May 6, 2019

"... they have stolen two years of my (our) Presidency... that we will never be able to get back..."

Trump, on Twitter this morning, here and here:
Despite the tremendous success that I have had as President, including perhaps the greatest ECONOMY and most successful first two years of any President in history, they have stolen two years of my (our) Presidency (Collusion Delusion) that we will never be able to get back.....

.....The Witch Hunt is over but we will never forget. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!


readering said...

I preferred Stollen

Fernandinande said...

The Witch Hunt is over

No, they're just looking for different spectral evidence.

Chuck said...

Wow I thought that Trump had just accomplished more in that period of time than any Presidential administration in American history.

Which is it? Super-accomplishment or "stollen"? (It looks like the Trump Twitter account got a re-do on spelling "stolen," and deleted an earlier Tweet.)

Big Mike said...

We should not EVER forget and NEVER forgive.

Bay Area Guy said...

Once you get to "decode" Trump's manner and style of speaking/writing (a brash New Yorker), you realize that he's basically right on most things.

Of course, nobody believes he's gonna actually stay in the White House an extra 2 years due to the Mueller hoax, jeez. It's called "rhetorical flare."

readering said...

How can POTUS write that when he has played golf 187 times?

gilbar said...

Which is it? Super-accomplishment or "stollen"?

Today's free lesson: Embrace the Power of the word AND

Quayle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Quayle said...

“How can POTUS write that when he has played golf 187 times?“

You obviously know nothing about golf. You presume that no work gets done on the golf course and that’s simply not true. Some of my best business decision have been made while I was thinking about things while golfing. Further if you golf with a future negotiating opponent, you can learn more about them in 18 holes of golf than you can siting a dinner and talking.

Mike Sylwester said...

Declassify all the RussiaGate-hoax documents.

readering said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Darkisland said...

Blogger Chuck said...

Wow I thought that Trump had just accomplished more in that period of time than any Presidential administration in American history.

Has he not, Chuck?

What president has accomplished more, Chuck? (That's not a rhetorical question)

The complaint is that there is even more he could have accomplished had the witch hunt not existed.

John Henry

readering said...

Finally an explanation for successful Obama presidency.

tcrosse said...

I tremble to think what heinous crimes must lurk in the redacted sections of the Mueller Report. It's hinted that he shot a man in Reno just to watch him die, and that he's the one who stole the kishka. Imaginary crimes can be limitless in scope.

Jersey Fled said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wwww said...

McConnell wouldn't have done anything different in the Senate. Nothing else matters for legislative or judicial outcomes in the last 2 years.

Nonapod said...

No, they're just looking for different spectral evidence.

Despite Grand Inquisitor Mueller's failure to extract confessions from the heretics, the hunt must continue. Now it's about attempting to make some sort of case for obstruction to the American voters, no matter how feeble, desperate, and absurd such an argument may be. Impeachment is irrelevant. The goal is to sow just enough doubt among swing voters to get them to not vote for Trump.

But now the hunters may become the hunted.

Chuck said...

Quayle said...
“How can POTUS write that when he has played golf 187 times?“

You obviously know nothing about golf. You presume that no work gets done on the golf course and that’s simply not true. Some of my best business decision have been made while I was thinking about things while golfing. Further if you golf with a future negotiating opponent, you can learn more about them in 18 holes of golf than you can siting a dinner and talking.

As an avid golfer myself, I would like to agree with you. What you say is of course mostly sensible.

So then why did Trump say all of this bullshit about Obama's golfing?

And of course anyone who plays golf with Trump finds out what a phony vanity handicap he has, and how he never ever plays a decent, serious, non-cheating game.

pacwest said...

"How can POTUS write that when he has played golf 187 times?"

This criticism is just as valid as the same one made against Obama.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

As the stolen two years are the most successful ever, shouldn’t we also steal his next 2 years, and his next 4 after that? Why break up a winning formula.

Michael K said...

anyone who plays golf with Trump finds out what a phony vanity handicap he has, and how he never ever plays a decent, serious, non-cheating game.

