April 12, 2019

Crazy eyes.


Michael K said...

It's nice that nuts make it so easy to recognize them.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Adam Schit has that look.

mccullough said...

This nitwit Brit blames capitalism. China’s carbon emissions are increasing drastically. China isn’t capitalist.

Moonbat can go take down China if he likes. But he won’t do it.

Crazy bug-eyed Brit

Bay Area Guy said...

"We've got to go straight to the heart of capitalism and overthrow it."

And end all the peace, prosperity and freedom it provides? Why'd we wanna do that?

traditionalguy said...

Kill the pigs! Kill the pigs! Complete fantasy religion has replaced Christianity based civilization. Thanks a lot SCOTUS for oitlawing school prayer. It takes an intellectual to believe anything that stupid.

Tommy Duncan said...

Go straight to the heart of the capitalism that provides me with Internet service, food, clothing and shelter and overthrow it.

23 million Russians and 65 million Chinese were unavailable for comment.

Carol said...

Sanpaku eyes.

How does he feel about the Halocene Epoch? If we fix that we could return to hunting and gathering, but vegan of course.

Bay Area Guy said...

George Moonbat and his Leftwing British pals should consider inviting more Muslims to their storied nation. That would be a good way to overthrow capitalism, and George would get what he wants.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Kill the free exchange of ideas and products and services that make our standard of living the highest in the world.

Good idea. After you kill the goose, then what?

Fernandinande said...

Don't tell the guy that the Green Nude Eel is a fish 'n' chips shop in SoHo.

Fernandinande said...

How does he feel about the Halocene Epoch?

Is "Epoch" the name of Halocene's new album? I haven't heard it yet, so can't comment except snarkily like this.

Bob Boyd said...

Well, he does have a British accent, so obviously we should defer to him on this.

RK said...

AOC gets those eyes too. It's the lefty bug-eye.

buwaya said...

Monbiot has sometimes flirted with sanity, but he always reverts.
I suspect it’s because he has a brand, in the British press, which until very recently was not as controlled as that of the US and had to please the customers.

But the UK has been falling into the US media traps.
The Express, the Times, Sky News are all overtaken by the financial-elite-bureaucratic zeitgeist.

Bay Area Guy said...

"We've got to go straight to the heart of capitalism and overthrow it."

And miss out on the sublime joy of seizing Michael Avennati's $5 Million jet due to unpaid tax liens? Are you crazy?!!?

tcrosse said...

The British climate is near perfect. It would be a shame if it changed.

rcocean said...

Right now, the heart of Capitalism is Zuckerprick, Google, and Apple. Anyone who wants to 'overthrow' them has my support.

rcocean said...

Here's some real crazy eyes:

Crazy Eyes booker

Carter Wood said...

He appears to suffer from hyperthyroidism, hence the bug eyes, which is quite separate from his bizarre world view and policy prescriptions.

buwaya said...

The capitalism that must be overthrown, to be clear, is not that of the City of London, which works through making money out of currency manipulation and debt instruments, and ancillary services, but that of small businesses and actual industrial-commercial firms. The real economy in other words.

This opposition to capitalism is popular among the City elite as that real thing is hopelessly déclassé these days. It’s a funny turn as it used to be that the City people, or the noveau city people, the actual trading floor people, back in the 80s-90s, were “noveau”, and came from mainly the petit-bourgeois or the working class. These were great backers of Thatcher. But fashions and people have changed, and these people are now mainly university-educated and see themselves as a cut above the masses. This is helped along by so many of them being immigrants or children of immigrants, mostly “Asian” of one sort or another.

Francisco D said...

The heart of capitalism is freedom.

Now do you see where the socialists are coming from?

MadisonMan said...

The underlying assumption seems to be that the capitalism to whatever else will also decrease carbon dioxide emissions. Probably true given the extreme economic downturn that will accompany the fall of Capitalism.

I suspect he still won't be happy.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

The only good Commie is a dead Commie. Pinochet had the correct idea.

Bay Area Guy said...

On a somewhat serious note, many historians believe that the chief reason we were able to defeat the Nazis and Japanese in WWII, and save both England and Russia, was due to our industrial might (i.e., our capacity to build a ton of ships, planes and tanks.) We sent millions of tons of capitalist "stuff" over to Europe, along with our brave young fighting men to get the job done.

Didn't the famous Japanese Admiral say, after Pearl Harbor, "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve."

