"Their real complaint is that the president has used his own right of free speech to expose their mendacity. 'I don’t want to dwell on the president,' [Oliver Knox, President of the White House Correspondents’ Association, said in his speech at the group's 'gloomy' gala.] 'This is not his dinner. It’s ours, and it should stay ours. But I do want to say this. In nearly 23 years as a reporter, I’ve been physically assaulted by Republicans and Democrats, spat on, shoved, had crap thrown at me. I’ve been told I will never work in Washington again by both major parties.' Apparently being physically assaulted, spat on, shoved, threatened, etc. didn’t scare Knox. But Trump does? 'And yet I still separate my career to before February 2017 and what came after,' he continued. 'And February 2017 is when the president called us the enemy of the people. A few days later my son asked me, "Is Donald Trump going to put you in prison?" At the end of a family trip to Mexico he mused if the president tried to keep me out of the country, at least Uncle Josh is a good lawyer and will get you home.' So we are to understand that journalists’ 'fears' are based on the musings of small children?"
From "THE PRESS HAS LEARNED NOTHING" by John Hinderaker at Power Line.
Trump fights back. The "so called journalists" have not been truthful, and they punch at Trump first. He slaps back and they cry, and we are supposed to be scared for them?? They need to be truthful, and stop being the propaganda arm of the Democrat party if they want respect...but we are WAY past that.
I would bet money he made up what his kid said.
The Press has so massively failed that they have to paint themselves as a victim and that our constitution is threatened.
Do your fucking job and stop lying and complaining. Then, maybe, you’ll regain some respect and an audience.
The wisdom of babes is a false trope. I want to be hip so I'm going to use Trope instead of cliche
So we are to understand that journalists’ “fears” are based on the musings of small children?
We can blame bad parenting...
Five minutes before he blessed his father with his pithy insight on Trump the kid was pontificating about his chosen future career: 'dinosaur'.
I still separate my career to before February 2017
When we could get away with our bullshit
and what came after
when we started be called out on it
The President did not call the press the "enemy of the people". He called "fake news" the "enemy of the people". If you feel like he's talking about you, then maybe you should think about the sort of "news" that you're publishing.
The collective left are eternally fascist when it comes to free speech.
Free speech only means free speech FOR THEM.
George Washington felt maligned and misunderstood by the press, but he never generalized that into a vendetta against the institution,
Did George Washington's press join forces with his political opposition to try and kick him out of office?
Fawning democrat party press angered by the president's - speech.
The irony, of course, is that the biggest scandal in American political history is right under their noses. When Comey gets indicted, they start to wake up.
The press can pimp Brennan, Comey, Clapper, Avanetti, SChit(D) on their fake "news" shows and say things like "the walls are closing in" as news - but HOW DARE YOU CALL THEM OUT ON IT.
When Comey gets indicted, they start to wake up.
When is that? Some of us are impatient...
Among the far-left, Islamists, and violent white supremacists, anti-Israel antisemitism is the common theme.
Truth the left media will never mention.
The press thinks their whining affects what people think of them.
It does, but not in the way they think or would like.
The press are the idiot with the balloon! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=973J7DqPTFo
Right - the leftwing press - AKA the press - have really held back their adoration of all things democrat, while they take a hot dump on all things not democrat.
"George Washington felt maligned and misunderstood by the press, but he never generalized that into a vendetta against the institution"
I doubt that in the early Republic there was any such "institution" as "THE PRESS".
Thinking of it as "the institution" is part of the problem.
Does any other group of workers have such a baselessly high regard for their own work?
Paco Wové said...
Does any other group of workers have such a baselessly high regard for their own work?
K-12 teachers?
John Henry
I think there was a lot of individual newspapers or "broadsheets" being printed around the country, but the ones being quoted by our historians were very much partisan publications. Perhaps most famously those backed and at least partially financed by Thomas Jefferson himself and definitely aimed at disparaging Washington and Hamilton in very personal terms.
We need to point that out loudly and often.
Pdjt has never, as far as I know claimed that media is the enemy of the people.
His claim has always been about "fake news".
Thanks for pointing it out.
John Henry
Typical Liberals. They lie and they cheat and they slander.
And when caught, they play the victim.
They ARE the enemy of the people.
You can tell the press is biased, by how they lie about their lies.
Paco Wové said...
Does any other group of workers have such a baselessly high regard for their own work?
Knox is a pussy.
So we are to understand that journalists’ “fears” are based on the musings of small children?
He's a journalist. So
a) I doubt his "child" exists
b) if A, then I doubt his child said this.
Journalists are known to just make up a source when they want to say something that never happened. Like Cuck Kristol's fable about the LLR he met at the airport.
A few days later my son asked me, "Is Donald Trump going to put you in prison?"
- that didn't happen, or
- this clown is lying to his son as he does to "news" consumers, but in either case what a stupid anecdote.
They picked their side politically, and are not happy paying the price for it. The MSM has run > 90% negative coverage of Trump since at least his inauguration, and are upset that he calls them out for it. He knew that their Correspondents Dinner would be nonstop vicious Trump derangement, so spent his time much more enjoyably. And when they started personally attacking his top White House staff, he responded this year by making sure that none of them were put in harm’s way either. If they want respect, they have to earn it. They haven’t, by spending the last decade as an aggressive vocal adjunct of the DNC.
I think that a lot of them would be spit upon if they were to walk down the street in many towns in this country, and were recognized. And for good reason. They have been at the forefront of trying to undo the 2016 election.
The President did not call the press the "enemy of the people".
Actually he did, and the characterization is close enough for government work.
Here's something which is almost extinct: a full quote.
They had a gala?
I wish my children had been that woke.
@Jake (7:23) I will not take that bet.
Stirring up contention and contempt in the country by publishing speculation, alleged facts maintained by shoddy research and shoddy verification, and sometimes even conveying outright fabrications, all solely for profit. Because creating conflict and feeding tribalism sells clicks.
