Where's the white dot? Hiding in plain sight, like a leopard?
Anyway, I am both excited and anxious about how the next few months are going to play out politically, as the various investigations and declassifications proceed. I'm hoping that there are many decent but apolitical Americans who simply haven't realized what was really going on the past three years, and the scales are about to fall from their eyes. But I also am ready for the Dems and their media allies to put up an unprecedented counterattack. "These are the times that try men's souls." What happens next may very well decide the future existence of our republic.
My hope is that the Democrats, once their illegal and treasonous activities are exposed, will cease to be a viable political party. I also hope that the public will be clamoring for federalism and limited government, once the abuses of power from many of our agencies are brought to light. But it's also possible that a progressive/Deep State deluge is on its way.
It is truly amazing to me that Donald Trump is the catalyst of so much dramatic change. I marvel at this man. As a history buff, this is a thrilling time to be alive.
"Conservatives have rightly lamented the assault on free speech that is such a conspicuous and disfiguring reality of life in America today. But that loss only achieves its true significance in the context of a more fundamental erosion: the erosion of that shared political consensus, that community of sentiment, which gives life to the first-person plural, that “We, the People,” which made us who we are. Should we lose that, we shall have lost everything."
NYT May 24 Potential Clash Over Secrets Looms Between Justice Dept. and C.I.A.
"...The most prominent of the C.I.A.’s sources of intelligence on Russia’s election interference was a person close to Mr. Putin who provided information about his involvement, former officials have said. The source turned over evidence for one of the last major intelligence conclusions that President Barack Obama made public before leaving office: that Mr. Putin himself was behind the Russia hack.
Long nurtured by the C.I.A., the source rose to a position that enabled the informant to provide key information in 2016 about the Russian leadership’s role in the interference campaign, the officials said.
John O. Brennan, the C.I.A. director under Mr. Obama, would bring reports from the source directly to the White House, keeping them out of the president’s daily intelligence briefing for fear that the briefing document was too widely disseminated, according to the officials. Instead, he would place them in an envelope for Mr. Obama and a tiny circle of aides to read..."
"...The New York Times has since reported that a person close to Putin is the CIA’s lone source for the information about Putin. The Times reported on Friday that current and former intelligence community officials are concerned that the source (who the newspaper identified as a man) could be in danger because of Trump’s declassification order.
But there is no indication that Trump’s order will lead to the disclosure of top-secret sources, including those working inside the Kremlin."
"...In addition to Brennan’s interview on MSNBC, former CIA and FBI officials, many of them who have been critical of Trump, laid out their concerns about declassification to Politico and The Washington Post.
The Times article which revealed new details of the CIA’s Kremlin source echoed those fears.
According to the Times, the source, who the CIA has cultivated for years, provided the information that Putin was behind the cyber attacks and social media disinformation activities during the 2016 presidential campaign.
Despite those concerns, neither Trump nor Republicans have pushed for declassification of information about CIA sources."
(1) The Russian mole's reporting had nothing to do with the fake assertions in the Steele Dossier that Trump and members of his campaign were agents of Russia.
(2) There is therefore no tie to the predicates of the Trump investigation by the FBI that Barr wants to examine and air.
(3) The apparent (political) purpose of the NYT article is to stir up hysteria about the possible (but very unlikely) disclosure by Barr of CIA sources and methods.
(4) But the effect of the NYT's article will very likely result in either a new or revitalized Russian witch hunt to find the mole. So much for the NYT's respect for protecting US intelligence sources and methods.
I'm a historian, buff, and I guess second-or-third-order practitioner of history, and thrilling can turn real ugly real quick.
I have an uneasy feeling that the party of slavery, secession, jim crow, mass incarceration of American citizens, Vietnam, mass incarceration again, open borders, and now, like a big Moby of a zit on a starlet's cheek, staggeringly illegal (but counterproductive!) surveillance of -many- people . . . may not go gently.
Narr Let me know how the whole Graysexuality thing turns out.
Except this narrative raises further questions, re the kavalec notes which allegedly identify at least two assets truibnikov and surkov, the former already had known contacts with halper, so it would be unlikely he would be an asset or have required Steele to communicate with him, the next surkov is Putin's half Chechen mastermind the idea he would speak to a burnt spy who subsequently had been in contact with Putin's no 1 enemy Litvinenko is even more unlikely.
I finally finished vol I of the report, and yeah I have more questions about the Russian activity than anything else. At first I thought it was all BS, but if we did have a high level source...well, that's some helluva cyber war going on, and why?
Brennan actually burnt a source in 2012, the inspiration for my novella, an asset inside the peninsula's al queda branch. Like another fellow who was also a Saudi national he likely had to flee into the shadows.
I was in Madison the last three days, with the overcast, the rain, and a few good hours on Campus.
The campus is beautiful. The buildings are beautiful. My friend: "If only we could get the beauty without the liberals".
As we were watching the lake and allowing my friend to burn one for his delight, a rather pretentious young busy body came by "You know, I quit smoking 10 years ago, so I WON'T give you any advice. But isn't this place beautiful."
