A liberal just blocked me for asking him to explain what he thinks I said in his own words. LOL even trying to reason with these people is considered hate speech.
This is why we're not going to be able to have a civil arrangement with them. They've taken discussion off the table. What's left? Violence.
That's funny my brain didn't adjust the scale. I just looked and assumed it was a roadway. But for cars to fit on that the tree would have to be a monster.
You say bike path, I'm going to pretend two lane Highway. Because I like big trees.
I wish there was way to stop these mass shooters from being glorified on TV. That is what they want; to be famous - even it is only infamous and only for a day.
At least cyclists out your way actually use the bike lanes built for them. In the Washington, DC, suburbs it was not uncommon to see a cyclist in the road, creating a problem to safely get past him (or her), while about ten or twenty feet to the side a perfectly good, parallel, bike path, built for tens or hundreds of thousands of tax dollars, was unused.
Seeing so much press about gun control. Can anyone explain: why hasn't any Dem candidate, or other Dem leader, proposed a bill to repeal the second amendment? Wouldn't that be a great way to differentiate oneself?
I see the usual suspects online have piled the dead bodies into a makeshift soapbox from which to lecture us about our shameful desire to protect ourselves from the socialist utopia they would build.
They have all these pre-written talking points ready and are pissed that we're not lining up to be demonized.
National Propaganda Radio keeps reporting the El Paso shooter was right wing. No mention that he ranted against both Democrats and Republicans, how he hated big corporations and blamed them for encouraging immigration or that climate change meant time was running out. I am disgusted and furious as how media is blatantly lying to push their agenda of hate.
Robert Cook said... "Also, the mayor of Dayton states as a matter of fact that there have been 250 mass shootings THIS YEAR."
Well, there sure seem to have been a lot. ***************
Yeah sure---if your list of "mass shootings" includes instances of no deaths, and more than one injury.
So--let's all disarm ourselves, and everything will be fine....right? Isn't that how it's worked out in Chicago and other cities with strict gun controls?
Just what is it about progs that they cannot learn from experience, but instead keep repeating the same nonsense over and over, pretending that "this time it'll change"??
"Yeah sure---if your list includes no deaths, and more than one injury."
A mass shooting incident does not have to include mass casualties to qualify as a mass shooting incident. If someone takes a swing at you and misses, it doesn't mean someone didn't try to assault you.
Robert Cook said... Maybe a lot of these mass shooters are undeclared incels. Men without women tend to go amok.
Yeah. We see that every day in China---where policies to decrease the number of female births over the past thirty years have resulted in huge numbers of "men w/o women" running amok.
@gadfly I read the shooters manifesto. That is how I know he hated both Republicans, Democrats, big corporations, and was concerned about climate change. Yes - he ranted about immigrants - ALL immigrants. That doesn't make him "right wing" he doesn't fit squarely into either camp. He had many left wing views. Rather than report that - media have placed him solidly on the right. That is a vile lie. Still have not heard big media acknowledge that the OH shooter was a Warren supporting registered Democrat. I believe the media's selective reporting and flat out lies make them as evil as the shooters. It is beyond irresponsible - it is flagrant corruption.
Is it the white supremacists in Baltimore? Chicago?
the US homicide rate in 2017 was 5.3 per 100,000 making Baltimore homicide rate ten times larger than that in the US overall. https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-08-04/baltimores-homicide-rate-ten-times-national-average
Yeah. We see that every day in China---where policies to decrease the number of female births over the past thirty years have resulted in huge numbers of "men w/o women" running amok.
The policy was simply to reduce the number of births, (for purposes of managing population growth relative to available resources), not to limit the number of female births. The imbalance in boy/girl births in China is a by-product of cultural mores: boy children are more valued than girl children, so, given the limit on permitted children, many expecting parents chose to abort female fetuses so they could try for a boy. Criminal behavior by men has been one of several consequences of the male/female imbalance.
Twitter account of the alleged Dayton attacker His account promoted: -Bernie Sanders -Elizabeth Warren -Antifa -leftism -socialism -Satan -Strong anti-ICE rhetoric -He called the terrorist who attacked the ICE facility in Tacoma a "martyr"
There are some European analogs say in Italy with piazza Fontana which inspired the red brigade or that incident in west Germany where a policemen shot a protester the twist was the p policemen was a atasi agent.
Maybe a lot of these mass shooters are undeclared incels. Men without women tend to go amok.
There's always a fat chick with tattoos. Do you really buy into these distinctions? Have you no critical thinking skills?? Guys not getting pussy has been an issue for a long time.
Back in my college days (1969 to 1973) a popular activity for bikers (motor cyclists) was to pass cars by driving down the center line as opposite direction traffic passed by. Scary stuff when done on then curving Highway 12/18 between Cambridge and Madison.
Passing by driving down the center line would not work on the bike path in Ann's picture.
BTW, Minnesota does not paint center lines on the bike trails in my part (SE) of the state. That gives our trails a less regulated feel. Of course, we only use our trails in October after the Minnesota state bird, the mosquito, has migrated to southern swamps.
Cook, quoting me: "Yeah. We see that every day in China---where policies to decrease the number of female births over the past thirty years have resulted in huge numbers of "men w/o women" running amok."
Your response involves criminality , NOT men running amok and shooting up people at random.
Further, it's highly disingenuous to argue that China was neutral as to which sexes were to be curtailed---and you fricking know it. Girls have always been the less-favored sex there.
In any event , the incidence of incels in the US is on a scale much, much, much smaller than the female/male imbalances in China and India. IN the latter case, we're talking about tens of millions of males.
Just what the fuck point were you making? How do you KNOW the perps in Ohio and Texas were incels?
It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to. --JRR Tolkien writing in The Hobbit / LOTR
One can speak plainly of evil, Narciso. Here is one way to do it:
Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the Devil, May G*D rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, Cast down to hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl the world seeking the ruin of souls. Sacred Heart of Jesus, Pray for us. Sacred Heart of Jesus, Pray for us. Sacred Heart of Jesus, Pray for us.
Cook: A mass shooting incident does not have to include mass casualties to qualify as a mass shooting incident. If someone takes a swing at you and misses, it doesn't mean someone didn't try to assault you.
So that means armed civilians are stopping thousands of "mass shootings" every day.
Thank you for finally realizing the solution is more guns, not less.
Kamala Harris Suggests As Pres She’d Send Law Enforcement Door-To-Door To Confiscate Guns In Wake Of El Paso Shooting https://www.governorpalin.org/2019/08/04/kamala-harris-suggests-pres-shed-send-law-enforcement-door-door-confiscate-guns-wake-el-paso-shooting/
So--let's all disarm ourselves, and everything will be fine....right? Isn't that how it's worked out in Chicago and other cities with strict gun controls
And just for fun, lets assume we all agree to disarm ourselves but that has no effect on the number and frequency of mass shootings. Who thinks they will let us have our firearms back after they've been proven wrong?
My takeaway is that I should ignore “Gun Free Zone” signs. The crazy guys ignore them, so I should, too. Here in Virginia the worst that can happen if someone notices my handgun is that I would be asked — politely! — to leave. But at least I would be able to return fire if someone shows up with a gun in his hand and mass murder on his mind. Better to be judged by twelve than carried by eight!
Want to see how much the Left really cares about shooting victims?
Tell them will we turn in our guns if they agree to outlaw Marxism, socialism, etc.
Then sit back with some popcorn as they dissemble.
It's like proposing nuclear power to stop climate change. "For some reason", they oppose any solutions that don't involve Moar Socialism. Gee I wonder why...
Now it's a two lane highway that identifies as an overpass.
And a clan of squirrels has set up a toll booth at the far end. They made a giant human on a bicycle out of acorns to scare the hawks away.
Hang on. The Spotted Tail Squirrel faction is demanding the whole clan unionize against a snake infestation that the others aren't taking seriously. Looks like a roadblock on our journey to Squirrel Utopia.
Went to a baby's funeral this weekend. Beautiful Mass and eulogy by the priest, procession to the grave, and then graveside prayers. The father was the sole pallbearer, carrying the tiny coffin in his arms. The funeral ended with him placing the coffin in the ground, burying it, and arranging the clods of grass on top with his youngest son. Yes, everyone was crying, even the unrelated teenage boys.
If mass shootings triple next year, do you want more armed good guys at every venue or less, because gun control only reduces the lawfully armed people around you and gives the mass shooters a less difficult task assuring greater body counts. I guess you always have 911 to call and wait while the killer walks toward you and yours.
In almost every age group in the USA females outnumber males. The incel problem, and there is an incel problem, exists for multiple reasons. The biggest, explained in the manosphere, is female hypergamy. Most females delude themselves into thinking they're the one who can take the alpha male. If he has his way, and he does as long as women keep throwing themselves at him, no one will take him. One of the reasons I detest sexual harassment policies is "Hey, you look great today! is a compliment with a flirt back when uttered by the alpha, yet the exact same words uttered by a perceived male of lesser desirability is sexual harassment. Incels are your basic losers.
If you walk through Walmart on a regular basis you can observe there is a woman for every man and a man for every woman. If the women are willing to settle for less than they want. In the critical 18-25 year old range some men aren't going to be able to find a match, because the women are all trying to land the big one. And that's where you get your incel loser shooter from. And it does appear that is what the shooters are.
