Quoted in "'No Celebrities': Embarrassing Turnout at Trump’s Beverly Hills Fundraiser" in The Daily Beast.
I wonder, who was embarrassed? Was it the people at The Daily Beast imagining that Trump ought to be embarrassed? He doesn't seem like a guy who gets embarrassed. Especially about the lack of "celebrities." Isn't it embarrassing that Democratic Party candidates get all the celebrities?
Here's an article from late November 2016 in Vanity Fair, "Did Celebrity Endorsements Contribute to Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Upset?/The divide in celebrity endorsements between candidates was as large as ever in the 2016 presidential election—and the candidate with the most lost":
The gulf between celebrity endorsements on the Democratic versus Republican side is stark during every election, but this year, the rift seemed infinite. Hillary Clinton had Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Beyoncé, and even Lebron James. #ImWithHer hashtags decorated social output from Ariana Grande, Jennifer Lopez, the Kardashians, and Rihanna, as well as YouTube stars like Tyler Oakley. Clinton carried far and away the majority of celebrity seals of approval....Trump is his own celebrity. Is that better or worse than having other people to be your celebrities? Please, before answering, watch this video, which came out a few days before the 2016 election.
Many of the celebrity P.S.A.s this year leaned into the idea that no one wants to hear about politics from a Grammy/Oscar/Emmy winner. Lena Dunham’s parody of the earnest P.S.A., “Sensual Pantsuit Anthem,” tried to promote Hillary Clinton and voting through an attempted self-aware rap....
[Trump] removes middleman when it comes to endorsements. Instead of the transitive property of Katy Perry (“I’m a Katy Perry fan; Katy Perry is a Hillary Clinton fan; I’m a Hillary Clinton fan"), there’s the much simpler “I’m a Trump fan” equation, for better or worse.
And come on, let's talk about what's embarrassing!
You think you’re woke but you’re sleepwalking through a nightmare...
ADDED: When the system tries to bring you down, listen to this, which was the actual soundtrack to this post, here at Meadhouse:
"Hillary Clinton had Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Beyoncé, and even Lebron James..., Ariana Grande, Jennifer Lopez, the Kardashians, and Rihanna, as well as YouTube stars like Tyler Oakley."
Boogles the mind she lost. I mean, there's nine votes right there. (More, actually. How many Kardashians are there?)
Trump Flakes taste great, I buy them for the taste.
Hillary Flakes taste like shit. Lena Dunham is on the box, though.
Acronym fail.
It's very close to TEGWAR -- the exciting game without any rules.
TEGWAR comes from the beautiful book, Bang the Drum Slowly. Here's an explanation from the movie version (starts at 1:40).
The people in the Midwest don’t give a shit about Hollywood endorsements.
As for sports endorsements. Hillary had LeBron James.
Trump had Tom Brady with a MAGA cap in his locker.
LeBron isn’t even going to the playoffs this year. He’s a washed up whiner.
LeBron has 0 championships in the Trump era. Brady has 2.
That’s right. The Patriots have two Super Bowl championships in the Trump era. America’s Team
Lena Dunham was trying to be funny but she came across as unserious.
Actual revolutions tend to get messy. And not in a fun way.
Why do some women just always want to take their clothes off?
Michelle Xai, a young woman with a Monroe facial piercing, a megaphone, and dozens of anti-fascist stickers on her clothes, carried two signs, each with the names and images of children who died in Border Patrol custody. She was there on behalf of RefuseFascism.org, an activist organization which conducts sustained nonviolent protests at Trump-related events.
So, it was a big success. If Michelle Xii shows up, you know it's big !
I'll bet there are celebrities who support Trump. They better not speak freely about it. The leftwing fascists of Hillarywoodland will make life very uncomfortable. That's how leftwing speech crime fascists roll.
"Lena Dunham was trying to be funny but she came across as unserious."
She was funny enough. It's just hard to see how it gets someone to vote for your candidate.
Hillary should run again and let Lena Dunham be her offical celebrity @ss-sniffer.
Satire doesn't win elections.
I have composed some relevant, trenchant poetry. It's called "Hollywood Blues"
You think you're woke, but you're broke.
You got some debt, and can't pay the Vet
You went to school, but you're still a fool.
You came to LA to be a star
But now you live inside your car
Hollywood has got the Blues, but
Beverly Hills has got the Jews
Whaddya think?
Biden should host a hair sniffing fundraiser. He could take in some big money.
Joe could demonstrate his world class technique on Lady Gaga.
Joe just needs to get waivers and consents from all the women.
Bay area: Put out a Youtube. Lets hear you rap.
