"I did not believe that he personally favored either the Democrats or the Republicans, or had a point of view on whether President Trump should be impeached. But I have now changed my mind. By putting his thumb, indeed his elbow, on the scale of justice in favor of impeachment based on obstruction of justice, Mueller has revealed his partisan bias. He also has distorted the critical role of a prosecutor in our justice system. Virtually everybody agrees that, in the normal case, a prosecutor should never go beyond publicly disclosing that there is insufficient evidence to indict. No responsible prosecutor should ever suggest that the subject of his investigation might indeed be guilty even if there was insufficient evidence or other reasons not to indict. Supporters of Mueller will argue that this is not an ordinary case, that he is not an ordinary prosecutor, and that President Trump is not an ordinary subject of an investigation. They are wrong. The rules should not be any different. Remember that federal investigations by prosecutors, including special counsels, are by their very nature one sided.... Th[e] determination of guilt or innocence requires a full adversarial trial with a zealous defense attorney, vigorous cross examination, exclusionary rules of evidence, and other due process safeguards. Such safeguards were not present in this investigation, and so the suggestion by Mueller that Trump might well be guilty deserves no credence.... No prosecutor should ever say or do anything for the purpose of helping one party or the other.... Shame on Mueller for abusing his position of trust and for allowing himself to be used for such partisan advantage."
Wrote Alan Dershowitz yesterday.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 336 of 336Not sure if this was mentioned above - no time to read all - but isn’t it ironic that Mueller is looking to evade Q & A on this whole escapade? He is obstructing us getting to the whole truth. Some paragon of virtue, is he.
There are two ways to look at Mueller's device, and people can pick which one they think was operative:
(1) Mueller didn't think Trump obstructed justice, but didn't make a "no prosecution" decision because the OLC position makes the point moot;
(2) Mueller thought Trump did obstruct justice, but didn't make a "prosecution" decision because the OLC position makes the point moot.
Now, which do you pick?
I pick number (2), and here is why- it is difficult to otherwise understand why Mueller and his team created such a novel theory of obstruction in Volume II. You only do that if you are trying to justify the first clause in (2). If you are in position (1), you don't need to search out a new theory of obstruction- you can just stick with the old one.
“Mueller didn't write the Constitution and he did not write DOJ guidelines that say that ordinary law enforcement doesn't apply to sitting presidents. Mueller was hired by the DOJ to conduct an investigation in order to document the illegal acts that Trump engaged in - and he did so with efficiency. Unfortunately he chose not gather evidence with regard to Trump's supposedly private racketeering activities or else Barr shut that down by ending the term of the special counsel.”
It wasn’t very efficient, but that was mostly because they couldn’t find Mens Rea for Obstruction with Trump, and Trump’s attorneys weren’t about to let that happen with a personal interview. And they could only force him into their perjury trap if they could show that the only way to get critical information was with a personal interview. Their problem was that they wanted the personal interview to prove intent for Obstruction, but had to pretend that they were still looking at Russian collusion, and Trump’s attorneys were able to just ship boxes of documents involving Russian collusion to the Mueller team whenever they got serious about deposing him.
"You only do that if you are trying to justify the first clause in (2)"
Really? Perhaps not (regradless of what Mueller "thinks") if simply sowing enough suspicion to trigger impeachment..or simply justifying continuous cloud cover over Trump until 2020.
“If we give up accuracy and reason, we are no better than the major network newscasts.”
Too late. It’s been happening here for the last two years now.
“Not sure if this was mentioned above - no time to read all - but isn’t it ironic that Mueller is looking to evade Q & A on this whole escapade? He is obstructing us getting to the whole truth. Some paragon of virtue, is he.”
The Mueller/Weissman Obstruction interpretation essentially says that any interference in an investigation is Obstruction. Guess what? One of the primary purposes of the Mueller investigation in the first place was to freeze the various SpyGate investigations, including the one by OIG, as well as both Senate and House investigations. And it worked. For example, every time that Congressional investigators got close to Spygate, they would be prevented from continuing along those lines, due an ongoing investigation- the Mueller investigation, despite it having moved at least a year earlier to no longer looking at Russian collusion, but instead the Mueller team was working on their Obstruction theories. They could easily have said “no Trump/Russia collusion”, after they had determined that, but kept other investigations from proceeding by refusing to concede that for better than a year after determining it to be the case. Making their Obstruction (under the Mueller/Weissman theory) case worse, they knew that they were interfering with other investigations, yet continued to pretend that they were still investigating Russian Collusion, keeping those other investigations stalled for better than a year longer that they should have been able to, if they had been honest. That sure looks like Obstruction of Justice under the Mueller/Weissman statutory interpretation.
The whole topic of impeachment is purely a distraction on the part of Democrats, who don't want the focus to be on Bill Barr finding out how the fairy tale "Russian collusion" investigation started and the results of the forthcoming IG report.
“The whole topic of impeachment is purely a distraction on the part of Democrats, who don't want the focus to be on Bill Barr finding out how the fairy tale "Russian collusion" investigation started and the results of the forthcoming IG report.”
You people are just a joke. All the heavy breathing over the last IG report, all the Democrats who were “going to jail”. Who is it that sits in jail right about now? Trump advisors and lawyers. No Democrats.
Hahahahaha. Sheesh.
“A nonpartisan person would have investigated the actual collusion of the actual coup plotters.”
A rational person would by now be aware of the writing on the wall.
Seriously, are you people so deeply entrenched in Trump Cultism that you are incapable of seeing reason?
"Until today, I have defended Mueller against the accusations that he is a partisan . . . Mueller has revealed his partisan bias."