Chuck, of course, knows lots of people whop play golf with Trump.

Jeeez !

Mary Beth said...

Predictable commenters are predictable.

Jersey Fled said...

According to Gallup, Trump's approval is currently at 46%, two points higher than Saint Barack at the same time of his presidency. And of course Barack won reelection easily in 2012.

Chuck said...

Darkisland said...
Blogger Chuck said...

Wow I thought that Trump had just accomplished more in that period of time than any Presidential administration in American history.

Has he not, Chuck?

What president has accomplished more, Chuck? (That's not a rhetorical question)

The complaint is that there is even more he could have accomplished had the witch hunt not existed.

John Henry

I'm not doing your goddamned homework for you. Every time that Trump has crowed about this or that period of time (90 days, 10 months, 2 years) reporters have fact-checked him and blown up the claims.

Like this:

Or this:

Or this:

Or this:

Jersey Fled said...

Golf Magazine used to run a monthly feature where the would play a round of golf with a well,known public figure. One month they featured Bill Clinton. In the most polite way they could, they commented that he was a cheat on the golf course.

Later events would bear this out.

readering said...

You know a book was just published by a sportswriter on Trump's golfing. Commander in Cheat.

Quayle said...

Obama was too crappy of a golfer to focus on anything but keeping his head down and his left arm straight and relaxing and his posture and his takeaway and the shoulder turn and his grip and the tempo and weight shift and........

Wasn’t that clear? I learned Everything I needed to know about Obama as a president, by watching him golf. 😉

Freder Frederson said...

Golf Magazine used to run a monthly feature where the would play a round of golf with a well,known public figure. One month they featured Bill Clinton. In the most polite way they could, they commented that he was a cheat on the golf course.

Is this meant to contrast cheating Clinton with the upstanding Trump? If so, you are really deluded. There are numerous stories out there about Trump is one of the worst golf cheats out there.

Shouting Thomas said...

... reporters have fact-checked him and blown up the claims.

So, there are fools who still buy this "reporters" bullshit?

That's amazing!

Vet66 said...

Our portfolio has doubled since POTUS Trump came into office. Obama was a disaster for the economy and investors aka; deplorables. POTUS Trump celebrates the middle class while Obama beggared us financially.

JAORE said...

Trump: They stole two years of my presidency.

Hillary: They stole EIGHT of mine.

Fair trade, sez I.

Freder Frederson said...

Once you get to "decode" Trump's manner and style of speaking/writing (a brash New Yorker), you realize that he's basically right on most things.

I don't know how you can "decode" this Tweet and come to any other conclusion that is his grossly exaggerating or simply lying about his success.

Where is a better replacement (lower deductibles, prices, and out of pocket expenses) for Obamacare? Where is his "big, beautiful wall" paid for by Mexico. Where is the replacement for NAFTA, "the worst trade deal ever"? Where is the 4, 5 or 6 (or even 7) percent economic growth? Where is the tax reform he promised (which was going to increase taxes, not reduce, on the Hedge Fund Managers)? How about his brilliant handling of North Korea or reining in China (check out the Dow Jones today with the trade talks with China about to collapse)? How about his promised revival of the coal industry?

Chuck said...

Vet66 said...
Our portfolio has doubled since POTUS Trump came into office. Obama was a disaster for the economy and investors aka; deplorables. POTUS Trump celebrates the middle class while Obama beggared us financially.

Where do you come up with bullshit like that?

Sebastian said...

"Collusion Delusion"

Correction: sure, parts of the MSM and some progs were deluded, as repeatedly illustrated on this blog, but at bottom it was not a delusion: it was a deliberate, calculated fabrication, first to cover up illegal spying that likely went back well before Trump, then elaborated to try and stop Trump, then metastasizing into an effort to take him down.

To clean house for real, we first need to get over the collusion delusion delusion.

iowan2 said...

Wow I thought that Trump had just accomplished more in that period of time than any Presidential administration in American history.