So, it's not too hyperbolic to say that capitalism defeated Nazism.

George Moonbat may wanna read up on this.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Ah, the classic, prototypical moonbat! That takes me back to the good ol' days of blogging, 2000-2006 or so.

He's even cited in the Wiki article for the term: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moonbat

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Bay Area Guy said...On a somewhat serious note, many historians believe that the chief reason we were able to defeat the Nazis and Japanese in WWII, and save both England and Russia, was due to our industrial might (i.e., our capacity to build a ton of ships, planes and tanks.) We sent millions of tons of capitalist "stuff" over to Europe, along with our brave young fighting men to get the job done.

I'm not sure that's even debated much--American money & materiel and Russian bodies won it, no real dispute there.

Ice Nine said...

He doesn't really have crazy eyes. He merely bugs his eyes out when exclaiming vigorously. Crazy eyes is a resting state. See Adam Lanza and Jared Lee Loughner for reference.

Anonymous said...

"We've got to go straight to the heart of capitalism and overthrow it."

Absolutely, because the world over, Socialist countries have demonstrated they are superior stewards of the environment. Russia and China are leaders...

Hagar said...

China and the Russian Federation, Viet Nam, etc., are all very "capitalist" these days. It is their "robber baron" age.

wildswan said...

The comments section of the video has a chart by Cathal Ó'hInnéirí
3h 3 hours ago which shows the impact of getting rid of fossil fuels - that is it shows progressively which nations use the most to the least fossil fuels and from looking at these 17 nations we can see what would happen to our standard of living if the Green New Deal were implemented. In Green New Deal we would go from present consumption to zero, meaning, in terms of standard of living, that we would go from what we have to a Somalian standard of living 17 years from now.

These nations in order are
US 16.5
Australia 15.4
Germany 8.9
China 7.5
United Kingdom
Sweden 4.5
Brazil 2.6
India 1.7
Uganda 0.1
Somalia 0.0

The guy's eyes do bug out when he is making his most ridiculous comments so I suppose he realizes how silly he is and is choking back laughter.

mtrobertslaw said...

We owe a debt to gratitude to Professor Bugeyes for giving us Part 1 of two of what we need to do to save the planet. He has not yet completely figured out Part 2; but it will require the "subtraction" of between 2/3 to 3/4 of the human population As to those who will be assigned a minus sign, well that will be determined by an individual's actual or potential ability to engage in scientific reasoning.

JAORE said...

Let Georgie boy live on the mean global income for a year. Then see if he thinks a 3% increase is extravagant.

The choice he presents, if thought through, is to dramatically drop the living standards of the developed nations or leave the undeveloped nations in abject poverty.

It's a LOT more than giving up airplanes or meat.

[Just like "taxing the rich" would not pay for the programs of the left.]

Birkel said...

Marx popularized the term "capitalism" because he wanted to create a negative association. Why people who favor freedom allows those who would be our masters to define terms escapes me.

Free markets.
Free people.

Those are the proper names for the free exchange of goods whereby both parties gain from trade.

Marxism is slavery and control.

hawkeyedjb said...

I think Somalia is indeed the goal. Why stop at Venezuela?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If we are gonna kill capitalism - Facebook, Google, Amazon, and Youtube first.


StephenFearby said...

Ice Nine said...
"He doesn't really have crazy eyes. He merely bugs his eyes out when exclaiming vigorously. Crazy eyes is a resting state. See Adam Lanza and Jared Lee Loughner for reference."

No, you can tell from the distortion in the edge of his glasses that he's very nearsighted. Probably a -6 diopter correction or more. A better picture of him showing the distortion:


Nearsighted people get that way because the eye elongates when it doesn't get enough dopamine. A recent review:

Prog Retin Eye Res. 2017 Nov;61:60-71.
Dopamine signaling and myopia development: What are the key challenges.


You are absolutely correct that various and sundry crazy mass murderers (like Jared Lee Loughner) wear glasses with hyper myopia corrections.

Oxidative stress and inflammation in the brain (which is associated with various DSM diagnoses) reduces brain circulation...which impairs the eye getting enough dopamine generated in other parts of the brain.

Schizophr Res. 2009 Feb;107(2-3):238-41.
Refractive errors and schizophrenia.

Refractive errors (myopia, hyperopia and amblyopia), like schizophrenia, have a strong genetic cause, and dopamine has been proposed as a potential mediator in their pathophysiology.


