These anti-manspreading chairs are all very well, but surely widespread castration would be more cost-effective?
— Titania McGrath (@TitaniaMcGrath) July 17, 2019
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
These anti-manspreading chairs are all very well, but surely widespread castration would be more cost-effective?
— Titania McGrath (@TitaniaMcGrath) July 17, 2019
The Society for Purity and Chastity designed the same chair, but for women.
Which one does a trans woman sit in?
The womanspreading she she also designed is okay?
womanspreading chair she designed, dang it.
These people are beyond parody.
Why no gender differences tag?
Something should also be done about womanspreading, a widespread phenomenon where women use their purses and shopping bags to spread into other seats. Very common in NYC.
The other day The New Republic tried to tell us that horrendous hit piece on Buttigieig (sp?) was "satire." THIS is how satire works.
The womanspreading chair isn't all bad. With patience and a camera there can be some nice photos on the internet.
I watched the video and don't see how it prevents men from sitting however they want.
She also needs to get out more. When I go to a restaurant I don't sit where the hostess guides me, I sit at the table I want to sit at. So, does she really think men won't "alter" her chair to meet their own preferences? She must be surrounded by betas.
Also, this is just ridiculous. Manspreading isn't even a relevant concept when you're talking about standalone chairs. So this solves absolutely nothing.
Left carefully unsaid in the "manspreading" debate is the fact that many of the worst offenders (and I say this as rider of many years on DC metro) are minority males.
While if you're a woman, it's not too tough to politely say to a well-dressed business drone "Excuse me please" as you force-sit next to him on the metro seat, it takes a rare & courageous woman to growl out the same thing to a minority male.
Fav comment, she has inadvertently made our case:
"I think that’s probably the best part about it. Ignoring the ‘male’ chair, she’s created a chair that forces women who use it to spread their legs due to something between their legs making keeping their knees together uncomfortable."
Where does a woman put her bag? #bagspreading
The Handmaid's Revenge
This is what can happen if a man doesn't manspread.
For the feminist version the desired result is achieved when you remove one of the front legs.
Good luck marketing that.
There might be a client though -- the theater that shows only "The Vagina Monologues" and "A my name is Alice".
They just can't stop policing my male body.
Now if someone would only design "Fatspreading" airline seats.
And don't get me started on women who cross their legs on the subway, thus spilling forward and taking up even more space on a crowded train. Women spread in 3D.
A university student has won a national award for designing a chair that stops men from manspreading.
No it doesn't because nobody is using them.
"I watched the video and don't see how it prevents men from sitting however they want."
This is so obvious that I'm guessing the first prototype had raised rails on the sides to force the knees together but somebody told her it was sizeist so she sacrificed the actual point of the project on the altar of intersectional political correctness.
If you weigh more than 20% over the soy boy model you are sitting on two wooden rails.
Now place them on public transit. How many for women? How many for males?
Why can a man not sit on the woman's chair, unless the block is higher and further back?
How many women WANT to have their legs forced apart in public?
What kind of DESIGN competition would award a prize to this crap? Oh yeah, one where woke trumps junk.
Agent 007, licensed to spread.
tell that to DeNiro
You can't fool Aral Vorkosigan
As we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the moon landing, we are reminded...
The New York Times
Verified account @nytimes
The Apollo program was designed by men, for men. If we do not acknowledge the gender bias of the early space program, it becomes difficult to move past it.
7:09 AM - 17 Jul 2019
I know this is somehow related to the topic, I just can't quite put my finger on how just yet.
Good luck marketing that.
She didn't make it for that, it is intended to "inspire discussion".
Although I guess with a degree in "3D Design and Craft" you might as well go Full Woke too.
I think we should ban bras using that same logic.
maybe she should stop cuntsplaining how to fucking sit.
I'm using her female chair, it looks more comfortable.
I identify as a comfy chair kinda person, respect my identity!
Agent 007, licensed to spread.
Problematic now that 007 is a woman.
What Mikee said.
1st World problems.
It's coffin-shaped.
It must be embarrassing to be so stupid. On the other hand, being so stupid, she won't be embarrassed.
If one were to actually build such a thing, a better design would be electronic monitoring to detect when that between-thighs angle exceeded what was permitted. When detected, the sitter would receive sharp poke in the backside, and perhaps some preaching about the evils of manspreading. Although you might also need some way to detect maleness as you wouldn't wish to correct a woman by mistake, and that could be difficult as insisting that maleness is biological has become hate speech.
