOAA itself.
Were you born this stupid? Or do you wake up every morning and eat a big bowl of Dumb Flakes for breakfast?
A comment I found on /thedonald/ which captures the essence of my argument re Sharpie-gate:
“He’s trolling hard. Perfect play On the heels of CNN’s climate town hall where the democrats seem certain we are going to be living in dystopian hell or dead. Now the left and media are screaming “don’t politicize the weather”. They’ve been doing it for 20 years.”
Jason said... Yes, It's a quote from you. You posted it. If you didn't want to associate yourself with it, you shouldn't have posted it.
You know, you might be right. Last week, in the middle of his Oval Office follies, I believe that I might well have asked then, in the present tense, why Trump was so obsessed with Alabama.
So I think I might take back that denial on reflection.
In my first comment on this page, "Why is Trump so obsessed with Alabama?" was not my question. It was a quote from someone else entirely.
I'm actually not too upset with anyone asking, "Why has Trump been so obsessed with Alabama?" And it really had to do with Sunday, September 1 through Thursday, September 4.
Good! I want that fight! I want that fight for the rest of the month of September.
I want the House to get testimony from people at Birmingham NWS, and NOAA, and absolutely everybody from the White House who assisted in pushing out that NOAA statement. I want every document, every email, every phone call revealed.
’I want the House to get testimony from people at Birmingham NWS, and NOAA, and absolutely everybody from the White House who assisted in pushing out that NOAA statement. I want every document, every email, every phone call revealed.’
The best part by far is the video that Trump tweeted, with CNN repeating "Alabama" several times like a broken record, and then a car labeled "CNN" bursting into flames. I'd give Trump four more years just to keep the tweets, memes, and videos coming.
Chuck, racist fopdoodle, wants that fight. He didn't want to give up his full contact gym's address.
Trump wants to fight the idiots in the MSM. And he wants the Chucks of the world to encourage the MSM to fight. Please continue with the idiocy. We can all use the laughs.
I became convinced Chuck was a complete moron after just the 5th time that happened.
asked about Chuck's mental health, the strategist said: Poor Chuck, his life Used to be so straight forward. He'd wake up, go to the bar, and drink Gin and Tonics (made with SPECIAL Tonic water!); and hopelessly hope that a client would come in and hire him (like in Goliath!). Of course, no one ever would; because he was an alcoholic wannabe.
So, He'd sit on his barstool, talking about How Great Things Would Be; once we had a Republican President (Like Mitt Romney). Then the shit hit the fan.... President Trump got elected, and he was Doing ALL the things that Poor Chuck 'said' he wanted; but, he wasn't doing them the right way. He was doing them, In Reality; instead of in a gin soaked hallucination.
So, Poor Chuck thought; I Know What I'll Do! I'll PERSONALLY take down Trump! I'll be the hero!.
So, Poor Chuck tried and tried, but; the more he tried, the more everyone (including Poor Chuck) realized that Chuck wasn't JUST a gin soak alcoholic; he was a PATHETIC INCOMPETENT gin soak alcoholic. The More Poor Chuck tried to bring down President Trump, the more popular President Trump became. Poor Chuck
Now, Mind you, i didn't say all that; it was said by "the strategist"
I sense a Full On LLR Chuck Pecan Pie-gate meltdown where LLR Chuck wants everyone drug into court under oath to testify!!
The reason for Chuck's obsession is quite clear.
The democrat candidates are imploding and making one insane far left comment after another while the full extent of the obama/Biden/Hillary/LLR-left corruption is being exposed more and more each day.
Chuck's job is deflection and smear. That is in fact the entirety of the dem/left/LLR-left election strategy.
Let's fire up the Wayback Machine to July 2nd, 1863.
Longstreet joined Lee on Seminary Ridge west of Gettysburg about 5 o’clock in the afternoon. When he arrived, Lee was busy, so Longstreet examined through field glasses the Federal position to the south and east. When Lee finished, Longstreet turned to him and remarked: ‘We could not call the enemy to position better suited to our plans. All that we have to do is file around his left and secure good ground between him and his capital.’
Lee reacted with some anger to Longstreet’s advice and, jabbing a fist toward Cemetery Ridge, replied, ‘If the enemy is there tomorrow, we must attack him.’
‘If he is there,’ Longstreet shot back, ‘it will be because he is anxious that we should attack him — a good reason, in my judgment, for not doing so.’
Andrew said... The best part by far is the video that Trump tweeted, with CNN repeating "Alabama" several times like a broken record, and then a car labeled "CNN" bursting into flames. I'd give Trump four more years just to keep the tweets, memes, and videos coming.
How completely, obviously, embarrassingly stupid is that video supposed to be? In that video, look at the storm's location. Dorian has barely entered the Caribbean. It's in August! What day in August? The 25th? Earlier?
Yes, all of the Southeast United States was vaguely threatened at that time.
That was not the case on September 1, when precise, detailed information was of critical importance to the region. Not inaccurate generalized information.
That video is such a great Rorschach test for Trumpism. Trumpists will love it because it is a shot at CNN. Trump haters will love it because it is such a fundamentally stupid shot at CNN.
The three most recent polls have shown Trump > 22% support amongst black voters. And Trump > 45% amongst latinos.
Surely the issue to reduce that modern record for support from those groups to a Republican presidential candidate is an issue over a weather map. Black and latino voters really prioritize weather maps.
Or, contrarily, blacks and latinos shake their respective heads at the stupid shit white people fight over. And they like having jobs. And wage growth. And a president who does more than mouth pieties.
LLR Chuck: "Yes, all of the Southeast United States was vaguely threatened at that time. That was not the case on September 1,..."
I knew it. I knew it. I knew it!!
And its only 10am or so EST!!
Remember, as Chuck writes these latest lies he has already seen the Sep 2 NHC projections showing Alabama being impacted!!
LLR Chuck is setting a new LLR Chuck Standard for Smear Merchantry!
Meanwhile, every single dem is promising an anti-energy dictatorship on Day 1 of a dem administration and getting rid of the electoral college, packing the supreme court and completely opening our borders!!
That was not the case on September 1, when precise, detailed information was of critical importance to the region. Not inaccurate generalized information.
Chuck. Dumbass.
On September 1st, the most precise, detailed information available from the National Hurricane Center still put Southeast Alabama at risk of tropical storm weather.
LLR and #StrongCNNDefender Chuck: "That video is such a great Rorschach test for Trumpism. Trumpists will love it because it is a shot at CNN. Trump haters will love it because it is such a fundamentally stupid shot at CNN."
Can it get any better than this? I think not.
Shorter Chuck: Please please please don't watch that video of CNN talking heads proving Trump was right!!!
Chuck goes full Fredo Cuomo: Please don't read those Hillary emails. Only "official" "journalists" are allowed to read those Hillary emails!!
Of course, what LLR Chuck in his gin-induced haze doesn't realize is that mash up of all the CNN talking heads proving Trump was right (Again!!) is actually a great Rorschach test for the insane left......and guess who falls right into that category?
In fact, LLR Chuck falls so hard into that insane left category that one would have to describe Chuck as.....(wait for it, wait for it...)......a Category 5 insane lefty!!
Vichy Chuck: And also please please please do not look at the actual Dorian projection maps provided to us by the NHC on Sep 2!! They don't matter!! They don't even exist!! Who needs them anyway?!! Seriously, don't look at them.
Instead, look at this write up in Business Insider (a German-owned publication edited by convicted felon Henry Blodgett who has been banned from participating in any securities related activities!!)
If you can't trust those guys who can you trust, eh?
Angle-Dyne, Samurai Buzzard: "I only paid attention to it long enough to reconfirm that our msm is staffed by dumb teen-age girls (of all ages and both sexes)."
LLR Chuck is not a teen-age girl. He just likes to threaten them.
In the real world news world, it is known that even the pre-Trumpified NOAA accepted the Birmingham NWS refutation of Trump. From a Seth Borenstein AP story:
**** Last Sunday, Trump tweeted : "In addition to Florida - South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama, will most likely be hit (much) harder than anticipated. Looking like one of the largest hurricanes ever. Already category 5."
At the time, the hurricane center's forecast path — including a large cone of uncertainty — did not go farther west than the eastern third of Georgia.
The weather service in Birmingham quickly followed up with its tweet, which one meteorologist there said was prompted by residents' concerns about what to do. It said: "Alabama will NOT see any impacts from #Dorian. We repeat, no impacts from Hurricane #Dorian will be felt across Alabama. The system will remain too far east." NOAA verified that day that the "current forecast path of Dorian does not include Alabama" and an agency spokesman, Christopher Vaccaro, put his name to that.
No spokesman from NOAA put his or her name to Friday's 5-days'-belated disavowal of the Birmingham NWS.
So Chris Vaccaro, come on down! The House Committee on Oversight wants to hear from you!
How do you argue against the actual maps produced by NHC professionals that clearly show Alabama being potentially impacted by tropical force storm conditions on Sep 2!!
Trump should release more of these mashups, over and over again. With lots more CNN Logo's getting torched.
I remember how much that upset LLR Chuck the first time that happened. Chuck wanted that video creator doxxed and destroyed!!
Have to admit I thought Chuck would avoid this completely today. In the past, Chuck claimed to be "on the spectrum". I thought he might have been joking.
There isn't enough gin in all the world that can save LLR Chuck on this thread.
It will be epic and will no doubt include the Lefty Lunacy Amen Chorus of Inga, readering and at least 2 other lefty NPC's. 9/8/19, 7:32 AM
LLR Chuck: "So Chris Vaccaro, come on down! The House Committee on Oversight wants to hear from you!"