Twenty years old and she had the absolute sand to try a soft shame on my friend who was 3 times her age. It is an amazing breed of the self righteous that U of W is propagandizing.
I couldn't imagine coming up to some fat Whamalo of a Feminist and saying 'You know...I used to be a fat useless self righteous piece of shit too, so I won't give you any advice on how to be thin or smart.' But clearly, U of W students have no such sense of civility, privacy or humility.
I did almost have a medical emergency. I passed the (trying to remember) the American Shaman Center will driving down Midvale. The resultant eyeroll required a quick head smack to loosen the eyeballs so I could continue driving. Big Indian Population you have in Madison? I mean outside the Ho-Chunk Casinos... (eyero...) Dammit!
Blink Blink.
A dot of Blue ink in a large red bottle.
Of course I didn't even think of looking up Althouse. I can't think of a person she would less like to approach her and I can respect such personal boundaries. But then again, I have a far larger sense of civility than a Feminist U of W student...
The NYTimes stories themselves have leaked more than enough information for the Russians to find this source.......if he actually exists. I have always assumed he doesn't exist given that it is almost all but certain that it is Brennan himself leaking the story to the NYTimes. Brennan or his acolytes can't have it both ways- either the source is so important that you don't publicize anything at all about his existence, including his existence, or you don't give a shit about the dude.
I'm bringing this forward from the “spreadsheets” thread because a) it doesn't have much to do with spreadsheets per se, while b) folks here (some of them — including, I believe, our hostess) — people who own “smart” phones like the iPhone or Android, while using their “phone(s)” (highly capable portable computers) heavily enough that they — might appreciate it. (Note that I have no financial or other connection with manufacturer or vendors, though I have given away several of these items to friends and relations….)
Anyway, this is the (bluetooth) keyboard I like to use with my iPhone (and sometimes other devices). Since this (full-size!) keyboard folds quite compactly it's convenient for carrying around with the phone when out and about or traveling. (There's also a less than full-size model I don't much care for.)
With regard to certain apps' (such as EverNote) keyboard shortcuts, it is capable of generating Apple's Command and Option key inputs (via the Win and Alt keys here).
Really, the only complaint I have about it is that it's mildly inconvenient switching to another (bluetooth) device when you need to (you must forget the earlier device it's married to each time and reacquire).
Oh, and the keyboard gets destroyed (well… keys stop working) from having coffee (or tea in my case) spilled across it. They should fix that too!
(4) But the effect of the NYT's article will very likely result in either a new or revitalized Russian witch hunt to find the mole. So much for the NYT's respect for protecting US intelligence sources and methods.
So much for the CIA's respect for protecting US intelligence sources and methods.
When general Cartwright leaked technical details of stuixtnet to David sanger of the times (a decade earlier he had received alternate battle plans for Iraq invasion)
By the standard they insist for Assange they would go to jail now, back then it was the overland route from Jordan that might have saved many casualties
I'm a history buff, and I"m just happy to find a half-way decent History book these days. The whole history profession has crashed and burned. Too many leftists, too many dumbed down books, too many journalists, too many frauds.
Readering 9:28 yes it is fascinating, they gave up on her rather quickly for island standards. Then today on the same island a 65 (?) year old died from a shark attack! I was just swimming there 2 days ago,
My hope is that the Democrats, once their illegal and treasonous activities are exposed, will cease to be a viable political party.
I'm sorry but my experience says that will never happen.
Look and Inga and Chuck, completely ignoring the Mueller report, no mea culpas, no apologies, no shame. They just doubled down with a new set of talking points.
Best example is when you remind Democrats they were the party of slavery, they come back with "well the parties were flipped back then!" and they refuse to face the truth. No matter how many times you say Lincoln was a Republican, no matter how many pictures of Robert Byrd (D) leading the KKK you show them.
Another is all the Democrats fleeing California because the Dems have made it a mess. They move to Texas but vote in the same bullshit that destroyed their state. Like a parasitic virus.
It's the most frustrating thing. You bite your tongue, you patiently wait for this or that socialist experiment to fail, thinking "once this runs it's course, they'll wake up and see", but they never do. They never learn from the mistakes they inflict on the rest of us.
It's because of the post-modernism Marxism, and it's why we're going to have to kill every last one of them before this is through.
So, keep your hope alive, but watch and wait - I think you'll see the same patterns I have, only sooner than I did because you know what to look for.
So I see were "Clinton Cash" author Peter Schweizer (whose Clinton Crime Family expose from four years ago has not resulted in a single confirmed criminal indictment) is now after the the families of Joe Biden, John Kerry and surprisingly, Mitch McConnell. After Hungary denied that there was any hanky-panky of the part of Slow Joe and Hunter Biden, Schweizer raises the accusation ante to $1.5 billion sent from the Bank of China to Hunter and Hunter's suits are not nearly as expensive as Trump suits.
And through all the years that Trump has been laundering money for a living, Schweizer has not written a single bad word about our racketeer-in-chief. But "Clinton Cash" hurt Hillary and helped Trump and it would seem that "Secret Empires" is right on time to help Trump get reelected.
