Saw a fly like that yesterday, in my house, must have followed me in, it was quite small, as flies go.
Headed to the Saugus Iron Works this afternoon. It is a beautiful day, sunshine, low 70's, low humidity. Meeting up with sister-in-law and her husband. It is a National Historic Site, originally settled and created in the 1600's. I knew it was there, there are signs for it on Rte 1, but had no idea it is a largely intact 300+ year old place.
Hoping there isn't a lot of masculinity on display, toxic or otherwise.
Mayfly? Saw lots of large black ones up by the Wisconsin River around the beginning of August. Now some of the smaller yellow ones are starting to show up in the north woods. Don't recall ever seeing any mayflies in Madison when we lived there.
FBI: Top Agents Under Fire For Reported Sexual Affairs with CNN Reporters
and remember Reporter Ali Watkins sleeping with James A. Wolfe, longtime director of security for the SSCI
miss Watkins told us that very convenient story, she had no way of ascertaining about Epstein's final days, graydon carter forgets he covered Epstein with a pillow, when he edited Vicky wards piece two years before, of inconvenient victims
When getting a call from my assistant (we are not allow to call them secretaries), I would answer with the friendliest "Yell-O" I could muster. She, English not being her first language, asked, "why do you answer the phone by saying "yellow?" I tried to explain, but it was lost on her. The next day, I answered the phone with my friendliest "Amarillo" (Spanish for yellow). She gave me a lecture about the proper way to answer the phone in Spanish.
"Bueno" is the common way to answer the phone in Spanish. "Bueno" means "good" in English. From what I understand, when telephones were first being installed in Mexico, you greeted the person with "good" i.e. the phone line is good, which wasn't often in early Mexican telecommunications.
I always hate these cafe posts because they come without any quotes from the NYT, The New Yorker or PBS and without instructions for self improvement. What am I supposed to write on these posts if I haven't even been told what to think? I'm just left sitting here trying to contain my toxic masculinity before if overwhelms me and I end up beating my wife instead of doing something productive like writing a reparations check to a random Black person in a futile effort to atone for my innate white privilege. I can only hope it gets better after my sex change operation, but with my luck I'll just end up as a racist, misogynist, homophobic and Islamophobic bimbo instead of a racist, misogynist, homophobic and Islamophobic man. Damn, life is hard in 'Merica!
"Are there systematic trends around the world in levels of creativity, aggressiveness, life satisfaction, individualism, trust, and suicidality? This article suggests a new field, latitudinal psychology, that delineates differences in such culturally shared features along northern and southern rather than eastern and western locations."
We've got this oak tree on our condo property that is about 60-70 feet tall. Hopefully it is just distressed and sick and not dead, but its leaves suddenly all turned brown and died within a few days.
We've had lots and lots of rain this summer, so perhaps the roots got over-saturated and it has root-rot. Again, hopefully it is not dead dead, and maybe will revive next spring. The thing is -- do you leave it alone over the winter to see whether it is or not, at the risk of it blowing over in some storm onto one of the buildings?
Fishing the Madison last week with a two nymph rig we used a tiny one off the back that was that color with a tiny white wing casing. The whitefish were hammering it, the poor little thing...
It will be interesting to see if/when RBG goes before next November if they try to hide it from us. I'm sure there's a contingency scenario for that, LEM Lifeboat style.
Breaking news. National Review has an editorial up attacking Trump! Incredible. Once you lose National Review, you've lost David French and the Nevertrumpers. Trump is doomed!
L.Person, thanks for the reminder. The USSR defacto alliance with Hitler has been forgotten or more accurately thrown down the memory hole by the liberal-left. people forget that the communist parties throughout the world supported the pact and refused to support France/UK in their war with Hitler. The French Communists were so against the war, the party was outlawed in Sept 1939, and their newspaper L'Humanité was shut down. When the Germans occupied France, they allowed L'Humanité to re-open.
WW 2 until June 22, 1941, was considered a Bourgeois Imperialist war by the Commies. And so, the biggest opponents of aid to Britain and lend-lease were the USA Commies. Other Comp-symps like Hemingway didn't care about the war. Of course, this all changed on June 22, 1941. Then the Commies became Nazi Enemy No. 1.
Great, great historical post on those dastardly Commie bastards from WWII.
Thousands of American school kids are taught that the Soviets were our "allies" against the Nazis.
That is a partial truth. The truth is the Nazis & Soviets carved up Europe between them via the Molotov-Von Ribbentrop pact in 1939, and the subsequent joint, but staggered invasion.
And American Commies supported this, opposed the war, and called FDR a "warmonger".
Today, August 24th, is the 49th anniversary of the bombing of Univ. of Wisconsin mathematics building, Sterling Hall, causing massive damage and the death of a math researcher, Robert Fassnacht. This act was done to protest US involvement in Vietnam War. The four perpetrators went on the run after the bombing, and three of the four were later apprehended. One of them, Karelton Armstrong, served seven years in prison, and later returned to Madison. According to Ann, he ran a juice stand in downtown Madison. Perhaps next year, the 50th anniversary of this heinous act, Ann will do a blog post retrospective.
"Keep track of the colors as they hatch, that’s the color of the fly you need for fishing that week"
My grandfather always told me life secrets like this. But now it's like all those Wise Morsels are being lost to time.
As a male, imagine not having a father to clue you in about life. Now imagine a community with 80% out of wedlock births, no father in the home. Creating boys that will never be men, just "baby daddies" that devolve society even further.
Talk about playing Life with a handicap. That must really suck.
Why did blacks let this be done to them? Enslavement through dependency on the Democrat Welfare State, once proud families destroyed because they compete with the State for loyalty.
And why didn't "conservatives" like Bill Kristol and David French fight harder against this? Because they already regard blacks as subhuman?
It's like the Republican Party wasn't even trying.
Hey Chuck you're always blathering about Teh Principle of critiquing your own side. So as a "lifelong Republican", explain why your tribe has left African-Americans to twist in the Wind.
btw Chuck THAT is how to hijack and troll. We were having a a nice little chat about flowers and wisdom and all of a sudden you find yourself in the gallows. Probably didn't even feel the noose slip around your neck.
I'm only showing you because, if you ignore our hosts requests to leave, you could at least up your game. The "teabager" slip was disastrous for you. Kind of hurts to watch.
Anyways... you were going to explain why you and your fellow Republicans just stood around and watched while 80% of black families were destroyed and enslaved to welfare dependency.
The pilots who bombed Guernica did their flight training in the Soviet Union. There was a long term relationship between Germany and the Soviet Union going back to the Weimar Republic. It was on the down low, but it existed even when they were pretending to be ideological enemies and even when they were shooting at each other in Spain. The Molotov Pact simply brought it out into the open.
1Professor Dr. Dr. Dr. Dagobert D. Manteltasche is Professor of Hypothetical Theory at the Central Institute for Questions and Answers, Spiekeroog University
rcocean: "L.Person, thanks for the reminder. The USSR defacto alliance with Hitler has been forgotten or more accurately thrown down the memory hole by the liberal-left."
Fen: "I'm only showing you because, if you ignore our hosts requests to leave, you could at least up your game. The "teabager" slip was disastrous for you. Kind of hurts to watch."
Not that we needed more evidence after 4 straight years of far left sucking up and defending every dem in sight.
Won't RBG have to show up for October Tuesday opening?
One would think. She at least needs to show for the team photo. Given what's been tried already I won't be surprised by anything we'll all be expected to go along with...
We got dead cicadas. Every year the dog figures out he doesn't like them about the time they disappear.
DO NOT ignore a big sick or dying tree if there's any chance it will come down on people. Folks with big trees are paying a price as the trees and neighborhoods age here. We bought this place in part because it doesn't have any big trees (all the neighbors do) except magnolias out front which are stubby and well-rooted.
Yeah, Nazi-Soviet Pact. If there's a Hell, Hitler and Stalin are shackled to each other. Martin van Creveld, always interesting in a non-congruent way, and despite a regrettable lack of swooning enthusiasm for certain current world leaders, wrote a book--available for Kindle--entitled "Hitler In Hell." Tyrannologists should find it interesting.
Speaking of trees, I have this "Stellar Pink" hybrid (C. florida and C. kousa) dogwood that I planted in my back yard that's been there going on 6 years and hasn't bloomed yet. It looks very healthy-- it's more than doubled in size, no mildew, it's on the drip, well-mulched, pH adjusted to where it likes it, part/dappled sun all day, etc.
I've read they can be slow to bloom, but this is getting ridiculous.
Good thing I'm patient. Gardening is a long game, but it usually pays off in the end.
RBG is a decent human being. If she is really unwell the decent thing to do is retire. Ideally Breyer, who has joined her in so many decisions, would join her in that one.
That's the most likely problem. I've never seen a pink in a shady spot, though I have a decent-sized volunteer white with the same problem.
Decades ago, I read about dogwoods needing bacteria from soil that had already grown dogwoods, or something like that. One reason transplanting them from the wild or bare root was often unsuccessful.
Given who will do the replacing for a while, she only goes out toes up. She believes that is the ONLY thing to do.
