June 21, 2019

At the Take-over Café...


... come in for the conversation.

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stephen cooper said...

OK i did some internet research and no the author was not as close a best seller for a decade to Agatha Christie as I thought - although maybe for a given year she was ---- and she was not even from the UK - after looking up some relevant details, I am almost sure it was Phyllis Whitney, not Barbara Cartland, something I have not known for the last 40 or 50 years .... so no she (Phyllis Whitney) is not going to get her picture on a UK stamp

and I googled SAS commanders and the SAS guy was either David Stirling or Peter de la Billiere .... Stirling should definitely show up on a postage stamp one day, de la Billiere is still alive, so no stamp for him for a while .... ad multos annos (may he live many years more)

our conversation went like this
how are things here, he said
the air conditioning is working so I am not complaining, I said
very good, carry on , he said, and kept going towards where the corps commander's office was
that was the whole conversation, as best as I can remember

(by the way the air conditioning really was working, I was not being sarcastic)

anyway, I believe people when they say they forget things
even things that involve famous people

stephen cooper said...

Barbara Taylor Bradford is still alive .... I did not know that ....
and so is Beverly Cleary

and so is former Manhattan DA Morgenthau, who was an executive officer (XO) on a destroyer in Halsey's and McCain's Pacific War fleets

and somewhere tonight someone is sitting in a rocking chair on some porch under the sweet June moonlight remembering the long-ago days when she or he was a teenager in the 1910s

stephen cooper said...

or 1920s

narciso said...

Well David sterling ran the operation in Yemen in the 60s, with la billiere as a very junior officer, ostensibly he was doing this as a favor to the Saudis, most of the leadership generation in that country Saleh and co got their Starr tlfighting the british.

stephen cooper said...

never been in yemen in my life but yes i spent a lot of time in adjacent countries

would love to see Sanaa one day

narciso said...

Close he died last year at the age of 101, thankfully he probably didnt see what a mess cycle Vance jr has made of his officem

Guildofcannonballs said...

Her lie, Althouse's, is the politics thing and the interest proving.

Huge having only a lie and the bunch o' lies. Admirable.

Considering it is to herself much more so too.

narciso said...

Well it is the land of sheba, who paid tribute to Jerusalem, and that of the Sabaens whi tested jobs faith.

narciso said...

By stealing his cattle,

stephen cooper said...

narciso that was Herman Wouk who passed away Morgenthau is still alive

Narayanan said...

I've to admire Chuck: he is more relentless than Robert Mueller wrt Trump.

And Chuck is doing it for free? And he has disclosed his self imposed scope memorandum.

narciso said...

You doubt me Stephen, well I'm not going to pound the point home, morgenthau came from a very illustrious family, his grandfather was minister in turkey

Guildofcannonballs said...

I hate baseball, but of course I measure each stat every game all season so as to keep the pressure on the baseball-likers from thinking they can pull one over on the non-baseball viewers like I am 99% of my time on Earth, but mostly to study the personalities behind the baseball-liking peoples.

This has nothing, at all, to do with baseball.

Now in defense, per the great Coop, I will defer to the highly-refined "oh I am just trying to help you learn about your own limitations not being serious lol" canaard spelled only as "cannaard."

Guildofcannonballs said...

Took Canadians for me to verbolize: Nothing good happened in a chamber.

Chamber of Commerce?



I chamber wood into fire into smoked meat, you chamber decency and sell it like a savior.

Horrible, horrible people the Chamber of Commerce assholes.

*Canadien show: Corner Gas. Brett or Brent Butt. Canada eh.

stephen cooper said...

guildofcannonballs - seriously for 50 or so years I thought that was Barbara Cartland

and seriously, if you saw Laura Bush at a Gulf Coast bar in the 80s and you flirted with her for a few minutes before you saw the wedding ring her boorish husband bought for her (yeah the loser who gave us Chief Justice Roberts) you probably would not remember her but I REMEMBERED PHYLLIS WHITNEY FOR 50 years as if she had been Barbara Cartland

and seriously nobody who knows me thinks I would spend a single moment "teaching people about their limitations"
God loves us all

Before you get angry at me again read the Google quotes for Saint Elizabeth of the Trinity

me and her dad used to hang out together at the local bistro and he never had a bad word for anybody

Guildofcannonballs said...

Re Trump the main thing is: bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran or He Ain't No McCain*. You can make a choice and think of why and be prepared to defend it or not.

You can rely on the education that taught you advancement within organizations is the only type of power and one wielded through conformity of speech and anything else i.e. Trump and his voters deserves a Stalin.

Unbinary but still a clear distinction betwixt the pro and the con, the yea and the nea.

*He is Slew or Slough but not the shitty grandson. Both work fine.

walter said...