Why is Lena Dunham a celebrity to those worshiping celebritydom culture? She is a crass and vulgar excuse for a human being.
Althouse said...
It's just hard to see how it gets someone to vote for your candidate.
"I wonder if I'm actually hurting her chances of winning?"
Why do some women just always want to take their clothes off?
Especially the ones you don't want to see with their clothes off.
(Blogger is being naughty today.)
Such a great song but IS everybody a star or does everybody just WANT to be a star. Is anyone in Sly and the Family Stone STILL a star?
I wonder if I'm actually hurting her chances of winning.
Hillary would have done better to have launched a Lena Dunham was in bed with Trump conspiracy witch hunt than the Russian excuse.
Every time I read or listen to some clueless jackass run their suck about all the celebrities who hate Trump, Bush, Reagan, Cheney, etc., it reminds me of how puerile the MSM can truly be. Honestly, people who work and produce actual, tangible and fungible products are laughing at this petty posturing.
If we could get Lena Dunham to perform a striptease act at a Bernie Sanders fundraiser, I think we'd get Trump to an easy reelection.
Must be televised though.
Hillary had the most celebrities, the most money, the most pundits, and even the most votes, but that's like having the most knives at a gunfight.
“We’re touring all across the country to organize thousands into the ranks of the revolution," said "a teenage-looking boy"”
There was a boy
A very strange enchanted boy
They say he wandered very far
Very far
Over land and sea
A little shy and sad of eye
But very wise was he
Brassed Off (1996), girl walks in and asks to play with the boys' band
Get rid of the electoral college. Institute the Stars Above All voting scheme.
A-List celebrities get 3 votes. B-List? You get 2. C-list gets 1. Hangers on? Sorry. Work harder.
The newly woke Academy Award voters can determine list rankings.
Simple, easy and quick.
"I’m with the Time to Get Organized for an Actual Revolution National Tour. We’re touring all across the country to organize thousands into the ranks of the revolution," said "a teenage-looking boy" in the "Free Speech Zone" near a Trump fundraiser in Beverly Hills.
All the Rich Free as a Bird/Guilty as Sin/Friend of Obama’s in training.
He can start by foresaking the family money permanently.
Wow I never knew the background to the writing of “Nature Boy”
I really liked the movie Patty Cake$. Kinda like 8 Mile meets The Wrestler.
Patti and Jheri, we will be legendary
From the bottom like sodomy
Fuck the game up missionary
I'm in my own trap
As I flip the world the birdie
My verse is full of curses 'cause I'm stuck in dirty Jersey
Let's move to New York City
We'll make a couple millies
Split that shit up 50/50
I'd give my left titty and a kidney
Just to cross the shitty river, Brooklyn tunnel
C'mon Jheri, sing it with me
Beauty and the Beast
Thelma to Louise
You know we'll gis talk that talk
Killer P won't you please
Over that rainbow
We pay tolls
Where roads all are paved gold
And angels in gold chains
And night time is day glo'
I'm Jane Doe, a loser
This shit's so confusing
I just want to move
Where my life's like a movie
Should be getting busy
But I'm feeling Gary Busey
Drop that hot shit
Like a deuce in your jacuzzi
$20 says Leanne has a bag of flour next to her bed, just like Hillary.
Atlas Winfrey, a teenage-looking boy
More fake news.
Atlas Winfrey, 25 and looks it, shouts during a protest against Trump's new policy outside an Army recruiting station on Wilshire Boulevard in Los Angeles.
I am, with all humility to the founders, still part of the original American Revolution. It's still revolutionary, it's still badly needed, and it's still right. The work will never be done as long as men and women covet the property and freedom of their neighbors. The form of the predators changes, but not the nature or their objectives, nor the danger their power assures. We are truely fortunate that fighting can still be limited to peaceful voting, but you have to get in that fight. I hope we can get patriotic spirit to grow in our people enough to save ourselves from the greed and foolishness that decades of maleducation and lies continues to bring to our doorsteps.
"What's Lena Dunham doing these days?" is a question I never hear.
If voting for Obama was like losing your virginity, what is voting for Biden or Bernie like?
Hillary would have done better to have launched a Lena Dunham was in bed with Trump...
You know Trump has some standards, right?
"She was funny enough. It's just hard to see how it gets someone to vote for your candidate."
Funny in a not-good way. As in, my stomach feels funny.
With friends like Lena, Hillary doesn't need enemies.
I know predictions are stupid , but just to get one in early, I predict Biden will be the nominee, and be beaten badly by Trump, unless Trump is assassinated first. I think that just like the Republicans, the Democrats also have a large silent centrist majority out there.
