During the president's vacation at his club in Bedminster, New Jersey earlier this month, Westerhout attended an off-the-record dinner with reporters at the Grain and Cane restaurant in Berkeley Heights, New Jersey. Sources with knowledge of the dinner told CBS she had been drinking and disclosed private details about the president's family. She also gossiped about TV news personalities seeking access to the president.
August 30, 2019
"She was a spy from day one who sought to use her proximity to the president to curry favor with his detractors."
Said a "former official," quoted in "Trump's personal assistant Madeleine Westerhout abruptly resigns" (CBS).
can't trust anyone these days.
I wonder if she'll get a Trump "thank you, you're great" tweet or the other type. None at all might be the worst, if she wants an MSM interview or gig.
Years of translating narciso have made it difficult for me to place commas correctly.
This is why he relies too much on family. Boris is having similar problems. Same reason.
This is why the President needs - and demands - loyalty. It would be a terrible thing if the FBI director concocted a story - paid for by his defeated opponent - in order to get rid of the President. Bad for the country. Disregarding an election!
seems the woman was a Romney aid in the past.
I can't figure out Trump's hiring practices, but it obviously helps--just like in the real world--to be an attractive young woman.
One wonders if she might be tribe...
I can't figure out Trump's hiring practices, but it obviously helps--just like in the real world--to be an attractive young woman
Seems like you have an excellent grasp of his hiring practices. The guys are attractive too.
From his old TV show on The Golf Channel there's a big meeting with at least a dozen of his staffers from the hotel group. It looked like a Ford Model lineup. Trump made some crack about getting all these good looking guys and girls together in the same place...
All those fake "adminstration in chaos" and "Trump raging about XYZ" stories are about to dry up.
She tried to curry favor with the other side, but she's going to find herself in an awfully lonely place going forward. She'll get a book deal, sure, but after that she'll be consigned to the Bret Stephens / George Conway purgatory, where the right hates and distrusts you, and the left thinks you're a joke.
"told CBS she had been drinking"
"Well, there's your problem, Mr. Simpson."
She also gossiped about TV news personalities seeking access to the president
...and that's the only reason she was outed. Some bitchy reporter dropped a dime...
The complaints about Trump staffing the administration are similar to issues about conservative college faculty. Who wants to work in DC or to follow an academic career? These people self select.
Wonder if she's the "Rogue WH Staffer" on Facebook.
CNN or MSNBC commentator gig in 3...2...1...
This is expected. The likelihood that she is the only source is low. There is a lot of money available if one is willing to betray what ought to be principles.
As I mentioned yesterday, and remains true every day, people respond to incentives.
See, also, US universities taking Chinese money.
President Obama earned loyalty. Trump earns scorn because he treats people around him like shit. How many people have come and gone in the Trump administration? An astounding number.
Sad to see someone so young shit the bed so early in their career. But then name dropping and gossip are these young political operatives currency, especially if alcohol is involved. Anyone living in a capitol city knows this.
I just came to this comments page to learn what the concerted TrumpWorld reaction would be.
Is CBS fake news? Is the story a hoax?
Or is it suspect because it was anonymously sourced?
Or is it a true story, and the former assistant is a traitor to PDJT? And she’s now seen as a mainstream media collaborator, precisely because the story is true. Thanks in advance to any/all who can fill me in on the correct narrative.
President Obama earned loyalty.
In the same way he earned the Nobel Peace Prize.
I just came to this comments page to learn what the concerted TrumpWorld reaction would be.
Isn't it time for you to earn more booze, Chuckles. Being a failed lawyer, it must be hard to purchase good booze when all you have is public assistance and the few bucks that George Soros gives you.
Trump earns scorn because he treats people around him like shit.
Gee, I didn't know that you knew him, Once. Tell us more about your personal relationship.
Au Contraire, Francisco. Chuck's recent posts have been full of fiber.
"...Obama earned loyalty..."