If that isn’t worthy of severe condemnation and labeling as an enemy of the people, I don’t know what else is.
I can sympathize with Knox. Last week my 6 yo asked me: "Is ALexandria Ocasio-Cortez going to put you in a wood chipper?"
But I do want to say this. In nearly 23 years as a reporter, I’ve been physically assaulted by Republicans and Democrats, spat on, shoved, had crap thrown at me. I’ve been told I will never work in Washington again by both major parties.'
Ever think, at least once, "hey, maybe it's me"?
The tweet - "The New York Times reporting is false. They are a true ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!"
They keep ignoring the first part. It seems to me that the simple solution is to tell the truth. Sadly, they probably think that their opinions are Truth.
FYI, have your adblockers and virus shields set to max when visiting Powerline.
They are as infected as they are cucky.
Did George Washington's press join forces with his political opposition to try and kick him out of office?
John Adam's press sure did!
What's interesting is that the press fixates on Trump, but the Clintons (both Bill & Hill), Bush II, & the Obamas all loathed the press, and routinely treated them like shit.
The press thinks that they're going to be sent to the concentration camps when Trump calls them the enemy of the people. But, when Ben Rhodes, a chief policy maker for the Obama administration says this:
Most of the outlets are reporting on world events from Washington. The average reporter we talk to is 27 years old, and their only reporting experience consists of being around political campaigns. That’s a sea change. They literally know nothing.
the response of the press is basically "oooohhhh, baby, hit me again!".
And that's just one example of the nasty shit that the Obamaites did to the media.
Not only is the press nakedly partisan, they're moral cowards to boot. They deserve everything Trump has done to them.
"George Washington felt maligned and misunderstood by the press, but he never generalized that into a vendetta against the institution,"
When some pinhead tried to make the point that you can't vilify the press and get on Mount Rushmore, someone quoted Jefferson, Lincoln, and Roosevelt to prove otherwise.
(Direct quotes from Jefferson and Roosevelt, while Lincoln was one of the most anti-press presidents in history, according to an historian.)
Having worked in newspapers these past 20 years, I can confirm that they're the most thin-skinned people you'd want to meet. Also the least intellectually curious.
H.L. Mencken had a lot to say about the ignorance of journalists, but this is the best I can find at the moment about his attitude: “American journalism (like the journalism of any other country) is predominantly paltry and worthless. Its pretensions are enormous, but its achievements are insignificant.”
Who was the JournoList douche who posted that conservatives should be shoved through plate glass windows?
Yah, he's my enemy. And America's.
Oliver Knox is Olivier Knox.
I was trying to think what musings my small children would have had, if I had political discussions with them when they were small. They were '90s kids, so it would have been about Clinton, cigars, and BJs. We did not have these discussions.
Once again I'm thankful that I could talk to children about childish things and to adults about adult things. There seem to be a lot of people who are doing that backwards lately.
Does any other group of workers have such a baselessly high regard for their own work?
K-12 teachers?
University professors
Classical musicians
"So we are to understand that journalists’ 'fears' are based on the musings of small children?"
Nah. Even Hinderaker is not quite cynical enough. Their expressions of "fear" are just another prog tool. Their use of children is an old ploy.
Of course, they could only promote the collusion narrative because they, not Trump, hold power over the MSM--they have been free to spew their malicious lies without serious consequence. Because they are not held accountable, either by public authority or lefty public opinion--except insofar as ratings drop and an occasional Greenwald or Taibbi scolds them--all they learn is that mobilization against Trump works. Certainly they have not been shamed: progs are immune.
Bunch of white journolists love them a slice of the victimhood pie.
The only winner in Wrestling in the mud with Trump, is Trump.
Trump is a Bare Knuckle Verbal Brawler. A loudmouth, blue collar N.Y. in your face type pushes back hard regular guy.
The Press comes off as a punch of Elite, Pretentious Pansies.
Clueless of middle America, lecturing, and lacking common sense and the common touch.
Products of the elite indoctrination/ education system, and is focused more on value signaling, than reporting the truth.
And there has been a huge growth in Alternate media to the msm, and a huge drop in newspaper revenue due to online advertising (Craigslist), killing the cash cow of classified advertising.
Be nice if a good alternative source of news was out there, currently it takes viewing a lot of sites for me to create my own.
In nearly 23 years as a reporter, I’ve been physically assaulted by Republicans and Democrats, spat on, shoved, had crap thrown at me. I’ve been told I will never work in Washington again by both major parties.'
He's done an excellent job of keeping that a secret. Usually when Journalists get "assaulted, Spat on, or threatened" they manage to get in the the news. But not Mr. Knox. And does anyone think Liberals/Leftists were doing anything except giving him love and kisses?
Not seen on fawning press DNC-NBC "news"
Why Are Clapper and Brennan Not in Jail?
'”So we are to understand that journalists’ 'fears' are based on the musings of small children?“
That’s as close to a rational explanation as we’re ever going to get.
And Good God, another public figure trying to play the victim. That's USA 2018, playing the victim is the winning move. 30 years ago, he'd have been mocked for crying and asking for sympathy and talking about his kid. Chickification?
Perhaps if the President's name was spelled O-b-a-m-a. The secular sects are notoriously intolerant.
“When Comey gets indicted, they start to wake up.
“When is that? Some of us are impatient...”
A lot of people are impatient. My guess is that things have started to move, with Comey at the lead here. A good part of the delay can be directly tied to the Mueller investigation. It appears to have intentionally been initiated primarily to protect the group of people in the DoJ and esp the FBI from paying the price of abusing, in particular, FISA, using it to spy on Republicans. On American citizens for political purposes. The internal investigations had been frozen for much of the last year by the Mueller investigation, even the OIG investigations. Anything Russian related was off limits, and pretty much everything that they did illegally can be seen as Russia related.