You mean the the President could not have accomplished more? Quicker trade deals, more effective international progress? Actual immigration reform? President Trump can't claim he was hampered because of a great economy, and impressive progress on other items? Even Heinz catsup was over in Iran, colluding, and explaining to hold off, President Trump would never finish his term.

That would be like saying the horse that got disqualified at the Derby did nothing wrong. The 2cnd place horse got 2cnd, thats an excellent outcome for the Derby. Raising his stud fees by orders of magnitude. After all the disqualified horse won by more than a full length. Surely he would have won regardless.

rcocean said...

The witch-hunt is over? Think again Trump. Mueller in on deck, waiting to be questioned by the House. And his 14 Trump-hating Democrat lawyers are all writing books and waiting to be interviewed.

And the new MSM-DNC talking point is that Trump obstructed but Mueller couldn't bring charges because of some legal technicality. So, the witch hunt continues.

Kirk Parker said...

My life is good, even charmed!

Want to know how I know this? I was reading Althouse this morning, and as I started throught the comments, I saw several instances of this beautiful phrase:

    Comment by Chuck blocked


I suggest more of you invest in downloading and installing the KillFile addon.

(For even more happiness, sometimes I get a twofer, as when Ch*ck and Fr*d*r are have successive comments that are blocked.)

Michael K said...

I see the lefties, including Chuck, are taking over this thread.

Anonymous said...

“So then why did Trump say all of this bullshit about Obama's golfing?”

Because he’s a huge hypocrite? And his sycophants don’t care.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Kirk Parker is an idiot. He can’t see this because he blocked me. Hahahaha!

Darkisland said...

Blogger rcocean said...

And the new MSM-DNC talking point is that Trump obstructed but Mueller couldn't bring charges because of some legal technicality.

Not you, RC, but that is a phrase that always bothers me. Legal technicality is just another way of saying "Well, we would have liked to arrest him and throw him in jail but he just didn't do anything illegal."

Another phrase that bothers me, while we are at it, that I saw somewhere yesterday is how "President Trump skirts the law."

Again, another way of saying that he stays legal but by golly we wish we could get him on something.

Kind of like our resident fopdoodle and pretend lawyer who has repeatedly said that PDJT should be arrested even though he (chuck) can never seem to find any law that he has actually broken.

John Shelton Reed had a great article once in which he explained the difference between H&R Block and "real" tax accountant.

Block, he said, treats tax law as a cliff and stays well back from the edge.

A real tax accountant treats the law as a swamp and figures you can wander pretty deep into it and as long as you can keep your nose above water, you are OK.

Things are either legal or illegal, though it is sometimes hard to see the line. As long as one stays on the legal side, saying they are "skirting the law" or "Using technicalities" is bullshit.

Again, no reflection on your use of it RC. Just one of those things that grates on me.

John Henry

tim in vermont said...

If you are a liberal, or an LLR, it’s important to believe that everything good that’s happening in the economy during the Trump Administration is Obama’s doing, and Trump is the one who put kids in cages during the Obama Adminisration.

Mark Jones said...

Kirk Parker--yes, KillFile is a godsend. I make extensive use of it to filter out the noise on these threads.

hombre said...

Are the lefty trolls here really so disingenuous as to argue that Democrats have not used the Russia fraud and other bullshit to justify their seditious behavior and that of their thugs like Antifa. Of course, the leftmediaswine are there to cheer them on.

A classic example is the Democrats use of closure votes in the Senate to delay approval of Trump nominees (Trump, 106; Obama, 12 by this time).

“ORANGE MAN BAD” means that any obstacle, legal or illegal, moral or immoral, can be rationalized.

“Disingenuous” is a poor choice. “Dishonest” is a better fit.

CJinPA said...

they have stolen two years of my (our) Presidency

This was similar to his quote in the Mueller report, "My presidency is over," when he learned of the investigation. Not that he was guilty, but that he knew it could derail everything.

Darkisland said...

No, Chuck. I didn't think you could.