I made the reference early in the thread to the funny idea that the House dems would investigate....because it was so over the top and insane it was amusing.
And here we have LLR Chuck!!.....
Chuck's many therapists are not going to be amused by his backsliding behavior this morning.
FullMoon: "Have to admit I thought Chuck would avoid this completely today."
He can't help himself.
He simply can't help himself.
And the only thing that upsets him more than conservative military members effectively attacking democrats is anyone, and I mean anyone who dares to expose Chuck's beloved MSMers for the lying hacks they are.
We've been at this for about an hour or so and LLR/Smear Merchant Chuck has already exceeded every single low-bar expectation I had for him!!
On September 1st, the most precise, detailed information available from the National Hurricane Center still put Southeast Alabama at risk of tropical storm weather.
No; some chart had a corner of Alabama at miniscule risk. The real scientists knew more, and better. And they said so.
So this is where we need to go next. We need to get all of the National Hurricane Center scientists under oath and ask them in detail about what the Birmingham NWS tweeted in response to the President.
Birmingham NWS said 'no risk' on September 1. If that was wrong, and if you are right, the National Hurricane Center should have been screaming warnings at the time, that Alabama was at risk and needed to take precautions and that Birmingham NWS. But they weren't doing that.
See, this is the kind of Trump controversy that I love. There is a truth, and then there is a Trumpist "feeling." Taking Trump's careless trashtalk and putting it under a microscope.
Again, blacks and latinos wonder what the ever loving he'll the white folks are arguing about. Trump has three straight polls over 22% support from blacks. And over 45% from latinos.
And Democratics like Chuck, racist fopdoodle, want to argue about weather maps? Trump is going to have a larger electoral victory in 2020 than he had in 2016.
5.5 more years and Chuck's liver will be fall-down-drunk.
Blogger FullMoon said... Have to admit I thought Chuck would avoid this completely today. In the past, Chuck claimed to be "on the spectrum". I thought he might have been joking.
No, I didn't. I never said such a thing. I never wrote such a thing. Not once. Not ever. You are making it up. You can't quote me. You can't link to anything like that.
This is like the time that you made up the notion that I used the phrase "titty-twister." And then after more than a dozen times of my counterattacking you on that point and emphasizing that it was your phrase, you admitted that you made it up.
And just where the fuck does anybody on these comments pages step off, with an accusation against me about assaulting teenage girls? Where does that even come from?
I was diagnosed, after extensive testing by medical professionals, in Nov. 2014.Among the #actuallyautistic, you see a range of intellect and social abilities. It is not possible to lump us into one or two categories.
Many of us may appear boorish or rude in our interactions with neurotypical (NT) people. As a generality, we are weak at recognizing non-verbal social cues. Autism, however, is not an excuse for being a jerk. And it is possible for us to be both, as it is for NTs.
Diagnosing yourself is a facile way to find an excuse for behaviors and feelings that may have nothing to do with autism. It's not a fad that you can just buy in to. It is a difference in the hardwiring of the rain. We are not handicapped, just different."
Chuck: "...No, I didn't. I never said such a thing. I never wrote such a thing. Not once. Not ever. You are making it up. You can't quote me. You can't link to anything like that."
Does anyone else picture Chuck stomping his feet and sticking out his tongue while saying this?
Yeah, I really had you going pretty good with that one, didn't I? That really was fun, thanks for the reminder.
And then after more than a dozen times of my counterattacking you on that point and emphasizing that it was your phrase, you admitted that you made it up.
"So this is where we need to go next. We need to get all of the National Hurricane Center scientists under oath and ask them in detail about what the Birmingham NWS tweeted in response to the President."
No. Chuck is a moby. He is paid by someone to pretend to be a conservative Republican of the country club sort, but he gets enough details wrong so that anyone who really knows country club Republicans spots him for the phony he is. A few weeks ago he was boasting about being paid to post comments here.
There’s a lefty billionaire named Reid Hoffman who has been forced to admit to paying guys living in their mommy’s basement to post comments as fake conservatives. Whether Hoffman is paying Chuck or whether it’s someone else, Chuck is a moby, he’s a phony, he’s worthless on the best day of his life. Ignore him.
FullMoon said... Now, go twist a titty, ya big baby.
"Chuck said... [hush][hide comment]
I was diagnosed, after extensive testing by medical professionals, in Nov. 2014.Among the #actuallyautistic, you see a range of intellect and social abilities. It is not possible to lump us into one or two categories.
Many of us may appear boorish or rude in our interactions with neurotypical (NT) people. As a generality, we are weak at recognizing non-verbal social cues. Autism, however, is not an excuse for being a jerk. And it is possible for us to be both, as it is for NTs.
Diagnosing yourself is a facile way to find an excuse for behaviors and feelings that may have nothing to do with autism. It's not a fad that you can just buy in to. It is a difference in the hardwiring of the rain. We are not handicapped, just different."
wtf? You aren't quoting me. Don't quote me unless you also link to it. I have no idea what you are even referring to.
Ironically, Chuck's boastful comment of being autistic was on a post relating to a Professor obsessed with staring at women's breast. Perhaps fantasizing giving them a good twist.
I may have missed it as I skip Chuck's comments but has he ever mentioned CNN omitting the entire state of Alabama from one of their hurricane graphics? That seems a bit more a scandal than the sharpie thing.
I am afraid you are mistaking me for someone who has an interest in fair treatment of Donald Trump. I'm not your guy. I am interested in smearing him, hurting him and prejudicing people against him."
Chuck said If Trump is the Republican nominee, Hillary Clinton wins by 350 electoral votes. If Trump runs as a third party candidate, Hillary might win by 300 electoral votes
IIRC, the NWS kept denying Dorian was possibly going to AL when it was just off FL, but we can assume the MSM didn't report anything that supported Trump.
No. Chuck is a moby. He is paid by someone to pretend to be a conservative Republican of the country club sort
Personally, i think THE ONLY THING that makes any sense, is that A) Chuck IS a moby B) He's SO INEPT at criticizing President Trump, that he CAN'T be getting paid to do it C) He is Actually being paid to do a terrible job of pretending to be a conservative
He does SUCH a lame ass job of criticizing, that anyone paying him to bring down President Trump is wasting their money. Chuck has PERSONALLY done more than Anyone here to make others Pro Trump
My guess is; our Poor Chuck is ACTUALLY written BY President Trump. He not a Agent provocateur, he's a double agent provocateur (counter agent provocateur?)
I know it would break your cover, Chuck; but secretly, you are in Lovey Love Love with Trump, Aren't you Chuck? Keep up the good work knocking down the Pres (wink wink ;)
Michael K said... I may have missed it as I skip Chuck's comments but has he ever mentioned CNN omitting the entire state of Alabama from one of their hurricane graphics? That seems a bit more a scandal than the sharpie thing.
You keep saying that you skip all of my comments. Then you keep talking about me.
You had my full blessing and encouragement to skip my comments and -- please -- don't mention me again. I would never miss you. And it would be better for keeping comments pages on the topic of Althouse's blog post and not on personal insults of me.
Sorry, Chuck, the rules have changed. Burden is on you to prove it didn't happen...
"Inga said... Known Unknown, I may have zero proof that collusion happened, but you also have zero proof that it didn't happen. As I said it's classified info and we are not privy to it. Be patient. Not every thing gets leaked. 5/12/17, 3:29 PM"
Not much. The weather service made a categorical tweet. The NOAA pointed out that is wrong when discussing predictions with probabilities. The NOAA is correct on that. Everyone having a fit over that looks dishonest.
FullMoon said... Sorry, Chuck, the rules have changed. Burden is on you to prove it didn't happen...
If you had a quote from me, you'd be able to quote me and link to it. You don't have it. I don't answer for things Inga wrote in general, and certainly not in this context.
Chuck said: If you had a quote from me, you'd be able to quote me and link to it. You don't have it. I don't answer for things Inga wrote in general, and certainly not in this context.
I'm hoping by 2024 Howard will learn the definition of all terms he uses incorrectly.
I'm hoping, but I'm not optimistic.
Of course, lefty Howard getting all terms wrong on the same thread LLR-lefty Chuck is getting all the facts wrong and lefty readering is simply flailing at....something...just makes it all the more enjoyable.
So Chuck is actually calling for an investigation by the Commie House into the NOAA statements? Holy Shit. Everything the commenters say about him is true.
Why are you still here, Chuck? Have you no shame? You and Inga living in sin together?
Chuck's right. It's a reported comment from "one Republican strategist who's in frequent contact with the White House":
"He's deteriorating in plain sight," one Republican strategist who's in frequent contact with the White House told Insider on Friday.
Asked why the president was obsessed with Alabama instead of the states that would actually be affected by the storm, the strategist said, "you should ask a psychiatrist about that; I'm not sure I'm qualified to comment." https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-aides-worried-about-mental-state-alabama-hurricane-dorian-2019-9
At least the author/reporter is named: https://www.businessinsider.com/author/sonam-sheth https://twitter.com/sonam_sheth?lang=en https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/8sb057/im_sonam_sheth_and_i_am_a_reporter_covering_the/
Althouse got from me the respect she deserved, which was none. She routinely insults her commenters, yet demands that they apologize to her when they retaliate. It is a point of view deletion and banning and she was insulted that I didn’t accept her vast knowledge on the subject. She IS a lazy thinker, I’ve seen it many times over the years. What she deleted was me telling her that as a law professor she should know better and be embarrassed. I also called her a stupid woman, which is not unwarranted.