Narayanan said...
I've to admire Chuck: he is more relentless than Robert Mueller wrt Trump.

Sure. And similarly devoted are pyromaniacs..

narciso said...

Well binary doesn't allow for nuance, the parallel is closer to Reagan, who actually directly intervened with one hand of citations, Beirut grenada and Libya, you would think otherwise with the stream of bile from the likes of Dodd o'Neil et al. Yes a passel of advisors to el Salvador and logistical support for the Nicaraguan resistance

narciso said...

Like wile coyote hanging off cliffs, swimming into cliff faces, arcing into riverbeds

stephen cooper said...

well if you want to get into the weeds Trump has more respect for Tulsi Gabbard than most people do

narciso said...

Probably so, her ideology is wrong in many places, but shes not shrill about it,,

stephen cooper said...

then there is that guy who sends out this instagram message about this cat he found
the cat was stuck in a fence in his neighborhood and he saved it and carried it home
and sent pictures out, looking for its owner, or for a good-hearted soul to adopt it
and he showed pictures, the cat snarling at its meal, the cat trying to climb to the top of the china closet, in order to survey the apartment
the big cat with a wild face that no cat ever has had ...
under the impression that the had brought into his house a rather large feral cat
who just wanted a home

God loves us all

stephen cooper said...

he literally said

needless to say
everyone who told him he had brought a BOBCAT into his home was correct

nobody claimed the bobcat as a former pet

it was a wild animal

God loves us all, tame or not

One hopes he brought the bobcat to a suitable location before releasing it

andI am sure the bobcat no longer remembers that night when it tried to climb the china closet in order to survey the entire apartment, looking for prey

J. Farmer said...

Tucker Carlson Is Privately Advising Trump On Iran<>Tucker Carlson Tells Trump in Private: No War With Iran

"Bush ran on a "humble" foreign policy - Iraq & Afghanistan; Obama won by being more anti-war than Hillary, then sent MORE troops to unending Afghanistan War; Trump said Bush "lied" us into war & swept the primaries.

We vote and we vote and we vote -- and Boeing always wins."

-Ann Coulter tweet from two days ago

Winning over Tucker Carlson and Ann Coulter to the anti-interventionist right was a major victory.

buwaya said...

I spent the day in Aden once, when I was young. Not a friendly place.

narciso said...

It's still a delicate balancing act, Reagan got involved In Lebanon under humanitarian grounds but Grenada was a power projection exercise, and then theres libya.

narciso said...

I imagine not, when speaking of their civil wars, you need to ask which one, that's not a reassuring question.

narciso said...

I guess the closest parallel is to Harding whose normalcy was a retreat from wilsonian globalism, Coolidge was mostly that way except for nicaragua and that was at the tail end

StephenFearby said...

The Times (London)
Tory leadership race: Bust-up with Carrie Symonds raises new doubts over Boris Johnson’s fitness to lead
Oliver Wright, Policy Editor
June 22 2019

"...A poll for The Times today found that 40 per cent of Conservative members do not believe that [Boris Johnson] can be trusted to tell the truth. However, 74 per cent were intending to vote for him."

Like someone else with a outsize personality who is up for re-election next year.

narciso said...

Ah the times, the Jupiter as trollope called them, but they've become irrelevant since that era, you need a force of nature to overcome Corbyn and Jeremy hunt doesn't have that.

walter said...

And so what is Farmer's suggested response to Iran blowing up a 100+ mil drone out of internantional airspace?

J. Farmer said...


I guess the closest parallel is to Harding whose normalcy was a retreat from wilsonian globalism, Coolidge was mostly that way except for nicaragua and that was at the tail end

I think the notion of America ever having an "isolationist" past is largely a myth, but if there is a case to be made for such a label, the 1920s is the strongest example. And while I reject the label of "isolationist," I much prefer the foreign policy of the 1920s. Wilson's foreign policy had been a disaster, and I would have certainly supported "a retreat from wilsonian globalism."

narciso said...

I didnt say isolationism, I pick my words very carefully, except for Nicaragua and the magoon interlude in Cuba mostly noninterventionist

J. Farmer said...


I didnt say isolationism, I pick my words very carefully, except for Nicaragua and the magoon interlude in Cuba mostly noninterventionist

Sorry, did not mean to imply that isolationism was your description. My intention was to reply to your reference to the non-interventionism of the 1920s. This period in American history is often referred to as a time of "isolationism," a label I reject.

Bruce Hayden said...

“To me one of the more interesting things about this is that Rosenstein signed off on at least one of the FBI-initiated Carter Page FISA warrants (reportedly largely based on the Steele Dossier) and then doubled down on his stupidity by in effect vouching for its veracity in the second Mueller scope memo.”