In other words, the incentives provided by third parties assured compliance.
An offer they couldn't refuse.
An unnamed former MSM reader says a former official who says sources with knowledge don't cut it.
We’ll learn more, but the abrupt firing tells us a lot. Why cover this up as a resignation?
Part of me thinks that no one under 35 years old should even work in the White House due to maturity issues like this, but then I remember that most of the NeverTrump mediocrities are old crones with no maturity either.
It’s probably another example of Trump trying to work with the Republican Establishment.
A lot of Trump supporters seemed to have been sidelined initially for administration appointments. I think Christie had a lot to do with this.
Democrats get the same kind of loyalty that Damien got in The Omen. Nobody wants a piece of glass to slide off the glazier's truck and take their head off.
Howard said...Au Contraire, Francisco. Chuck's recent posts have been full of fiber.
That's why Chuck's posts are so easy to pass without digestion. The man literally writes colon blow.
Once Douched: President Obama earned loyalty. Trump earns scorn because he treats people around him like shit
As usual, the little Marxist lies:
"For the eight years Obama was president, that same force of Marines guarding the president had to be assigned to that duty, because the gyrenes saw Obama for what he really was and nobody wanted that duty or anything to do with him. The first year Trump took over, 21,000 Marines volunteered for that same presidential guard detail. When you’ve been where the metal meets the meat, your judgment between who’s a bullshit artist and who’s a real boss leader man becomes acute."
"In a similar way, his relationship with law enforcement is rock solid. Unlike the silences from the Obama WH that greeted the latest murder of police officers, he’s always been there with a call of comfort for the families, and on occasion has asked to speak at ceremonies honouring the slain. That image above of the mother of a slain policewoman is as real as it gets."
"...watching Trump’s recent address to the AMVETS national convention. The organisation was originally formed by WWII veterans and despite it’s half century of unceasing work in funneling unpaid volunteers towards vets to help them through various problems, he was the first president ever to turn up and address the convention. I found that unbelievable, and I suppose a lot of its quarter million membership were in equal parts flattered and gobsmacked to be finally recognised after all this time by a holder of the Office of President."
I expected Chuck to be interested in this story because of his personal connection to Mitt Romney.
Chuck: I just came to this comments page to learn what the concerted TrumpWorld reaction would be.
Aren't you supposed to be breaking Titleist Gate? You claimed you have a memo from an unimpeachable source or something that Trump really plays the Titleist Pro V1 and not the Pro V1x as claimed?
Or do I have that reversed again?
Why are all the Leftists here so stupid? Is this the best they can do?
I mean, I haven't even bothered to read the article or dig into the story and already Teh Stupid People have immunized Trump against any legit criticism.
Are you guys working for the WH or something?
Young, pretty, and … stupid.
Don't let the door hit you on the a_ _ on the way out.
"If you want a loyal friend in Washington, get a dog."
Cherchez la femme.
Chuck said...I just came to this comments page to learn what the concerted TrumpWorld reaction would be.
If you're looking for other people to tell you what your opinions are, you might find the HuffingtonPost more congenial.
Once written, twice... said...President Obama earned loyalty [by telling liberals what they want to hear and never challenging their preconceptions]. Trump earns scorn because [he has no time for bullshit and is a problem-solver].
She lasted longer than most. Give her some credit for that.
I use the metaphor of the harkonnen palace on arrakeen, there are many infiltrators and persons with dual agendas.
Progressive media have no problem with single-sourced information. Lawrence O'Donnell is a crack reporter and can smell the truth when he find it.
There was sonia khan, hammond aide who apparently exfilled papers from cummings office (hes regarded as the dark mastermind behind brexit, like steve bannon)
“dropped a dime..”
In the age of cell phones does that phrase mean anything anymore.
When was the last time you saw a pay phone?
Fen must be busy wrapping his hemp rope up & getting his dental tools together while gleefully making plans to torture & hang Madeleine Westerhout from the neck until dead, dead, dead.
