April 2, 2019

"The Trump era has been all about dissolving moral norms and waging vicious attacks. This has been an era of culture war, class warfare..."

"... and identity politics. It’s been an era in which call-out culture, reality TV melodrama and tribal grandstanding have overshadowed policymaking and the challenges of actually governing. The Buttigieg surge suggests that there are a lot of Democrats who want to say goodbye to all that. They don’t want to fight fire and divisiveness with more fire and divisiveness. They don’t want to fight white identity politics with another kind of identity politics. They are sick of the moral melodrama altogether. They just want a person who is more about governing than virtue-signaling, more about friendliness and basic decency than media circus and rhetorical war. Buttigieg’s secret is that he transcends many of the tensions that run through our society in a way that makes people on all sides feel comfortable.... Buttigieg’s policy positions are not all that different from the more identifiable leftist candidates. But he eschews grand ideological conflict."

Writes David Brooks in "Why You Love Mayor Pete/Buttigieg detaches progressive policy from the culture war" (NYT).

ADDED: A really interesting top-rated comment at the NYT, from Brad Malkovsky of South Bend (who may be this person):
A story has been making the rounds in South Bend since last week about Mayor Pete some time ago (just how long ago was not stated) showing up in the emergency ward in one of our local hospitals to help a Somali boy who had nearly hanged himself. The story is reported by an emergency physician. Neither the boy nor his mother spoke English. Pete had heard over the police scanner that an Arabic translator was needed. He showed up, knowing how dire the situation was, did the translating, and stayed with the boy and his mother for an hour, accompanying them right into the ICU. Only afterward, when pressed by the physician to reveal how long he had been working as a translator for the hospital, did Pete casually reveal that he was not in fact a translator but rather the mayor of South Bend. He then shook hands with the physician and quietly left. This is our Mayor Pete. He gets things done quietly and without drawing attention to himself. He is the grownup in the room.
Wow. It's called a "story," so I guess I have to say "if true..." So, if true, that's the most perfect political anecdote I've ever read.


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M Jordan said...

Brooks is an idiot. Did he miss the last two years?

exhelodrvr1 said...

"The Trump era has been all about responding to the Democrats' willingness to dissolve moral norms and wage vicious attacks. This has been an era of culture war, class warfare..."

Fixed it.

DavidUW said...

The banality of buttigieg

carrie said...

I always thought the Clinton and Obama eras were about dissolving mora norms and the Trump era is about getting them back!

Lucid-Ideas said...

Hogwash. He ticks one of the 'diversity' boxes being gay even if he doesn't tick any others.

Identity politics is less useful to them now because of a backlash but saying they're "done" is ludicrous. The 'identity-politics card' like the 'race' card is always kept in their wallet, to be pulled and shook like a polaroid picture when thought useful.

gilbar said...

Buttigieg’s secret is that he transcends many of the tensions

ummm, isn't he a
37 year old?
Married to another guy?

No tensions THERE! Everyone ON EARTH will rally around a adolescent kid from a small town suburb of chicago with another man for 1st lady...
What's not to like? That is, if you like young white gay men

rehajm said...

I'll learn about Buttigieg if it starts to look like I need to.

Misuta Supakoru said...

way too early to tell how things are going to pan out, but Buttigieg's appeal is that he is pretty much a blank slate that people that can morph into what his supporters want him to be.
War veteran? Check!
Executive Experience? Check!
Moderate? (depending on how you define that term compared to those other candidates in the race) Check!

His likeability is something that people shouldn't deny. He's also a homosexual which can't be discounted in the Dems race of identity politics. He's Beto, without the goofiness/weirdness, plus he's not your typical white male worthy of derision.

buwaya said...

"Brooks is an idiot. Did he miss the last two years?"

More like the last one hundred and fifty years, if not more.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Buttigieg’s secret is that he transcends many of the tensions”

“...ummm, isn't he a
37 year old?
Married to another guy?”

So WHO is made tense by this?

Jersey Fled said...

A waste of time. No way a mayor of a small city is going to be elected.

I know, I know. The star of a realty show did. But 99% of the knew Trump, and I doubt that 1% know who Buttigieg is.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“...I doubt that 1% know who Buttigieg is.”

Only if you live under a rock.

gahrie said...

The Trump era has been all about dissolving moral norms and waging vicious attacks. This has been an era of culture war, class warfare...

1) This has been going on much longer than "the Trump era". The Left has been behaving this way since at least the Daisy ad against Goldwater.

2) The Right has been fighting to preserve/restore moral norms. It is exclusively the Left that has been fighting to dissolve them.

"... and identity politics.

The Left promotes identity politics, the Right explicitly rejects them.

It’s been an era in which call-out culture, reality TV melodrama and tribal grandstanding have overshadowed policymaking and the challenges of actually governing.

Until Trump became president and started actually doing things to fix the country's problems. The Left is still attempting to prevent Trump from acting by using call-out culture, reality TV melodrama and tribal grandstanding to fear-monger and appeal to their base.

The Buttigieg surge suggests that there are a lot of Democrats who want to say goodbye to all that.

One can only hope.

rehajm said...

Mitt Romney sat at the bedside of a dying boy when he requested help writing a will. He shut down Bain to launch a successful search and recovery mission to find a missing teen when the police were apathetic.

Buttigieg has a dog on a roof somewhere.

Lucid-Ideas said...

@Inga...Allie Oop

...literally the remaining 97% of the planetary population that isn't gay. BTW it isn't helpful when your country's President & first 'homosexual husband' might not be able to travel to a good 1/3 of the planet because they could be 'stoned to death'.

Just a thought...

Big Mike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bay Area Guy said...

Famous Michael Crichton observation about how newspapers invert cause and effect "wet sidewalks caused the rain."

Brooks is backwards on this. He ignores that the Dem DOJ whitewashed Hillary's e-mail crimes, then spied on Trump (as the insurance policy), then refused to accept Trump's victory in 2016, and then tried to sic Mueller and the Special Counsel on him.

I guess Brooks doesn't like it when folks fight back.

As for Mayor Pete, seems like a nice young fellow.

Meade said...

I can imagine voting for a Buttigieg/Pence all-Hoosier ticket in 2024.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“The Left promotes identity politics, the Right explicitly rejects them.”

Oh please.

“Drug dealers, criminals, rapists”...”shithole countries”...said about people who are mostly seeking refuge.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Mayor Pete must be an amazing man, capable and compassionate. I admire him, but I'll still never vote Democrat ever again.

Learning Arabic seems a lot more useful than learning Norwegian, and it fascinates me that some people seem to have a knack for languages, and others can't seem to learn more than one. I wish I knew how to do it.

Ken B said...

Backwards. As usual for brooks. The identity politics comes from the left.