Apparently Laila Laura wasn't quite that clever. Then again, one needn't be clever to be malicious.
I assume the angled sides make it uncomfortable to sit with your legs apart, but unless she’s planning to line them up on the subway, she’s solving a problem that doesn’t exist.
Oh, wait, the problem still doesn’t exist. Ok, she’s solving a problem nobody claims exists.
JAORE said...
"Now place them on public transit. How many for women? How many for males?"
I would be perfectly happy to give up my seat on public transit to any woman who would like to have it. I'll open doors for them, too.
The only thing sillier than the two chair designs is the fact that they have recieved any attention at all.
it is intended to "inspire discussion".
Now there is a euphemistic phrase! Pretty sure 'discussion' will be absent from whatever it is they engage in.
The ideological uses of Unpleasant Design. These people are stone fascists.
I had a bizarre experience a couple years ago. My first day at a new job, the woman who recruited me met me at the front desk, and suggested I sit down while we waited for my badge. So I did, and then realized that I was sitting on a sort of hassock thingy, and while there might just barely be room for both of us, there was no way she was going to sit down next to me. So there I was, sitting, while a woman was standing. I stood it as long as I could, but I finally had to get up. I apologized for doing so. Of course, she wouldn't sit down while the talent was standing, so we both stood there until the badge arrived.
I think it entirely probable that the chair design itself is satirical, but the awarding committees were taken in. At least, I hope it was satirical- I hate think the designer is really that stupid.
Photographer: Can you look more smug? Come on, you can do better than that! Bring it baby, bring it.
Japan has solved this problem (and that of unrelenting frotteurists) by providing women with their own subway cars, though I believe the availability varies depending on the train.
Left carefully unsaid in the "manspreading" debate is the fact that many of the worst offenders (and I say this as rider of many years on DC metro) are minority males.
Leaving that "carefully unsaid" is the key to keeping the DNC's base (as it is) together. Hating whitey is pretty much its central unifying principle. Bernie Sanders is desperately trying to make economic justice the centerpiece but the poor fool has yet to realize he is far too male, pale, and stale to carry the new banner of identity justice.
I would just flip it around and sit with my legs wider apart.
'With my chair set I hoped to draw awareness to the act of sitting for men and women and inspire discussion around this.'
The student said she was 'shocked', 'happy' and 'honoured' to win the Belmond Award for her work, which is called 'A Solution for Manspreading'.
The panel of judges said Ms Laurel's work was 'a bold, purpose-driven design that explores the important role of design in informing space, a person's behaviour and society issues of today'.
Ms Laurel, originally from Norwich, Norfolk, has also made a second seat intended for women which, via a small piece of wood in the middle, encourages sitters to extend their legs wider apart.
I at least understand the concept of "manspreading", but what problem is she trying to solve with the female version?
And oh..what a step forward is the dividing of chairs into the gender binary.
What society would want its men sitting like that?
Ms Laurel, who graduates in 3D Design and Craft from the University of Brighton later this month, has been commended for her innovative creation. She won an award for emerging talent in the design industry called the Belmond Award, which calls for imaginative and cleverly presented ideas.
Equivalent to giving a design award to the person who came up with the "Whites Only" and "Blacks Only" signs in the Jim Crow south.
I think it unwise for women to start an arms race re genitalia torture devices.
A symbol for others to purchase to let me know they don't want my business. So long as government doesn't mandate them, then I'll have plenty of other businesses to patronage.
The panel of judges said Ms Laurel's work was 'a bold, purpose-driven design that explores the important role of design in informing space, a person's behaviour and society issues of today'.
I'm now curious to see what the other contestants came up with.
"I would just flip it around and sit with my legs wider apart."
This is it. It's the ultimate cool male chair.
"I watched the video and don't see how it prevents men from sitting however they want."
The video is intended to celebrate the wonderfulness of the cute l'il gal who came up with a 'invention' ... just like men do all the time!
Great ... now go make me a sammich!
Gotta love those pictures of beta-boys dutifully sitting with their knees together in their little punishment chairs. What a man won't do in hopes of getting laid.
