July 2, 2019

The notion that detained migrants were told to drink out of toilets.

Looks like fake news to me.


Laslo Spatula said...

Perhaps we can help solve the border crisis by just throwing milkshakes at anyone trying to enter unlawfully.

And if there is quick-dry cement in the milkshakes eventually a wall of sorts will be built.

I am Laslo.

Ice Nine said...

Looks like a simple flat-out lie by AOC to me. The fact that it made the news is incidental to that.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Laslo has a brilliant idea! Again.

Hagar said...

Follow the tags and you will come to a clip of a border patrol detainage facility with a picture of a stainless steel toilet fabricated in one unit with a drinking fountain on top. Takes a real genius to design and market something like that, but hey, this is the wonderful world of federal government procurement designed by Congress.

henry said...

We have migrants that have never seen indoor plumbing. Yet they won't be a burden on our society.

CJinPA said...

Combine this inflammatory rhetoric with the NY Times running a piece encouraging the doxxing of Border Patrol agents, and you have an unsustainable situation.

Something has to break. We have the two major parties courting two separate constituencies, Americans and foreigners. Someone has to lower the curtain on this play.

Hagar said...

The thing on top could also be a wash basin, I guess, but it does look like a drinking fountain at the scale and angle of the photograph.

tim maguire said...

I wonder if the people sympathetic to AOC's issues are beginning to wake up to the fact that she is a liability.

Leland said...

So AOC makes these hyperbolic statements, then Antifa uses these remarks as excuses for calling anybody that disagrees Nazis, and then the left violently attacks on the basis that it is ok to fight Nazis.

Meanwhile, we are supposed to be upset that Trump has been accused of raping a woman who throws assassination parties, where guests and their children are encouraged to shoot arrows into pictures of their enemies.

traditionalguy said...

Goebbels would be proud of her. And she never tires or runs out of material.

Mike Sylwester said...

Follow the tags and you will come to a clip of a border patrol detainage facility with a picture of a stainless steel toilet fabricated in one unit with a drinking fountain on top.

Follow what tags?

How about a direct link?

lgv said...

It is quite possible that the woman was told to drink water from the unit or sink above the toilet and misunderstood.

Also, if that is the unit that each cell had, why is she asking about drinking water? Isn't it-self evident where to get water to drink? "Let's see, I get water from this faucet, but I'm not sure...Hey guard!...Where do I get something to drink? Is from this sink, or do I get it from the toilet bowl?" A question no one asks.

traditionalguy said...

Gringo guilt. It is auditioning to replace white guilt.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

AOC or any leftist actor would NEVER lie.

Yancey Ward said...

Of course it is fake news.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Laslo - OK - that is a great idea. An idea the left would agree to since they approve of quikrete milkshakes.

jaydub said...

These types of combination sinks on the tops of toilets are often found in Asian and European bars and restaurants where space is a premium.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Truth is stranger than fake news. There are hybrid toilet drinking fountains.

AOC: "This was in fact the type of toilet we saw in the cell. Except there was just one, and the sink portion was not functioning - @AyannaPressley smartly tried to open the faucet, and nothing came out. So the women were told they could drink out of the bowl."

Skippy Tisdale said...

It sounds like AOC just saw The Big Lewbowski.

jaydub said...

They're not drinking fountains, for Christ sake, they're sinks for washing your hands after using the toilet. That's not to imply that the water coming from the tap is not clean.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I find it irritating we have to detain them at all. They should be turned away and not allowed in. Asylum is being abused and these people come in and disappear.

You want to immigrate to the US? do it lawfully. Our legal immigration must be restricted to the same number as New Zealand.

Fen said...

"woken at odd hours for no apparent reason"

LOL welcome to processing. I was arrested once for failure to appear. Around 1am. It took 4 hours to process me through holding. Judge had written he wanted to see me next day, so no bail.

By 6am I was exhausted and finally settled down on a hard cot for sleep. The "pillow" was useless so I used the trash from my ham sandwich lunch to rest my head on. But during processing, I had made the mistake of admitting I had once been treated for depression.

Guess what? The moment I finally got to sleep, I was "woken up for no apparent reason" and marched back up to processing, where some bored DMV lady recited a bunch of "are you suicidal" questions.

Depriving me of sleep for almost 24 hours. And I'm an American citizen. The People's Republic of MARYLAND. LOL.

Shorter: it's very easy to hyperbolize normal procedure into some sinister "atrocity"

CJinPA said...