Big Mike said...

Where did Brooks discover “white identity politics” if not Democrats hanging out “Straight white males need not apply” signs?

robother said...

Gorbachev wanted to re-brand Communism as "Socialism with a human face". David Brooks will settle for a nice pants crease.

Mike Sylwester said...

There used to be norm that the FBI should not initiate a FISA investigation against an innocent person in order to wiretap the communications of a political candidate's campaign staff.

There used to be a norm that the FBI should not plan to use such recorded conversations in order to convince Electoral College voters to change their votes.

Those norms changed in 2016, but that was not the fault of Donald Trump.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“...literally the remaining 97% of the planetary population that isn't gay. BTW it isn't helpful when your country's President & first 'homosexual husband' might not be able to travel to a good 1/3 of the planet because they could be 'stoned to death'.

Just a thought...”

So Americans need to elect a President that Islamic countries approve of? Haha, now that’s a twist.

gilbar said...

different people said...
Buttigieg has a dog on a roof somewhere...
As for Mayor Pete, seems like a nice young fellow.

i wonder about his sex tapes? He's 37 years young; you KNOW he has sex tapes.

Roger Sweeny said...

Because "Mayor Pete" is gay, he gets to say things that would be considered too square if they were said by a straight white male.

M Jordan said...

Buttigieg’s appeal — calm, cerebral, youthful view — appeals mainly to college-educated liberals. It’s a big chunk but not big enough.

Lucid-Ideas said...


You do know that there are non-muslim country's where homosexuality is illegal right? Like...a lot of them.

walter said...

He's articulate..and clean.
That's a storybook, man.

Nonapod said...

Obviously Brooks isn't writing to conservatives, he's writing to liberals. He's channeling all their feelings, their frustrations. It doesn't matter whether or not these feelings are well founded or logical or defensible. The version of reality that many people on left have been living in for the last 2 and a half years is a horrific hellscape of eristic division and mean spiritedness... all caused by one bad orange man. In their minds racism, sexism, homophobia, and xenophobia have all run rampant these last few years and they see it as all Trump's fault, even the stuff that clearly Trump had nothing to do with. Anything bad can somehow be blamed on Trump and anything good is ignored (Of course their imaginings, their delusions don't square with reality, but when you try to wake a sleep walker you risk getting peed on).

Brooks proposes that Buttigieg is all those things they've been yearning for. He's a blank slate with which to project all their hopes and dreams. Again, it doesn't matter that any of this is real. It doesn't matter if it makes logical sense. It's all about feelings.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“You do know that there are non-muslim country's where homosexuality is illegal right? Like...a lot of them.”

So the US should elect a president that regressive nations approve of?

walter said...

Dive deep into his policy concerns:
..if you can find them.

Or..just buy a cool shirt!

gahrie said...

The Left promotes identity politics, the Right explicitly rejects them.

Oh please.

“Drug dealers, criminals, rapists”...”shithole countries”...said about people who are mostly seeking refuge.

Inga...you need to do some research on the differences between identity and behavior.

rehajm said...

The Trump era has been all about dissolving moral norms and waging vicious attacks

It's like when your big sister would pick fights or the refs throw the flag for personal foul. There's blame only if you retaliate.

walter said...

Maybe he came across a good book in Arabic.

My name goes here. said...

Meade said...
"I can imagine voting for a Buttigieg/Pence all-Hoosier ticket in 2024."

The 12th amendment (I believe) prohibits this.

Yesyesyes I know there are other reasons this would not happen. But I thought it too good not not correct the husband of a (retired) law professor about a Constitutional issue.

Darrell said...

Holy Cow!
Althouse saves her April Fools joke for April 2nd, creating so many posts you have to go back to the previous page to see them all.

Paul Ciotti said...

If we elect Buttigieg he will be our second gay president.

Darrell said...

And Brooks is still not worth reading.

Drago said...

David Brooks offering us the latest in "LLR" "conservative" thought in support of the left---

"The Conservative Case For (insert far left policy/outcome here)"

mockturtle said...

I wonder if he'd shown up if it had been a Somali girl.

Nichevo said...

Why is this psycho monitoring emergency scanners and translating Arabic, instead of mayoring? Maybe he should let somebody else be mayor so he can focus full-time on this hobby.

Or maybe, if he is the mayor with actual executive responsibility and power, he should, instead of flitting about doing good, see that hospitals have whatever resources required to deal with such issues.

Oh wait, they already have translators? Well maybe it was a quiet night and Bat-Mayor had already solved every other problem of his polity.

Big Mike said...

I withdraw my previous, skeptical, comment about Buttigieg and the Somalian child. Buttigieg is described in Wikipedia is being fluent in Arabic and Dari, among a bunch of others. Dari is spoken in Afghanistan, and I imagine that it is easier to find intelligence officers fluent in Arabic than to find someone fluent in a secondary language spoken in Afghanistan.

wendybar said...

And we elected Trump BECAUSE of the Division brought on by Obama and the left. His administration is responsible for dividing amongst gender, religion, class and race. They did a great job transforming America like Obama promised he would do 5 days before he was elected.

buwaya said...

"“The Left promotes identity politics, the Right explicitly rejects them.”

Oh please. "

The Left creates institutions designed to teach many millions of little immigrant children that the country they have entered is hostile to them, so they need to distrust and be confrontational to the natives.

Such as for instance -


Which teaches all young Asians who go there, there being regular tours from the San Francisco Schools - this sort of thing, the laments of the interned, is ubiquitous -

America has power, but not justice.
In prison, we were victimized as if we were guilty.
Given no opportunity to explain, it was really brutal.
I bow my head in reflection but there is nothing I can do.

Another example:

I thoroughly hate the barbarians because they do not respect justice.
They continually promulgate harsh laws to show off their prowess.
They oppress the overseas Chinese and also violate treaties.
They examine for hookworms and practice hundreds of despotic acts.

The objective is propaganda, to get these new peoples to dwell on the sufferings of their predecessors and thereby hate the descendants of the natives. The point is to prevent assimilation and create distrust, conflict, and force ethnic communities to remain separate and closed, and moreover hostile.

This sort of thing is pervasive in US education, at all levels, and it is blasted out, ubiquitous, in every classroom, by millions of teachers, with the aid of "public servants" at every level.

The creation of tribalism and anti-white hatred is an engineered procedure, done deliberately, and to which enormous resources have been allocated. The sheer scale of this is disconcerting once it is encountered and understood for what it is.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ralph L said...

Obama was going to heal the Race War.

Lucid-Ideas said...


"So the US should elect a president that regressive nations approve of?"

Your original comment was intended to be default to a yet-again open-ended tolerance that defines yourself and the left as being definitively more comfortable with something that many (read most) are not and therefore defaulting to a sophistication that your position does not possess.