Yesterday about 1pm I was en route to Madison, about 20mi East on I-94. Traffic was pretty heavy for a Saturday, folks pushing the speed a bit high for my taste so I stayed in right lane, letting folks pass as need be. With zero warning a car blew past me on the right shoulder and swerved across into the left lane at rocket speed. Scared the shit out of me, needless to say. The number of people at risk from that maneuver is insane. It happened so fast I didn't get the make of car, much less the plate.
Terrible shootings in ElPaso, Texas. Reports are very bad, many killed. Working with State and Local authorities, and Law Enforcement. Spoke to Governor to pledge total support of Federal Government. God be with you all!
Today’s shooting in El Paso, Texas was not only tragic, it was an act of cowardice. I know that I stand with everyone in this Country to condemn today’s hateful act. There are no reasons or excuses that will ever justify killing innocent people.
Melania and I send our heartfelt thoughts and prayers to the great people of Texas.
Now the reason we're here Every man, every woman Is to help each other Stand by each other When love walks in the room Everybody stand up Oh it's good, good good Say I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you
Talk to me darlin' Talk to me darlin' Talk to me darlin' Talk to me darlin'
"Just what the fuck point were you making? How do you KNOW the perps in Ohio and Texas were incels?"
Did I touch a nerve or something?
I never said anything asserting the shooters were incels. I simply asked a rhetorical question...and I was being 90% facetious. (Only 90% instead of 100% because, well...you never know.)
Or, rather that asking a question, (now that I re-read it) I made a rhetorical conjecture. Hence, the term "maybe." Still mostly facetious. But the gang here is bankrupt of humor, being a cohort (mostly) of fanatics and kooks.
Ha! The incels, a motley group of emotionally ill losers, won't accept anything less than the most beautiful women begging them (the incels) to ravish them on first sight!
American society has become anti-male. Men are sensing the backlash and are consciously and unconsciously going “on strike.” They are dropping out of college, leaving the workforce and avoiding marriage and fatherhood at alarming rates. The trend is so pronounced that a number of books have been written about this “man-child” phenomenon, concluding that men have taken a vacation from responsibility simply because they can. But why should men participate in a system that seems to be increasingly stacked against them?
Pornography and free sex have changed the dynamic.
The two places to avoid are gun-free zones and areas controlled by gangs with heavily armed members. Gun-free zones are marked; maybe gang zones should be marked also. "Police-free Zone"? Or maybe "Chicago City Limits?"
This is where I come to read that the solution to mass shootings is more guns.
Go back and re-examine mass shooting incidents. In some of them the shooters had high casualty counts, in others low. Now figure out why. Hint: It had to do with more guns.
"If the women are willing to settle for less than they want. In the critical 18-25 year old range some men aren't going to be able to find a match, because the women are all trying to land the big one."
Well, everyone wants to "land the big one." That's they way it works in nature, too. Men want beautiful women because their beauty indicates good health--good for making healthy babies--and women want successful men because they will be able to provide for them and the children. It all comes down to reproduction in the end.
The incels are just incapable of social interaction necessary to find a woman who would be a match for them, and they blame women for their own social inabilities. I'm sympathetic to their pain, but not in the least to their externalizing their pain as anger and blame at women for not swooning over them.
They do usually appear to be incel types. Perhaps that's not what drives their murderous rage though. Perhaps women are a calming influence, keeping murderous rage in check, so it's the ones without women who act on it.
July 15, 2016 NICE, France — A truck rammed into a crowd celebrating Bastille Day in the French Riviera city of Nice on Thursday night, killing at least 84 people in an apparent terrorist attack in which the driver also opened fire on revelers before being shot dead by police.
Perhaps women are a calming influence, keeping murderous rage in check, so it's the ones without women who act on it.
I think that's very true. I have a rage that's kept in check because I know I would be caught, and what it would do to my wife to lose me to incarceration.
We joke about the number of lives her domesticating influence has had on me. But the hard truth is: I have a bucket list and it's full of names, not places to visit or things to experience.
If I get the call from my doctor that I have 6 months to live, I'm taking them with me.
“National Propaganda Radio keeps reporting the El Paso shooter was right wing. No mention that he ranted against both Democrats and Republicans, how he hated big corporations and blamed them for encouraging immigration or that climate change meant time was running out. I am disgusted and furious as how media is blatantly lying to push their agenda of hate.”
His web page said he was a registered Democrat, until it was hacked, and that changed to Republican. Then, of course, the MSM dutifully reports him to have been right wing.
MEDICAL ERRORS ARE THE third leading cause of death in the U.S., after heart disease and cancer, causing at least 250,000 deaths every year, according to an analysis out Tuesday indicating that patient safety efforts fall far short. 10 percent of U.S. deaths are due to preventable medical mistakes. 250,000/365 = ~685 48 hr period: 685 x 2 = ~1370
Helen Smith in Men on Strike is saying the same thing in a different manner. Free sex from women is distributed unevenly- hypergamy in action. Pornography? Satisfying for some, not all. And the manosphere says the same thing. Why should an alpha tie hisself down in marriage and risk his assets? If the women get desperate for babies, they'll pick some beta and use him- with many cuckolding him for the sperm donation. Other women will pick some dream alpha from a fertility clinic catalog, deluding themselves into believing the catalog description of the donor is accurate, unlike dating site profiles. There are donors with over 50 kids they have zero responsibility for or interest in.
Helen Smith make a good case that we have damaged a generation of boys/young men, so sad.
but I am surprised we are not speaking of the relentless incitement from every @NPR radio station and every @NYTimes, maligning a decent people in the most hateful mischaracterizations. What does that do to those that are falsely accused? What does that do to the eager but lonely wanne-bees on either side of these issues?
we know google and facebook have toyed with their algorithms, and studied their effects, and learned.
What algorithms by those guys were applied to these two specimens? i hope congress asks the question.
meanwhile, i will keep my blame aimed @AriShapiro & the Grrrls at @NPR news first and foremost, whores for power, mouthing the MindMassage of the Supremacist Elites, so that we all rightly emote. may history show they fail.
(1) The two shooters were both psychos -- as were most of the other shooters previously in the news who weren't religious fanatics.
(2) Notwithstanding the 2nd amendment, psychos shouldn't have access to guns.
(3) Nobody wants to have to deal with psychos when you're alone (unless you're either a very brave or very stupid mental health professional).
Murder of Kathryn Faughey
Kathryn Faughey was a 56-year-old New York City psychologist who was murdered by 39-year-old David Tarloff at her upper East Side Manhattan office on the night of February 12, 2008.
David Tarloff had exhibited disturbing behaviours for almost two decades, and was well-known to the medical and psychiatric establishment and the police force. During these years, up to the time of the Kathryn Faughey murder, he received a wide range of psychiatric assessments and treatments. He received medication and electroshock therapy by force.[1]
(4) Nikolas Cruz, the psycho shooter who killed 17 people last year in the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida had a long rap sheet at his former school.
Miami Herald MARCH 09, 2018
Shooter revealed gory fantasies to his therapists years before the Parkland massacre
'...The rage and obsession with violence documented by Cruz’s therapists during nearly two years of interactions when he was 15 to 17 years old continued through his school career: Again and again, authorities were warned about the teen’s explosive tendencies and lack of impulse control. Again and again, authorities ignored the warnings.
In addition to the troubling behavior Cruz exhibited at the schools he attended — including an incident in which the teen reportedly brought a backpack with bullets to class — law enforcement officers were also alerted that Cruz might be dangerous.
The FBI failed to act on two tips about Cruz, one of which involved Cruz posting online that he planned to become a “professional school shooter.” The Broward Sheriff’s Office was also warned about the teen, and had received a report that he “planned to shoot up the school.”'
Talk therapy is a big business. The record shows it is rarely (if ever) effective on psychos.
You have to medicate them. Then they go off their meds because of the side effects.
If you do a QEEG (Quantitative Electroencephalogram) on these people you see brain abnormalities. How'd that happen? More likely than not, by the effect of brain inflammation from having a poorly modulated immune system.
IMO, perhaps the best quick and dirty intervention to address brain inflammation (which has been mostly studied in Alzheimer's) is reviewed here:
Photonics 2019, 6(3), 77 Photobiomodulation for Alzheimer's Disease: Has the Light Dawned?
Michael R. Hamblin
Wellman Center for Photomedicine, Massachusetts General Hospital Department of Dermatology, Harvard Medical School, Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology
In the past 48hrs, the USA horrifically lost 34 people to mass shootings. On average, across any 48hrs, we also lose… 500 to Medical errors 300 to the Flu 250 to Suicide 200 to Car Accidents 40 to Homicide via Handgun
Often our emotions respond more to spectacle than to data.
I wrote it just the other day- a prescription for societal disaster is having too many males aged 14-50 with nothing but themselves for which to be responsible. How do they get that way? They get that way by being raised in fatherless homes. They get that way by getting access to sex without any consequences, responsibilities, or commitments to raising children themselves.
You want to know what the future of the US is going to be? Look at countries where large fractions or even majorities of the men aren't married to a single female. None of those societies are rich and all of them are hand to mouth existence. Wives and children civilize their men- without that constraint and guiding force men will turn their creative abilities to destruction every time.
Yes in deed, that's the one, with a cult of personality that had school teachers compose songs for children to sing his praises, furthermore some 100 actors made pledges of loyalty to him.
Wanting to inflict actual physical harm against someone 'cause they blocked you on Facebook or deleted your comments off of their blog is not a rational nor sane response. If you are that worked up over something so piddlin' then please seek professional help.