So AOC makes these hyperbolic statements, then Antifa uses these remarks as excuses for calling anybody that disagrees Nazis, and then the left violently attacks on the basis that it is ok to fight Nazis.

I think the Left calls this creating a "culture of hate."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Shorter: it's very easy to hyperbolize normal procedure into some sinister "atrocity".

And these same procedures were followed while Obama was prez. No one on the left cared.

Michael K said...

She is an actress. Somebody constructed that story,

traditionalguy said...

They seem to be treated well.They are getting shampoo and eau de toilette.

wendybar said...

Somebody stuck a camera in front of the Little Drama Queen. She just can't help herself. She's lying, and getting more publicity.....https://www.foxnews.com/politics/immigration-border-facility-aoc-hispanic

madAsHell said...

In other news......."Undocumented Migrant Children face Obesity and Diabetes".

Fernandinande said...

¿Porque es el baƱo de tu cerdo? ¡No soy un cambio de marcha!

TreeJoe said...

I'm sorry I don't care if there is a combined toilet/wash basin - which by the way is a good idea.

There is a specific claim that migrants were told to drink out of the toilet bowl. She's congress, she knows what she said . She also said she felt unsafe by guards, that they were trying to force selfies, that someone claimed they were performing psychological warfare, that people went weeks in custody with the ability to shower, etc. etc.

rhhardin said...

The point is to be the topic of conversation. It's between her and Trump. Trump uses it to throw sand in the MSM gearbox on any story they start. AOC uses it to take attention from other democrats.

Hagar said...

Here you go:


You have to scroll down a ways to find the picture. The bowl on top is indeed a hand wash basin.

(and cut and paste just to irritate you some more.)

Fen said...

Here's more proof of AOC hamming it up for the cameras. We are supposed to believe she is looking into the detention center and brought to her knees at the inhumanity.

But it's actually a fenced in parking lot.

Notice also how the video perspective is all about her. Big sad pouty face!

Candice Owens had fun doing a parody of AOC

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Fake news = pro-democratic propaganda news

Real News = bury it, it might make democratics look bad.

narciso said...

so when people are 'triggered' to attack ice personnel, based on this garbage, who does one blame,

Darrell said...

I couldn't drink out of the toilet bowl because of all the Qur'ans they jammed in.

narayanan said...

Thanks Hagar


1846 Series 18″ Wide Combination Units

Willoughby 1846-Series 18” Combination Lavatory/Toilet is a single-user fixture for use in security environments with either 45-degree or 90-degree mechanical chases.

Seeing Red said...

I’m supposed to listen to a female who has issues with garbage disposal.

n.n said...

when people are 'triggered' to attack ice personnel, based on this garbage

AOC should be deplatformed for inciting hate, fear, and violence. That said, her prognostication of a progressive path to a catastrophic conclusion is still a decade in the works.

harrogate said...

"looks like fake news to me."

Well, *that* is truly a shocking twist!

richlb said...

@Fen - A good friend of mine once described her arrest for a minor crime in Maryland where she used her ham sandwich and a pillow.

etbass said...

What are the odds of AOC losing in the 2020 election? Anybody running against her?

wildswan said...

Hey, AOC, Bill DeBlasio - Why not help your own constituents to get clean water?
Those living in New York City Housing Authority apartments are drinking water from dirty, contaminated, poorly cleaned water tanks. In one case a homeless man was living in one tank and using another as his personal toilet. Someone was drinking his toilet water. The situation is getting worse as the water tanks age. DeBlasio is doing nothing. AOC is not visiting these apartments, screaming and crying and drawing attention. Well, the residents in NYCHA apartments are only Americans. And we don't have the money for clean water for them. Although we just appropriated 4.5 billion to get clean water and toilets to non-citizens at the border. If we would have built the wall, we would have $4.5 billion to get clean water to the Americans in NYCHA apartments. But AOC is proud that that didn't happen. It's a mad, mad, mad world, my masters.

Hey, Kamala, Hey Nancy
The homeless in California don't have toilets or drinking water. Why not do something for your constituents? No money? Oh. I thought we just appropriated $4.5 billion so the illegals don't have to live like homeless American citizens. Apparently conditions in refugee camps are better than conditions among LA or San Francisco's homeless. But being a Dem means never having to be sorry for your own people.