How many Traitors to the Party do you think he has personally executed so far? Must be in the dozens, given how he is constantly talking about killin' 'em.
Chuck: I just came to this comments page to learn what the concerted Trump World reaction would be.
No, there are only 2 reasons you came here:
1) you need to feel superior, likely due to some insecurity you have. Small penis syndrome?
2) you think you can demoralize people who regard you as a clown.
I'm not sure which is more pathetic. Although it could be both.
And now I feel like I'm picking on a cripple. Blech.
Purple: Fen must be -
Heh. I threw a rock over the fence, and look who yelped! LOL. Such a loser.
As I said, years ago, if Trump went to Washington every mans hand would be against him. And every womans. Your enemies aren't this person or that, but an entire caste and culture. There is no way to run the government if its actual structure is inimical to you.
You and they are simply incompatible. Your interests are fundamentally opposed. They will be by nature disloyal to you.
The only way through is to entirely replace it, that is, either remove tens or hundreds of thousands of people from their positions, which is unfeasible, or disestablish entire departments, which cannot be done without legislation.
Anyone else paying attention to the Trump Treatment that Labour/Tory Establishment/British media have been giving to Johnson? (John Major and other Tory's have been meeting with far left Bercow to craft a plan to stop Johnson.....sound familiar....Paul Ryan?)
Thus far we find out that Boris is a Putin stooge, Brexit was Putin's idea and Putin made it happen, Boris is attempting to destroy the norms of British democracy, Boris is stupid, Boris is creating chaos, it's okay to use bizarre lawfare theories to drag Boris before a Court to make him testify under oath about his "real" reasons for advancing Brexit and then throwing him in prison (this is the plan as of this morning by the Leader of the SNP), and, obviously, Boris must be removed by any means possible.
Now help me out here. Doesn't this far left/lefty/Labour/Tory-Establishment plan sound familiar to you?
Office politics are nasty. Every critic comes armed with a knife with instructions on the handle "Remember--use only to stab in the back".
It happens in most offices around the country, and that goes triple for Washington D.C. A stab in the back--it's what's for breakfast.
So I take these little bon mots coming from "former staff members", who wish to remain anonymous, for what they are worth--which is less than the dust on my boots.
Ha! Chuck throws a rock over the fence and look how many times Fen yelped! Over and over and over again - and Fen has yet to even read the article being discussed!
Thats why they shut down cambridge analytica, john major crawls under from carlyle group to issue the remainer cri de coer,
But is there anything to miss westenhour than rumor,
John Major and other Tory's
Buwaya has pointed out that this is the same bunch that took down Thatcher.
Major = Romney.
You have not been executing traitors because your (the people who back the adninistration) do not control the tools with which you can do it.
Power, through an appointment to an office, is something being given a horse to ride. If the horse is hostile and balky you haven't got a horse. You can achieve nothing, or you can spend most of your effort trying to dominate the horse.
There are many modes of power. The legal-democratic forms in your overt politics are something of a fiction, as they don't describe reality.
Trump had no choice but to staff the vast majority of his administration with Republican establishment types because his insurgency campaign by its very nature was lean and did not involve many participants.
It was basically Trump, about 20 real Trump Campaign "players" and the voters. That was the force that wiped out the entirety of republican establishment and the dem candidate that the vast majority of LLR's publicly supported and praised.
Given the astonishing weaponization of the entire federal govt against Trump long before he took office and thru his transition and during his Presidency and which continues to this day, it was no doubt quite a simple matter to sway massive numbers of squish republicans brought into govt from the establishment quarter to assist in undermining the Trump administration.
The only thing that amazes and surprises me is that Trump has been able to achieve as much as he has against these odds.
Major was PM. Romney is a Senator from Utah who was governor of Massachusetts. Major is more like W. Except he’s not stupid.
I bet the stories got better as she got drunker.
