May 26, 2019

What happens when a group of HuffPo editors assemble to say what they think about Trump-fan art?

I'm reading "Are Ridiculous Pro-Trump Drawings Art? A HuffPost Discussion." I just want to quote a small part of the dialogue, about this artwork:

The dialogue:
Ashley Feinberg — The weird thing about the football one is they kind of included his gut...

Claire Fallon — The gut of a successful man.

Ashley Feinberg — Usually, they paint him like they want to fuck him, though.

Nick Robins-Early — Mostly Trump is insanely ripped, yeah.

Ashley Feinberg — Also, curiously, he appears to be shitting himself in the football one, which is unusual.

Nick Robins-Early — It’s true, most of these do not depict the president shitting himself.

Claire Fallon — That’s just what it looks like to strain towards victory....
There's much more to the dialogue, and I am quoting the most debased snippet. It gets loftier — on to what-is-art questions and so forth. I just wanted you to see that, especially, "Usually, they paint him like they want to fuck him, though." Oh, now that makes me want to add this, from later in the dialogue:
Nick Robins-Early — [P]retty much all of these depict Trump as a hyper-masculine hot strongman....

Claire Fallon — It’s important to remember that when Trump was young people thought he was hot, and yet he has zero remaining hot traits.


rcocean said...

That's hilariously bad! At first, I thought the missed tacklers on the other team were Democrats and the black guy on the ground was Obama, but that's doesn't seem to be the case. Anyway, at least we don't get Trump on a white horse or a Chariot.

I assume the fan art with Obama was just as bad, if not worse, but no one criticized it.

gspencer said...



rcocean said...

Usually, they paint him like they want to fuck him, though.

Left-wing projection. Big time. You had liberal journalists talking and dreaming of giving Billy bob Clinton and Obama blow-jobs.

buwaya said...

How much fan art have previous Presidents inspired?
It seems a very recent thing, uncommissioned work like this.”
Reagan did, Obama did, but neither in such volume as Trump.

traditionalguy said...

The football one seems about right. He is fighting through a swarm of opposition players with zero help from his own RINO team members who seem to like watching the way it's happening.

Ann Althouse said...

Because I brought up football...

RIP Bart Starr.

Ann Althouse said...

"How much fan art have previous Presidents inspired?"

The dialogue does get into comparisons with Obama art (also Hillary).

rcocean said...

I don't think Trump is a heroic figure. So painting him in a heroic manner just doesn't sell. On 2nd thought, Trump is heroic in this sense. No one, I mean no one, could have stood up the amount of non-stop abuse he's received from the Democrats, the Media, and even the Republican establishment. Its been non-stop and relentless for 3 years. Even the FBI and CIA were trying to sabotage him. Yet, he keeps rolling along and fighting back. Any other Pol would've caved or given up.

rcocean said...

Bart Starr. A little before my time, but I've seen shows on the "Ice Bowl". And I just googled that Don Meredith died in 2010! Wow, that's surprising. Only 72.

Anonymous said...

People think the ease by which you can create anything that can live everywhere, forever, means it new and creative. Self focus.

traditionalguy said...

I loved the second pic of DJT holding the tattered flag. Because his facial expression is that of a winning wrestler coming off the mat at the end of a hard match. It shows a man too tired now to celebrate the work he has done and still mentally focused on how to defeat that strong opponent.

David Begley said...

The Left has gone completely insane. This is not news.

rcocean said...

Well, we have this from an Obama fan:


gspencer said...

Paul Hornung had a bet that he'd outlive Bart. Now he has to collect.

Bob_R said...

"Claire Fallon — It’s important to remember that when Trump was young people thought he was hot, and yet he has zero remaining hot traits."

Pretty clear that nothing Clair Fallon has ever done, or ever will do, is important. Privilege on steroids.

Clyde said...

Poor Claire. He's got a billion hot traits. Women love a rich man if he'll spend money on them.

