April 17, 2019

"Calls for 'civility' in politics are as likely to elicit ridicule as they are plaudits these days..."

Oh, yes, I've been ridiculing what I call "civility bullshit" for years.
... due in large part to their repeated deployment in the face of escalating state violence. 
What?! I'm trying to read "Why ‘Civility’ Protects Dan Crenshaw But Not Ilhan Omar" by Zak Cheney-Rice (NY Magazine), which looked like it was right up my alley but up my alley and off somewhere I wouldn't go.

What "state violence" is Cheney-Rice talking about? His next paragraph is about whether harassing former Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen is acceptable because the government has been "locking children in cages." He weasels a semi-generalization:
Where one falls on this spectrum in any given instance is often, but not always, a partisan calculation.
My point is that it's always bullshit. "Civility" is not your value. It's a fake value, presented as real when it serves your partisan interests and subordinated whenever it doesn't.

Cheney-Rice has something to say about the Ilhan Omar business, and it's too complicated to attempt to excerpt here. Somehow "civility" is supposed to be in play when people are simply harshly criticizing Omar for sounding insufficiently somber about 9/11. There's a very strained effort to equate vigorous criticism with the incitement of violence, so that saying Omar sounded almost as though she were laughing at 9/11 is the same as saying that Omar ought to suffer physical attacks. We're told that she gets death threats, and that seems to be offered as a reason why she should be spared verbal attacks responding to the public statements that she chooses to make. Her antagonists would be fools to stand down either because of the phony "civility" argument or because her proponents display a willingness to connect public verbal opposition to her to these unsourced death threats.

Congressman Dan Crenshaw criticized Omar, and then Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez criticized Crenshaw. Somebody else pushed Ocasio-Cortez back for incivility to Crenshaw, and Cheney-Rice says, "Bad-faith outcries about civility aimed at deflecting from Republican misdeeds are the order of the day." Yes, and what else is new? Bad-faith outcries about civility are the only kind of outcries about civility we ever get in American politics — this day or any other day, from Republicans or Democrats or anybody.

Cheney-Rice has not explained "Why ‘Civility’ Protects Dan Crenshaw But Not Ilhan Omar." Civility doesn't "protect" anyone. Civility is just a transitory condition that might make some people feel better when it's blowing in their direction, but it's nothing you can rely on, and you ought to assume it's there only because those who are blowing it think it's good for them. The prevailing winds of civility may favor Crenshaw over Omar at the moment, but civility bullshit is subject to constant change. I see that Cheney-Rice would like to force the change, and of course, he's free to bullshit about bullshit.


gspencer said...


"If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen"

Sometimes, but quite infrequently, a Democrat hits the right note.

Fernandinande said...

"Why ‘Civility’ Protects Dan Crenshaw But Not Ilhan Omar" by Zak Cheney-Rice

Correctly predicted from that text: Zak be black.

SGT Ted said...

Cheney-Rice's civility bullshit is very similar to the "it's ok to punch Nazis" circular logic. These fascists seek to paint their political foes as monsters in order to justify violence, all the while claiming that verbal criticism directed towards them is akin to actual violence.

This is right out of the campus SJW cry-bully playbook. make some outrageous grossly offensive statement and then pretend to be a Big Victim needing interventive protection from authority when criticized for it.

Fen said...
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Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Conservative speech is violence.

Progressive violence is speech.

Fen said...

"Lo, when I call for civility I mean for you to lay down your sword so I may decapitate you and bathe in your blood" - Fenrisulven 10:3

SGT Ted said...

Anti-Semites and Islamofascists like Ilhan Omar deserve the lack of civility directed towards them. That people are refusing to let her hide behind her faux victim skin color or sex should be the norm.

Drago said...

SGT Ted: "This is right out of the campus SJW cry-bully playbook. make some outrageous grossly offensive statement and then pretend to be a Big Victim needing interventive protection from authority when criticized for it."

This is also de rigueur on the LLR-left.

Michael K said...

The woman who assaulted Kellyanne Conway in a restaurant had charges dropped. More civility,

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Annie C - that's it.

Big Mike said...
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Chris N said...

Since we're bullshitting about bullshit, I wonder what kind of established data sets there are about Ideologies and political ideals replacing absentee family members, especially fathers.

Both Clinton and Obama lacked fathers in their lives, and came to depend upon surrogates (family members, mentors, institutions etc.). I presume this breeds some hatred, envy and resentment combined with reliance, dependency and respect. Both had the ambition to be in charge of everyone else, but how they envisioned that role in lieu of fatherlessness might be worth thinking about.