Until today, I thought Alan Dershowitz was not a fool. But he has now revealed his folly.
All of us deplorables knew from the outset. A nonpartisan "prosecutor" woulds not have accepted an investigation that had no legal basis. A nonpartisan person would have concluded within weeks that there was no collusion. A nonpartisan person would not have tolerated the anti-Trump leaks and would have punished them. A nonpartisan person would not have tried to fabricate an obstruction charge or smear Trump when he could find none. A nonpartisan prosecutor would have investigated the fabricated pretext for the investigation in the Steele dossier. A nonpartisan person would have investigated the actual collusion of the actual coup plotters
Shame on Dershowitz for consorting with underage girls, see how that works?
Shame on Dershowitz for consorting with underage girls, see how that works?
Yes, we see how slander with unsubstantiated innuendo works. It's what the Democrats are trying to do (with the help of Mueller) to Trump. Thanks for understanding.
Shame on Dershowitz for consorting with underage girls, see how that works?
Too stupid to realize you're making our point.
Inga: "A rational person would by now be aware of the writing on the wall.
Seriously, are you people so deeply entrenched in Trump Cultism that you are incapable of seeing reason?"
Yes, Inga, the only remaining Hoax Dossier Truther-Dead Ender wrote that. Just now.
Just. Now.
Now that's funny!
Jim at: "Too stupid to realize you're making our point.
What will be even more amusing is that even after you have pointed it out, she still won't get it.
And will likely triple down on making our point.
And be cackling to herself every step of the way over her latest "win".
Just remember that not not guilty still results in not not my President. So stuff it Dems.
You people are just a joke. All the heavy breathing over the last IG report, all the Democrats who were “going to jail”. Who is it that sits in jail right about now? Trump advisors and lawyers. No Democrats.
We are the joke? How many times do we have to tell you idiot libs that the Trump advisors and lawyers have been convicted of NO CRIMES RELATING TO COLLUSION, OBSTRUCTION, CONSPIRACY or anything to do with Russian collusion or obstruction of justice. The "convictions" were for process crimes or crimes that pre-date any involvement with Trump. Having been a prosecutor, it is a normal tactic to charge associates of a subject in order to get them to flip or give information on the primary subject. I never engaged in any "heavy breathing" over the last IG report nor did I say Dems were going to jail, although Hillary certainly should go to jail, but I guarantee with her money and power she won't. Time will tell if McCabe, Strozk, or any of the numerous deep state actors with the insurance policy of preventing/tarnishing Trump's presidency ever sit in jail.
Our Ing: Shame on Dershowitz for consorting with underage girls, see how that works?
Of course we see how the process of taking irrational babbling for kill-shot analogy "works" in the deluded mind of TDS suffering progs.
You've been around here since forever, after all. Regulars are thoroughly familiar with the phenomenon.
"Prayers and thoughts", Ing, as the internet community of the concerned always says. We know you guys are having a tough time amid your shattered hopes right now. Keep your pecker up.
The Mueller investigation was stretched in the hope that Manafort would crack and give them something good. He didn't, Sessions got fired, Barr got confirmed, and Mueller then folded his tent.
I would love to have been a fly on the wall when Barr called Mueller after yesterday's press conference. I imagine that Barr started out with a few concise reminders of the March 5th meeting, of which there are undoubtedly transcripts, followed by a few choice comments about the necessity of keeping subordinates like Weissman and others under control, followed by a query as to what the heck did Mueller think he was doing out there, followed by the dictation of the joint statement put out by the DOJ and the Office of the Special Counsel, and concluding with an assurance that Mueller's services were no longer required.
I don't think Mueller will be on either Trump's or Barr's Christmas card list.
4 posts and Inga has nothing more to say than,"oh yea, so's yo mamma!
I truly wish Inga and her friends would show up and engage with the commetariat at Althouse.
I truly desire a difference of opinion. Dialogue is so educational. An opportunity to sway a persons heart. Blindly posting content, with no content, adds nothing.
But I understand the fear of attempting to step into the ring with this stable of experts. Althouse has garnered a stable of informed commentators, that include lawyers of varying disciplines, engineers of varying disciplines, Dr's, again from across multiple fields, historians by avocation, hobbyists of untold number of interests, and all of them know enough to research quickly and efficiently.
All of this only to inform, that engaging here in a serious manner requires something better than 'so's yo mamma!'
well I've been able to get some info, out of her, badgering doesn't really help, chuck really did become tedious ultimately, one finds one such poster at least in every blog,
@Yancey Ward, I think we still have little clue what Mueller actually thinks, as opposed to what he wants us to believe he thinks. It seems clear from all sorts of evidence that he wants us to believe #2 -- that he thinks Trump did obstruct justice, but he didn't make a "prosecution" decision because the OLC position makes the point moot. However, I think the investigative/prosecutorial types on his team would want to push an extremely broad definition of obstruction regardless. They are in the business of incriminating then flipping people, and an easily available process crime is an excellent tool for that purpose. So I see your logic, but I would be slow to draw inferences from the fact that those people pushed that theory.
Dershowitz 5, Mueller 0.
Mueller is weak and cowardly.
At his first (and last) press conference, the mask came off.
I hope Barr stands tall. But 50-50 he may waver, too.
@iowantwo, I know you meant no disrespect, but I don't believe Althouse "garners." Ever. There might even be a tag about it.
BAG: "I hope Barr stands tall. But 50-50 he may waver, too."
That was my default belief as well given Barr's standing in DC. He was another establishment guy.