Is the one with glasses supposed to be Schumer?

Howard said...

The problem I have with the football one is the Back-Judge would never signal a touchdown in this situation. Ruins the hole thingy.

narciso said...

he's a blunt instrument, so there is a heroic element to this, like tony stark the billionaire philanthropist, it's not a new theme,

Leora said...

Everyone seems to have forgotten the heroic HOPE posters of the Obama era.

Mary Beth said...

The could have saved a lot of pixels and conversation time by just saying, "I don't get it."

iowan2 said...

people thought he was hot, and yet he has zero remaining hot traits.

I hope President Trump steals this quote and uses it. Maybe Warren. He could related that maybe she used to be hot, but has zero hotness now.

Let the media go off on him for 24 hours and then tweet this direct quote out, and the link.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Sorry Elvis, the black velvet Trump is takin' your place, bud.

narciso said...

the only ironic piece of art in that era, was the end of kingsman, where it's suggested Obama would collaborate with the gaia obsessed billionaire so much so, he would allow himself an explosive implant,

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

this, from the 0bama hagiography crowd

Josephbleau said...

It’s not art, it’s a joke, satire, humor. You are not allowed to argue with it. You just have to “get it.”

Gunner said...

This conversation proves a theory. As dumb as male SJWs are, the female ones are much dumber.

MadisonMan said...

@althouse, at first I thought it was a picture of Bart.

rehajm said...

Helped them get through another day. If this shit prevents one suic...well wait...I need to think about this.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

does Michelle Malkin carry a Trump doll around in her purse like Jill Abramson did with her "Manchurian Ken" 0bama doll?

Sebastian said...

"Usually, they paint him like they want to fuck him, though."

The clueless contempt of our opponents is our strength.

chickelit said...

Women making snippy comments about mens' looks simply cannot be judged without looking for photos of said women. Lena Dunham learned that the hard way.

stevew said...

Oh ffs these folks are retards.

Big Mike said...

Claire Fallon — It’s important to remember that when Trump was young people thought he was hot, and yet he has zero remaining hot traits.

But because he's rich and famous Claire would eagerly let him grab her by ...

Sam L. said...

Forget it, Jake; it's the PuffHo.

Fen said...

The best part: picture of HuffPo Editors Meeting.

Missing a little color.

tim maguire said...

He should have been dodging red-shirted tacklers too.

This Claire person sounds like a non-loon. How’d she get hired at HuffPo?

Birches said...

I see this is the first time many of you have seen Jon McNaughton Trump art. Haha. Go check out his website. There's a lot more. He's completely sincere.

Robert Cook said...

Yes. McNaughton is completely sincere. And his work is utter kitsch of the highest ordure.

daskol said...

Trump as a Peshawar warrior may not be high art, but it's a very funny video.

Swede said...

Trump owns every aspect of their lives.

Can you imagine living like that?

He's impacted their sanity, their sex lives, every cultural discussion, etc.

When he wins in 2020, I'm going to take a few days off from work and just watch the spectacle that they guarantee.

Jeff Brokaw said...

Power, wealth, and confidence are the main traits that a majority of women are usually attracted to, no? That’s what the research always says.

Got news for you Claire... Trump is 3-for-3 on those traits even at his advanced age.

But hey, whatever gets you through the night...

cacimbo said...

Shortly after discussing the anti-Trump painting of Melania pooping on her son's face. Ashley Feinberg says of pro-Trump artists: "It’s just such a beautiful depiction of how warped these people’s minds are."

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

None of that is art, or is intended to be, and none of it is as ridiculous as the anti-Trump comments from Huff Po.

Freeman Hunt said...

I don't think these writers get the joke. As Trump might say, "Sad!"

Narr said...

Regrets, I've got a few. Like not getting that ceramic figure set of Jesus (yeah, THAT Jesus) romping through a group of child defenders, high-stepping, hair flying, left arm out, football snug in his right . . . Touchdown!

True story