Disloyalty is a bad look. Would you be flattered if Nicole Wallace told you that you were the best thing in the White House or Mika asked where you get your hair done? If so, you’re a schnook.
One more “source close to the White House” bites the dust.
Sounds to me like this was just a case of a young woman behaving badly while intoxicated.
Candy is dandy but liquor is quicker.The RINO Establishment is weakening one fifth columnist at a time.
Its less about their title, and more their role in the apparat, remember thatcher was deposed befire maastricht
Narciso is right. Formal titles do not accurately describe power or influence. Or titles, spots on the org chart, are usually insufficient for this purpose.
This is what Confucius was on about.
Thatcher's points about the EU were generally discounted in her time.
She was a prophet, and this should be recognized now.
Once you've betrayed your boss/chief/C-in-C/etc., it's tough to get another job. If you'll knife one guy in the back, you'll knife another.
The whole Trump affair has interesting parallels to the writings and history of Confucius. It is worth considering.
It is a matter of a difference between how the power structure is formally defined, the legal basis for power, and the extra-legal realities of power.
Confucius was a professional bureaucrat in the ancient state of Lu, and loyal to its formal overlords, the Dukes of Lu. Power however did not follow the formal structure of the state, but was invested to a great degree in various prominent clans, which led to power struggles, spates of revolts and coups de etat.
Machiavelli millenia later was a borgia who usec the prince to sell himself to the medici.
We hire the “best people”!
Il macchia soecialized in defaming his rivals notably the countess of forli and imola, whi didnt take his advice.
FrankiM: "We hire the “best people”!"
So, your point is that you were not only beaten by "not the best people" but your entire Federal bureaucracy and MSM weaponization coup scheme which even involved allied foreign intelligence services and spies was also defeated by "not the best people".
That is some strange bragging right there...
Given the astonishing weaponization of the entire federal govt against Trump long before he took office
Tells you a lot about the quality and intellectual ability of most government types. Not just bureaucrats,.The Obamacare rollout should have taught you that.
Up next for Inga: We sure showed them who was boss in that Kavanaugh hearing, didnt we?
I don't think the loyalty of Dem operatives to the cause is anything to brag about. I wish one of Mary Jo Kopechne's friends or relatives had blown their stack over Ted Kennedy and denounced him as a complete shit .... It's the lack of leaks about those on the left that are troubling. You never hear anything until it reaches critical mass and, then, after the explosion, you never hear anything ever again. Is there a Netflix series in the works about the stormy love life of John Conyers?.....And, of course, a lot of stories never reach critical mass. And, of course, a lot of stories that are told about Republicans are told by media people whose backstories haven't reached critical mass.
I wish one of Mary Jo Kopechne's friends or relatives had blown their stack over Ted Kennedy and denounced him as a complete shit
Sixty thousand was real money in 1969.
The Gramscian concept of hegemony answers your question.
Note that Gramsci conceived it as an explanation for the persistence of bourgeois order.
And the need to subvert it.
The whole of it has flipped of course, long since subverted.
Blogger Phil 314 said...
“dropped a dime..”
In the age of cell phones does that phrase mean anything anymore.
It’s an idiom. For most people sources of idiomatic expressions are lost.
We still say dial a phone, but how long since you saw a dial phone?
but how long since you saw a dial phone?
Or rolled down the window in a car?
William: "I don't think the loyalty of Dem operatives to the cause is anything to brag about. I wish one of Mary Jo Kopechne's friends or relatives had blown their stack over Ted Kennedy and denounced him as a complete shit .... It's the lack of leaks about those on the left that are troubling."
The movie "Chappaquiddick" was a terrific illustration of how the lefts "best and brightest" that Inga is so proud of put all their "intelligence" and "ethics" and power behind the effort to construct an elaborate lie to cover up a clear case of drunken manslaughter by a powerful lefty family member who remained revered, and I mean REVERED, by the entirety of the left for 40 more years.
Inga could not have been more proud of her party.