I think that the law students she “taught” via text book lesson plans should demand a refund from UW. As for Althouse treating women commenters differently than the male commenters, indeed yes she does. I’ve seen it happen numerous times over the years of commenting here. Demanding respect from commenters for providing a forum in which to express one’s opinions does not warrant abuse from the blog owner. Commenting here isn’t worth the abuse, from Trump Cultists and from the clueless blog owner. There have been numerous liberals/ leftists whatever floats your boat that have left and haven’t returned. This blog has always been Althouse’s little shrine to herself. Her narcissism is sometimes revealed itself as it did yesterday. Not commenting here is NO loss to me."
Now, everyone; go to that comment that Full Moon linked. And when you are there, click on the name "Chuck" associated with that quote. You'll be taken to the Blogger user profile for that "Chuck." That "Chuck" says he is from Upstate New York. Along with a lot of other stuff that has nothing to do with me.
It wasn't me, Full Moon. Wrong "Chuck."
And now, to quote Laurence Meade; "Apologize." Apologize right now, here on this page.
Sorry for that unedited last line to my post immediately above. I was so pissed off, I didn't scrub that last line. I wasn't even certain what the other "Chuck" actually self-described himself as, and so I had quit on it.
Nothing worth lying about Chuck. You slipped up and linked to your real self.
I expect you to delete it, so I took a screen shot for future reference.
Personally, I think you deal reasonably well with your condition, all things considered.
THe obsessiveness is sometimes over the top. Greta, Pecan Pie, Sharpie among only dozens of examples out of thousands of threads. So, not too bad of a ratio.
Michael The Magnificent: "I'm so old, I remember Turkey-gate."
Indeed. LLR Chuck and his lefty pals did a real number on GWBush with that one and Bush never fought back.
But this President is different and he is never going to let the LLR Chuck and the rest of the pathetic Lefty marxist brigade get away with their nonsense.
FullMoon said... Nothing worth lying about Chuck. You slipped up and linked to your real self.
I expect you to delete it, so I took a screen shot for future reference.
Personally, I think you deal reasonably well with your condition, all things considered.
THe obsessiveness is sometimes over the top. Greta, Pecan Pie, Sharpie among only dozens of examples out of thousands of threads. So, not too bad of a ratio.
I didn't have a profile before just now. Now I do. In order for readers to now click on my name, and compare it to your autistic "Chuck."
Click on my name to see my just-initiated profile.
And here is the profile of Full Moon's "Chuck the autistic": https://www.blogger.com/profile/10518854323865168601
What are the odds of someone else named ‘Chuck’ to drop by this blog and randomly admit to being diagnosed on the spectrum? But don’t fret, Chuck just happened to add a profile - today!! - to clear up that astronomical coincidence. I so love it when a plan comes together like that!!
Oh. Sure. No possible way blogger would allow more than one identity per person.(wink wink) Additionally, the childish name calling would kinda lead one to suspect some sort of a "condition".
I didn't have a profile before just now. Now I do. In order for readers to now click on my name, and compare it to your autistic "Chuck."
Click on my name to see my just-initiated profile.
Beasts: "What are the odds of someone else named ‘Chuck’ to drop by this blog and randomly admit to being diagnosed on the spectrum?"
Why, I'll bet it was that OTHER Chuck, you know, not OUR Chuck, who offered up those racist hot takes on Ben Carson!
And LLR Chuck did indeed "helpfully" add a profile today, just today, so we would'nt be "confused" about all his previous nonsensical Joe Walsh-like racist postings.
BTW, did Joe Walsh ever come up to level on child support payments, or he still a deadbeat dad? I keep wondering if it was Joe Walsh's deadbeat dad-ism that LLR Chuck respected most when Chuckie explicitly and enthusiastically endorsed him, or was it Joe Walsh's admitted racist postings that most attracted Chuck?
I clicked on LLR Chuck's newest added profile and it lists him as:
Totally Not That Other Chuck Guy Named Chuck Whose Previous Postings Are Utterly Indefensible So That Couldn't Be Me Because Reasons And Even More Reasons
I found LLR Chuck's new profile very "helpful" for comment deconfliction purposes.
Last month, as a result of a bet you proved that you could make some reasonable contributions here. All it cost was a bottle of hootch.
So I'll step up because this gets pretty tiresome. I will provide a bottle of booze, your choice, Gin, scotch, Everclear or something else (up to about $25 or so)
For your part, all you need to do is repeat your previous performance.
Beasts of England said... What are the odds of someone else named ‘Chuck’ to drop by this blog and randomly admit to being diagnosed on the spectrum? But don’t fret, Chuck just happened to add a profile - today!! - to clear up that astronomical coincidence. I so love it when a plan comes together like that!!
Beyond any doubt, ever one of my comments links to my profile.
And the autistic Chuck links to his "Upstate New York" profile.
This is so fascinating; the extent to which a demonstrably provable point by me -- by each one of you simply by clicking on links freely available to you -- will not be believed, simply because I am (or am not, in one notable case) the author.
God, what a collection of ignorant sickos Althouse has collected as commenters in the Era of Trump.
Last month, as a result of a bet you proved that you could make some reasonable contributions here. All it cost was a bottle of hootch.
So I'll step up because this gets pretty tiresome. I will provide a bottle of booze, your choice, Gin, scotch, Everclear or something else (up to about $25 or so)
For your part, all you need to do is repeat your previous performance.
John Henry
Just for you, my price is $100,000, to be escrowed in advance.
So Dorian was just taking his time doing his hurricane thing when some wag said they hoped it would hit Mar A Lago. Dorian looked up, said HOLY SHIT!and took a hard brodie north, wiping his brow in relief that he'd live to see another day.
I have received reports from an unnamed Deutsche Bank source that state LLR Chuck is indeed a Reid Hoffman paid RolCon Fake Conservative and if true, if true, will go a long way towards explaining LLR Chuck's far left posting habits.
Of course we wont know for sure until the investigative team gets him under oath. However, we have known this source to have been a reputable one in the past.
In any event, we cannot exonerate Chuck from this charge. If we could have we would have.
Birkel: "In addition to racist comments, is Chuck still providing medical diagnoses for twelve year olds he has never met? Or threatened any old ladies?"
Dont be silly! That was one time Autistic Chuck commenter, not long time LLR Obsessive Chuck commenter...
You know what would be even funnier than the scholar athletes of West Point taking Michigan to a second overtime yesterday? Upstate New York Chuck ‘miraculously’ appearing to testify that he’s not the other Chuck!!
So the theory is that the autistic "Chuck" is really me.
Upstate New York "Chuck" is a different account than the one which is clearly and identifiably mine, by virtue of the profile that I created for the benefit of my detractors here, and which can be seen by clicking on my name in association with any of my (real) comments.
And yet the theory goes that I created a different account for one particular comment in which I confessed to being on the autism spectrum. In doing that, I used my own name. Was that to clearly identify myself with those comments? The comments that, the theory goes, I wanted to hide from today?
Why don't all of you fucking idiots explain the theory in plain English?
’Why don't all of you fucking idiots explain the theory in plain English?’
I’d be happy to explain it to you ‘in plain English’ but I’m not a ‘fucking idiot’, so you’ll just have to solve for the answer yourself or ask someone else.
does anyone know if we can find out how long ago Chuck made his NY profile How did we know that Chuck made his Mi profile today, 'cause he told us? I'd Laugh and Laugh if the NY profile was made today too
Go right ahead and tell all of us that your use of "Dick" did not apply to me. You've used this one before. So now tell us that it wasn't aimed at me. Be my guest. You could be most useful, for a change.
gilbar said... does anyone know if we can find out how long ago Chuck made his NY profile How did we know that Chuck made his Mi profile today, 'cause he told us? I'd Laugh and Laugh if the NY profile was made today too
I don't know, but wouldn't it be interesting if Althouse herself could sort this out?
Pleading with the panel to stop the “Sharpiegate” discussion, citing more important things to talk about, former Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel ripped the panel. “I think this is where the American people are. They think all of us are crazy. We should stop this,” he demanded.
The transcript is below, click "expand" to read:
I can't believe adults can be such fools. At least until I met Chuck.
Go right ahead and tell all of us that your use of "Dick" did not apply to me. You've used this one before. So now tell us that it wasn't aimed at me. Be my guest. You could be most useful, for a change.
Of course it applied to you. I'm just surprised that you recognize yourself as a dick. Pleasantly surprised, I might add. Recognizing that one has a problem is the first step to resolving it. So hopefully we will be seeing a new and improved Chuck in coming weeks and months.
I've long thought that you are a dick and generally avoid interacting with you unless I am particularly bored. I had not realized that you were the dick until Professor A pointed it out a month or so back with the admonition to stop.
So, I've just been following her lead. You usually act like I am addressing someone else. I hope today marks the first step on the road to recovery from the curse of dickdom.
Booze, or perhaps the promise of booze does seem to help in your case. Hence my offer of a bottle of Everclear. Still stands, BTW.
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1 – 200 of 205 Newer› Newest»A bit. Quite ridiculous but somewhat entertaining. A great example of how when you hate someone, really hate them, you will find fault in everything they do, no matter how inconsequential and small.
Trump's playing them again.
That might be the first time Trump ever admitted his actual strategy is to distract the opposition media, no?
There isn't enough gin in all the world that can save LLR Chuck on this thread.
It will be epic and will no doubt include the Lefty Lunacy Amen Chorus of Inga, readering and at least 2 other lefty NPC's.
Occupational Hazard, so yes. Tedium.
I think the thing that surprised me is that NOAA backed him up. He has his own guy in there but the rest of the staff is all watermelon. I expect in the coming days we’ll get leaks from the insiders how there was huge pushback. The neverending story:
No. Is the cat named Sharpie?