The key here is that the Obstruction of Justice part of the investigation was what kept it going. There never was any Russian collusion, and really never could have been, because the Trump people and the Russian govt didn’t have each other’s phone numbers. Mueller and his investigators likely knew this from the start, but dug away as long as they could, but soon decided there was nothing there. The important thing was the Obstruction part of the investigation, which is how they protected themselves, and protected the investigation from being shut down. Any time that anyone tried to shut down the investigation, they started to investigate it as Obstruction of Justice. And, indeed, some are now suggesting that the reason that AG Sessions was forced to recuse himself was that he, personally, was under investigation for having been in the same room as some Russian diplomats. This meant that stopping the Russian collusion investigation would have been seen as stopping the investigation of himself, and thus as Obstruction of Justice.
In any case, with AG Sessions recused and DAG Rosenstein compromised, there was no one to hold Mueller’s feet to the fire. Politically, Trump couldn’t replace Sessions until after the election. But after it, he could. If the Republicans had lost the Senate, the Lame Duck session probably would have prioritized confirmation of his replacement. But they gained a couple seats, so the confirmation was delayed until the new Congress, since it couldn’t now be thwarted by one or two Republican defections. AG Barr quickly stepped in to oversee Rosenstein’s oversight of Mueller, and very likely asked how the Russian collusion part of the investigation was going. It essentially had been complete for much of the previous year. So WTF were they doing? (Looking for Obstruction, of course) Hence the rapid shutdown after that, dragging it out as long as they could writing their report, which they could justify taking maybe a month to do. The minute that the Mueller investigation was complete, and the report in AG Barr’s hands, the brakes were presumably taken off of the various investigations into malfeasance that had been stalled by the Mueller investigation, including, very likely, the investigation( s) into wrongdoing by Comey. The official line appears to be that the OIG will report on Comey in May, or early June. We shall see.
Blogger Fernandistein said...
Actually he did, and the characterization is close enough for government work.
Are you saying that calling fake news the enemy of the people is close enough to calling the media the enemy of the people for govt work? If so, aren't you saying that ALL media is fake news?
Here's something which is almost extinct: a full quote.
Thank you for that link. I stand corrected. Though, if what you say is true, that all media is fake, there is little difference between what PDJT says here and what he has been saying in the past.
I was interested to note this in the linked article:
The president has previously described specific outlets and “fake news” as the “enemy of the people,” but so far had not used the characterization to describe the full press corps.
Which is what Chris and I were pointing out. Interesting to see the media mentioning this.
John Henry
I've been a huge fan of Michael Lewis since Liar's Poker. He is suffering from TDS these days and has lost a step or two but is still excellent on non-Trump related stuff.
This article on Columbia Journalism School in particular and J-Schools in general is a quarter century old but still excellent.
According to his biographer, W.A. Swanberg, the idea of a school of journalism first dawned on Pulitzer in 1892, while he was confined to a dark room, suffering from asthma, insomnia, exhaustion, diabetes, manic-depression and failing eyesight. By the time he actually composed his thoughts for the North American Review, his bed chart included rheumatism, dyspepsia, catarrh and a bad case of shame for the Spanish atrocities in Cuba deliberately invented by his reporters to goose the circulation of his newspapers. His wife, a few of his colleagues and the trustees of Harvard and Columbia, who initially declined the $2 million sack dangled before them, suspected that he was not quite in his right mind. A New York newspaper editor named Horace White suggested that one might as well set up a graduate school in swimming. It took Pulitzer more than a decade to persuade Columbia to accept his money. Even then, the critics’ main question was never really answered: What would they teach at the Columbia Journalism School? A few weeks ago I went to find out.
John Henry
It's interesting how Hinderaker seems to be blogging the coverage of the Correspondents' Dinner. Not the event itself, which he could watch in its entirety at C-SPAN's website if he were truly interested. Hinderaker chose to base his comments on an online article at The Daily Wire, by Emily Zanotti.
So he quotes this line from that story:
Chernow then cautioned the audience to continue to report on the White House’s factual errors, lest the White House be allowed to whip the people into a frenzy for political gain — as though the press, which just spent the last 22 months pursuing an ultimately non-existent Trump-Russia election conspiracy, was blameless.
So the press should not report on this White House's unprecedented series of falsehoods and misstatements? Is that what Hinderaker was cheering?
For the last 22 months, I am certain that there have been a few reporters and media outlets that have reported on an alleged or supposed "Trump-Russia election conspiracy." But if I demanded that Hinderaker supply a detailed list of such allegations coming from "the media," it would take him a long time to come up with anything. I am not talking about news reporters speaking to someone like Eric Swalwell and then reporting on what he said. I am talking about specific allegations of a Trump-based conspiracy, reported as fact, by reputable media outlets.
What the media has been doing is reporting on the ongoing investigation. And of course there is no "fake news" in that. There was an investigation. And coming out of it, there have been a dozen federal criminal referrals that we don't yet know about. That is indeed a story. Not fake. Nothing fake about it.
Oh swanberg hated Hearst and Luce the vanguards of a popular press with a passion . It was his first tome that formed the basis of citizen kane.
So Knox wasn't spied on like Rosen and Atkisson?
Give the Catholic Church this much credit. When all those scandals broke, they didn't claim that the rape victims were attempting an attack on freedom of religion in America.......,The Kavanaugh and Fairfax stories broke in close proximity to each other. The difference in the breadth and intensity of the coverage is striking. People perceive the press as biased because the press is biased.
A few days later my son asked me, "Daddy, is the universe going to fly apart? I read in the New York Times that the universe is expanding. Is it going to come apart, Daddy? I'm scared!"
What could I say but, "Sorry, son. Say goodbye to your Mother then go to your room and sit quietly until it happens."
What the media has been doing is reporting on the ongoing investigation
So refreshing to see a Life Long Republican defending the Democrats With Bylines.
And coming out of it, there have been a dozen federal criminal referrals that we don't yet know about. That is indeed a story. Not fake.
And for an extra dose of surreal, he dips into the gossip and innuendo that he pretends the media hasn't been doing for the last 3 years.