Yancey, it's all fun and games until the Iranians grab an oil tanker and President Biden (God forbid!) sends cruise missiles at Baghdad. Because confused.
“To say nothing in a time of rising hatred, it’s not enough to say that ‘I’m not a hate monger myself.’ If you are not actively working against hate, calling it out, you are complicit in what is going on.” — Corey Booker
Where did we hear that before?
Oh right: When racism exists, it's not enough to say, "I'm not a racist"—we must be anti-racist. — Corey Booker
Of course he stole that from Angela Davis, but I digress.
According to Booker we must be against freedom of thought, we must hate hate, and soon we must be actively working to get rid of the second amendment.
After all, Booker’s logic holds it’s not enough to be a responsible gun owner, you must be working to eliminate your right to own a gun.
You are correct. He did single out hispanics for his hate. What I meant to say by "ALL" immigrants was that he did not distinguish between legal and illegal immigrants. Which for most of us concerned over immigration is the issue.
"Perhaps women are a calming influence, keeping murderous rage in check, so it's the ones without women who act on it."
The scheme of using women to tame and discipline men is over. Women became conscious of it and able to get along economically without having to set up a household with a man. Without all the women needing to pair with a man, which gave all the men a woman to perform this function, we have millions of untamed men left in the wild. As a group, we don't like what these men do, the ones who act out, but women don't accept the role of "calming influence, keeping murderous rage in check" where they can see what it is and are not forced. There's no answer for men, and little enthusiasm for embracing them as an oppressed, needy group.
Robert Cook is correct about incels—nearly everyone hopes to punch above their weight. As reality sets in, most either try to improve themselves or lower their expectations (or both). Most incels are capable of attracting a decent woman, but they’d rather get angry at all women because they get rejected by the cheerleader and develop absurd theories about how alpha males take all the women, leaving none for anybody else (why alpha males are generally exempt from their anger is another post).
It’s a cowardly, narcissistic response to what for most people is just normal dating travails.
Biden, 76, mistakenly referred to the shootings as “the tragic events in Houston today and also in Michigan the day before," but later corrected himself, according to a pool report.
No, that’s excerpted from a regular news source and not The Onion nor The Babylon Bee. And that’s the Democrat candidate who’s leading the polls.
The greater loss is to women. They are made to create families, and very large numbers aren't. Technology and its derivative memes sidetrack them into weird passages lined with human flypaper.
Men are expendable, in many ways. We are here to attempt what we can, and if we can't, we can't. There is a fatalism to men that women rarely get.
Instead of engaging in the age old barter of men bringing home the bacon, and women having their children, and the two raising them together, we now have society taking the bacon from the men at gunpoint, to give to the women as welfare, as they attempt, very often unsuccessfully, to raise their children without their fathers in their lives. You wonder why the inner cities have gotten so violent? It is from women unsuccessfully trying to raise boys, and ultimately girls, without fathers. #1 predictor for whether a kid will eventually end up in prison is whether or not he had his father in the house growing up. You may have been successful at it. More women than not are not.
Superficially, the welfare state is attractive esp to single women. They can have sex with whomever they want, have kids with whomever they want, and the rest of society will support them and their children by taxing everyone else in society to provide them with welfare. No wonder probably the biggest Dem demographic is unmarried women. If women, on average, were as capable of raising kids by themselves, or within their maternal families, then you might be able to argue that welfare is overall a good thing. But it pushes the men out of their kids’s Lives, and that ends up encouraging behaviors that are inimical to a stable society. The boys aren’t civilized by their maternal families, and the girls don’t learn about unconditional make love and approval.
But it is more than just welfare. Males are the ones who create outside the house - statistically, by a large margin. Most important inventions continue to be made by men. While men are inventing the Internet, automobiles, planes, etc, the average female invention is a beauty product, or something around the house - except, again the important inventions there. Ditto for most large fortunes, again made by men. We give you the technology that makes your lives comfortable, build your houses, your roads, etc, and your response is that women owe no obligation to the men who provide those things to them.
As Dr Smith pointed out, males are figuring this out. Why slave over a hated job for decades, when they can earn enough working minimally to play much of the time (if their resources aren’t going to go for raising their own children)? This has the advantage of passing on the welfare and criminal justice costs of raising other guys’ children off to the rest of society, since their incomes are often too low to pay much in taxes. It is far more fun to ski and mountain bike, or hang around on the street corner, or local bar, than work for the “man”. Of course, the single mothers aren’t paying the price either, at least financially, because, as a group, they are the largest recipients of taxpayer largess, in the form of welfare of one type or another- though they often do pay emotionally, in attending their boys’ early funerals or visiting them in prison. In any case, that leaves everyone else holding the financial bag for the slacking guys and welfare mothers. Societally, this is unstable, because the incentives are counterproductive. Fatherless childrearing is encouraged by being subsidized, and two parent childrearing is discouraged through taxation. If you want more of a behavior, subsidize it. And tax it if you want less. Basic economics.
Like other shootings, most mass shootings are family or gang events: people shooting people they know and perhaps some bystanders.
And most mass shootings are omitted from the "Mother Jones" and "Whappo" lists of mass shootings because their definition is: "indiscriminate rampages in public places resulting in four or more victims killed by the attacker" so family and gang shootings and shootings in homes are...ignored.
“why alpha males are generally exempt from their anger is another post”
Easy - they are the alphas. Bigger, stronger, smarter, etc. Males are innately hierarchical, which means that we instinctively know that it is usually fruitless, and traditionally quite dangerous, to fight higher ranking males. Instead, it is a better strategy to hang around them, and let their successes help you too.
This accepting of one’s place in the male hierarchy is a cross species survival trait. This is why more males in numerous species don’t die every year during mating season - they only fight relative peers for position, deferring to males who significantly outrank them.
“What I've learned here is that Leftist Collectivists think an inability to secure female attention makes boys into Republicans.”
Rationally, I would expect just the opposite. The males securing wives end up paying far more in taxes, that ultimately go to support welfare mothers and their kids. The males who don’t secure wives can happily spend their lives skiing and mountain biking, or hanging out on the street corner or in the neighborhood bar. Because of their slacking, they have far less skin in the game.
"The scheme of using women to tame and discipline men is over."
LoL. What a way to put it. The problem is that many men need to be given more of a purpose beyond playing video games and working in an office. That's fine for women, who really need nothing more than a nice cuppa tea and a Lifetime Rerun, but lots of men need more.
In any case, I don't think things will change until the people at the top start feeling the pain. That's the way it always works.
Plus, this needed change will only come from men. Women are great followers and good at maintaining things, but the chances of them ever changing society for the good are ZERO. They're even more conformist and selfish then men, and their natural inclination is to protect the status quo. Even if it sucks. They aren't rebels or game changers.
A mass shooting incident does not have to include mass casualties to qualify as a mass shooting incident.
There are various definitions, but all require at least 3 or 4 people to be shot (casualty=wounded). Or else you'd have dozens or hundreds of mass shootings every day at shooting ranges.
BJS homicide trends "From 2002 to 2011... about 4% of homicide incidents involved two victims, 0.6% involved three victims, and 0.2% involved four or more victims (figure 22). In 2011, about 110 homicide incidents involved three victims, or less than 1% of all homicides that year. .. In 2011, of an estimated 13,750 reported homicide incidents, about 25 involved four or more victims."
“You would think a liberal would place a greater value on what's best for society rather than what's best for me.”
But then she wouldn’t be a liberal. The liberal mantra is “me, me, me”. In issue after issue, the conservative/liberal divide almost always breaks down as what is good for the country, or society, as a whole, and what is good for the individuals making the demand.
The scheme of using women to tame and discipline men is over. Women became conscious of it and able to get along economically without having to set up a household with a man.
Truth is, as Bruce Hayden pointed out, women are not able to get along economically setting up a household without a man. Single mother households are subsidized- by working men and women. because DEMOCRATS decided (single mothers with children)=(widows and orphans). Daniel Moynihan warned that this was a bad idea- but he wasn't listened to.
Eventually that idea will be discarded, because it's unsustainable economically. Bruce's comment at 8/5/19, 8:42 AM sums it up. As has been often said- what can't go on won't go on. Question is- when will the system break? And what follows?
"There are various definitions, but all require at least 3 or 4 people to be shot (casualty=wounded). Or else you'd have dozens or hundreds of mass shootings every day at shooting ranges."
Please don't make stupid comments. There is a substantive difference between people at firing ranges shooting at targets for recreational purposes and someone in public firing at other people with harmful intent, even if the person on the street misses all his/her targets.
The former is clearly not a mass shooting incident, the latter clearly is.
I know. It's the standard pitiful feminist delusion - scheme! - that women are weak helpless people who float through life like corks bobbing on the stormy seas of life.
"The scheme of using women to tame and discipline men is over. Women became conscious of it and able to get along economically without having to set up a household with a man."
Married with one child peripherals, teacher and chef pay 800.00 a month child care. 2200.00 for an apartment.
That's 3000.00 a month after taxes. Add in two cars, insurance, medical, food, clothes, utilities and more.
Pretty tough for un educated single mom with no skills to raise a kid. Teen mother gets on welfare, pretty hard to get off.
SF Bay area used to have GM, Ford, Shipyards, steel plants, and many other manufacturing places where a high school grad or dropout could get a job and advance enough to afford house, car and a normal life.