We all know now that the Steele Dossier was essentially a hoax, and that a bunch of insiders, including Bruce Ohr, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Andrew Weissman, etc, knew that it was fake from the outset, and that it had been funded by Clinton and the Clinton controlled DNC. But Rosenstein? I really don’t think so. He comes across to me as a plodder who keeps his head down, works hard, doesn’t stick his neck out more than he can, and got almost to the top of the DoJ by not making any serious enemies. When he was signing the FISA warrant application, I think that he was basing it on the underlying paperwork that looked to be all in order. And when presented with the Dossier for expanding the Mueller mandate, I think that it is again likely that he still didn’t know of its many flaws. Remember, as far as we know so far, the extensive knowledge about the many problems with the Dossier was across the street in the FBI. Over at main Justice, where Rosenstein worked, the only two we know so far who knew about the problems with the Steele Dossier were Bruce Ohr and Andrew Weissman.

That said, what is scary to me is that they enticed, blackmailed, or somehow got DAG Rosenstein, in his third scope letter to Mueller, to expand the investigation to include Rosenstein’s immediate boss, AG Sessions. Part of why it is a bit scary is that Weissman, etc put together that very aggressive Obstruction theory that they were using that essentially considered anything affecting, or potentially affecting an investigation (including, of course, their own) to be Obstruction. With Sessions now officially under investigation, that means that any attempt by him to take control over the investigation, including unrecusing himself, would be treated by them as Obstruction of Justice. The justification for his recusal always seemed a bit contrived, which is why a lot of people wondered why he didn’t just unrecuse himself. From the outside, that looked to be the easiest way to rein in Mueller’s investigation. Now we know how that option was taken off the table. Looking back, the only realistic way to shut the Mueller investigation down was to replace Sessions with some who would see the game being played, and refuse to do what they wanted him to do, and that ultimately meant replacement by AG Barr.

exhelodrvr1 said...

What's your favorite comfort food?

BudBrown said...

We take em to court to get the drone paid for. Similar to what they did 30 years ago when we blasted one of their passenger jets out of the sky.

Birkel said...

Robert Cook blames the United States.
Because the US supports non-socialists who won't steal and corrupt the systems of a country to the ultimate destruction of the citizens of that other country. (Or at least not as quickly and completely as the socialists will.)

And all that without blaming the socialism that bankrupts a country.
Oft evil will shall evil mar.

tim in vermont said...

Not having met her is no defense. Kavanaugh raped thousands of women never met.

Humperdink said...

A couple of decades ago, I met John Sununu at a political dinner. Shook hands and had a picture taken. I suspect he doesn't remember me, but I consider him a best friend.

tim in vermont said...

Kavanaugh has raped so many women his dick has callouses.

tim in vermont said...

You read Cook’s links and there is always an “Ah, there it is” moment after all of the outraged rhetoric.

“There is no bar to this Nation’s holding one of its own citizens as an enemy combatant,

There is an easy way to prevent this from ever happening to you, don’t join an army that is fighting against the US.

Birkel said...

Anybody else notice that readering and the other Leftists are demanding Trump price his innocence?

The perversion of justice is noted.

tim in vermont said...

he frigging HEADLINE says the U.S. Declares it can hold even U.S. Citizens indefinitely

I don’t know how many links I read where the text doesn’t support the headline. That’s half the fun of reading links from peanut butters, for example. In this case, the headline leaves out a kay fact.

Combat is messy, I am willing to give the military leeway when they find an American apparently fighting with the enemy since you can’t just stop combat to bring in a forensics team from the FBI, well the imaginary FBI of the TV shows, what could would a team from our FBI do, since they would just find whatever they felt helped the Democrats to be true.

Chuck said...

Michael K said...
"You see, this is where I want to grind on your miserable sorry ass."

Please get help, Chuck. You are crazier every week.

I've never met you. Maybe we passed in the hallway of a court house in Michigan. A picture that I never saw was taken.

If asked if I had ever known that asshole Chuck, what would I say ?

You would say, "I've encountered a great many people, some whom I don't recall. I don't recall him. I don't know if I've ever known Chuck."

How hard is that? Because if we had met, and you declared flatly that we hadn't met, and if it somehow mattered to me, and I had a picture of our meeting, I'd do everything I could, to make you look like the lying bastard that you'd be if you falsely denied it.

I can help you.

tim in vermont said...

Looking forward to all the commentary here from supporters of Juanita Broaddrick,

Let’s see if she has five witnesses all willing to testify on threat of jail time for lying. I will head off to the article now, an maybe I will be proved wrong, but my guess is no.

tim in vermont said...

Carroll says that she disclosed the Trump incident to two friends at the time.

Names withheld on account of attacking Trump is so unpopular.

Still readering, Clinton’s rape of Broaddrick is just a joke to you, why does this one bother you?

