May 5, 2019

The actor Luke Perry was — according to his daughter — laid to rest in a "mushroom burial suit."

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💋In December I went to San Francisco with two of my best friends. One of them, had never never been to California, so we went to show him the Redwoods. I took this picture while we were there, because i thought, “damn, those mushrooms are beautiful.” Now, mushrooms hold an entirely new meaning for me. Any explanation i give will not do justice to the genius that is the mushroom burial suit, but it is essentially an eco friendly burial option via mushrooms. All i can say is that you should all look into them at or just by googling “mushroom burial suit” . My dad discovered it, and was more excited by this than I have ever seen him. He was buried in this suit, one of his final wishes. They are truly a beautiful thing for this beautiful planet, and I want to share it with all of you.

A post shared by Sophie Perry (@lemonperry) on


zipity said...

It appears Luke was a fungi...


Mary Beth said...

I was doubting, but I looked it up and California doesn't require a casket, vault, or grave liner, so 'shrooms could be possible.

ndspinelli said...

If they were morels foodies will become grave robbers.

Achilles said...


Yancey Ward said...

At least they didn't compost him in the back yard.

Seeing Red said...

Ashes to ashes,
Dust to dust, Son,
Get where you’re going
By eternal combustion.

Seeing Red said...


Is her name Lemon?

walter said...

No, Sophie.

Wince said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Wince said...

“Mushroom. Burial. Suit.”

Trump's thought process about what to do with his old suit after hearing Moby rubbed his "flaccid" penis against it?

loudogblog said...

From what I've read online, Luke Perry was a really great guy. A friend of mine worked with him on an project and said the same thing. I also really like the fact that he wasn't one of those famous actors who refused to do cheesy science fiction. I really like the work he did in the sci-fi series, Jeremiah.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

holy shiitake!
another option for those amungus averse to fungus--
the secretion of the vulture bee (species Trigona necrophaga) is produced very much like that of garden-variety honeybees… the main difference is that these bees don’t subsist on the nectar of flowering plants. As its name suggests, the vulture bee eats the liquefying flesh of rotting animal carcasses.

Quaestor said...

I suspect the 'shrooms were having their way with Luke Perry's brain long before he was fitted for that suit.

Anonymous said...

Mary Beth said...
I was doubting, but I looked it up and California doesn't require a casket, vault, or grave liner, so 'shrooms could be possible.

You have to in Sacramento County or at least you did in the 90s when I buried my dad. Maybe it’s up to the county.

Paco Wové said...

Visited the link "lemonperry" included w.r.t. the mushroom burial suit. They seem weirdly obsessed with "toxins", as if humans were walking hazardous waste dumps.

Michael said...

If I were a rude sort of person, I might say something along the lines of, Sorry, but this seems like a truly WhoGAS sort of item.

But I'm not so I will only say nice things about whoever it was. Nice... Nice.... very Nice!

Anonymous said...

More nutjob.