Hopefully; she goes to bed at night, Every night, cursing herself for not retiring back when O'Bama was President, and the dems controlled the Senate She Only has herself to blame
I have a question. Is there any well known politician form Massachusetts that isn’t a freak?
Barney “Gay whore house in by basement” Frank, the drunk/killer Ted Kennedy, Pocahontas, John F’n Kerry, Mike “I let Killers out on parole” Dukakais, Mitt “died like a dog” Romney?
Bill Weld, if you may remember, got bored with being Mass Gov and left to become Ambassador to Mexico. but then picked a fight with Jesse Helms and couldn’t get nominated. What a loser!
RBG is "working from home"-- yeah--the funeral home!
is she still phoning it in? Do SC justices have to be physically present? If not, could they argue that a "Virtual RBG" is just as good? Upload her into some 'cloud' so she can weigh in perpetually?
Sometimes NPR can be a nice surprise -- they actually reported something thoughtful said by Trump about Ginsburg:
As he left for the G-7 meeting in France, President Trump said of the justice, "Our thoughts and prayers are with her. We wish her well. She's strong, she's tough. She's pulled through a lot."
In the same piece there's this:
During Ginsburg's three weeks of treatment in New York, she kept up a busy schedule in New York, often going out in the evening to the movies, the opera and the theater.
During Ginsburg's three weeks of treatment in New York, she kept up a busy schedule in New York, often going out in the evening to the movies, the opera and the theater.
Which movies? I have been wanting to go to the new theater where beer and wine is served and seating is plush. But have yet to read of a movie worth seeing.
Was looking forward to "Hollywood" until I read it lacked Tarantino's usual amount of sex and violence..
"As he left for the G-7 meeting in France, President Trump said of the justice, "Our thoughts and prayers are with her. We wish her well. She's strong, she's tough. She's pulled through a lot."
During Ginsburg's three weeks of treatment in New York, she kept up a busy schedule in New York, often going out in the evening to the movies, the opera and the theater.
And yet, have we seen pictures of her out in public? If Kavanaugh went out, there'd be protesters by the dozen around.
Jo Biden was visiting Keene, N.H. Biden appeared to believe he was in neighboring Vermont.
"I’ve been here a number of times ... I love this place," Biden said when asked for his impression of the town. "Look, what’s not to like about Vermont in terms of the beauty of it?”
I hope somebody prosecutes the astronaut. Nothing personal. It could lead to some interesting law on the limits of extra-territorial or universal jurisdiction.
Ralph L: Per the Rutgers website (Stellar Pink was developed by Dr. Elwin Orton at Rutgers) they prefer full sun to light shade. Mine is in light shade. It gets a couple of hours of full sun so I think it will be OK by and by. There's a half-dead pitch pine in a strategic place that I may have taken out this fall, and after that, the dogwood will be in even better shape.
My wife ran out of patience with it several years ago, but she doesn't garden. It's still an attractive tree.
Rochdale Herald (UK) By Quentin D Fortesqueue - August 21, 2019
Denmark offers to buy America from Russia
Mette Frederiksen, the Prime Minister of Denmark has reportedly expressed an interest in buying the Russian controlled territory of the United States of America.
Rich in natural resources and fuckwits the territory covers almost 10 million square kilometers and is said to contain huge oil and gas reserves and the largest number of fatties on the planet.
Russian Premier Vladimir Putin who bought the US with a Betamax videotape of two prostitutes urinating on a dementia patient told The Rochdale Herald.
“It’s a pretty good deal and we’re open to discussing it with Denmark. Russia bought North America for the price of two hookers and a large bottle of Evian Water so anything over 75 rubels is a good return on our investment.”
“Denmark would be a pretty good acquirer for the territory. They’re the happiest country in the world, have an amazing welfare state and they can all read.”
This was a terrific quote from Althouse two years ago today. It made so much sense then, and still more today.
"I think the tearing down of Confederate statues is something people are doing because they can't tear down Trump. It's like kicking the dog after a hard day working for a boss you hate." --Ann Althouse
I remember when Bob Dole ran for President in '96. I voted for him, but it was painful to watch him campaign. He was a truly decent man with a noble history of military and governmental service. But he was way past his prime. He never should have been nominated. At the very end of the final campaign, right before election day, Dole went on a long string of rallies. It was like watching a dead man walking. Very sad, especially knowing he was 1000 times the man that Clinton was. But Clinton had youthful energy and stamina, and Dole looked like grandpa wandered into the wrong room. I even remember worrying that if Dole became president, he wouldn't be able to handle the job mentally or physically. (My suspicions were confirmed when he started making those bizarre E.D. ads. What a way to end his career.)
And so now we have Biden, who makes Dole from '96 look like JFK. I've never liked Biden, going back to his reprehensible behavior on the Senate Judiciary Committee. (The Bork hearings were when I came of age politically.) I've never bought his working class hero shtick. He's a typical corrupt and power hungry Democrat. He has engaged in all sorts of obnoxious conduct - the "put you all back in chains" speech, the debate against Ryan, etc. He was no doubt involved in the Russia collusion hoax and other Obama scandals. I have every reason to take pleasure in his decline. Yet I'm beginning to worry about him and feel sorry for him. Someone needs to escort him gracefully out of the race. Or one of the other Dems running against him needs to deliver the final blow, so he withdraws. Just one strong comment about his age and mental health should do it, especially if the other contenders pile on. It would be an act of mercy. But if Biden keeps running and becomes the nominee, it will be Bob Dole dialed up to 11. Lots of dark entertainment to follow. It couldn't happen to a more deserving political party. But for Biden's sake I hope he withdraws and finishes his remaining years in peace, with some dignity intact.
"Just one strong comment about his age and mental health should do it, especially if the other contenders pile on."
I absolutely agree- it really would only take one, but which one? Warren and Sanders can't realistically do it since both are also very old, but Warren might be able to pull it off being the youngest of the three ancients. I thought Harris missed her opportunity to do this in the last debate, and doing it in the September debate should be a priority with her- she could include the charge against Sanders and Warren, too.
We saw the Quentin Tarantino movie tonight, "Once upon a time in Hollywood." Boy was that none fucking weird movie.
Long, too. almost 3 hours. I considered walking out. He has a real hard-on for Clint Eastwood. That was the DeCaprio character and Tarantino obviously hates him. Seemed like Politics to me. "Pulp Fiction" was as violent but a better movie with some humor.
Mark said... We've got this oak tree on our condo property that is about 60-70 feet tall. Hopefully it is just distressed and sick and not dead, but its leaves suddenly all turned brown and died within a few days.
Good news for people who believe in real science. The Supreme Court of British Columbia has not only thrown out Michael Mann’s lawsuit against Dr. Tom Ball, a prominent skeptic of Mann’s “hockey stick,” but ordered Mann to pay Ball’s legal fees. The money quote:
“Dr Mann lost his case because he refused to show in open court his R2 regression numbers (the ‘working out’) behind the world-famous ‘hockey stick’ graph” ...
For the benefit of you non-mathematicians out there, this is tantamount to Mann admitting that he has committed mathematical fraud.
The Guardian has a story about Elena Vavilova who acted the part of a Canadian woman named Tracy Foley, an identity stolen for her by the KGB, for two decades. Almost no one knew her real identity, not even her own children. She was an “illegal”, a deep-cover Russian operative sent to the west along with her husband Andrei Bezrukov, who used the name Donald Heathfield.
Somehow the Brits missed the part about how the embedded spies were caught by an FBI team led by Pete Strzok.
It couldn't happen to a more deserving political party. But for Biden's sake I hope he withdraws and finishes his remaining years in peace, with some dignity intact.
For what he and his son did, abusing US power and position for his family's financial and criminal benefit, he should spend his remaining years in jail.
We saw the Quentin Tarantino movie tonight, "Once upon a time in Hollywood." Boy was that none fucking weird movie.
Long, too. almost 3 hours. I considered walking out. He has a real hard-on for Clint Eastwood. That was the DeCaprio character and Tarantino obviously hates him. Seemed like Politics to me. "Pulp Fiction" was as violent but a better movie with some humor.
I really enjoyed it. Nice slow pace (not the usual) and good work by both Brad and Leonardo. Two excellent women's parts too, Shannon Tate was great (the actress) and the little girl who played opposite Leonardo in that one scene. I liked the ending and the way it was done - no spoilers.
Also watched the Rolling Thunder Review and enjoyed that more than I thought I would. Long. I broke it up into two nights. The music was really engaging and charismatic, actually it was Dylan who was so charismatic. He was much better in this movie than the one time I saw him live. A great version of Hurricane; I can't remember now whether the guy, Hurricane Carter, was really innocent or not, but, as they say on the left, doesn't really matter (and for the purpose of art here, true). Those events happened just down the road from Tank and Althouse when we were living together in NJ (LOL, funny the way that sounds).
"Somehow the Brits missed the part about how the embedded spies were caught by an FBI team led by Pete Strzok."