Read about it

Bathroom access on skid row is worse than in a Syrian refugee camp, report says
JUN 30, 2017 | 4:00 AM

Homeless people on skid row have less access to bathrooms than Syrian refugees living in a United Nations camp overseas, according to a report released Thursday by a group of homeless service providers, advocates and residents.

The report found only nine public toilets open at night for 1,800 homeless people sleeping on skid row sidewalks and alleys. The conditions violate sanitation standards that the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees sets for long-term camps, including a Jordan installation for Syrian refugees, the report said. ... A spokesman for Mayor Eric Garcetti said he had earmarked $1.3 million in his 2017-18 budget for mobile showers and bathrooms, and the Department of Recreation and Parks is building two permanent restrooms in San Julian and Gladys parks on skid row."


“For those 91,642 Californians who spend nights on streets, in parks, or in vehicles, accessing toilets and clean water for drinking and bathing is a daily struggle — one that not only undermines their health, safety, and dignity, but violates their human right to these basic necessities,” said a 2018 report, Basic & Urgent: Realizing The Human Right To Water & Sanitation For Californians Experiencing Homelessness.

n.n said...

Fake news = pro-democratic propaganda news

According to "Babylon 5", it is right-wing.... libertarian propaganda dressed in left-wing fashion wrapped in a forward-looking work of fiction. A ball of yarns, one may say. Yeah, there is a lot invested.

Fernandinande said...

"officers laughing in front of members Congress."

Nolo commentario.

But it's actually a fenced in parking lot.

♪ ♫ ♪ I cried when I first saw El Paso. ♪ ♪ ♫

Then laughed with joy (not really) when we saw it again after successfully smuggling predisone inside a cow skull.

harrogate said...


Agreed. We absolutely need to address the plight of the homeless and the poor in this country, a plight that very much includes access to clean and safe water. I am sure you will be right up at the front of the line to support legislation for taking on such efforts.

Meanwhile, we can still deplore, and try to stop, the Deplorable practices at the border regarding sanitation, abuses of children, etc., even as we fund the domestic programs for which you are passionately calling.

Fernandinande said...

Clint is just about a suburb of El Paso. FYI.

Bay Area Guy said...

Here's the Left two-step:

1. Create a huge problem at the border, encouraging hordes of illegals.

2. Decry the humanitarian crisis at the border, and blame Trump.

That's how these lying assholes roll.

Rick said...

lgv said...
It is quite possible that the woman was told to drink water from the unit or sink above the toilet and misunderstood.

It's an order of magnitude more likely AOC / activists intentionally obscured reality into their assertion. This is what they do.

wendybar said...

When Latino Pastors say you are lying, I believe the Latino Pastors. https://twitchy.com/samj-3930/2019/07/02/she-lied-her-as-off-hispanic-pastors-tour-border-facility-lambasted-by-aoc-and-are-shocked-by-her-misinformation/

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

AOC lied and needs to be censured.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Or maybe Guatemalans don't know the difference between a faucet and a toilet.

Charlie said...

AOC is eventually going to be discarded by the left in the same way Michael Avenetti was. It's just going to take longer what with the whole elected office thing.

Fernandinande said...

that people went weeks in custody with[out] the ability to shower

I bet those Jews would've appreciated a lack of showers.

Charlie said...

Also, when you've lost Bill Maher, you've lost.

alanc709 said...

You know what they say: in America, don't drink from the toilet. In Mexico, don't drink the water.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

AOC: "This was in fact the type of toilet we saw in the cell. Except there was just one, and the sink portion was not functioning - @AyannaPressley smartly tried to open the faucet, and nothing came out. So the women were told they could drink out of the bowl."

What, do you think you're better than my dog? If it's good enough for her, it's good enough for you!

Otto said...

Reminds me of noise solutions in electronics. The kluge fix was to use a noise abatement filter to reduce the the noise. However when the noise source became larger , that filter was insufficient so you had to put in bigger filter and so it went.It was costly and never really was a long term solution. The real solution was to eliminate the noise source!

tim in vermont said...

I am sure you will be right up at the front of the line to support legislation for taking on such efforts.

Sure, if it gives any sign of actually working, rather than creating perverse incentives that only magnify the problem.

Meanwhile, we can still deplore, and try to stop, the Deplorable practices at the border regarding sanitation, abuses of children, etc.

We are back to perverse incentives aren’t we? You know what would disincentivize Guatemalans from dragging their children through the desert and showing up in hordes at our borders? A wall and realistic rules on asylum.