Taunts us that the world is going to end in 12 years, and when that year passes without incident, says WE are the delusional ones for thinking he ever said the world would end in 12 years.
Zero credibility.
Crimso: HA!
Hayden: . But they gained a couple seats, so the confirmation was delayed until the new Congress, since it couldn’t now be thwarted by one or two Republican defections.
Sounds like picking up a few Senate seats was the limiting factor that preventing the soft coup from ousting or severely handicapping Trump. It was that close.
We can't keep pulling rabbits out of hats. We need to stop playing a Prevent Defense.
They only have to get lucky once, and then it's game over.
Swanberg would be with Michael wolffs and roger Sherman's of the world defaming Ailes and Murdoch, vanity fair reads like a glossy PM magazine the lefty pamphlet of the era.
No they have just been printing press releases from fusion cycles through Dan Jones wurlitzer.
Fernandistein said...
A few days later my son asked me, "Is Donald Trump going to put you in prison?"
- that didn't happen, or
- this clown is lying to his son as he does to "news" consumers, but in either case what a stupid anecdote.
Just so. I doubt very much that it happened, but if it did, well, who do you think his son's primary source of news is?
Either he's a liar or a bad father. (Yes, I know, the "healing power of "and.")
Media: There is a growing perception that Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election.
Fen: Bullshit. You use "growing perception" because you can't find a source...
Media: Hey now, we're just reporting on the allegation, not making the allegation.
Chuck and the MSM: "I am afraid you are mistaking me for someone who has an interest in fair treatment of Donald Trump. I'm not your guy. I am interested in smearing him, hurting him and prejudicing people against him."
Chuck is bummed that the Mueller report stated that No one in the Trump family is guilty of collusion with Russia. (oooo but those 12 criminal referrals must reverse that- Chuck noez it! Never mind that those are probably the phantom Russians themselves)
Hillary actually colluded with Russia, she also made secret big money from Russian. Chuck goes zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
"...put you in prison?"
You'd think that a reporter would know what hyperbole is (Trump speaks like this all the time) and stop taking him literally. Explain what hyperbole is, and stop lying to your child. Bad father is bad.
Walter @ 9:17
Actually he did, and the characterization is close enough for government work.
You must work for the government to think that April 2019 is close enough to February 2017.
The official line appears to be that the OIG will report on Comey in May, or early June. We shall see.
I fear the country is probably lost but Trump will fend off the worst until 2025. After that, who knows ? If the treason in the DOJ and the Intel Community can be prosecuted and put a few of theese people in prison, I will get more optimistic but people like Chuck cause me to doubt the future.
Such willful obtuseness is pretty discouraging. Codevilla, who first alerted me to the problem, is asking "Why are Clapper and Brennan not in jail now ?"
Even Australia is suffering from similar pathologies brought on by similar people.
Over the last decade, though, Australia’s luck has changed, as the country develops many of the pathologies of crowded, socially divided societies like the United Kingdom or the United States. Despite being highly dependent on resource sales to China—largely coal, gas, oil, and iron ore—Australia has embraced green domestic politics more associated with Manhattan liberals or Silicon Valley oligarchs than the prototypical unpretentious Aussie, often someone dependent on resource-based industries. The result: a dramatic reversal of the middle-class uplift that so long defined Australian society.
In Australia, according to the OECD, the portion of households considered middle class—that is, earning between three-quarters and double the average income—has been dropping by more than a percentage point per decade since the 1980s. The size of the country’s middle class now ranks below the OECD average, and Australia’s middle-class millennials are likelier to sink into poverty than are those of all other advanced nations, except Greece and Latvia.
They need a Trump. Too many Chucks.
Fen @ 9:15
Also perfect.
Blogger Ray - SoCal said...
Be nice if a good alternative source of news was out there, currently it takes viewing a lot of sites for me to create my own.
4/30/19, 8:41 AM
Quite so. Scott Adams had an interview with a reporter in his house, and the resultant piece, was read by his brother. It completely mischaracterized the interview, and it wasn't even a hit piece. They knew it was load of old bollocks (my paraphrasing).
Yet, our tendency is to take other news which we are not familiar with at face value...
So yes, the news media have become the Enemy of the People and are unable to report objectively. I'm sure there are some good reporters out there, but unfortunately, these main stream reporters have demonstrated that none of them can be trusted.
Chuck said...It's interesting how Hinderaker seems to be blogging the coverage of the Correspondents' Dinner. Not the event itself,
Why is that interesting? Are you insinuating that there's something wrong with the Daily Wire article? If so, what?
So the press should not report on this White House's unprecedented series of falsehoods and misstatements? Is that what Hinderaker was cheering?
No, please read it again. More carefully this time.
What the media has been doing is reporting on the ongoing investigation. And of course there is no "fake news" in that.
Right, because it's the media's job to report on the allegations they want to report on and ignore the allegations they don't want to report on and in either case ignore the surrounding facts that will help the reader understand the validity of the allegations unless it helps the side they want to help. Like the Steele Dossier. Never mind that it was opposition research and without any first-hand sources. Why would they need to mention that?
There was an investigation. And coming out of it, there have been a dozen federal criminal referrals that we don't yet know about. That is indeed a story. Not fake. Nothing fake about it.
But we do know that none of them are Americans coordinating with Russians, don't we?
It's called lying by omission, Chuck. And it's fake news.
when the president called us the enemy of the people
Fake news. Trump called the "fake news media" the enemy of the people.
Yes Morrison has tried to reverse what Turnbull installed but it's slow going.
I am not talking about news reporters speaking to someone like Eric Swalwell and then reporting on what he said. I am talking about specific allegations of a Trump-based conspiracy, reported as fact, by reputable media outlets.
Sure set your own parameters and demand all to adhere.
But you are right. The media is woefully short of curiosity. No independent investigations of facts. We have 1000s of pages of testimony under oath, released by Republican Congressman Doug Collings, regarding FBI and Justice, and Intelligence personel that lay out the time line for President Trump's frame up of conspiricy with Putin. Personal involvement with Putin. Not a word on the front pages or lead blocks of any media outlets.