That there will be consequences for the deep state bad actors seems to fall into political fantasy at this point, like impeachment fantasy is looking into a mirror or something.
it would seem that "Secret Empires" is right on time to help Trump get reelected.
Good, we could use another 4 years of Trump.
And you should check your fallacies 1) An expose of corruption created no indictments of the Clinton, therefore it was false? 2) $1.5 billion to Biden from China is no biggie "because Trump did worse"?
"Except this narrative raises further questions, re the kavalec notes which allegedly identify at least two assets truibnikov and surkov, the former already had known contacts with halper, so it would be unlikely he would be an asset or have required Steele to communicate with him, the next surkov is Putin's half Chechen mastermind the idea he would speak to a burnt spy who subsequently had been in contact with Putin's no 1 enemy Litvinenko is even more unlikely."
My struggle to understand by unpacking these dense references. ///
The latest "narrative" or story line being circulated by The New York Times, premier leader in implanting false stories about Donald Trump in the American mind is that John Brennan had a source close to Putin. This source got material to Brennan which showed that Putin was backing Trump. Brennan brought this material "by hand in envelopes" (a secret CIA technology) to President Obama. Hence President Obama was justified in supporting Brennan's spying on Trump. There is no trace anywhere in any CIA or White House computer or server or G-mail database of this material being shown to the President because of the astounding secret technique used. Not even Twitter.
Except this narrative raises further questions. [The center point is that Brennan had an asset.] But look at the Kavalec notes which identify at least two alleged assets [of Christopher Steele], Truibnikov and Surkov. Truibnikov already had known contacts with Halper, so it would be unlikely he would be a [John Brennan secret] asset or have [needed] Steele to communicate with [Brennan]. The next alleged asset [claimed by Steele in the Kavalec notes] is Surkov [who is] Putin's half-Chechen mastermind. The idea [that Surkov] would speak to [Christopher Steele, who has been exposed as a member Of MI6 and so is] a burnt spy,[and not only a burnt spy but a man] who subsequently had been in contact with Putin's no 1 enemy, Litvinenko, is even more unlikely [than the claim that Truibnikov was a Steele asset. Litvinenko, you will recall, was a former member of the FSB who coined the term "Mafia state" to describe Putin's Russia and who Putin had assasinated in 2006 in Britain after Livenienko defected. His supporters such as Christopher Steele are hardly likely to be in touch with one of Putin's major supporters such as Surkov.] ///
So in other words stories are now circulating alleging that this or that person has an asset or is an asset. The stories in the Kavalec memo based on Steele's statements seem unlikely. Perhaps this other latest story is equally unlikely.
I made this point in an earlier cafe, but it bears repeating:
This has most of the trappings of a pretty standard DC scandal. One of the ways the Establishment operates is by defining the boundaries of acceptable discourse and then allowing a great deal of debate and argument within those boundaries. The people who truly have power in this country are not worried about this scandal, because either way their power will be unaffected. It does not matter to these people which party controls which branches of governments, because the political parties are largely subservient to their interests.
Wow. Put in himself was behind the Russian hacks? What a revelation! I thought it must be some rogue functionary deep in the bowels of some almost forgotten ministry.
I question this assumption that Putin wanted Trump to win. It would make sense for Putin to want Crooked Hillary elected because both of the Clintons are for sale. Take a good look at the Clinton Foundation. The money has dried up there because neither of them are in government any more.
Yes you got the gist, it's very unprovable, consider that Litvinenko got his start working with berezovsky the fmr young pioneer turned oligarch who got his big start working with the chechen mob, the obshina.
I think AG Barr's investigations will show the "spying" on the Trump campaign began with several perjured FISA affidavits, but nothing much will come out of it.
Rcocean complains: I'm a history buff, and I"m just happy to find a half-way decent History book these days. The whole history profession has crashed and burned. Too many leftists, too many dumbed down books, too many journalists, too many frauds.
Indeed. I try to find books written contemporaneously or at least before 1980. There are a few notable exceptions but most of the current selection is crap.
I read several biographies of Huey Long [one was his autobiography] and one of them, written, I think, in the 80's or 90's, used nothing but newspaper articles for sources. Anyone who knows anything about the Kingfish knows that the news establishment hated his guts.
Hagar, I think the spying will date back to at least 2012. And I think Obama had dirt on Romney and Romney pulled his punches, therefore. I think Romney faces a stark reality: that dirt is coming out if Barr is successful.
Bill Barr ain't pulling his punches. He's going to see the facts and apply the law. And nothing in his countenance points in another direction.
Maybe Putin will pull a Stalin based on the NYT report and slaughter his whole inner circle.
More likely, even if there were such a source and Putin knew his identity, Putin would keep him on the payroll just to keep screwing with the Americans.
I for one seriously doubt Putin had any other intention last election than to sow some chaos, without any expectation that the Dems and the media would do so much of his work for him. I also agree with the previous commenters that he probably wanted Hillary to win. I doubt he thought she needed much help. I also believe that neither he nor anyone in Russia hacked anything significant.
Where have you gone, John le Carre? Our nation turns it's lonely eyes to you.