Chuck said...

iowan2 said...
"Never met her", means exactly the same as, "don't know her". depending on the context, circumstances, and speech patterns of the person talking.

Colloquial, Characteristic of or appropriate to the spoken language or to writing that seeks the effect of speech; informal.

It's called casual conversation. We all do it. Ask 100 people and I bet under the right conditions 80% would use the two terms interchangeably.

For a lawyer that I have called out numerous times for getting legal concepts wrong, or backwards, typing carelessly, being inarticulate, banging on about this is crazy talk.

You are so full of shit!

The Trump claim that he never met E. Jean Carroll came in a written statement, not some offhand comment. Trump's language was no accident; it was an attempt by a pathological liar to gaslight everyone else.

Birkel said...

Smear Merchant and self-admitted racist, Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire, has a point to make that he's made before.
He is going to gain a convert.
Somebody will take the point seriously.
The point is that Smear Merchant Chuck is an ass hole.

Birkel said...

Once you tell people your goal is to smear the guy you have a hard-on about, the rest of us merely point and laugh at your tiny (rhetorical?) prick.

narciso said...

More perspective:


iowan2 said...

The Trump claim that he never met E. Jean Carroll came in a written statement,

And President Trumps memory informs his statement, he never met the women. Jail him. How about putting him in the same cell as a lying woman claiming she was raped...three decades after the fact, with no police report, and zero supporting evidence. A women selling a book. Or more accurately prostituting herself for money. Whores words don't carry any weight. Kind of like trolls that pretend to be lawyers on the internet don't carry any weight.

Ann Althouse said...

"That story about kids growing horns because of smartphones is fake news"

That doesn't say anything that wasn't in the original WaPo article that I linked to. I already made fun of the slippage between the article and the headline. So I don't feel faked out at all.

tim in vermont said...

Chuck reminds me of Mueller accusing Huckabee Sanders of lying because she said “countless” instead of “many."

tim in vermont said...

Chuck is auditioning for a role in “Les Deplorables” in which he plays the relentless law man hunting down our hero for stealing a crust of bread.

Chuck said...

iowan2 do you see how digging in on Trump's lie about having never met her, just digs the hole deeper?

If "President Trump's memory informs his statement," then we now have cause to challenge his memory. No one would jail him for having a bad memory, and certainly not an incomplete memory, but Trump is now trapped. He can say that he's sorry for his poor memory (since he clearly did meet E. Jean Carroll), but does that really help him?

Again; Trump didn't say that he did not recall her. That might have been true. Trump claimed that they had never met. That is definitely untrue. And what I now expect is that everyone in New York will be scouring their memories, their records, their photo archives, for more evidence that Trump met Carroll, and I expect that they will succeed. I don't much expect any physical evidence of a rape. But that matters less now, thanks to Trump. Trump lowered the evidence bar. Trump claimed that they "never met," and so that will be the point of contention. If a guy is willing to lie about merely meeting someone (and 10,000 other things), why wouldn't he lie about his having sexually assaulted someone?

narciso said...

Watch out chuck, she might remember you:


Drago said...

Nara: "And Chuck is doing it for free? And he has disclosed his self imposed scope memorandum."

One of my many favorite LLR Chuck lunatic smears (which Chuck proudly admitted later in his general I Am A Smear Merchant proclamation) was Trump as anti-semite.

Chuckie would try to insert (in his own laughably incompetent way that he thought would be subtle) insinuations that Trump hated Jews! Really! Chuck did that over and over by conjuring up things that Trump "really meant" and twisting facts and reason beyond recognition.

Then a funny thing happened, Chuck and his far left dem allies expanded and openly promoted their explicit anti-semitism at the same time that Israel is naming streets/stations/towns after Trump!!

Yes, these are very difficult times for Chuck and Inga and the rest of the Hoax Collusion Cultists / Pecan Pie Conspiracist / Titleist golfball /open borders / infanticide leftist brigade.

When Trump declared, once again, that the US would never be a socialist nation you just know that Chuck weeped while curled up in a ball on the floor of his garage while sucking hus thumb.

And Trump refusing to step into the Iran trap sprung by the Mullahs and LLR Chuck's dem allies has driven Chuck further into the arms of Nadler and Tlaib and AOC and the rest!!

So. Much. Winning.

Birkel said...

I'm order to be a Smear Merchant, doesn't somebody have to buy what you're selling?
At this point Smear Gifter seems closer.

Chuck said...

I've never written one word suggesting that Donald Trump is an anti-Semite. Anyone alleging that I made such a charge against Trump should quote me and link to it. But no one can do that, because I've never written anything like that.

Donald Trump is the father of a Jewish convert, who is the adored apple of his eye. His son-in-law is a Jew. Trump has Jewish grandchildren.