The worst charges you seem to have against President Trump is that you don't like his hair and his accent.

Or maybe you don't like 3. something unemployment?

Or maybe you don't like soaring tax revenues?

Or maybe you don't like more manufacturing in the US?

Or maybe you don't like destruction of ISIS?

Or maybe you don't like progress with NoKo?

Or maybe you don't like moving the embassy to Jerusalem?

Tell, me, what is it really that you do not like about PDJT's accomplishments?

John Henry

tim in vermont said...

You also have to believe that the FBI was justified in their “alarm” at an incoming Trump adminstration to the point of running spies against people, but not alarmed enough to demand access to the DNC servers that the DNC claims the Russians hacked.

Big Mike said...

Which is it? Super-accomplishment or "stollen"?

Both, of course. We are basking in low unemployment with low inflation — Warren Buffett, for one, claims to be flabbergasted. Democrats and other people who despise the American common man have encouraged Kim to hope that Trump will be gone soon, thus disincentivizing him to negotiate. We may yet have trouble on the Korean Peninsula thanks to you and your lefty lunatic allies. But perhaps Trump can yet fix the mess.

tim in vermont said...

Mueller took the DNC’s word for it on the hacking, BTW. Why not? Mueller was a protege of Eric Holder, per the WaPo, along with the other snake, Comey.

tim in vermont said...

Which is it? Super-accomplishment or "stollen"?

You got to admire the balls on people who chanted “No one knows what Mueller knows!” repeatedly, and when it turns out that he had already leaked everything he had, which was basically nothing, they just plow on.

Leland said...

Disingenuous is the right word. They lack ingenuity. I think they are honest in how the feel, but they feel that way mostly because they lack ingenuity. It's like Paul Krugman. I'm sure he honestly thought the markets would tank and never recover because of Trump's election. The reality is Krugman didn't have the ability to comprehend what Trump's action would actually do to build a stronger economy. The funny part is the real world application of Krugman's economic literacy lead to the collapse of Enron, yet Krugman is still considered an economic genius because some politicians got together and awarded him a prize.

Known Unknown said...

"So then why did Trump say all of this bullshit about Obama's golfing?

And of course anyone who plays golf with Trump finds out what a phony vanity handicap he has, and how he never ever plays a decent, serious, non-cheating game."


Francisco D said...

The shrill and juvenile pettiness of the anti-Trump trolls (here and in the MSM) is an amazing spectacle.

Do you guys realize that you are peeing in your own porridge?

Darkisland said...

Blogger Big Mike said...

Both, of course. We are basking in low unemployment with low inflation — Warren Buffett, for one, claims to be flabbergasted.

Yeah and I can't for the life of me understand his flabbergastedness.

Inflation is a monetary phenomenon. Full stop.


If you increase the money supply M (and V) while increasing the amount of transactions and value, P will stay constant.

It is only when M is goosed artificially, without increasing the value of Q that prices go up.

President Trump understands this.

I suspect that Buffett does as well. I suspect that is flabbergastedness is that PDJT is able to accomplish it.

John Henry

Achilles said...

Darkisland said...

Yeah and I can't for the life of me understand his flabbergastedness.

Inflation is a monetary phenomenon. Full stop.


If you increase the money supply M (and V) while increasing the amount of transactions and value, P will stay constant.

It is only when M is goosed artificially, without increasing the value of Q that prices go up.

President Trump understands this.

I suspect that Buffett does as well. I suspect that is flabbergastedness is that PDJT is able to accomplish it.

Obama pumped a Trillion M into the economy every year. Inflation remained flat because V tanked.

Trump lowered taxes and regulations and V predictably took off.

Changes in P more heavily reflect M.

Changes in Q more heavily reflect V.

Any decent economist could explain why Trump's economy is better for everyone in it and why Obama's economy was total shit.

But leftists vote for people like Obama and try to give Obama credit because they are just stupid people.

Drago said...

From 2018.

Of course, its from The Heritage foundation and not one of the many many many far far left sources that represent the totality of what LLR Friar Chuck understands.