In the future, if China or any other country wants to screw with the US, they have a blueprint. Just mess with a few US government computers, buy some facebook ads, have their agents meet with some US officials, make some leaks to the media, and then watch the entire country go insane.
As an aside, I hope Trump tweets the following: "What if Putin didn't know what his intelligence agencies were doing? Maybe it wasn't his fault!"
Wait a day or two. Let the craziness swell.
Then tweet: "What if Obama didn't know what his intelligence agencies were doing? Maybe it wasn't his fault!"
Not at that time, now manning did extol a large number of cables mostly dealing with western projects, Snowden may have been In contact with Russian agents back when he was in Switzerland then you have the Tomlinson matter, the Brits ultimately took him back.
Kinda cool. We spent yesterday afternoon at Warner Brothers Studios. We were in the executive screening room watching the animation students final thesis projects. A lot of very talented kids. Of course my kid is the most talented. Got to meet some animators from Disney and Pixar and others. The students didn't know that these people would be there watching their work. We got to meet Eric Goldberg one of the head animators for Disney. He remembered my daughter from her junior year project. Very chuffed parent today.
Earlier today, I posted this on Instapundit on the passing of Bart Starr --
While serving with the 3rd Battalion, 173d Airborne Brigade in Vietnam, I was wounded on 27 Dec 1967. Eventually, I was flown to Japan, and since I had a staph infection I was in a staph ward, separated from the rest of the wounded in the hospital. One day in about late February (I'm guessing), and after I was staph free, I received a skin graft. The next day, Bart Starr showed up with another pro football player (and I'm sorry that I cannot remember his name). Mr Starr, and the other football player were a class act, and I cannot express my appreciation that they went half way around the world to give us some support. Tomorrow is Memorial Day, and I have to give them some acknowledgement of their support for us. RIP Mr Starr.
AllenS: Thank you and God bless you and all who served. And a loving memory for Bart Starr and others who extended themselves to lift the spirits of wounded warriors.
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we were guessing it would be something re: Moby-Gate, like
At the Moby Cafe...
...You can wail ... and gnash your teeth, like in the picture"
(Sorry. Someone had to do it.)
@Karen, you’re too quick.
Didnt we learn anything from age of ultron:
Maybe we have too many un-vaccinated people crossing the border??
Fascinating story about rescue of hiker in Hawaii.
Theresa May's Colossal Failure.
My first trip to Austin. Bats were a dud. Lbj ranch a highlight.
Watching Greg Gutfield Show on Fox. They have a talented group of witty folks. There is still humor alive.
Where's the white dot? Hiding in plain sight, like a leopard?
Anyway, I am both excited and anxious about how the next few months are going to play out politically, as the various investigations and declassifications proceed. I'm hoping that there are many decent but apolitical Americans who simply haven't realized what was really going on the past three years, and the scales are about to fall from their eyes. But I also am ready for the Dems and their media allies to put up an unprecedented counterattack. "These are the times that try men's souls." What happens next may very well decide the future existence of our republic.
My hope is that the Democrats, once their illegal and treasonous activities are exposed, will cease to be a viable political party. I also hope that the public will be clamoring for federalism and limited government, once the abuses of power from many of our agencies are brought to light. But it's also possible that a progressive/Deep State deluge is on its way.
It is truly amazing to me that Donald Trump is the catalyst of so much dramatic change. I marvel at this man. As a history buff, this is a thrilling time to be alive.
Here's something. We, the People...
"Conservatives have rightly lamented the assault on free speech that is such a conspicuous and disfiguring reality of life in America today. But that loss only achieves its true significance in the context of a more fundamental erosion: the erosion of that shared political consensus, that community of sentiment, which gives life to the first-person plural, that “We, the People,” which made us who we are. Should we lose that, we shall have lost everything."
As a history buff, this is a thrilling time to be alive.
but-- as thrilling as this??
Graysexuality is fascinating because we get to watch the process of a new orientation being constructed in real time.
NYT May 24
Potential Clash Over Secrets Looms Between Justice Dept. and C.I.A.
"...The most prominent of the C.I.A.’s sources of intelligence on Russia’s election interference was a person close to Mr. Putin who provided information about his involvement, former officials have said. The source turned over evidence for one of the last major intelligence conclusions that President Barack Obama made public before leaving office: that Mr. Putin himself was behind the Russia hack.
Long nurtured by the C.I.A., the source rose to a position that enabled the informant to provide key information in 2016 about the Russian leadership’s role in the interference campaign, the officials said.
John O. Brennan, the C.I.A. director under Mr. Obama, would bring reports from the source directly to the White House, keeping them out of the president’s daily intelligence briefing for fear that the briefing document was too widely disseminated, according to the officials. Instead, he would place them in an envelope for Mr. Obama and a tiny circle of aides to read..."
Responded to by Chuck Ross, DC, May 25:
"...The New York Times has since reported that a person close to Putin is the CIA’s lone source for the information about Putin. The Times reported on Friday that current and former intelligence community officials are concerned that the source (who the newspaper identified as a man) could be in danger because of Trump’s declassification order.