When you are deep, deep, deep inside a bubble, you will write a title to an article like that. You really do think that having no celebrities supporting a presidential candidate is a bad for that candidate. Not having them support you is the better political position when it is extremely polarized like this.
I don't know how I missed that video during the election, but it was hilarious- I mean, that was really funny, unlike a lot of SNL political material these days. I think Dunham probably meant it as tongue-in-cheek self-parody to a great extent, but it is difficult to see satire in this because I would not be surprised to find Dunham was being completely serious, though the line at the end still supports self-parody.
"Such a great song..."
And it was a b-side.
The a-side was (forgive the spelling): "Thank You For Letting Me Be Myself Again."
I welcome a revolution, I don't think these twinks understand that people die, twinks first.
Hollywood is a damaged brand. Part of the damage is that they don't realize how damaged they are......At what point in time did candidates stop seeking the endorsement of the KKK or the White Citizens Council? At what point will candidates stop seeking Hollywood endorsements. (I presume they'll never stop taking their money.)
I think that two things actually get people's votes: stridency and reasonableness. They are contradictory styles, but they both grab people. Some people are drawn to one or the other, but I also think some of us are drawn to both. The best candidates, and the ones who win, are able to be both with equal believability.
“Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agi”
Correct spelling.
bagoh20 wrote:
"I know predictions are stupid , but just to get one in early, I predict Biden will be the nominee, and be beaten badly by Trump, unless Trump is assassinated first. I think that just like the Republicans, the Democrats also have a large silent centrist majority out there."
That is not a bad prediction at all. Indeed, it is why I think Howard Schultz should actually try for the Democratic nomination- a sane person just to the left of center economically would win the nomination in the Democratic Party given the field as it stands right now. Indeed, I think Biden's opponents recognize that he is better positioned to run than many of them are at present, though, he too, is being dragged to the left.
If voting for Obama was like losing your virginity, what is voting for Biden or Bernie like?
Doing way too many tequila shots, then waking up the next morning next to Lena Dunham?
I wrote a comment here a few days ago that if I were a Democratic candidate in this field, I would take a contrary position to pretty much everything the other candidates are proposing en masse. Taking a contrary position in this field is fucking easy giving they are all trying to one-up one another with who can promise the most batshit crazy idea.
As someone from west Michigan, I'm very interested in who celebrities endorse.
Very interested.
"Taking a contrary position in this field is fucking easy giving they are all trying to one-up one another with who can promise the most batshit crazy idea."
Agreed. Like for instance, saying that I don't want Al Sharpton's endorsement, becuase I don't represent racism, calls to violence, hatred for police, and I believe we should all pay our taxes.
With friends like Lena, Hillary doesn't need enemas.
No celebrities? Trump is the Celebrity. Currently, the greatest Celebrity on the planet.
Hillary Flakes taste like shit. Lena Dunham is on the box, though.
Maybe the dogs don’t like it?
Celebrities are old hat. No one likes them anymore.
They are mostly for the ghetto people. Sad to say.
Just the way things are, now.
Speaking of Sly, take 4 minutes of your day and watch this. You're welcome.
if I were a Democratic candidate in this field, I would take a contrary position to pretty much everything the other candidates are proposing en masse.
The yearning for sanity among voters is probably what is behind the Biden thing. Too bad he is so old and creepy.
Is Lena shitting out this election cycle? Haven't heard much from her yet.
I've written a Hollywood treatment - the next big musical in the tradition of Oklahoma! and Cats! I think we can make millions! Are you ready?
"Nadler! - The Musical"
Set in the 1960's, it follows a driven, straight A student at Stuyvesant High, who wants to one day become Mayor of New York City or a famous Congressman like his hero, Ed Koch. But he is haunted by a silent rage, because he is short, morbidly obese, and rejected by high school cheerleaders, despite his admitted brilliance.
He makes a blood pledge to purge his lamentations and exact revenge on his tormentors, including the tall, handsome playboy, Tad Alloway, whose father is a Manhattan Developer, and chief fundraiser for the Lindsey campaign.
Devastated by his rejection by NYU Law School, he is further infused with a deep seething rage. With grave humiliation, he is forced to attend lowly Fordham Law School in the Bronx. By day, he attends class (with occasional Twinkie breaks); at night, spurned by women, he takes to dancing in the basement, blasting Mel Torme' records, surreptitiously obtained from an Arthur Murray dance class off Pelham Bay.
At 5'4, with enormous girth, he plots his ascent into NY politics, by winning an upset seat in the NY Legislature. Secretly, though, he is dancing solo in the moonlight on the deserted Cross-Bronx Expressway, dreaming of one day handling the gavel in the powerful House Judiciary Committee to show the world that he too means business.