But things have changed in the last weeks and months. Barr is now targeted for destruction and he knew that was coming and he took the job anyway.
He knows the only way to save what he loves about his depts is to clean them out.
Is there a limit to how much he would burn down? Undoubtedly yes.
But he is also precisely the type of person with the right expertise and ecperience to get us to that limit.
At this point, given the systemic corruption, thats our best hope.
“I truly wish Inga and her friends would show up and engage with the commetariat at Althouse.”
Sorry, but I have no interest in being your deprogrammer and most other liberals might agree, you people are in dire need of deprogramming. It simply does not make sense to engage cultists.
I hope you're right, but don't know if you're right.
It'd be nice to see one of these Deep Staters indicted. If that happens, you will be right.
Let us see the next IG Report!
“Let us see the next IG Report!”
Keep hope alive!
@iowantwo, I know you meant no disrespect, but I don't believe Althouse "garners." Ever. There might even be a tag about it.
yea, I know. I couldn't resist. Just consider that sometimes I feel like a 7th grader taunting the teacher
“Let us see the next IG Report!”
Keep hope alive!
Never failing to prove my point.
Turns out, Mueller wanted the FBI director job and Trump said no.
ha. Yes indeed.
Inga: "Sorry, but I have no interest in being your deprogrammer and most other liberals might agree, you people are in dire need of deprogramming."
Speaking of deprogramming, Inga, do you or do you not still believe in the hoax dossier?
Watch Culty Inga run away from answering that one! Obviously that is a hallmark of cult-like behavior.
Think of Inga as our very own Scientologist-like-leftist who cannot accept basic facts.
I'll bet she hasca hoax dossier shrine in her home....needless to say I cannot say with confidence that she doesnt sacrifice small animals at this shrine.
Mueller is a bitter clinger. He knew Hillary would have fired Comey and given him the juicy rice bowl.
and the media would have no issue with Hillary firing Comey. The leaking half-wit nitwit.
"deprogramming" is a leftwing deal. Might as well say "re-education camp"
Althouse has garnered a stable of informed commentators, that include lawyers of varying disciplines, engineers of varying disciplines, Dr's, again from across multiple fields, historians by avocation, hobbyists of untold number of interests, and all of them know enough to research quickly and efficiently.
That's very true, and is one of the most valuable aspects of Althouse's commentariat, IMHO. She oftentimes doesn't seem to value such notable individuals (among whom I do not place myself) very highly though. I remember the physician “Pogo” — who obviously liked her, provided pertinent and intelligent postings, and was guilty of none of the attrocious behavior of certain commenters here we won't name but whom Althouse continuously tolerates, with hardly a complaint — not to speak of persons such as Mary whom she studiously not only bans but laboriously deletes every single posting.
Remember what happened? Althouse blithely and consciously insulted him fine day, and Pogo hasn't been seen here since.
In Ingas defense, it cant be easy to have all of her lies over the last years blown out of the water so completely and have to settle for much smaller lies like the USS McCain hoax claim which dissolved under modest scrutiny in under 24 hours.
or the kavalec memo, with the Russian consulate in Miami, the notion that truibnikov or surkov would be sharing anything with Litvinenko's handler, yet it was expedited to Laycock, who relayed it to strzok and page, three weeks before the election,
ah yes, plastic turkey 2, electric boogaloo,
narciso, one of the most worrisome exposures of lefty lies that we now know occurred was the lefty Comp Sci professor chick and her pals who created the "pings" between Trump servers and the foreign Putin-affiliated bank.
This was clearly coordinated with Hillary as she reference these hoax pings within 24 hours of her henchmen pulling off the dirty trick which was then played up by the lefty press and repeated on blogs by unthinking lefty voice-actuated cultists like Inga.
Those Comp Sci a**hats were also planning in placing wiki emails on Trump servers and have the FBI raid the offices.
Classic marxist tactics.
It gets harder and harder to take Dershowitz seriously all the time. He was always prone to getting argumentative and batty, but really seems to have taken an intellectual nosedive in his retirement and old age. The fact is that DOJ policy prevented Mueller from indicting that subject - (dozens of his co-conspirators were not only indicted but sentenced) - so he reasonably interpreted that the investigation and process could only ultimately be referred to and concluded by a congressional impeachment, if they so chose. So no, Trump is "no ordinary subject of investigation" - unless Alan knows of other U.S. citizens or persons generally who are immune from indictment. Let him argue on behalf of the Royal Temper Trumpster when it goes to an impeachment hearing or once he's out of office. Taking up the cause of a 21st century American version of Charles I the way he does is laughable, but he can do it when actual, effective legal recourse against the Temperamental Tyrant Trump is pursued, rather than while we pore over the symbolism and meaning of this sham "for practice" show.
Republicans have been over the moon ever since they figured out that rule-of-law was optional. How nice to be able to have one branch of government that sees itself as above the law and half of the other in agreement that such a state of affairs should only be proper and fitting.
Our friend, Inga - with great jocularity - advises me to "keep hope alive!".
I will do that!
But permit me a neutral question, Dear Inga:
Do you think (not hope) the House will pass Articles of Impeachment against our elected President?
And, if so, when do you think this will happen?
HoaxPPT: "The fact is that DOJ policy prevented Mueller from indicting that subject - (dozens of his co-conspirators were not only indicted but sentenced) ...."
Demonstrably untrue.
Another lefty, another lie.
Don't you have a plastic turkey to report on from somewhere? Koi fish feeding techniques? Michael Cohen secretly traveling to Prague?
It's tough when all your lies collapse, isn't it?