Nobody ever knows 100% where the damn hurricanes are going — so who gives a shit about speculation in the first place? It’s all a big guessing game anyway.
The problem here is the people making a big deal about it, not Trump and his speculation. I cannot even believe the stupidity that animates and energizes some people these days.
Wile E. Coyote says that’s not funny.
In the Making the President Look Bad Game there are winners and losers. But any moderate voter would instantly know the Game is but a poor player that struts and frets its hour upon the stage and then is heard no more. It is a tale told by a CNN Idiot, full of sound and fury and signifying nothing.
Maybe all these genius ankle-biters should set up a betting market on hurricane paths and call them Hurricane Futures, and then they can prove to everybody exactly how smart they are by putting their money where their mouth is.
Otherwise, STFU.
JackWayne: "I expect in the coming days we’ll get leaks from the insiders how there was huge pushback. The neverending story:"
Unfortunately for the dem/lefties like LLR Chuck, the Natiinal Hurricane Center graphics produced over the entire relevant time frame ckearly show Alabana in the potential area of impact AND news reports on CNN on multiple occasions also mention Alabama and even Mississippi and Louisiana!!
It simply doesnt get any better than this.
Very reminiscent of the video footage of Trump following Abe's lead in goldfish feeding in Japan that the lefties deceptively edited and were later caught with their panties down!!
Equally absolutely irrelevant yet the lefties and LLR-lefties go to DEFCON IMPEACHMENT 1 over their obvious lies.
Who doubts that Nadler will call hearings on this?
I was finding it ridiculous on both sides (including the "anger" of FORMER NOAA officials blasting the agency for "caving in") until the Trump people posted the CNN weather people saying it could affect Alabama. All they could reply with was a lame "doctored video" charge. I was following Dorian because my hometown could have ended up like the northern Bahamas and it was definitely predicted to possibly cross the state and make landfall to the north.
The Lamestream Media can't help themselves. They didn't have a Blame Katrina on Bush situation so....
“Asked why the president was obsessed with Alabama instead of the states that would actually be affected by the storm, the strategist said, ‘you should ask a psychiatrist about that; I'm not sure I'm qualified to comment.’”
Yes, I’m following Sharpie-gate. First, I believe it was Trump trolling the media from Day 1. It was classic Trump: a cartoon that the media would mistake for reality. Trump learned much from the WWE. But now, as the “scandal” rolls into Phase 2, we have an amazing development: NOAA divides the weather community by supporting Trump’s version of events. This is extremely important because NOAA is one of the two foundation stones that the Climate Change community rests its faith upon. It was an Obama-weaponized NOAA that cooled the past by doctoring data to tilt the temp line upward thus fictitiously ending the “Pause” in warming that began in 1998. That Pause hurt the warmists’ argument greatly, NOAA to the rescue.
Finally, this split in the weather world has exposed the bias that was always there. Now the left is crying politics!
Trump, whether by luck or design, is truly breaking down rotten institutions.
I know it has something to do with a map, a storm, and a sharpie, but that’s about it.
I think its healthy that our gin drenched smear merchant LLR has wisely decided to take a different approach to smearing Trump after his failed attempts to wish away relevant National Hurricane projections and news reports blew that initial tactic right out of the water.
But you know our Chuck!! Will he be disciplined enough to stop himself from falling into that rabbit hole again?
My guess? By noon EST he will not.
Lets see if I am correct....
I thought it was Alabama-Gate?
Each day the "lost their minds over Hillary's loss!" MSM have a new outrage.
You cultists.
Trump mentioned Alabama last among several states in his tweet.
Chucktard: "Why is Trump obsessed with Alabama?"
As I said in the last Dorian thread: Just when I think Chuckles couldn't possibly get even dumber, he outdoes himself by finding a new, innovative path to stupid.
No. Sharpie Gate is so dumb only a Democrat would find it interesting.
Chuck doesn’t always smoke cigars but when he does they are Acme Cigars.
When it looked like Dorian was going to make landfall in Florida and roll right over Disney World, I said we should construct a giant altered dominant chord up in New England and float it out to sea.
Looks like we did.
Beasts: "Each day the "lost their minds over Hillary's loss!" MSM have a new outrage."
Interesting that you mentioned "lost their minds"
LLR Chuck has retreated to the 25th amendment lefty tactic to attack Trump since all the actual video and NHC evidence proves Trump correct.
Poor poor Chuck. He and his lefty buddies didnt get the "Katrina" scenario they were hoping for to assist the dems.
Chin up little LLR buckaroo!! You'll have more chances for some terrible weather to kill many Americans. Keep hope alive!
Not so Sharpie Gate.
Did anyone cough up the $15 necessary for the set of 5 Official Trump sharpie pens to forward to Chuck?
After all, any $gazillion/hour highly regarded legal beagle like LLR Chuck who just so happens to be married to Morgan Fairchild AND has a full wall projection system to allow for viewing ALL lefty media outlets simultaneously deserves nothing less!!
Chuck is a democrat now. I really don't care about Chuck. The democrat party is corrupt.
Jason said...
Trump mentioned Alabama last among several states in his tweet.
Chucktard: "Why is Trump obsessed with Alabama?"
As I said in the last Dorian thread: Just when I think Chuckles couldn't possibly get even dumber, he outdoes himself by finding a new, innovative path to stupid.
That wasn't my question. That's not a quote from me.
Had it been my question, it would have been, "Why is Trump so obsessed with the Birmingham NWS tweet, which was correct, and why did Trump continue to talk about 'Alabama' in his public statements on Sept. 1 and 2?"
And now my new questions would be, "Who are the people in the Administration best able to answer all questions about the NOAA statement issued on Friday afternoon? Who drafted it, what information was it based on, and what were all communications between the White House and NOAA on that statement?"
Chuck is a racist.
Chuck is a Smear Merchant.
Chuck is obsessed.
Every single one of the people upset about sharpiegate; ALSO,
Still Believe that Trump said that Nazi's were fine people. Their 'logic' LITERALLY goes like this:
A) It's True that Trump explicitly excluded Nazi's from his list of fine people, BUT!
B) He talked about 'the people there on Saturday', AND!
C) I KNOW, FOR A FACT; that NO ONE was there on Saturday besides Nazi's... I KNOW, 'Cause
D) Someone Who Was There, On Saturday; Wasn't a Nazi... And HE SAID no non-nazi's were there
E) the antifa people? That were there on Saturday? I don't know What you're talking about!!
Yes, It's a quote from you. You posted it. If you didn't want to associate yourself with it, you shouldn't have posted it.
And no, Chucktard, the BNWS tweet was not correct at that time. The NHC had not projected the probability of Alabama seeing weather effects from Dorian to zero. BNWS was wrong to say that, as NOAA correctly noted.
Trump spoke about Alabama on the 1st and 2nd because the NHC wind probability forecasts still had the Chattahoochie Valley at risk from TS weather effects and outer rain bands until the 2nd.
As has been repeatedly pointed out to you, with links, including by NOAA itself.
Were you born this stupid? Or do you wake up every morning and eat a big bowl of Dumb Flakes for breakfast?
More funny Sharpiegate!
"what information was it based on"
The NOAA statement literally f***ing tells you.
LLR Chuck: "And now my new questions would be,...."
I knew it!!
Told ya!
Jason Asks as Life Long Liberal....
Were you born this stupid? Or do you wake up every morning and eat a big bowl of Dumb Flakes for breakfast?
Remember! Every single one of the people upset about sharpiegate; ALSO,
Still Believe that Trump said that Nazi's were fine people.
A comment I found on /thedonald/ which captures the essence of my argument re Sharpie-gate:
“He’s trolling hard. Perfect play On the heels of CNN’s climate town hall where the democrats seem certain we are going to be living in dystopian hell or dead. Now the left and media are screaming “don’t politicize the weather”. They’ve been doing it for 20 years.”
Jason: "Yes, It's a quote from you. You posted it."
LLR Chuck once again denying his own posts!!
Just like he did with his racist posts!
And the NFL big day!!
What a great start to my Sunday! Thanks Chuck!
Jason said...
Yes, It's a quote from you. You posted it. If you didn't want to associate yourself with it, you shouldn't have posted it.
You know, you might be right. Last week, in the middle of his Oval Office follies, I believe that I might well have asked then, in the present tense, why Trump was so obsessed with Alabama.
So I think I might take back that denial on reflection.
In my first comment on this page, "Why is Trump so obsessed with Alabama?" was not my question. It was a quote from someone else entirely.
I'm actually not too upset with anyone asking, "Why has Trump been so obsessed with Alabama?" And it really had to do with Sunday, September 1 through Thursday, September 4.
This is approximately the 718th time in just 3 years Trump has made LLR Chuck look like a complete moron.
I became convinced Chuck was a complete moron after just the 5th time that happened.
No, Is there any reason why I should?
It was a quote from someone else entirely.
Jason said...
"what information was it based on"
The NOAA statement literally f***ing tells you.
Good! I want that fight! I want that fight for the rest of the month of September.
I want the House to get testimony from people at Birmingham NWS, and NOAA, and absolutely everybody from the White House who assisted in pushing out that NOAA statement. I want every document, every email, every phone call revealed.
LLR Chuck: "And it really had to do with Sunday, September 1 through Thursday, September 4."
On Sep 2 NHC maps clearly show Alabama in the cone!!
And remember, LLR Chuck has already seen those projections...and yet he persists.
Reid Hoffman smiles!