From the same course:
A ceramic extruder ... which appears to be an automated way to make clay pots
A contemporary jewelry maker ... she made medals for a special olympics
A graduate show clip ...which only interviews students, no products shown. However, downpage is a previous winner: "giant crablike machines that travel the around the world showing amateur films"
I was intially disappointed in the lack of creativity, but giant traveling crab studios shut me up.
I'm really the worst person to research this, as I have ZERO appreciation for art and think most of it is junk. I admit I go too far in that direction and am probably missing out on a few pieces that would knock my socks off. A few.
Gotta love those pictures of beta-boys dutifully sitting with their knees together in their little punishment chairs.
In a way, you can't really fault the women for wanting to crush their balls.
I enjoyed Tatania's 'widespread castration' joke!! I'm trying to remember if manspreading was an issue aboard those landing craft on D Day? That would have been awful...
The chair for women that forces their legs apart ... what woman ever sits like that naturally, or would feel comfortable doing so?
Blogger Fen said...So, does she really think men won't "alter" her chair to meet their own preferences? She must be surrounded by betas.
What man would buy a chair that requires alteration? You must be surrounded by betas.
Blogger Oso Negro said...
Now if someone would only design "Fatspreading" airline seats.
It's called first class
"The graduate says that her design is not to be taken too seriously but admits that the chairs do give a “physicality to an issue women face in quite a fun yet literal way”.
Speaking to The Independent, Laurel says: “My design practice is contextualised within fourth wave feminism and another huge inspiration for these pieces was Laura Bates’ Everyday Sexism Project, a platform in which women can testify about the sexism they have experienced.
“I designed and created these chairs in order to identify and challenge problems surrounding the act of sitting that might potentially be more gender specific, such as ‘man-spreading’.”
Laurel added that she is delighted with the response her design has received, saying: "The reaction of the people who engaged and interacted with my pieces at my Graduate show was really encouraging and exciting as it seemed to spark interesting conversations and also make them laugh, which is something I really value in my work.”
What kind of DESIGN competition would award a prize to this crap?
Belmond | Luxury Hotels, Trains, River Cruises and Safaris
Visit the Belmond website to find a luxury hotel or resort, timeless train or river cruise journey, or adventurous safari.
"Belmond joined a number of big-name brands in sponsoring an award, aiming to find fresh designers who can create items that capture our spirit of timeless luxury with contemporary flair."
The first is Antonia (Toni) Packham. Her forward-thinking, environmentally conscious approach saw her take discarded plastic waste from UK beaches to make unique, beautiful and intricate items, including kitchenware. Then there’s Mac Collins, a masterful woodworker, who created a chair named ‘Iklwa’. This stunning, thought-provoking statement piece celebrates his heritage and culture (which is "slightly not white").
I dunno about you, but discarded plastic waste certainly captured our spirit of timeless luxury. Fortunately we don't want it back.
"has also made a second seat intended for women which, via a small piece of wood in the middle, encourages sitters to extend their legs wider apart."
A small piece of wood, in the middle, that encourages sitters to extend their legs wider apart. I think I've seen this sort of thing before, just can't place it.
Laila Laurel looks awfully pleased with herself. I call it that "Church Lady" look.
I've always assumed the problem of "man spreading" was largely limited to public transportation. This "solution" doesn't seem to do anything to curtail that (assuming it's really some critical issue that needs to be curtailed).
And at any rate, both the male and female versions of those contraptions look horribly uncomfortable, like medival torture devices. I can't imagine these things will sell well outside of a few hyper-liberal institutions, classrooms in feminist studies departments and the like.
another huge inspiration for these pieces was Laura Bates’ Everyday Sexism Project "man-spreading"
8 results
But only 3 different results, and only one post with that tag
That's pretty inspirational.
@Bill, Republic of Texas, Titania McGrath is a parody website.
These chairs only make sense if they are put into a circle. Otherwise, space between chairs is wasted. It is kind of like socialism, let's punish everyone so that we can all suffer equally.
Since she's supposed to be a designer, she could have made them much more attractive as objects. Lots of sensuous curves on the male seat, like a double spoon rest, might get one to sit on it. But she went cheap and easy.
lots of you here, are older and wiser than i;
so please help me; i'm wondering, WHEN did the world go insane?
more specifically; When did the inmates take over the asylum?
Fen: So, does she really think men won't "alter" her chair to meet their own preferences? She must be surrounded by betas.
Howard: What man would buy a chair that requires alteration?
My comment was in the context of being seated at a restaurant.