They're also guys who relied much more on a 'cool' image to appeal to younger, poorer and more female voters (boyfriend. People who have so little that in exchange for your vote they'll take 'hope' can't even wear a suit and play the game better.

How about not just chucking our institutions (family, academies) over to devil-may-care change agents without a little more thought?

tim maguire said...

Some people make it point of honor to be civil and it is possible to register blistering criticism while remaining civil. That said, yes, "civility" is sword and shield employed strategically in politics.

While it would not surprise me to find that Omar has received unfair and uncivil criticism, the things she complains loudest about are completely fair and civil. And while I am prepared to accept that she has received death threats, most things that called death threats these days are nothing of the sort, but are rather just uncivil behavior gussied up to justify efforts to silence legitimate criticism.

SGT Ted said...

Omar is a member of Congress. She can easily have any real death threats investigated by the FBI. I don't believe her claims that she has gotten any death threats.

Big Mike said...

II note that we only Omar’s word for it that she has received death threats. Considering that Somalia is otherwise most famous for its pirates, it seems to me that we should look for corroboration before accepting her word.

effinayright said...

Michael K said...
The woman who assaulted Kellyanne Conway in a restaurant had charges dropped. More civility,

Conway should sue her in civil court. Make'em pay for their violence.

effinayright said...

Crenshaw could probably win the White House some day by claiming that his black eyepatch was originally AOC's thong.

Chris N said...

And now we're getting some urban districts electing vaguely socialist radicals gaming the identity game.

It's fairly clear to me, anyways, there's been a lot bad stewardship of much that matters.

SGT Ted said...

Oh and civility protects people like Dan Crenshaw because he is obviously a decent guy, whereas Chiquita Kruchev-AOC and Ilhan Omar are not decent people, but are ardent members of leftwing hate groups that target people because of their skin color or ethnicity.

traditionalguy said...

Don't you know that all rules must suspended in the presence of a follower of Mohammed.They are totally superior and all other thoughts or expressions are forbidden on the penalty of death.Once you get that basic Sharia Law concept , then all this makes sense.

Fox News understands it.

Matt said...

Bah. All's fair in political discourse. There are a certain number of Americans who think Ilhan Omar's true loyalty is to Islam and that we never should have let her into the country to begin with. If they can elect a representative who agrees with them, why aren't they entitled to have their voices heard? There are also a certain number of Americans who think that 9/11 was no big deal or just desserts for American foreign and domestic policy failures. Again, why aren't they entitled to have their opinion heard in the public square?

What gives the center-left and center-right establishment the right to police acceptable and unacceptable political discourse?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Omar is vile. She just is. Anyone who would come to her rescue is a creep too.

Fen said...

"And as the Angel rose up to smite them, they cried out: 'Mercy! Mercy! We are not vermin to be exterminated with such brutality!'. And She was shamed and stayed Her wrath. And as She wept they slipped in behind Her and cleaved Her into halves. One, they mounted in camp as a trophy, the other they feasted on like the vermin they are" - The Book of Fen

mccullough said...

Trump treats Omar like he treats all his opponents, equally.

Her whining about it and the support she gets from whiners like this Zak guy isn’t changing Trump. He’s not Mitt Romney or Jeb! Bush. This bullshit doesn’t work on him. He couldn’t give a fuck about this crybully tactic.

If Omar doesn’t like criticism she should resign. Go lecture at an Ivy League school where they will fire, expel, and silence any of her critics.

This isn’t Minneapolis. Not a bunch of pussy white liberals who live on their knees waiting to get their heads chopped off by Omar’s cousins.

Leland said...

What a last name to have and discussing DC politics. I suspect it is a pen name.

It seems every public figure receives death threats these days. Even none public figures still get them when they are video taped waiting for a bus in DC and made into news. If you want a death threat, cut someone off while driving and brake check them. Better yet, just drive carefully. If you want a world with fewer death threats, then don't excuse violence by people who share your bias. On this, Cheney-Rice fails and becomes just another partisan hack to ignore.

He's not calling for civility. He's calling for unilateral disarmament by his opponents on the basis they hold a stronger and more threatening position. By any measure, that's an irrational act on his part.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Omar was ill-prepared for normal criticisms of her office, protected as she was by the DFL-Media complex in MN from having to answer normal routine questions. She has always been thin skinned and abusive towards any media critters that ask difficult questions. Her contempt for Christians and Jews is hardly concealed. The only two public policies she spoke in favor of were to stop punishment of MN teenagers who joined Al Queda and to use public money to support CAIR.

Quaestor said...