Now, this doesn't mean if you have a strong correction in your glasses you could be a mass murderer. But, then again, if you ARE very nearsighted, out of an abundance of caution the TSA might decide place you on their watch list. Then you would be screwed.

You might have to get a note from your doctor (renewed every three years) certifying that you're not crazy. But maybe you wouldn't need one if you travel with a certified therapy animal (or reptile).

There are all kinds of ways to beat the system.

JPS said...

Bay Area Guy, 10:14:

Good points - but I don't think Monbiot is willing to sacrifice capitalism to fight climate change; rather, he wants to get rid of capitalism anyway, and see climate change as a potentially effective justification. Without it, he'd find another.

"Didn't the famous Japanese Admiral say, after Pearl Harbor, 'I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.'"

I always thought so! Even remember a history professor quoting him thus in college. But it seems to have come from Tora, Tora, Tora. Here's "Respectfully Quoted: A Dictionary of Quotations":

"No evidence exists that these words were Yamamoto’s. However, in a letter to Ogata Taketora, dated January 9, 1942, Yamamoto wrote, "A military man can scarcely pride himself on having ‘smitten a sleeping enemy’; in fact, to have it pointed out is more a matter of shame.”—Hirosuki Asawa, The Reluctant Admiral, trans. John Bester, p. 285 (1979)."


But yes, Yamamoto understood us well, and had some excellent reservations about the attack he executed, having argued hard against it and lost.

The Drill SGT, 10:32:

"Socialist countries have demonstrated they are superior stewards of the environment."

I always think of that lake in Russia where you could, if you were so inclined, have picked up a lethal dose of radiation by standing at the edge for an hour. (They've dried it and filled it since then.)

walter said...

Paul Whittaker
‏ @paulwhit22
5h5 hours ago
Replying to @novaramedia @ClimateDepot @GeorgeMonbiot

He's ridiculous. The climate isn't having a breakdown; he is.

RobinGoodfellow said...

On the Crazy Ryes scale of Orange is the New Black to Alexandria Occasional-Cortex, Monbiot rates a Heaven’s Gate.

buwaya said...

I have had severe myopia since at least the age of 6. -9 or so these days.
There is no question that I have it from my mother as she is also very myopic, to about the same degree.

I dont think my eyes have ever bugged out though. I have always had small eyes in relation to my head. None of my defects have shown up in our kids, thanks be to God. None are myopic.

I wouldnt mind having a therapy reptile, but my choice of creature might be a bit inconvenient. Depending on where we retire, perhaps, I may look into creating a crocodile-pit. Every municipality needs one after all.

rcocean said...

Capitalism didn't defeat the Axis. The American people did - with help from Russian Communists, British Socialists, and non-capitalist Mao and Chiang Kai-shek.
The USA top tax rate during WW2 was 90%. Don't confuse industry with capitalism. Nobody in WW2 died to make the world safe for Wall Street.

robother said...

When you're a socialist hammer, every problem looks like a capitalist nail.

With the failure of communism in the USSR and European Communist states, and China's capitulation to crony capitalism, it took Western leftists what, 8-10 years to turn Green, and decide that Capitalism was destroying the very Earth itself.

Yancey Ward said...

Perhaps hyperthyroidism causes you to be nuts.

Seeing Red said...

Top tax rate was 90%, but oh, those deductions!

Seeing Red said...

Britain also had a 90% tax rate in the 70s, no real deductions and movie stars stars fleeing.

Alex said...

Who else thinks Scott Adams is playing 4D chess while everyone else is playing checkers lately? A little while ago I was feeling infuriated by some of the things Adams was saying, but now I'm beginning to realize he's a pretty smart guy.

narciso said...

Monbiot, the original moonbat, well who's not one in the intellectual media circles,

narciso said...

that tommy 'the cork' Corcoran, invented after advising fdr on pushing those taxes.

Jaq said...

"Socialist countries have demonstrated they are superior stewards of the environment."

This is why the Democrats focus on young voters who don’t remember what Eastern Europe was like when the wall came down. They burned coal contaminated with uranium. If the government fined them for some environmental trespass, they went to the government for the money to pay the fine.

Curious George said...

"MadisonMan said...
The underlying assumption seems to be that the capitalism to whatever else will also decrease carbon dioxide emissions. Probably true given the extreme economic downturn that will accompany the fall of Capitalism."

When everyone starts burning wood to keep warm there won't be a tree left to absorb all the CO2 from the fires. The smoke will blot out the sun.