There are single working mothers supporting a household. I would like to see a study of how many are divorced, getting child support, how many were in a decent job before getting pregnant, etc.
It’s almost like R/V is commenting here as part of a Chinese election influence campaign to unseat Trump. At least it’s not Russia trying to pick our president, so it’s all good.
Why the hostility toward Althouse based on her observations? She's right. All of that is over, and none of us likes the idea of a bunch of angry, single men running around, but what can one do? It's not like Althouse imposed this on society; it's an observation of what, perhaps, is currently the case.
"Why the hostility toward Althouse based on her observations? She's right. All of that is over, and none of us likes the idea of a bunch of angry, single men running around, but what can one do? It's not like Althouse imposed this on society; it's an observation of what, perhaps, is currently the case."
Hostility is anger, which is stage 2. At least they didn't start with denial. Some, I see, have moved on to bargaining. Me, I'm at acceptance. I've done the stages.
Another thing that can be done and is done right now: Incarcerate them for long stretches of time and feed them drugs that will kill them. It really isn't surprising that a percentage of the millions of men who know they are life's losers decide to take others with them when they delete themselves. It's a very tiny percentage, but it gets a lot of attention, and the attention given to one encourages the next one to go out with a scream. It's not surprising that a second man committed a massacre this weekend after all the attention lavished on the first one.
All of that is over, and none of us likes the idea of a bunch of angry, single men running around, but what can one do?"
The brutal, traditional answer is war.
How about legalized prostitution? Govt subsidized. Free sex to take the pressure off all these angry young men you speak of. Gainful, tax paying employment for welfare moms and unskilled females of all ages. Remove the stigma, as has been done for sex before marriage, children out of wedlock, welfare dependency, homosexuality,drug addiction. Each formerly, whether rightfully or wrongly, a reason for shame and embarrassment. Might take a generation for majority acceptance, as aforementioned has.
Re: narciso & gadfly on mustard-- Have you noticed that Gulden's Spicy Mustard is now packaged in an opaque black squeeze bottle? I was used to looking in the mustard department for the light brown grainy stuff, it made it hard to find. One wonders what they're trying to hide, no?
I wrote to ConAgra about it and asked what was up? Did their Marketing people suddenly decide that they liked black, shiny things?
They responded with thanks for my comments. But I'd love to see the stats on the customer feedback about that particular brainstorm.
Anyone ever encounter Outlook Express? It's annoying to me that whenever I'm in some government or corporate website, and I click on an e-mail link, I get Outlook Express. I asked someone more computer savvy than I am how to get around it, and he clicked on a few things and said, basically, "You can't. You'll have to find an independent e-mail address and use that to contact this person." Gee, thanks, If I had the persona's direct e-mail address, I'd have used it. Any suggestions?
“Hostility is anger, which is stage 2. At least they didn't start with denial. Some, I see, have moved on to bargaining. Me, I'm at acceptance. I've done the stages”
Except that it may not be the future. First, for the most part, middle class women who want kids are getting married. Maybe more than a decade or two ago. Second, married women are outbreeding unmarried mothers, who, in turn, are (obviously) out breeding women foregoing children. At least outside the Black community, there appears to be a significant correlation between religiosity and family size in this country. And religiosity also seems to correlate well with more traditional marriage roles. Which is, to say, that the jury is really still out here.
I think the best answer is Christ. In addition to the transformative power of the gospel, Christianity can ennoble celibacy and provide a strong counterpoint to the idea that success is measured in material wealth and sexual conquest.
Right now, that's not the popular answer, unfortunately.
You notice the difference in the tone (darkness, color) of the sky between the right and center, right? We get this effect with polarizers because the light is most polarized at 90 degrees from the direction to the sun. Since we cannot sense polarized light with our eyes, we usually do not notice it, but the filters make it obvious, and it doesn't look natural.
But, I don't live in Wisconsin (never been there, alas) so don't go by me.
How about legalized prostitution? Govt subsidized. Free sex to take the pressure off all these angry young men you speak of. Gainful, tax paying employment for welfare moms and unskilled females of all ages. Remove the stigma, as has been done for sex before marriage, children out of wedlock, welfare dependency, homosexuality,drug addiction. Each formerly, whether rightfully or wrongly, a reason for shame and embarrassment. Might take a generation for majority acceptance, as aforementioned has.
Change my mind
8/5/19, 2:49 PM
Only to add that if men can be drafted to give their bodies for their country, this is a way for women to do the same. And the women can really enjoy themselves and let go because, they don't have any choice, which is the way they like it.
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Will that biker move over or expect you to risk your life passing on a curve?
A liberal just blocked me for asking him to explain what he thinks I said in his own words. LOL even trying to reason with these people is considered hate speech.
This is why we're not going to be able to have a civil arrangement with them. They've taken discussion off the table. What's left? Violence.
It’s a bike path. No cars. I was biking, but going the other way.
That's funny my brain didn't adjust the scale. I just looked and assumed it was a roadway. But for cars to fit on that the tree would have to be a monster.
You say bike path, I'm going to pretend two lane Highway. Because I like big trees.
"You say bike path, I'm going to pretend two lane Highway."
I think you need to face reality, Fen. That is a one lane Highway.
"I think you need to face reality, Fen. That is a one lane Highway."
If I am one of two cars on a road I can make the determination on the number of lanes available.
I am Laslo.
How beautiful is Wisconsin.
"You say bike path, I'm going to pretend two lane Highway."
I think you need to face reality, Fen. That is a one lane Highway.
Now it's a two lane highway that identifies as an overpass.
I wish there was way to stop these mass shooters from being glorified on TV. That is what they want; to be famous - even it is only infamous and only for a day.
At least cyclists out your way actually use the bike lanes built for them. In the Washington, DC, suburbs it was not uncommon to see a cyclist in the road, creating a problem to safely get past him (or her), while about ten or twenty feet to the side a perfectly good, parallel, bike path, built for tens or hundreds of thousands of tax dollars, was unused.
It’s a bike path. No cars.
Not anymore! Meep Meep!
I found love on a two way street
And lost it on a lonely highway
Love on a two way street
And lost it on a lonely highway
Seeing so much press about gun control. Can anyone explain: why hasn't any Dem candidate, or other Dem leader, proposed a bill to repeal the second amendment? Wouldn't that be a great way to differentiate oneself?
I see the usual suspects online have piled the dead bodies into a makeshift soapbox from which to lecture us about our shameful desire to protect ourselves from the socialist utopia they would build.
They have all these pre-written talking points ready and are pissed that we're not lining up to be demonized.
Love winding paths, either for cars, bikes or humans on foot.
National Propaganda Radio keeps reporting the El Paso shooter was right wing. No mention that he ranted against both Democrats and Republicans, how he hated big corporations and blamed them for encouraging immigration or that climate change meant time was running out. I am disgusted and furious as how media is blatantly lying to push their agenda of hate.
The road is long
With many a winding turn
That leads us to who knows where
Who knows where
It's like you need Roddy pipers glasses to see past the blank pages
David French is really earning his mustard
cacimbo -
8chan is an alt-right white supremacist site. Does that help? If not read the shooter's manifesto on Drudge.
People find interesting things to get disgusted and furious about.
I think you're on to something:
Mass shooters are becoming more troll than psycho
Also, the mayor of Dayton states as a matter of fact that there have been 250 mass shootings THIS YEAR.
People find interesting things to get disgusted and furious about.
Outrage tourism.
The FBI found white supremacist material AND radical islam material in the Gilroy shooter's house.
Seeing as his grandfather was Iranian, it's not surprising
Dayton Shooter Was a Satanist, Leftist-Socialist, and Bernie/Warren Fan, Supported Antifa.
Gadfly hardest hit.
It worked with dunblane and port Arthur, it even worked with colin Ferguson for about a decade, so why not wave the bloody shirt
David French is really earning his mustard.
Does this mean that he makes and sells French's Mustard?
"Also, the mayor of Dayton states as a matter of fact that there have been 250 mass shootings THIS YEAR."
Well, there sure seem to have been a lot.
Is this the same site that the tsarnaevs and the San Bernardino killers as victims?
Maybe a lot of these mass shooters are undeclared incels. Men without women tend to go amok.
I always wonder about the ones reacting to being bullied. What do they think they're going to face in prison? Or do they expect to be killed?
Robert Cook said...
"Also, the mayor of Dayton states as a matter of fact that there have been 250 mass shootings THIS YEAR."
Well, there sure seem to have been a lot.
Yeah sure---if your list of "mass shootings" includes instances of no deaths, and more than one injury.
So--let's all disarm ourselves, and everything will be fine....right? Isn't that how it's worked out in Chicago and other cities with strict gun controls?
Just what is it about progs that they cannot learn from experience, but instead keep repeating the same nonsense over and over, pretending that "this time it'll change"??
"Yeah sure---if your list includes no deaths, and more than one injury."
A mass shooting incident does not have to include mass casualties to qualify as a mass shooting incident. If someone takes a swing at you and misses, it doesn't mean someone didn't try to assault you.
Robert Cook said...
Maybe a lot of these mass shooters are undeclared incels. Men without women tend to go amok.
Yeah. We see that every day in China---where policies to decrease the number of female births over the past thirty years have resulted in huge numbers of "men w/o women" running amok.
Oh wait....
Drago said...
Dayton Shooter Was a Satanist, Leftist-Socialist, and Bernie/Warren Fan, Supported Antifa.