Well, thoughts and prayers to you.....
Inga...Allie Oop said...
Sorry, but I have no interest in being your deprogrammer and most other liberals might agree, you people are in dire need of deprogramming. It simply does not make sense to engage cultists.
This person believes that Trump paid hookers to pee on a bed Obama slept in and is being blackmailed by Putin because of a report by an English spy paid by Hillary Clinton.
By the way what Hillary did is the definition of treason.
How many times do we have to tell you idiot libs that the Trump advisors and lawyers have been convicted of NO CRIMES RELATING TO COLLUSION, OBSTRUCTION, CONSPIRACY or anything to do with Russian collusion or obstruction of justice. The "convictions" were for process crimes or crimes that pre-date any involvement with Trump.
Right. A personal attorney-consigliere who is so under the Fantastic Mr. Trump's spell as to break campaign finance laws on his client's behalf and direction reveals NOTHING about Trump's unprecedented willingness to forego any scruples and go to whatever lengths he pleases in pursuing the presidency.
Those dems better get on the ball with impeachment, what with all that criminal activity right out there "in plain sight"!!
Keep hope alive lefties!!
(Pelosi knows full well what suckers each and every one of you are)
Inga is a piker.
Ritmo named himself after the hoax dossier.
"This person believes that Trump paid hookers to pee on a bed Obama slept in and is being blackmailed by Putin because of a report by an English spy paid by Hillary Clinton."
The exposure of this lie was so embarrassing to HoaxPPT that he changed his handle.
Inga, on the other hand, has not been so quick to recognize the collapse of all the lefty lies.
At least HoaxPPT knows enough to try and change the subject.
I don't read anything Drago writes out of sympathy for the maniacal band of merry partisan psychopaths that he represents. I do imagine he cackles like Hillary when he writes it, though.
But no, I put as much credence in what he writes as I do the scribblings of any other drunk or schizophrenic. Only his scribblings are even more inscrutable.
Ritmo and Inga are the same people that told us W conspired with shadowy middle eastern types to literally let 9-11 happen.
They are also the same morons who believe Reagan sent HW over to Paris in an SR-71 (secretly!) to conspire with the Iranians to keep American citizens hostage longer to win an election.
You know the litany:
The CIA ran drugs into the inner cities.
CNN's hilariously moronic and easily exposed "Tailwind" lies.
The list of insane lies that our marxists try to pawn off as truth is endless.
But sometimes amusing, like the HoaxPPT that Inga still believes in, with every fiber of her being!
Achilles named himself after a mythological action figure who couldn't figure out how to keep his ankle from getting sliced.
But Brad Pitt did portray him better than an unemployed doomsday-apocalyptic Oregonian in a wife-beater would.
Go get your shine box, Achilles.
HoaxPPT told us that midwesterners were responsible for human waste on SF sidewalks.
That was a classic.
An absolute classic.
I do give HoaxPPT credit though.
One time, for about 5 minutes, he deigned to speak with someone he claimed was a homeless vet on the street and thus, magically, became an expert on military veterans affairs.
It was inspiring.
There goes lonely looney Drago (who has no life and will be here all night long tonight) - making a rock solid case for his hero GWB's competence.
I guess this makes it harder for him to defend his current hero du jour Trump's assessment of W's competence.
Drago can't even keep track of what he says. Is he supporting the current RNC head Trump (who hates the Bushes) or the former RNC head W.? Being as butt-sniffing a partisan hack as he is must get tedious. Especially with Republicans, whose handle on reality is shaped by the day-to-day needs of Trump's little ego. Saying one thing one day and something else the next.
Like when he accidentally tweeted today that Russia got him the job. Very clear-thinking, there! Stable genius!
That's what you get to say when you don't even know how to take yourself seriously.
"The exposure of this lie was so embarrassing to HoaxPPT that he changed his handle."
Well, he kept his picture.
I liked "Ritmo" better, it implied an interest in some actually interesting things.
Like Brazilian music.
Quite a lot of it evident in the SF Carnaval parade last Sunday.
Though only about 1/3 was Samba, native, semi-native, or purely aficionados del norte. The rest being bits and pieces of all the rest of Latin America. Such as, it seemed, a considerable part of Bolivia. Why that was I don't know.
Its fun watching HoaxPPT run away from everything he has said as fast as he can.
That's what you have to do when you don't even know how to take yourself seriously.
midwesterners were responsible for human waste on SF sidewalks.
My bad. Homeless people all over the country flock to take advantage of the humane treatment and economic powerhouses of the midwest, rather than Northern California.
Get out much? Well, it's important that you crack yourself up, seeing as how no one else talks to you, let alone feels entertained by you. On here OR IRL.
It seems to me that Mueller’s main goal with the presser was to try his best to NOT testify to any congressional committee. Mueller’s message seemed to be to the Democrats in Congress: Lay off the subpoena talk about me testifying. I’ve given you plenty of innuendo, gossip and hearsay – do with it what you will but leave me out of it.
Why? Maybe because should Mueller testify under oath he would surely be asked such questions by the GOP members on the committees that Mueller would either have to lie about or ruin his reputation and thus de-legitimize his long, drawn-out totally bogus investigation with the truth. There’s always the danger that a lie could be exposed and THAT brings perjury into the picture. Lying under oath can be a tricky business – as Andrew McCabe and James Baker are discovering these days.
Achilles: "Inga is a piker. Ritmo named himself after the hoax dossier."
And then renamed himself after the Hoax dossier Disaster.
He needed a "clean" start.
As always.
Think of it as one of a thousand of his attempted Life Mulligans.