’I want the House to get testimony from people at Birmingham NWS, and NOAA, and absolutely everybody from the White House who assisted in pushing out that NOAA statement. I want every document, every email, every phone call revealed.’
Keep chasing that laser beam, pussy cat...
The best part by far is the video that Trump tweeted, with CNN repeating "Alabama" several times like a broken record, and then a car labeled "CNN" bursting into flames. I'd give Trump four more years just to keep the tweets, memes, and videos coming.
gilbar said...
It was a quote from someone else entirely.
My quote in bold further up on this page came from this fabulous Business Insider story.
Chuck, racist fopdoodle, wants that fight.
He didn't want to give up his full contact gym's address.
Trump wants to fight the idiots in the MSM.
And he wants the Chucks of the world to encourage the MSM to fight.
Please continue with the idiocy.
We can all use the laughs.
"Are you following Sharpigate?"
No. This is the first time I've seen a map. Considering Alabama to be at risk doesn't look crazy to me.
I became convinced Chuck was a complete moron after just the 5th time that happened.
asked about Chuck's mental health, the strategist said:
Poor Chuck, his life Used to be so straight forward. He'd wake up, go to the bar, and drink Gin and Tonics (made with SPECIAL Tonic water!); and hopelessly hope that a client would come in and hire him (like in Goliath!). Of course, no one ever would; because he was an alcoholic wannabe.
So, He'd sit on his barstool, talking about How Great Things Would Be; once we had a Republican President (Like Mitt Romney). Then the shit hit the fan....
President Trump got elected, and he was Doing ALL the things that Poor Chuck 'said' he wanted; but, he wasn't doing them the right way. He was doing them, In Reality; instead of in a gin soaked hallucination.
So, Poor Chuck thought; I Know What I'll Do! I'll PERSONALLY take down Trump! I'll be the hero!.
So, Poor Chuck tried and tried, but; the more he tried, the more everyone (including Poor Chuck) realized that Chuck wasn't JUST a gin soak alcoholic; he was a PATHETIC INCOMPETENT gin soak alcoholic. The More Poor Chuck tried to bring down President Trump, the more popular President Trump became.
Poor Chuck
Now, Mind you, i didn't say all that; it was said by "the strategist"
I sense a Full On LLR Chuck Pecan Pie-gate meltdown where LLR Chuck wants everyone drug into court under oath to testify!!
The reason for Chuck's obsession is quite clear.
The democrat candidates are imploding and making one insane far left comment after another while the full extent of the obama/Biden/Hillary/LLR-left corruption is being exposed more and more each day.
Chuck's job is deflection and smear. That is in fact the entirety of the dem/left/LLR-left election strategy.
Still, it is fun to watch.
Oh, good. Chuck "wants that fight."
Let's fire up the Wayback Machine to July 2nd, 1863.
Longstreet joined Lee on Seminary Ridge west of Gettysburg about 5 o’clock in the afternoon. When he arrived, Lee was busy, so Longstreet examined through field glasses the Federal position to the south and east. When Lee finished, Longstreet turned to him and remarked: ‘We could not call the enemy to position better suited to our plans. All that we have to do is file around his left and secure good ground between him and his capital.’
Lee reacted with some anger to Longstreet’s advice and, jabbing a fist toward Cemetery Ridge, replied, ‘If the enemy is there tomorrow, we must attack him.’
‘If he is there,’ Longstreet shot back, ‘it will be because he is anxious that we should attack him — a good reason, in my judgment, for not doing so.’
Andrew said...
The best part by far is the video that Trump tweeted, with CNN repeating "Alabama" several times like a broken record, and then a car labeled "CNN" bursting into flames. I'd give Trump four more years just to keep the tweets, memes, and videos coming.
How completely, obviously, embarrassingly stupid is that video supposed to be? In that video, look at the storm's location. Dorian has barely entered the Caribbean. It's in August! What day in August? The 25th? Earlier?
Yes, all of the Southeast United States was vaguely threatened at that time.
That was not the case on September 1, when precise, detailed information was of critical importance to the region. Not inaccurate generalized information.
That video is such a great Rorschach test for Trumpism. Trumpists will love it because it is a shot at CNN. Trump haters will love it because it is such a fundamentally stupid shot at CNN.
The three most recent polls have shown Trump > 22% support amongst black voters.
And Trump > 45% amongst latinos.
Surely the issue to reduce that modern record for support from those groups to a Republican presidential candidate is an issue over a weather map. Black and latino voters really prioritize weather maps.
Or, contrarily, blacks and latinos shake their respective heads at the stupid shit white people fight over. And they like having jobs. And wage growth. And a president who does more than mouth pieties.
They don't listen to racist fopdoodles.
LLR Chuck: "Yes, all of the Southeast United States was vaguely threatened at that time.
That was not the case on September 1,..."
I knew it. I knew it. I knew it!!
And its only 10am or so EST!!
Remember, as Chuck writes these latest lies he has already seen the Sep 2 NHC projections showing Alabama being impacted!!
LLR Chuck is setting a new LLR Chuck Standard for Smear Merchantry!
Meanwhile, every single dem is promising an anti-energy dictatorship on Day 1 of a dem administration and getting rid of the electoral college, packing the supreme court and completely opening our borders!!
That was not the case on September 1, when precise, detailed information was of critical importance to the region. Not inaccurate generalized information.
Chuck. Dumbass.
On September 1st, the most precise, detailed information available from the National Hurricane Center still put Southeast Alabama at risk of tropical storm weather.
LLR and #StrongCNNDefender Chuck: "That video is such a great Rorschach test for Trumpism. Trumpists will love it because it is a shot at CNN. Trump haters will love it because it is such a fundamentally stupid shot at CNN."
Can it get any better than this? I think not.
Shorter Chuck: Please please please don't watch that video of CNN talking heads proving Trump was right!!!
Chuck goes full Fredo Cuomo: Please don't read those Hillary emails. Only "official" "journalists" are allowed to read those Hillary emails!!
"Fredo" Chuck. It has a nice ring to it!
Of course, what LLR Chuck in his gin-induced haze doesn't realize is that mash up of all the CNN talking heads proving Trump was right (Again!!) is actually a great Rorschach test for the insane left......and guess who falls right into that category?
In fact, LLR Chuck falls so hard into that insane left category that one would have to describe Chuck as.....(wait for it, wait for it...)......a Category 5 insane lefty!!
See, wasn't it worth the wait?
’Can it get any better than this? I think not.’
I’m not so sure. I heard from an anonymous source with regular contacts inside the White House that Trump used the wrong fork at dinner last night.
Vichy Chuck: And also please please please do not look at the actual Dorian projection maps provided to us by the NHC on Sep 2!! They don't matter!! They don't even exist!! Who needs them anyway?!! Seriously, don't look at them.
Instead, look at this write up in Business Insider (a German-owned publication edited by convicted felon Henry Blodgett who has been banned from participating in any securities related activities!!)
If you can't trust those guys who can you trust, eh?
Beasts: "I heard from an anonymous source with regular contacts inside the White House that Trump used the wrong fork at dinner last night."
We won't know till we get the entire WH staff under oath!
I only paid attention to it long enough to reconfirm that our msm is staffed by dumb teen-age girls (of all ages and both sexes).
Angle-Dyne, Samurai Buzzard: "I only paid attention to it long enough to reconfirm that our msm is staffed by dumb teen-age girls (of all ages and both sexes)."
LLR Chuck is not a teen-age girl. He just likes to threaten them.
In the real world news world, it is known that even the pre-Trumpified NOAA accepted the Birmingham NWS refutation of Trump. From a Seth Borenstein AP story:
Last Sunday, Trump tweeted : "In addition to Florida - South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama, will most likely be hit (much) harder than anticipated. Looking like one of the largest hurricanes ever. Already category 5."
At the time, the hurricane center's forecast path — including a large cone of uncertainty — did not go farther west than the eastern third of Georgia.
The weather service in Birmingham quickly followed up with its tweet, which one meteorologist there said was prompted by residents' concerns about what to do. It said: "Alabama will NOT see any impacts from #Dorian. We repeat, no impacts from Hurricane #Dorian will be felt across Alabama. The system will remain too far east."
NOAA verified that day that the "current forecast path of Dorian does not include Alabama" and an agency spokesman, Christopher Vaccaro, put his name to that.
No spokesman from NOAA put his or her name to Friday's 5-days'-belated disavowal of the Birmingham NWS.
So Chris Vaccaro, come on down! The House Committee on Oversight wants to hear from you!
Poor poor Chuck.
How do you argue against the actual maps produced by NHC professionals that clearly show Alabama being potentially impacted by tropical force storm conditions on Sep 2!!
Trump should release more of these mashups, over and over again. With lots more CNN Logo's getting torched.
I remember how much that upset LLR Chuck the first time that happened. Chuck wanted that video creator doxxed and destroyed!!
Have to admit I thought Chuck would avoid this completely today. In the past, Chuck claimed to be "on the spectrum". I thought he might have been joking.
There isn't enough gin in all the world that can save LLR Chuck on this thread.
It will be epic and will no doubt include the Lefty Lunacy Amen Chorus of Inga, readering and at least 2 other lefty NPC's.
9/8/19, 7:32 AM
LLR Chuck: "So Chris Vaccaro, come on down! The House Committee on Oversight wants to hear from you!"
I made the reference early in the thread to the funny idea that the House dems would investigate....because it was so over the top and insane it was amusing.
And here we have LLR Chuck!!.....
Chuck's many therapists are not going to be amused by his backsliding behavior this morning.
FullMoon: "Have to admit I thought Chuck would avoid this completely today."