Er, he was an FBI counter intelligence agent then. It was his job, though some might say it shouldn't have taken 20 years for the FBI to gitter done. And regardless Maddow's take that the GOP is smearing Strzok to discredit the Mueller investigation, Strzok was the one who smeared Strzok, and the Mueller investigation is over, done, fini for everyone except you and Maddow. Isn't it time you and Rachael dropped the Russia debacle and concentrated on exposing GOP white supremacy and racism for 2020? That one's going to take some selling and continuing to flail expired equines won't help close the deal.
For those who say that Biden should suffer for his crimes, I agree in principle. But someone with dementia won't even know what he's being punished for. "In judgment, remember mercy."
“Dr Mann lost his case because he refused to show in open court his R2 regression numbers (the ‘working out’) behind the world-famous ‘hockey stick’ graph”
Gateway Pundit is asking whether the Deep State is sacrificing Strzok and McCabe. I would suggest that was inaccurate, if for no other reason than CNN offered McCabe a job last week (maybe MSNBC will retaliate by hiring Strzok, as the two networks did with Clapper and Brennan). Still, they are both suing to get their jobs back. Oh, and somehow McCabe’s firing, that was supposed to have kept him from an early pension, was officially delayed long enough that he got it anyway.
In any case, Patrick Byrne, former Overstocked CEO, named them this week as the top people having him run Russian Maria Butina against the campaigns of four Republican candidates in spring of 2016, then, when the race was down to Trump, against various junior people in his campaign. Strzok was apparently his handler, and several others we haven’t heard about as much recently as Strzok and McCabe, like Strzok’s boss, Bill Priestap, head of the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division, was also involved. I think also Carlin, the FBI Attorney who retired right after the first Carter Page FISA warrant application was filed, and before NSA Dir Rogers filed his 702 abuse findings with the FISC (that implicitly implicated Carlin for allowing contractor access to the NSA databases through the FBI’s FISA Title VII interface).
You only have to look at the Byrne revelations this week to see why Madcow was pushing that story that Strzok broke that British spy ring. Her entire show had become devoted to the Trump Russian Collusion hoax (the domestic side run by McCabe, with Strzok as his top lieutenant). Not surprising that, when the Mueller witch hunt was forced to shut down, having spent a small fortune and a couple years, finding no collusion, her ratings cratered, and still haven’t recovered. Byrne just shows that the Deep State attack on Republican Presidential candidates started in early spring of 2016, most of a year before the election, and that much of the Russian collusion Madcow was so desperate to push was invented by the FBI and CIA. The good news for Trump is that the FBI didn’t hate him personally - they were trying to dirty up four different Republican candidates with Russian Maria Butina.
@Bruce Hayden, Thanks for the great summary. I didn't have time to keep up with all the new revelations the past couple of weeks. It's a genuine surprise to me that Trump wasn't the only one targeted.
I couldn’t help thinking about the hardball treatment of Papadopoulos when, yesterday, CNN announced the hiring of Andrew McCabe as a commentator. McCabe, of course, was the FBI’s deputy director before being fired after the Justice Department’s inspector general, Michael Horowitz, concluded that he made multiple false statements to the FBI — including under oath. McCabe was questioned in connection with his leak of investigative information to the media. The leak may have damaged the FBI’s investigation of the Clinton Foundation (it certainly exposed information the Bureau was trying to keep under wraps).
I keep hoping these guys all get to see the gray bar hotel. And Sally Yates would look cute in prison orange,
Thanks for the great summary. I didn't have time to keep up with all the new revelations the past couple of weeks. It's a genuine surprise to me that Trump wasn't the only one targeted.
Here’s a brief review of the consistencies aspect:
After a cursory meeting in/around July 2015, Byrne claims in the period of September to December 2015 he reported contact with Russian national Ms. Maria Butina to the FBI as a precaution related to his security clearance.
Byrne claims he was asked to participate in an FBI intelligence operation and to introduce, and/or facilitate the introduction of, Ms. Butina to the campaigns of Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and Donald Trump.
In December of 2015 Mr. Byrne became suspicious of the FBI motives because he warned FBI officials of a potential that his efforts, his reputation and those who trust him, may result in Butina gaining entry into campaign confidences. The FBI agents told Byrne that was exactly the intent; people high up in the FBI wanted Ms. Butina to gain deep access into the Trump campaign. Mr. Byrne became suspicious of a corrupt political motive, but didn’t say anything at the time.
So Joe Walsh announces he is mounting a primary challenge to Trump... and Fox, Drudge and Althouse all ignore the news.
I don’t know a great deal about Joe Walsh; he’s a good Republican, with some moderate to Tea Party leanings, from the western Chicago suburbs, was redistricted out of his congressional district by Illinois Democrats, such that Tammy Duckworth won the seat. Joe now has a radio show.
I will support him immediately. And we will together watch how Althouse treats Joe Walsh. (Concerted ignorance? Derision? Hostility?). I’ll be interested in interestingness. Joe Walsh will be full of interest.
"From what I understand, when telephones were first being installed in Mexico, you greeted the person with "good" i.e. the phone line is good, which wasn't often in early Mexican telecommunications."
Maybe, but it seems to me it's just short for "Buenos dias", "Buenas tardes", or the like.
LLR & Noted "RolCon" Liar Chuck: "So Joe Walsh announces he is mounting a primary challenge to Trump... and Fox, Drudge and Althouse all ignore the news."
Its at the top of BOTH Drudge AND Fox!!
Other than that, our #StrongDemDefender Chuck is spot on!
Blogger Drago said... LLR & Noted "RolCon" Liar Chuck: "So Joe Walsh announces he is mounting a primary challenge to Trump... and Fox, Drudge and Althouse all ignore the news."
Its at the top of BOTH Drudge AND Fox!!
Other than that, our #StrongDemDefender Chuck is spot on!
Drudge has a story now. After my post. Not the headline; but a story nevertheless.
Similarly; now (after my earlier comment) has a story, without any recognizable headline, about Bill Weld welcoming other Republicans to the primary race. Joe Walsh’s name is nearly buried.
Althouse, for her part, is instead focusing on panda suits, elk calves, travel guilt and HOWL.
A good Republican doing what he can to hand the Presidency to Dems. Walsch is an insufferable whiner when I come across him on 560. And his dad didn't even work for the post office.
Paul Sperry @paulsperry_ Aug 24
BREAKING: Host city Charlotte expecting so many violent protests at GOP National Convention (Aug. 24-27, 2020) that CMPD has denied all officer vacation requests during the event. No one can take off. CMPD already training w Secret Service, drilling for mass shootings, even riots
narciso said... So what does he believe, was he a birther then, does he still believe in mueller now?
Wow. I began commenting on this page by saying that I did not know much about Joe Walsh. I did not know that he had advocated birther-type theories in the past. That's a very good reason to doubt Joe Walsh's judgment.
But I see that Walsh has retracted that earlier advocacy and apologized. As he should.
Choosing between Joe Walsh and Trump, I choose Walsh. Choosing between Justin Amash, and Joe Walsh and Trump, I choose Amash.
The first policy—price tags—is a necessary prerequisite for competition and efficiency. Under our current system, it’s nearly impossible for people with health insurance to find out in advance what anything covered by their insurance will end up costing. Patients have no way to comparison shop for procedures covered by insurance, and providers are under little pressure to lower costs.
But insurance and Medicare force providers to have "retail" prices so they can boats about discounts.
As a side benefit, we will also see massively lower administrative costs. They are currently extremely high because once a doctor submits a bill to an insurance company, the insurance company works hard to deny or discount the claim. Thus begins a hideously costly and drawn-out negotiation that eventually yields the dollar amount that the doctor will get reimbursed. If you have price tags for every procedure and require that every patient be charged the same price, all of that bickering and chicanery goes away. As does the need for gargantuan bureaucracies to process claims.
I've been writing about this since 2008 when I posted my blog posts about Health care reform.
LLR and "RolCon" Chuck: "Choosing between Joe Walsh and Trump, I choose Walsh. Choosing between Justin Amash, and Joe Walsh and Trump, I choose Amash."
NO one is "choosing" Amash, which is why he, like Chuck, is cowardly running away from his reelection contest. Which is at least consistent with how Amash surrendered to the Chinese.
As for Walsh...that's just funny. Walsh's full fanbase, including LLR Chuck, would fit in a phone booth...if phone booths existed...which they don't...just like Walsh's lefty funded hoax campaign.
Btw, did you know that BOTH of LLR Chuck's heroes Charlie Sykes AND Walsh are both deadbeat dads?
I would be hard pressed to come up with better representatives of LLR Chuck's philosophy than those 2 deadbeats.
Pierre Omidyar and the dems and the LLR's really think Walsh is going to fly!!...
....Who said LLR Chuck didnt have a sense of humor!
That was an interesting article, Dr. K. I enjoyed reading it. I am usually very interested in your informed views on health care reform. But we both know that Donald J. Trump would have quit after the fourth sentence. And that the article doesn’t come close to answering the huge questions about Trump’s vast promises about “covering everybody; because we have to.” Or the other world of questions about how price disclosure and market-based shopping helps with a tib-fib fracture from a motorcycle accident or a myocardial infarction or a cerebral hemorrhage.