Its fun watching HoaxPPT run away from everything he has said as fast as he can.
Check it out, folks. A Trump-supporter said this! It sounds like an accusation of inconsistency, by gosh.
A total RNC hack. If the RNC supported sharia law you can bet Drago would rush to be first in line to proclaim the shahadah.
A perfect examplar of the right-wing's idea of a good citizen.
HoaxPPT: "My bad. Homeless people all over the country flock to take advantage of the humane treatment and economic powerhouses of the midwest, rather than Northern California."
I take it a positive sign in your treatment that you no longer deny having written what you clearly wrote and have now taken up the task of defending your rantings.
Again, overall a positive development.
The RNC needs you, Drago. (Whatever that means).
Did you play a lot of Dungeons and Dragons as a kid?
I get the sense you still do.
Come on. When was the last time someone actually spoke to you outside of here?
Five years ago?
Tsk tsk HoaxPPT.
And you were making some solid progress there for about 5 minutes.
Let's see if we can get you back on track.
Since the Mueller report came out, the only thing that Inga knows to post is insults as cultists. Ironically she is the cultist who cannot answer for her obsession over "Mueller knows what you don't".
All Mueller knows is that he failed to goad Trump not firing him so as to get an obstruction charge. He 'aint got shit except what is in his mouth.
Maybe Inga like eating shit, because that is what you got.
As Scottie Nyguen would say, "All you can eat, baby".
I take it a positive sign in your treatment that you no longer deny having written what you clearly wrote and have now taken up the task of defending your rantings.
How about you pull your tiny testicles out of your lower abdomen and address the point.
Which part of the country creates more homeless people and which part of the country has the decency and resources to treat them well enough to incentivize their migration there?
I can see why you don't want to answer that one. But at least you got to act like a 5-year old instead of engaging in rational thought. And for a 5-year old like you, that's important.
HoaxPPT: "The fact is that DOJ policy prevented Mueller from indicting that subject - (dozens of his co-conspirators were not only indicted but sentenced) - so he reasonably interpreted that the investigation and process could only ultimately be referred to and concluded by a congressional impeachment,..."
Laughably false.
We must demand that Mueller face congressional oversight.
Laughably false.
Yes, we know you'll laugh at anything. It's a side-effect of your abuse of the nitrous oxide.
But you know you can't provide a credible resource for saying that it's false.
Go back to your Dungeons and Dragons online existence.
"We must demand that Mueller face congressional oversight."
I think our Brave Brave Brave Brave Sir Robin ought to sit in front of congressional committees and answer questions related to his investigation....under oath.
He might find his memory sufficiently refreshed due to the "Under oath" part....
There's nothing better than "oversight" from cowards as underhanded as the congressional Republicans.
The same gang that can't run a campaign without corporate lobbies and who rely on Trump for every last vote they can get.
Those are really the type of people who will make sound, just, wise, rational, moral decisions. I mean, they're only tied to the guy who said he could gun people down on 5th Ave and not lose votes.
Congressional Republicans are so brave and independent-minded. Just not pathetic at all.
You can tell by the way they say, "Thank you Trump may I have another!"
That's the kind of lackey character we should seek out in our public officials.
HoaxPPT: "But you know you can't provide a credible resource for saying that it's false."
"Mueller insisted that, because there is a Justice Department policy not to indict a sitting president, he interpreted that to bar him from finding the basis for criminal conduct. According to Mueller, you can investigate but not reach basic conclusions on what the investigation found. One could understand why he would not be eager to answer questions about such an absurd interpretation, when his cited sources directly contradict him.
I testified on these flawed memos from the Office of Legal Counsel during the Clinton impeachment. Like many other academics, I view the policy as unsupported by either the Constitution or the convention debates, but that does not matter because the memos have simply nothing to do with a special counsel finding criminal conduct by a president. The memos focus entirely on the indictment and prosecution of a sitting president. They do conclude that being a defendant in a criminal case would thus prevent any president from performing his duties, but they do not challenge the need to investigate a sitting president. History shows presidents routinely accused of criminal conduct, including in impeachment proceedings.
Indeed, President Clinton was investigated and found to have committed crimes by an independent counsel. The Justice Department memos did not find that the investigation or such findings were improper. When the Independent Counsel Act subsequently expired, Congress was assured that the same investigatory function would be performed by any special counsels. The memos only addressed when a president can be indicted and said that prosecution must wait until he leaves office, since he could not function while in the docket of a criminal court or a federal prison.
Mueller has insisted that the policy “says that the Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing.” That is not actually what it says. The Justice Department concluded that its view “remains that a sitting president is constitutionally immune from indictment and criminal prosecution.” It focuses on the prosecution of sitting presidents, not the investigation of sitting presidents. In referencing a process other than the criminal justice system, it refers to the only legal way to remove a president from office.
Nothing in the memos even remotely bars a special counsel from reaching conclusions on the basis of possible criminal charges. Indeed, the memos accept that the Justice Department needs to establish such evidence to preserve a record for possible later charges. That is why Mueller was told by his superiors that there was no policy barring him from finding criminal conduct, only the policy against indicting while the president is in office. Even if you twist the memos to suggest some prohibition to reaching conclusions on criminal conduct, that debate should have ended when his two superiors, the attorney general and deputy attorney general, told him there was no such policy and asked him to reach a conclusion."
HoaxPPT is living out his Collusion Collapse Withdrawal symptoms in front of the world.
Its not pretty.
Five paragraphs of opinion by a biased lightweight that Drago quotes as if it were decisive fact.
Turley would make a great DOJ employee.