And Donald Trump is quite likely the most pro-Israel president in modern U.S. history. There seems to be little that Trump would deny to his political friends in the AIPAC circle of influence.

An anti-Semite, Donald Trump is not.

But there are two things about Jews that betray Trump's stupidity and vulgarity, and not so much any thoughtful anti-Semitism.

One was the Trump quote that he didn't want black people counting his money at Trump-owned casinos. He said he wanted little guys wearing yarmulkes counting his money. It was no doubt one of Trump's crude, 50's era, unthinking jokes.

The other was Trump's weird and false denial that he had been given a Hitler book, which his ex-wife Ivana revealed in her divorce testimony. Trump denied it, then admitted it, then claimed that he had been given the book by a Jewish friend. (The friend was not Jewish, and he confirmed the gift. The gift was misreported as a copy of "Mein Kampf." It was, instead, a copy of selected Hitler speeches. Ivana testified that Trump kept it in a bedroom cabinet.)

So no; Trump is not an anti-Semite. And I never claimed, and never would claim, that Trump is an anti-Semite. Rather, Trump is an idiot.

Michael K said...

the only realistic way to shut the Mueller investigation down was to replace Sessions with some who would see the game being played, and refuse to do what they wanted him to do, and that ultimately meant replacement by AG Barr.

Well, there is assassinating Weissmann. That wasn't tried. No one deserves it more.

Chuck, one these days, will be posting stuff seen only in Psycho wards and I have been there and seen it.

Drago said...

Birkel: "I'm order to be a Smear Merchant, doesn't somebody have to buy what you're selling?"

Well thats just it, LLR Chuck, as with all racist types and antifa types and far left types in general, is what he is precisely because he gas no imagination and no way to internalize real world results feedback for adaptation and adjustment.

Thus LLR Chuck simply reverts over and over and over to the same failed tactics (which lack any coherent strategic underpinnings) as well as incredible deference to repeatedly failed "elite" "authority" which he believes represents the sine qua non of sophisticated thinking.

Even now LLR Chuck believes deeply, and I mean deeply, that if you dont believe in and accept everything written in the NYT or heard on CNN that you cannot be an informed observer of current events.

LLR Chuck long ago outsourced his thoughts and non-existent "principles" to his "betters".

Which explains Chuck's frustrated lashing out and vicious racist and attacks on children when no one goes along with his admitted smears.

Drago said...

LLR Chuck: "I've never written one word suggesting that Donald Trump is an anti-Semite."

Chuck's immediate fall back lie when his admitted smears have been exposed is to simply deny what he has written.

This initial gambit wears itself out in short order which inevitably leads to Chuck switching gears, proudly reclaiming the smear and then offering hilarious and twisted rationales for said smears.

Thats when it gets really fun with our racist commenter Chuck!!

I aee we are still at Stage 1 Deny for LLR Chuck with regards to Chucks smear re:anti-jewish Trump.

Lets see what happens next!!

Who wants cinnamon rolls?

Chuck said...

...Chuck's immediate fall back lie when his admitted smears have been exposed is to simply deny what he has written.

You never give me that opportunity. Because you almost never quote or link to what I have written.

And you cannot link to anything I have written in which I claim that Trump was an anti-Semite.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Remember, as far as we know so far, the extensive knowledge about the many problems with the Dossier was across the street in the FBI. Over at main Justice, where Rosenstein worked, the only two we know so far who knew about the problems with the Steele Dossier were Bruce Ohr and Andrew Weissman.”

Part of what was odd from the first was that it was Organized Crime people (Ohr, Weissman) involved with Steele, his Dossier, Simpson, and Fusion GPS on one side of the street in Main Justice, and the Counterintelligence Division (esp Strzok) involved in the FBI on the other side of the street. Normally Organized Crime at DoJ works with Organized Crime in the FBI, and Counterintelligence at DoJ works with Counterintelligence at the FBI. And Organized Crime on both sides of the street work with regular wiretap warrants, while National Security (and their Counterintelligence units) in both organizations work with FISA warrants. Part of the consequence here is that the people working at DoJ on the various FISA warrants utilized to spy on Trump and his people very likely had no knowledge whatsoever that the Steele Dossier was uncorroborated, it was paid for by Clinton and the DNC, etc. Just the opposite over at the FBI. The people dealing with Ohr and Steele were near the top of the Counterintelligence Division, which also generated the FISA warrant applications.