Trump’s bullshitting on all of it has been reemphasized as this was supposed to be the month that the White House revealed a health care plan that Trump promised in a June interview with George Stephanopoulos. It’s all just so much posturing for Trump. Zero serious interest
@Chuck if either of those two took the nomination away from Trump, they would lose the general election almost as badly as McGovern did to Nixon. Neither has a national political base, so can’t depend on that to overcome all of the pissed off Trump voters. Trump may not have been trying, but he has managed to grow the Republican Party, despite all of the LLR turncoats (not accusing you of that). You won’t keep them if Trump doesn’t get the nomination.
Blogger Bruce Hayden said... @Chuck if either of those two took the nomination away from Trump, they would lose the general election almost as badly as McGovern did to Nixon. Neither has a national political base, so can’t depend on that to overcome all of the pissed off Trump voters. Trump may not have been trying, but he has managed to grow the Republican Party, despite all of the LLR turncoats (not accusing you of that). You won’t keep them if Trump doesn’t get the nomination.
Many more Americans voted against Trump in 2016 than for him.
In 2018, we Republicans lost elections across the country in startling numbers. We lost the House, lost more than our share of statewide elections, and held the Senate only by virtue of one of the most Republican/favorable election maps in a century.
And now, Trump — having inherited a dream-perfect economy — is running at about 60% negative, and behind almost every name Democrat in the key swing states.
Who are these Trump voters you speak of? Would they prefer a President Kamala Harris to a President Joe Walsh?
Remember, up until the end of the obama admin, the obama-ites were claiming it was still GW Bush's fault the economy hadn't recovered the way it should and that the "new normal" would be perpetual low growth numbers, rapidly increasing debt and sluggish job growth!!
LLR Chuck now claims that is a "dream-perfect economy"!!!
Oh Chuckie, how will you ever explain this one away once you realize how badly you've stepped in it?
Dont worry Chuckie. I have taken the liberty of transferring this latest "RolCon" hot take or yours to the next 8/25 cafe thread and I can assure you I will be posting it far and wide to provide you ample opportunity to back it up...
“Many more Americans voted against Trump in 2016 than for him.”
You can’t say that. You can say that Crooked Hillary gained more votes than Trump did. We all agree with that. But we don’t know how many of those came from living registered American citizens voting legally once. We do know that a large part of her popular vote majority came from CA that made it easy for legal and illegal aliens register to vote when getting drivers’ licenses, that at least some, and possibly many, of those aliens who were so readily able to register to vote, did so, and hundreds of thousands of voter registrations were found recently to have been outdated and invalid.
In 2018, we Republicans lost elections across the country in startling numbers. We lost the House, lost more than our share of statewide elections, and held the Senate only by virtue of one of the most Republican/favorable election maps in a century.
There was massively more money spent in key states on the Dem side. I watched it in both the MT and AZ Senate races. The cheating was rampant. And the Russian Collusion and OrangeManBad drum beats by the MSM were overpowering.
And now, Trump — having inherited a dream-perfect economy — is running at about 60% negative, and behind almost every name Democrat in the key swing states.
Calling the 8 year Obama Recession a dream perfect economy is fanciful, if not farcical. The Dems can pretend that Trump inherited Obama’s successful economy, because for them history starts anew every day, or at least their memories are only a couple months long. But the reality is that after eight years of recession, many years longer than typical, the economy still hadn’t fully recovered, when Trump took over, and with Republican majorities in Congress drove us back through effectively full employment, at least partially a result of th3ir tax cuts.
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Biden is busy making himself impossible.
Saw a fly like that yesterday, in my house, must have followed me in, it was quite small, as flies go.
Headed to the Saugus Iron Works this afternoon. It is a beautiful day, sunshine, low 70's, low humidity. Meeting up with sister-in-law and her husband. It is a National Historic Site, originally settled and created in the 1600's. I knew it was there, there are signs for it on Rte 1, but had no idea it is a largely intact 300+ year old place.
Hoping there isn't a lot of masculinity on display, toxic or otherwise.
Mayfly? Saw lots of large black ones up by the Wisconsin River around the beginning of August. Now some of the smaller yellow ones are starting to show up in the north woods. Don't recall ever seeing any mayflies in Madison when we lived there.
Not that I know what the pictured green fly is but it's not a mayfly.
Doesn't look like the images of a mayfly I'm seeing in a google search. They all have long things sticking in the back of the abdomen.
... out of the back of the abdomen.
I don't think "green fly" is the actual name of the insect. I just called the cafe by that name because the insect looked like a fly and was green.
Keep track of the colors as they hatch, that’s the color of the fly you need for fishing that week.
not a horse's head this time/ In Bed with the Media
A Severed Cat's head, A Lawyer's Call And A 5-Figure Donation: How Media Fell Short On Epstein
FBI: Top Agents Under Fire For Reported Sexual Affairs with CNN Reporters
and remember Reporter Ali Watkins sleeping with James A. Wolfe, longtime director of security for the SSCI
miss Watkins told us that very convenient story, she had no way of ascertaining about Epstein's final days, graydon carter forgets he covered Epstein with a pillow, when he edited Vicky wards piece two years before, of inconvenient victims
here's a fun one, that you didn't used to see often:
Astronaut is accused of accessing her wife's bank account from the International Space Station during their messy divorce
And did a post about Woodstock. She discussed the other big concert of the year, that she attended, and contrasted it to Woodstock.
i remember back in the olden days...
When an astronaut was going through a 'messy divorce', SHE wouldn't try to rip off her wife...
WHILE in orbit
When getting a call from my assistant (we are not allow to call them secretaries), I would answer with the friendliest "Yell-O" I could muster. She, English not being her first language, asked, "why do you answer the phone by saying "yellow?" I tried to explain, but it was lost on her. The next day, I answered the phone with my friendliest "Amarillo" (Spanish for yellow). She gave me a lecture about the proper way to answer the phone in Spanish.
"Bueno" is the common way to answer the phone in Spanish. "Bueno" means "good" in English. From what I understand, when telephones were first being installed in Mexico, you greeted the person with "good" i.e. the phone line is good, which wasn't often in early Mexican telecommunications.
I always hate these cafe posts because they come without any quotes from the NYT, The New Yorker or PBS and without instructions for self improvement. What am I supposed to write on these posts if I haven't even been told what to think? I'm just left sitting here trying to contain my toxic masculinity before if overwhelms me and I end up beating my wife instead of doing something productive like writing a reparations check to a random Black person in a futile effort to atone for my innate white privilege. I can only hope it gets better after my sex change operation, but with my luck I'll just end up as a racist, misogynist, homophobic and Islamophobic bimbo instead of a racist, misogynist, homophobic and Islamophobic man. Damn, life is hard in 'Merica!
The large eyes and slender body on the "fly" imply that it's a hunter, perhaps a robber fly
++ h/t/ Sailer:
"Conservative Larks, Liberal Owls: the Relationship Between Chronotype and Political Ideology"
"Latitudinal Psychology: An Ecological Perspective on Creativity, Aggression, Happiness, and Beyond"
"Are there systematic trends around the world in levels of creativity, aggressiveness, life satisfaction, individualism, trust, and suicidality? This article suggests a new field, latitudinal psychology, that delineates differences in such culturally shared features along northern and southern rather than eastern and western locations."
++ h/t Coyne
Funny cat 'fight' (0:15)
Stephen Fry on God (2:24)
"That wasn't a microdose." (pic)
Insects ALWAYS look better from a distance. Like Barbara Steisand.
My wife turns 65 tomorrow. Never thought I'd be sleeping with an old lady!
Here' something (as best I can recall) from Mickey Gilley:
If a wife and a lover could be one and the same,
What a beautiful world this could be.
Somewhere between,
Playboy magazine,
And next Tuesday night's PTA,
Somewhere between,
A honky-tonk queen,
And what all the dog did today,
If a wife and a lover could be one and the same,
What a beautiful world this could be.
There would be us,
Somewhere between lust,
And sittin' home watchin' tee vee.
Still crazy after all these years
We've got this oak tree on our condo property that is about 60-70 feet tall. Hopefully it is just distressed and sick and not dead, but its leaves suddenly all turned brown and died within a few days.
We've had lots and lots of rain this summer, so perhaps the roots got over-saturated and it has root-rot. Again, hopefully it is not dead dead, and maybe will revive next spring. The thing is -- do you leave it alone over the winter to see whether it is or not, at the risk of it blowing over in some storm onto one of the buildings?
Hey RBG! God is trying to tell you something...go home and play with the grandkids while you still can.
Gahrie: "Hey RBG! God is trying to tell you something...go home and play with the grandkids while you still can."
Wrecker!! That's what the State is for!
Mark... Oaks don't thrive with wet feet! Find an Oak specialist Arborist.
perhaps the roots got over-saturated and it has root-rot.
Depending on where you are, oak root fungus is a real problem but treatment is expensive.