Our fake conservative is STILL linking to lunatic newsweek and Vox sites!

The good news is of course that LLR Chuck long ago blew his cover here and he will never get a mulligan on that.

From here on out its open lefty-dom for him.

And rightfully so.

Kevin said...

Any decent economist could explain why Trump's economy is better for everyone in it and why Obama's economy was total shit.

True. But try to find one to go on TV and explain it.

That would be career suicide.

Drago said...

Achilles: "But leftists vote for people like Obama and try to give Obama credit because they are just stupid people."

Explains LLR Chuck perfectly.

But only perfectly.

Drago said...

I doubt you will find a bigger defender and booster of far left economic hacks and their BS-lefty spinning than LLR Chuck.


bagoh20 said...

"You know a book was just published by a sportswriter on Trump's golfing. Commander in Cheat."

Translation: "Some guy wrote some stuff for money and I believe every word of it, at least all the negative stuff."

This is the dead tree version of "It must be true - I saw it on the internet."

I have no idea if Trump cheats at golf, but if he and Slick Willie are both golf cheats then we need to make that a requirement for being POTUS. It correlates with good economics.

AZ Bob said...

He should have claimed outright success. He was able to boost the economy, put two justices on the SC, etc., despite the phony Russia hoax.

Trump knows he failed on the wall and that diminishes his success. That failure was when he had both houses of Congress. He now points the finger at the Dems who once mocked him for talking about a crisis at the border. At least Trump was right.

Marty said...

As for most of us presidential elections offer only a binary choice, I am interested to learn which Dem candidate our resident trolls favor and why, especially the LLRs.

The tiresome and myopic attacks of the Never Trumpers always seem to believe the choice is between Mr. Trump and some non-nominated ideal (to them) Republican.

As I didn't get to vote in that election, I had to choose between Mr. Trump and Ms. Clinton, just as I will have to choose between the President (assuming he actually seeks re-election) and some actual Democrat.

So how about it, trolls?

Nonapod said...

Speaking of "stolen" stuff, apparently people were spending as little as $2 a ticket to hear Hillary grouse about how the 2016 election was "stolen" from her in Vegas on Saturday. Funny stuff.

Jim at said...

How can POTUS write that when he has played golf 187 times? - Readering

Just because Inga's gone doesn't mean you need to take up the slack.

Leland said...

I'm not as reactive to Trump's tweets, but I do sometimes think he goes too far. Then I learned to wait a bit, because he usually is far more clever than his critics that definitely go too far. Now we now what happened first; Hillary claimed during her show that the election was stolen from her. She also claimed during the debates she would accept the election results, as did many of her supporters and followers. With context now coming to light; I think Trump's tweet was once again, well played.

Leland said...

187 rounds of golf in over 2 years is less than a round every 4 days. Or another way to measure, less than 2 rounds every weekend. There are a lot of people under 70 that would do well to get 8 hours of outdoor activity every weekend. I have no issue with anybody enjoying their weekend as they desire. Hell some people pay $10 to hear Bill and Hillary talk for 2 hours.

narciso said...

Trying for attention:

I'm Full of Soup said...

I used my office treadmill 186 times in the last 13 months. So I guess I am a stable genius too!

I'm Full of Soup said...

I know a naval officer on the White House detail. He told me he was impressed at how well and how far Trump can hit a golf ball. He has no reason to make that up.

tim in vermont said...

I wonder if Chuck also believes those thousands of women who reported being raped by Kavanaugh?

tim in vermont said...

It’s OK that we misused the NSA, CIA, FBI, Special Counsel’s office, etc, etc, and tied up the national conversation for two years accusing Trump of being a traitor! In fact a couple of Senators got shot up by a Rachael Maddow fan who avowed on-line that Trump was a traitor.

All that is fine, because Trump, who has maybe the most stressful job I can imagine, plays golf a couple of times a week.

tim in vermont said...