On the other hand, we. could just keep doing the same thing and keep getting the same result.

tim in vermont said...

I heard a story one time about a prison guard who worked in the tower. He was provided with a “destroylet,” basically a toilet that when you pressed a button, it burned the contents with a propane flame. He used it to heat his frozen pizzas for his lunch.

Fen said...

A good friend of mine once described her arrest for a minor crime in Maryland where she used her ham sandwich as a pillow.

HAHA! See? There's a Ham Sandwich Empire in there somewhere. What can it not do?

narciso said...

ProPublica, was funded by the late subprime pirate Herbert sandler, whose obituary did not have the ring of denunciation, quelle surprise, as say a Madoff even though his damage was magnitude worse,

tim in vermont said...

AOC: "This was in fact the type of toilet we saw in the cell. Except there was just one, and the sink portion was not functioning

Sounds like a funding issue to me.

narciso said...

the bigger picture:


AZ Bob said...

Wildswan was pointing out that the AOC story is made up and that Dems don’t care about human suffering when it is the fault of their own policies. I just heard Rush pick up on that theme. He probably reads Althouse. I’m listening to him in Colmar so I have no idea if the AOC fake news is getting traction with the narrative maintenance technicians.

Michael K said...

I am sure you will be right up at the front of the line to support legislation for taking on such efforts.

I'm right in the front of the line to reopen state mental hospitals. That would take care of about 60% of the homeless plus 25% of the prison population.

How about you ?

Michael K said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tim in vermont said...

You know what else would ease homelessness? If we stopped glamorizing drug use and minimizing its negative effects in popular culture.

But you would have to have actual contact with homeless people to understand any of what is going on there. Sometimes it’s flat out low IQ. I don’t mean a bit slow, I mean like sixth grade level thinking from full on adults. I have seen that too, and its heartbreaking. But we through out the baby with the bathwater with the institutions. Better to have fixed them.

harrogate said...

Michael K, The forced commitments at mental asylums (surely they'd be for-profit ones now, heh) couldn't possibly involve a catastrophe of human rights abuses. History tells us nothing about any of that.

Of course, in the face of those sufferings, as in the face of most all others, you'd likely just write off the sufferings as that of "loons" and then say something about how wonderful you are.

harrogate said...

Ann admits to having been moved to tears by Gorsuch citing a letter by ..... ZOMG . . . John Adams!

Ann shrugs off human rights abuses at the border as "fake news."

Sounds about right. Cruel neutrality!

JAORE said...

But she SAW the toilet water drinking. It was in the concentration camp cells located in the parking lot behind the chain link fence. It is not AOC's fault you guys just are not capable of seeing the invisible (SS) guards and tortured inmates.

After THAT load of crap I am amazed anyone gives any credence to what she says.

Jim at said...

Ann shrugs off human rights abuses at the border as "fake news."

If the conditions are so fucking bad, maybe they could stay in their own fucking countries.

Fen said...

The forced commitments at mental asylums (surely they'd be for-profit ones now, heh) couldn't possibly involve a catastrophe of human rights abuses. History tells us nothing about any of that.

Allow your nation to be conquered, because war involves a catastrophe of human rights abuses, and we can't have that.

Fen said...

Gonna let my teeth rot out, because some dentist in Ontario liked to feel his patients up while they were knocked out.

I could go on. But I'm bored now.

AllenS said...

You know, if you walked from Honduras to the United States, and when you got here you were thirsty and your feet were hot and sweaty that drinking fountain/toilet combo would be just perfect.

Michael K said...

History tells us nothing about any of that.

The earliest known example of fake news. You obviously get your history from movies like "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest."

I would not be so proud of my ignorance if I were you, but of course, I am not you.

Matt said...

'Woken at odd hours' is a direct result of the deaths in custody. CBP officers and Border Patrol agents have expanded the health and welfare checks to keep an eye out for illness or detainees in distress.

Also, many of the 'starving refugees' turn their nose up at the food they are offered. I mean, it aint arugula from Whole Foodz, but if you're starving, it should work.

Last thing, people are 'renting' and 'borrowing' kids to falsely claim family status because kids are essentially 'get out of jail free' cards. They get in, get released after a few days or weeks, and then the kid gets shipped back to be used again. Had an upper-middle-age guy come through with an infant he paid less than $100 to rent from the mom a couple weeks back.

Just putting that out there.

Drago said...