Fishing the Madison last week with a two nymph rig we used a tiny one off the back that was that color with a tiny white wing casing. The whitefish were hammering it, the poor little thing...
It will be interesting to see if/when RBG goes before next November if they try to hide it from us. I'm sure there's a contingency scenario for that, LEM Lifeboat style.
Yesterday was the 80th anniversary of the least popular team-up in history.
Breaking news. National Review has an editorial up attacking Trump! Incredible. Once you lose National Review, you've lost David French and the Nevertrumpers. Trump is doomed!
L.Person, thanks for the reminder. The USSR defacto alliance with Hitler has been forgotten or more accurately thrown down the memory hole by the liberal-left. people forget that the communist parties throughout the world supported the pact and refused to support France/UK in their war with Hitler. The French Communists were so against the war, the party was outlawed in Sept 1939, and their newspaper L'Humanité was shut down. When the Germans occupied France, they allowed L'Humanité to re-open.
WW 2 until June 22, 1941, was considered a Bourgeois Imperialist war by the Commies. And so, the biggest opponents of aid to Britain and lend-lease were the USA Commies. Other Comp-symps like Hemingway didn't care about the war. Of course, this all changed on June 22, 1941. Then the Commies became Nazi Enemy No. 1.
What i suspected would happen
@Lawrence Person,
Great, great historical post on those dastardly Commie bastards from WWII.
Thousands of American school kids are taught that the Soviets were our "allies" against the Nazis.
That is a partial truth. The truth is the Nazis & Soviets carved up Europe between them via the Molotov-Von Ribbentrop pact in 1939, and the subsequent joint, but staggered invasion.
And American Commies supported this, opposed the war, and called FDR a "warmonger".
Today, August 24th, is the 49th anniversary of the bombing of Univ. of Wisconsin mathematics building, Sterling Hall, causing massive damage and the death of a math researcher, Robert Fassnacht. This act was done to protest US involvement in Vietnam War. The four perpetrators went on the run after the bombing, and three of the four were later apprehended. One of them, Karelton Armstrong, served seven years in prison, and later returned to Madison. According to Ann, he ran a juice stand in downtown Madison. Perhaps next year, the 50th anniversary of this heinous act, Ann will do a blog post retrospective.
"Keep track of the colors as they hatch, that’s the color of the fly you need for fishing that week"
My grandfather always told me life secrets like this. But now it's like all those Wise Morsels are being lost to time.
As a male, imagine not having a father to clue you in about life. Now imagine a community with 80% out of wedlock births, no father in the home. Creating boys that will never be men, just "baby daddies" that devolve society even further.
Talk about playing Life with a handicap. That must really suck.
Why did blacks let this be done to them? Enslavement through dependency on the Democrat Welfare State, once proud families destroyed because they compete with the State for loyalty.
Strangest "street view" ever, in Mogadishu Somalia: you can go up and down the stairs inside this (office?) building...but you can never leave.
And why didn't "conservatives" like Bill Kristol and David French fight harder against this? Because they already regard blacks as subhuman?
It's like the Republican Party wasn't even trying.
Hey Chuck you're always blathering about Teh Principle of critiquing your own side. So as a "lifelong Republican", explain why your tribe has left African-Americans to twist in the Wind.
Very clever Way by NASA to prevent orbit sex.
Toxic masc men and lesbian astronaut selected.
(office?) building
It's a showroom for Diamond Furniture
The fly is not feeling well right now. A man buzzes at its ears. This is enough to make it incapable of reason. - Lautreamont
What ever happened to Sandra "What The" Fluke? I figured she was going to replace Feinstein, or Pelosi.
Here's a good article about Lesbian astronauts stealing money from outer space. .
Where's Buzz Aldrin when you really need him.
She ran for a state house seat and lost, shes too prog even for california.
,,,if/when RBG goes before next November,,,
Will CJ has to play along too.??
Won't RBG have to show up for October Tuesday opening?
btw Chuck THAT is how to hijack and troll. We were having a a nice little chat about flowers and wisdom and all of a sudden you find yourself in the gallows. Probably didn't even feel the noose slip around your neck.
I'm only showing you because, if you ignore our hosts requests to leave, you could at least up your game. The "teabager" slip was disastrous for you. Kind of hurts to watch.
Anyways... you were going to explain why you and your fellow Republicans just stood around and watched while 80% of black families were destroyed and enslaved to welfare dependency.
Did you guys bring your own popcorn?
The pilots who bombed Guernica did their flight training in the Soviet Union. There was a long term relationship between Germany and the Soviet Union going back to the Weimar Republic. It was on the down low, but it existed even when they were pretending to be ideological enemies and even when they were shooting at each other in Spain. The Molotov Pact simply brought it out into the open.
1Professor Dr. Dr. Dr. Dagobert D. Manteltasche is Professor of Hypothetical Theory at the Central Institute for Questions and Answers, Spiekeroog University
rcocean: "L.Person, thanks for the reminder. The USSR defacto alliance with Hitler has been forgotten or more accurately thrown down the memory hole by the liberal-left."
readering is a perfect example of that.
Fen: "I'm only showing you because, if you ignore our hosts requests to leave, you could at least up your game. The "teabager" slip was disastrous for you. Kind of hurts to watch."
Not that we needed more evidence after 4 straight years of far left sucking up and defending every dem in sight.
Also here at the condo complex, its finally nice (cool) enough to open the windows.
It's funny how you just kind of filter out the sound of the neighbors HVAC units until they shut off and then you can suddenly "hear" the quiet.
Cicadas have been buzzing for weeks. No empty body shells though.
The Yellow Rose of Wisconsin a/k/a the flowering Althouse .
Won't RBG have to show up for October Tuesday opening?
One would think. She at least needs to show for the team photo. Given what's been tried already I won't be surprised by anything we'll all be expected to go along with...
Looks like a member of Dolichopodidae, the long-legged flies
From what I understand the ones in the US, at least, are harmless. They're actually rather pretty, for flies.
I've always thought of them as "racing flies", because of the fancy paint job. They're fast, too, so that fits.
We got dead cicadas. Every year the dog figures out he doesn't like them about the time they disappear.
DO NOT ignore a big sick or dying tree if there's any chance it will come down on people.
Folks with big trees are paying a price as the trees and neighborhoods age here. We bought this place in part because it doesn't have any big trees (all the neighbors do) except magnolias out front which are stubby and well-rooted.
Yeah, Nazi-Soviet Pact. If there's a Hell, Hitler and Stalin are shackled to each other.
Martin van Creveld, always interesting in a non-congruent way, and despite a regrettable lack of swooning enthusiasm for certain current world leaders, wrote a book--available for Kindle--entitled "Hitler In Hell." Tyrannologists should find it interesting.
I did
Speaking of trees, I have this "Stellar Pink" hybrid (C. florida and C. kousa) dogwood that I planted in my back yard that's been there going on 6 years and hasn't bloomed yet. It looks very healthy-- it's more than doubled in size, no mildew, it's on the drip, well-mulched, pH adjusted to where it likes it, part/dappled sun all day, etc.
I've read they can be slow to bloom, but this is getting ridiculous.
Good thing I'm patient. Gardening is a long game, but it usually pays off in the end.
Watch this video from Reason via Cafe Hayek.
Ad is for "Russian Nazi Troll Bots" available at Amazon.
Apparently between Dale Beran and this author Saeger, it's all nailed down.
They're like authorities, man.
Buy something from Amazon so I don't have to
"thrown down the memory hole by the liberal-left."
Helping along : National Review WFBuckley who got commie Chambers to denounce Ayn Rand as Miss Gas Ovens
RBG is a decent human being. If she is really unwell the decent thing to do is retire. Ideally Breyer, who has joined her in so many decisions, would join her in that one.
part/dappled sun all day, etc.
That's the most likely problem. I've never seen a pink in a shady spot, though I have a decent-sized volunteer white with the same problem.
Decades ago, I read about dogwoods needing bacteria from soil that had already grown dogwoods, or something like that. One reason transplanting them from the wild or bare root was often unsuccessful.
If she is really unwell the decent thing to do is retire.
Given who will do the replacing for a while, she only goes out toes up. She believes that is the ONLY thing to do.
Given who will do the replacing for a while, she only goes out toes up. She believes that is the ONLY thing to do.
Hopefully; she goes to bed at night, Every night, cursing herself for not retiring back when O'Bama was President, and the dems controlled the Senate
She Only has herself to blame
PGA tour championship suspended AGAIN due to Thunder/lightening. Atlanta sucks. They'd better change the location for next year!
Its August and they're playing PGA Golf in the Deep South. Crazy!
If Ginsberg dies, it will be attempted to conceal the fact. It won't work, probably, but an attempt will be made.
Yancey Ward said...
WHEN Ginsberg died, it was attempted to conceal the fact. It won't work, probably, but an attempt would have been made.
On the plus side, RBG is setting a high standard if care for elderly multiple bout cancer care.
I have a question. Is there any well known politician form Massachusetts that isn’t a freak?
Barney “Gay whore house in by basement” Frank, the drunk/killer Ted Kennedy, Pocahontas, John F’n Kerry, Mike “I let Killers out on parole” Dukakais, Mitt “died like a dog” Romney?