He can't help himself.
He simply can't help himself.
And the only thing that upsets him more than conservative military members effectively attacking democrats is anyone, and I mean anyone who dares to expose Chuck's beloved MSMers for the lying hacks they are.
We've been at this for about an hour or so and LLR/Smear Merchant Chuck has already exceeded every single low-bar expectation I had for him!!
You know what we simply don't have enough of?
Hot takes that fly in the face of reality by German-controlled publications edited by convicted felons.
We simply can't get enough of that.
Chucktard... as has been pointed out to you multiple times by your betters, you're focusing on the wrong forecast product.
If you're quoting people still focused on the cone chart, you're quoting incompetents who don't know what they're looking at.
Much like yourself.
On September 1st, the most precise, detailed information available from the National Hurricane Center still put Southeast Alabama at risk of tropical storm weather.
No; some chart had a corner of Alabama at miniscule risk. The real scientists knew more, and better. And they said so.
So this is where we need to go next. We need to get all of the National Hurricane Center scientists under oath and ask them in detail about what the Birmingham NWS tweeted in response to the President.
Birmingham NWS said 'no risk' on September 1. If that was wrong, and if you are right, the National Hurricane Center should have been screaming warnings at the time, that Alabama was at risk and needed to take precautions and that Birmingham NWS. But they weren't doing that.
See, this is the kind of Trump controversy that I love. There is a truth, and then there is a Trumpist "feeling." Taking Trump's careless trashtalk and putting it under a microscope.
Again, blacks and latinos wonder what the ever loving he'll the white folks are arguing about.
Trump has three straight polls over 22% support from blacks.
And over 45% from latinos.
And Democratics like Chuck, racist fopdoodle, want to argue about weather maps?
Trump is going to have a larger electoral victory in 2020 than he had in 2016.
5.5 more years and Chuck's liver will be fall-down-drunk.
Racist Chuck: "We need to get all of the National Hurricane Center scientists under oath ..."
What an odd use of the word 'we'.
Smear Merchant Chuck: "...Trump controversy..."
You keep using words you don't understand.
Try again.
It's over. Where have you been the last couple of days?
Blogger FullMoon said...
Have to admit I thought Chuck would avoid this completely today. In the past, Chuck claimed to be "on the spectrum". I thought he might have been joking.
No, I didn't. I never said such a thing. I never wrote such a thing. Not once. Not ever. You are making it up. You can't quote me. You can't link to anything like that.
This is like the time that you made up the notion that I used the phrase "titty-twister." And then after more than a dozen times of my counterattacking you on that point and emphasizing that it was your phrase, you admitted that you made it up.
And just where the fuck does anybody on these comments pages step off, with an accusation against me about assaulting teenage girls? Where does that even come from?
Your moderation of these pages sucks, Althouse.
Chuck - You REALLY are a democrat now.
Holy shit.
Birkel said...
Racist Chuck: "We need to get all of the National Hurricane Center scientists under oath ..."
What an odd use of the word 'we'.
The bipartisan 60% or so of Americans who disapprove of Trump.
The bipartisan 60% or so of Americans who disapprove of Trump.
Weird how you think approval polls mean anything in the Trump era. Smarten up.
Let's do one here and you'll see what I mean:
1) how many of you disapprove of Trump? (almost every hand goes up)
2) how many of you will vote for Trump? (almost every hand goes up)
Trumpists? Well did Chuck go full out Inga?
Chuck: Your moderation of these pages sucks, Althouse.
Okay, I have to give you points for trolling there, considering you were told to leave this blog and refuse to. Good form.
@Fen - I was late seeing your comment the other night, but my boat is Subterfuge.
Now, go twist a titty, ya big baby.
"Chuck said... [hush][hide comment]
I was diagnosed, after extensive testing by medical professionals, in Nov. 2014.Among the #actuallyautistic, you see a range of intellect and social abilities. It is not possible to lump us into one or two categories.
Many of us may appear boorish or rude in our interactions with neurotypical (NT) people. As a generality, we are weak at recognizing non-verbal social cues. Autism, however, is not an excuse for being a jerk. And it is possible for us to be both, as it is for NTs.
Diagnosing yourself is a facile way to find an excuse for behaviors and feelings that may have nothing to do with autism. It's not a fad that you can just buy in to. It is a difference in the hardwiring of the rain. We are not handicapped, just different."
Not following it. Dumb and Dull.
Chuck: "...No, I didn't. I never said such a thing. I never wrote such a thing. Not once. Not ever. You are making it up. You can't quote me. You can't link to anything like that."
Does anyone else picture Chuck stomping his feet and sticking out his tongue while saying this?
Yeah, I really had you going pretty good with that one, didn't I? That really was fun, thanks for the reminder.
And then after more than a dozen times of my counterattacking you on that point and emphasizing that it was your phrase, you admitted that you made it up.
"So this is where we need to go next. We need to get all of the National Hurricane Center scientists under oath and ask them in detail about what the Birmingham NWS tweeted in response to the President."
I think Chuck is a troll.
I think the entire staff of the National Weather Service should resign en masse to protest.
When you lose your mind over the various hurricane predictions. That's some serious mind-drain.
What an odd use of the word 'we'
Okay! Okay! Time Out! Everybody CALM Down. Let's take a Poem Break
Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
I'm Schizophrenic
And So and I
I think Chuck is a troll.
No. Chuck is a moby. He is paid by someone to pretend to be a conservative Republican of the country club sort, but he gets enough details wrong so that anyone who really knows country club Republicans spots him for the phony he is. A few weeks ago he was boasting about being paid to post comments here.
There’s a lefty billionaire named Reid Hoffman who has been forced to admit to paying guys living in their mommy’s basement to post comments as fake conservatives. Whether Hoffman is paying Chuck or whether it’s someone else, Chuck is a moby, he’s a phony, he’s worthless on the best day of his life. Ignore him.
I swear. Put down the sharpie and back away, Chuckles. You’re going ‘round the bend.
FullMoon said...
Now, go twist a titty, ya big baby.
"Chuck said... [hush][hide comment]
I was diagnosed, after extensive testing by medical professionals, in Nov. 2014.Among the #actuallyautistic, you see a range of intellect and social abilities. It is not possible to lump us into one or two categories.
Many of us may appear boorish or rude in our interactions with neurotypical (NT) people. As a generality, we are weak at recognizing non-verbal social cues. Autism, however, is not an excuse for being a jerk. And it is possible for us to be both, as it is for NTs.
Diagnosing yourself is a facile way to find an excuse for behaviors and feelings that may have nothing to do with autism. It's not a fad that you can just buy in to. It is a difference in the hardwiring of the rain. We are not handicapped, just different."
wtf? You aren't quoting me. Don't quote me unless you also link to it. I have no idea what you are even referring to.
Ironically, Chuck's boastful comment of being autistic was on a post relating to a Professor obsessed with staring at women's breast. Perhaps fantasizing giving them a good twist.
Nope. Not gonna make it easy for you to delete it. You said it and you know you said it.
wtf? You aren't quoting me. Don't quote me unless you also link to it. I have no idea what you are even referring to.
I may have missed it as I skip Chuck's comments but has he ever mentioned CNN omitting the entire state of Alabama from one of their hurricane graphics? That seems a bit more a scandal than the sharpie thing.
"Chuck said...
I am afraid you are mistaking me for someone who has an interest in fair treatment of Donald Trump. I'm not your guy. I am interested in smearing him, hurting him and prejudicing people against him."
Bullshit, FullMoon. You're lying. You can't link to it because it doesn't exist.
Chuck said
If Trump is the Republican nominee, Hillary Clinton wins by 350 electoral votes.
If Trump runs as a third party candidate, Hillary might win by 300 electoral votes
No one mentioned the Benny Hill theme music.
IIRC, the NWS kept denying Dorian was possibly going to AL when it was just off FL, but we can assume the MSM didn't report anything that supported Trump.
No. Chuck is a moby. He is paid by someone to pretend to be a conservative Republican of the country club sort
Personally, i think THE ONLY THING that makes any sense, is that
A) Chuck IS a moby
B) He's SO INEPT at criticizing President Trump, that he CAN'T be getting paid to do it
C) He is Actually being paid to do a terrible job of pretending to be a conservative
He does SUCH a lame ass job of criticizing, that anyone paying him to bring down President Trump is wasting their money. Chuck has PERSONALLY done more than Anyone here to make others Pro Trump
My guess is; our Poor Chuck is ACTUALLY written BY President Trump.
He not a Agent provocateur, he's a double agent provocateur (counter agent provocateur?)
I know it would break your cover, Chuck; but secretly, you are in Lovey Love Love with Trump,
Aren't you Chuck? Keep up the good work knocking down the Pres (wink wink ;)
Shouldn't cat be superimposed in front of map of Afghanistan?
Michael K said...
I may have missed it as I skip Chuck's comments but has he ever mentioned CNN omitting the entire state of Alabama from one of their hurricane graphics? That seems a bit more a scandal than the sharpie thing.
You keep saying that you skip all of my comments. Then you keep talking about me.
You had my full blessing and encouragement to skip my comments and -- please -- don't mention me again. I would never miss you. And it would be better for keeping comments pages on the topic of Althouse's blog post and not on personal insults of me.
Sorry, Chuck, the rules have changed. Burden is on you to prove it didn't happen...
"Inga said...
Known Unknown, I may have zero proof that collusion happened, but you also have zero proof that it didn't happen. As I said it's classified info and we are not privy to it. Be patient. Not every thing gets leaked.