But there is no indication that Trump’s order will lead to the disclosure of top-secret sources, including those working inside the Kremlin."
"...In addition to Brennan’s interview on MSNBC, former CIA and FBI officials, many of them who have been critical of Trump, laid out their concerns about declassification to Politico and The Washington Post.
The Times article which revealed new details of the CIA’s Kremlin source echoed those fears.
According to the Times, the source, who the CIA has cultivated for years, provided the information that Putin was behind the cyber attacks and social media disinformation activities during the 2016 presidential campaign.
Despite those concerns, neither Trump nor Republicans have pushed for declassification of information about CIA sources."
(1) The Russian mole's reporting had nothing to do with the fake assertions in the Steele Dossier that Trump and members of his campaign were agents of Russia.
(2) There is therefore no tie to the predicates of the Trump investigation by the FBI that Barr wants to examine and air.
(3) The apparent (political) purpose of the NYT article is to stir up hysteria about the possible (but very unlikely) disclosure by Barr of CIA sources and methods.
(4) But the effect of the NYT's article will very likely result in either a new or revitalized Russian witch hunt to find the mole. So much for the NYT's respect for protecting US intelligence sources and methods.
I'm a historian, buff, and I guess second-or-third-order practitioner of history, and thrilling can turn real ugly real quick.
I have an uneasy feeling that the party of slavery, secession, jim crow, mass incarceration of American citizens, Vietnam, mass incarceration again, open borders, and now, like a big Moby of a zit on a starlet's cheek, staggeringly illegal (but counterproductive!) surveillance of -many- people . . . may not go gently.
Let me know how the whole Graysexuality thing turns out.
Except this narrative raises further questions, re the kavalec notes which allegedly identify at least two assets truibnikov and surkov, the former already had known contacts with halper, so it would be unlikely he would be an asset or have required Steele to communicate with him, the next surkov is Putin's half Chechen mastermind the idea he would speak to a burnt spy who subsequently had been in contact with Putin's no 1 enemy Litvinenko is even more unlikely.
This is am odd piece of Hollywood category error:
I finally finished vol I of the report, and yeah I have more questions about the Russian activity than anything else. At first I thought it was all BS, but if we did have a high level source...well, that's some helluva cyber war going on, and why?
Is it about Ukraine?
Brennan actually burnt a source in 2012, the inspiration for my novella, an asset inside the peninsula's al queda branch. Like another fellow who was also a Saudi national he likely had to flee into the shadows.
But can't we just let Karen think, hey, Something is something is something is sumtin' is sum ting?
(nor schoolmarms)
Consequently they would have needed alternate construction how the info was gathered.
Baird the one who chose Gibson is behind that very maudlin laurel and hardy film.
My meat is meant to be savored in the sense each bite you know is a ton of perfect calories seasoned with zero fat only perfect smoking knowledge.
My first three tries have superceded grand masters
Stephen Cooper taught me hey, even the littlest voices matter.
For a giant blogger, sometimes a little plea to write something may be just that, or it may not be.
No harm no foul here right?
Ought the title Mr. Pascal do me better?
I was in Madison the last three days, with the overcast, the rain, and a few good hours on Campus.
The campus is beautiful. The buildings are beautiful. My friend: "If only we could get the beauty without the liberals".
As we were watching the lake and allowing my friend to burn one for his delight, a rather pretentious young busy body came by "You know, I quit smoking 10 years ago, so I WON'T give you any advice. But isn't this place beautiful."
Twenty years old and she had the absolute sand to try a soft shame on my friend who was 3 times her age. It is an amazing breed of the self righteous that U of W is propagandizing.
I couldn't imagine coming up to some fat Whamalo of a Feminist and saying 'You know...I used to be a fat useless self righteous piece of shit too, so I won't give you any advice on how to be thin or smart.' But clearly, U of W students have no such sense of civility, privacy or humility.
I did almost have a medical emergency. I passed the (trying to remember) the American Shaman Center will driving down Midvale. The resultant eyeroll required a quick head smack to loosen the eyeballs so I could continue driving. Big Indian Population you have in Madison? I mean outside the Ho-Chunk Casinos... (eyero...) Dammit!
Blink Blink.
A dot of Blue ink in a large red bottle.
Of course I didn't even think of looking up Althouse. I can't think of a person she would less like to approach her and I can respect such personal boundaries. But then again, I have a far larger sense of civility than a Feminist U of W student...
I found out someone who I didn't think did did indeed vote for T. Thompson.
I found out someone whom I didn't think did did indeed vote for T. Thompson.
I just erased more than many will ever know.
Karen of Texas,
From Hell's heart I stab at thee!!
That's what I get for taking a nap.
Oops just came back. Those mountains.
The NYTimes stories themselves have leaked more than enough information for the Russians to find this source.......if he actually exists. I have always assumed he doesn't exist given that it is almost all but certain that it is Brennan himself leaking the story to the NYTimes. Brennan or his acolytes can't have it both ways- either the source is so important that you don't publicize anything at all about his existence, including his existence, or you don't give a shit about the dude.