I'm launching a new killer app. Using neural net AI developed from a UC Berkeley Antifa's dissected brain (that's real artificial intelligence, folks) and a source-routed VPN my new app will instantly generate threatening comments on Facebook pages, Instagram feeds, and Twitter streams up to and including promises to punch, pummel, hospitalize, and kill you, the app user, with complete anonymity, or at least sufficient anonymity to get you a guest appearance on the Rachael Maddow Show. Its called DEATH THREATS R US. Look for it on Google Play.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Jussie Smollett GETS to design and execute a fake hate crime and get away with it.

This is life now in corrupt leftwing Banana Republic America. you're a hater if you point it out.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hillary Clinton GETS to set up and use a PRIVATE SERVER white head of the STATE DEPT. and hse GETS to use it to stuff Russian money into her private coffers.

civility bullshit. Criminality bullshit.

narciso said...

This is how mma rules play elsewhere:


mccullough said...

All criticisms are death threats is a tactic to persuade weak minded progressives.

Of course when Bernie criticizes Republicans and one of them gets shot by the President of the Bernie Sanders Fan Club these disingenuous scum deflect.

Bernie is worried about Omar while he doesn’t accept any responsibility for his Biggest Fan’s shooting of Scalise.

Bernie is a scum. A Millionaire Scumbag

wwww said...

"Civility is just a transitory condition that might make some people feel better when it's blowing in their direction, but it's nothing you can rely on, and you ought to assume it's there only because those who are blowing it think it's good for them."

1. Is this statement about Politics? Or do you posit that All civility in All Social Interaction is hypocritical and therefore should be disregarded as a social practice?

2. The new computer technology makes humans much more accessible to each other. Humans can converse without introductions. In the 19th-century, calling cards were common. Privacy was more valued and protected. It was not assumed one would be available to be social with others. With the introduction of one phone into the domestic household, there was some concern it would be an unacceptable invasion of privacy.

Now cell phones are ubiquitous. Twitter, the internet, facebook, instagram, the technology pushes humans to be accessible to each other outside of kin, professional, or friendship networks. It has effects on how humans socialize. I'm conscious of the lack of privacy, and the lack of civility. I do not have a twitter or instagram account. There's something to be said to understanding the value of your in-person, real-life social networks.

hawkeyedjb said...

"Death threats." Huh. They don't mean nuthin' if they're on paper (or pixels). I can send myself death threats all day, and so what? Steve Scalise gets to complain about death threats. The rest of you, stop with the phony whining.

Mike Sylwester said...

I just love the word cry-bully.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Cry-bully Perfect. the left, encapsulated.

Henry said...

Cheney-Rice just discovered how "I'm rubber, you're glue" works. That's worth a column.

rhhardin said...

Ilhan Omar was japped.

Known Unknown said...


Is his middle name Bush?

The Vault Dweller said...

I will agree that 'civility bullshit' when it comes to statements people make regarding politics is the right description for complaints about tone. Going up to someone while they are eating, or maybe just out in a park with their kids, and screaming at them about how awful and evil they are, does seem to cross a line of civility to me. It also crosses a line of civility when someone says something political you don't like and you try to get them fired from their job. (Politicians excepted of course) But when it comes to just the tone of statements made by people and not the manner in which those statements are made or the underlying goal of those statements, nearly all calls for civility are bullshit.

Patrick said...

Your Civility Bullshit trash is the most insightful and most interesting tag on this, or any blog. It is an accurate reflection of three motivation behind Every call for civility.

Known Unknown said...

Crenshaw was 'attacked' due to his appearance. Omar for her words. That's the difference that Mr. W's Cabinet fails to see.

mrsizer said...

What "state violence" is Cheney-Rice talking about?

Right? There are all these claims made about the evil designs of the Trump administration, but I have yet to see any new state violence; just the same stuff that's been going on forever (e.g. Ruby Ridge, Waco, SWAT teams killing the wrong folks, etc...).

tcrosse said...

Does it constitute a death threat to tell somebody to FOAD?

cf said...

haha, great chat today, all real and true and good, BleachBit you should be on twitter! salud to all the smarts in the House, clink!

Jeff Brokaw said...

Some things are so stupid only an intellectual would believe it.

The entire media eco-system is teeming with such people. Their complaints are disguised — they think — by flowery ten-dollar words and complicated sentences and sloppy thinking, but then, Orwell warned us about that in “Politics and the English Language”. Google it and read it, it’s a masterpiece of clear writing backed by clear thinking.

Orwell had these people figured out 75 years ago.

stevew said...