Inga’s back! She has two recent hits: “Keep hope alive!” and “No one knows what Mueller knows!” She’s leading the troll parade by three or four lengths!

walter said...

These could come in handy when working out the aggression: photo printed golfballs

Bruce Hayden said...

“It’s OK that we misused the NSA, CIA, FBI, Special Counsel’s office, etc, etc, and tied up the national conversation for two years accusing Trump of being a traitor! In fact a couple of Senators got shot up by a Rachael Maddow fan who avowed on-line that Trump was a traitor.”

Be fair. It wasn’t Republican Senators, but rather members of the Republican House leadership who were shot up.

Freder Frederson said...

I know a naval officer on the White House detail. He told me he was impressed at how well and how far Trump can hit a golf ball. He has no reason to make that up.

You know it is possible to be both a reasonably good, or even good, golfer, (and I haven't heard anyone say Trump is a lousy golfer) and a cheat.

tim in vermont said...

I thought Rand Paul was shot, but I guess he was only beaten up by a neighbor.

tim in vermont said...

I don’t know whether Trump cheats or not, I know that lots and lots of people accuse Trump of every kind of thing because the hatred for him runs so deep. For that reason, I am going to say he probably doesn’t, because cheating keeps you from getting good at golf.

Why are we talking about golf anyway when the subject is a two year hounding of Trump, his family, and everyone close to him on evidence fabricated for the Clinton campaign?

tim in vermont said...

Why didn’t Mueller examine the DNC server? Why didn’t the FBI whose senior leadership claimed to be so “alarmed” at Russian attempts at interference in the election? Why just take the DNC’s word for it?

Because it was a witch hunt against Trump, not an investigation into Russian interference.

Why didn’t Mueller look at the Russian spies who fed the dossier to the Clinton campaign?

Because it was a witch hunt against Trump, not an investigation into Russian interference.

tim in vermont said...

Why is Mueller so butt hurt that he didn’t get to spin his report in a way that maximized political damage to Trump?

Because it was a witch hunt against Trump, not an investigation into Russian interference.

Why didn’t Mueller shut the whole thing down when he must have known within a week that there was nothing there?

Because it was a. witch hunt against Trump, not an investigation into Russian interference.

He was hoping to provoke obstruction of justice so he would have something against Trump for all his efforts.

Drago said...

Field Marshall Freder: "You know it is possible to be both a reasonably good, or even good, golfer, (and I haven't heard anyone say Trump is a lousy golfer) and a cheat."

You know it is possible to be both a reasonably good, or even good, reader, (and I haven't heard anyone say Freder is a lousy reader) and the biggest bald-faced liar in the world regarding the outcome of the Bundy trial.

Marcus Bressler said...

The Dems are going to regret requesting Herr Mueller to testify before the HJC.

The Republicans have a shitload of questions for him.

"Why didn’t Mueller examine the DNC server? Why didn’t the FBI whose senior leadership claimed to be so “alarmed” at Russian attempts at interference in the election? Why just take the DNC’s word for it?

Because it was a witch hunt against Trump, not an investigation into Russian interference.

Why didn’t Mueller look at the Russian spies who fed the dossier to the Clinton campaign?

Because it was a witch hunt against Trump, not an investigation into Russian interference."

Thanks for reminding me.


President-Mom-Jeans said...

Did that old cunt Inga come out of her hole? Did she see her Shadow? 4 more years of Trump!

Anonymous said...

President Trump; the word is "Sedition". Use it.

Michael K said...

You know it is possible to be both a reasonably good, or even good, golfer, (and I haven't heard anyone say Trump is a lousy golfer) and a cheat.

Why are you obsessed with this? Does it matter ? Eisenhower tried to have Augusta National club move the "Eisenhower tree from the fairway because he could never get around it.

Grow up, or learn to play golf.

lonetown said...

I put out that meme a month ago. Maybe not the first but I hadn't seen it suggested before that Trump should get an extension.

Bilwick said...

How I wish someone could have stolen eight years from Red Diaper Barry's presidency.