5/12/17, 3:29 PM"
Not much. The weather service made a categorical tweet. The NOAA pointed out that is wrong when discussing predictions with probabilities. The NOAA is correct on that. Everyone having a fit over that looks dishonest.
Using sharpie dishonest.duh
FullMoon said...
Sorry, Chuck, the rules have changed. Burden is on you to prove it didn't happen...
If you had a quote from me, you'd be able to quote me and link to it. You don't have it. I don't answer for things Inga wrote in general, and certainly not in this context.
I'm beginning to think that you are autistic.
Full Moon I Google-searched your made-up quotes. I got nothing that led to any Althouse comment from me.
And now I am going outside to enjoy the day.
Not autistic, simply playful.
Chuck said:
If you had a quote from me, you'd be able to quote me and link to it. You don't have it. I don't answer for things Inga wrote in general, and certainly not in this context.
I'm beginning to think that you are autistic.
readering: "Shouldn't cat be superimposed in front of map of Afghanistan?"
Better yet, superimposed on a collection of about $1.8 Billion in cash on pallets!
That's how you know you are dealing with "serious" foreign policy surrenderers...er "negotiators"....
Original Mike: "Trumpists? Well did Chuck go full out Inga?"
LLR Chuck has ALWAYS been a full out Inga.
ChucK reeling in the cucks
Howard: "ChucK reeling in the cucks"
I'm hoping by 2024 Howard will learn the definition of all terms he uses incorrectly.
I'm hoping, but I'm not optimistic.
Of course, lefty Howard getting all terms wrong on the same thread LLR-lefty Chuck is getting all the facts wrong and lefty readering is simply flailing at....something...just makes it all the more enjoyable.
So Chuck is actually calling for an investigation by the Commie House into the NOAA statements? Holy Shit. Everything the commenters say about him is true.
Why are you still here, Chuck? Have you no shame? You and Inga living in sin together?
Chuck's right.
It's a reported comment from "one Republican strategist who's in frequent contact with the White House":
"He's deteriorating in plain sight," one Republican strategist who's in frequent contact with the White House told Insider on Friday.
Asked why the president was obsessed with Alabama instead of the states that would actually be affected by the storm, the strategist said, "you should ask a psychiatrist about that; I'm not sure I'm qualified to comment."
At least the author/reporter is named:
Apparently Full Moon is the type of troll Althouse approves of.
Chuck said...
Full Moon I Google-searched your made-up quotes. I got nothing that led to any Althouse comment from me.
And now I am going outside to enjoy the day.
Trump's problem is he didn't include Canada in the map. New Brunswick is being hit hard right now...
Chuck, the SDC, or self-dunking clown.
Vicious, mean spirited troll :
"FrankiMInga...Allie Oop said...
Althouse got from me the respect she deserved, which was none. She routinely insults her commenters, yet demands that they apologize to her when they retaliate. It is a point of view deletion and banning and she was insulted that I didn’t accept her vast knowledge on the subject. She IS a lazy thinker, I’ve seen it many times over the years. What she deleted was me telling her that as a law professor she should know better and be embarrassed. I also called her a stupid woman, which is not unwarranted.
I think that the law students she “taught” via text book lesson plans should demand a refund from UW. As for Althouse treating women commenters differently than the male commenters, indeed yes she does. I’ve seen it happen numerous times over the years of commenting here. Demanding respect from commenters for providing a forum in which to express one’s opinions does not warrant abuse from the blog owner. Commenting here isn’t worth the abuse, from Trump Cultists and from the clueless blog owner. There have been numerous liberals/ leftists whatever floats your boat that have left and haven’t returned. This blog has always been Althouse’s little shrine to herself. Her narcissism is sometimes revealed itself as it did yesterday. Not commenting here is NO loss to me."
We're still on this stupid shit?
Wake me when the left moves on to the next, idiotic thing.
Trudeau and his boxed water were not enough.
Hello kim campbell you were aaying something.
Blogger Drago said...
Howard: "ChucK reeling in the cucks"
I'm hoping by 2024 Howard will learn the definition of all terms he uses incorrectly.
Your mistaken Drago. You people started using cuck first and the "he who smelt it dealt it" rule applies
Blogger Known Unknown said... I think Chuck is a troll.
If he is, those that respond to him are ipso facto cucks.
Its their plastic turkey moment.
He's deteriorating in plain sight,
So’s a lot if the democrat party and their voters/water carriers.
I thought Ronnie drove them nuts, but this level of sharpie insanity.....
Howard: "If he is, those that respond to him are ipso facto cucks."
It's like you're a combination of Foster Brooks and Norm Crosby when it comes to definitions!
Why not just accuse everyone of being a Tippacanoe and Tyler Too whig?
Howard: "You people started using cuck first and the "he who smelt it dealt it" rule applies"
Its perfectly acceptable to use the term appropriately and coherently.
You fail on both counts.
But don't stop now with it. It's become a tremendously funny self-own gag that I have to admit I enjoy.
Trump Lost #Sharpiegate the Moment He Took It Seriously. The key to trolling is jeering indifference: You win because you don’t care. To a troll, caring is hilarious and (should you make the mistake of doing it) fatal.
I'm so old, I remember Turkey-gate.
God damn it! I knew this was going to happen some day. Here's Full Moon, from just above:
FullMoon said...
"Chuck said...
Full Moon I Google-searched your made-up quotes. I got nothing that led to any Althouse comment from me."
And now I am going outside to enjoy the day.
Now, everyone; go to that comment that Full Moon linked. And when you are there, click on the name "Chuck" associated with that quote. You'll be taken to the Blogger user profile for that "Chuck." That "Chuck" says he is from Upstate New York. Along with a lot of other stuff that has nothing to do with me.
It wasn't me, Full Moon. Wrong "Chuck."
And now, to quote Laurence Meade; "Apologize." Apologize right now, here on this page.
What a bunch of fucking lunkheads you are.
It's not me. It's "Chuck," who is a self-decribed
Sorry for that unedited last line to my post immediately above. I was so pissed off, I didn't scrub that last line. I wasn't even certain what the other "Chuck" actually self-described himself as, and so I had quit on it.
Inga says Slate says Trump lost Sharpiegate!!
Well, if that's not authoritative, what is?!
Nothing worth lying about Chuck. You slipped up and linked to your real self.
I expect you to delete it, so I took a screen shot for future reference.
Personally, I think you deal reasonably well with your condition, all things considered.
THe obsessiveness is sometimes over the top. Greta, Pecan Pie, Sharpie among only dozens of examples out of thousands of threads. So, not too bad of a ratio.
Sorry for that unedited last line to my post immediately above.
Apology not necessary, but accepted in the spirit with which it was proffered.
Michael The Magnificent: "I'm so old, I remember Turkey-gate."
Indeed. LLR Chuck and his lefty pals did a real number on GWBush with that one and Bush never fought back.
But this President is different and he is never going to let the LLR Chuck and the rest of the pathetic Lefty marxist brigade get away with their nonsense.
FullMoon said...
Nothing worth lying about Chuck. You slipped up and linked to your real self.
I expect you to delete it, so I took a screen shot for future reference.
Personally, I think you deal reasonably well with your condition, all things considered.
THe obsessiveness is sometimes over the top. Greta, Pecan Pie, Sharpie among only dozens of examples out of thousands of threads. So, not too bad of a ratio.
I didn't have a profile before just now. Now I do. In order for readers to now click on my name, and compare it to your autistic "Chuck."
Click on my name to see my just-initiated profile.
And here is the profile of Full Moon's "Chuck the autistic":
You worthless sick freak, Full Moon.
Brian Stelter republican Chuck: "You worthless sick freak, Full Moon."
At some point Althouse should resurrect Pecan Pie-gate thread so we can compare with LLR Chuck's latest sick freakout!
What are the odds of someone else named ‘Chuck’ to drop by this blog and randomly admit to being diagnosed on the spectrum? But don’t fret, Chuck just happened to add a profile - today!! - to clear up that astronomical coincidence. I so love it when a plan comes together like that!!
Oh. Sure. No possible way blogger would allow more than one identity per person.(wink wink)
Additionally, the childish name calling would kinda lead one to suspect some sort of a "condition".
I didn't have a profile before just now. Now I do. In order for readers to now click on my name, and compare it to your autistic "Chuck."
Click on my name to see my just-initiated profile.
Beasts: "What are the odds of someone else named ‘Chuck’ to drop by this blog and randomly admit to being diagnosed on the spectrum?"
Why, I'll bet it was that OTHER Chuck, you know, not OUR Chuck, who offered up those racist hot takes on Ben Carson!
And LLR Chuck did indeed "helpfully" add a profile today, just today, so we would'nt be "confused" about all his previous nonsensical Joe Walsh-like racist postings.
BTW, did Joe Walsh ever come up to level on child support payments, or he still a deadbeat dad? I keep wondering if it was Joe Walsh's deadbeat dad-ism that LLR Chuck respected most when Chuckie explicitly and enthusiastically endorsed him, or was it Joe Walsh's admitted racist postings that most attracted Chuck?
I clicked on LLR Chuck's newest added profile and it lists him as:
Totally Not That Other Chuck Guy Named Chuck Whose Previous Postings Are Utterly Indefensible So That Couldn't Be Me Because Reasons And Even More Reasons
I found LLR Chuck's new profile very "helpful" for comment deconfliction purposes.
Hey Dick,
Last month, as a result of a bet you proved that you could make some reasonable contributions here. All it cost was a bottle of hootch.
So I'll step up because this gets pretty tiresome. I will provide a bottle of booze, your choice, Gin, scotch, Everclear or something else (up to about $25 or so)
For your part, all you need to do is repeat your previous performance.