Gadfly hardest hit.
cacimbo specifically referred the El Paso shooter, dummy. So I guess you should check to see who got bit.
I read the shooters manifesto. That is how I know he hated both Republicans, Democrats, big corporations, and was concerned about climate change. Yes - he ranted about immigrants - ALL immigrants. That doesn't make him "right wing" he doesn't fit squarely into either camp. He had many left wing views. Rather than report that - media have placed him solidly on the right. That is a vile lie. Still have not heard big media acknowledge that the OH shooter was a Warren supporting registered Democrat. I believe the media's selective reporting and flat out lies make them as evil as the shooters. It is beyond irresponsible - it is flagrant corruption.
Is it the white supremacists in Baltimore? Chicago?
the US homicide rate in 2017 was 5.3 per 100,000 making Baltimore homicide rate ten times larger than that in the US overall.
Hes a murderous punk, whatever your politics when you start murdering civilians, they are all moot.
And twice that of central American capitals maybe Baltimore residents can seek asylum in Wilmington
What a lovely willow. I have always found them so beautiful.
Yeah. We see that every day in China---where policies to decrease the number of female births over the past thirty years have resulted in huge numbers of "men w/o women" running amok.
The policy was simply to reduce the number of births, (for purposes of managing population growth relative to available resources), not to limit the number of female births. The imbalance in boy/girl births in China is a by-product of cultural mores: boy children are more valued than girl children, so, given the limit on permitted children, many expecting parents chose to abort female fetuses so they could try for a boy. Criminal behavior by men has been one of several consequences of the male/female imbalance.
Just like the previous rhetoric:
Twitter account of the alleged Dayton attacker
His account promoted:
-Bernie Sanders
-Elizabeth Warren
-Strong anti-ICE rhetoric
-He called the terrorist who attacked the ICE facility in Tacoma a "martyr"
There are some European analogs say in Italy with piazza Fontana which inspired the red brigade or that incident in west Germany where a policemen shot a protester the twist was the p policemen was a atasi agent.
Maybe a lot of these mass shooters are undeclared incels. Men without women tend to go amok.
There's always a fat chick with tattoos. Do you really buy into these distinctions? Have you no critical thinking skills?? Guys not getting pussy has been an issue for a long time.
Back in my college days (1969 to 1973) a popular activity for bikers (motor cyclists) was to pass cars by driving down the center line as opposite direction traffic passed by. Scary stuff when done on then curving Highway 12/18 between Cambridge and Madison.
Passing by driving down the center line would not work on the bike path in Ann's picture.
BTW, Minnesota does not paint center lines on the bike trails in my part (SE) of the state. That gives our trails a less regulated feel. Of course, we only use our trails in October after the Minnesota state bird, the mosquito, has migrated to southern swamps.
Yes that seems a weak excuse, I guess they needed one, since you can't speak plainly of evil.
Cook, quoting me: "Yeah. We see that every day in China---where policies to decrease the number of female births over the past thirty years have resulted in huge numbers of "men w/o women" running amok."
Your response involves criminality , NOT men running amok and shooting up people at random.
Further, it's highly disingenuous to argue that China was neutral as to which sexes were to be curtailed---and you fricking know it. Girls have always been the less-favored sex there.
In any event , the incidence of incels in the US is on a scale much, much, much smaller than the female/male imbalances in China and India. IN the latter case, we're talking about tens of millions of males.
Just what the fuck point were you making? How do you KNOW the perps in Ohio and Texas were incels?
35 Adorable Photos Of Harvest Mice Living Their Tiny Lives By Dean Mason
"Tarantino fashioned his nostalgic world out of love, while Trump fashions his out of hate."
from Maureen Dowd's "Requiem for White Men"
It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.
--JRR Tolkien writing in The Hobbit / LOTR
One can speak plainly of evil, Narciso.
Here is one way to do it:
Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the Devil,
May G*D rebuke him, we humbly pray,
and do thou,
Prince of the Heavenly Hosts,
Cast down to hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl the world seeking the ruin of souls.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, Pray for us.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, Pray for us.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, Pray for us.
Cook: Maybe a lot of these mass shooters are undeclared incels. Men without women tend to go amok.
Hey Cook, looks like one of the corpses you dragged onto your soapbox is trying to crawl away. Maybe if you stab her harder she'll stay put?
Cook: A mass shooting incident does not have to include mass casualties to qualify as a mass shooting incident. If someone takes a swing at you and misses, it doesn't mean someone didn't try to assault you.
So that means armed civilians are stopping thousands of "mass shootings" every day.
Thank you for finally realizing the solution is more guns, not less.
did Kammy just shoot herself in the other foot?
Kamala Harris Suggests As Pres She’d Send Law Enforcement Door-To-Door To Confiscate Guns In Wake Of El Paso Shooting
Indeed Stephen cooper, what comes across more clearly is we are fighting not men 'but powers and princes and principalities'
Now it's a two lane highway that identifies as an overpass.
And a clan of squirrels has set up a toll booth at the far end. They made a giant human on a bicycle out of acorns to scare the hawks away.
You guys should embrace my reality, it's much more fun. Just don't feed those squirrels.
Is that more Spring Green? Really pretty.
I was there once and I thought the place was really special.
So--let's all disarm ourselves, and everything will be fine....right? Isn't that how it's worked out in Chicago and other cities with strict gun controls
And just for fun, lets assume we all agree to disarm ourselves but that has no effect on the number and frequency of mass shootings. Who thinks they will let us have our firearms back after they've been proven wrong?
My takeaway is that I should ignore “Gun Free Zone” signs. The crazy guys ignore them, so I should, too. Here in Virginia the worst that can happen if someone notices my handgun is that I would be asked — politely! — to leave. But at least I would be able to return fire if someone shows up with a gun in his hand and mass murder on his mind. Better to be judged by twelve than carried by eight!
Want to see how much the Left really cares about shooting victims?
Tell them will we turn in our guns if they agree to outlaw Marxism, socialism, etc.
Then sit back with some popcorn as they dissemble.
It's like proposing nuclear power to stop climate change. "For some reason", they oppose any solutions that don't involve Moar Socialism. Gee I wonder why...
Now it's a two lane highway that identifies as an overpass.
And a clan of squirrels has set up a toll booth at the far end. They made a giant human on a bicycle out of acorns to scare the hawks away.
Hang on. The Spotted Tail Squirrel faction is demanding the whole clan unionize against a snake infestation that the others aren't taking seriously. Looks like a roadblock on our journey to Squirrel Utopia.
I told you guys not to feed them, but noooooo....
Arent those called skunks, Or raccoons.
Went to a baby's funeral this weekend. Beautiful Mass and eulogy by the priest, procession to the grave, and then graveside prayers. The father was the sole pallbearer, carrying the tiny coffin in his arms. The funeral ended with him placing the coffin in the ground, burying it, and arranging the clods of grass on top with his youngest son. Yes, everyone was crying, even the unrelated teenage boys.
So far, every story I've read about the El Paso perp leaves out his ranting about the environment.
@freeman hunt
here you be:
Que sorpresa, why would that be?
gadfly: "cacimbo specifically referred the El Paso shooter, dummy. So I guess you should check to see who got bit."
I specifically was not referring to the El Paso shooter nor any previous post.
Had you read more closely that would have been obvious.
But you didn't. Thus beclowning yourself again.
As always.
Again, it's a real mystery why your ill-fated blogsite failed so utterly.
A real mystery.....
Hello, Freeman Hunt.
How has the slippery slope been treating civilization?
You ready to concede yet?
Forty-six people were shot in Walmart in El Paso. Over this past weekend Chicago had forty-seven. And the weekend has two hours to run.
If mass shootings triple next year, do you want more armed good guys at every venue or less, because gun control only reduces the lawfully armed people around you and gives the mass shooters a less difficult task assuring greater body counts. I guess you always have 911 to call and wait while the killer walks toward you and yours.
Arent those called skunks, Or raccoons.
The proper term is "spot-impaired", you mephitidae-phobic bigot!
In almost every age group in the USA females outnumber males. The incel problem, and there is an incel problem, exists for multiple reasons. The biggest, explained in the manosphere, is female hypergamy. Most females delude themselves into thinking they're the one who can take the alpha male. If he has his way, and he does as long as women keep throwing themselves at him, no one will take him. One of the reasons I detest sexual harassment policies is "Hey, you look great today! is a compliment with a flirt back when uttered by the alpha, yet the exact same words uttered by a perceived male of lesser desirability is sexual harassment. Incels are your basic losers.
If you walk through Walmart on a regular basis you can observe there is a woman for every man and a man for every woman. If the women are willing to settle for less than they want. In the critical 18-25 year old range some men aren't going to be able to find a match, because the women are all trying to land the big one. And that's where you get your incel loser shooter from. And it does appear that is what the shooters are.
Yesterday about 1pm I was en route to Madison, about 20mi East on I-94.
Traffic was pretty heavy for a Saturday, folks pushing the speed a bit high for my taste so I stayed in right lane, letting folks pass as need be.
With zero warning a car blew past me on the right shoulder and swerved across into the left lane at rocket speed.
Scared the shit out of me, needless to say.
The number of people at risk from that maneuver is insane.
It happened so fast I didn't get the make of car, much less the plate.
glad you're safe. thank God
The President of the United States:
Terrible shootings in ElPaso, Texas. Reports are very bad, many killed. Working with State and Local authorities, and Law Enforcement. Spoke to Governor to pledge total support of Federal Government. God be with you all!