Look, the things I've conjured outconjured any other conjurings ever.
"The Spy Who Loved Me??" -- by G.Papadupoulos
Well the bureau clerk who flirted, I'm trying to imagine what she looks like, I dont know bridget regan who has been in a bunch of shows
But remember one thing, his fiance used to work for mifsud,
They say shes a blonde,
Yes shes from the other Georgia.
he introduced them, right? now she's pissing on occhionero. cuz hes's spilling beans and she might get caught in the ...crossfire
Occhionero is an interesting character if he really tried to hack the deep state, the first rule of deep state in italy...
I'm bringing this forward from the “spreadsheets” thread because a) it doesn't have much to do with spreadsheets per se, while b) folks here (some of them — including, I believe, our hostess) — people who own “smart” phones like the iPhone or Android, while using their “phone(s)” (highly capable portable computers) heavily enough that they — might appreciate it. (Note that I have no financial or other connection with manufacturer or vendors, though I have given away several of these items to friends and relations….)
Anyway, this is the (bluetooth) keyboard I like to use with my iPhone (and sometimes other devices). Since this (full-size!) keyboard folds quite compactly it's convenient for carrying around with the phone when out and about or traveling. (There's also a less than full-size model I don't much care for.)
With regard to certain apps' (such as EverNote) keyboard shortcuts, it is capable of generating Apple's Command and Option key inputs (via the Win and Alt keys here).
Really, the only complaint I have about it is that it's mildly inconvenient switching to another (bluetooth) device when you need to (you must forget the earlier device it's married to each time and reacquire).
Oh, and the keyboard gets destroyed (well… keys stop working) from having coffee (or tea in my case) spilled across it. They should fix that too!
Althouse's Amazon portal was used for the search.
he was framed? wrote to nunes to sound alarm.
he's married to her now. yowza-- married to a spy?
that's why they're called the silent ones. 'charlemagne'
papaD married her-- not G.O. --should have made that distinction
(4) But the effect of the NYT's article will very likely result in either a new or revitalized Russian witch hunt to find the mole. So much for the NYT's respect for protecting US intelligence sources and methods.
So much for the CIA's respect for protecting US intelligence sources and methods.
Karen of Texas forgot the italics: something.
When general Cartwright leaked technical details of stuixtnet to David sanger of the times (a decade earlier he had received alternate battle plans for Iraq invasion)
The times did not seem all that distressed,
By the standard they insist for Assange they would go to jail now, back then it was the overland route from Jordan that might have saved many casualties
Imagine If they showed as much concern:
Per the Guardian:
"The healthiest and happiest population subgroup are women who never married or had children,” he said.
You blew it, Althouse. Twice.
FIDO said...Big Indian Population you have in Madison?
Not far from EPIC systems..
I'm a history buff, and I"m just happy to find a half-way decent History book these days. The whole history profession has crashed and burned. Too many leftists, too many dumbed down books, too many journalists, too many frauds.
Readering 9:28 yes it is fascinating, they gave up on her rather quickly for island standards. Then today on the same island a 65 (?) year old died from a shark attack! I was just swimming there 2 days ago,
My hope is that the Democrats, once their illegal and treasonous activities are exposed, will cease to be a viable political party.
I'm sorry but my experience says that will never happen.
Look and Inga and Chuck, completely ignoring the Mueller report, no mea culpas, no apologies, no shame. They just doubled down with a new set of talking points.
Best example is when you remind Democrats they were the party of slavery, they come back with "well the parties were flipped back then!" and they refuse to face the truth. No matter how many times you say Lincoln was a Republican, no matter how many pictures of Robert Byrd (D) leading the KKK you show them.
Another is all the Democrats fleeing California because the Dems have made it a mess. They move to Texas but vote in the same bullshit that destroyed their state. Like a parasitic virus.
It's the most frustrating thing. You bite your tongue, you patiently wait for this or that socialist experiment to fail, thinking "once this runs it's course, they'll wake up and see", but they never do. They never learn from the mistakes they inflict on the rest of us.
It's because of the post-modernism Marxism, and it's why we're going to have to kill every last one of them before this is through.
So, keep your hope alive, but watch and wait - I think you'll see the same patterns I have, only sooner than I did because you know what to look for.
Fen said..Look and Inga and Chuck,
Who?? ;)
So I see were "Clinton Cash" author Peter Schweizer (whose Clinton Crime Family expose from four years ago has not resulted in a single confirmed criminal indictment) is now after the the families of Joe Biden, John Kerry and surprisingly, Mitch McConnell. After Hungary denied that there was any hanky-panky of the part of Slow Joe and Hunter Biden, Schweizer raises the accusation ante to $1.5 billion sent from the Bank of China to Hunter and Hunter's suits are not nearly as expensive as Trump suits.
And through all the years that Trump has been laundering money for a living, Schweizer has not written a single bad word about our racketeer-in-chief. But "Clinton Cash" hurt Hillary and helped Trump and it would seem that "Secret Empires" is right on time to help Trump get reelected.