The reason for this, of course, is that AAG Bruce Ohr knew Glenn Simpson, head of Fusion GPS decently well, through his widcNelly, who worked there as a Russia expert. And she, while working there at Fusion GPS, obviously worked closely with Steele, who was supposedly getting his information from Russian government sources. Ohr, as the head of the Organized Crime task force, reported directly to DAG Sally Yates, whose FBI counterpart was DD McCabe. So Ohr knew McCabe fairly well professionally because of all of the high level meetings that they had attended together. Simpson and Steele went to Nellie Ohr with the Dossier, and then to Nellie’s husband Bruce, who went across the street to the one guy he know who would who it should go to, DD McCabe. Then, very likely, it appears, McCabe’s personal attorney, who was involved in almost everything that he was, got her lover, Peter Strzok involved, because he was near the top of the Counterintelligence Division at the FBI. Every thing else is history, as they say.

The interesting thing to me is that the center of the cabal at the FBI was exposed through a strategic leak of the Strzok/Page text messages apparently in response to that cabal, and notably McCabe and Strzok, taking out NSA Dir Gen Flynn. You read enough of their text messages, with an FBI org chart next to you, and it very quickly becomes evident who was working with McCabe and Strzok, and who they were working around (Priestap and I think Comey) by who they wanted at meetings, and who they didn’t. Initially, a lot of their text messages seemed cryptic, until other pieces of the puzzle were made public, and tied in. It was interesting because we were given the roadmap two years ago, with the text messages, and it has taken that long to put it all together. The question is, who was behind strategically leaking those text messages. And one frequent suggestion is the Defense dept intel community, in retaliation for the civilian intel community taking out one of their top people, Gen Flynn.

Michael K said...

The question is, who was behind strategically leaking those text messages. And one frequent suggestion is the Defense dept intel community, in retaliation for the civilian intel community taking out one of their top people, Gen Flynn.

Wheels within wheels. I have believed, based on the reaction of my FBI daughter, that Comey did his July 2016 presser to head off an agent revolt below him. The FBI grapevine knew Hillary was dirty. My daughter who is also and attorney used to prepare FISA warrants. She is no Trump fan and leans left but knew something was not right with Hillary.

Mike Rogers also played a big role in shutting down the "contractor" access to interceopts.

walter said...

John O. Brennan
‏Verified account @JohnBrennan
May 28

John O. Brennan Retweeted Donald J. Trump

You do not have a scintilla of the intellect, decency, & principles of VP Biden. What you do have is #BidenEnvy.

tim in vermont said...

I have believed, based on the reaction of my FBI daughter, that Comey did his July 2016 presser to head off an agent revolt below him.

But didn’t Mueller claim that Huckabee Sanders was a liar for saying that “countless” FBI agents supported firing Comey. It seems pretty true to me. It looks to me like Mueller was whitewashing his good friend, and according to the WaPo, google it “brother in arms,” Comey.

Drago said...

Jerry Nadler "republican" Chuck: "You never give me that opportunity."

Calm down Ms Schiff, you're getting hysterical far too early.

Not to worry, your boy Weismann has a book deal which is designed to offer up Hoax Dossier 7.0 right around prime campaign season so you and your far left pals will have a new set of smears and lies to advance.

You just need to be a little more patient.

Why dont you pour yourself another "wake me up" gin and tonic and dial up one of your hundreds of hours of recorded "brilliant" MSNBC "news" coverage while cuddling with your Maddow blow up doll.

All will be right with the world....you might even get to commune with the deep deep thoughts of your beloved April Ryan?

Tell the truth Chuck, just how dog-eared is your copy of Acosta's book?

Drago said...

Nobody: "It looks to me like Mueller was whitewashing his good friend, and according to the WaPo, google it “brother in arms,” Comey."

Rosenstein, Comey, Mueller, McCabe, Weismann, Strzok, Baker, Ohr and all the rest violated just about every DOJ/FBI "safeguard" that was put in place to prevent abuse of power.

tim in vermont said...

One of the worst things that Obama did was to appoint partisans like Brennen and Clapper to such a sensitive positions.

walter said...

It's Mueller Time Tshirt

Gail Evans
2.0 out of 5 stars
Runs small and shrinks
March 20, 2018
Verified Purchase
I liked the shirt, but... I wear a large, but knowing how many t-shirts I order run small, I ordered an XL. It was rather snug, but I decided to keep it anyway. Then I washed it. Now it would fit a child.

walter said...

Partisan? C'mon Nobody..he clearly says:
John O. BrennanVerified account
Former CIA Director (2013-17). Nonpartisan American who is very concerned about our collective future.
I do believe he is concerned about the collective future.

Michael K said...

Interesting story today but no idea of it is true.

The United States planned a military strike against Iran over its downing of a US Drone yesterday, but the attack had to be called-off because an American target list was forwarded to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corp as the US operation got underway.

US Intelligence determined that a security breach had taken place and our pilots would be flying into a death trap had the operation been allowed to proceed.