Today’s shooting in El Paso, Texas was not only tragic, it was an act of cowardice. I know that I stand with everyone in this Country to condemn today’s hateful act. There are no reasons or excuses that will ever justify killing innocent people.
Melania and I send our heartfelt thoughts and prayers to the great people of Texas.
Message of Love --Pretenders
Now the reason we're here
Every man, every woman
Is to help each other
Stand by each other
When love walks in the room
Everybody stand up
Oh it's good, good good
Say I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you
Talk to me darlin'
Talk to me darlin'
Talk to me darlin'
Talk to me darlin'
"Hey Cook, looks like one of the corpses you dragged onto your soapbox is trying to crawl away. Maybe if you stab her harder she'll stay put?"
I have no idea what this means.
"Just what the fuck point were you making? How do you KNOW the perps in Ohio and Texas were incels?"
Did I touch a nerve or something?
I never said anything asserting the shooters were incels. I simply asked a rhetorical question...and I was being 90% facetious. (Only 90% instead of 100% because, well...you never know.)
This is where I come to read that the solution to mass shootings is more guns.
This is where I come to read that the solution to mass shootings is more guns.
Of course it is,. You lefties have no idea of defending yourselves, "Gun free zones " remember that. Watch out for them
Or, rather that asking a question, (now that I re-read it) I made a rhetorical conjecture. Hence, the term "maybe." Still mostly facetious. But the gang here is bankrupt of humor, being a cohort (mostly) of fanatics and kooks.
The solution to mass murderers is more laws.
"There's always a fat chick with tattoos."
Ha! The incels, a motley group of emotionally ill losers, won't accept anything less than the most beautiful women begging them (the incels) to ravish them on first sight!
"Yes - he ranted about immigrants - ALL immigrants."
No, he didn't. The second sentence of that manifesto is this: "This attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas."
In the critical 18-25 year old range some men aren't going to be able to find a match, because the women are all trying to land the big one.
Have you considered the Helen Smith theory?
She make some good points.
American society has become anti-male. Men are sensing the backlash and are consciously and unconsciously going “on strike.” They are dropping out of college, leaving the workforce and avoiding marriage and fatherhood at alarming rates. The trend is so pronounced that a number of books have been written about this “man-child” phenomenon, concluding that men have taken a vacation from responsibility simply because they can. But why should men participate in a system that seems to be increasingly stacked against them?
Pornography and free sex have changed the dynamic.
The two places to avoid are gun-free zones and areas controlled by gangs with heavily armed members. Gun-free zones are marked; maybe gang zones should be marked also. "Police-free Zone"? Or maybe "Chicago City Limits?"
Yikes Walter stay safe,
This is where I come to read that the solution to mass shootings is more guns.
Go back and re-examine mass shooting incidents. In some of them the shooters had high casualty counts, in others low. Now figure out why. Hint: It had to do with more guns.
"If the women are willing to settle for less than they want. In the critical 18-25 year old range some men aren't going to be able to find a match, because the women are all trying to land the big one."
Well, everyone wants to "land the big one." That's they way it works in nature, too. Men want beautiful women because their beauty indicates good health--good for making healthy babies--and women want successful men because they will be able to provide for them and the children. It all comes down to reproduction in the end.
The incels are just incapable of social interaction necessary to find a woman who would be a match for them, and they blame women for their own social inabilities. I'm sympathetic to their pain, but not in the least to their externalizing their pain as anger and blame at women for not swooning over them.
They do usually appear to be incel types. Perhaps that's not what drives their murderous rage though. Perhaps women are a calming influence, keeping murderous rage in check, so it's the ones without women who act on it.
good thing he didnt get his hands on a truck
July 15, 2016 NICE, France — A truck rammed into a crowd celebrating Bastille Day in the French Riviera city of Nice on Thursday night, killing at least 84 people in an apparent terrorist attack in which the driver also opened fire on revelers before being shot dead by police.
Truck Violence!
Perhaps women are a calming influence, keeping murderous rage in check, so it's the ones without women who act on it.
I think that's very true. I have a rage that's kept in check because I know I would be caught, and what it would do to my wife to lose me to incarceration.
We joke about the number of lives her domesticating influence has had on me. But the hard truth is: I have a bucket list and it's full of names, not places to visit or things to experience.
If I get the call from my doctor that I have 6 months to live, I'm taking them with me.
"You're happy** to see me, so I know that's not a gun in your pocket"
so no need for 'gun control' !! -- just National Mandatory Dating
It wasnt the guns after all.
**Happiness is a warm (yes it is) gun
“National Propaganda Radio keeps reporting the El Paso shooter was right wing. No mention that he ranted against both Democrats and Republicans, how he hated big corporations and blamed them for encouraging immigration or that climate change meant time was running out. I am disgusted and furious as how media is blatantly lying to push their agenda of hate.”
His web page said he was a registered Democrat, until it was hacked, and that changed to Republican. Then, of course, the MSM dutifully reports him to have been right wing.
Imagine Corey Booker without his boo!
That testosterone unbridled!
The photo reminds me of one of my favorite Saki stories, The Great Weep.
we only use our trails in October after the Minnesota state bird, the mosquito, has migrated to southern swamps.
They can fly about 1.5 mph, so keep moving and they won't catch you. Take a Pringle's can in case you need to pee without stopping.
Have any shooter been found to be NRA member?
Could such membership be mandated instead of gun control!
That might be an enochian horror unleashed
No worries.
If he's being misrepresented, there can be a retraction when the incident ceases to be in the news cycle.
So the Washington examiner and national review had decided to go along with every other publications narrative.
MEDICAL ERRORS ARE THE third leading cause of death in the U.S., after heart disease and cancer, causing at least 250,000 deaths every year, according to an analysis out Tuesday indicating that patient safety efforts fall far short.
10 percent of U.S. deaths are due to preventable medical mistakes.
250,000/365 = ~685
48 hr period: 685 x 2 = ~1370
Helen Smith in Men on Strike is saying the same thing in a different manner. Free sex from women is distributed unevenly- hypergamy in action. Pornography? Satisfying for some, not all. And the manosphere says the same thing. Why should an alpha tie hisself down in marriage and risk his assets? If the women get desperate for babies, they'll pick some beta and use him- with many cuckolding him for the sperm donation. Other women will pick some dream alpha from a fertility clinic catalog, deluding themselves into believing the catalog description of the donor is accurate, unlike dating site profiles. There are donors with over 50 kids they have zero responsibility for or interest in.
Hopefully tox screens will be run on these shooters.
Helen Smith make a good case that we have damaged a generation of boys/young men, so sad.
but I am surprised we are not speaking of the relentless incitement from every @NPR radio station and every @NYTimes, maligning a decent people in the most hateful mischaracterizations. What does that do to those that are falsely accused? What does that do to the eager but lonely wanne-bees on either side of these issues?
we know google and facebook have toyed with their algorithms, and studied their effects, and learned.
What algorithms by those guys were applied to these two specimens? i hope congress asks the question.
meanwhile, i will keep my blame aimed @AriShapiro & the Grrrls at @NPR news first and foremost, whores for power, mouthing the MindMassage of the Supremacist Elites, so that we all rightly emote. may history show they fail.
(1) The two shooters were both psychos -- as were most of the other shooters previously in the news who weren't religious fanatics.
(2) Notwithstanding the 2nd amendment, psychos shouldn't have access to guns.
(3) Nobody wants to have to deal with psychos when you're alone (unless you're either a very brave or very stupid mental health professional).
Murder of Kathryn Faughey
Kathryn Faughey was a 56-year-old New York City psychologist who was murdered by 39-year-old David Tarloff at her upper East Side Manhattan office on the night of February 12, 2008.
David Tarloff had exhibited disturbing behaviours for almost two decades, and was well-known to the medical and psychiatric establishment and the police force. During these years, up to the time of the Kathryn Faughey murder, he received a wide range of psychiatric assessments and treatments. He received medication and electroshock therapy by force.[1]
(4) Nikolas Cruz, the psycho shooter who killed 17 people last year in the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida had a long rap sheet at his former school.
Miami Herald MARCH 09, 2018
Shooter revealed gory fantasies to his therapists years before the Parkland massacre
'...The rage and obsession with violence documented by Cruz’s therapists during nearly two years of interactions when he was 15 to 17 years old continued through his school career: Again and again, authorities were warned about the teen’s explosive tendencies and lack of impulse control. Again and again, authorities ignored the warnings.
In addition to the troubling behavior Cruz exhibited at the schools he attended — including an incident in which the teen reportedly brought a backpack with bullets to class — law enforcement officers were also alerted that Cruz might be dangerous.
The FBI failed to act on two tips about Cruz, one of which involved Cruz posting online that he planned to become a “professional school shooter.” The Broward Sheriff’s Office was also warned about the teen, and had received a report that he “planned to shoot up the school.”'
Talk therapy is a big business. The record shows it is rarely (if ever) effective on psychos.
You have to medicate them. Then they go off their meds because of the side effects.
If you do a QEEG (Quantitative Electroencephalogram) on these people you see brain abnormalities. How'd that happen? More likely than not, by the effect of brain inflammation from having a poorly modulated immune system.
IMO, perhaps the best quick and dirty intervention to address brain inflammation (which has been mostly studied in Alzheimer's) is reviewed here:
Photonics 2019, 6(3), 77
Photobiomodulation for Alzheimer's Disease: Has the Light Dawned?