Children are being bought and sold by migrants over and over again to be used as a means to enter our nation illegally and its all due to the rules dems like harrogate support.

Children being bought and sold and put at risk due to multiple border crossings.

Open slave markets in Libya as a direct result of Hillary/Obama/dem policies.

On top of infanticide.

Yeah, I'm not sure I'm up for another morality/crimes against humanity lecture from the Lefties/LLR-lefties.

harrogate said...

Michael K's sourced knowledge of and quality pontifications about history wonderfully parallel rhardin's regarding women.

Oracles in their own mind.

Nonapod said...

We're talking about a person who staged a photo op of her crying to (what turned out to be) an empty parking lot. We're talking about a person who in fact didn't vote for the $4.5 billion aid package that will directly benefit these alleged toilet water drinkers. She has all the ethics and sensibilities of an Al Shaprton or Jessie Jackson, people who will shamelessly use other human beings as props for their personal benefit, all the while claiming to care deeply about the injustices they face, but in reality actually not giving a damn about them.

It's very sad that so many people evidently take anything and everything she says at face value without question. But in the modern age of social media and hysterical media narratives, emotionality is held above reason, words are focused on and deeds are ignored or downplayed. The people who point out problems are heralded as truth telling heros, and the people who try to solve problems are demonized as heatless, racist monsters.

Michael K said...

Blogger harrogate said...
Michael K's sourced knowledge of and quality pontifications about history wonderfully parallel rhardin's regarding women.

I am a physician and have worked in a VA mental hospital. What is your experience,. aside from leftist politics?

References that should help educate you if anything can.

A good personal account for those who can learn.

More about the burden of de-institutionalization on families.

Only recommended for those who do not get their history from movies.

Michael K said...

A bit more on those abused children at the border.

Who are the parents ?

Verifying claims by U.S. border authorities that some illegal immigrants are using children who aren’t theirs to try to enter the United States, Mexican authorities have come forward to assert that illegal immigrants in Tijuana are preying on vulnerable single mothers in shelters by suggesting they sell their children to them.

tim in vermont said...

“Of course, in the face of those sufferings, as in the face of most all others, you'd likely just write off the sufferings as that of "loons”"

Therefore, I Harrogate, am 100% OK with them being turned out onto the street because they make such great propaganda props.

tim in vermont said...

“Mexican authorities have come forward to assert that illegal immigrants in Tijuana are preying on vulnerable single mothers in shelters by suggesting they sell their children to them.”

It’s almost like the policies that we have put in place judicially, rather than through our lawmakers have produced perverse incentives! Naaaah! The problem is Trump!

Leland said...

Can you imagine the media if George Bush had been shown one of these combo sink/toilet and asked how it worked? Oh wait, we don't have to imagine it. Just like we don't have to imagine the media not questioning AOC claims. Snopes and Politifact haven't checked AOC on this matter.

bagoh20 said...

It would justice if someone unjustly calling for impeachment was to be justly impeached herself. Justice + karma = my fantasy with some people.

bagoh20 said...

I want justice these days as much as I wanted sex when I was 18. It's something I fantasize about everyday just like back then. How old do I have to be to get me some?

bagoh20 said...

What kind of shit sandwich is some fool eating everyday just to have sex with her. I pity him like a dog in the pound. I feel I should rescue him, wash him off, and give him a taste of life with nice people.

tim in vermont said...

Support for the policy ordered by a Federal judge that having a kid with you gets you released into the US and effectively a permanent entry into the US is support for the policy of separating children from their parents.

It’s little different than the US paying for the trafficked child directly, since we are awarding something of great value to the person coming into the US with the trafficked child.

But don’t worry, Harrogate’s conscience is clean because he has rationalized away the problem. In psychology they talk about displacement, you displace all of your fears and any other bad thought onto Trump. It’s called “Trump Derangement Syndrome.”

“Oracles in their own mind.”

A name has been called! This is what is known as a knockdown argument! You will have to quit the field Doc, he wins. He called you a name!

"Reject first, ask rhetorical questions later.” - Socrates

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“AOC: "This was in fact the type of toilet we saw in the cell. Except there was just one, and the sink portion was not functioning - @AyannaPressley smartly tried to open the faucet, and nothing came out. So the women were told they could drink out of the bowl."

“What, do you think you're better than my dog? If it's good enough for her, it's good enough for you!”

So, it’s fake news that it’s fake news.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“There was a toilet, but no running water for them to drink.”
Joachim Castro

Astounding how quickly you deplorables try to turn this into fake news. That says a lot about you.