As US fighter and/or Bomber aircraft were to take off for targets involving Iran, US intelligence intercepted "a communication" - they won't say whether it was a phone call, FAX, e-mail, or radio transmission - with a VERSION of the finalized target list that American forces were ordered to destroy.

Did anyone see John Kerry around DC ?

Narr said...

Michael K@1002: I don't know much about Hal Turner or his sources, but the article mentions the likelihood that the alleged leak came from one of our gallant allies.

The Saudis are the ones trying to get us shooting, so it was probably a Saudi betrayal (although with pious Muslims you can never rest easy).

Saudis NEVER fight, they have Uncle Sucker to do that for them

iowan2 said...

Again; Trump didn't say that he did not recall her. That might have been true. Trump claimed that they had never met.

I have been in numerous wedding receiving lines. To I say I shook their hands, maybe hugged them, trading congradulations and well wishes, is to have MET them, is ludicrous. "do you know Sally Smith?" "nope never met the lady" "Wells here's a picture of you hugging her." "Nope, still never met her"
I have danced with hundreds of women...that I have never met.
You think you have an example of Trump's lying. What you have is an example of the mans humanity.

But there are two things about Jews that betray Trump's stupidity and vulgarity,
For a person that demands of other perfection of word usage, yours is abysmal.
There is ignorant and there is stupid. Ignorant is unaware of knowledge. Stupid is the inability to absorb knowledge. And you a lawyer...would have known that.
We all know the landscape is littered with stupid $billionaires (sarcasm)
Do carry on. Nothing reveals true wit and wisdom like incessant ad hominem attacks(sarcasm)

walter said...

Dan Crenshaw
‏Verified account @DanCrenshawTX
Jun 20
Madonna, if this is your thing now let’s get you an eyepatch not from CVS. 👇
I know a guy.

Michael K said...

I have also read doubts about the source of that story.

walter said...

George Will on..The View!

Rosa Marie Yoder said...

Blogger Chuck said...

wholelottasplainin' said...
I've got those flowers blooming in my little garden out back. Anyone know what they're called?

Creeping Myrtle (Vinca minor).

Wrong, Chuck. The flowers shown in the picture are on spiderwort plants.

Chuck said...

Rosa Marie Yoder said...
Blogger Chuck said...

wholelottasplainin' said...
I've got those flowers blooming in my little garden out back. Anyone know what they're called?

Creeping Myrtle (Vinca minor).

Wrong, Chuck. The flowers shown in the picture are on spiderwort plants.

Thank you. But if you had read just a couple of comments further, I quickly added that I had been looking at the myrtle (which also blooms purple, but in the spring) and not the other flowers that you point out as spiderwort.

Nichevo said...

Chuck said...
I've never written one word suggesting that Donald Trump is an anti-Semite. Anyone alleging that I made such a charge against Trump should quote me and link to it. But no one can do that, because I've never written anything like that.

Well there's this, saving me the trouble:

One was the Trump quote that he didn't want black people counting his money at Trump-owned casinos. He said he wanted little guys wearing yarmulkes counting his money. It was no doubt one of Trump's crude, 50's era, unthinking jokes.

I remember I had to work very hard to educate you on that point. Finally you seemed to accept what I was telling you, or at least decided to let it go.

So, let no one say that Chuck is an ineducable retard. He is, just barely, educable.

Michael K said...

Here is an interesting take on Trump's 2020 campaign.

Instead, the media immediately criminalized any attempt to locate the emails that Clinton’s aides erased from her server—that is correspondence she sent and received during her tenure as secretary of state. Never mind that the files were material to pending lawsuits and an ongoing congressional investigation.

Former FBI Director James Comey claims his agency went so far as to open up a counterintelligence probe into the Trump campaign in July 2016 after an aide allegedly told an Australian diplomat that Russia had “dirt” on Clinton in the form of her deleted documents. (That ruse is now under scrutiny as a potential set-up.)

Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report even outlined attempts by the Trump campaign to find the files that Clinton deleted from her personal server, as if the pursuit represented some nefarious plot to collude with the Kremlin.

Time to go after Hillary's emails ?

Chuck said...

As I have said many times, I always know when my punches are landing w/r/t Trump here, because the attacks on me turn purely personal.

There's no refuting what Trump put into print. "I’ve never met this person in my life," Trump said in his statement. It does not matter what any of you think of me; what Trump wrote is what he wrote. He claims he never met Jean Carroll in his life. There are photos of Trump meeting Jean Carroll. Jean Carroll says that Trump recognized her as "that advice lady"; which is sort of consistent with her actual columnist role at the time, and which also sounds just like Trump, in his own patented low-information categorization of people about whom Trump wants to say something.