The point I was making was quite clear. Most Americans and the world's people are not gay. Furthermore, many Americans and most of the worlds' people view homosexuality as an aberration and an extreme demographically statistical outlier, which it most definitely is. This makes homosexuality - as an identity - representative only of other homosexuals by definition.

Being a demographically statistical outlier identity - like being a homosexual - is not a qualification for anything except being homosexual. It does sometimes serve as a virtue-signaling trope however, very much similar to the use you attempted with your first comment.

To answer your question. The US should elect a president that
1) has a chance of winning (Buttigieg does not)
2) represents their nation both within and without (not sure about either)
3) is effective (as I said, this might be tough for 1/3 of the planet)
4) and many more

Also, why are they regressive? For muslim nations it's sharia? You have a problem with muslim's and their religious preferences? Sounds pretty racist to me....

traditionalguy said...

What ya have? a realist genius that wants real wins or a perfect 10 gay actor with a perfect script written by Marxist intellectuals and delivered with perfect Anglican noblesse.

I think Hillary would be better than Buttigeig. At least she is a straight up Gangster.

cubanbob said...

The crossover electorate that voted for Trump isn't going to vote for any Democrat next year unless said Democrat repudiates most of the party's positions and that isn't going to happen. There is a reason they voted for Trump and every Democrat running for President and every Democrat in Congress reminds them why they voted for Trump.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Most Americans and the world's people are not gay.”


“Furthermore, many Americans and most of the worlds' people view homosexuality as an aberration and an extreme demographically statistical outlier, which it most definitely is. This makes homosexuality - as an identity - representative only of other homosexuals by definition.”

Homophobia is not as prevalent in younger voters and even older voters who aren’t retrogrades.

“Being a demographically statistical outlier identity - like being a homosexual - is not a qualification for anything except being homosexual. It does sometimes serve as a virtue-signaling trope however, very much similar to the use you attempted with your first comment.”

Who said is was a “qualification”?

“To answer your question. The US should elect a president that
1) has a chance of winning (Buttigieg does not)
2) represents their nation both within and without (not sure about either)
3) is effective (as I said, this might be tough for 1/3 of the planet)
4) and many more”

Says you. Yawn.

Tina Trent said...

Buttigeig has accused Trump and those who voted for him of "white nationalism," of sowing hate and divisions, and of celebrating klansmen.

In other words, that Times piece is the usual patchwork of lies, and Buttigeig is the usual hysterical, libelous, divisive false accuser himself.

This isn't hard to find.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Buttigieg’s secret is that he transcends many of the tensions that run through our society in a way that makes people on all sides feel comfortable

Sure, but that's one step removed from calling him a smart likable guy, isn't it?
Nice centrist people bought into the whole "above partisan/ideological/culture war squabbles" bit with candidate Obama. How'd that work out in practice?

He's not a moderate. He is selling himself as someone who doesn't focus on contentious "petty" issues and that's smart but the fact is there are man contentious non-petty issues and the current Democrat party is largely organized around highly contentious identity politics positions and ideas. Those can't be glossed over.

So 1.) I doubt his campaign would actually be run in the way Brooks assumes it would be (as a reflection of the man himself: noble, above it all) and 2.) even if it was we saw what happened to nice, kind, smart, above-petty-squabbles guy Mitt Romney when he ran. The Media won't be out to get Mayor Pete in the same way they got Romney but their power has weakened since that time...so the idea that the contrast would be only between nice guy Pete and vulgar Trump sounds appealing but would likely not last.

Rick said...

Left wingers once claimed the same thing about Obama. Meanwhile Obama's religion was literally the culture war.

Left wingers always claim this because there's a certain percentage of Americans who really want to believe the left can't be as stupid and hateful as they present themselves. And when those people grow up there's always another crop of newbies behind them.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Buttigieg’s policy positions are not all that different from the more identifiable leftist candidates.

All I need to know that he is unacceptable as a potential president of the US. Nice or not, leftwing socialism is the path to ruin. No matter how you sugar coat it.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Meade said...

I can imagine voting for a Buttigieg/Pence all-Hoosier ticket in 2024.

Would Pence be willing to have a meeting or dinner alone with Buttigieg? Not sure how his meeting-alone policy would apply in this case.

Leland said...

A translator would certainly be helpful; but I don't understand why the hospital would need the assistance for a suicide patient on their way to ICU. It's not like a hospital doesn't know how to care for unresponsive and uncommunicative patients needing treatment. If the story has truth to it; I suspect there is embellishment.

Should we start listing all the hospital visits Trump has made to visit patients, often only recorded by members of the hospital staff?

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Meade said...I can imagine voting for a Buttigieg/Pence all-Hoosier ticket in 2024.

Pete Buttigieg calls Pence 'at best complicit' with resurgence of white nationalism

I think the moment you come on board with a project like the Trump campaign or the Trump-Pence administration, you are at best complicit in the process that has given cover for the flourishing and the resurgence of white nationalism in our midst,” Buttigieg said.


gerry said...

“You do know that there are non-muslim country's where homosexuality is illegal right? Like...a lot of them.”

So the US should elect a president that regressive nations approve of?

So, Inga, are Muslim nations where homosexuality is illegal regressive? I mean, if non-Muslim anti-homosexual nations are regressive, does that apply to Muslim anti-homosexual nations?

Just curious.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

jon gabriel - Twitter

Pete Buttigieg is a Leslie Knope when what we need is a Ron Swanson.

wendybar said...

The more you know, the more you just say NO THANKS to Buttigieg!! https://pjmedia.com/trending/pete-buttigiegs-dad-was-a-marxist/

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“So, Inga, are Muslim nations where homosexuality is illegal regressive? I mean, if non-Muslim anti-homosexual nations are regressive, does that apply to Muslim anti-homosexual nations?”

Indeed. YES. What would make you think a modern left woman would think Muslim religious beliefs and culture that are abusive to women aren’t regressive? While I’m not in favor of Islamophobia, I’m not going to pretend that these beliefs are good for women.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The leftwing media/DNC throws an never-ending temper tantrum because their shoe-in didn't win, and now they want to insist that if we pick the nice nice nice caring socialist, they will stop throwing bombs and destroying everything.

Thanks so-called conservative impressed Pant Crease guy.

Fen said...

“Drug dealers, criminals, rapists”...”shithole countries”...said about people who are mostly seeking refuge.

Riiiiight. Because when I escaped the Soviet Union and sought "refuge" in West Germany, I evaded the local authorities, worked odd jobs illegally and sent money back to Motole when I couldn't make it back in town for a few days each month.