But in truth, how much news is reported that does not quote sources?
Your demanded standard is akin to proving a negative. A rhetorical device, but not honest. A strange thought process for a person claiming to be a lawyer.
Whining is not a good look---when you've been acting like a gang of vicious thugs in your coverage of the President. I mean if you are going to throw punches at a brash New York guy (not really my sort of person dear) you ought not be surprised if you get smacked right back.
It looks like the White House Correspondents Dinner will soon provide the answer to the age old question---What if they gave a Nerd Prom and nobody came?
Fernandistein said...
The President did not call the press the "enemy of the people".
Actually he did, and the characterization is close enough for government work.
Here's something which is almost extinct: a full quote.
Thanks - that is FRESH NEWS and I have updated my database.
bUT are we not discussing old history - 2 years old at least WITH COPIOUS EVIDENCE.
I fear the country is probably lost but Trump will fend off the worst until 2025. After that, who knows ? If the treason in the DOJ and the Intel Community can be prosecuted and put a few of theese people in prison, I will get more optimistic but people like Chuck cause me to doubt the future.
I used to have considerable respect for you and your opinions.
But you "doubt the future" because of me? What is that doubt; for the future of the United States of America? The human race? Planet Earth?
And how is it that I am so threatening to you? As a Republican? A fellow conservative? A McCain-and-then-Romney activist? A Republican National Lawyers Association volunteer? A devout supporter of Scalia, Thomas, Roberts, Alito, Gorsuch and Kavanaugh? A National Review/WSJ reader?
If you really think that you need to "doubt the future" because of me, where you and I would agree on about 90% of even the most trivial things, like choices of books and movies and golf courses, all because I am a severe critic of Donald Trump, it is clear: you're a Trump cultist. Where "the future" depends on support for Donald Trump.
If I cause you to fear the future, what in God's name do you think about the plurality of Americans who, unlike you and I, didn't vote for Trump at all in 2016? Do you "doubt the future" based on a majority of your fellow countrymen who disapprove of Trump as President right now?
In all rationality, I wonder how it is that I would be singled out for some grand doubt about the future. Unless it was this; that the 2016 election of Donald Trump, so narrowly won with an inside-straight of close electoral victories in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, was made possible by a very late turn of Trump-doubting Republicans who had opposed him throughout the 2016 primary, but who reluctantly cast votes for Trump as a least-worst alternative. Like me.
And now, perhaps(?) you "doubt the future" because of doubt in Trump's re-electability as Republicans peel away from supporting Trump even as a purported lesser of two evils? You probably don't want to see me write that, but otherwise how could you justify singling me out as a reason to "doubt the future"?
BleachBit-and-Hammers said...
Chuck is bummed that the Mueller report stated that No one in the Trump family is guilty of collusion with Russia. (oooo but those 12 criminal referrals must reverse that- Chuck noez it! Never mind that those are probably the phantom Russians themselves)
Well it looks like it is time for the regular Althouse.blogspot reminder that more than a year ago, I doubted the existence of any evidence for a "collusion" case. I was writing HERE.
So no; I am not "bummed" by the Mueller report. A year ago, I wrote that I expected this result.
And now, for your having baselessly called me out in this way, I want to extend to you my most sincere, "Fuck you!"
To me the saddest part of this is the fact that there's still enough of an audience to keep this hostile media afloat. I'm fully aware that a fair amount of their financial support comes from the patronage of billionaire benefactors, but not all of it. There's still a surprising amount of readership and viewership despite the sad denouement of their quixotic Russia collusion narrative.
Chuck's link to Chuck:
"I have confessed honestly, that I'd love to see Trump get charged with a crime. But that I don't expect it,..."
Wow Chuck - that's impressive.
But you "doubt the future" because of me? What is that doubt; for the future of the United States of America? The human race? Planet Earth?
Chuck, you are just emblematic of a certain blind mind set that concerns me. The changes that have gone on since Nixon, let's say, have passed you by. You, yourself, are of no account, but your blindness is shared by enough that I do have concerns about the future.
And now, perhaps(?) you "doubt the future" because of doubt in Trump's re-electability as Republicans peel away from supporting Trump even as a purported lesser of two evils?
No, he will be re-elected in spite of ankle biters like you. But he is alone with a swamp full of Deep Staters who will fight to the death to keep their rice bowls full. I think buwaya has the same fear. He is probably younger and will move if it gets too bad. I am old enough that the crisis will probably not concern me but I have children and grandchildren.
Chuck - Both you and the corrupt liar leftwing Rachel Maddow Adam Schit(D) "walls are closing in" press WOULD LOVE To see Trump charged with a crime.
All while corrupt Private Server for Clinton Cash Hillary, skates.
President just publishes his opinion; same as 95+ percent of the "news" being published. Difference is, much of the "news" published does not pass the common-sense smell test; and the President is more articulate than most Associated Press writing.
Gotta love it when self-described smear merchant Chuck starts lobbing F-bombs.
You go girl!
Any crackdown on free speech and freedom of the press comes from the left. And, as the left owns most of the news sources, they get to pick and choose what is 'acceptable' and what is 'racist, fascist, homophobic and extremist'.
BleachBit-and-Hammers said...
Chuck's link to Chuck:
"I have confessed honestly, that I'd love to see Trump get charged with a crime. But that I don't expect it,..."
Wow Chuck - that's impressive.
So let me say it again, to remove all doubt about whether you are "outing" me on something I wrote but wish to hide.
I'd love to see Trump get charged with a crime.
I don't "expect" it; but neither will I be surprised if it occurs. Trump, remember, is "Individual 1" in the Michael Cohen SDNY information. Apart from the old internal OLC memo directing that a sitting President cannot be indicted by DoJ, there would seem to be no reason why Trump would not already be indicted in that case.