Bill Weld, if you may remember, got bored with being Mass Gov and left to become Ambassador to Mexico. but then picked a fight with Jesse Helms and couldn’t get nominated. What a loser!
Ginsberg will live to be 95. When she's actually room temperature, give me a call.
I forget. How would I be worse off today if trump never imposed tariffs on Chinese goods?
Blogger steve uhr said...
I forget. How would I be worse off today if trump never imposed tariffs on Chinese goods?
I see you aren not into planning ahead. So, you never make plans or wonder about the future ?
You must be a Democrat. Your masters will provide what you are allowed to know.
RBG is "working from home"-- yeah--the funeral home!
is she still phoning it in?
Do SC justices have to be physically present?
If not, could they argue that a "Virtual RBG" is just as good?
Upload her into some 'cloud' so she can weigh in perpetually?
a Ruth Bader GinsBorg ?
"I forget. How would I be worse off today if trump never imposed tariffs on Chinese goods?"
How would you be worse off if you had a brain? I forget.
walter - you seem like a very nasty person, who rejoices in the suffering of others
what is wrong with you?
I am asking that from a good place, I am truly saddened to see how cheerfully you say vicious things.
Remember Walter that when Ruth Bader was not yet born
I was pro-life
That being said
I am asking that from a good place, I am truly saddened to see how cheerfully you say vicious things
Sometimes NPR can be a nice surprise -- they actually reported something thoughtful said by Trump about Ginsburg:
As he left for the G-7 meeting in France, President Trump said of the justice, "Our thoughts and prayers are with her. We wish her well. She's strong, she's tough. She's pulled through a lot."
In the same piece there's this:
During Ginsburg's three weeks of treatment in New York, she kept up a busy schedule in New York, often going out in the evening to the movies, the opera and the theater.
During Ginsburg's three weeks of treatment in New York, she kept up a busy schedule in New York, often going out in the evening to the movies, the opera and the theater.
Which movies? I have been wanting to go to the new theater where beer and wine is served and seating is plush. But have yet to read of a movie worth seeing.
Was looking forward to "Hollywood" until I read it lacked Tarantino's usual amount of sex and violence..
Musical Interlude:
"As he left for the G-7 meeting in France, President Trump said of the justice, "Our thoughts and prayers are with her. We wish her well. She's strong, she's tough. She's pulled through a lot."
It doesn't hurt to be nice to the old bat.
Answer: She survived cancer in every organ in her body and died at 110.
Question: Who is Ruth Bader Ginsburg?
Ginsberg gets cancer like Dick Cheney gets heart attacks.
"Great, great historical post on those dastardly Commie bastards from WWII."
Yeah, that's what we all call them. Just like we say "dastardly Nazi Bastards from WW II". Yeah.
rcocean... You miss the Lightning strike?
Great Musical Interlude, MA
During Ginsburg's three weeks of treatment in New York, she kept up a busy schedule in New York, often going out in the evening to the movies, the opera and the theater.
And yet, have we seen pictures of her out in public? If Kavanaugh went out, there'd be protesters by the dozen around.
Jo Biden was visiting Keene, N.H.
Biden appeared to believe he was in neighboring Vermont.
"I’ve been here a number of times ... I love this place," Biden said when asked for his impression of the town. "Look, what’s not to like about Vermont in terms of the beauty of it?”
Jo Biden says... Who Am I? Why Am I Here?
Was looking forward to "Hollywood" until I read it lacked Tarantino's usual amount of sex and violence..
See it anyways. There’s violence, but little gore. The casting is superb.
14 more months, baby!!
The 500 Gaffes of Bartholomew Pluggins!
Contrast Trump's comments on RBG with Maher's on Koch.
I hope somebody prosecutes the astronaut. Nothing personal. It could lead to some interesting law on the limits of extra-territorial or universal jurisdiction.
Ralph L: Per the Rutgers website (Stellar Pink was developed by Dr. Elwin Orton at Rutgers) they prefer full sun to light shade. Mine is in light shade. It gets a couple of hours of full sun so I think it will be OK by and by. There's a half-dead pitch pine in a strategic place that I may have taken out this fall, and after that, the dogwood will be in even better shape.
My wife ran out of patience with it several years ago, but she doesn't garden. It's still an attractive tree.
rcocean: "It doesn't hurt to be nice to the old bat."
Unlike John McCain, RBG did not conspire with FusionGPS and Hillary and the DNC and the obama admin to overthrow an American President.
Rochdale Herald (UK)
By Quentin D Fortesqueue - August 21, 2019
Denmark offers to buy America from Russia
Mette Frederiksen, the Prime Minister of Denmark has reportedly expressed an interest in buying the Russian controlled territory of the United States of America.
Rich in natural resources and fuckwits the territory covers almost 10 million square kilometers and is said to contain huge oil and gas reserves and the largest number of fatties on the planet.
Russian Premier Vladimir Putin who bought the US with a Betamax videotape of two prostitutes urinating on a dementia patient told The Rochdale Herald.
“It’s a pretty good deal and we’re open to discussing it with Denmark. Russia bought North America for the price of two hookers and a large bottle of Evian Water so anything over 75 rubels is a good return on our investment.”
“Denmark would be a pretty good acquirer for the territory. They’re the happiest country in the world, have an amazing welfare state and they can all read.”
“Frankly I have no idea why they want to buy it.”
Obama: Maybe You're "Better Off" Taking Painkillers And Forgoing Surgery
hear that, Ruthie??
This was a terrific quote from Althouse two years ago today. It made so much sense then, and still more today.
"I think the tearing down of Confederate statues is something people are doing because they can't tear down Trump. It's like kicking the dog after a hard day working for a boss you hate."
--Ann Althouse
Again no scenes from scandal
In scandal, the supreme court justice was party to an election fraud scam, and olivia suffocated her.
Madison Man, thanks for the French lesson in the travel thread. Obviously mine is lacking.
Will try to remember
I remember when Bob Dole ran for President in '96. I voted for him, but it was painful to watch him campaign. He was a truly decent man with a noble history of military and governmental service. But he was way past his prime. He never should have been nominated. At the very end of the final campaign, right before election day, Dole went on a long string of rallies. It was like watching a dead man walking. Very sad, especially knowing he was 1000 times the man that Clinton was. But Clinton had youthful energy and stamina, and Dole looked like grandpa wandered into the wrong room. I even remember worrying that if Dole became president, he wouldn't be able to handle the job mentally or physically. (My suspicions were confirmed when he started making those bizarre E.D. ads. What a way to end his career.)
And so now we have Biden, who makes Dole from '96 look like JFK. I've never liked Biden, going back to his reprehensible behavior on the Senate Judiciary Committee. (The Bork hearings were when I came of age politically.) I've never bought his working class hero shtick. He's a typical corrupt and power hungry Democrat. He has engaged in all sorts of obnoxious conduct - the "put you all back in chains" speech, the debate against Ryan, etc. He was no doubt involved in the Russia collusion hoax and other Obama scandals. I have every reason to take pleasure in his decline. Yet I'm beginning to worry about him and feel sorry for him. Someone needs to escort him gracefully out of the race. Or one of the other Dems running against him needs to deliver the final blow, so he withdraws. Just one strong comment about his age and mental health should do it, especially if the other contenders pile on. It would be an act of mercy. But if Biden keeps running and becomes the nominee, it will be Bob Dole dialed up to 11. Lots of dark entertainment to follow. It couldn't happen to a more deserving political party. But for Biden's sake I hope he withdraws and finishes his remaining years in peace, with some dignity intact.
Andrew said: But for Biden's sake I hope he withdraws and finishes his remaining years in peace, with some dignity intact.
Biden, 2012: "They’re gonna put you all back in chains."
He has no dignity left. I hope he's the nominee and I hope he goes down in flames.
I can't stand Trump, but I thank God every single day that Mitch McConnel is running the Senate and the federal court operation. Every. Single. Day.
Why does Bill Maher have any viewers? If a friend of mine expressed the vile views that Maher spouted about David Koch, I’d get up and leave the room.
What is the matter with these people?
Soecially since koch funded most of the causes maher cared about,
Amadeus 48: "Why does Bill Maher have any viewers?"
The LLR-leftists are fully on board the Maher-Train.
Insanity personified
Btw they are using footage from 2003:
Obviously, we need to bomb the settlements in the Amazon basin to stop the fires. It is the only way to be sure to stop them.
Andrew wrote:
"Just one strong comment about his age and mental health should do it, especially if the other contenders pile on."
I absolutely agree- it really would only take one, but which one? Warren and Sanders can't realistically do it since both are also very old, but Warren might be able to pull it off being the youngest of the three ancients. I thought Harris missed her opportunity to do this in the last debate, and doing it in the September debate should be a priority with her- she could include the charge against Sanders and Warren, too.
We saw the Quentin Tarantino movie tonight, "Once upon a time in Hollywood." Boy was that none fucking weird movie.