Hey watcha got in your fridge? I spent all day waiting for my Free Health Care and I'm famished. Oh the door? It was locked so I kicked it in. That's a pretty ring, can I have it? You have 5 upstairs in your dresser. Well... 4 maybe 3.

Seeing Red said...

Brooks once again writes nonsense.

exhelodrvr1 said...

"Indeed. YES. What would make you think a modern left woman would think Muslim religious beliefs and culture that are abusive to women aren’t regressive?"

Maybe the fact that the Democratic leadership pretty much refuses to address those issues, because intersectionality?

Nonapod said...

Not that I much care, but does Brooks still actually claim to be a "conservative" at this point? I mean, really? That strikes me as akin to a convicted arsonist claiming that they're a fire fighter.

Sebastian said...

"The Buttigieg surge suggests that there are a lot of Democrats who want to say goodbye to all that."

Umm, no. There are a lot of Dems who want to bracket the "divisive" issues as long as they turn off moderates and make it harder to win.

"They don’t want to fight white identity politics with another kind of identity politics."

Giving the game away right there. Assuming that there is a "white identity politics" to fight is the the very premise of the prog politics of division. Saying goodbye to virtue-signaling starts with a virtue-signaling smear.

"Buttigieg’s secret is that he transcends many of the tensions that run through our society in a way that makes people on all sides feel comfortable . . . Buttigieg’s policy positions are not all that different from the more identifiable leftist candidates."

Wait, what? All sides? Conservatives are comfortable with a reliable leftist just because he is a smooth-talking nice guy? See, this is how the left "transcends" the identity politics of division: "all sides" are comfortable with Pete, and only some marginal deplorables, not even worth being called a "side," would dare to disagree.

But I wouldn't discount Mayor Pete at all: he makes it easier for nice women to say no to Trump and to affirm their good taste by voting for someone "serious."

Fen said...

"you are at best complicit in the process that has given cover for the flourishing and the resurgence of"

That right there is the political equivalent of "enter for a chance to win a slot in the drawing for a lottery ticket!"

Drago said...

Inga: "While I’m not in favor of Islamophobia, I’m not going to pretend that these beliefs are good for women."

Criticizing islamic beliefs which are bad for women is DEFINED as islamophobic by the left.

Which is why you cant get leftists to criticize islamic supremacists under just about any circumstances.

In fact, the lefty controlled EU has ruled criticism of islamic practices against the law.

Critics of islam are routinely charged with crimes in Europe.


gerry said...

Also, some other thoughts regarding international homosexuality may be in order.

If an openly homosexual person, married to a homosexual person, causes revulsion in nations that have nuclear weapons, is it morally acceptable for us to vote for that openly homosexual person for president?

I know I do not want to be guilty of genocide.

I mean, we have a lot more nuclear weapons than, for instance, Turkey, which likely would have a real snit if if it had to put up with a homosexual U.S. president whose lifestyle implicitly makes a mockery of traditional Muslim religious doctrines, especially regarding marriage.

Just think of the international tensions! We're not talking about what a mere Christian baker can do to defend his religious beliefs when forced to comply with the dictates of someone else's conscience! I daresay it may, in good faith, be morally necessary for decent people to vote against homosexuals married to homosexuals for president, if only to remove all possibility of nuclear Armageddon and genocide!

Inga, are you against genocide, or do you think it does not matter when sexual preferences are involved?

Gunner said...

Inga, why import hundreds of thousands of people from regressive nations then? Why does the Left gag at Trump wanting more socialist, gay friendly Swedes in our country?

madAsHell said...

I'm pretty sure the Corey "Spartacus" Booker uses the police scanner to similar effect.

Jake said...

Dissolving moral norms has been the province of the left for my lifetime.

Otto said...

Rush just reporting that Buttigieg's father was a marxists

gilbar said...

different people said...
"I can imagine voting for a Buttigieg/Pence all-Hoosier ticket in 2024."
The 12th amendment (I believe) prohibits this.

not at all; they just wouldn't be able to get indiana's electoral votes even if they'd won them. No prohibition on them running together though

here's the important part of the 12th
The Electors shall meet in their respective states, and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves

themselves being the Electors
so, for every other state, no problem. {i sometimes wonder if i'm the only person that's Read the constitution}

walter said...

Whatever happened to that rising Chapstaquiddick kid?

Bay Area Guy said...

"Pete Buttigieg calls Pence 'at best complicit' with resurgence of white nationalism"

Oh, he's one of those idiots, who makes inflammatory charges without evidence. A credentialed version of Jussie Smollet.

Duly noted.

gerry said...

Indeed. YES. What would make you think a modern left woman would think Muslim religious beliefs and culture that are abusive to women aren’t regressive? While I’m not in favor of Islamophobia, I’m not going to pretend that these beliefs are good for women.

What does a modern left woman think about Muslim religious beliefs and culture that are abusive to homosexuals? Is that wrong, too? And I didn't actually mention Muslim religious beliefs regarding women. How do you feel about Muslim religious beliefs regarding homosexuality, especially male homosexuality? Is expression of such beliefs wrong? Is teaching such beliefs permissible?

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fen said...

They don’t want to fight white identity politics with another kind of identity politics.

White identity politics is a phantom. I'm a native Texan, expert marksman, expert in explosives, named after Goldwater, and always complaining about Big Government. The Left insists I'm Emmanuel Goldstein. They've slimed me as a "racist sexist homophobic Nazi" all my life (which does take it's toll on you).

Guess how many time I've been approached to join a "White Nationalist" movement, or any similar animal?

Twice in 30 years

The first was some random stranger on the net who said if you ever start an underground movement, I would be interested in joining ..pretty sure that was an FBI agent fishing.

The second was a guy in the library slipping me a copy of "The Turner Diaries" like it was hardcore porn, whispering you really should read this.

But what I don't get - if White Identity Politics is this a Gweat & Tewwible Monster, why does the Left keep trying to get white people to identify tribally? Because the only thing they have accomplished is to radicalize me.

n.n said...

Diversity or color judgments a.k.a. "identity politics" (e.g. racism, sexism) breeds adversity.

Diversity is unAmerican. Slavery was defeated through civil war. Unfortunately, diversity has been persistent and even progressive through political, social, and academic indoctrination.

Separation of Pro-Choice and State. #HateLovesAbortion

MikeR said...

Good story. Buttigieg helped someone for an hour, behaving like a normal decent human being. Astonishing for a politician, I guess.

Rick said...

"While I’m not in favor of Islamophobia,

Reason 1,216 why rational discussions with leftists are impossible. They define all positions other than their own as "phobias".

Nichevo said...

Writes David Brooks in "Why You Love Mayor Pete/Buttigieg detaches progressive policy from the culture war" (NYT).