He's never worked there, has he?
HoaxPPT: "Five paragraphs of opinion by a biased lightweight that Drago quotes as if it were decisive fact."
HoaxPPT accepts the judgement of a biased prosecutor who has shown himself to be a corrupt lightweight as if it were decisive fact.
By gosh, this Turley guy should be our chief justice. I mean, he only takes paragraph upon opinionated paragraph to pretend that separation of powers is a trivial afterthought in how to determine legal action against the head of the executive. Who would prosecute this case, pray tell?
Drago failed fifth-grade civics. And it shows.
HoaxPPT: "He's never worked there, has he?"
Barr has.
Several times.
But unlike Holder, he didn't proclaim himself the "wingman" of the President.
Better get to that impeachment little man. You guys are going to need something to talk about other than your insane lefty policies.
...the judgement of a biased prosecutor who has shown himself to be a corrupt lightweight as if it were decisive fact.
You mean, this Turdley guy, right?
I'm sure he has the same credibility in law enforcement that Mueller does. Totally. Maybe even more.
You think like Trump - just make up reality as you go along.
Keep flapping HoaxPPT.
Your position is not getting any better with time.
Team Left better strike while they have you lemmings on the hook!
Good luck with your impeachment over.......nothing.
I'm just praying Nadler doesn't actually consume a few more interns.
Holder, Barr... Dreck-O's getting really distracted from his task of illustrating the relevance of the scrawls left by this Turley nobody.
Good luck with your impeachment over.......nothing.
That's not the point.
The point is that you are now officially an anti-accountability party.
You always were, but now you have a leader with an ego sufficiently out-of-whack to make you believe that foregoing accountability should have no consequences.
So that's where you're at, Little Man.
Turley and Dreck-O are up for the idea of Mueller having executed a citizen's arrest on Trump.
HoaxPPT: "I'm sure he has the same credibility in law enforcement that Mueller does."
Mueller has precisely the same "credibility" in law enforcement as Comey does.
I'll bet those 4 innocent guys Mueller left in prison for 30 years to cover for his Whitey Bulger pal (2 died in prison, the other 2 won a huge lawsuit when they were finally released) think Mueller has lots of credibility.
It's unfortunate as well that Mr Credible Mueller "forgot" to inform congress that the firms involved in the Uranium One deal were under investigation by the FBI...thus clearing the way for Hillary to approve the uranium transfer to Putin's pals....right before Billy Boy was given $500k for a single speech by those same guys and Hill/bill were given $145 Million for their slush fund.
Mueller also happened to be the chap at the head of the FBI when 9-11 occurred.
It's so funny listening to lefties hold Mueller up to God-like status.
Holder must be incredibly jealous.
HoaxPPT: "That's not the point."
That's the ONLY point.
Republicans always believed in magical thinking, and now they have a POTUS who will embolden them in it.
HoaxPPT: "The point is that you are now officially an anti-accountability party."
HoaxPPT forgot that his team is now Officially Opposed to Declassifying Documents Related To The Russia Investigation.
Apparently, all that human waste in lefty-land has befuddled him so much he thinks Democracy Dies in "Light"-ness.
That's the ONLY point.
That you don't believe in accountability - especially for a Republican POTUS? Yes, we know that's the point.
You don't even believe in accountability for what he SAYS, or for what YOU say. Any of you.
HoaxPPT: "Republicans always believed in magical thinking, and now they have a POTUS who will embolden them in it"
HoaxPPT forgets that it was Lightbringer Obama himself who told us that it would take a literal "magic wand" to bring back manufacturing jobs and get GDP to 3%.
HoaxPPT "forgets" lots and lots of things.
Because remembering those things gets in the way of the narrative.
I don't know what sort of "chemical tourism" HoaxPPT is involved with this evening, but "whereever" it is taking him is definitely the Land of Coherence.
A bunch of bullshit up there about how Dreck-O is the new ombudsman of the FBI. Great!
Dreck likes Trump. In each other they both have friendless losers who don't believe in being accountable for what they say. And in Trump's case, for what he does.
He got SHS yesterday to accuse ICE of lying about his lack of progress on that Mexican-funded/not-funded border tower project.
You really do identify strongly about someone who throws everyone under the bus, don't you?
You'd better spin faster little man HoaxPPT. Its not going well for you.
HoaxPPT forgets that it was Lightbringer Obama himself who told us that it would take a literal "magic wand" to bring back manufacturing jobs and get GDP to 3%.
It's important that you are all about doing Wall Street's bidding on that 3% thing. Especially when you think agriculture is optional for "national greatness." Maybe we can EAT those rare minerals.
Keep up your 19th century economy. It will be great. Maybe you can keep automating technology out of our country, too! Save the trucking jobs!
Its not going well for you.
I'm fine. But unlike you, I don't pretend to have tons of laborer friends whose votes are the basis upon which you build your excuse for living. For today, at least.
Until the RNC picks another constituency du jour for you to pretend to give a shit about.
Beetlejuice beetlejuice beetlejuice.
I'll check back on you later, Dungeon Master Drago.
"rather than Northern California. "
Actually lots more in SoCal these days. Truly hordes. Weather is one reason.
Other reason is not rousting encampments.
The SF homeless are largely locals, while the SoCal ones are the pick of the US - weather.
Norcal is however running out of "Tenderloin" type housing, actual slums, as the whole place is going upmarket due to development restrictions. So the people that used to be released from Folsom prison and bused straight to SF's Tenderloin (true that), where they could find some corner of someones residence hotel dive. But thats nearly gone, lots of those Tenderloin hotels now have new hardwood floors and want $1500 for a "studio". Same thing in West Oakland and Richmond.