Unexpectedly, Mary Jo Kopechne was unavailable for comment.
Inga still praises Ted Kennedy as a great man, don't you know. The "Lion of the Senate" and all that.
Mary Jo Kopechne was just regrettable collateral damage in the war to kill babies and push Democrat policies! Totally acceptable! Democrat men have an unlimited right to rape and murder; it's all good!
Certainly no one like Inga would ever, ever suggest that Democrats should be held to things like standards and morals. After all, if she did hold them to such standards, not a single Democrat would pass, and we cannot have that!
don't forget treason with Andropov and chernenko, his protégé greg craig and Nancy sodeberg, continue the pattern as agents for Ukrainian govt, and enablers of the north Korean framework respectively,
aged rum, madeira, lime, bitters
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Left Hand Brewing, Nitro Milk Stout
Longmont, CO
Vance: "Inga still praises Ted Kennedy as a great man, don't you know. The "Lion of the Senate" and all that."
Teddy, like Comey, answers to a "higher authority".....as with the "Lightbringer"/"Sort of a god" (actual lefty quotes) obambi.
No wonder LLR Chuck fell into line behind the "magnificant" obama.
BTW, did you know obama gave us a magical "dream-perfect economy"? LLR Chuck's exact words. "dream-perfect economy".
It doesn't get any more religious than that.
I guess Maddy got a lesson on the value of "off the record".
the interesting thing was they burned her as a source, they almost never do that no matter how great the lie, that's being told,
Greg Craig is spending some time in court these days.
Couldn't happen to a nicer.
Gucci has a new "genderless" scent. It's universal.
I was looking for "gender-full"
We hire the “best people”!
An interesting window into Inga's mindset.
Fuck over the boss because you're a two-bit whore? Why, blame the boss for hiring you in the first place.
Gidley was likely the burner.
A relatively low-profile employee rarely seen in the press, Westerhout has been with the Trump administration since 2017. Per the New York Times, the president initially viewed Westerhout with suspicion, noting that she had cried on the night of the election. But in due course she was relied upon as an unofficial gatekeeper, working with John Kelly to monitor who was allowed to access the president from her desk outside the Oval Office. However, Politico reported Thursday that the 28-year-old had recently pushed to take on additional tasks that would “include foreign travel”—a move that one adviser close to the White House described as an attempt “to act like a de facto chief of staff.”
The tipping point reportedly came during an off-the-record dinner with Deputy Press Secretary Hogan Gidley and several journalists near Trump’s Bedminster, New Jersey, golf course. Per CNN, the White House learned from a reporter that Westerhout had divulged personal details about Trump’s family, something a former White House official described to CNN as a “red line.”
"Broad Spectrum"
Obama's Top Hire was Hillary.
She used her position of power to secretly fill her family foundation coffers.
Seems like Fox News is not Trump’s hire after all.
Cavuto, you magnificent bastard
I sort of enjoy that dropped a dime is archaic. When it can’t be mistaken for it’s literal meaning it sharpens the idiom.
If the story is mostly true, the first clue to not hiring her should have been that she had been a Mitt Romney aide. I mean, seriously, don't hire anyone close to Mitt Romney.
One reason, perhaps, that Obama had fewer leakers is that Obama and Holder/Lynch were willing to prosecute them, even going so far as targeting the journalists to whom they were leaking. I think the main problem Trump has is that he is an outsider hated by a lot of professional party operatives in both parties, so he has a much tougher time finding people to work for him if the pool is limited to people with Republican Party experience.
I don't know that Westerhout was actually a leaker- it sounds like she got drunk and said something in the presence of another Trump official and in the presence of so-called journalists. That is why she got fired.
"Cavuto, you magnificent bastard"
A fat bastard.
Good news Inga - the rest of the media is democratic hack-tastic. So healthy for your corrupt democracy.
So which reporter tipped them off, i knoe its vanity fair quoting cnn.