Howard: You must be surrounded by betas.
Stop trying to make fetch happen.
You'll get your revenge, don't force it. Just makes you look wounded and desperate.
Trying to imagine the shit-storm that would follow suggesting the world would be better off if all women had double mastectomies and hysterectomies.
I'm sure it would just be ignored.
If a trans-woman sits in a comfortable manner, is that transwomanspreading or manspreading?
Rough day Fen, have some cookies
Not since the mercy seat has such a chair been welcomed by an eager world.
so please help me; i'm wondering, WHEN did the world go insane?
Gradually, as the Marxists hijacked Liberal Arts education.
" The Institute for Social Research (Institut für Sozialforschung) was founded by Carl Grünberg in 1923 as an adjunct of the University of Frankfurt; it was the first Marxist-oriented research centre affiliated with a major German university. Max Horkheimer took over as director in 1930 and recruited many talented theorists, including T.W. Adorno, Erich Fromm, Herbert Marcuse, and Walter Benjamin.
The members of the Frankfurt School tried to develop a theory of society that was based on Marxism and Hegelian philosophy but which also utilized the insights of psychoanalysis, sociology, existential philosophy, and other disciplines. They used basic Marxist concepts to analyze the social relations within capitalist economic systems. This approach, which became known as “critical theory,”
it is intended to "inspire discussion".
Apparently, but some of the high-visibility discussion it inspired called for widespread male castration.
Castrated guy in the video, sitting on a stupid anti-manspreading chair, wearing a hair bun.
I remember when we had real journalists and real newspapers. Can you imagine running this as a story?
Now that those have been loosed on the world, I expect to see some coffee shop owner (Starbucks??) who has a vested interest in appearing to be Woke, populating their cafe with these ridiculous "chairs". And the cafe having 2 people in there. One of them with a hair bun.
This is embarrassing if it’s not a hoax. If it were my daughter, I would go to that school and drag her home by the ear, and maybe send her to a nunnery, IDK.
“WHEN did the world go insane?”
When Major League Baseball abandoned free over the air TV for regular season games.
Muy funny.
Perfect chair for a sitzpinkler. You know who you are.
Sometimes I sit cross legged for a short while ’til my balls start to ache from the pressure, then maybe I move to position where one foot is on the knee of the other leg, and the ache goes away. But this takes up a little more than a full seat. Both feet on the ground? It’s OK for a while too, but I am afflicted with the heartbreak of restless leg syndrome, so it’s back to crossing my legs.
All of this would be no issue, of course, back in the days when we men rose when a lady wanted a seat, as I did when I was a young man, but that was ruled sexist.
“What do women want!” - Sigmund Freud
I've been enjoying the Titania McGrath parody account for a year or more, but today for the first time I decided to look for info about whose picture it was that the parody author(s) used for "Titania's" Twitter account avatar.
I never found an answer. It might be a photoshop production. I knew that there was a bit of a Banksy thing going on with the identity of the Titania McGrath author, and some people had quite a bit of fun with it. Here:
And here:
And this fantastically witless Titania-McGrath-is-not-funny column from (naturally) a Guardian writer:
Unfortunately, the Guardian writer called it, and we now know that Titania McGrath is English comedian Andrew Doyle. Which takes a bit of the fun out of it. Nothing like ruining a joke quite like having Tucker Carlson explain it in the C block on a weeknight.
And another thing said...
“WHEN did the world go insane?”
When Major League Baseball abandoned free over the air TV for regular season games/
This Sounds reasonable, except KCRG tv 9.2 has Cubs or White Sox games once or twice a week;
Which is once or twice a week MORE than i could get by PAYING for mlbtv
iowa is considered Home Territory and suffers from black outs for
Chicago Cubs
Chicago White Sox
Milwaukee Brewers
Minnesota Twins
Kansas City Royals
St Louis Cardinals
People act like West Union isn't in a large metro area; We're in FIVE of them!!!
So can we admit that feminism is anti-male, now?
Anyhow, you just have to turn the chair around and man-spread away. Apparently girls can't figure that out.
People have too much time on their hands, this is the shit they bring up. Manspreading? Hey now... Free college for all will fix that right away.
Really, an award for THAT? It's just sad. Did they pat her on the head and say "bless your heart"? There is no innovation or talent demonstrated here to deserve an award. I guess it's like Obama's Nobel Prize. Pathetic. How many good design ideas were sacrificed at the P.C. alter for this?