I am not claiming that the rape allegation is true. What I am claiming is beyond any reasonable dispute. That Trump recklessly shoot from the hip, claiming that he "never met" Jean Carroll when in fact he had. Piling his own lie onto an already messy situation in a classic Trump maneuver.

If Trump means something else other than that he "never met" Ms. Carroll, let hi clarify it. But I'm not going to help Trump do it. I am not giving him the benefit of the doubt. I am not going to twist the plain meanings of words so as to exculpate Trump.

I want to hear Trump say what all of his cultish supporters are claiming, to try to smooth things over. Because there's no telling how deep Trump could dig his own hole, doing that.

Chuck said...

Nichevo, I have nothing to add to that story. The story was reported, and then Trump was asked about it, and Trump said, "I probably said that." Right?

Mind you, I have already said and I will say again; I don't think that the story proves Trump is a racist (I personally think he's got a lot of racist notions mixed up in that crazy jumbled jingoistic thing that serves as his mind, but Trump is not a classic racist in any provable way that I know of), and I don't think that the story proves that Trump is anti-Semitic.

Again; I think it proves that Trump is an idiot. An idiot who is curiously locked into cultural notions from the 1950's and earlier. Like a time-warp. A mixture of Bull Connor, the Rat Pack and Roy Cohn pulled violently into the 21st century.

walter said...

Yes, Chuck.
A damn near knockout punch.
You da man.

Michael K said...

I am not giving him the benefit of the doubt.

Of course not. 98% of the NeverTrumpers have come around. A few diehards are still complaining about his manners or exaggerrations. You are one of the few real haters who claims to be a Republican.

Most of us here, except for Inga and Freder, think you are a Moby,

narciso said...

he could be French, or frum, or Gerson, why I have no idea,

Drago said...

"Department of Black People" Chuck: "As I have said many times, I always know when my punches are landing w/r/t Trump here, because the attacks on me turn purely personal."


Filed under: Things all Admitted Smear Merchants Say When Their Smears Are Exposed.

Drago said...

Btw, if you really want to set Chuck off, tell him you are a decorated military veteran who is conservative and that you oppose dem policies!!

That always drives him over the edge in full Dick Durbin/Da Nang Dick hack mode.

That too is always fun to watch.

Drago said...

The best part of all?

LLR Chuck and his far left allies think they are winning?

One can only imagine the cognitive dissonance at their antifa-like meetings!

rcocean said...

All the "Never trumpers" are useless. They aren't on our side, and they hate Trump. Who cares what they think? They're just liberal democrats who dislike taxes and love Big business.

I no longer read David french, Goldberg, Erickson, National Review, George Will or listen to Glenn Beck. If I want Trump bashing I'll read a million other MSM Sites and writers.

Birkel said...

Not at all true, Smear Merchant Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire.
My attacks on you are always personal.
You've shown yourself unworthy of more.

Chuck said...

Birkel said...
Not at all true, Smear Merchant Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire.
My attacks on you are always personal.
You've shown yourself unworthy of more.

Sure; your attacks on me are always personal. And routinely false.

Neither of which adds to Althouse's comments pages.

Birkel said...

Hey, did you forget to send your full contact gym's address?

Drago said...

LLR Chuck: "Sure; your attacks on me are always personal. And routinely false."


And Out And Proud Admitted Smear Merchant says other are not telling the truth.

So very very typically leftist.


Michael K said...

My God ! When comments get to 300, Ritmo usually shows up.

I guess Chuck has taken his spot.

Drago said...

Michael K: "My God ! When comments get to 300, Ritmo usually shows up.
I guess Chuck has taken his spot."

One leftist is as good as another.

Chuck said...

Trump's denials.

Birkel said...

A David Frum link and now Smear Merchant Chuck, self-admitted racist and fopdoodle extraordinaire, is looking so deeply into his own belly button that he looks like an Ouroboros.

What a fucking wanker.

Chuck said...

"Finally, no controversy involving Trump would be complete without at least one utterly brazen, easily disprovable Trumpian lie. In his statement denying the rape allegation, he added the claim that, 'I've never met this person in my life.'"

Birkel said...

George Conway FTW.

The list of NeverTrump is getting shorter by the day.
Maybe concentrate on his actions, you Left wing shitheel.

Drago said...


LLR Chuck is still fighting the hoax battle that the latest lefty liar put out even after the lefty liar said she would not be filing charges!!

Her reason? It wouldnt be fair to the migrants being assaulted at the border!!


Is that an incoherent answer? Yes!!

But that is typical of lefty liar smear merchants like her and our Chuck!!

Too funny.

Too too funny.

Drago said...

Seriously Chuck. You might consider putting the bottle down and getting some rest instead.

Just roll that Maddow blow up doll off yoyr bed and spread out.

Birkel said...

All that big boy talk and not a gym in sight.

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