Long, too. almost 3 hours. I considered walking out. He has a real hard-on for Clint Eastwood. That was the DeCaprio character and Tarantino obviously hates him. Seemed like Politics to me. "Pulp Fiction" was as violent but a better movie with some humor.
One weird movie.
I thought it was supposed to be reynolds and needham, although reynolds didnt do thar many westerns right?
I love this place, happy end of summer.
You must be a Democrat. Your masters will provide what you are allowed to know.
This is how the new woke (Soviet) man will be created.
Don't fool yourselves. It is is old wine in new bottles.
Warren is spry!
(Gen _ runnin' from da white man)
So you think Trymp's only redeeming vie is giving The Turtle room to move?
Mark said...
We've got this oak tree on our condo property that is about 60-70 feet tall. Hopefully it is just distressed and sick and not dead, but its leaves suddenly all turned brown and died within a few days.
Sounds like oak wilt. It's bad where I live.
Good news for people who believe in real science. The Supreme Court of British Columbia has not only thrown out Michael Mann’s lawsuit against Dr. Tom Ball, a prominent skeptic of Mann’s “hockey stick,” but ordered Mann to pay Ball’s legal fees. The money quote:
“Dr Mann lost his case because he refused to show in open court his R2 regression numbers (the ‘working out’) behind the world-famous ‘hockey stick’ graph” ...
For the benefit of you non-mathematicians out there, this is tantamount to Mann admitting that he has committed mathematical fraud.
The Guardian has a story about Elena Vavilova who acted the part of a Canadian woman named Tracy Foley, an identity stolen for her by the KGB, for two decades. Almost no one knew her real identity, not even her own children. She was an “illegal”, a deep-cover Russian operative sent to the west along with her husband Andrei Bezrukov, who used the name Donald Heathfield.
Somehow the Brits missed the part about how the embedded spies were caught by an FBI team led by Pete Strzok.
the embedded spies were caught by an FBI team led by Pete Strzok
There's an adage: it takes a creep to catch a creep.
Was that before or after Strzok embedded his lover Lisa?
Andrew said...
It couldn't happen to a more deserving political party. But for Biden's sake I hope he withdraws and finishes his remaining years in peace, with some dignity intact.
For what he and his son did, abusing US power and position for his family's financial and criminal benefit, he should spend his remaining years in jail.
Michael K said...
We saw the Quentin Tarantino movie tonight, "Once upon a time in Hollywood." Boy was that none fucking weird movie.
Long, too. almost 3 hours. I considered walking out. He has a real hard-on for Clint Eastwood. That was the DeCaprio character and Tarantino obviously hates him. Seemed like Politics to me. "Pulp Fiction" was as violent but a better movie with some humor.
I really enjoyed it. Nice slow pace (not the usual) and good work by both Brad and Leonardo. Two excellent women's parts too, Shannon Tate was great (the actress) and the little girl who played opposite Leonardo in that one scene. I liked the ending and the way it was done - no spoilers.
Also watched the Rolling Thunder Review and enjoyed that more than I thought I would. Long. I broke it up into two nights. The music was really engaging and charismatic, actually it was Dylan who was so charismatic. He was much better in this movie than the one time I saw him live. A great version of Hurricane; I can't remember now whether the guy, Hurricane Carter, was really innocent or not, but, as they say on the left, doesn't really matter (and for the purpose of art here, true). Those events happened just down the road from Tank and Althouse when we were living together in NJ (LOL, funny the way that sounds).
"Somehow the Brits missed the part about how the embedded spies were caught by an FBI team led by Pete Strzok."
Er, he was an FBI counter intelligence agent then. It was his job, though some might say it shouldn't have taken 20 years for the FBI to gitter done. And regardless Maddow's take that the GOP is smearing Strzok to discredit the Mueller investigation, Strzok was the one who smeared Strzok, and the Mueller investigation is over, done, fini for everyone except you and Maddow. Isn't it time you and Rachael dropped the Russia debacle and concentrated on exposing GOP white supremacy and racism for 2020? That one's going to take some selling and continuing to flail expired equines won't help close the deal.
For those who say that Biden should suffer for his crimes, I agree in principle. But someone with dementia won't even know what he's being punished for. "In judgment, remember mercy."
Shannon Tate was great (the actress) and the little girl who played opposite Leonardo in that one scene.
I agree about them. The guy who played Steve McQueen in that Playboy Mansion scene really looked like him.
Just very long. Maybe because I lived there during all that time, it wasn't interesting for me.
“Dr Mann lost his case because he refused to show in open court his R2 regression numbers (the ‘working out’) behind the world-famous ‘hockey stick’ graph”
Not surprising it won’t make the papers.
Gateway Pundit is asking whether the Deep State is sacrificing Strzok and McCabe. I would suggest that was inaccurate, if for no other reason than CNN offered McCabe a job last week (maybe MSNBC will retaliate by hiring Strzok, as the two networks did with Clapper and Brennan). Still, they are both suing to get their jobs back. Oh, and somehow McCabe’s firing, that was supposed to have kept him from an early pension, was officially delayed long enough that he got it anyway.
In any case, Patrick Byrne, former Overstocked CEO, named them this week as the top people having him run Russian Maria Butina against the campaigns of four Republican candidates in spring of 2016, then, when the race was down to Trump, against various junior people in his campaign. Strzok was apparently his handler, and several others we haven’t heard about as much recently as Strzok and McCabe, like Strzok’s boss, Bill Priestap, head of the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division, was also involved. I think also Carlin, the FBI Attorney who retired right after the first Carter Page FISA warrant application was filed, and before NSA Dir Rogers filed his 702 abuse findings with the FISC (that implicitly implicated Carlin for allowing contractor access to the NSA databases through the FBI’s FISA Title VII interface).
You only have to look at the Byrne revelations this week to see why Madcow was pushing that story that Strzok broke that British spy ring. Her entire show had become devoted to the Trump Russian Collusion hoax (the domestic side run by McCabe, with Strzok as his top lieutenant). Not surprising that, when the Mueller witch hunt was forced to shut down, having spent a small fortune and a couple years, finding no collusion, her ratings cratered, and still haven’t recovered. Byrne just shows that the Deep State attack on Republican Presidential candidates started in early spring of 2016, most of a year before the election, and that much of the Russian collusion Madcow was so desperate to push was invented by the FBI and CIA. The good news for Trump is that the FBI didn’t hate him personally - they were trying to dirty up four different Republican candidates with Russian Maria Butina.
@Bruce Hayden,
Thanks for the great summary. I didn't have time to keep up with all the new revelations the past couple of weeks.
It's a genuine surprise to me that Trump wasn't the only one targeted.
Andy McCarthy is getting pretty tired of seeing Strzok and McCabe prancing around.
I couldn’t help thinking about the hardball treatment of Papadopoulos when, yesterday, CNN announced the hiring of Andrew McCabe as a commentator. McCabe, of course, was the FBI’s deputy director before being fired after the Justice Department’s inspector general, Michael Horowitz, concluded that he made multiple false statements to the FBI — including under oath. McCabe was questioned in connection with his leak of investigative information to the media. The leak may have damaged the FBI’s investigation of the Clinton Foundation (it certainly exposed information the Bureau was trying to keep under wraps).
I keep hoping these guys all get to see the gray bar hotel. And Sally Yates would look cute in prison orange,
Thanks for the great summary. I didn't have time to keep up with all the new revelations the past couple of weeks.
It's a genuine surprise to me that Trump wasn't the only one targeted.
See CTH: Details Behind Patrick Byrne Allegations of FBI “Political Espionage”…
Here’s a brief review of the consistencies aspect:
After a cursory meeting in/around July 2015, Byrne claims in the period of September to December 2015 he reported contact with Russian national Ms. Maria Butina to the FBI as a precaution related to his security clearance.
Byrne claims he was asked to participate in an FBI intelligence operation and to introduce, and/or facilitate the introduction of, Ms. Butina to the campaigns of Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and Donald Trump.
In December of 2015 Mr. Byrne became suspicious of the FBI motives because he warned FBI officials of a potential that his efforts, his reputation and those who trust him, may result in Butina gaining entry into campaign confidences. The FBI agents told Byrne that was exactly the intent; people high up in the FBI wanted Ms. Butina to gain deep access into the Trump campaign. Mr. Byrne became suspicious of a corrupt political motive, but didn’t say anything at the time.
So Joe Walsh announces he is mounting a primary challenge to Trump... and Fox, Drudge and Althouse all ignore the news.
I don’t know a great deal about Joe Walsh; he’s a good Republican, with some moderate to Tea Party leanings, from the western Chicago suburbs, was redistricted out of his congressional district by Illinois Democrats, such that Tammy Duckworth won the seat. Joe now has a radio show.
I will support him immediately. And we will together watch how Althouse treats Joe Walsh. (Concerted ignorance? Derision? Hostility?). I’ll be interested in interestingness. Joe Walsh will be full of interest.
Ahoy hoy!
"From what I understand, when telephones were first being installed in Mexico, you greeted the person with "good" i.e. the phone line is good, which wasn't often in early Mexican telecommunications."