Maybe that's why he loves Bootygig. (I'm sorry, Buttygig?) Or maybe not. Brooks is the guy who let a senator paw his thigh through the entire length of a formal dinner. Will any man here say that doesn't make you gay? If politesse or the power imbalance was such that you didn't choose to punch him, wouldn't you get up and move away? If not, you are complicit.

Lewis Wetzel said...

"The Trump era has been all about dissolving moral norms and waging vicious attacks."
Brooks illustrates why the Trump haters are not worth listening to. It's like trying to make sense out of random noise.
These words could have been written about the Obama administration. Obama explicitly normalized gay marriage and transvestitism. He used the IRS to punish his political enemies.

BJM said...

""The Trump era has been all about dissolving moral norms and waging vicious attacks. This has been an era of culture war, class warfare..."
"... and identity politics..."

Excuse me. Was Brooks in a coma between 2000-2008?

Lewis Wetzel said...

What Brooks thinks of as normal behavior and what the average voter thinks of as normal behavior are quite different.
We can't have normal politicians anymore because the country can't agree on what "normal" means. There is a crazy half of the country that believes that if you do not hate Trump and every conservative enough to spit in their faces you are not normal.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rick said...

Was Brooks in a coma between 2000-2008?

Decades longer than this. This has been the norm since the 80s when the left had completely taken over academia and media politically and no longer had to appear reasonable or risk control of their own institutions.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“What does a modern left woman think about Muslim religious beliefs and culture that are abusive to homosexuals? Is that wrong, too?”

Of course it’s wrong.

“How do you feel about Muslim religious beliefs regarding homosexuality, especially male homosexuality?”

I think it’s regressive, however in the US, people are allowed to worship how they choose.

“Is expression of such beliefs wrong?”

No, we are allowed to express our beliefs and ideas in this country.

“Is teaching such beliefs permissible?”

Not in public schools. Muslims can preach and teach their religion in the same way Christians, Jews, Hindu, Sikh etc. can according our Constitution. Why even ask. Don’t you know this already?

Fen said...

Sebastian: Wait, what? All sides? Conservatives are comfortable with a reliable leftist just because he is a smooth-talking nice guy? See, this is how the left "transcends" the identity politics of division: "all sides" are comfortable with Pete, and only some marginal deplorables, not even worth being called a "side," would dare to disagree.|

Spot on. Not your first rodeo, I take it?

It's great when someone brings to life with words that vague uneasiness we couldn't quite define and put our finger on.

William said...

Remember JFK and his idyllic marriage. He was exuberant with health and vigor. I bought it completely, and most Democrats still do. The myth of Camelot dies hard. It will be another two or three generations before JFK is remembered as a reckless philanderer who irrevocably committed US forces to Vietnam. He wasn't particularly successful as President, but you can't fault his marketing and image branding. Democrats still vie to wear his mantle........My bs meter has been activated by Buttigieg, but Dems interprete such readings as turning up the volume to 11. Very few people lead such virtuous and serene lives as has been reported on Buttigieg, and, of those few people, even fewer have been tempted by a career in politics.

Fen said...

Inga: I think it’s regressive, however in the US, people are allowed to worship how they choose.

“Is expression of such beliefs wrong?”

Inga: No, we are allowed to express our beliefs and ideas in this country.

Regressive beliefs are not wrong? Can you explain what you mean by that?

Stu Grimshaw said...

Seems to me that if you’re gay and running for national office, it’s not helpful to have a last name that looks like “buttplug”.

William said...

How long did it take for the Dems to realize that Jefferson, Jackson, and Wilson weren't their white saviors. How long before FDR takes any blame for the St Louis and the internment of American citizens? It takes about 100 to 150 years before the left admits error of their ways. I expect that around 2070 or 2100 there will be a reality check on JFK. Sometime around 2150, Obama's record will receive harsh examination.

Francisco D said...

I have little doubt that Mayor Buttplug is a wonderful young man. How does that qualify him to run for POTUS?

In my mind he is disqualified because he is a Democrat and would have Democrats stuffing his administration.

Fen said...

Inga: While I’m not in favor of Islamophobia

Rick: Reason 1,216 why rational discussions with leftists are impossible. They define all positions other than their own as "phobias".

Milo Yiannopoulos claims he suffers from Islamophobia because 7 majority-muslim countries have laws that permit muslims to grab him and throw him off a rooftop to his death.

Inga, are you not in favor of Milo's "phobia" ?

BRB, I'm off to tell black folk their fears of discrimination are just "anglo-phobia" they need to get over. If for some reason, I don't return, Achilles and Drago can split my library, Mike K please look after my dogs, and Freeman gets my 50 cal and Harrier Jump Jet (it's a fixer upper)....

bagoh20 said...

This is the famous lipstick applied to pork.

chuck said...

Remember JFK and his idyllic marriage. He was exuberant with health and vigor.

Touch football and The Fitness Program.

The Fitness Program. Although the council did not have the authority to impose a national program, it developed and promoted a curriculum to improve fitness. The council's fitness curriculum was devised with the cooperation of nineteen major US educational and medical organizations.

Shades of Common Core. IIRC, we had to run a mile in under 12 minutes in eighth grade, or something like that. I walked it in 11 minutes.

bagoh20 said...

Who listens to Brooks anymore? He's the AOL of politics.

Michael K said...

Hey, I want your .50 cal !

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Is expression of such beliefs wrong?”-gerry

“Inga: No, we are allowed to express our beliefs and ideas in this country.”

“Regressive beliefs are not wrong? Can you explain what you mean by that?”-Fen

Did you miss the word “express”? Read more carefully.

n.n said...

It was American nationalists who stood against involuntary exploitation and redistributive change. It was American nationalists who stood against diversity and other forms of color judgments including racism, sexism, etc. It is American nationalists who stand against transhuman orientations including planned parenthood, dodo dynasties, selective-child, and other doctrines of life deemed unworthy of life. It is American nationalists who stand against monotonic divergence, antinativism, social justice adventurism, political congruence, reductive sexes, and other Pro-Choice dogma.

Jim at said...

It's absolutely amazing how many people slept through the Obama Administration - or are stupid enough to think we don't remember it. Including Brooks.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

I forgot, is Brooks still a RINO, or does he just pretend to be?

Leland said...

Back to the hear warming story; if the Mayor was not an employee of the hospital staff and appeared as a unrelated person, I don't see how the hospital can use him as an intermediary without violating the patients HIPPA rights. In fact, even if he declared himself as the Mayor and that he was there to help; then I don't know how either the police or hospital personnel could legally tell him who the patient was and pass medical conditions to the announced third party without something from the family confirming in writing that medical information could be shared with the Mayor.

I'll also note that HIPPA also prevents the hospital from saying much about the case either to confirm or deny.