"So can we admit that feminism is anti-male, now?"
And anti-merit, anti-excellence, anti-fairness.
Having men identify as women and then destroying women's sports will be a very unfortunate although predictable outcome. As always: LREIT = the Left Ruins Everything It Touches.
"The chair for women that forces their legs apart ... what woman ever sits like that naturally, or would feel comfortable doing so?"
No kidding. The only time I've seen women sit like that is during downtime while playing sports.
Why do people care that men and women often sit differently? Is it any surprise that an animal with body parts hanging down between its legs prefers to sit differently than an animal that does not have the same?
She seems less a humorless scold than the judges.
At the opposite end, there are of course chairs designed to make "manspreading" easy.
The Philippine "sillon" or "butaca", or sillon de fraile (friars seat).
These have wide extended arm-rests to permit also resting ones spread legs on them.
There are similar styles from British India and other tropical colonies, naturally. The link has various styles.
"except KCRG tv 9.2 has Cubs or White Sox games once or twice a week; “
I would submit to you that it likely hasn’t gone completely batshit insane yet in West Union, Iowa, either.
Men are the center of the attention of both feminist women and non-feminist women. I think the feminist women are doing feminism wrong.
Being a working class guy, my goal is to marry a feminist executive or college prof & live off of her wealth. Shouldn't be too difficult.
Those new chairs are no good.
They are a poor fit with cigars and rum and attentive native women.
Unless you can install those on commercial aircraft or a subway train, fohghetabou-tit.
Unless she can mass produce and make a profit and employ people in doing it- Who cares?
"Men are the center of the attention of both feminist women and non-feminist women”
I know, right? It’s like somebody said once about that show “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy”
“Even gay men are attracted to straight guys, what’s the point?”
It’s like they don’t have any insight into what they are doing.
What a load of bollocks!
So, she made a stack of kindling. Good job. Now do discovering fire; you are nearly there, love.
Why do people care that men and women often sit differently?
They're authoritarians.
Like the Homeowner's Assoc that gets off on forcing you to repaint your front door from SeaFoam #5 to SeaFoam #6. Even though they can't tell the difference.
Or the transgenders that demand you deny reality.
If men sat with their knees together, these same people would demand men spread their legs apart to show sexual positioning solidarity with women or something similarly stupid.
Titainia and David Burge are God’s gift to Twitter
Transhuman. #HateLovesAbortion
She didn't make it for that, it is intended to "inspire discussion".
What can I make to inspire people to shut the fuck up?
"..... what woman ever sits like that naturally, or would feel comfortable doing so?"
I see lesbians do it a lot. Don't know if it's on purpose or genetic, but they tend to do it more over the top than men.
Makes very plain to me why most useful inventions are by men.
Who will buy?
“"Is it any surprise that an animal with body parts hanging down between its legs prefers to sit differently than an animal that does not have the same?”
She’s on it!
Ms Laurel, originally from Norwich, Norfolk, has also made a second seat intended for women which, via a small piece of wood in the middle, encourages sitters to extend their legs wider apart.”
Even if this were a valid problem to solve the chairs are still no-talent crap. They're flat hard objects with no concessions to the buttocks, and those little short backrests are beneath contempt. I can see only one reasonable use for either style of chair, to wipe the smirk off the "artist's" face.
“WHEN did the world go insane?”
When Major League Baseball abandoned free over the air TV for regular season games.
Nah, it goes back further than that. I think it started with the designated hitter rule.
The only useful purpose of this invention appears to be to gender shame men. My hope is that this student learns a valuable lesson in the brutal laws of supply and demand.
50 years ago I started at a very old school. There were still combination desk and chairs from the Nineteenth Century in use. While I was there the school finally got rid of them. I asked for a set to take home. Still have it after several major long distance moves. Definitely designed to control the posture of the pupils. So this is not exactly a new notion. Not that anyone will buy them except perhaps for the kind of school I attended.
I'm so hoping for an asteroid or maybe relentless solar flares or just widespread civilizational collapse. It cannot come soon enough
Brought to you by the same people who designed different bicycles for boys and girls.
I (*heart*) Titania.
Even if she is a man.
order the matching set-- the "Michelle" and the "Barack" now!!
