June 25, 2019

"The Proper Time to Shag a Chap."


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walter said...

It is important to cast Trump not only vs SOP opposition party when the current opposition is off-the-rails Left by any measure.
He is a change actor..but shit, they want to tilt the axis.

Chuck said...

Amanda; this is how weird this place has become.

I actually voted for Trump, as the least-worst alternative. Having said that, there will now be a large handful of Althouse commenters telling you that you should not believe me. They have no evidence to the contrary of course. They will just claim, without evidence, that I am lying to you.

They claim that I am a "racist" based on one single post by me wherein I congratulated Trump on his nomination of Gina Haspel as CIA Director, but distinguished that nomination from the unqualified nominations of "Dr. Ricky Bobby" for VA and Dr. Benjamin Carson (an otherwise wonderful guy who I have seen personally as a preeminent courtroom expert and thought him wonderful) for "Department of Black People." I was ridiculing Trump, not Carson. I said that I was ridiculing Trump, not Carson. They won't believe it, of course. Because it's me, of course.

They say that I have "attacked children" because on a couple of occasions when Trump commented on a purported (unsupported, unscientific) link between autism and vaccines, I went out of my way to ridicule him and call out the number of times that Trump has engaged as a Vaxxer. Others in the media (not me) had speculated about whether Barron Trump is in fact on the autism spectrum. He may be, but I don't know. The only important thing is whether the President of the United States is a Vaxxer, and if so why. I am completely unapologetic about that inquiry. The more that Althouse commenters allege that I am an attacker of children (without explaining themselves) the more I am determined to defend myself without much regard to the Trump family.

The other bullshit -- that I am for open borders, endless war, the Deep State, blah blah blah -- is baseless and no one can give you a quote from me or a link that would prove the charges. It's just stupid bullshit from stupid bullshitters.

walter said...

All about you, Chuck.

Fen said...

Chuckamanda: I have called Atlhouse out on it repeatedly. She doesn't like me, for several reasons as far as I can tell. First and foremost, my general and specific criticism of Trump runs against the grain of her collection of Trump fans. So that calls attention to me, and her commenters love to attack me personally (rather than defend the specifics of Trumpisms), and its a downward spiral. I think Althouse would rather I not defend myself. But I really got sideways with Althouse and Meade when I began to call attention to the gulf between her commenting rules (long since abandoned and replaced) and the near-complete lack of enforcement of them.

This is the part where he speaks directly and publicly to Althouse. See, I think he already emailed her something similar to this, was completely ignored, and decided "I'll show her!" and take it public. This is why he employed the Amanda Sockpuppet - to give him opportunity to ease into a self-defense that no one cares about.

It's a self-esteem problem. Note how he pretends to be the one victimized after sliming us as deplorables on a daily basis. And how he has crafted a new narrative portraying himself Alone In A World Consumed By Trump Fascists, One Man Has The Courage To Make A Stand For Honor And Integrity!

Something is terribly wrong with his personal life. Maybe we should form an online D&D group and let him be the Paladin and party leader, just to keep him from eating a shotgun?

Or not.

walter said...

Rape is sexy. Get with the gal, Chuck.

walter said...

Sorry Fen..but Chuck has appropriated the "flack over target" to legitimize his bullshit.

Fen said...

Oh too bad Chuck. Amanda took too long to set you up and now you are on page 2.

Hardly anyone bothers to click over to page 2.

Try again upthread. May I suggest "Jasmine" as your next imaginary friend?

Fen said...

Sorry Fen..but Chuck has appropriated the "flack over target" to legitimize his bullshit.

I hear you. I was going to end with my usual Althouse Amazon portal link, this time recommending shotguns, but decided it would be in poor taste even for me ;)

Although I am considering making my own sock account, called "Chuck's Mom", as in:

Chuck: blah bla blah, bla blah blah blah...

Chuck's Mom: Get off the internet and get to Dominoes. Those student loans aren't going to pay for themselves Mr Critical Studies...

Amanda said...

@Chuck , I was not going to respond directly but I will since we are being accused of being the same person regardless and althouse can clarify we are not coming from the same IP address but I have a feeling that might not turn out so well for the biggest finger pointers.

The "social atmosphere surrounding trump" is definitely dark and blighted, the comment sections have notoriously always been domain emotional cripples and social rejects (this is me trying to be nice ok) but it feels so forbidding and surreal that the ad hominem attack and insult comment section is now sitting president of the united states. Its disconcerting or maybe impressive that althouse has been able to remain the at the same level of impartiality. I know someone wrote about me "not being able to handle alternative opinions" but that misses the revulsion of the cowardly callousness directed at Trump's victims, the kind of person who writes like this or possibly even thinks like this is the same person who would attack althouse directly if she were the one in E. Jean Carrolls place.

My quest is not to name call you elderly men (lets not kid ourselves) bad people but my question is why court a readership if this is the one you get because I don't get it.

walter said...

Are you sure she is courting a readership?
Mind reader?
"My quest is not to name call you elderly men (lets not kid ourselves)"
But by all means, repeatedly do so.

Drago said...

Totally Not A Sockpuppet "PGA Pete"

Allow me to say, in a completely spontaneous and unrehearsed way, that Chuck has beem a Godsend to us. His eagle eyes have detected astonishing instances of tourney play shenanigans and we are appreciative of his deep understanding if the game.

And may I add that when Chuck strides like a collosus across the course its not just the ladies who audibly sigh.

I just thought I would submit this for all the horrific deplorables who dont appreciate Chuck. So there Trump Cultists!

Again, I am totally not a sockpuppet. You can ask Amanda for confirmation.

Drago said...

Totally Not A Sockpuppet "Legal Beagle Bart"

Allow me to say, in a completely spontaneous and unrehearsed way, that Chuck has beem a Godsend to us. His derp and intuitive understanding of the many nuance of law allows him to detect astonishing instances of malfeasance and shenanigans on the part of Trump and his evil henchmen and we are appreciative of his efforts.

And may I add that when Chuck strolls across the office commons like a collosus its not just the ladies who audibly sigh.

I just thought I would submit this for all the horrific deplorables who dont appreciate Chuck. So there Trump Cultists!

Again, I am totally not a sockpuppet. You can ask Amanda for confirmation.

walter said...

Consider a hidden profile named 3096663.

Drago said...

Shorter Amanda: In the same way that America failed Obama the "Lightbringer" and "sort of a god", so have the Althouse commenters failed LLR Chuck.

walter said...

(Otherwise we might suspect George Will engaged in curiousities)

Yancey Ward said...

"No. Trump's having said, "I never met her in my life," is literally and figuratively untrue."

Something said that is untrue is not synonymous with lying, Chuck, which is how you described Trump's statement both the other night and in this thread- only now do you back up to "untrue". In addition, that photo doesn't actually show the two have actually met. It suggests they might have met that night, but doesn't prove it. However, fine by me if you want to mischaracterize what Trump said about the matter- that isn't surprising to me since you do it pretty much on every statement Trump makes.

Nichevo said...

But unlike you, I know that Trump is lying about Ms. Carroll, and I can tell you exactly how we all know that. Trump said that he had never met her in his entire life. And that is certainly not true.

The picture proves nothing. They were in the same room, that's all. Nothing shows that they had been formally introduced. He is not evidently talking to or looking at her in the picture.

Also, she is well nigh unrecognizable today if your point of reference was that photo in 1987. Any error is easily understandable.

Keep fucking that chicken long enough and you will get chickenpox.


Amanda, if that is the real, unfiltered you, please get help. You are mentally disturbed. It shows in your writing. Dr. d'Anconia can elaborate.

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