Michael R. Hamblin
Wellman Center for Photomedicine, Massachusetts General Hospital
Department of Dermatology, Harvard Medical School,
Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology
Neil dG Tyson getting slammed for his tweet
In the past 48hrs, the USA horrifically lost 34 people to mass shootings.
On average, across any 48hrs, we also lose…
500 to Medical errors
300 to the Flu
250 to Suicide
200 to Car Accidents
40 to Homicide via Handgun
Often our emotions respond more to spectacle than to data.
Medical Violence!
Well it is the inherent violence in the system dint you know, a
As a wiseman once said 'doctors will lop off the wrong appendage, for profit"
Name the wise man, tongue planted firmly in cheek.
Does his name "rhyme with Obama"?
(That would be the Meathead Moore/Lou Reed school of rhyme.)
I wrote it just the other day- a prescription for societal disaster is having too many males aged 14-50 with nothing but themselves for which to be responsible. How do they get that way? They get that way by being raised in fatherless homes. They get that way by getting access to sex without any consequences, responsibilities, or commitments to raising children themselves.
You want to know what the future of the US is going to be? Look at countries where large fractions or even majorities of the men aren't married to a single female. None of those societies are rich and all of them are hand to mouth existence. Wives and children civilize their men- without that constraint and guiding force men will turn their creative abilities to destruction every time.
And if you are lucky, it will be turned only to self-destruction. However, that won't be the case even a majority of the time.
Yes in deed, that's the one, with a cult of personality that had school teachers compose songs for children to sing his praises, furthermore some 100 actors made pledges of loyalty to him.
Not The Babylon Bee or The Onion:
Confusion: Biden offers sympathy for the ‘tragic events in Houston today and also in Michigan
"Hello, Cleveland!"
At least Houston is in Texas, and Michigan borders Ohio. Close enough for politics.
Wanting to inflict actual physical harm against someone 'cause they blocked you on Facebook or deleted your comments off of their blog is not a rational nor sane response. If you are that worked up over something so piddlin' then please seek professional help.
Yancey, it's all fun and games until the Iranians grab an oil tanker and President Biden (God forbid!) sends cruise missiles at Baghdad. Because confused.
“To say nothing in a time of rising hatred, it’s not enough to say that ‘I’m not a hate monger myself.’ If you are not actively working against hate, calling it out, you are complicit in what is going on.” — Corey Booker
Where did we hear that before?
Oh right: When racism exists, it's not enough to say, "I'm not a racist"—we must be anti-racist. — Corey Booker
Of course he stole that from Angela Davis, but I digress.
According to Booker we must be against freedom of thought, we must hate hate, and soon we must be actively working to get rid of the second amendment.
After all, Booker’s logic holds it’s not enough to be a responsible gun owner, you must be working to eliminate your right to own a gun.
... Texas historically Republican ...
Well, if you consider history to have begun ca. 1980.
What I've learned here is that Leftist Collectivists think an inability to secure female attention makes boys into Republicans.
I'm going to need a bit more proof than name calling.
To be fair, the average Leftist Collectivist thinks history began 15 minutes ago.
@ Lydia
You are correct. He did single out hispanics for his hate. What I meant to say by "ALL" immigrants was that he did not distinguish between legal and illegal immigrants. Which for most of us concerned over immigration is the issue.
It is when they, or at most when their parents, were born.
"Perhaps women are a calming influence, keeping murderous rage in check, so it's the ones without women who act on it."
The scheme of using women to tame and discipline men is over. Women became conscious of it and able to get along economically without having to set up a household with a man. Without all the women needing to pair with a man, which gave all the men a woman to perform this function, we have millions of untamed men left in the wild. As a group, we don't like what these men do, the ones who act out, but women don't accept the role of "calming influence, keeping murderous rage in check" where they can see what it is and are not forced. There's no answer for men, and little enthusiasm for embracing them as an oppressed, needy group.
That's why our society's going to hell in a hanfbasket.
The Professor @ 7:18 has nailed it. Men need to grow up and take on responsibility. No excuses.
And there you have the Jordan Peterson phenomenon in a nut shell. Women are no longer free gifts. Men have to earn one.
"The scheme of using women to tame and discipline men is over"
My father and the generations of my ancestors before him cleverly concealed their parts in this scheme by shoveling pig poop for centuries.
These incels are the real victims and not, CNN, vanity Fair, Google, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are the perpetrators.
That's a good pet peeves you people are hauling up on the stack of corpes. All triggered by Robert.
Robert Cook is correct about incels—nearly everyone hopes to punch above their weight. As reality sets in, most either try to improve themselves or lower their expectations (or both). Most incels are capable of attracting a decent woman, but they’d rather get angry at all women because they get rejected by the cheerleader and develop absurd theories about how alpha males take all the women, leaving none for anybody else (why alpha males are generally exempt from their anger is another post).
It’s a cowardly, narcissistic response to what for most people is just normal dating travails.
Women do provide calm and civilization of untamed men. The problem is these incels are already pussified, which no real woman wants
Biden, 76, mistakenly referred to the shootings as “the tragic events in Houston today and also in Michigan the day before," but later corrected himself, according to a pool report.
No, that’s excerpted from a regular news source and not The Onion nor The Babylon Bee. And that’s the Democrat candidate who’s leading the polls.
The greater loss is to women. They are made to create families, and very large numbers aren't. Technology and its derivative memes sidetrack them into weird passages lined with human flypaper.
Men are expendable, in many ways. We are here to attempt what we can, and if we can't, we can't. There is a fatalism to men that women rarely get.
@Ann - reap what you sow then.
Instead of engaging in the age old barter of men bringing home the bacon, and women having their children, and the two raising them together, we now have society taking the bacon from the men at gunpoint, to give to the women as welfare, as they attempt, very often unsuccessfully, to raise their children without their fathers in their lives. You wonder why the inner cities have gotten so violent? It is from women unsuccessfully trying to raise boys, and ultimately girls, without fathers. #1 predictor for whether a kid will eventually end up in prison is whether or not he had his father in the house growing up. You may have been successful at it. More women than not are not.
Superficially, the welfare state is attractive esp to single women. They can have sex with whomever they want, have kids with whomever they want, and the rest of society will support them and their children by taxing everyone else in society to provide them with welfare. No wonder probably the biggest Dem demographic is unmarried women. If women, on average, were as capable of raising kids by themselves, or within their maternal families, then you might be able to argue that welfare is overall a good thing. But it pushes the men out of their kids’s Lives, and that ends up encouraging behaviors that are inimical to a stable society. The boys aren’t civilized by their maternal families, and the girls don’t learn about unconditional make love and approval.
But it is more than just welfare. Males are the ones who create outside the house - statistically, by a large margin. Most important inventions continue to be made by men. While men are inventing the Internet, automobiles, planes, etc, the average female invention is a beauty product, or something around the house - except, again the important inventions there. Ditto for most large fortunes, again made by men. We give you the technology that makes your lives comfortable, build your houses, your roads, etc, and your response is that women owe no obligation to the men who provide those things to them.
As Dr Smith pointed out, males are figuring this out. Why slave over a hated job for decades, when they can earn enough working minimally to play much of the time (if their resources aren’t going to go for raising their own children)? This has the advantage of passing on the welfare and criminal justice costs of raising other guys’ children off to the rest of society, since their incomes are often too low to pay much in taxes. It is far more fun to ski and mountain bike, or hang around on the street corner, or local bar, than work for the “man”. Of course, the single mothers aren’t paying the price either, at least financially, because, as a group, they are the largest recipients of taxpayer largess, in the form of welfare of one type or another- though they often do pay emotionally, in attending their boys’ early funerals or visiting them in prison. In any case, that leaves everyone else holding the financial bag for the slacking guys and welfare mothers. Societally, this is unstable, because the incentives are counterproductive. Fatherless childrearing is encouraged by being subsidized, and two parent childrearing is discouraged through taxation. If you want more of a behavior, subsidize it. And tax it if you want less. Basic economics.
Mass shooters are becoming more troll than psycho
Like other shootings, most mass shootings are family or gang events: people shooting people they know and perhaps some bystanders.
And most mass shootings are omitted from the "Mother Jones" and "Whappo" lists of mass shootings because their definition is: "indiscriminate rampages in public places resulting in four or more victims killed by the attacker" so family and gang shootings and shootings in homes are...ignored.
“why alpha males are generally exempt from their anger is another post”
Easy - they are the alphas. Bigger, stronger, smarter, etc. Males are innately hierarchical, which means that we instinctively know that it is usually fruitless, and traditionally quite dangerous, to fight higher ranking males. Instead, it is a better strategy to hang around them, and let their successes help you too.
This accepting of one’s place in the male hierarchy is a cross species survival trait. This is why more males in numerous species don’t die every year during mating season - they only fight relative peers for position, deferring to males who significantly outrank them.
“What I've learned here is that Leftist Collectivists think an inability to secure female attention makes boys into Republicans.”
Rationally, I would expect just the opposite. The males securing wives end up paying far more in taxes, that ultimately go to support welfare mothers and their kids. The males who don’t secure wives can happily spend their lives skiing and mountain biking, or hanging out on the street corner or in the neighborhood bar. Because of their slacking, they have far less skin in the game.
For all of you thinking that shootings indicate a father shortage or some other recent social breakdown, the murder rate in 2018 is the same as it was in 1960. Here's a better recent chart.