HoaxPPT: "It's important that you are all about doing Wall Street's bidding on that 3% thing."
HoaxPPT "forgets" (again!) that the 3% GDP growth along with high employment and rising wages (first time in decades) and inflation below 2% is the very definition of main street focused results.
Which explains the astonishingly high 75% positive response rates by workers regardibg their ability to pursue better jobs.
HoaxPPT is forever trapped in a prison if his lefty lies.
Given that, I dont blame him for his chemical tourism. Its all he has left.
Maybe another dossier will emerge to give him hope?
Thoughts and prayers!
"that 3% thing."
That's actually working out. After a long slump you now see new manufacturing in CA.
Mfg employment up 2% since Nov 2016
Something I didn't think could happen again.
Nothing like Texas - up 6% since Nov 2016
HoaxPPT: "Keep up your 19th century economy. It will be great. Maybe you can keep automating technology out of our country, too!"
HoaxPPT "forgets" that is precisely the Biden economic plan!!
After all, the biggest thieves of American technology are the Chinese and Biden told us point blank the Chinese arent even COMPETITORS of ours.
I just realized HoaxPPT is trapped in the 1960's/70's and cant get out!
Wall Street was completely aligned with Hillary and the dems in 2016 and they will be with Biden in 2020.
Main street is with Trump.
Dreck O says I'm in some Biden camp I guess because for him, all Republicans are interchangeable. He'll crawl up the butt and do the bidding of any single one. If it wasn't Trump it would be Carly Fiorina. Or Chris Christie. They're all the same to him because he has no will or identity of his own apart from his Republican party registration and membership.
But see, I am not a partisan shit-for-brains loser like him so it actually matters to me what an individual candidate rallies for.
I have never supported Biden for anything (other than VP, a symbolic role given to him for being the whitest old poor guy to "legitimize" the black president) and don't support anything he blathers on about now.
It wouldn't be necessary to explain this to a decent person who uses their brains. But much like Joe Biden, Drago doesn't.
As far as employment goes, ask Trump if he's using the same U3 rate he said was bogus when Obama used it. Is he on board with the U6 or isn't he?
And I can see why Trump finds manufacturing anything without big, moving parts to be tedious. Asians excel at those and if we eschew AI (and technology itself) as much as he does, then we can pretend that a 19th and 20th century-style workforce will suit us just fine in 2020.
Trump doesn't even use the internet. He gets his underlings to print stuff off of it for him and read it to him.
"Asians excel at those"
Some Asians excel at some of it. China is actually not so hot at, for instance, precision machining. That's one reason why people still go on pilgrimage to German Mittelstand cities.
Like these guys, with which I have done much business -
Nobody is about to replace these people.
The US is actually competitive with things like high quality steel. And it is a cheaper place to do business than Germany, and sometimes even Japan, in spite of higher pay, which is one reason Siemens transformers are now made in Orlando, as well as Hitachi turbines.
Main street is with Trump.
That must be one big street. Especially if he wants millions more votes than all those Hispanic Americans will cast. Do all the farmers AND manual laborers live on it? Together? I didn't know they lived on the same street. Maybe it's not in the suburbs then, or something.
Anyway, I'm glad to know how badly you think Trump's tax policies have hurt Wall Street.
You don't have to be German to be precise.
Another favorite place, in the UK in this case -
They make their cheap stuff in India; but to stay on top, that is, to keep a community that can build on expertise where product design is integrated with actually making the stuff, they remain in the UK. You can't really export the making part and keep the tip of the tech, they go together seamlessly.
Note that these companies I mention are some of the core foundations of industrial reality. They make tools to make tools to make tools. Its like the Ivy League of the US educational system, that teaches teachers that teach teachers. But making tools is vastly more fundamental to human existence.
Good job Ritmo. You peed all over the thread, but gave us further insight into the cesspool that is the Left hive mind.
You are a star baby. A star!!!!
Hey well thanks, Fran! At least I have a mind. As do the rest of us.
You right-wrong-wing people however are just a bunch of Trump zombies whose brains were eaten by the POTUS. Before he came all over them.
So I'll take my own mind. Yours is owned by someone as disgusting and douchey and full-of-shit as Trump.
Talk about a cesspool.
I see the MacDonald's shift is over. Ritmo back to be a pest.
Germany has sky high energy rates thanks to Merkel's "Green Nude eel." That should bring some good engineering back to the US if we can get IQ 120s out of Gender Studies.
HoaxPPT: "Anyway, I'm glad to know how badly you think Trump's tax policies have hurt Wall Street."
HoaxPPT has, once again, "forgotten" that all of Wall Street and the Blue Staters have complained non-stop about the Trump tax cuts.
Why, its even fueled a migration of firms from NY to some of those horrific deplorable filled red states.
Too funny.
Keep spinning HoaxPPT. Whatever you do, don't stop even for a moment!
Michael K: "Germany has sky high energy rates thanks to Merkel's "Green Nude eel."'
And near zero GDP growth, which is why they so desperately need that Britain cash cow to remain in the EU.
HoaxPPT: "I have never supported Biden for anything ...."
Except explicitly supported his economic policy....which contradicts your stated economic position.
But to be fair, if one were to map out all the positions you've taken on this thread alone they would find your self-contradiction rate is at approximately 130% (sometimes you contradict a previous position in more than one way!!)
Points for creative self-own-ment.
"And near zero GDP growth"
I hope they do something about their energy policy. I have a bet on the DAX.