FrankiM: "Seems like Fox News is not Trump’s hire after all."
That would mean, like everything else, you were wrong all along.
Strange that you would call that out....
I mean, seriously, don't hire anyone close to Mitt Romney
Chirst, I hope that doesn't catch on :-(. How close, exactly?
“A fat bastard.”
Fat looks better on Trump, eh?
‘That would mean, like everything else, you were wrong all along.’
Trump was wrong about Fox being his, as wrong as he usually is about almost everything.
Another great Trump hire, Stephanie Grisham, she looks wonderful on her mug shots.
Well richard grenell has proven very effective, of course romney threw him under the bus.
Can anything but favor be curried.
WaPo reporter outed her. She wasn't even his source. He screwed up another reporter's inside source. WaPo will probably promote him even though he violated their own standards.
But then, you'd have to believe WaPo actually has standards they believe in.
“A fat bastard.”
"Fat looks better on Trump, eh?"
I think so.
Franki Minga doing her best to transpose "us" into "his".
One more time:
"I don’t want to Win for myself, I only want to Win for the people. The New @FoxNews is letting millions of GREAT people down! We have to start looking for a new News Outlet. Fox isn’t working for us anymore!"
Trump was wrong about Fox being his, as wrong as he usually is about almost everything.
It's understandable - after hearing eight years of me, me, me, I, I, I, me, me, me from the last guy - that Inga gets confused when Trump refers to us.
Indian food?
I do not expect Inga to think beyond the headlines and DNC talking points, but I am surprised that others have not hypothesized as to why Trump is dissing For News.
Could it be that he is helping them look more independent so that they can host the POTUS debates?
Could it be that he is helping them look more independent so that they can host the POTUS debates?
Possily, but he gets a much better look by going on the leftist TDS media and showing their bias. He doesn't run from fights.
The vermin count is pretty steady in these comments. But what would we do without the bedbugs to squash?
So, I am looking at the survivors in the Dem debate lineup, and I am asking myself, why can’t any of this stellar lineup oust an increasingly senile 77 year old guy with hair plugs, too many facelifts, blazing white, phony teeth, a handsy affect, and a well- documented level of stupidity?
The best answer I can come up with is that the other candidates are even scarier than Slow Joe, so Dem rank and file default to him, a known quantity. But as his disabilities become more apparent, they’ll have to go somewhere, and that is when the fun will start.
Elizabeth Warren, anyone? I understand she has lots of plans.
She's spry!
Trump never said Fox was his. He said it wasn’t “working for us” which is an expression that doesn’t imply ownership.
“How’s that working for you?” is another form of the expression.
But I know you guys always prefer to find the most invidious interpretation of everything Trump says, even if you have to pretend not to understand plain English.
So, how long before the things she said that got her fired so fast get leaked?
traditionalguy said...
Candy is dandy but liquor is quicker.The RINO Establishment is weakening one fifth columnist at a time ( with a fifth )
counter intuitive, not really,
Did I stumbler into another Inga thread ?
Bedpan commandoes usually should stick to what they know best. Full bedpans. And vomit.
I haven’t been hearing much about the stock market from the trolls. recently. I wonder why.
Corrupt organizations (the mafia for example) tend to have better overall loyalty, because the benefits of staying part of the corruption are rich, and the costs of disloyalty are high. There is much less graft available to a loyal Trump person, than to a loyal member of the deep state, and crossing Trump doesn't lead to a whole media trying to destroy you. More likely you become a hero to them, write a book, and unlike disloyal Dems you avoid that mysterious suicide syndrome.
well these are misplaced priorities,
Hillary has to be hiding something under that tent other than an enormous gut. Then again, look at her cankles.
Mickey Kaus points to a poll where Sanders voters think that Epstein was murdered and Warren voters believe he committed suicide.
There is something to that poll, I think. Warren’s supporters are toadies to the government, Sanders don’t trust it.