Maybe, but it seems to me it's just short for "Buenos dias", "Buenas tardes", or the like.
So Joe Walsh announces he is mounting a primary challenge to Trump... and Fox, Drudge and Althouse all ignore the news.
It was the lead story on the FOX News website, liar.
So what does he believe, was he a birther then, does he still believe in mueller now?
LLR & Noted "RolCon" Liar Chuck: "So Joe Walsh announces he is mounting a primary challenge to Trump... and Fox, Drudge and Althouse all ignore the news."
Its at the top of BOTH Drudge AND Fox!!
Other than that, our #StrongDemDefender Chuck is spot on!
I wonder why LLR Chuck would so eagerly and happily and brazenly lie about Fox News and Drudge?.........(no I don't!!)
Now roly poly george conway and louise mensch can get together
Blogger Drago said...
LLR & Noted "RolCon" Liar Chuck: "So Joe Walsh announces he is mounting a primary challenge to Trump... and Fox, Drudge and Althouse all ignore the news."
Its at the top of BOTH Drudge AND Fox!!
Other than that, our #StrongDemDefender Chuck is spot on!
Drudge has a story now. After my post. Not the headline; but a story nevertheless.
Similarly; now (after my earlier comment) has a story, without any recognizable headline, about Bill Weld welcoming other Republicans to the primary race. Joe Walsh’s name is nearly buried.
Althouse, for her part, is instead focusing on panda suits, elk calves, travel guilt and HOWL.
A good Republican doing what he can to hand the Presidency to Dems.
Walsch is an insufferable whiner when I come across him on 560.
And his dad didn't even work for the post office.
Paul Sperry
Aug 24
BREAKING: Host city Charlotte expecting so many violent protests at GOP National Convention (Aug. 24-27, 2020) that CMPD has denied all officer vacation requests during the event. No one can take off. CMPD already training w Secret Service, drilling for mass shootings, even riots
narciso said...
So what does he believe, was he a birther then, does he still believe in mueller now?
Wow. I began commenting on this page by saying that I did not know much about Joe Walsh. I did not know that he had advocated birther-type theories in the past. That's a very good reason to doubt Joe Walsh's judgment.
But I see that Walsh has retracted that earlier advocacy and apologized. As he should.
Choosing between Joe Walsh and Trump, I choose Walsh. Choosing between Justin Amash, and Joe Walsh and Trump, I choose Amash.
Why is Joe Walsh threatening to run against Trump in 2020?
With his contract up in 2020, might be doing his fart-in to get name recognition.
Here, finally, is a sensible piece about health care costs.
The first policy—price tags—is a necessary prerequisite for competition and efficiency. Under our current system, it’s nearly impossible for people with health insurance to find out in advance what anything covered by their insurance will end up costing. Patients have no way to comparison shop for procedures covered by insurance, and providers are under little pressure to lower costs.
But insurance and Medicare force providers to have "retail" prices so they can boats about discounts.
As a side benefit, we will also see massively lower administrative costs. They are currently extremely high because once a doctor submits a bill to an insurance company, the insurance company works hard to deny or discount the claim. Thus begins a hideously costly and drawn-out negotiation that eventually yields the dollar amount that the doctor will get reimbursed. If you have price tags for every procedure and require that every patient be charged the same price, all of that bickering and chicanery goes away. As does the need for gargantuan bureaucracies to process claims.
I've been writing about this since 2008 when I posted my blog posts about Health care reform.
Chuck is a big fan of China sellouts.
Scarborough Kristol and Conway, 'i'm terrified, mortified, petrified'* with laughter,
* from a beautiful mind,
LLR and "RolCon" Chuck: "Choosing between Joe Walsh and Trump, I choose Walsh. Choosing between Justin Amash, and Joe Walsh and Trump, I choose Amash."
NO one is "choosing" Amash, which is why he, like Chuck, is cowardly running away from his reelection contest. Which is at least consistent with how Amash surrendered to the Chinese.
As for Walsh...that's just funny. Walsh's full fanbase, including LLR Chuck, would fit in a phone booth...if phone booths existed...which they don't...just like Walsh's lefty funded hoax campaign.
Btw, did you know that BOTH of LLR Chuck's heroes Charlie Sykes AND Walsh are both deadbeat dads?
I would be hard pressed to come up with better representatives of LLR Chuck's philosophy than those 2 deadbeats.
Pierre Omidyar and the dems and the LLR's really think Walsh is going to fly!!...
....Who said LLR Chuck didnt have a sense of humor!
LLR and Noted Racist Liar Chuck: "Drudge has a story now. After my post. Not the headline; but a story nevertheless."
Nice try dummy.
That was an interesting article, Dr. K. I enjoyed reading it. I am usually very interested in your informed views on health care reform. But we both know that Donald J. Trump would have quit after the fourth sentence. And that the article doesn’t come close to answering the huge questions about Trump’s vast promises about “covering everybody; because we have to.” Or the other world of questions about how price disclosure and market-based shopping helps with a tib-fib fracture from a motorcycle accident or a myocardial infarction or a cerebral hemorrhage.
Trump’s bullshitting on all of it has been reemphasized as this was supposed to be the month that the White House revealed a health care plan that Trump promised in a June interview with George Stephanopoulos. It’s all just so much posturing for Trump. Zero serious interest
@Chuck if either of those two took the nomination away from Trump, they would lose the general election almost as badly as McGovern did to Nixon. Neither has a national political base, so can’t depend on that to overcome all of the pissed off Trump voters. Trump may not have been trying, but he has managed to grow the Republican Party, despite all of the LLR turncoats (not accusing you of that). You won’t keep them if Trump doesn’t get the nomination.
But we both know that Donald J. Trump would have quit after the fourth sentence.
Not true but you are an interesting psychological specimen. Eisenhower required all memos to be one page.
Blogger Bruce Hayden said...
@Chuck if either of those two took the nomination away from Trump, they would lose the general election almost as badly as McGovern did to Nixon. Neither has a national political base, so can’t depend on that to overcome all of the pissed off Trump voters. Trump may not have been trying, but he has managed to grow the Republican Party, despite all of the LLR turncoats (not accusing you of that). You won’t keep them if Trump doesn’t get the nomination.
Many more Americans voted against Trump in 2016 than for him.
In 2018, we Republicans lost elections across the country in startling numbers. We lost the House, lost more than our share of statewide elections, and held the Senate only by virtue of one of the most Republican/favorable election maps in a century.
And now, Trump — having inherited a dream-perfect economy — is running at about 60% negative, and behind almost every name Democrat in the key swing states.
Who are these Trump voters you speak of? Would they prefer a President Kamala Harris to a President Joe Walsh?
LLR and Deadbeat Dad Fanboy Chuck: "And now, Trump — having inherited a dream-perfect economy....."
Talk about jumping the "RolCon" Shark!!!
Noted Liar Chuck is now lobbimg out obama-love lies that even the hackiest lefties dared not!!
Awesome Chuck! This one is going to live forever!!
Remember, up until the end of the obama admin, the obama-ites were claiming it was still GW Bush's fault the economy hadn't recovered the way it should and that the "new normal" would be perpetual low growth numbers, rapidly increasing debt and sluggish job growth!!
LLR Chuck now claims that is a "dream-perfect economy"!!!
Oh Chuckie, how will you ever explain this one away once you realize how badly you've stepped in it?
Blame it on the gin..
walter: "Blame it on the gin.."
Tomorrow he'll claim he never wrote it.
Dont worry Chuckie. I have taken the liberty of transferring this latest "RolCon" hot take or yours to the next 8/25 cafe thread and I can assure you I will be posting it far and wide to provide you ample opportunity to back it up...
“Many more Americans voted against Trump in 2016 than for him.”
You can’t say that. You can say that Crooked Hillary gained more votes than Trump did. We all agree with that. But we don’t know how many of those came from living registered American citizens voting legally once. We do know that a large part of her popular vote majority came from CA that made it easy for legal and illegal aliens register to vote when getting drivers’ licenses, that at least some, and possibly many, of those aliens who were so readily able to register to vote, did so, and hundreds of thousands of voter registrations were found recently to have been outdated and invalid.
In 2018, we Republicans lost elections across the country in startling numbers. We lost the House, lost more than our share of statewide elections, and held the Senate only by virtue of one of the most Republican/favorable election maps in a century.
There was massively more money spent in key states on the Dem side. I watched it in both the MT and AZ Senate races. The cheating was rampant. And the Russian Collusion and OrangeManBad drum beats by the MSM were overpowering.
And now, Trump — having inherited a dream-perfect economy — is running at about 60% negative, and behind almost every name Democrat in the key swing states.
Calling the 8 year Obama Recession a dream perfect economy is fanciful, if not farcical. The Dems can pretend that Trump inherited Obama’s successful economy, because for them history starts anew every day, or at least their memories are only a couple months long. But the reality is that after eight years of recession, many years longer than typical, the economy still hadn’t fully recovered, when Trump took over, and with Republican majorities in Congress drove us back through effectively full employment, at least partially a result of th3ir tax cuts.
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