Robert Cook said...

"This nitwit Brit blames capitalism. China’s carbon emissions are increasing drastically. China isn’t capitalist."

It's not?

Jaq said...

No, China is fascist, which is but a short step from communist. Capitalism would require some degree of human freedom.

narciso said...

it's politics are more corporatist, it's economics are more capitalist, in the corrupted robber baron model,

Jaq said...

Fascism and corporatism are the same thing. They are the fraternal twin of communism.

Jaq said...

Communism and fascism hate each other so much not because they are so different, but because they are so much alike. It’s like “The Troubles” in Ireland, boy did they hate each other, but outsiders couldn’t tell them apart without a scorecard.

Robert Cook said...

"The only good Commie is a dead Commie. Pinochet had the correct idea."

Why limit your praises to Pinochet? There are plenty of other murderous dictators you didn't mention.

Robert Cook said...

"China and the Russian Federation, Viet Nam, etc., are all very 'capitalist' these days. It is their 'robber baron' age."

Ours, too. But then, it always has been for us, except for a few decades in the 20th Century.

narciso said...

yes provos were catholic, Marxist learning, orange loyalists were protestant leading in a tory like direction, similar with Christian and shia militias in Lebanon, like the phalange and the amal, who split to form Hezbollah, the red and green gangs in pre revolutionary china,

Bilwick said...

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (alias "Chiquita Khrushchev") protests: "Hey, guy, I OWN crazy eyes! Get your own disturbing trademark!"

narciso said...

still carrying a torch for Allende, cook, Pinochet advised but not dependent on the Chicago school, the last of which pinera, is the current president, tried to implement a model closest to havek to ring out the hyperinflation of the previous era,

Big Mike said...

The US version of highly regulated capitalism opens opportunities for people with talent who are willing to work hard -- and even people with modest levels of talent who are willing to work hard.

Cookies hates US capitalism.

What do we conclude from that?

Wince said...

Larry David Meets Krazee Eyez Killa

"You know, I’m gonna be like this in the video, like…"

Robert Cook said...

"Cookies hates US capitalism.

"What do we conclude from that?"

That I'm good on the dance floor and a snappy dresser?

narciso said...

no, not at all:


JaimeRoberto said...

Keep a camera on someone long enough you can always get a picture of them looking crazy.

Achilles said...

Big Mike said...

Cookies hates US capitalism.

What do we conclude from that?

Option 1: That he is stupid.

Option 2: That he wants millions of people to die in purges and starve to death.

traditionalguy said...

The entire New World Religion that wants to end capitalism depends on the false assumption that CO2 is a bad thing. That is exactly wrong. CO2 is a beneficial trace gas that fertilizes plants and has ZERO effect on warming the atmosphere. These cultists have driven the world insane with $200 billion in false propaganda over the past 30 years.

Michael K said...

There are plenty of other murderous dictators you didn't mention.

Because he is the only one who saved his country. All your heroes destroyed theirs.

Bay Area Guy said...

Free markets
Free people
Constitutional Republic
Rule of Law
Judeo-Christian Values

Keepin' it simple, Moonbat

Jaq said...

I once watched a documentary that was supposedly sympathetic to all of those “disappeared” and they spent a lot of time talking to their families. Oddly, the famililies of the disappeared were pretty much all Cuban communists, many of them still in Cuba, or working for the Cuban government trying to export their revolution. I. suppose it would have been better had the Cubans succeeded into turning the country into another prison like Cuba where exactly one family becomes fabulously rich and everybody else is scraping by for food.

Maillard Reactionary said...

Yeah, he's got the look.

AOC's gonna have a new squeeze, I bet.

Rusty said...

"Capitalism didn't defeat the Axis. The American people did."
There was something called ,"Lend Lease".
You bet your ass capitalism defeated the axis. We out produced evrybody. I took Japan two years to build a capital aircraft carrier. It took the US six months, a month for a jeep carrier. 20% of Soviet airpalnes were made in America and nearly 100% of their trucks. We built and supplied amunition factories for Russia. Niether Japan or Germany could replace what was destroyed fast enough. We supplied both Britain and France with tanks. Ford didn't know shit about building airplans. He built the factory that built the B24. Chrysler built a factory that built M4s. Thousands of them. We fought two major wars thousands of miles fronm our boarders and the men and allies that fought them wanted for nothing.

effinayright said...