Blogger Amadeus 48 said...
“The Mueller investigation was stretched in the hope that Manafort would crack and give them something good. He didn't, Sessions got fired, Barr got confirmed, and Mueller then folded his tent.”
I don’t think that was what was driving the Mueller investigation. Rather I think that it was a part of the infamous “insurance policy”. First and foremost, it was utilized to stall investigations into SpyGate. It worked - both the OIG and Congressional investigation’s we’re stalled by the Mueller investigation. Very likely that is the reason that the OIG report on FISA abuse is almost 10 months late now. And it was repeatedly utilized by the FBI and it’s attys in Congressional hearings to prevent any questions about Russian collusion being answered.
Secondly, there appears to be a lot of information of very questionable legality in its sourcing and origin that appears to have been passed to the Mueller investigation, and the Dems running their House investigations appear to desperately want to get their hands on. The basic problem is that without a clean pass off they can’t use it publicly until they receive it officially. I think that the Dems took to long getting organized, and Barr was too quickly confirmed and shut Mueller down too quickly, before they could pass the dirty information along for use in impeachment. I suspect that some of it comes from years of illegal 702 searching of NSA databases by the FBI and its contractors.
We shall see. And I think that everything else was a bonus.
has, once again, "forgotten" that all of Wall Street and the Blue Staters have complained non-stop about the Trump tax cuts.
Corporate profits are higher than ever, now that there is barely a corporate tax. Ditto executive remuneration with the AMT changes.
But for mere homeowners it's all a different story.
You must be one hell of a dumbass to confuse all of those groups. "Blue Staters" and Wall Street - right. They're just the same.
Your talking points are as stupid as the RNC can do. Really pathetic. But whatever it takes to yap your mouth like a runny toilet and have a response to everything.
"Blue Staters" are Wall Street... Right. Just because they live in the regions of the country that actually produces the growth, value, GDP and funding for government that your flyover sucks off of doesn't mean you have to confuse them or hate them, Retard.
Except explicitly supported his economic policy....
Biden has an economic policy? Who knew. Care to explain it? I don't know what it is.
So it's hard to see where this "explicit support" would come about.
Any other positions (or non-positions) you care to ascribe to me that I never supported?
You really do think in stereotype. In caricature. In falsehoods and straw men.
Just like your tribal RNC identity compels you to do. What a slave you are.
Actually, slave is only partly correct.
The more accurate problem of yours is that you are lazy as fuck.
HoaxPPT, you are hopelessly stupid.
We can only hope that all leftists are equally as impervious to facts and reality as you.
The good news?
That appears to be precisely the case.
Next up for HoaxPPT, why men can have babies!
HoaxPPT: "Any other positions (or non-positions) you care to ascribe to me that I never supported?"
Uh oh. Back to denial.
Looks like complete regression.
But only completely.
Poor Michael K. What's his problem? His prostate must be more inflamed than usual.
"Any other positions (or non-positions) you care to ascribe to me that I never supported?"
Uh oh. Back to denial.
IOW, none.
What an empty bag of bullshit you are.
You're not even full of hot air. Just a cold, crisp, continuous stream of nothing.
Sort of like the junior version of your full-of-shit leader.
Fuck off and die. No one will miss you. You have all the virtue of a toad.
Except less interesting.
I'd call Drago full of shit, but that would be an insult to actual feces.
Drago hopes to become a real turd, one day. For now though, he must remain content with simply being a fake turd.
At least I have a mind.
Uh Ritmo,
In my professional opinion, your puerile mind is precisely the issue. If you are above the age of 15, I feel badly for your parents.
Maybe you can help me with some expert insider information. How often does McDonalds change the oil in their fryers? I don't eat there but a friend wants to know.
No one cares about your opinion, Fran. Professionally or otherwise. Rumors of both your greatness and your conversational or social value are highly exaggerated.
I can tell that you, too, are someone that no one would miss if you went away. And everything you say is ca ca.
Fran stays awake at night worrying if at least the funeral director won't be too busy to attend his memorial service.
Having taken even a few weeks' hiatus from this place has been a wonderful affirmation of the importance of living a meaningful and full life. The minute I come back the rest of these shih tzus snap right back into yap yap mode. Yip yip yip! Never once even questioning what they're carrying on about in their angry, closed-minded loneliness.
A bunch of Eleanor Rigbys and Father MacKenzies, the entire lot of you.
Only even more anti-social. No wonder your policies are so hateful, unpopular and anti-social. Y'all actually hate people.
Which means that, by extension, you hate yourselves.
The world would be a better place without yous.
So much projection from our HoaxPPT.
So revealing.
HoaxPPT: "Only even more anti-social."
There it is, tonights capstone of projection.
I think perhaps an additional therapy day per week might be in order.
I cant believe HoaxPPT's therapist(s?) approve of him posting here.
Pretend Pundit Drago is upset that no one wants to have discussions with four-year olds like himself.
Drago is important! He says things!
Doesn't know what they mean. But he says them!
Night night little feces. Someday you will grow up to be a real turd! Not just a pretend one.
The good news is, going through 100+ comments takes just a few minutes when only six have interesting content.
Ed Hominem, back from his all too brief hiatus,bringin' the love he is known for.
Nice moderation, Hostess.
And then there is Inga the troll
Who fancies herself middling droll
She is wont to expound
Is as often beclowned
As for irony she’s on a roll!
This one is kind of allegorical
On a train once in Philly there sat
One whose pants, quite clearly, he’d shat.
At the first whiff of shit
Fellow passengers split
And he stayed jacking off in his hat!
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