Civility is something one does, not something demands from others. You are more likely to be treated in a civil fashion if you behave in a civil manner, not because you demand it. Verbal criticism of actions and ideas is never violence. Never.

Achilles said...

These people are enemies of freedom.

They are being protected by the rule of law.

They are trying to destroy the rule of law.

They don’t realize it is the only thing protecting them now. They have convinced enough people they are unwilling to allow us to be free and are more like the taliban than they are Americans. The taliban has mobs running around and attacking people in public too.

Scott M said...

which looked like it was right up my alley but up my alley and off somewhere I wouldn't go.

I'm embarrassed that I had re-read that sentence so many times to get it right. The obvious jokes kept getting in the way, demanding my attention.

Bay Area Guy said...

Until the Cry-Bullies start allowing right of center speakers on college campuses to give speeches, it's best to ignore their lamentations.

By the way, we love Dan Crenshaw, and want him to run for President after Trump.

SGT Ted said...

What "state violence" is Cheney-Rice talking about?

Using the same detention facilities the Obama administration to keep kids in cages.

But, really, the "State violence" claim is a bullshit excuse for the fascists to justify their violent and crude behavior towards people who disagree with them. It is of a piece with "punching Nazis".

SGT Ted said...

Achilles has it right; these are enemies of liberty trying to bring about the usual socialist authoritarian slave state where they get to rule over others and loot the bank accounts of their enemies.

They will always claim that looting other peoples bank accounts is for the "common good" and that they deserve to live lavish life styles while their policies impoverish the rest of us.

Michael K said...


narciso, we listened to the audiobook of "Under Fire" the Fred Burton book about Benghazi. Pretty good although it was written in 2014 and they are careful about Obama and Hillary. No mention of Carter Ham being relieved 5 minutes after he decided to send a team on a rescue mission.

Libya was another triumph of Obama/Hillary foreign policy,

Big Mike said...

Civility is good, and day to day I endeavor to be civil even in the face of provocation. But if you get in my face, I will climb right back into yours, and if you try to sucker punch me from behind, as Conway was attacked, I will send you to the hospital. Is that okay with everyone? Not that it matters.

Michael K said...

By the way, we love Dan Crenshaw, and want him to run for President after Trump.

He would be interesting but I am also a fan of Greg Abbot. It would be interesting to have the second president in a wheelchair. He has been a judge, including the Texas Supreme Court, and governor with a pretty conservative record.

Francisco D said...

Conservative speech is violence. Progressive violence is speech.

I am afraid that is what is being taught on college campuses.

If you want to see where the Democrat Party is headed, spend a little time at a "woke" college.

Bay Area Guy said...

Regarding "punching Nazis"

The Left's Two step approach

1. Falsely accuse your political opponent of being a Nazi.
2. Justify punching him

Regarding "Free Speech"

The Left's Three-step approach

1. Falsely declare that your political opponent is offering 'Hate Speech"
2. Falsely assume that "Hate Speech" is not protected by 1st Amendment
3. Shut down the opposing speech.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

If you can't say anything civil, don't say anything at all.

SeanF said...

Scott M: "which looked like it was right up my alley but up my alley and off somewhere I wouldn't go."

I'm embarrassed that I had re-read that sentence so many times to get it right. The obvious jokes kept getting in the way, demanding my attention.

Up your alley and to the left.

Unknown said...

Civility is not an attitude, it's just good manners.

Lurker21 said...

Politicians attack each other. They grasp for whatever weapons are at hand, and "civility" is one of those weapons. It's often just an empty label or wrapper to put around the rest of the indictment. The funny thing is that all politicians are more civil than anonymous Internet posters can be. That may be one reason why people call civility talk "bullshit."

Bilwick said...

Hey, "liberals"! (And by "liberals" I mean of course "tax-happy, coercion-addicted, power-tripping government humpoers and State fellators.") Want me to be more "civil"? Then take your hands off my wallet and lower the gun you have pointed at my forehead. I tend to get cranky when I'm being mugged.

JaimeRoberto said...

I suspect that the reason behind the "some people" phrase is that she doesn't believe that 9/11 was perpetrated by Muslims.

Anonymous said...

Civility explained by the movie Roadhouse: "Be nice."

Bilwick said...

Anonymous wrote:

"Civility explained by the movie Roadhouse: "Be nice."

As I remember the quote, Dalton instructs the staff: "Always be nice. Until it's time not to be nice."

For me, anytime you threaten my liberty, it's time not to be nice.

narciso said...

yes, the treatment offered to guccifer, told us how they would close ranks,