Interviewer: Come in Ms. Laurel. Sit down, please. As you know we are hiring just a single designer this year. You will be pleased to know that you are one of just two designers still under consideration.
We were most impressed that, while still in school you won a design award for a chair. By chance do you have photos of the award winning chair?
Laila Laurel: I do indeed. I think you will find they are great for starting a discussion on male oppression.
Interviewer (scans photos): Thank you for your time, Ms. Laurel. I think we know all we need to make our decision.
“Brought to you by the same people who designed different bicycles for boys and girls.”
That made perfect sense because at the time girls generally wore skirts or dresses.
“I'm so hoping for an asteroid or maybe relentless solar flares or just widespread civilizational collapse.”
A Carrington event to kill the internet dead until we come to our senses.
Titainia and David Burge are God’s gift to Twitter
The chairs IKEA names are the Beevashötta and the Nutsqvisha, per Burge
animal with body parts hanging down between its legs prefers to sit differently than an animal that does not have the same?
I can already hear the battle cry. "Equality through castration!!"
A man who would sit in that chair would also drink from a straw.
Now design a seat for buses/trains that prevents women from plopping their massive purse + gym bag into the seat next to them, effectively taking up two seats. After that, design a cage-like contraption to contain the rolls of fat obese women impose on others.
castration takes balls.
"Ms Laurel, originally from Norwich, Norfolk, has also made a second seat intended for women which, via a small piece of wood in the middle, encourages sitters to extend their legs wider apart.”
It would be awesome to see side by side the reactions if these were designed by a man. Rape chairs!
I can’t believe this has over 130 comments. I’m pretty crap at predicting which Althouse post people will engage with the most.
This design could be extended to toilets for gentlemen who sit down to pee.
She could make a fortune with a product line extension that features a pop-up rectal probe, the kind used by the space aliens at Area 51. That could also serve as the defendant's chair at Jeff Epstein's upcoming trial.
This is why most inventors aren't women.
They can't seem to focus on the important things, poor dears.
All you have to do is spin it around and wrap your legs around the back, which makes a convenient arm rest. No problem.
They should call the Female James Bond - Agent 000 - the big zero. BTW, i was landed on NPR yesterday while twirling the dial, and heard this snatch of talk "..people have claimed that men are better than women at math. This of course, is wrong and cannot explain the difference in STEM participation". LOL
They should call the Female James Bond - Agent 000 - the big zero. BTW, i was landed on NPR yesterday while twirling the dial, and heard this snatch of talk "..people have claimed that men are better than women at math. This of course, is wrong and cannot explain the difference in STEM participation". LOL
BTW, what ever happened to rocking chairs? I liked them.
Blogger Swede said... This is why most inventors aren't women. They can't seem to focus on the important things, poor dears.
Well, men do have more of a tradition of invention in the fine and practical arts for the last uh um +/-3.3-million years Women have been significantly part of the workforce for only 3-generations. Does it make you feel smarter transferring this one crazy incident to women in general? Did the rad fems make you do it?
Asking for Fen
I have to think it’s a spoof because she looks just like Titiana without the glasses.
For the guys in the photos, I am suggesting a T-Shirt that says “I am thrall to radical feminism.”
A brothel.
Etymology: Since the Elizabethan era, nun has been slang for a prostitute (ref. William Faulkner, "Requiem for a Nun"), and a nunnery referred to a brothel
rcocean said...
They should call the Female James Bond - Agent 000 - the big zero.
7/17/19, 6:13 PM
Can anyone imagine that, if true, this does not mean the end of the Bond franchise?
Does she have a boyfriend? Let's guess.
Howard: Asking for Fen
Shh! Heel boy. I just took you outside. Already again?
Can anyone imagine that, if true, this does not mean the end of the Bond franchise?
The movie will fail. Evil sexist men will be blamed. In two years someone will start making them with men again.
Women have been significantly part of the workforce for only 3-generations.
I suggest you go back and re-read your history.
This design could be extended to toilets for gentlemen who sit down to pee.
I would design a toilet seat with a warning label:
Raise to stand. Lower to sit.
You would think women, who always tease men about asking for directions, would learn how to work a toilet seat. I mastered it when I was 3 years old. :)
"Can anyone imagine that, if true, this does not mean the end of the Bond franchise?"
It's a swerve. Bond retires. They give his # (which is just an assignment number)to another agent.
But guess who has to come back to save the day?
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