And this is what I have maintained all along. No Russian "collusion," at least not in the form of any criminal conspiracy. But I've always felt that somebody with Trump's dirty background was ripe for investigators, and I will not at all be surprised (and in fact thrilled) if and when he is charged as was Michael Cohen, with bank fraud, mail fraud and tax fraud crimes. There may of course be federal crimes that would entail dealing with the old OLC memo. But there may be New York or other state law charges too, that would not involve that OLC directive.
So Michael K, if the "mindset" of a fellow Republican who just happens to be a severe critic of Trump causes you to "doubt the future," you must be fraught with all kinds of other doubts and fears. Such that all it takes to cause you to "doubt the future" is someone who "doubts Trump."
Hayden: . But they gained a couple seats, so the confirmation was delayed until the new Congress, since it couldn’t now be thwarted by one or two Republican defections.
Sounds like picking up a few Senate seats was the limiting factor that preventing the soft coup from ousting or severely handicapping Trump. It was that close.
We can't keep pulling rabbits out of hats. We need to stop playing a Prevent Defense.
I don’t think that it was quite that dire. Maybe close, but not quite. Not quite two months between the election and the seating of the new Congress. Some of that was taken up by breaks, but Majority Leader McConnell had a lot of control over that. If the Republicans had lost seats in the Senate, confirmation of Sessions’ replacement would likely have been important enough to keep the Senate open for business until such time as the Republicans got through their urgent list of business. I think that they had that list made up and ready to go, for right after the election, but didn’t need it, and instead mostly took off the rest of the year, knowing that the added seats would make everything easier in 2019 over 2018, and that included confirming AG Barr.
So Michael K, if the "mindset" of a fellow Republican who just happens to be a severe critic of Trump causes you to "doubt the future,"
Now you are just trolling. There are no longer that many "fellow Republicans who just happens to be a severe critic of Trump." You are allying yourself with the hard left who are intent on destroying the country. Even Charles Lindeberg was not allying himself with Nazis, like you are with the hard left. He was just fearful that we could not defeat them. Also, Fascism was popular at the time. The NRA (Roosevelt's NRA) was just one example of popular fascism in the 1930s.
You don't like Trump. I get that. You want to see him destroyed. Why? Are you a federal employee whose rice bowl is threatened? Your hatred is a bit more than distaste for his manners. Bill Kristol has found a new money bags who is a leftist. What motivates you ?
You are allying yourself with the hard left who are intent on destroying the country.
I was personally opposed to Donald Trump from the time that he was a Republican primary candidate, and was infuriated that he won the nomination.
I believe that puts me in the same category as the late President George H.W. Bush, President George W. Bush, Governor Larry Hogan, former governors Rick Snyder, John Kasich, Bill Weld, Bill Milliken, George Pataki, Bruce Rauner, Bill Haslam, Jon Huntsman, Mitt Romney and Christine Todd Whitman. And a half dozen former Secretaries of State and Defense. All lifelong Republicans.
This is "the hard left intent on destroying this country"?
“I fear the country is probably lost but Trump will fend off the worst until 2025. After that, who knows ? If the treason in the DOJ and the Intel Community can be prosecuted and put a few of theese people in prison, I will get more optimistic but people like Chuck cause me to doubt the future.”
I don’t disagree.
Here is my bottom line list:
Andrew McCabe
Peter Strzok
Sally Yates
Rumor is that the white hats (if there are any) are peeling the onion, rolling up the conspiracy, and that takes time. And to do that, it means going after the lower rungs, then getting them to flip. Of all of those on the list, the only one who might have been low enough to be in the target underling group in Strzok, and I think that he is just too dirty to allow to walk. Kinda like button men being allowed to walk to get to the Mafia Dons. The only people that the rest of them could implicate were in the Obama White House, and I don’t think the investigators really want to go there. A good friend of mine, who is the type who follows Q closely, believes that this process is well along, with most of the lower ranks already flipped. He included Strzok though, and I didn’t find that credible. I think though that his erstwhile paramour, Lisa Page, saw which way the wind was blowing a year ago, and began cooperating back then, as evidenced by the IG believing her over her boss, DD McCabe. It is interesting reading and contrasting the Congressional transcripts of the two lovers from last fall - Page was decently forthcoming, while Strzok was his arrogant self.
I swear, 95% of "the press" anymore are just plain old drama queens.
Bruce Hayden it seems I am an ally of the hard left intent on destroying the country. How did I escape your list of prosecutions?
On a more serious note, who wants to bet a bottle of my favorite recreational beverage that Sally Yates will never, ever be prosecuted?
Universities and the media spell the greatest danger to the First Amendment. The media was supine when Obama spied on them and jailed some of them. Remember Susan Atkinson?
Blogger tim maguire said...
It's called lying by omission, Chuck.
Oh..he knows, Tim. It's Chuck's SOP.
Chuck: Fake news. Trump called the "fake news media" the enemy of the people.
Ah, to say Trump called them the enemy of the people is not fake news. Trump called the "fake news media" the enemy of the people. They identify themselves as the "fake news media", ergo, they are the enemy of the people.
They are playground bullies. When the victims fight back, they whine and whimper and try to hide behind little children.
You mean Sheryl? See link above.
In the Bush family’s defense, they are a close knit family, and Trump politically destroyed the son whom HW expected to be the one to follow him into the White House. The problem was that in the 1994 election, W won, and JEB narrowly lost, the governor races in their respective states, and so wasn’t ready in 2000 to run, with only two years of governorship under his belt. JEB was the plodder, more like his father. W had a somewhat wastrel period, before quitting drinking and settling down. And JEB would have made a decently good President, if he could be elected. He enjoyed administering far more than the political side of the job. But he wasn’t going to beat Crooked Hillary, because he didn’t have the aggressiveness required. I think that he is very much like Mitt Romney there. If you could parachute either of them into office, they would do great, but are just too nice to win in this environment (though Romney, being Mormon, is not above stabbing a gentile enemy in the back, as he has done with Trump). In any case, JEB was positioned that he had to be destroyed politically for Trump to win, and if Trump hadn’t done that, we would very likely have ended up the most corrupt President in the history of our republic, having shown her true self when given the State Dept as a personal fiefdom, and run an extremely lucrative pay- to-play scheme there, selling American foreign policy to the highest bidders around the world.