"At least Houston is in Texas, and Michigan borders Ohio. Close enough for politics."
I believe Houston is our 57th state, so the confusion is natural.
"The scheme of using women to tame and discipline men is over."
LoL. What a way to put it. The problem is that many men need to be given more of a purpose beyond playing video games and working in an office. That's fine for women, who really need nothing more than a nice cuppa tea and a Lifetime Rerun, but lots of men need more.
In any case, I don't think things will change until the people at the top start feeling the pain. That's the way it always works.
Plus, this needed change will only come from men. Women are great followers and good at maintaining things, but the chances of them ever changing society for the good are ZERO. They're even more conformist and selfish then men, and their natural inclination is to protect the status quo. Even if it sucks. They aren't rebels or game changers.
A mass shooting incident does not have to include mass casualties to qualify as a mass shooting incident.
There are various definitions, but all require at least 3 or 4 people to be shot (casualty=wounded). Or else you'd have dozens or hundreds of mass shootings every day at shooting ranges.
BJS homicide trends
"From 2002 to 2011... about
4% of homicide incidents involved two victims,
0.6% involved three victims, and
0.2% involved four or more victims (figure 22).
In 2011, about 110 homicide incidents involved three victims, or less than 1% of all homicides that year. .. In 2011, of an estimated 13,750 reported homicide incidents, about 25 involved four or more victims."
"The scheme of using women to tame and discipline men is over."
You would think a liberal would place a greater value on what's best for society rather than what's best for me.
"Peterson here is blurring the line between science and morality. ...Morality is simply not an object of scientific investigation. Its existence and properties cannot be proven or disproven by empirical methods."
Well. I hereby retract those statistics 'n' stuff.
As a group, we don't like what these men do,
Aside from making babies to be aborted, you mean.
The family structure lasted 100,000 years. Now, you think you don't need it.
“You would think a liberal would place a greater value on what's best for society rather than what's best for me.”
But then she wouldn’t be a liberal. The liberal mantra is “me, me, me”. In issue after issue, the conservative/liberal divide almost always breaks down as what is good for the country, or society, as a whole, and what is good for the individuals making the demand.
@Bruce Hayden - I should have added, "You would think that if you hadn't been paying attention."
Ann Althouse said...
The scheme of using women to tame and discipline men is over. Women became conscious of it and able to get along economically without having to set up a household with a man.
Truth is, as Bruce Hayden pointed out, women are not able to get along economically setting up a household without a man. Single mother households are subsidized- by working men and women. because DEMOCRATS decided (single mothers with children)=(widows and orphans). Daniel Moynihan warned that this was a bad idea- but he wasn't listened to.
Eventually that idea will be discarded, because it's unsustainable economically. Bruce's comment at 8/5/19, 8:42 AM sums it up. As has been often said- what can't go on won't go on. Question is- when will the system break? And what follows?
"There are various definitions, but all require at least 3 or 4 people to be shot (casualty=wounded). Or else you'd have dozens or hundreds of mass shootings every day at shooting ranges."
Please don't make stupid comments. There is a substantive difference between people at firing ranges shooting at targets for recreational purposes and someone in public firing at other people with harmful intent, even if the person on the street misses all his/her targets.
The former is clearly not a mass shooting incident, the latter clearly is.
The scheme of using women to tame and discipline men is over.
What scheme? Who thought it up? Who implemented it? Who did the using? Where can I find some documentation about this scheme?
However, the scheme of using men to support women continues. It's written into law, in case you want some documentation.
Please don't make stupid comments.
All standard definitions of mass shootings require mass causalities, so you were incorrect.
LoL. What a way to put it.
I know. It's the standard pitiful feminist delusion - scheme! - that women are weak helpless people who float through life like corks bobbing on the stormy seas of life.
"The scheme of using women to tame and discipline men is over. Women became conscious of it and able to get along economically without having to set up a household with a man."
Married with one child peripherals, teacher and chef pay 800.00 a month child care. 2200.00 for an apartment.
That's 3000.00 a month after taxes. Add in two cars, insurance, medical, food, clothes, utilities and more.
Pretty tough for un educated single mom with no skills to raise a kid. Teen mother gets on welfare, pretty hard to get off.
SF Bay area used to have GM, Ford, Shipyards, steel plants, and many other manufacturing places where a high school grad or dropout could get a job and advance enough to afford house, car and a normal life.
There are single working mothers supporting a household. I would like to see a study of how many are divorced, getting child support, how many were in a decent job before getting pregnant, etc.
“There's no answer for men, and little enthusiasm for embracing them as an oppressed, needy group.”
Yes, men are disposable, all men know this, not just the ones who are on the outs at any given time. It’s a problem that won’t go away.
It’s almost like R/V is commenting here as part of a Chinese election influence campaign to unseat Trump. At least it’s not Russia trying to pick our president, so it’s all good.
Why the hostility toward Althouse based on her observations? She's right. All of that is over, and none of us likes the idea of a bunch of angry, single men running around, but what can one do? It's not like Althouse imposed this on society; it's an observation of what, perhaps, is currently the case.
"Why the hostility toward Althouse based on her observations? She's right. All of that is over, and none of us likes the idea of a bunch of angry, single men running around, but what can one do? It's not like Althouse imposed this on society; it's an observation of what, perhaps, is currently the case."
Hostility is anger, which is stage 2. At least they didn't start with denial. Some, I see, have moved on to bargaining. Me, I'm at acceptance. I've done the stages.
"All of that is over, and none of us likes the idea of a bunch of angry, single men running around, but what can one do?"
The brutal, traditional answer is war.
Another thing that can be done and is done right now: Incarcerate them for long stretches of time and feed them drugs that will kill them. It really isn't surprising that a percentage of the millions of men who know they are life's losers decide to take others with them when they delete themselves. It's a very tiny percentage, but it gets a lot of attention, and the attention given to one encourages the next one to go out with a scream. It's not surprising that a second man committed a massacre this weekend after all the attention lavished on the first one.
All of that is over, and none of us likes the idea of a bunch of angry, single men running around, but what can one do?"
The brutal, traditional answer is war.
How about legalized prostitution? Govt subsidized. Free sex to take the pressure off all these angry young men you speak of. Gainful, tax paying employment for welfare moms and unskilled females of all ages. Remove the stigma, as has been done for sex before marriage, children out of wedlock, welfare dependency, homosexuality,drug addiction. Each formerly, whether rightfully or wrongly, a reason for shame and embarrassment. Might take a generation for majority acceptance, as aforementioned has.
Change my mind
AA: You used a polarizing filter on that, didn't you?
- Wide angle lens
- Sky in the picture
- Polarizing filter
Choose any two.
Re: narciso & gadfly on mustard-- Have you noticed that Gulden's Spicy Mustard is now packaged in an opaque black squeeze bottle? I was used to looking in the mustard department for the light brown grainy stuff, it made it hard to find. One wonders what they're trying to hide, no?
I wrote to ConAgra about it and asked what was up? Did their Marketing people suddenly decide that they liked black, shiny things?
They responded with thanks for my comments. But I'd love to see the stats on the customer feedback about that particular brainstorm.
Anyone ever encounter Outlook Express? It's annoying to me that whenever I'm in some government or corporate website, and I click on an e-mail link, I get Outlook Express. I asked someone more computer savvy than I am how to get around it, and he clicked on a few things and said, basically, "You can't. You'll have to find an independent e-mail address and use that to contact this person." Gee, thanks, If I had the persona's direct e-mail address, I'd have used it. Any suggestions?
“Hostility is anger, which is stage 2. At least they didn't start with denial. Some, I see, have moved on to bargaining. Me, I'm at acceptance. I've done the stages”
Except that it may not be the future. First, for the most part, middle class women who want kids are getting married. Maybe more than a decade or two ago. Second, married women are outbreeding unmarried mothers, who, in turn, are (obviously) out breeding women foregoing children. At least outside the Black community, there appears to be a significant correlation between religiosity and family size in this country. And religiosity also seems to correlate well with more traditional marriage roles. Which is, to say, that the jury is really still out here.
I think the best answer is Christ. In addition to the transformative power of the gospel, Christianity can ennoble celibacy and provide a strong counterpoint to the idea that success is measured in material wealth and sexual conquest.
Right now, that's not the popular answer, unfortunately.
“AA: You used a polarizing filter on that, didn't you?”
No. Just a shot from the iPhone.
AA @7:12 PM: Strange. Maybe it has one built in.
You notice the difference in the tone (darkness, color) of the sky between the right and center, right? We get this effect with polarizers because the light is most polarized at 90 degrees from the direction to the sun. Since we cannot sense polarized light with our eyes, we usually do not notice it, but the filters make it obvious, and it doesn't look natural.
But, I don't live in Wisconsin (never been there, alas) so don't go by me.
How about legalized prostitution? Govt subsidized. Free sex to take the pressure off all these angry young men you speak of. Gainful, tax paying employment for welfare moms and unskilled females of all ages. Remove the stigma, as has been done for sex before marriage, children out of wedlock, welfare dependency, homosexuality,drug addiction. Each formerly, whether rightfully or wrongly, a reason for shame and embarrassment. Might take a generation for majority acceptance, as aforementioned has.
Change my mind
8/5/19, 2:49 PM
Only to add that if men can be drafted to give their bodies for their country, this is a way for women to do the same. And the women can really enjoy themselves and let go because, they don't have any choice, which is the way they like it.
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