Marty said...

I have to read either Althouse or the Times to know whatever mental meanderings seep from the shallows of David Brooks' mind. And since I never read the Times, it's only here that I can glimpse the utterly predictable and banal verbiage. Otherwise I'd have no clue.

Buttigieg is the David Brooks of Dem candidates.

cubanbob said...

it takes a fair amount of self-delusion to believe that the crossover voters for Trump are going to be enthralled by a clean, articulate,soft spoken, mild mannered Marxist.

bagoh20 said...

Brooks imagines choosing the ideal President is the same as choosing the ideal babysitter.

Tank said...

Follow Brooks here , follow Blow at Sailer or Prager.

Dave Begley said...

A Star is Born.

Mayor Pete in the role formerly played by Lady Gaga and Barbara Streisand.

traditionalguy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kevin said...

I heard Pete was learning to speak bee so he could understand where they’re all going and bring them back.

Dem Primary voters: (swoon)

traditionalguy said...

Over educated gay Episcopalians are a total waste of your time. Their connection to realty is non-existent. At best they are capable of being social directors for little old ladies.

Kevin said...

If Mayor Pete dies he’s giving his eyes to Stevie Wonder.

exhelodrvr1 said...

"If Mayor Pete dies he’s giving his eyes to Stevie Wonder."

I heard he's not going to wait until he dies!

Bilwick said...

Uncle Dave, the docile house [n-word] of the "liberal" Plantation. Sure, Uncle Dave, just what the US needs, another Red Diaper Baby as president.

Meade said...

My name goes here. said...
Meade said...
"I can imagine voting for a Buttigieg/Pence all-Hoosier ticket in 2024."

The 12th amendment (I believe) prohibits this.

Doesn't prohibit it but, if the election is close, like in 2000 when Cheney registered to vote in Wyoming so that Texas' 32 electoral votes could go to Bush), it might not be wise.

Therefore, Truth-O-Meader rates my (own) comment: ✔ Possible!

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“I'll also note that HIPPA also prevents the hospital from saying much about the case either to confirm or deny.”


narciso said...

Breckenridge Long, from st. louis who was even more cloying toward Mussolini, than joe kennedy was to hitler,

dreams said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bilwick said...

You know the joke about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez? Blondes now make AOC-is-stupid jokes? I hope AOC visits here: she's have plenty of material for Inga-is-stupid jokes. Latest exhibit:

“'Drug dealers, criminals, rapists”...”shithole countries”...said about people who are mostly seeking refuge.'" Sure that's what it's all about, genius.

dreams said...

That darn Trump, look how he's caused all these liberals to be so mean to him and all his toothless redneck supporters.

Meade said...

(Maybe Pence has lived in the swampland of D.C. long enough that he can register to vote there. Just, you know, in case future nominee Mayor Pete taps him as his running mate.)

Oso Negro said...

Perhaps America is yearning to vote for a boyish homosexual next door who is known as Mayor Pete. He speaks Norwegian! He speaks Arabic! I have no doubt we will be treated to a continued revelation of his wonders. Just another Democrat, to my mind.

Skeptical Voter said...

Brooksie says that we need a President (and he offers Buttiegieg) who is more about governing than virtue signaling? Well I'd agree, but where are you going to find one of those rare creatures in today's Democrat Party? That would be about as difficult as finding the gold in the Lost Dutchman mine.

dustbunny said...

It seems odd that Inga, being a liberal, leftist, progressive feminist has so little understanding of identity politics and the leftist definition of Islamaphobia as anything at all critical of Muslims. See Ilhan Omar.

narciso said...


narciso said...

this is what buttigeg sr, was selling as opposed to Ignazio Silone,

gerry said...

“Is expression of such beliefs wrong?”

No, we are allowed to express our beliefs and ideas in this country.

“Is teaching such beliefs permissible?”

Not in public schools. Muslims can preach and teach their religion in the same way Christians, Jews, Hindu, Sikh etc. can according our Constitution. Why even ask. Don’t you know this already?

I did not assert or ask anything about teaching religious beliefs in public schools. Please stay focused.

Now then, I take it that the government regulation of expression of religious beliefs begins in public accommodations, even when those places are not taxpayer-supported, as in bakeries, where conformance to government-mandated beliefs is now apparently required?

gerry said...

Just, you know, in case future nominee Mayor Pete taps him as his running mate

Is that a Biden burlesque?

nbks said...

I hear tale of Mayor Pete entering that very same hospital and healing the sick and rejuvenating the lame simply by READING ALOUD TO PATIENTS FROM NOVELS WRITTEN ENTIRELY IN SWEDISH!!!

FullMoon said...

Good luck to Mayor Pete and all the other hopeful Democrats.
Any dem who does not back him in primaries is a homophobe.

Good luck to Kamala ! Any dem who doesn't back her is a racist/sexist

Good luck to Bernie! Any dem who doesn't back him is an ageist

Good Luck to Lizzie ! Any dem who doesn't back her is ageist/ sexist.

I anticipate Trump winning by a landslide. All the former voters plus millions and millions of new voters. Hard working, reasonable , decent Americans of all persuasions. Contrary to MSM propoganda, Trump has ,indeed, healed the division created by the previous anti American administration.

Remember, let's be careful out there, Keep America Great, and God bless President Donald J Trump, the leader of the free world and champion of all mankind.

FIDO said...

Someone needs to prove that he a) owns a police scanner and b) speaks Arabic.

But for all I know, this comment was posted by a gay activist or one of his staffers to make him seem wonderful.

Too bad there are not institutions which actually fact check claims made by presidential candidates.

That story is too perfect for words. Has the race angle, the sophistication angle, the self deprecating angle...because small town elected officials who throw their hats in the ring for PRESIDENT are always so humble...they are like porn stars that way.

FIDO said...

I am guessing that David Brooks likes the bulge in his trousers or something.

FIDO said...

I haven't been this excited about a presidential candidate since Jimmy Carter!

FullMoon said...

I beleive the story. Why shouldn't I? Decent guy does a decent thing. Most people here have done, according to circumstances and ability, many decent, helpful things for strangers. Not that big of a deal. Stories abound of our President Donald J Trump doing many nice things for others.
Lots of stories about Uncle Joe Biden helping people out. Just the other day, Joe had his driver stop on a busy thoroughfare so Joe could hop out, give a homeless woman all the money in his pockets, a hug a kiss, and a sniff and then be on his way. Ever modest, Joe only told the story one time. Fortunately, reporters somehow got wind of it or it would be another in the many, many good deeds gone unnoticed.

Trying to remember the good guy Obama story but keep coming up with Joe the Plumber...


FullMoon said...

I haven't been this excited about a presidential candidate since Jimmy Carter!