It's really amazing how much Trump has done in changing the direction of the country (in the right direction), with at best, tepid Allies in the GOP.
Contrast with 8 years of the Obama Presidency, where Obama had the Deepstate in his hip pocket. And the first two years where he had both the House and Senate.
My gut feeling is Trump is doing a lot of fundamental positive changes that will be hard for a future President to reverse. The roaring economy is proof of this. Unfortunately, the press is distracted with the latest shiny object, and misses the big picture on the major changes happening.
>Sounds like picking up a few Senate seats was the limiting factor that preventing the
>soft coup from ousting or severely handicapping Trump. It was that close.
I have been a true lifelong Republican Voter, but this list seems to be full of Republican in Name Only.
I have been so disappointed in these Republicans when asking for your vote, that show their true face after elected.
They are a large part of why we are in the mess we are in, with system in the US that is anti growth, outside of just growing itself.
>late President George H.W. Bush, President George W. Bush, Governor Larry Hogan, former
>governors Rick Snyder, John Kasich, Bill Weld, Bill Milliken, George Pataki, Bruce
>Rauner, Bill Haslam, Jon Huntsman, Mitt Romney and Christine Todd Whitman. And a half
>dozen former Secretaries of State and Defense. All lifelong Republicans.
Chuck said...
I believe that puts me in the same category as the late President George H.W. Bush, President George W. Bush, Governor Larry Hogan, former governors Rick Snyder, John Kasich, Bill Weld, Bill Milliken, George Pataki, Bruce Rauner, Bill Haslam, Jon Huntsman, Mitt Romney and Christine Todd Whitman. And a half dozen former Secretaries of State and Defense. All lifelong Republicans.
A bunch of people who support open borders, "free" crony trade, cap and trade, and stupid wars.
A bunch of people who got globalist money to mislead and lie to republican voters.
A bunch of people who voted and supported Hillary.
A bunch of people who supported Obama sending the IRS after the TEA party.
Gang of Eight amnesty pedalers.
A bunch of people who voted against repealing Obamacare when they had the chance after promising to do so for 6 years.
Republicans like Paul Ryan who teamed up with democrats to foist corrupt omnibus bills on Trump.
We don't want any of those people in the party anymore.
Get the fuck out. We don't want you anymore. We will never listen to the cucks like Kristol and Will and Rueben and Cupp again.
Bye Felicia.
Blogger Chuck said...
Bruce Hayden it seems I am an ally of the hard left intent on destroying the country. How did I escape your list of prosecutions?
Because you are an ankle biting twerp whose only claim to attention is commenting on a blog.
The Bushes were decent people but they are part of the Establishment in DC and their loyalty was to their friends, many of whom were deep in the trough. McCain, even though I supported him in 2000, was another Deep Stater and his buddy relationship with Kerry was a tell.
Bush could have done something to head off 2008. He had a few underlings testify after 2006 but Maxine and Barney had the bit in their teeth and Brush Was weak. His interest was all Iraq,. Cheney also failed, although I am a big fan of his, but he missed the domestic crash coming. Too focused on foreign policy. The crooks from Wall Street were driving the runaway train.
TJM said...
Universities and the media spell the greatest danger to the First Amendment. The media was supine when Obama spied on them and jailed some of them. Remember Susan Atkinson?
I'm not aware of anyone famous who is a "Susan Atkinson."
Are you perhaps referring to Sharyl Attkisson?
She has her own Sinclair program, and a completed book deal. She probably hasn't gotten wider work in journalism because of her Vaxxer sympathies, and that would be a disqualifier for me too if I were a prospective employer.
She sued Eric Holder et al, and lost. Which was affirmed on appeal. She was never "jailed," which I mention only because your comment seems to imply that she was. Was any journalist "jailed" after having been "spied on" by the Obama Administration?
Bruce Hayden said...
In the Bush family’s defense, they are a close knit family, and Trump politically destroyed the son whom HW expected to be the one to follow him into the White House.
How many times did the Bush family have to betray Republican voters before you people finally caught on?
"Read my lips, no new taxes."
Medicare Part B.
Bush sent us over to Iraq, then he hung us out to dry while the press destroyed us. He never fought back against the lies. He knew we found and destroyed warehouses full of Chemical weapons. He saw the caravans of tankers running to Syria carrying the gas they used in their bombings.
The only logical conclusion is he was in on it the whole time.
Then they all supported Hillary after everyone knew she sold us out to any country that gave her foundation money while secretary of state.
Who passed the patriot act and let the government spy on Americans?
Chuck hates President Trump because he is not of the elite governing class he himself wants to inhabit. Ruling over all the lessers that just don't understand.
President Trump from the day he annouced, is more articulate, more honest, more capable to to hold the office of President than Obama is today.
President Trump is getting better and better every single hour. His accomplishments in office dwarf any other President. Racking up those accomplishments while under assualt be Democrats and Republicans alike.
All Chuck can do is squeel "Charlotte" over and over constantly. Trying to convince like minded uninformed voters that President Trump is the Grand Dragon of the KKK, and eats store bought peacan pie with two scoops of ice cream.
Better yet who convinced Republican voters the patriot act was necessary and then supported Obama and Clinton when they used government surveillance to spy on a political opponent?
Just like Chuck is doing here.
The Bushes and the rest of the LLR's were always on the other side.
Chuck said...
I'm not aware of anyone famous who is a "Susan Atkinson."
Are you perhaps referring to Sharyl Attkisson?
She has her own Sinclair program, and a completed book deal. She probably hasn't gotten wider work in journalism because of her Vaxxer sympathies, and that would be a disqualifier for me too if I were a prospective employer.