That there will be consequences for the deep state bad actors seems to fall into political fantasy at this point, like impeachment fantasy is looking into a mirror or something.
it would seem that "Secret Empires" is right on time to help Trump get reelected.
Good, we could use another 4 years of Trump.
And you should check your fallacies
1) An expose of corruption created no indictments of the Clinton, therefore it was false?
2) $1.5 billion to Biden from China is no biggie "because Trump did worse"?
rcocean above:
"You blew it, Althouse. Twice."
rcocean, you seem confused about how people get pregnant.
The Weinermobile recruits from four colleges, including UW Madison.
This article made me laugh.
"Except this narrative raises further questions, re the kavalec notes which allegedly identify at least two assets truibnikov and surkov, the former already had known contacts with halper, so it would be unlikely he would be an asset or have required Steele to communicate with him, the next surkov is Putin's half Chechen mastermind the idea he would speak to a burnt spy who subsequently had been in contact with Putin's no 1 enemy Litvinenko is even more unlikely."
My struggle to understand by unpacking these dense references.
The latest "narrative" or story line being circulated by The New York Times, premier leader in implanting false stories about Donald Trump in the American mind is that John Brennan had a source close to Putin. This source got material to Brennan which showed that Putin was backing Trump. Brennan brought this material "by hand in envelopes" (a secret CIA technology) to President Obama. Hence President Obama was justified in supporting Brennan's spying on Trump. There is no trace anywhere in any CIA or White House computer or server or G-mail database of this material being shown to the President because of the astounding secret technique used. Not even Twitter.
Except this narrative raises further questions. [The center point is that Brennan had an asset.] But look at the Kavalec notes which identify at least two alleged assets [of Christopher Steele], Truibnikov and Surkov. Truibnikov already had known contacts with Halper, so it would be unlikely he would be a [John Brennan secret] asset or have [needed] Steele to communicate with [Brennan]. The next alleged asset [claimed by Steele in the Kavalec notes] is Surkov [who is] Putin's half-Chechen mastermind. The idea [that Surkov] would speak to [Christopher Steele, who has been exposed as a member Of MI6 and so is] a burnt spy,[and not only a burnt spy but a man] who subsequently had been in contact with Putin's no 1 enemy, Litvinenko, is even more unlikely [than the claim that Truibnikov was a Steele asset. Litvinenko, you will recall, was a former member of the FSB who coined the term "Mafia state" to describe Putin's Russia and who Putin had assasinated in 2006 in Britain after Livenienko defected. His supporters such as Christopher Steele are hardly likely to be in touch with one of Putin's major supporters such as Surkov.]
So in other words stories are now circulating alleging that this or that person has an asset or is an asset. The stories in the Kavalec memo based on Steele's statements seem unlikely. Perhaps this other latest story is equally unlikely.
I made this point in an earlier cafe, but it bears repeating:
This has most of the trappings of a pretty standard DC scandal. One of the ways the Establishment operates is by defining the boundaries of acceptable discourse and then allowing a great deal of debate and argument within those boundaries. The people who truly have power in this country are not worried about this scandal, because either way their power will be unaffected. It does not matter to these people which party controls which branches of governments, because the political parties are largely subservient to their interests.
Wow. Put in himself was behind the Russian hacks? What a revelation! I thought it must be some rogue functionary deep in the bowels of some almost forgotten ministry.
Like Lois Lerner maybe.
I question this assumption that Putin wanted Trump to win. It would make sense for Putin to want Crooked Hillary elected because both of the Clintons are for sale. Take a good look at the Clinton Foundation. The money has dried up there because neither of them are in government any more.
Yes you got the gist, it's very unprovable, consider that Litvinenko got his start working with berezovsky the fmr young pioneer turned oligarch who got his big start working with the chechen mob, the obshina.
Brennan, the communist, managed to gain an asset at the top of the Kremlin?
That is some Grade-A bull shit straight from Nebraska.
Anybody who believes that (the NYT does not, btw) is willfully ignorant.
In additions to reasons stated above, Trump's oil and natural gas policy is reason enough for the Vladiator to want the Hildabeast to be victorious.
Hillary is expensive but she stays bought.
That's perfect for Putin.
Trump is too damned rich to be bought cheaply.
And he is mercurial.
Awful for tyrants!
...it is almost all but certain that it is Brennan himself leaking the story to the NYTimes. ...
Also NYT description can simply equally apply to Brennan. There is no necessary implication to be Russian or in Kremlin.
Birkel observes:
...is mercurial.
Awful for tyrants!
Early on I thought that was one of his strongest points--his unpredictability. No cast-in-stone policy just common sense and moxie.
I think AG Barr's investigations will show the "spying" on the Trump campaign began with several perjured FISA affidavits, but nothing much will come out of it.
Rcocean complains: I'm a history buff, and I"m just happy to find a half-way decent History book these days. The whole history profession has crashed and burned. Too many leftists, too many dumbed down books, too many journalists, too many frauds.
Indeed. I try to find books written contemporaneously or at least before 1980. There are a few notable exceptions but most of the current selection is crap.
I read several biographies of Huey Long [one was his autobiography] and one of them, written, I think, in the 80's or 90's, used nothing but newspaper articles for sources. Anyone who knows anything about the Kingfish knows that the news establishment hated his guts.