Pat Paulsen would be a contender in todays Dem party.

" His campaign slogan was, "Just a common, ordinary, simple savior of America's destiny."

Every question on social issues received basically the same response: "I feel that it is too directly bound to its own anguish to be anything other than a cry of negation, carrying within itself the seeds of its own destruction. However, to get to the meat of the matter, I will come right to the point, and take note of the fact that the heart of the issue in the final analysis escapes me."[4]

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Is teaching such beliefs permissible?”

“I did not assert or ask anything about teaching religious beliefs in public schools. Please stay focused.”

Look buddy, I don’t know or care about what point you’re trying to make. I’m not your straight man and we’re not playing 30 questions. You asked a question which was vague and I answered. If you have a point, spit it out or shut up and go bother someone else who cares.

TKD3 said...

"The greatest pleasure I know, is to do a good action by stealth, and to have it found out by accident." Charles Lamb.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Charming story. It's like something that Mitt Romney would do.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Ah nutz, rejahm. Shoulda read the comments first. :)

Dad29 said...

does Brooks still actually claim to be a "conservative" at this point?

Compared to the rest of the NYT staff (and the City), yes, he can make that claim. But their Overton window is next-door to Lenin's ranch.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“It seems odd that Inga, being a liberal, leftist, progressive feminist has so little understanding of identity politics and the leftist definition of Islamaphobia as anything at all critical of Muslims. See Ilhan Omar.”

Your understanding of liberal, leftist, progressive feminist politics is coming from rightist tropes and talking points. Learn to think for yourself. If I don’t sound like what you think is a typical leftist, it’s because you haven’t bothered to really get to know any, apparently.

Rick said...

If I don’t sound like what you think is a typical leftist, it’s because you haven’t bothered to really get to know any, apparently.

The Kinsley Gaffe is where you mess up and accidentally speak the truth.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“accidentally speak the truth.”

I am a leftist as you are a rightist. And that IS the truth.

Jim at said...

If you have a point, spit it out or shut up and go bother someone else who cares.

I bet you're just a real treat at parties.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mockturtle said...

Sad to see that the blog is degenerating again into the tit-for-tat and tu quoque atmosphere of the pre-mediation era.

Maillard Reactionary said...

In some cultures, that Somali boy owes Petey something.

Petey gets to decide what that is.

Could be dicey if his family is Muslim.

Mountain Maven said...

He's a progressive who wants to protect us from ourselves by taking away our freedom. Just like the other 20 dem hopefuls.

Bilwick said...

Re Red Diaper Buttsky, Mountain Maven states: "He's a progressive who wants to protect us from ourselves by taking away our freedom. Just like the other 20 dem hopefuls."

I'm waiting for Inga's response: "So? What's wrong with that? Freedom is SOOOO over-rated anyway."

Jersey Fled said...

I see we are back to flame wars with Inga again.

My advice: Use the "FIND IN PAGE" feature of your browser to highlight any post with the word "Inga" in it.

Then ignore it.

The thread will make much more sense that way.

Leland said...

I believe the story. Why shouldn't I?

I can believe that many people do good Samaritan things, while not seeking notoriety. The reason to not believe this story is because it is impossible to verify.

It is the willingness for people to believe stories that cannot be verified that led to the possibility of Russian Collusion; belief in how the Russia's could effect the election through stories, belief in the story documented in the Steele dossier, and belief in the story that Putin not just wanted Trump to win but was actively working with the Trump campaign.

It is ok to retain disbelief when told political stories.

Tommy Duncan said...

"The Trump era has been all about dissolving moral norms and waging vicious attacks."

Does anyone have a list of the dissolved moral norms?

What are some of the examples of vicious attacks?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“My advice: Use the "FIND IN PAGE" feature of your browser to highlight any post with the word "Inga" in it.

Then ignore it.”

Good advice.

FullMoon said...

Fine, honest , decent young Sarah Sanders withstands onslaught from vile, disgusting partisan press corps

Darcy said...

Marxists are just so damned nice!

Bay Area Guy said...

Probably, Althouse is doing a trial experiment on non-moderation v moderation. Myself, I like non-moderation, although moderation ain't too bad.

However, if you prefer non-moderation (like I do), suggest you resist the temptation to do the "back and forth" thing with certain well-known members of the Commentariat.

This is just a suggestion!

I am not Laslo nor a school-marm.

narciso said...

I'm sure they have a good reason,


buttigeg, seems to be an answer to a question no one asked, (ht james Taranto)

FullMoon said...

What are some of the examples of vicious attacks?

Crazed Bernie Supporter With Mohawk Attacks Elderly Man Wearing MAGA Hat – Chases Him Out of Starbucks Screaming ‘Get the F*ck Out’
Cristina Laila by Cristina Laila April 2, 2019 531 Comments

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Crazed Bernie Sanders supporter Parker Mankey; photo via Facebook
A crazed leftist with a mohawk attacked an elderly gentleman minding his own business inside of a Starbucks in Palo Alto, CA because he was wearing a red MAGA hat.

A ‘woman’ who goes by the name Parker Mankey, posted photos of the elderly Trump supporter to her Facebook page Monday and called on her Facebook friends to find out who the “freak” is and “confront him.”

Parker Mankey, who declared her support for Bernie Sanders, says screaming at him, stalking him and doxxing him is a way to fight back against Fascism.

“I yelled at him. Called the entire Starbucks to order and yelled at him more about how it is not ok to hate brown people,” Parker said. “He threatened to call the cops. I left after yelling at him some more.”

Parker the Fascist wasn’t done yet, though — she said she went back into Starbucks to yell at the peaceful elderly man some more and she wanted to find out who he was and where his kids lived.

“I went back in and yelled that I had changed my mind and wanted him to call the police because I wanted to know his name, where he lived, his wife’s name, and where his kids went to school,” Parker said in her FB post.

The elderly gentleman proceeded to gather his belongings and headed to the cash register where he reportedly complained about the crazed leftist screaming at him.

Parker says she followed the man to the cash register and “called him more names.” She bragged about calling him a “wimp” then “chased him out of Starbucks yelling at him to get the fuck out” of her town.


narciso said...

and you saw that patronizing interview he gave to fmr Khamenei fan now on the Qatar meal ticket mehdi hasan,

mockturtle said...

Yeah, I meant 'moderation', not 'mediation'. ;-)

Jaq said...

What are some of the examples of vicious attacks?

Well, there was that little kerfuffle at the softball practice. “Trump’s a traitor!” Well, you had to forgive the guy, he was fed bad information by Rachael Cash Cow Maddow.