Carter Wood said...
He appears to suffer from hyperthyroidism, hence the bug eyes, which is quite separate from his bizarre world view and policy prescriptions.

Either that, or he's an unacknowledged son of the late Marty Feldman.


effinayright said...

Robert Cook said...
"This nitwit Brit blames capitalism. China’s carbon emissions are increasing drastically. China isn’t capitalist."

It's not?


OK, Cook, I'll bite: are you saying that the Chinese economic system is the same as America's?

Compare and contrast, f you dare.

narciso said...

in chile, Allende's son in law, was a Cuban intelligence officer, he let them honeycomb his fledging popular front regime, Roberto ampuero, writes of that time, in argentina, the guerillas were peronistas, on the far left wing, those were the montoneros, they followed a playbook that had failed in brazil, would fail in Uruguay, and later argentina,

I'm Full of Soup said...

He's just another journalist "expert" who has no science background. He's the British version of our own dopey loon Bill McKibben.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

How nice that a boring cartoonist who wrote a strip about fat, eyeball-less oafs consigned to drab existences in corporate cubicles thinks he has all the answers to everything and about everyone in life.

Can this guy seriously shut the fuck up at long last? Who told him his fifteen minutes were supposed to last this long? It's amazing he even got five.

He seriously needs to just shut the fuck up. Better wisdom can be found among tarot card readers.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The entire New World Religion that wants to end capitalism depends on the false assumption that CO2 is a bad thing. That is exactly wrong. CO2 is a beneficial trace gas that fertilizes plants and has ZERO effect on warming the atmosphere. These cultists have driven the world insane with $200 billion in false propaganda over the past 30 years.

Yeah, good thing that no one ever proposed eliminating it from the atmosphere, dummy.

But if cultists like you can't differentiate between the amount of something and the existence of something then I propose you put a bag over your head and find out how wonderful breathing pure CO2 might be for you.

Milwaukie guy said...

Allende was arming up his leftist militias to seize full power. I always hate the old lie that the CIA overthrew Allende. Allende was tossed by the Chilean armed forces, who didn't need any help. The U.S. did tell Pinochet before hand that we wouldn't mind if he did.

narciso said...

he's now the foreign minister,


Monbiot is in the tradition of wells, Russell, shaw, all followed stalin's precepts, Russell did want to nuke Russia before they got the nuke in 49

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

CO2 doesn't "fertilize" plants. It's incorporated into their carbon cycle so that they can make the energy forms they and we use to undergo metabolism.

Anyone who refers to CO2 as a "fertilizer" is about as smart as someone who would call a potato a mineral.

narciso said...

they are that brazen:


narciso said...

science how does it work:


chuck said...

> We supplied both Britain and France with tanks.

Also Russia, the first Soviet tanks into Berlin were Shermans. See also Soviet Shermans.

Milwaukie guy said...

CO2 may not be a "fertilizer" but greenhouse owners have spied a way to get greater growth, kick the PPM to 1000. Eleventy!!!

Jaq said...

CO2 doesn't "fertilize" plants. It's incorporated into their carbon cycle so that they can make the energy forms they and we use to undergo metabolism

Right, they breathe it in and make energy reserves out of it. So it’s more analogous to plant food, not “fertilizer,” only a moron would believe that one!

Chipotle said...

For socialism's care for the environment, see Bitterfeld entry in Wikipedia (or many new items from around 1990, when the disaster was revealed): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bitterfeld

Josephbleau said...

Yes but Ford built the Tri Motor in 1925, a pretty good aircraft for its time, but Henry bought Stout Co. to design and build it for him. Ford stopped making aircraft in 1936 but got the air corps to build him the largest mfg plant in the world at Willow Run MI to make Consolidated B-24's. Henry built Edsil a Bleriot type aircraft in 1909 but it went into a tree, I understand.

rcocean said...

"You bet your ass capitalism defeated the axis."

NO. the American People defeated the Axis. The idea that some fat-cats on Wall Street "defeated Hitler" - is laughable. The people who stayed home and "Made money" didn't win WW2. Its average Joe's who went into the Armed Forces - 15 million of them. And average people who worked in shipyards and factories.

Capitalism didn't win a fucking thing in WW2. Engineers, scientists, Steelworkers, farmers, Coal-miners, and the Armed forces did.

rcocean said...

You know who really defeated the Axis? American Lawyers. Hitler took one look at the that Killer legal brief written by FDR's attorney General and committed suicide.

znaiman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
znaiman said...