She sued Eric Holder et al, and lost. Which was affirmed on appeal. She was never "jailed," which I mention only because your comment seems to imply that she was. Was any journalist "jailed" after having been "spied on" by the Obama Administration?
Chuck would never defend Obama spying on Americans.
Oh wait he just did.
These people are all working together to create a police state. They all have their jobs to do and their people to lie to.
Trump's greatest accomplishment was removing their masks.
“Bruce Hayden it seems I am an ally of the hard left intent on destroying the country. How did I escape your list of prosecutions?”
The criteria was abuse of high political office for partisan advantage. You don’t hold such, and I don’t see you as engaging in that sort of abuse even if you did. Indeed, if I were to describe you, I would think that your problem with Trump is more idealistic. The rest of us are probably more pragmatic, which is why we can decry his excesses, while still supporting him enthusiastically.
As for DAG Yates, I fear that you are right. From my view, she is guilty as heck, but of the five on my list, I think that she may be the smartest, and likely did a good job at lawyerly protecting herself. Few of her individual actions were all that bad, on the surface. It was their combination that was so devastating to the Rule of Law. She would tweak this reg this way, and that reg that way, none being more than a mere tweak, but at the end, the Obama Administration could drive a truck through the holes that she had created in the FISA protections against just that sort of political abuse. I expect that her primary vulnerability is her signing the FISA warrant application for Carter Page, after having preapproved it, and pushed it through the DoJ approval process, resulting in the cutting of corners by her subordinates who prepared the approval package for her, and esp with the likelihood of having had actual personal knowledge of the partisan source and problems with the reliance upon the Steele Dossier, esp since AAG Bruce Ohr, whose wife appears to have worked on the Dossier, was a direct report of hers. If anyone can’t skate after signing a FISA warrant application for their agency, based on the underlying paperwork being .in order, it would be Yates and McCabe, thanks to their preapproving the warrant application, and having personal knowledge of its weakness, through their relationship and interactions with Bruce Ohr.
"She probably hasn't gotten wider work in journalism because of her Vaxxer sympathies, and that would be a disqualifier for me too if I were a prospective employer."
Oh my..you are gold today.
My favorite Althouse comments pages of late are the ones where some of the commenters go full tinfoil hat/"Deep State"/conspiracist.
Please, Achilles, you nasty ugly lunatic; point out where I "defended" any illegal domestic spying under the Obama Administration. As for Loretta Lynch, I have written on these comments pages long ago that I thought she should be in jail.
Micheal K says
I will get more optimistic but people "like Chuck" cause me to doubt the future
Chuck responds
I used to have considerable respect for you and your opinions.
But you "doubt the future" because of me? What is that doubt; for the future of the United States of America? The human race? Planet Earth?
Chuck he never says he doubts you. He doubts because people like you and your actions represent, emottional, tribal, reactionaries that refuse to have informed opinions about the structure of our Representative Federalism form of government.
How can a person that claims to be a lawyer have such terrible reading comprehension?
How can a person that claims to be a lawyer have such terrible reading comprehension?
Well, Comrade LLR is hardly the only one whose cogitating has been completely scrambled by the President.
What a sniveling simp.
You're simply a member of the press. Big effin' whoop.
I used to be, too.
Get over yourself. You're not that important.
Chuck said...
Please, Achilles, you nasty ugly lunatic; point out where I "defended" any illegal domestic spying under the Obama Administration.
I quoted it right in that post:
"She has her own Sinclair program, and a completed book deal. She probably hasn't gotten wider work in journalism because of her Vaxxer sympathies, and that would be a disqualifier for me too if I were a prospective employer.
She sued Eric Holder et al, and lost. Which was affirmed on appeal. She was never "jailed," which I mention only because your comment seems to imply that she was. Was any journalist "jailed" after having been "spied on" by the Obama Administration?"
Nobody wants you around Chuck.
The democrats only keep you as a pet.
The republican party and especially the republican voters just don't want you around. We kow you are on the other side.
There are maybe a dozen people that read Bulwark and agree with it.
You are in the most pathetic political tribe to exist in a long time.
Lifelong Cuck doesn't care that the left destroys the country, you see, as no woman would ever want his inferior genetic material and he is in a lifelong sexually monogamous relationship with his hand. He will have no children or grandchildren, has no family that cares about him, and no one will mourn when he dies. The only thing that he cares about is pretending to be a conservative, a lawyer, and not in the closet on blogs where everyone hates him. It is his only joy and purpose in his sad life.
Chuck, why did you put Deep State in scare quotes? Brennan just weaponized the CIA and FBI in an attempt to remove the legitimately elected President of the United States.
And the hill you've chosen to die on is that Trump is uncouth? Seriously?
I was personally opposed to Donald Trump from the time that he was a Republican primary candidate, and was infuriated that he won the nomination.
So? Do you think you're the first Republican unhappy with who won the primaries? We've all had to hold our nose and support the lesser of two evils. That's what being a member of a political party means - you accept the results of the election, unify behind the nominee, keep your trap shut if you can't find anything good to say.
Just like we did when your boys, McCain and Romney, won the nomination.
We didn't stage a nutty, we didn't betray our own people and side with the enemy. We were true to our word.
It's telling that you hope the President of the United States gets charged for some crime. That would hurt America. But as you already betrayed your own people, what's one more treachery?
I've said all this before, it never gets a rise out of you. An actual Republican would be shamed or insulted. But it doesn't bother you because you aren't really a Republican. You're a poser, a concern troll trying to get attention that's missing from your life.
If you are smart you will try to figure out why that is.
"Liberals" (by which I mean of course "tax-happy, coercion-addicted, power-tripping government humpers and State fellators") love to conflate what's coercive and what isn't. I suspect that's to draw attention from their own ill-disguised predilection for swinging the Mailed Fist.
Chuck confesses what we know aboub the left. Any crime will do. Even a manufactured crime.
All while Hillary skates.
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