Rick said...

That says a lot about you.

It says we care to separate fact from propaganda. That this distinguishes us from the left says a lot about you.

Beth B said...

AOC is looking for something to cast this detention center as another Abu Ghraib - toilet water drinking fountains = dog leashes. You'd better believe she's just getting started. There will be more.

Makes me wonder how she would feel about a couple hundred thousand or so poor Russians deciding to cross the Canadian border into the US this year? Who knows? They might even be willing to vote for Democrats. Sorry, I mean, isn't she all about taking care of the tired, the poor, the huddled masses? (Despite what can be seen daily on the streets of LA, San Francisco, New York...)

Anonymous said...

We should blood test everyone coming across with a child. If they don't match as parents, charge them with kidnapping.

tim in vermont said...

Except there was just one, and the sink portion was not functioning

She also said it wasn’t a funding problem. Well that sounds like a funding problem to me.

Anonymous said...

I call bullshit. Those units are designed to limit the number of water sources required (among other things). There's one supply line for hot and one for cold - which supplies both the sink and the bowl. If the water ain't coming out of the faucet, there isn't any water going into the bowl, either. If the toilet flushes, there's either cold water running into the sink or cold water running out of the broken pipes.

Fen said...

Inga is very concerned that the abducted kids may not be getting any water...

n.n said...

So, El Salvador is in the conception stage of emigration reform. Mexico is perhaps in the fetal stage of securing their southern border and addressing the casualties and collateral damage to children, women, and men. And, now, America placing Americans first. Novel. With good faith actions, and a good neighbor policy, this could work to mitigate the progress of immigration reform and social justice. And Democrats are on notice for standing against civil rights and denying resources to secure the border for legal immigration and eligible refugees not forced by a demand for labor arbitrage and democratic demographic gerrymandering.

narciso said...

bukitele, is a businessman of Palestinian background, he originally started in politics under the party of the guerillas, the flmn, but after 12 years they've worn out their welcome, that is the faction that is in partnership with the ms 13, so now the new umbrella party that coopted arena is in charge for the time being,

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Meanwhile Joaquin Castro tweeted out a video of a shower at a detention center. I guess we are supposed to be upset because the bathroom facilities provided for poor people from Central America aren't up to the standards of a Four Seasons. Many servicemen and women point out in the comments that the bathroom is superior to the showers they had to use when they were deployed.


Somehow, I think that whining about how basic the basic necessities given to illegals are isn't going to help the Ds.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Turns out the real story is a woman from Guatemala was confused because she had never seen a toilet before. She needed to be shown. She drank from the toilet on her own.

The idea that these detention centers do not provide fresh water to drink is a TOTAL LEFTWING LIE.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Turns out AOC is a liar.

AOC said specifically that detainees were being forced to drink water from toilets.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“The Department of Homeland Security Office of the Inspector General (OIG) discovered extreme overcrowding, prolonged detention stays and health risks at several Border Patrol stations in the Rio Grande Valley sector in south Texas, according to a newly released report.”


Oh yes, the history books will have a lot to say about the Trump years.

Bilwick said...

Wait a minute--"liberals" lie? That's shocking! I mean, if you can't trust people whose basic philosophy consists of legalized looting, who can you trust?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Castro (D- idiot)(not to be confused with the corrupt dictator for life family who rule Cuba) has a video of a very clean room filled with women who look healthy and clean, and have nice blankets and or sleeping bags, (which they were given) and bottled water.

oh the horror.

Turns out the collective left want to abandon all these centers and simply release anyone who comes here illegally.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Perhaps these detention centers are crowded because someone is sponsoring all of these people crossing massive amounts of desert to get here and cross illegally. Plus all the free goodies offered to them.


Hey - Everyone want to improve their life, why don't we let in the entire population of the rest of the globe?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

AOC might find herself on the wrong side of the tape soon.

narciso said...

actually his mother is a che fan, his material is a little blue like Rodney Dangerfield, but without the self deprecation


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Unmask the antifa Nazis. Now.

Ken B said...

The officers who sexually threatened her must be identified and charged. How could she not cooperate in that? These are serious accusations and they must be followed up. Why has she not DEMANDED action against these multiple threatening agents?

Drago said...

Inga is on a tear.

This latest set of lefty lies HAS GOT TO WORK!!Eleventy!