"Nadler! - The Musical"
Whaddya think?
I thought Stuyvesant is supposed to be the school for the smart kids,
Nadler applied as Jerry Nguyen, a poor Vietnamese kid from Mississippi.
I think that's unlikely
I don't know, BAG- before I invest in your Broadway musical, I have to know who is going to play the Nadler love interest, and whether or not there is going to be skin shown in this production.
Isn’t it illegal to call for a revolution?
One think that's clear about Trump: he definitely cares about what celebrities think, e.g. Kim Kardashian and prison reform. How do you get Trump to care about something? Have a celebrity promote it to him. Those are the people who matter to him. Everyone else is either a mark or an enemy.
[Trump] is scheduled to leave Los Angeles late Friday night for Las Vegas to address the Republican Jewish Coalition for their annual leadership meeting.
Just like Hitler came to Vegas to address the same group in 1936!
Oh, the humanity!
DavidD said...
Isn’t it illegal to call for a revolution?
It must be. That's why Bill Ayers is still in prison along with Jefferson Airplane and John Lennon.
Woke but bedazzled, nestled under a blanket of euphemisms and projections.
Left-wing ideology appeals to 1%ers, central/single-minded regimes, authoritarians, and celebrities.
the Biden thing. Too bad he is so old and creepy
He not only talks the talk, but walks the walk. I wonder what we would hear him saying on a hot mic in a private setting.
The thing about "celebrity culture" is that the celebrities' followers are not interested in politics and they are unlikely to vote. So who cares?
As others have already stated Trump already established his own name recognition. He doesn't need celebrities. It's remarkable that a billionaire from Manhattan appeals so much to ordinary people. That drives liberals crazy, absolutely nuts.
Everyone else is either a mark or an enemy.
Which are you, tom?
"Nadler! - The Musical"
Whaddya think?
Sounds good to me. How about Placido Domingo for the lead?
Speaking of Revolutionary Tours, "An Evening With The Clintons" gets back into gear April 11 at the Beacon Theater in The City.
Tickets are available and start at $99.
Paul Begala will join Bill and Hillary on stage.
As others have already stated Trump already established his own name recognition. He doesn't need celebrities.
On Scott Adams' podcast yesterday he brought up Trump's Joe Biden meme where Joe is fondling Joe. He made the point that he just looked at it and thought, "Of course". Trump has NORMALIZED what would have been crazy three years ago.
But his point was, what are we going to do after Trump is gone? How can ANY boring President follow that!
It would be like the audience at Ed Sullivan after The Beatles came on. Who wants to stay and see Señor Wences?
Tickets are available and start at $99.
Per usual ... middle twenty rows ... have they been blocked off for VIP attendees??!!
What's the SRO price?
Apparently TTGOFAARNT doesn't know what the meaning of "actual" is.
Just as well. If the left tried to launch an actual revolution, they'd find out pretty quick that it's suicide when your side is concentrated in tiny, easily-besieged enclaves short on potable water and arable land, populated by people who have no long arms nor any skill in using explosives. At least when the other side is backed by a large majority of enlisted military personnel, a large majority of veterans, a large majority of private rifle owners, a large majority of the people with explosives experience, and the large majority of the populace of the countryside.
Blogger Not Sure said...If voting for Obama was like losing your virginity, what is voting for Biden or Bernie like? Doing way too many tequila shots, then waking up the next morning next to Lena Dunham?
Hey wait. Isn't that the scenario for Coyote Ugly?
"Sho'nuff?" --Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Revolution? Nope. Too many full bellies.
"If voting for Obama was like losing your virginity, what is voting for Biden or Bernie like?"
Getting VD the next time around?
I love the attempt to cause the reader to question their own 'wokeness' with the insinuation that you just "think" you are woke. Please stir up these already insecure types- watch them neurotically **double down** to be even MORE WOKE!
A powerful lecture on the Administrative State.
I learned a few things with this. He has an interesting take on Watergate, The Adminisitrative State was threatened by Nixon's re-election in 1972. They took him out.
A lot about Congres and its abdication of its role.
Kudos bagoh20, your 10:34 comment is the best I've ever read from you.
What are you insinuating? That Trump is using us for some ulterior motive? Like he's going to turn out to be the Anti-Christ after he fools us into being loyal to him?
Indeed picking pat gray and James Schlesinger over any of Hoover's entourage and helms crew
Schlesinger only served four months at the company, the rope dancer suggests the stresses they were going through around the time of the tet offensive.
This happened roughly around the time phillip agee followed his dgi minders and started burning assets.
Respect Yourself (The Staple Singers Live WattStax 1972)
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