I just went to buy some fresh tomatoes at a little stand were everybody is from somewhere south of the border and I think I may have noticed why Trump is doing better than expected among hispanics. The news and images coming from the border on 5h3 Spanish language TV they had on are something to behold. If mainstream TV was showing this stuff non stop, Trump would be a 60+% easy.

Meade said...

Yeah, I meant 'moderation', not 'mediation'. ;-)

Hahaha. Mediation is what it might take after all!

rcocean said...

Brooks loves "Mayor Pete" because his father was a Commie Professor, and Pete is a Harvard/Oxford Graduate. Plus, "Mayor Pete" no doubt has a wicked crease in his pants, and knows which expensive Italian cold-cut to order at a Mid-town Manhattan eatery. IOW, to Brooks "Mayor Pete" is "One of us" - just like Obama.

Maillard Reactionary said...

Bay Area Guy, I agree. What about the old advice: "Don't feed the trolls."

Still good advice.

Craig said...

Democrat women are going through serious "man drama" right now!

They've decided to leave the wealthy but embarrassing "Silver Fox" Biden, and Beto was the "Bad Boy" rebound guy. Now they realize Beto is kind of a loser, so they're settling on the "Nice Guy" Buttegieg.

rcocean said...

“I yelled at him. Called the entire Starbucks to order and yelled at him more about how it is not ok to hate brown people,” Parker said. “He threatened to call the cops. I left after yelling at him some more.”

This sounds like disorderly conduct and also assault. You don't have to Physically attack someone to cause harm and distress. This elderly Gent - should get a good lawyer and sue.

rcocean said...

"inside of a Starbucks in Palo Alto, CA because he was wearing a red MAGA hat."

Could you be more specific? College towns like Palo Alto have a Starbucks, literally, on every corner. There are at least 12 possible Starbuck locations.

dustbunny said...

Sorry Inga, I went to grad school in painting. I do know liberal, leftist prog feminists. You are so transparent.

Leland said...

Bay Area Guy, it's good advice as I made the mistake yesterday. Like Ann, I would prefer witty repartee, but that's not going to be available from certain people.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Sorry Inga, I went to grad school in painting. I do know liberal, leftist prog feminists.”

Sorry dustbunny, but you don’t know me better than I know myself and my fellow liberals. Aren’t you old enough to have learned yet that there is no such thing as cookie cutter people? Didn’t they teach you to be observant in your “grad school in painting”? Democrats, liberals, leftists, progressives and feminists are not all clones of one another.

Drago said...

Inga: "Aren’t you old enough to have learned yet that there is no such thing as cookie cutter people?"


Yeah. Inga wrote that. Just now. As if the last 3 years (and longer) never happened.

Too funny.

narciso said...

Is he going to win Iowa, or new Hampshire, forget about North Carolina or florida,

stevew said...

I’ve purchased a MAGA hat and plan to conduct an experiment here in my native Massachusetts: I’ll wear the hat into various public places and establishments and record and document the reactions. Should be interesting.

Michael K said...

Should be interesting.

Give us an update. I send them to my brother-in-law who is laid up but loves the stuff, Retired cop.

Michael K said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sam L. said...

I don't believe anything in the NYT, and David Brooks is first on my list of NYTers.

Bay Area Guy said...

Yeah, taking another look at the benefits of moderation........

FullMoon said...

Welcome to Alcoholics Anonymous

Michael K said...

You're really still afraid to visit your hometown, Michael? Is it easier to talk big here, but you mouse up in real life? It's like... you want to appear to put off a big sense of masculinity, but your actions outrunning others... sad!

Inga, is that you ? You sound like enough of an idiot.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FullMoon said...

And she went down to the Althouse blogspot
To give her fair share of abuse
Singing, "We're gonna vent our frustration
If we don't we're gonna blow a 50-amp fuse"
You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometimes, well you just might find
You get what you need..

Kevin said...

The Trump era has been all about dissolving moral norms and waging vicious attacks.

It’s funny when the media writes this, thinking they’re describing Trump.

Kevin said...

How dare Trump call us the enemy of the American people while we’re calling him a treasonous Russian puppet!

Norms! Vicious attacks!

Unleash the 24-hour news cycle!

Kevin said...

The media should know never to attack a President who buys Tweets by the barrel.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“You're really still afraid to visit your hometown, Michael? Is it easier to talk big here, but you mouse up in real life? It's like... you want to appear to put off a big sense of masculinity, but your actions outrunning others... sad!”

“Inga, is that you ? You sound like enough of an idiot.”

No she’s not me, you senile coot. But the mouse thing was funny.

narciso said...

Just more deep state deception

Unknown said...

> David Brooks will settle for a nice pants crease.

No, I am telling you it's just a wrinkle in the crotch of Brooks pants...

And this is indeed why we need a mayor, other than Palin as President.

To speak Arabic and escort us into the ER.

Q. said...

Somalis don't speak Arabic, they speak Somali. Yes, Arabic is a prestige language there, but most Somalis don't actually speak it.


Unknown said...

OMG will it be HISTORIC if we elect a gay man

It says a lot about "who we are", which is the most important thing.

Think of leading the world in tolerance!

Chicago is historic for electing a black woman mayor. They had black men Harold Washington - 1983, and they had women Jane Margaret Byrne - 1933, but not BLACK WOMEN. Did you know?

They are in the same league as Baltimore now.

We could put My Butty Pete on a ticket with Harris, and have a big 4 bagger tolerance bat signal to the Universe!

Nichevo said...

rcocean said...
Brooks loves "Mayor Pete" because his father was a Commie Professor, and Pete is a Harvard/Oxford Graduate. Plus, "Mayor Pete" no doubt has a wicked crease in his pants, and knows which expensive Italian cold-cut to order at a Mid-town Manhattan eatery. IOW, to Brooks "Mayor Pete" is "One of us" - just like Obama.

4/2/19, 6:18 PM

I would have just said to Brooks, I hate all that salumi crap, let's get dim sum. Do you like chicken feet? Or if you got to have a sandwich, there is a place in Astoria for veal parm...What a user.

Meanwhile, I just saw the picture of Buttygig on drudge. He's another Peter Strzok. Why do the Democrats always seem to confuse creepy with handsome?

donald said...

David Brooks swoons over this guy in a shire would like to have an anonymous sexual encounter in a Grand Central glory hole kinda way.

Michael K said...

Well, the hate devoid of logic did sound like you, Inga.

Anonymous said...

Having lived in Somalia I can confirm that Somalis don't speak Arabic. They are much more likely to speak Italian, English, French, or Ki-Swahili in that order.

Amadeus 48 said...

Sceptics would note that this academic theologian is spreading a miracle story in the great tradition of religious people. Did you hear the one that got the cathedral at Chartres rebuilt? Maybe they’ll find a relic for future Buttigieg worship.

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