My favorite book on the French Revolution is still Thomas Carlyle's, written in 1837.
I think the spying will date back to at least 2012.
And I think Obama had dirt on Romney and Romney pulled his punches, therefore.
I think Romney faces a stark reality: that dirt is coming out if Barr is successful.
Bill Barr ain't pulling his punches.
He's going to see the facts and apply the law.
And nothing in his countenance points in another direction.
Thank you, wildswan. Could you do this for all his posts?
IF Mangiante means edible, I concur.
Speaking of coming out....
FBI Unsealed?
Birkel said...
Brennan, the communist, managed to gain an asset at the top of the Kremlin ...
Do I see " willful amnesia "
Had Hillary won, which should've been *Normal History* , Putin gets what he paid for - his asset running CIA.
Please learn and practise parallax thinking or knowing the two movies on the screen from opposite sides.
Maybe Putin will pull a Stalin based on the NYT report and slaughter his whole inner circle.
More likely, even if there were such a source and Putin knew his identity, Putin would keep him on the payroll just to keep screwing with the Americans.
I for one seriously doubt Putin had any other intention last election than to sow some chaos, without any expectation that the Dems and the media would do so much of his work for him. I also agree with the previous commenters that he probably wanted Hillary to win. I doubt he thought she needed much help. I also believe that neither he nor anyone in Russia hacked anything significant.
Where have you gone, John le Carre? Our nation turns it's lonely eyes to you.
In the future, if China or any other country wants to screw with the US, they have a blueprint. Just mess with a few US government computers, buy some facebook ads, have their agents meet with some US officials, make some leaks to the media, and then watch the entire country go insane.
As an aside, I hope Trump tweets the following: "What if Putin didn't know what his intelligence agencies were doing? Maybe it wasn't his fault!"
Wait a day or two. Let the craziness swell.
Then tweet: "What if Obama didn't know what his intelligence agencies were doing? Maybe it wasn't his fault!"
I cannot help what you see.
But thanks for restating my implication.
Not at that time, now manning did extol a large number of cables mostly dealing with western projects, Snowden may have been In contact with Russian agents back when he was in Switzerland then you have the Tomlinson matter, the Brits ultimately took him back.
It is truly amazing to me that Donald Trump is the catalyst of so much dramatic change.
In a very interesting video by VD Hanson he sees Trump as a tragic hero because he will accomplish a lot in two terms but will not get credit for it.
He is certain he will be re-elected but thinks almost half the country will still demean him.
gadfly, who thinks Trump was money laundering, from his (gadfly's) vast knowledge of finance, for example.
Early on I thought that was one of his strongest points--his unpredictability. No cast-in-stone policy just common sense and moxie.
I agree...to a point. He's also a good illustration of, "if you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything."
Perhaps on immigration, but his views on foreign and trade policy have been consistent for 30 years.
Perhaps on immigration, but his views on foreign and trade policy have been consistent for 30 years.
What are his views on foreign policy?
J Farmer,
I bought you an exclusive 7-day pass to google.com so you don't have to ask stupid questions.
Google cannot search what isn’t there.
He has been for having the allies carry more if the burden, I did not know he had consulted the late Ron rosenbaum re nuclear strategy.
Google cannot cure willful blindness.
Best photo from that Weinermobile article
My favorite book on the French Revolution is still Thomas Carlyle's, written in 1837.
You have great taste, mockturtle!
Kinda cool. We spent yesterday afternoon at Warner Brothers Studios. We were in the executive screening room watching the animation students final thesis projects. A lot of very talented kids. Of course my kid is the most talented. Got to meet some animators from Disney and Pixar and others. The students didn't know that these people would be there watching their work. We got to meet Eric Goldberg one of the head animators for Disney. He remembered my daughter from her junior year project.
Very chuffed parent today.
Google cannot cure willful blindness.
Well that's certainly true, too. But not a correction.
Bart Starr died this week. Quite a history with the Packers. I thought he had a car dealership in WI but the obit said his business was in Alabama.
Earlier today, I posted this on Instapundit on the passing of Bart Starr --
While serving with the 3rd Battalion, 173d Airborne Brigade in Vietnam, I was wounded on 27 Dec 1967. Eventually, I was flown to Japan, and since I had a staph infection I was in a staph ward, separated from the rest of the wounded in the hospital. One day in about late February (I'm guessing), and after I was staph free, I received a skin graft. The next day, Bart Starr showed up with another pro football player (and I'm sorry that I cannot remember his name). Mr Starr, and the other football player were a class act, and I cannot express my appreciation that they went half way around the world to give us some support. Tomorrow is Memorial Day, and I have to give them some acknowledgement of their support for us. RIP Mr Starr.
I think the spying will date back to at least 2012.
The Candy Crowley moment during the second debate. Obama knew what Romney's talking point would be, and then used Crowley to revise history.
AllenS: Thank you and God bless you and all who served. And a loving memory for Bart Starr and others who extended themselves to lift the spirits of wounded warriors.
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