Hey, remember when, jyst about a year ago when the Trump Admin Net Neutrality decision was going to Kill Millions!!! Literally!!

The hoax dossier/hoax collusion/hoax rape charges have set our lefties/LLR-lefties back quite a distance.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

D is for delusional and Dangerous

If you watched either or both of the two Democratic Party presidential candidate debates, and if you are a liberal, a conservative or a centrist, you had to have been depressed. The intellectual shallowness, the demagoguery and the alienation from reality were probably unprecedented in American political history. Only a leftist, a socialist or a communist could have gone to bed a happy person on either night.

If you think this is a baseless generalization, here are a few of myriad examples from the first night:

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass.: "(The economy is not doing great) for the African Americans and Latinx whose families are torn apart, whose lives are destroyed and whose communities are ruined."

Two things stand out: First is Warren's morally reprehensible and false description of the economy. She never explains how the American economy is tearing families apart, destroying lives or ruining communities. Aside from being baseless, it is another left-wing libel against America. "

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

That was Dennis Prager. My hero.

Drago said...

You have to have some empathy for our pathetic lefties/LLR-lefties.

By now Trump was supposed to have tanked the economy and gotten us into a couple new wars.

Darn that Trump with his Economic Magic Wand!!

Drago said...

Btw, have the lunatic #ILoveScience dems identified how much funding they want to set aside for male pregnancy and pelvic exams?

The entire panel of lefty candidates nodded sagely when this was mentioned and the dem/LLR crowd applauded like trained seals.

Perhaps Inga, resident lunatic leftist, could clue us in to how much of a "problem" it is for the men who do not have adequate funding for pelvic exams and pregnancy.

Perhaps its just a vision problem. The dems are too blind to see human babies as such and cannot actually tell what genitalia men and women have.

Maybe a goid set of spectacles solves the problem.

Drago said...

Bleach: "Two things stand out: First is Warren's morally reprehensible and false description of the economy."

To be fair, from the dem/left/LLR-left perspective, the economy is "terrible".

By which I mean the economy is going great for the country...which is always bad for the marxists.

Drago said...

Btw, how exactly did the estimated 35,000 africans that landed in Central America and are making their way north get there?

Something tells me the answer rhymes with -oros.

Drago said...

Hoax Collusion Cultist Inga: "So, it’s fake news that it’s fake news."

If your first zillion lies fail, perhaps its a volume problem.

Try another one!

Bob Boyd said...

Women don't lie about being told to drink out of toilets.

wildswan said...

"harrogate said...

Agreed. We absolutely need to address the plight of the homeless and the poor in this country, a plight that very much includes access to clean and safe water. I am sure you will be right up at the front of the line to support legislation for taking on such efforts."

I'm pointing out that the Dems can't find the money for safe water in several major cities they run. And Dem politicians from those cities are doing photo ops on how they care if people have safe water. They don't care. Look at what LA's homeless and the people in NYC's government housing have to drink - filth or nothing - courtesy of Democratic majorities in those cities.

narciso said...

and fellow seals don't lie about what their commander did, except when they do:


narciso said...

well one could fine them for failing to keep basic health standards, for water quality, isn't that part of the whole flint Michigan matter,

Howard said...

Ivanka responded to AOC today: "Let them drink Champagne."

Michael K said...

Oh yes, the history books will have a lot to say about the Trump years.

For once we agree but I don't think you will like it. There are lefty historians li HW Brand but there are enough to get the truth out.

PJH said...

Combo lavatory and commode. Used in better detention cells world-wide. Suicide resistant
and inaccessible parts to deny weapon making. Keeping our newest immigrants safe. See
sample here : https://www.mysanantonio.com/business/article/Photo-shows-hybrid-of-toilet-and-drinking-14066394.php

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“I'm pointing out that the Dems can't find the money for safe water in several major cities they run. And Dem politicians from those cities are doing photo ops on how they care if people have safe water.”

Flint, Michigan.

narciso said...

Supported by the local authorities and the Obama EPA, next question.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Flint, Michigan.

7/2/19, 6:50 PM

Run by Dems.

Birkel said...

Imagine being Royal ass Inga.
She really needs to blame big city problems on Republicans.
But damn it they're all run by Democrats.

Find examples from Colorado Springs, Royal ass Inga.
It's the only counterexample.
Literally the only big city example.

The contradictions fight each other.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Border patrol agents average pay 60K

AOC congressional pay 175K

who works harder?

(as seen on the interwebs)