Trump International Crime Syndicate said...
CO2 doesn't "fertilize" plants. It's incorporated into their carbon cycle so that they can make the energy forms they and we use to undergo metabolism.

Anyone who refers to CO2 as a "fertilizer" is about as smart as someone who would call a potato a mineral.

"Understanding the effects of climate change is vital for food security. Among the most important environmental impacts of climate change is the direct effect of increased atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration ([CO2]) on crop yields, known as the CO2 fertilization effect."

That's from a Nature paper called "How much has the increase in atmospheric CO2 directly affected past soybean production?"
Sakurai et al (2014) conclude "The estimated average yields during 2002–2006 in the USA, Brazil, and China were 4.34%, 7.57%, and 5.10% larger, respectively, than the average yields estimated using the atmospheric [CO2] of 1980."

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"Understanding the effects of climate change is vital for food security. Among the most important environmental impacts of climate change is the direct effect of increased atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration ([CO2]) on crop yields, known as the CO2 fertilization effect."

That's from a Nature paper called "How much has the increase in atmospheric CO2 directly affected past soybean production?"
Sakurai et al (2014) conclude "The estimated average yields during 2002–2006 in the USA, Brazil, and China were 4.34%, 7.57%, and 5.10% larger, respectively, than the average yields estimated using the atmospheric [CO2] of 1980."

Thanks for posting it twice. Anyway, this idea of increasing global temps to improve agricultural yields is a fascinating one. I guess that's why the breadbaskets of the world exist in very hot places like Saudi Arabia, the Middle East, North Africa, the Sahara desert, Ethiopia, Southern Nevada, etc. Yeah, let's get our temperatures closer to theirs. Max out the CO2 - that should make up for it, especially once we flood out more arable land with encroaching coastlines. Republicans are real deep thinkers and problem solvers - that's why the fossil fuel lobbyists trust them to make independent decisions and totally don't need to buy off their campaigns for them to toe the anti-sustainability propaganda or anything.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Soybeans. Great crop for manly beta conservative cucks. Tofu, tempeh and lots of other GMO-patented phytoestrogens for you betas to grow out your breasts to.

"Food security" should definitely get greater priority over land security. More droughts in Syria will be a great way to push out millions more Mid-East refugees through the rest of the world. Conservatives love that shit, I hear. Go droughts! Go floods! Go away, coastlines!

Pretty cool how T-Rump says he needs a sea wall around his Scottish golf courses to combat climate change but pretends not to believe it when he wants to scare up the ever-dwindling number of American coal-mining votes.

That's probably because he's a liar of course. But you already knew that.

mockturtle said...

The British climate is near perfect. It would be a shame if it changed.

This is a joke, right, tcrosse? I mean, you weren't serious. Were you?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Monbiot's right, anyway. GDP is an arbitrary measure. Andrew Yang seems to have this stuff figured out. But Scott Adams has an MBA, which is a great degree for presidents like W. who nearly crashed the country into the next Great Depression. He envisions life as a cubicle-based exercise. When will fuckfaces like that stop being listened to? If his kind had the right answers for America then maybe we wouldn't be experiencing the third consecutive year of declining life expectancy. But he sure does read a lot into a freeze-frame. Impressive stuff. Eyeballs are bad apparently, which I guess is why the characters he drew didn't have any.

Back on planet Earth, normal people know you can't trust anyone who won't show you their eyes.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Since when do conservaturds care about defeating the Axis powers? The whole reason they gave us Ronnie Reagan and the four decades of American "carnage" (in the words of their leader, T-Rump) was out of resentment for not having an FDR of their own. And probably due to guilt for the way their asinine policies gave us 1929, a global depression, and the rise of the same European fascism that the Axis grew out of - but that's another story. They still can't believe that the laws of the universe can exist without petitioning a fossil fuel company's board of directors for permission, along with heavy input from that company's political lobbying wing.

Robert Cook said...

"'There are plenty of other murderous dictators you didn't mention.'

"Because he is the only one who saved his country. All your heroes destroyed theirs."

Ah...no. I don't have any heroes who have served as heads of state, and certainly no one who committed mass murder, torture, etc. is a hero to me, but a villain. (That includes not just the usual foreign heads of state Americans always name check as world villains, but many of our own presidents.)

narciso said...

Odd there was a medieval warming at a time the population was a fraction of what it is today, there was a precipitous cooling that likely lead to the French revokution

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Odd there was a medieval warming at a time the population was a fraction of what it is today...