John Henry
Right here you can see a recreation of the National Weather Service's predictions of tropical storm force winds from Dorian.\
This was an extremely tough storm for them to forecast. They didn't get it right and should show a bit of humility.
Next up:
FrankiM adds profile to prove she is not Inga...developing
Beasts of England said...
What are the odds of someone else named ‘Chuck’ to drop by this blog and randomly admit to being diagnosed on the spectrum? But don’t fret, Chuck just happened to add a profile - today!! - to clear up that astronomical coincidence. I so love it when a plan comes together like that!!
Beyond any doubt, ever one of my comments links to my profile.
And the autistic Chuck links to his "Upstate New York" profile.
This is so fascinating; the extent to which a demonstrably provable point by me -- by each one of you simply by clicking on links freely available to you -- will not be believed, simply because I am (or am not, in one notable case) the author.
God, what a collection of ignorant sickos Althouse has collected as commenters in the Era of Trump.
Congrats, Althouse; what a winning day for you.
Darkisland said...
Hey Dick,
Last month, as a result of a bet you proved that you could make some reasonable contributions here. All it cost was a bottle of hootch.
So I'll step up because this gets pretty tiresome. I will provide a bottle of booze, your choice, Gin, scotch, Everclear or something else (up to about $25 or so)
For your part, all you need to do is repeat your previous performance.
John Henry
Just for you, my price is $100,000, to be escrowed in advance.
LLR Chuck: "This is so fascinating; the extent to which a demonstrably provable point by me..."
Yes, this comment was just offered up by LLR Chuck who to this very day refuses to accept the NHC Dorian path maps as legitimate!
As with Inga and readering, history begins anew for LLR Chuck every 15 minutes!
So. Much. Winning....yet I am not yet tired of it, so I shall persist.
LLR Chuck: "Just for you, my price is $100,000, to be escrowed in advance."
Your wife, Morgan Fairchild, demands not a penny less.
’And the autistic Chuck links to his "Upstate New York" profile.’
Do you really think that disproves my argument? 😂
LLR Chuck: "God, what a collection of ignorant sickos Althouse has collected as commenters in the Era of Trump."
Hmmmm, who is going to point out the obvious to Chuck?
Beasts: "Do you really think that disproves my argument? 😂"
He knows it doesnt. He's just kicking up as much dirt as possible to obfuscate his lies.
And Chuck has returned to Althouse Scolder mode!!
I love that because it means we are only hours or days away from an extended LLR Chuck "Eddie Haskell" period of Max Althouse Suck-up-ism.
Which is always great fun.
How long before the Autistic Chuck, who seems to have commented one time in the past eight years, shows up to validate Obsessive Chuck's assertion?.
Ugh. Chuck lunatic thread.
Anybody know what that old racist, Chuck, is up to these days?
Beasts of England said...
’And the autistic Chuck links to his "Upstate New York" profile.’
Do you really think that disproves my argument? 😂
Exactly what is it, that proves your argument?
I said that I never authored that "autistic" comment. The author was a different account, not mine. What is your proof in opposition to that?
So Dorian was just taking his time doing his hurricane thing when some wag said they hoped it would hit Mar A Lago. Dorian looked up, said HOLY SHIT!and took a hard brodie north, wiping his brow in relief that he'd live to see another day.
In addition to racist comments, is Chuck still providing medical diagnoses for twelve year olds he has never met?
Or threatened any old ladies?
I have received reports from an unnamed Deutsche Bank source that state LLR Chuck is indeed a Reid Hoffman paid RolCon Fake Conservative and if true, if true, will go a long way towards explaining LLR Chuck's far left posting habits.
Of course we wont know for sure until the investigative team gets him under oath. However, we have known this source to have been a reputable one in the past.
In any event, we cannot exonerate Chuck from this charge. If we could have we would have.
’Exactly what is it, that proves your argument?’
I don’t have to prove my rebuttal argument, Chuck; the burden of proof remains with your original claim. Glad I could help!!
just call it chuck amok,
Birkel: "In addition to racist comments, is Chuck still providing medical diagnoses for twelve year olds he has never met?
Or threatened any old ladies?"
Dont be silly! That was one time Autistic Chuck commenter, not long time LLR Obsessive Chuck commenter...
I mean, obviously.
"just call it chuck amok,"
Beasts: "I don’t have to prove my rebuttal argument, Chuck; the burden of proof remains with your original claim. Glad I could help!!"
See here now!! I will have you know LLR Chuck is a $17,005 per hour hotshot legal beagle.
Why the extra $5 per hour you might ask?
Because he CAN H8ters!!
And speaking of Zapruder: who knew we’d discover a second Chuck on the grassy knoll?
I said that I never authored that "autistic" comment. The author was a different account, not mine. What is your proof in opposition to that?
According to Igna, the burden of Proof is Now on the accused to PROVE that they didn't do the things they're accused of.
So, Chuck; PROVE to us that the NY Chuck isn't your Spare account?
That offer was made to Dick.
Why are you responding?
Are you saying that you are a "Dick"?
John Henry
You'd think a racist like Chuck would take advantage of his opportunity to pummel me at his local full contact gymnasium.
Quad Erat Demonstratium
Birkel's a bottom, requesting a pummelling. It's cucks all the way down
You know what would be even funnier than the scholar athletes of West Point taking Michigan to a second overtime yesterday? Upstate New York Chuck ‘miraculously’ appearing to testify that he’s not the other Chuck!!
’Quad Erat Demonstratium’
O rara ‘demonstratium’! 😜
I am happy for you that you amuse yourself.
Nobody cares about your homophobia, except you.
So the theory is that the autistic "Chuck" is really me.
Upstate New York "Chuck" is a different account than the one which is clearly and identifiably mine, by virtue of the profile that I created for the benefit of my detractors here, and which can be seen by clicking on my name in association with any of my (real) comments.
And yet the theory goes that I created a different account for one particular comment in which I confessed to being on the autism spectrum. In doing that, I used my own name. Was that to clearly identify myself with those comments? The comments that, the theory goes, I wanted to hide from today?
Why don't all of you fucking idiots explain the theory in plain English?
’Why don't all of you fucking idiots explain the theory in plain English?’
I’d be happy to explain it to you ‘in plain English’ but I’m not a ‘fucking idiot’, so you’ll just have to solve for the answer yourself or ask someone else.
In a momentary lapse of reason,, Chuck inadvertently posted a comment using his OKCupid account.
Fortunately others noticed.
does anyone know if we can find out how long ago Chuck made his NY profile
How did we know that Chuck made his Mi profile today, 'cause he told us?
I'd Laugh and Laugh if the NY profile was made today too
John henry said...
That offer was made to Dick.
Why are you responding?
Are you saying that you are a "Dick"?
John Henry
Go right ahead and tell all of us that your use of "Dick" did not apply to me. You've used this one before. So now tell us that it wasn't aimed at me. Be my guest. You could be most useful, for a change.
Your turn.
gilbar said...
does anyone know if we can find out how long ago Chuck made his NY profile
How did we know that Chuck made his Mi profile today, 'cause he told us?
I'd Laugh and Laugh if the NY profile was made today too
I don't know, but wouldn't it be interesting if Althouse herself could sort this out?
Earth to Chuck.
You are a laughing stock.
Pleading with the panel to stop the “Sharpiegate” discussion, citing more important things to talk about, former Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel ripped the panel. “I think this is where the American people are. They think all of us are crazy. We should stop this,” he demanded.
The transcript is below, click "expand" to read:
I can't believe adults can be such fools. At least until I met Chuck.
Howards continued improper and incoherent use of popular cultural terms renders most if not all of his "insults" inoperative.
But Howard, amusingly, cannot be dissuaded.
He and LLR Chuck make an interesting sort of left and lefter bookends.
#StrongDemDefender Chuck: "So the theory is that the autistic "Chuck" is really me."
My theory is that you are the most passionate dem defender on these boards.
Well, lets face it. Its not really a theory anymore.
Who is the sowing circle going to obsess over when Chuck moves on?
readering: "Who is the sowing circle going to obsess over when Chuck moves on?"
The next transparent and psychotic moby.
Though LLR Chuck will always set the Althouse Moby Standard.
In the same way that you set the historical ignorance standard (I am excluding Inga from that because she cant help herself)
Drago sets automatic response standard.
Call him costanza;
readering: "Drago sets automatic response standard."
If you dont want responses to your questions then dont ask them.
Its not that complicated.
But I was hoping for an LOL.
readering must be on Xer period again.
Reader Inga?
Blogger Chuck said...
Go right ahead and tell all of us that your use of "Dick" did not apply to me. You've used this one before. So now tell us that it wasn't aimed at me. Be my guest. You could be most useful, for a change.
Of course it applied to you. I'm just surprised that you recognize yourself as a dick. Pleasantly surprised, I might add. Recognizing that one has a problem is the first step to resolving it. So hopefully we will be seeing a new and improved Chuck in coming weeks and months.
I've long thought that you are a dick and generally avoid interacting with you unless I am particularly bored. I had not realized that you were the dick until Professor A pointed it out a month or so back with the admonition to stop.
So, I've just been following her lead. You usually act like I am addressing someone else. I hope today marks the first step on the road to recovery from the curse of dickdom.
Booze, or perhaps the promise of booze does seem to help in your case. Hence my offer of a bottle of Everclear. Still stands, BTW.
John Henry
BTW: Have you ever lived in Virginia, Dick?
You remind me a lot of a disbarred (for losing a murder case due to drunkenness) who used to clutter up another venue 15-20 years back.
John Henry
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