From news report:
"Madeleine Westerhout . . . was fired after bragging to reporters that she had a better relationship with Trump than his own daughters, Ivanka and Tiffany Trump, and that the president did not like being in pictures with Tiffany because he perceived her as overweight. . . . Westerhout also jokingly told the journalists that Trump couldn’t pick Tiffany out of a crowd . . . . Trump said he would speak by phone with Tiffany when he reached Camp David, disputing that he had ever personally disparaged his daughter.'I love Tiffany,' he said."
Everything is fair game when you hate somebody that much, isn’t it readering?
Is that a comment on your prior post?
Rule one for a personal assistant is that anything concerning your client’s personal life is never released to anyone.
She violated rule #1
Looks like this is what readering refers to as "news report"
More likely you become a hero to them, write a book, and unlike disloyal Dems you avoid that mysterious suicide syndrome.
Good observation and very likely true.
Trump is starting to remind me of Maggie Thatcher. Lower class, of course "The Green Grocers Daughter" and surrounded by enemies.
I wonder if she'll get a Trump "thank you, you're great" tweet or the other type. None at all might be the worst
She became a non-person at nearly the speed of sound. I understand that her White House credentials were pulled immediately and she wasn’t even allowed back to her desk to retrieve her personal effects.
Wow ! Sydney Powell just dropped a nuke on the Flynn case.
In an explosive response filing today, which includes the phrase”sunlight is the best disinfectant”, attorney Sidney Powell has outlined the soup-to-nuts construct of the malicious government action taken during their targeting her client Michael Flynn.
I have her book, "License to Lie" and she is taking no prisoners in this case.
In the 19-pages (full pdf below), Ms. Powell walks through the history of the DOJ, FBI and intelligence apparatus weaponization against Mr. Flynn and lays out the background behind everything known to have happened in 2016, 2017 through today.
From the corrupt DOJ lawyers who were working with Fusion-GPS and Chris Steele, including Mr. Weissmann, Mr. Van Grack and Ms. Zainab Ahmad; to the 2015/2016 FISA database search abuses; to the CIA and FBI operation against Flynn including Nellie Ohr; to the schemes behind the use of DOJ official Bruce Ohr; to the corrupt construct of the special counsels office selections; to the specifics within the malicious conspiracy outlined by hiding FBI interview notes of Mike Flynn,… all of it…. Is a stunning filing that many CTH readers are well prepared to understand.
The opening round of the FISA cases will be next,
Re: Sidney Powell
One hopes that she has the balls to really push this thing, both in court and the media.
I suspect that she does because she is a fighter.
In the tycoon parallel you have james goldamith, portrayed somewhat sympathetically as sir larry wildman, he was the founder of thr independence movement
Molly said...
Once you've betrayed your boss/chief/C-in-C/etc., it's tough to get another job. If you'll knife one guy in the back, you'll knife another.
You couldn’t be more wrong.
This is a tribal war. She is a hero to them. They certainly view you as the enemy.
Your sentiment only holds true if the DC bureaucracy serves the country. They do not. They clearly place themselves above the society and laws they administer.
She does not consider herself nor do her allies consider her a betrayer. Look at Chuck and Inga and the other leftists here for guidance.
Suzanne Collins really caught the attitude of DC towards the rest of the country in “The Hunger Games”.
I've been involved in one federal case where the defendant tried to withdraw a guilty plea. It did not go well for him. A pro-defendant judge rejected the effort and rejected original recommendation of 1 day in prison for real sentence. Judges tend to believe the original plea and resent effort to game system when defendant started with respected counsel.
Just wait until the US Attorney withdraws the charges.
The whole case was a lie, there was no deception except from the likes of strzok who caried out the interview and yates who 4elated it.
I've been involved in one federal case where the defendant tried to withdraw a guilty plea.
I guess you have never heard of Ted Stevens. The level of prosecutorial misbehavior resembles that case.
They are pinning their hopes on the judge deciding Stevens not an outlier.
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