If earth make warming then humans can't! Not possible for humans to affect environment! Not possible! Only geology can do this! Nature is supernatural! It can do anything! (Except respond predictably to all the carbon we've dumped into the atmosphere, apparently).

Republicans are a total logic fail on every conceivable level. A moral fail, too.

narciso said...

Cookie worships stalin and mao, between then they killed 100 million no surprise he would be jaundiced till America and the west, at the best hes like harold lasik whi wanted FDR to nationalize all industry.

FIDO said...

Environmentalists are always ascetics, it seems.

I have had them rail against even wind turbines. They are not 'for' any kind of additional power. Instead, they prefer wind turbines (a kick in the shin) vs. Natural Gas (a kick in the nads) or nuclear (a kick in the throat).

But at the end of the day, these same enviro weenies will protest against turbines because 'migration', 'wetlands', 'aesthetics', whatever argument can be made to give people LESS energy (food...freedom).

This is a severe flaw in their character and more people should catch onto this.

Please note that this 'less is less' doesn't actually apply to them. THEY, haughty and sophisticated people that they are, can actually appreciate travel and seeing whales, butterflies, or swimming with dolphins.

It is when the icky proles who do it that cheapens the experience.

narciso said...

The one fault if the 1920s was that the western powers slashed their armies heck they were even naive enough to believe thet could outlaw by treaty Kellogg briand meanwhile the Soviet union hid and supplied the reuchswehr in their territory. Hoover did turn a minor downturn into a major depression. Far Madeira t worse

narciso said...

What was the big fault that underlay the last economic downturn, trying to artificially create a housing matter that was not sustainable

Jaq said...

If you really get Pee Pee Tapes going, he will tell you about how Republicans are responsible for Stalin, not communism. It’s a hoot. In his world, Republicans are responsible for everything evil in the whole world, and communism has never been tried.

Nichevo said...

But if cultists like you can't differentiate between the amount of something and the existence of something then I propose you put a bag over your head and find out how wonderful breathing pure CO2 might be for you.

What you describe is a known cure for hyperventilating and Ritmo, you should give it a whirl once in a while. I say this with affection ;-)

narciso said...

I state two case studies the medieval warming that may have led to the black death and the bitter 18th and early 19rh winter which may have provoked revolution.

n.n said...

Hoover did turn a minor downturn into a major depression

Or FDR turned a recurring recession into a major depression through a progressive misalignment (e.g. debt, credit) in the system.

Nichevo said...

Ah...no. I don't have any heroes who have served as heads of state

Cook, you don't appear to have any heroes at all. You never have anything nice to say about anybody. It's impossible to get you to actually defend someone doing something. It's so much easier for you to be negative and attack. Especially when you are a loner with no skin in the game. No stake in the future. Nobody has yet gotten you to define who is a leftist. I think the fallacy that applies to your shtick is No True Scotsman.

Alex said...

Can anyone tell me why Ann turned off full moderation? It seems all nasty trolls are back with a vengeance, ruining this blog yet again.

Gotagonow said...

I was intrigued by his use of "rewilding" - a new word for me today! I know that wilding was a term used to refer to youths rampaging at random, attacking people, usually in Central Park.

I started googling other possible terms - no luck: perhaps "miswilding" is attempting to rewild, but placing kangaroos in Wisconsin, or wild jackasses in Washington. Transwilding: the act of transitioning slowly by walking back global warming: expanding Central Park by a square mile per year until New York goes away (or to Florida).

Sam L. said...

Monbiot: The Man for whom "Moonbat" was named.

Gotagonow, do you REALLY think there'd be TAME jackasses in DC?

Bilwick said...

"Can anyone tell me why Ann turned off full moderation? It seems all nasty trolls are back with a vengeance, ruining this blog yet again."

Yes, I hadn't seen any posts from Ritmo for a while and I assumed he had probably overdosed on his meds.

Anonymous said...

It appears moderation has lapsed. This particular comment section has become infested by TICS.

Anonymous said...

I would expect the Moonbat to have crazy eyes.

"Back on planet Earth, normal people know you can't trust anyone who won't show you their eyes."

We can't trust blind people.

Rusty said...

NO. the American People defeated the Axis. The idea that some fat-cats on Wall Street "defeated Hitler"
Capitalism is a process practiced by everyone. It isn't just the people that own the factories. Labor is a commodity.

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